Windows 10 version 1709 how to get started. Victory tool for troubleshooting

The innovation that we saw in the front article of the site, Microsoft began to implement it right on the day of its official release - 10/17/2017, from 8 pm Moscow time. However, not everyone is still at the Yoga Renovation Center. It will be expanded in stages, and the first yogo will be taken off by the hairdressers. modern computers. Moreover, in the automatic mode, obviously, the updates did not sound and did not work. Zagalom, lads, for the best deal for the Fall Creators Update, nothing needs to be done. Ale, unfortunately, the best layout of the mother's place is far from being in the skin mood. Yak, for example, at tsiomu.

This computer was upgraded to the priority update on the first day of its release, but the Fall Creators Update (well, we guess it was collected in 1709) did not want to be restored. What robiti, schob all the same otrimati update? І in such a way, vipadku, and even, if the PC or the laptop does not reach the priority outbuildings.

Microsoft is trying to find a position that does not need to be updated quickly, and even though it did not show up in the first days, it is necessary to just check your cards if everyone shows up at the Innovation Center. But let's not take such a position and let's do it Fall Creators Update be-scho-be. Below we will look at three ways, how to robiti.

Note: friends, in my opinions, which are being tested, the update was remarkably successful. Only Alice appeared from the bugs, she was angry (voice helper from Yandex). I solved the problem by reinstalling the program. However, as practice shows, with the help of the implementation of these updates, you can run into significantly serious problems. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you create a dot or a backup copy for the system to be able to be used before deleting it below.

Method number 1. Update Center

Also, the simplest way is to follow it to the Update Center and start the re-verification.

It’s impossible to see anything, but if the system is trying to download the collection of 1709, guess what we were doing with the Update Center - they didn’t change the mind and post the update. We are up to the additional parameters.

I'm going to check that the default value was set.

For the subbags of downloading the components of the Fall Creators Update, three more system updates are available, as a matter of fact, options for our distant activities.

Among these options is the possibility of including the process of a non-intermediate renewal on a specific day, or on a random hour for guessing. Shchab negoyno rozpochat provodzhennya update, tisnemo, vіdpovіdno, "Restart at once."

I check, computer docks are updated.

As the package of components of the 1709 collection in the Center is still not updated, it should be the same from the given instructions.

Method number 2. MediaCreationTool

If there are problems with the Update Center, Windows 10 can always be upgraded with the help of the MediaCreationTool utility. Taken from the Microsoft website:

Let's start. Let's wait for the license, choose the first update item.

For some time we will be able to watch the progress of the operation in such a window on the whole screen.

And then the system, as if in a forward fall, will see the mode of the installation of an update with an indication of progress. Let's start up already updated.

Method number 3. ISO image of the system

Friends, what is the first, what other way can be one short. After such an update, the ESD folder appears on the disk (C:\) - the folder for saving time files Windows installation for example, you can save a sprat of GB. After a certain hour, it will sound itself to empty itself and do not clutter up the open space of the disk (C: \) with your vag. Prote the fact that before upgrading the system to a folder on the disk (C:\), components were taken in to carry out this process, it may not be worthy of SSD disk owners, as they are reverently put up to the resource of the carrier. For such, there is an alternative way to stop the Fall Creators Update, and it is not necessary to overwrite the data inappropriately. Such a method is somewhat similar to the previous one, but allows the koristuvachs themselves to choose the way to save the Windows distribution kit and indicate for these purposes the partition of the HDD. Below we are interested in the ISO image with the distribution kit of the most recent Windows 10 and upgrade the system for additional help.

About the pardon Redmond guessing at the same stats on the site Pidtrimka Windows. The Primus update was only slightly corrupted in the Windows 10 Creators Update (1703), but the corrupted versions of other versions were not affected by a pardon.

Guessing, in the Creators Update itself, Microsoft first introduced parameters for stopping the update, which allows you to pause the update, as the system may have problems with the consistency of drivers or installed components.

As a result of the announcements of the coristuvachs, Microsoft largely ignored the digital parameters and upgraded the system to Windows 10 version 1709.

One of the reporters on the AskWoody technical support portal shared his situation:

The problem became past night. After 30 minutes after the launch of the computer, a merging window appeared with information about the availability of security updates, for the installation of which it was necessary to upgrade to the rest of the version Windows 10

I won a Dell XPS8900 desktop computer with installed Windows 10 version 1703. After the system upgrade was completed, the version of the system changed to 1709. As a result, there were problems with sound and images, and periodically there were warnings about the pardons of the availability of singing hot keys.

