Virus of leeches. Leeches: reproduction, breeding features, life cycle and stagnation in medicine. Vitrati and staff

The breeding of leeches could be a profitable legal business, but such activity is officially equated to the production of medicinal pharmaceuticals. This means that a license from Roszdravnadzor is required, and the leeches themselves and their production undergo certification. I realized sovereign structures present a number of severe demands, which include lighting of personnel, sanitary control of premises and equipment, necessary work, compliance regime and much more. Therefore, it is legal for Russia to conduct its work in this country only 4 farming states. Licenses for these authorities were revoked back in the 90s, when things were much simpler.

I need the market for medical leeches to be satisfied, most importantly, by illegal growers. Ale and at once remove the stench a little more, at least 30-40%. Also the brave ones, who are not bothered by the difficulties that the morning calls of leeches in the middle and all those associated with these products, are waiting for an unclaimed niche.

Regardless of the development of science and the introduction of the most advanced medical techniques, hirudotherapy is growing in popularity. Basically, this method involves the addition of leech extract, which contains the enzyme hirudin. The amount of dosage in blood loss and the complex reaction of the body to a bite, which can have a beneficial effect, can occur in a number of illnesses, treatment of which can easily be forgiven.

Our assessment of business:

Starting investments – 50,000 rubles.

Market density is low.

Business flexibility – 2/10.

Why shouldn't you believe it?

Information about those for which it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur, and the KVED for which it is obligatory to indicate 01.49.9 - “Breeding of other animals not included in other groups.” Kozhen himself believes that he will have gifts with power, but it is unlikely that he will need to attract supernatural respect to himself. If you are eligible to revoke your license, you will definitely be able to register your business activity. Otherwise, you need to get out of the reality of the situation.

So it’s impossible to say enough about the kind of placement and how many capacities and other equipment that will be required. Everything depends on the ambitions of the manufacturer, who knows how successfully he will find outlets for the distribution of his products. Buying medical leeches is a big deal, but that doesn’t mean it’s so easy to organize independent sales. Do not follow the rule of discussion about those that require an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. meters Place the corn on a rack that can accommodate 50-60 liter jars and a couple of aquariums.

What do nobles need?

In front of us - mothers the practice of breeding itself. Cobs are recommended to be placed as they wish. Let's write the first lines of this squishy document.

The containers are ready. For the cob, you can grind a few three-liter jars. Ideally, there is an aquarium, so dozens of jars of different sizes - two-liter, three-five-liter, can be prepared in a similar way for a terarium, since there are no exact rules here . It is well thought out that the entire state will be on tables, shelves, or even wall police. Become available with additional containers required for the provision of emergency tap water. For this preparation, you can use any methods of dechlorination, such as vikoryst aquariums.

In one three-liter tank it is not possible to breed more than 10 leeches, and in a 10-liter aquarium you can easily accommodate 50 leeches of this species. In jars, aquariums and other containers, it is not recommended to add a little water, for example, to a floating river.

It’s time to talk about mastering the process itself. Since the business of betting on a grand scale, then the information is that the medical pharmaceutical factory may take different approaches to the growth of leeches. Everything is done in a steadily regulated mind, in a rigid, advanced technology process, much of which is automated. Actually, in Russia there is a specialized company LLC “Gerudo-Med”, a whole official leech farm, which also uses a vikory jar method for breeding these brown vampires.

Speak up...

Before the daily visits, it is necessary to bring a change of water to the morning, and to keep the dark minds of the morning, guarding the camp of the creatures. Since leeches are not worthy, the stench clouds the water. And everyone is satisfied - they stick to the walls and hang in a vertical position. With this stench, half of it hangs out of the water. It is also necessary to fill the container with it to approximately half.

The next step should be to such an extent that one bank has leeches of the same age. Another step is to transplant leeches from one vein to another. Don't forget that stench can be active, so aquariums and jars should be covered with lids that allow air to pass through. Apply the initial gauze wrap.

Most important...

Most typical activities are a year of reproduction and reproduction. Once we assume that the detection of leeches is carried out strictly officially, then we will first check the commissions about those who take blood for this purpose. For a small home complex, you can remove blood clots over the market. Some farmers sell them for preparing cowbass with blood. More information is needed to secure blood in the slaughterhouse. In this case, the legality of production depends not only on maintaining the rules of sanitation, but also on documentation.

