Exhibition stand to the fate of ecology at the library.


« Repair
We need to take care of nature, just as we take care of people.
The land will never reveal to us the desolation of the earth,
abuse that which is not only ours to bear,

and I have it by right.” K. Paustovsky Presidential Decree signed on September 5, 2016

Russian Federation
about the holding in the Russian Federation in 2017 of the Roc of ecology and at the same time of the Roc of especially protected natural territories.
This is planned to be carried out with the aim of gaining respect for the contribution to the nutrition of the ecological development of Russia, preserving the biological development and ensuring environmental safety. Ecology is a good way to guess what nature has done to us by giving us a large number of necessary resources, as well as to guess what nature has told us about it. On the territory of the Lipetsk region there are endless beautiful spots created by nature itself: Malovniki rivers, valleys, great bows and fields. There are plenty of natural monuments to discover: the Galicha Mountain Nature Reserve, the Voronezk State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Both the adult population and children need to know about them in order to preserve and protect natural resources for future generations. Children's library-filia No. 1 im. A.S. Pushkin represents

book exhibitions
, at some presentations of the barvy, educational and luscious books that tell about nature.
The stench is dedicated to a current and sultry topic - the roots of people before nature.
From these books you can learn about rare plants, mushrooms, birds, flowers and creatures that grow on the territory of Russia, which need to be preserved and preserved for future generations.
Great interest
present books about nature reserves where people wanted to save
natural mind
the kind of stench that emanates without a hand from a human being.
Readers learn a lot about the wild creatures that live in the wild, impenetrable forests and hidden sea depths.
Cutting the ice, changing the flow of the river,
Firmly about those who are innocent,
We'll come again and ask for forgiveness
These rivers and dunes are in pain,

Our library has attracted its readers to the new beginning with new book exhibitions.

Two book exhibitions have just opened – “Eco is the light of our land” and “Books about the green land”.

Nature’s share is our share, because the human body interacts with many other substances.

Therefore, the purpose of the exhibitions was to honor the respect of all cultural libraries to broaden their horizons, promote cultural momentum, and, above all, teach us that attention to the most middle-class life gives prosperity, and unwisely The camp and ruin will lead to the destruction of Nature.

What could happen to our planet in the near future?

How many nature reserves does Russia have?

Wonderful natural phenomena and elements, blooming grasses, numerous wonders of light, photographs of landscapes that have impressed people with their beauty since ancient times.

You can get plenty of food from our library.

The exhibition presents a unique travel guide to the sacred places of the Urals.
Readers who have swallowed the magazines can learn about the life of spiders, sharks, killer weeds, famous places and much more.
In addition, readers will find on the exhibition a unique, clearly illustrated book - “The Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region”.
It is clear to everyone what plants and creatures are known and what dangers of extinction exist, and how they can be eliminated.

Readers find out why these and others are included in the Book of Reds, as they are recognized in nature.

As a matter of fact, there are different types of books: national, international and regional.

The first attempts to unite in one view all the representatives of flora and fauna known to mankind began in 1963, including the first, even scanty list. .

It was called chervonym, because this very color signals that it is important, about those who need to be seen and emphasized.

15.12.17. However, few people know what the Black Book of Creatures and Roslins is. review of books for children "Paws and tails or favorite books about creatures", dedication to the works of nature writers and naturalists.

Children got acquainted with the books of naturalist writers - K. Paustovsky, B. Zhitkov, V. Bianka, M. Prishvin, G. Skrebitsky and other writers.

14.11.2017. More than one generation of readers is familiar with the stories of these writers, they began to love and protect nature, and, most importantly, be careful.
For a further look, the boys went spluttering along the path to the light of nature.At such visits, the boys will begin to love and respect nature, learn how to live as humans in it, and acquire the basics of environmental literacy. HOUR OF ROKU - AUTUMN! The axis and the remaining month of Autumn - leaf fall has come into its own.Leaf fallThere is already a transition from autumn to winter, and there is snow in many corners of our region.