Previously, I had installed six-monthly updates for a term of 35 days, and the installation of a function update was scheduled for 365 days. Following the image of the system of primus inclusion windows services Update, the update all started again and again.

Wiccan Issues KB4023814

Microsoft has recognized its pardon. The company explained that the problem was addressed by the KB4023814 update, as it was released last week. Itself vono clicks showing a reminder for the seniors Windows versions.

The update was for koristuvachіv Windows 10 versions 1507 and 1511, which were released in 2015, that cycle of support has been completed.

In this way, Microsoft simply tried to tell the bugs about the need to upgrade to the remaining version of Windows 10 for the security upgrade.

However, it was shown to the core users of versions 1607 and 1703;

Apparently the KB4023814 update became available after the 1703 version of the update, blocking the update before 1709.

Coristuvachi can turn back to 1703

The official Microsoft newsletter says:

The company is aware that the notifications were not correctly delivered to Windows 10 version 1703 add-ons, which had a short update interval set. Microsoft fixed this issue on March 8, 2018.

Coristuvachi, like pardons, took away the prices, for the bazhannya they can look at it.

Koristuvachs whose system was incorrectly updated before 1709 may be upgraded to a later version within 10 days after the update. For which one, open the program Settings > Update and security > Update and select an option

The procedure for updating the operating system does not have to go smoothly, and the fault is impersonal factors. Vinicla pardon 0x80d02002 for Windows 10, but you don’t know what could viklikati? Todі tsia statya obov'yazkovo will be in your favor. We can look at all the methods available at the moment, which, with great flexibility, can guarantee a complete improvement, which caused a failure of the update.

Why is it bad?

Again, the description of the problem looks like this: "Upgrading functions to windows 10 version 1709 pardon 0x80d02002". There is no specific official at the time. Pardon reminds me of those who, during the renewal of the operation, appeared too long pauses for an hour of downloading. In other words, Main reason- Revised the interval, and the callback axis can be. A lot of koristuvachivs agree on thoughts that the cause of the failure is a conflict between the merger drivers and Microsoft servers. Through tse, before speech, the service is broken.

Krim tsyogo, you can lead to troubles:

  1. Weak, unstable internet connection.
  2. Wrong time setting local lines, zocrema, third party DNS.
  3. Old firewood.
  4. Poshkodzhenі files of the operating system, or the registry and cache.
Pardon 0x80d02002 Windows 10 update hour

Robot with software and components

As soon as a pardon appeared, it’s better to re-vantagize the system and try offensive actions. It is recommended to reconsider the possibility of carrying out an update after a skin approach.

  1. Vimknennya antivirus, full-time Zahisnika Windowsі firewall.
  2. Vimknennya all zayvih programs (working at the background, trey) and completing their processes at the Dispatcher's office.
  3. Firewood renewal, especially for motherboardsі fencing boards. Updating current components: DirectX, Visual C++ and so on.
  4. How do you vicorist administer IP addresses for rahunok vіdpovіdnyh nalashtuvan or programs, viknіt tsyu funktіu.

Before the speech, read this article also: Unable to know the indications of the mstsc.exe.mui file - solution


Tsey method you can help, as you have risen in price in another country, and with whom you have beaten up. It’s not surprising that the corrections correct the problem in the most part:

Fix pardon 0x80d02002 via console

For the cob, clear the cache for the Update Center. For whom the command line under the Admin and for the sake of vikonuemo there are advancing commands:

Let's re-advantage. In the list of services, we check "Windows Update Center", as if the fault is disabled, then it is activated by selecting the startup type - Automatic.

We don’t give anything at all - we review the operating system itself for additional self-diagnostic mechanisms and renewal.


As a rule, you should start updating functions to version 1709 in Windows 10, and pardon 0x80d02002 is no longer turbulent. And, obviously, if the procedures did not help, then varto overturn the correctness of the possession. Plus, it is recommended to contact a Microsoft support consultant, describing the problems and testing methods, laptop model and motherboard model. With whom it is possible to write like a Microsoft support, so to a scribe.

In process automatic installation Onovs 10 koristuvach can close with pardon 0x800f081f when the system is upgraded to version 1709. This pardon sounds when cumulative updates are installed, which supplement the system functionality of the Windows OS and install new patches. Below I will analyze the essence of this dysfunction and explain how to fix pardon 0x800f081f on your PC.