Private practices favor this method. The blood flow burns into sticky spittle, which is used in stores for packing meat or fish, and hangs in a container with leeches. This method is suitable for the birth of young and mature individuals. Try this once for 2-3 months. Before the delivery of juicy leeches to various distributors begins, the stink of starvation is approximately the same term.

Reproduction of leeches - folding on the right. For mating and the copulation process, it is necessary to prepare peat, check it for the possible presence of foreign deposits, and then fill it with dechlorinated water. It is important to correctly adjust the proportion. If the harvest is too rare or dry, then the leeches will not be able to develop the burrows needed for laying cocoons. Young leeches of similar size, which have already been born 3-4 times, are placed near a jar of water in pairs. The stench wraps around one another, sticks together and the sealing process begins. Mating can last for almost a month. The leeches themselves have no females, but in the pair they play only one role.

Then they are transplanted into a jar with a warehouse of diluted peat of a different consistency. After many days, it will be possible to see cocoons, which in their structure are similar to foam rubber, and in size are even smaller than a quail egg. Cocoons can be found in the middle of passages that have passed through the peat, and may lie on its surface. When they look into the world, the little leeches that are in the middle of lively speech will become noticeable.

Newborns appear at the bank approximately thirty days in advance. 10 to 15 filaments emerge from the skin cocoon, as the young are called. Why is there a decline in time after hour?

Time to think about income

Having rejected the hidden phenomena about the peculiarities of the maturation of these toothy frogs, let’s think about how to open a business in the breeding of medicinal leeches. The first thing that makes us happy is profitability. It is acceptable that approximately 500 individuals are constantly loitering on a microfarm. There are 250 pairs, which can bring about 4-5 cocoons per hatching period. One cocoon produces an average of 15 filaments, and then one pair yields 75 new individuals. We have 250 pairs of fragments, which means we have 18,750 young leeches.

For now, we don’t plan to get involved in the retail trade ourselves, and we’ll have to start our own production unofficially, so it would be better if the skin sold for 30 rubles. The total cost is 562,500 rubles. It is clear that in the future, the monthly income from such an enterprise will be higher, and the average salary in Russia for representatives of wealthy professions - not only doctors and readers, but also engineers, etc. fakhіvtsіv. In this case, one person, obviously, with patience and love can handle nearly 1000 major individuals. Call them and share them. These numbers are considered to be permanent breeders of offspring, and some leeches breed once, then starve and die until the point of realization. After the “population” period, the farm reaches its maximum icon. 20 thousand leeches amount to 2000 three-liter cans. It’s not so rich as far as commercial breeding is concerned. 200 cans can fit on one medium-sized rack, and in a large room there is no particular difficulty in accommodating 10 such racks. Of course, in such an improvised state, the certification commission will not be forthcoming.

The breeding of leeches in households can be seen as a business, which will soon be both legal and illegal. There are two main factors for success: knowledge and power. And the wholesale availability of licentious leeches becomes clear to everyone. The main problem is that the primary wholesale buyer may be tempted to buy the product. For example, it is possible to install state inspection and control structures strictly until the availability of certificates for products sold by pharmacies, as is immediately available from the seller of the certificates.

Therefore, all cob businessmen need to really evaluate their strength in terms of making wholesale sales of leeches completely legal. Because they are not enough, there is hardly any chance of trying to get divorced from great obligations. It is not at all important how many leeches are put together, since the impossibility of revoking a license and certifying products will not allow the sale of the product.

For the sake of fact / Yak to raise leeches at home. Leeches at home

Yak breeding leeches at home

Medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is a species of large-parted leeches of the class of leeches that is found in Europe for medicinal purposes. Latin America has a different species - Hirudinaria manillensis, and Latin America - Macrobdella decora.

Vikorist is used in the living eye during the treatment of many illnesses: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, wounds, trophic lesions. People live both near water and on land, but there are also important conditions for moving to other bodies of water. They inhabit mostly freshwater waters. The lake has clear water, a deep bottom, shaped thickets and plenty of toads.
The medicinal leech can move both near the water and on land, vikorista and shortening of the flesh of the body: near the water they can float, bubbly, spindly-like roaches, on land they shift behind the help of suction cups and in life. Data are divided into light, temperature, and moisture. Squeeze the reflex until it becomes dark, which may mean that the hedgehog is approaching. The sensitivity of leeches sharply decreases during the hour of mating.