This month is Autumn

shows its character and makes it clear that it is time for nature to get ready before bed. And the librarian had an information session -Game program"Autumn". Children guessed riddles about natural phenomena, discussed the reasons for change at the end of the day,guessed the signs of autumn, when they arrived.At the end of the story we came up with a story about those who are a great autumn of gold.And, regardless of the autumn weather, Autumn gives us wonderful autumn days. 09.20.2017.

A look at books for reading "Autumn Ore Girlfriend"

Autumn -

It's time for rock to find its way.

Librarians spent 5 rubles with children from the summer school camp “Sail” on the “Eco-friendly stitch”. Ecological stitching is a route where people embrace nature, trying to protect animals and birds, trees and grass.The children were divided into two teams.They had a chance to visit different parts of the earth’s culture, and learned about the tricky food: “Guess the tree”, “The largest creature on the planet”, “Guess the tree by description”, “What is growing in the flowerbed” etc.

The food workers called out loudly, but the answer was still voiced.

The ecological quilting of the interactive crossword puzzle “Green Friends” has been completed. « Librarians informed the boys » solve the crossword puzzle.

Having solved all 7 words, the Gravians discovered one more word that will unite all the others.

This word is wood.

And if there are a lot of trees, they are also forests, which need to be protected and protected.

At the end of the session, the boys updated their knowledge of the world, and also showed their skills and abilities in the world, working independently and in a team.
And the boys from another paddock that day had a chance to guess everything they know about the life of trees, birds, mosquitoes and animals, taking part in the interactive game “What do I know about nature.” I believe that after the help of the grim they were able to kill the boys, and that nature and planet Earth need to be steadily protected and preserved. ENVIRONMENTAL LESSONS Between the programs Life is in your hands, what to live for.

For the lads of the club "Eko-ti. Eko-ya. Eko-svit" it was carried out with a bang An interactive activity dedicated to the season of love - winter. "Away u ma Zimi's carcasses" - that was the name of the unexpected occupation.The librarians and the boys guessed and revealedfun storiesabout their winter benefits, read poems about winter, guessed riddles about winter out of satisfaction, played “snowballs”
and help the arrivals and orders about winter. It was fun, great. An hour passed the body is unmistakable.At the end of the visit, the librarians inspected the books associated with them.

m a marvelous and enchanting time of fate - Winter.

11/11/2016. The librarian has inspected the books.

"The book is for us to open the doors to the world of trees and animals." A look at books about nature ode - “The book is for us to open the doors to the world of growths and animals,” and don’t let this book glance take you to the enchanting land called Nature.

Guys and books begin to celebrate the beauty of nature at any hour of fate, with love, " Mania and turbo are placed to the utmost light and all living things.

Having read books about nature, you realize how everything is controlled by nature.This is also suitable for the boys who are preparing for an ecology lesson “The boundless, the dark, the bright sea.”

BeforeFor the lesson, a presentation was prepared about the sea and its inhabitants, from which the children learned a lot of new things about life.yelling The boys not only recognized and learned a lot of the unexceptional and tsikavy, zastrili

giant squid, baleen whale, brown dolphin, whale shark, summer fish,

and they showed their knowledge of the sea inhabitants. The meeting ended with an acquaintance with the most popular books about the people of the seas and oceans.

06/20/2016. "Os Likuvalna Pelyustka" On the 20th of June, a new year passed in the library - “The Axis of Likuvalna Pelustka”. The children got to know the medicinal forests of the Siberian region.We learned about how people can help people grow healthy.Of course, we faded and aboutcarefully placed before nature, the medicinal plants that grow in our region.The holiday season was accompanied by a presentation.“The wonderful word “Ni” or how it behaves in nature.”Summer is the time for everyone to try to remember, to take in more positive things by looking at nature.Ale if we rely on nature, it is very important that it doesn’t happen too soonunacceptability, as if they had ruined our health.That’s why the miracle word “NOT”: Don’t destroy the bird’s nests and don’t break the leaves of the trees. Don't ruin the goosebumps. Don't catch blizzards for fun.

Don't act like forest bastards.

Don't tear too many colors .Trim at the fox's place at once. DO NOT talk .The river is of great importance for the water supply.Drive the river to vikorystvoyutsya for crops.