Causes of dysfunction 0x800f081f

The appearance of a pardon Version 1709 sounded due to the introduction of the next series of updates:


In the event of the most recent vindication of pardon 0x800f081f, it was due to the cumulative update of Windows version 1709 for 64-bit systems (KB4074588).

Practically in all cases, the appearance of a pardon 0x800f081f re-installed a fresh update. The process of updating hangs at any point and does not collapse further.

The reasons for the pardon in Windows 10 may be the following:

How to fix the pardon 0x800f081f pid update hour Windows 10

Let's move on to the list of methods that allow you to pardon 0x800f081f on a PC. The first thing to do is to proceed to your implementation, turn on the firewall and antivirus of your computer, and also change your computer, so that your PC is not connected to a different USB-attachment, building a pardon. If necessary, turn it off, try to update the system through "All parameters", select "Upgrade and security". If the pardon "Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1709 pardon 0x800f081f" has been blamed, proceed to the implementation of the lower methods.

Zadiyati Ni Framework 3.5 on PC

Pardon 0x800f081f often signals the need to install the "Net Framework 3.5" platform on the computer of a koristuvach. Watch this:

Victory tool for troubleshooting

Download the Run Zasib for Troubleshooting Windows 10 from the Microsoft website. Press "Dali", select the launch of the order in the name of the administrator.

Delete SoftwareDistribution folder

Windows OS collects update files from the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder. These files can be modified, and we will need to modify them for the correct installation of the update. Watch this:

Install updates KB4054517 and KB4074588 manually.

If other methods did not help, try manually installing updates KB4054517 and KB4074588. If you have already received a pardon for the update, try the Vikonati re-installation (for example, for some coristuvachs, the update KB4074588 was restored only a second or third time).

Activate system update functionality

To implement this method, we need a flash drive with the installation version of Windows 10. Get this flash drive, on the base screen, select the language of the hour, after which press on "Dali". On the stepping screen at the bottom, select "System Startup", then - "Command Row", and there sequentially type stepwise, not forgetting about the necessary probing:

Reboot your PC.

Tasks Media Creation Tool

Let's stop, do it in an efficient way to clear the pardon 0x800f081f for the Media Creation Tool.

  1. Go to, click "Get now".
  2. Then download and run the tool, select "Update my computer at once".
  3. І read further product instructions.


With the vindicated pardon 0x800f081f due to the cumulative updates for Windows 10 Version 1709, it is recommended, first of all, to check the presence of the system of the practical platform Hі Framework 3.5. If the platform is indicated as being active, then successively check the others, listed in these articles, in order to allow you to solve the problem on your PC.

The cumulative cumulative updates for the fierce 2018 will be on the 13th. Microsoft has a full day to release updates for all upgraded versions of Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. Last year, Microsoft said that it would be time to release additional updates, as it will be necessary in the future. So it happened that on the last day of September (want to write about the lie of the 1st fierce) there is another cumulative update. Vin available only for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 1709 under the number 16299.214.

This is already the fourth cumulative update for the month of 2018. The number of changes is 16299.192, which fixes the Meltdown and Specter spillovers, then 16299.194, which is thanks to the AMD computers, and then the changes are 16299.202, and 16.29.202.

16299.214, vono KB 4058258, correct the sprat. Update available in the center Windows update or for the help of manual installation.

  • A bug has been fixed, through which colors were created when connected to a screen with a wide range of colors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused merhtivs through some other monitor when the sleep mode was enabled when connected to old AMD display adapters.
  • Fixed a stutter that is caused when the keyboard is muted for an additional combination of Alt + Shift keys.
  • Fixed various bugs of summation during the rendering of different formats, subtitles during the hour of video creation.
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow the group policy to allow extensions in Microsoft Edge.
  • Additional security fixes for x86 version of Windows 10 1709.
  • Fixed bugs due to a small number of AMD crashes due to the fact that their computers were not bugged after the update on September 3rd KB 4056896 warehousing number 16299.192.

The update is also accompanied by a list of three known bugs:

  • The Windows Update log tells you that KB 4054517 failed to install via pardon 0x80070643. Incorrect recognition of the blame after the successful installation of the update. To check whether the update is actually installed, check the presence of additional updates or the system selection number in the distribution Parameters - System - About system or press Win+ R- winver. Microsoft to fix this bug in a possible update.
  • The update is no longer available for other computers, on some other anti-virus software, the ALLOW REGKEY key has been updated.
  • After the installation of the update, the log-in process may run into problems logging in to various websites through Microsoft Edge, and other log-in data.

This update already checks for all updates at the Windows Update Center.

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