In captivity, leeches reach maturity in 1-2 years. Reproduction occurs once per river summer period from red to sickle. Copulation occurs on land, two leeches wrap around one another and stick together. Regardless of hermaphrodite leeches and possible overgrowth, the skinned individual, as a rule, appears only in one area.
Seized internally, immediately after a new leech, they search for a place on a birch tree near the coastline to lay a cocoon. One leech can lay up to 4-5 cocoons; they have an oval shape and are covered with a spongy membrane. In the middle of the cocoon there is a protein mass for storing embryos, the number of which can be up to 20 - 30, their development before hatching takes 2 - 4 years. The small leeches that have hatched are miniature copies of adult individuals and are already ready to feed on blood. It is important to smell the stench on toads, because... They can’t bite through the skin of the savages yet.

Likuvannya with leeches
Live leeches are placed directly to the body of people for specially developed schemes. The choice of place of the prefix is ​​indicated by a wealth of officials: sickness, the severity of the process, the state of the sick. The process of peeing lasts for 10 - 15 minutes until the end of the year, after which the leeches are treated with additional alcohol, iodine, or, when the time comes, they are released on their own. The possibility of transmitting infection through leeching is turned off if more than 4 months have passed since the last year. At this time, the leech tube loses a small amount of blood.

Leeches in household minds
In households, leeches take place around 2 or 3 liter bottles, no more than 30 pieces at a time. The bank is to blame for more than half of the filling. Fill the jar with a standing stretch of water and tap water at room temperature. I boil it, I can’t stand it, or mineral water can’t be boiled. The neck of the jar is tightly covered with cotton cloth and tied with gum, so that leeches can easily crawl out of the jar and flow in. Place the jar in a bright place where it can be ventilated, to avoid direct contact with sleepy exchanges(It’s better to cover the jar with a cloth from the side of the window). The water in the jar must be changed after 2-4 days. Or immediately after the leeches were caught (the water darkens).

Yakshcho leeches shchos podobatisya (bad chi "unknown/unknown" water), the stench of fermentation of the water. If the leech is good, it hangs vertically on the side of the jar, half hanging out of the water. The letter will recognize your presence from the jar and can be received from your side by placing your hand on the side of the jar.

Medical leeches can be easily removed at home, by doctors, and they need to be removed once every 2-3 months. Just follow the water. And don’t forget to put a piece of kuhol in the jar. Leeches love bushes.

Breeding leeches at home

1. Having bought 30 leeches of a larger size for the average. These are the leeches that have grazed among the people several times. The way stinks are sold, I delighted them, having completed about ten sessions of hirudotherapy. The leeches, having satiated, remained present until mating.

2. For the cob, I planted them in pairs for three liter cans. I changed the water to freshen the skin. A little over a month has passed (the month itself is required for the leeches to mate).

3. Then I took care of preparing the peat and dispensing it with dechlorinated standing water from the faucet in the kitchen. Here, the smut should not be overdone with the proportions of water and brood, because the smut will not begin to chew the cocoons - it requires solid soil, from which you can dig tunnels for their masonry. If the soil is too dry, the leech may not deposit cocoons at all, so it is important dovkilla is immediately hostile and will lead to destruction.

4. After the peat has been mixed and distributed into jars, we distribute the leeches in pairs in the same way as in steam. If you have done everything correctly and are very friendly, then after 30-40 days in the bank with leeches you will reveal the presence of cocoons. The cocoons have a yellowish color - similar to the structure of the paralon, and are smaller than a quail egg. Sometimes it happens that the cocoons are spread out in the middle of the jar and they are simply not visible. The leeches are caught when the leeches manage to lay cocoons directly on the surface of the peat.
If you marvel at the cocoon that has risen in the bright light, you can look in the middle of its shell with a light roof in the middle, and in the middle there are small leeches wrestling.

5. If you wait another 30-40 days, then the newly born leeches, or whatever they are called, will declare to themselves. The stinks will appear on the surface of the peat and lie there with a purchase or smear on the slope of the jar itself. At this point, you can add a little clean water and bring your mind as close to natural as possible. Now the ewes of the uterus are naked and seeking reinforcement, and the babies are not averse to reinforcement as soon as they emerge from the cocoon.

Supply pouches
- the uterus of leeches must be large and well-fed (at least 5-6 times)
- friendly breeding season is spring-summer, and sometimes autumn
- important steady temperature water 25-27*C, as well as cleanliness and lightness
- quiet, room without sounds or foreign odors
- the uterus lingers in pairs, for about a month or a few days longer
- after the period of maturing in pairs, transfer the steam to the soaked peat (not too wet, but not too dry) sufficient to the ball, maintaining the same temperature, for another 30-40 days.