About a lot of commercial fish. . The Malovniki banks of the river are in areas of repair. Ale to every water wealth it is necessary to put,Divert water and reservoirs - these are the same things that bury and protect life on the planet, for the beauty and prosperity of the world, in which not only people live, but also many other living things.

04/26/2016. "Chornobil Pauline Girky"26th April – Day of participants in the liquidation of the legacy of radiation accidents and disasters and in memory of the victims of such accidents and disasters.This date was dedicated to the opening of the library “Chornobyl Polin Gorky”.The students were presented with a video presentation “Chornobil - Pauline Gorky”, prepared by librarian S.O.

Bukreeva.Also, an evening of remembrance was held for the boys “It’s the unhealed wound of that Chornobil that hurts.”

The librarians told the boys about this tragic accident, the courage and heroism of the liquidators, a legacy for the population and the larger middle class.

“They turned the calendar and found out that it was Spring.”

Winter is coming, giving its positions, from the trees the majestic beetroots hang, and the droplets fall down with a splash.

" Spring is coming not just according to the calendar, but according to the calendar.

There's a lot of humming and humming noise. We decided to carry out a small investigation and find out what

People and signs tell everyone that spring has already arrived.I axis what happened:The hypothesis of our investigation was confirmed. Spring is truly coming. the ways in which people can be harmed in the wrong way and the methods in which they can be encouraged and educated. Ale in the best way to take care I love nature

And live in a pure, safe world - do not commit all these evil acts.

The children learned the basic rules of how to behave in the open air so that a living organism or natural object is not harmed. At the end of the approach, they wrote a summary about those who: For the earth to be beautiful, we need to be merciful.

11/21/2015. "We live near Siberia." 21 leaves fell with library readers and the choking roads of the Novosibirsk region. about those who Novosibirsk

region . is amazed by its beauty nature

23.07.2015. and the diversity of the created world, how many unique places there are on the territory of our region, which villages are famous and which have not lost their identity along the way, so are getting excited.

"It's so autumn" Autumn- It’s a miracle time for rock.It’s not just an hour of rain, falling leaves, and the impersonality of traditional sunsets.

The librarian of this time organized a book exhibition and surveyed the works of poets and writers about this extraordinary time of fate.

And autumn is also a wonderful time for fashionistas.

19.05.2015. "Through the sea, ocean, plive marvel veleten"

23 lime trees arrived at the library and learned about the sacred Having done so, I will pay dearly with eco-friendly stitches. We've come to learn about those things - Ecology - the science of everyday life, nature. And nature is our great

sleeping cabin

, and we are all responsible for maintaining order.


Eco-teremok at the libraryFrom the 1st to the 20th quarter, the boys brought “Eko-Teremok” to the library.

At the same time, with their cheerful and stimulating daddy Yashka, the boys scoured the spluttering roads with pages of books and magazines about nature: “Murashnik”, “Sopilka”.

Having fun and excitement, the boys guessed the beetles and creatures and guessed riddles. At the end of the action, everyone looked at the presentation about the creature and the cartoon “Fox Mandrivniki”.02/09/2015.

“Eko - Ya. Eko - ti.

What a world! On February 9, 2015, the librarian had a conversation about ecology.

Vona bula" .
5 rubles for children a game program has been prepared.

The boys divided into two teams, guessed the name for them, and decided to doom “Sonechko” and “Prominchik”.

And then we took part in art competitions on the theme “Summer”, guessed riddles about the time of fate “Summer”, guessed the words and orders, put together charades and words.

It was bad, but friendship overcame the headache and the names of the teams were angry in one “Sonyachny Prominets”. 04/22/2014.

"By the day, people, Earth"On April 22, 2014, the boys gathered at the library for the special national day.At the end of the conversation, they said well to the wise man, “If you don’t have a forest, plant it, if you have a little forest, don’t cut it down, if you have a lot of forest, take care of it” - and we all need to remember this when we think about our tomorrow.

"Walking Budino"

. Learn a lot of new thingsand become a little bit smarter, more and more Don't fool anyone or anyone!We asked the boys, who do you think about?at the bottom, which you wouldn’t guess about the influences, on the ecological ridge “Walking Little Budino”.We found out: what does the rabbit eat, how is it alive and how does the rabbit survive the winter?And yet, it’s about to turn the handle, and it’s like it’s collapsing.