Why do you need leeches?

  • Carnage of illnesses in the south.
  • Problems of the respiratory organs.
  • Endocrine illness.


What are leeches?

Little things about hirudotherapy

  • Pharmacy.

Breeding leeches in households

Don't make a mistake lucrative business We will accept. Take, for example, sales of organic goods, or simply pus. Of course, this “side” income from the breeding of farm animals, and the need to “digging” in nothing, does not help. To tell with someone else's hands. Another butt is breeding worms, which we wrote about in one of our recent publications. Who cares a lot about these creatures, while others “shovel pennies” from them. However, “unacceptable” types of business have their great advantage: there are not a lot of competitors here.

Why do you need leeches?

You all miraculously reveal what leeches are. If you don’t care about them, then everyone singly sings about their wondrous jubilant authorities. However, there appears to be a wide range of illnesses, which may be treated by a universal doctor. To what extent do we include:

  • Carnage of illnesses in the south.
  • Diseases of blood circulation organs.
  • Problems of the respiratory organs.
  • Problems with the herbal system.
  • Endocrine illness.
  • There are a lot of gynecological ailments.

The relic can be chewed for a longer time. There is a need to create a special branch of medicine about the treatment of leeches, ranks hirudotherapy . The reviews about leeching are inclusively positive, although there is a sense of fluidity and some unpleasantness is felt when leeching, while hydrotherapy often helps where official medicine “omits” hands."

Before the speech, at Tsarist Russia 18-19 centuries, leeches were a universal remedy for ailments, both for the poor and for rich people. Nina, in our country, has only four (!) officially registered lion kingdoms. Competition is practically zero!

Of course, there are very few of them who work at what is called “at their own risk”, but you can’t trust such “farmers” much, and there is little credibility for their activity; what. Such a small number of legal leech states is due to the harsh demands that appear before the breeding of leeches, and the need to obtain a permissible license from the service of supervision in the field of health protection. However, the divorce process itself is quite complicated and involves a lot of trouble. until the end

What are leeches?

You, melodiously, cheer, having learned that the leeches are due to the Khrobak class. Before the speech, about those how to organize a business on the same natural goodness and bred worms, about which we guessed on the cob of the article, you can find out by following the instructions.

Leeches are hungry for blood, seemingly powerfully, so they rejoice - they are soaking up the “filth” of blood, and introducing into the human body various enzymes and speeches that lurk clearly in the expressions of anti-inflammatory and analgesic power. There are probably close to 500 on the planet different species There are 62 leeches on the territory of our region. However, it would be less useful to point us out from the point of view of the organization - leeches are medical. until the end

Little things about hirudotherapy

The official scheme of the celebration looks something like this:

  • The leech is applied to the affected (ill) organ, then the place of observation is determined by the adjustment of many factors.
  • Leech in wet blood for 10 months to 1 year in storage under the same factors.
  • After the session is completed, the appearance is removed using an alcohol or iodine swab or after powdering with chloramine. Repeated use of leeches is categorically defended! We can also say that the appearance is a celebratory reward for a one-time vikoristan.

What is required for breeding leeches

As we have already said: the process of breeding leeches is simple and accessible to anyone. In order to organize a leeching farm, it is necessary to control the premises with several rooms, so as leeches on at various stages its growth: a cocoon, a fry, an adult individual, the culprits are taken care of. As an option, you can use one location, dividing it into sectors.

The main reason for breeding leeches is to encourage them to have a favorable microclimate:

  • The air temperature is 25 to 27 º C. Although wild leeches live in their natural environment in cold waters, the reproduction and development of their medicinal relatives in warm conditions is much faster.
  • The temperature of the water in which the leeches are found may be room temperature, then 25-27 ºС.
  • The moisture content of the area in the area is not less than 80%.

The containers for leeches are the original 3-liter jars, first purified with water through special filters. You can also go with aquariums, but the cost is much more expensive. It is necessary to carefully monitor all stages of growth of leeches and immediately “transfer” the animals to other areas (sectors) when they reach their final “age”. Before speaking, all operations during the life of leeches, purification of water in containers, transplantation of leeches are also carried out manually. Live on the great leech farms.

Leeches are hungry for blood, which can be obtained from animal kingdoms, from private farmers, from slaughterhouses, having concluded similar agreements with them.

How to get a license from Roszdravnaglyad?

The breeding of leeches in households (or in small households) extends to the production of pharmaceutical drugs - this is how it is interpreted as the importance of the visual organ of the body. Well, you may be under the constant sawing control of yours. The organization of a private business is subject to the registration and certification of leeches as medicinal benefits. For which it is necessary to submit a separate application, both the products themselves and the premises in which the stench will be discharged must undergo control.

Vlasna, this very environment “diseases” a lot of people who are willing to start a new business. Some of these people give up the idea altogether, some go to the “illegal” breeding of leeches, which according to some data may be as old as the official breeding of “bloodsuckers” - 7-8 million individuals on the river. However, the official and illegal breeding of leeches at the same time only covers the demand from them by 30-40%. until the end

Where should I take the leeches for breeding?

The simplest way is to catch leeches from clean natural water. They understand that they take full responsibility for their actions, which can result in both large administrative fines and real criminal punishments. Even the legacy of wild leeches standing in front of people may not be perpetuated.

So, there is only one option left - purchasing individuals from registered leech states, where they will give you everything for your purchase necessary documents, which confirms the viability of purchased leeches for medicinal purposes.

Where do you take your “children”?

Finally, we need to tell you where to buy your products. Channels can be divided into:

  • Medical centers that deal with clinical hydrotherapy.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Medical doctors engage in private practice.
  • You are eager to start your own powerful business.
  • Postachannya for the cordon. To be clear, in our country the price of one leech costs approximately 30-40 rubles, while in Europe, the equivalent of a penny per leech costs 300-400 rubles.

It goes without saying that the organization of such a business, connected not only with the financial expenses Moreover, without removing the impersonality of permissible documents, it requires extensive preparation, development of a business plan, and a new business model. Why do you have to do a lot of work? Here, on the right of that wart. We are sure that this business idea has clicked with you. We wish you success in your future!

A short video excursion to the “edge” of leeches

Breeding leeches in households

It is not long before a successful business becomes acceptable. Take, for example, sales of organic goods, or simply pus. Of course, this “side” income from the breeding of farm animals, and the need to “digging” in nothing, does not help. To tell with someone else's hands. Another butt is breeding worms, which we wrote about in one of our recent publications. Who cares a lot about these creatures, while others “shovel pennies” from them. However, “unacceptable” types of business have their great advantage: there are not a lot of competitors here.

Why do you need leeches?

You all miraculously reveal what leeches are. If you don’t care about them, then everyone singly sings about their wondrous jubilant authorities. However, there appears to be a wide range of illnesses, which may be treated by a universal doctor. To what extent do we include:

  • Carnage of illnesses in the south.
  • Diseases of blood circulation organs.
  • Problems of the respiratory organs.
  • Problems with the herbal system.
  • Endocrine illness.
  • There are a lot of gynecological ailments.

The relic can be chewed for a longer time. There is a need to create a special branch of medicine about the treatment of leeches, ranks hirudotherapy . The reviews about leeching are inclusively positive, although there is a sense of fluidity and some unpleasantness is felt when leeching, while hydrotherapy often helps where official medicine “omits” hands."

Before the speech, in Tsarist Russia 18-19 centuries, leeches were a universal remedy for ailments, both for the poor and rich people. Nina, in our country, has only four (!) officially registered lion kingdoms. Competition is practically zero!

Of course, there are very few of them who work at what is called “at their own risk”, but you can’t trust such “farmers” much, and there is little credibility for their activity; what. Such a small number of legal leech states is due to the harsh demands that appear before the breeding of leeches, and the need to obtain a permissible license from the service of supervision in the field of health protection. However, the divorce process itself is quite complicated and involves a lot of trouble. until the end

What are leeches?

You, melodiously, cheer, having learned that the leeches are due to the Khrobak class. Before the speech, about those how to organize a business on the same natural goodness and bred worms, about which we guessed on the cob of the article, you can find out by following the instructions.

Leeches are hungry for blood, seemingly powerfully, so they rejoice - they are soaking up the “filth” of blood, and introducing into the human body various enzymes and speeches that lurk clearly in the expressions of anti-inflammatory and analgesic power. There are approximately 500 different types of leeches on the planet, and there are 62 of them in total on the territory of our region. However, from the point of view of a business organization, the appearance is medicinal. until the end

Little things about hirudotherapy

The official scheme of the celebration looks something like this:

  • The leech is applied to the affected (ill) organ, then the place of observation is determined by the adjustment of many factors.
  • Leech in wet blood for 10 months to 1 year in storage under the same factors.
  • After the session is completed, the appearance is removed using an alcohol or iodine swab or after powdering with chloramine. Repeated use of leeches is categorically defended! We can also say that the appearance is a celebratory reward for a one-time vikoristan.