What is the most reliable little toilet for a child - a sink and what are the gates for a child? . How do animals come into the world?And more about those jobs that can be spent at home , and what in In England, grapevines are used for distillation: ​​there are “rollers distilled” there., and the rates appeared

let's widen the bag of fresh waters.... and we were still able to rub the little bet in our hands... In a word, it was great.


“Without a cat, you can’t live without all the stinks from the kitten family!” 1 bereznya our young readers
took their fate

Inform-years “Life is not the same without a cat and all the stinks of the kitten family!”

From the librarian, the children learned that cats -

Hidden, not available on the Internet,

The mighty cedar, walking near the heavens,

Resinous needles fistula in the wind.

In the scars, in the mossy cracks,

Infuse the armor with a heavy dose of chills,

26 breasts have bonded with our young readers again.

They were marked by a beetle with a chipmunk, which told the boys about the Siberian cedar.

The cedar pine is a marvelous tree with unique healing powers. Along with their life, pine peas contain a lot of vitamins. The resin of the Siberian cedar, which is rightly called resin for its healing properties, has great healing power. The Siberians used to say: “The taiga is alive with cedars.”They believed that if a child was given a meal of pine peas every day, then he would be a good fellow, no illness would befall him... The chipmunk told the boys and about those who tell the smut tree of the Siberian taiga without mercy legends, some of the indigenous inhabitants were incredibly roaming and are often roaming around them human kindnesses, such as responsiveness, understanding and mutual assistance. Our little squirrel and the chipmunk turned out to be so enlightening."Treasuring the red book of the Novosibirsk region." A wonderful book is in our library."Chervona book of the Novosibirsk region"

, it contains information about rare and known species of creatures, plants and mushrooms... It is illustrated with colorful babies and photographs....

Why should the book become more expensive?

That's why

There is so much to learn about the lives of creatures, birds, plants... and others, visiting whom do you think?

Didn't guess

fractional chaples,

yak zest on Lake Menzelinske in our Kolivansky district of our name

Vipiy is small.

We learned a lot about it, and we suggest you get to know her better. Come to the library.

What is winter?

Evidence on this evil nutrition 6 breasts in the library helped Metelitsa for additional virtual excursion at this miraculous time of fate.

And it’s true that winter is a wonderful time for fate.

You can ride on horseback riding, sledding, play in the snow, and just enjoy the winter nature. And nature is extremely greedy. I just want to shout: “It’s a good winter, winter!”

26.09.2013. And you can simply take and read books about this time of rock from our Vyunsky library! 30.11.2013. "Gospodar of the taiga."It was even easier to get to the kingdom of the witch; you only had to come to the Vyunsky Rural Library on the 30th of leaf fall. The boys learned a lot about all these cute and nasty animals at the library. The librarian told the boys that the witch is the greatest character in folklore among various nations.

This largest land hut has a lot to say about the people behind its sounds. You can go to hind legs, successfully fights with its front legs, swims well, catches fish and climbs trees. And in the library there are a lot of books about the ruler of the taiga, brown, cliched, toptigin...

24.09.2013. The librarian's anniversary has passed "Let the sea never become deprived of the sea." Librarian Bukreeva S.A. told the younger generation about those who

One of the days of the rest of the summer, spring is accepted as the All-World Day of the Sea. World Day of the Sea formed the basis of several major books: “Notes of a Photo Reporter” (1960), “Kroki in Russia” (1963), “White Dreams” (1965), “The Edge of the World” (1967), “The Road with the Young Moon” (1969), "On the Roads of America" ​​(1973).

21.03.2013. For the book "Crocs in the Dew" in 1964, the tree grows in the fox, which is why people call the forest a water-drainer, and they gave us a quiz about the forest and the rest of the people. At the librarian's office . Ecological lesson “Protect the forest from fire”

At the same time, the boys discussed the role of wood in people’s lives. The children learned about the dangers of forest fires. 12.02.2013. . They guessed the rules of forest safety, and for the riddle the boys were given booklets with the rules of behavior around a fox. A surprise for the boys was an excursion to the fire station No. 108 of the Vyunsky post. Where the firefighters of the fire department spoke about those who are burned - this is a disaster, you need to be careful in the future when caught in the fire.