What is required for breeding leeches

As we have already said: the process of breeding leeches is simple and accessible to anyone. In order to organize a real farm, it is necessary to find a place with several rooms, the fragments of the leech at various stages of its growth: cocoon, fry, mature individual, the guilty ones are disposed of around. As an option, you can use one location, dividing it into sectors.

The main reason for breeding leeches is to encourage them to have a favorable microclimate:

  • The air temperature is 25 to 27 º C. Although wild leeches live in their natural environment in cold waters, the reproduction and development of their medicinal relatives in warm conditions is much faster.
  • The temperature of the water in which the leeches are found may be room temperature, then 25-27 ºС.
  • The moisture content of the area in the area is not less than 80%.

The containers for leeches are the original 3-liter jars, first purified with water through special filters. You can also go with aquariums, but the cost is much more expensive. It is necessary to carefully monitor all stages of growth of leeches and immediately “transfer” the animals to other areas (sectors) when they reach their final “age”. Before speaking, all operations during the life of leeches, purification of water in containers, transplantation of leeches are also carried out manually. Live on the great leech farms.

Leeches are hungry for blood, which can be obtained from animal kingdoms, from private farmers, from slaughterhouses, having concluded similar agreements with them.

How to get a license from Roszdravnaglyad?

The breeding of leeches in households (or in small households) extends to the production of pharmaceutical drugs - this is how it is interpreted as the importance of the visual organ of the body. Well, you may be under the constant sawing control of yours. The organization of a private business is subject to the registration and certification of leeches as medicinal products. For which it is necessary to submit a separate application, both the products themselves and the premises in which the stench will be discharged must undergo control.

Vlasna, this very environment “diseases” a lot of people who are willing to start a new business. Some of these people give up the idea altogether, some go to the “illegal” breeding of leeches, which according to some data may be as old as the official breeding of “bloodsuckers” - 7-8 million individuals on the river. However, the official and illegal breeding of leeches at the same time only covers the demand from them by 30-40%. until the end

Where should I take the leeches for breeding?

The simplest way is to catch leeches from clean natural water. They understand that they take full responsibility for their actions, which can result in both large administrative fines and real criminal punishments. Even the legacy of wild leeches standing in front of people may not be perpetuated.

This leaves only one option - purchasing specimens from registered leech states, where for your purchase you will be given all the necessary documents that confirm the possibility of purchasing leeches for medical purposes.

Where do you take your “children”?

Finally, we need to tell you where to buy your products. Channels can be divided into:

  • Medical centers that deal with clinical hydrotherapy.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Medical doctors engage in private practice.
  • You are eager to start your own powerful business.
  • Postachannya for the cordon. To be clear, in our country the price of one leech costs approximately 30-40 rubles, while in Europe, the equivalent of a penny per leech costs 300-400 rubles.

It goes without saying that the organization of such a business, which is associated not only with the usual financial expenses, but also with the absence of necessary documents, will require careful preparation, the development of a business plan, and constant ov business models. Why do you have to do a lot of work? Here, on the right of that wart. We are sure that this business idea has clicked with you. We wish you success in your future!

A short video excursion to the “edge” of leeches

Breeding leeches in households as a business

We report on the development of leeches in households as a business. How to organize morning visits at home and how much money you can earn.


Dilution of medical leeches in the register of IP (code KVED 01.49.9– “Breeding of other creatures not included in other groups”). The leech will become equal to medicinal drug, then it is necessary to revoke the license for the development of the Roszdravnaglyad. Your “medicines” and the premises for their use may undergo sanitary control.

Technology of breeding leeches

For small fish, they are stored in aquariums or large three-liter jars of purified water. It is necessary to cover the animal so that the bags do not leak out. You will need accommodation with a number of rooms or sectors ( Zagalna Square- 30-35 square meters) and racks for aquariums and jars.

You can set up such a farm at home. Follow them respectfully, so At all stages of growth and development, the essences took place between young and older individuals. For example, the fry are raised before the fry, and the adults wait at once.

Purchase of livestock

It is not recommended to independently catch wild leeches for detection, otherwise problems with documents may arise. The medical method transfers new piece replacement. You need a farm, so you buy something with documents that confirm their ability to obtain money from cosmetology and medicine.

For cobs, an additional 500 pieces are enough. The cost to purchase is approximately $270.

This is not a very powerful creature, but in a polluted area or if one gets sick, the livestock may die. It’s better to store them in small groups: 20-40 in one container.

Climate minds

Golovna umova - clean water. It is necessary to add good filters for cleaning. The reservoir will be filled to half capacity. It is necessary to change the water daily and at the same time clean the container of mucus that has accumulated. Keep an eye on the presence of houses in the area (for example, chlorine).

Other benefits:

  • Temperature – +25-27 degrees;
  • The moisture content of the wind is about 80%.

Year of leeches

In order to deal with the growth of these animals, we need to talk about the regular supply of certified scourge blood. Call them to shop at meat processing plants. Shelter is only needed for healthy thinness.

The appearance of a penny signals its saturation. Then the recipients are washed and placed back at the jar.

The anniversary is held once every month. Before being sold, a person must fast for at least three months, in addition to being victorious for recognition. For a population that reproduces, with 500 individuals, you will need approximately 6 tons of blood and $1600-1800 for food over two months.

Yak breeding leeches

For mating, they are planted in pairs and left undisturbed for a month (the mating period). It’s better to evaporate these creatures, so they can start reproducing after the year.

To lay eggs, they require a queen cell terarium. After 25-30 days, individuals that have mated are transplanted and sterilized until the cocoons are laid.

The mother liquor needs an imitation of natural dowkill: the addition of water and dry land. The bottom of the queen cell is covered with loose peat soil and moss turf. The creatures crawl around the ground and lay a cocoon with eggs.

The eggs are threads of only 0.03-0.04 g. They live and grow close to adults. The young animals are also fresh-blooded and of great and medium horned thinness.

One cocoon produces 10-30 filaments. So, 500 heads will bring approximately 10,000 new individuals per month.

Installation of the bathroom

Virochuvannya leeches vimagatime purchases:

  1. Multi-tiered racks (9-10) - $380-400;
  2. Tables for bathing and washing (2 pcs.) - $90;
  3. Terariums (10-15) and triliter jars (200-250 pcs.) - $150;
  4. Filters for water purification – $200.

The investment in the property is around $800-900.

Vitrati and profit

To start a small leech farm, a capital investment of $1300-1500 is required (documents, ownership, purchase of livestock, furnishing of premises and ventilation/air conditioning).

It’s difficult to go back on your own with a spare eye for the “Vikhovants”, so you need to hire a doctor. Besides the salary, the list of thousands of expenses includes food and communal services(Mainly, water supply). Total $1300.

SND has an average market price of $0.5. For a cordon they can be sold for $1.5 per piece. The prospect is to think about expanding the business and improving the posture beyond the border. Selling 6-7 thousand individuals per month to LICs, you will subtract 1,700 dollars from your net income.

Persh nizh organize on the right, think about the channels its products:

  • Pharmacies;
  • medical centers with services of hirudotherapists;
  • Sales for viroshuvannya and special vikoristannya.

A doctor who is growing up will apply for hirudotherapy, diluting medicinal leeches - on the right, it is visible and promising. Plus, this area does not have a lot of competition. And for the food you can earn twice or twice as much by paying to overseas medical centers.

Medical leeches are even a kind of medical treatment. This therapeutic action results from the subtle, well-organized and smooth work of a whole complex of organs of this complexly formed creature. And it is important to properly monitor the leeches so that the stinks can provide help and so that there are enough of them for everyday use in medical supplies and in the skin family, where there are illnesses that require them.

To preserve the leeches, it is important that the artificially created solutions of their life be as close to natural as possible. The place of leeches is indoors - in small containers - or in swamps, stands and planters in biological factories, where they are delivered for breeding, hanging out in swamps, or more commonly - swampy and running waters. From the very beginning of the successful morning of leeches in the room, put them in dishes that are used to preserve them. Possible types: flasks (large and small jars), clay (jars, potters, large and small glazes). In the past century, wooden utensils were used to make wooden utensils.

Judging from such a widening of containers for attenuating leeches, there is a need for different methods of attenuating and preserving them for sanitary purposes. Ale is immediately put as follows (as judged from the available literature on hirudology), as it is said in the proverb: “What is the place, then call it, what is the village, then believe.” Our axis decided to bring everything to the final banner. Doctors and all people who treat leeches must clearly know and follow all the rules for the treatment of people and the creatures themselves that they bring. Replacing leeches for medical treatment does not pose any special difficulties, you just need careful attention to them and cleanliness.