24. 01.2013.
In the fire part, the children looked at the fire cars, the alarm control panel, the fire fighters' overalls, special equipment for work, heard the fire fighters' stories about their profession, and asked questions. The lads deserved a great visit. library for readers at the book exhibition of events .
review of literature “The light of nature is revealed through a book” , there were presented a lot of books about nature, creatures, birds, which did not attract the respect of young readers, and encouraged them to read a lot of them. The library has been environmentally friendly gra "Who is alive in the forest and what is growing in the forest" . The boys were asked in a game form to go through a number of stations dedicated to the theme of ecology. V'yuni

Here, their knowledge about the lives of creatures was verified,

geographical features

edge, about those species of plants and creatures listed before Red book of the Novosibirsk region, as well as

medicinal plants

stink know.

2017 River in Russia, by presidential decrees, designated as the River of Ecology and the River of Especially Protected Natural Territories.

The meta of the exhibition is the devotion to the respect of youth to books, the promotion of love to nature, the encouragement to self-indulgence of knowledge in a wide range, the lower initial program.

Interactive exhibition “The earth is our home” Checks in on you in the reading room for work and design (room B4-04).

The purpose of the exhibition is to educate people about the problems of ecology and protection of health protection, the history of the development of industry in the Krasnoyarsk region and the beauty and diversity of our nature.

The display consists of three sections:

“This is our land!”

"Nature is there"

"It's light outside."

The sections present scientific and primary literature from various fields of engineering ecology, history, mysticism and local history, as well as thematic periodicals. In addition, the exhibition is supplemented with interactive elements: photo zones, photo props, crosswords..

The reading room of engineering and technical sciences (room B4-08) requests students, applicants and graduates for the exhibition-exposition

“We care about our Earth without turbo”

The exhibition is divided into:

"The Year of the Earth"

“Unique spots of nature in Siberia”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins in one kroku.” The literature presented at the exhibition reflects a whole range of environmental problems and major environmental issues. The gloom from the books goes back to the section of the exhibition “The Year of the Earth”. The planet is not safe.

Black sky mode over places. Exhausts from the industrial zone, waste dumps, pollutants in the agricultural sector, industrial and household wastes, exhausts from motor vehicles - literature on such topics is presented in this section. The exhibits look like sick earth, with clouds of smoke and an erysipelas mutant hippopotamus clearly complementing the exhibition.

The length of the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region from day to day is approximately 3000 km. Another section of the exhibition shows unique patches of nature in Siberia. In the words of Mikhail Lomonosov, “know nature

native land

You can either have your eyes open or use books for help.”

The first section of the exhibition, “A Place of Contrasts,” is dedicated to the topic of ecology in our place. We have a new book about the industry of the place, the people who created its industrial potential. The backwaters bring their chimala part of the obstruction into

too much of a middlebrow

, and city dwellers try to live near the green patches of the place and the surrounding area - Bobrovy Log, Roevy Strumk, Tatishev Park, the famous Stovpi Nature Reserve. The section “Ospiv with pen and pen” contains books by famous Siberian writers about their little Fatherland, the nature of the native land, and books dedicated to Siberian artists, writers and poets. Albums of works by artists Surikov, Khudonogov, works by Chmikhalo, Astafaeva, Yakhnina and in.

The third section of “Ekoazbuka” contains young Krasnoyarsk residents dedicated to ecology.

Readers can look at the robots of the conscripts

children's cage No. 108 "Veselinka" Kirovsky district and school gymnasium No. 4. Also part of the exhibition is a photo collage - a photo of the communal bridge, which divides the place into an industrial and green zone.

Zliva – industrial enterprises of the place, right hand – green zone of Krasnoyarsk.

The exhibition is described in the year, installation from books.


Lady Prushinskaya, 2

The Trade and Economic Institute is hosting a large-scale exhibition

"Ecological train"

. The exhibition is divided into:

"Ecology of the Earth"

"Ecology of water"

"Ecology food"