In a small container (a three-liter flask), half filled with water, you cannot plant more than fifty animals and no more than ten per liter. The most important rule To suppress leeches from illness, use hot water instead, and if a leech is sick, strengthen them from healthy people, because one illness can infect all the leeches in the bank. Young and fresh leeches of medium size should be put into one jar, and those that collapse dirty and completely burn into a ball, then be trimmed in liquid until the stench is no longer pleasant. The leeches, placed in a large quantity in one vessel, in the first days, shake out a lot of empty water to fill the water green color that I will become a sign of their health. MISTKIST, de zbergaygak, guilty of a half -abed for 2/3 is commanded by the native (reversing) with a zvillery water (zvikhikovo, painfully more than a doshovy lake), ale is not boiled for a time, not with key - such water takes away from itself the stinking particles, such as leeches come from the restless, and then, out of disunity, rush one on one, injure one another, and, dripping with blood, die. Ideally, 40 to 120 cubic centimeters of water should be applied to the skin.

The guarantor of the health and stable activity of leeches is their very clean place. Then change the water regularly, and the new water should not be lower than the temperature in which the leeches were found the previous day; The winter will last every few days, the influx will take two days a day, and in the case of great heat, it will be easy and obligatory with green water, appearing mucus with brown spots, which will flow from the skins. The change of water is always alarming for them, especially the breaking of creatures with their hands.

The ideal, but labor-intensive method is to extract the old water with a sponge and at the same time with the water, you can carefully pour it into a drushlyak (attached to the wall may be left in a jar) and the standing water can be easily washed over the body in And the mucus, which, closing the wild doors, until the leeches get sick or die. You can also carefully transfer the leeches with a wooden spoon from an old container to a new one with clean water, adding a little bit of thoroughly washed sand, and to keep the water fresh for a long time and to wash it away - not great quantity well-fried wooden or cooked wug (from which in one water, without rotting, you can save a small number of leeches for the whole river, about twelve). When the leeches squeak and wug, they have the ability to shed mucus, which is impossible in clean water. These authorities also provide a variety of plants that are included in the container: water trefoil (Trifolium fibrinum), a bunch of marsh horsetail stems tied in bunches (Equisetum polustre), which will contain plenty of creamy fruits (and leeches) rub about tough stems and good cleaning of mucus), water copier (Myriophyllum verticillatum), water cabbage (Potamogeton natans), floating duckweed (Lem-pa natans) etc.

A great benefit is the addition of water, where leeches, cucumber, honey, molasses and other similar substances, such as blood, are saved for better food of animals, preventing them from getting sick and reducing mortality. All the same: instead of barks, they become harmful, leading to rotting of water, especially influx, and destroying leeches. If you place dead creatures in the jar, remove their traces so that the stench does not permeate the water and infect healthy people. Diseases of leeches are recognized by the fact that the smell lies stretched out on the bottom of the vessel and brown mucus with white grains is visible from them. When you take them with your fingers, the stench is even a little noticeable.

The jar should be thoroughly polished and should not be frozen at all times to contain synthetic chemicals. The neck of the jar must be covered with a ball of linen and pressed with equal gum or a gum tube. You can cover it with a polyethylene lid, piercing it in advance with scissors at the most places, especially in the center, for access to the air, otherwise the leech will suffocate. You can’t tie the jar with gauze - it will stink and smell. The temperature must be kept in a cool place, where the temperature can be maintained between 12 ° C and not lower than 3 ° C, in case of which there is a risk of freezing. It is easier for leeches to experience a significant transition from heat to cold and back, a lower, warmer heat, and can be between 38°C heat and 38°C cold. During the hot summer season, it is best to save the liquid in a cool place, take it out to the garden or city when it’s fresh, and then leave it in a warm room for winter.

The area around the room should be cleaned, especially in the winter, to avoid any odors or odors. There is no reason to make noise, because the slightest sound can disturb the leeches and cause their body to shrink and shorten; If the noise is repeated frequently, it can become unpleasant for hungry animals and cause them to feel exhausted.

To eliminate leeches from strong light, it is better to darken the jar or cover the jar with a light dark cloth, which is removed from time to time, and you can coat the lower part with black farbe.

Leeches that have drunk blood cannot be introduced into the container, where fresh leeches are preserved, and also be combined with those that are purified from blood.

Year of leeches

Leeches are hungry for rare food, and it is certain that not only the blood of animals is responsible for serving them. The embryos in the cocoons eat the slimy organic pores found in them; infants and young leeches eat the mucus of water weeds, infusoria, water coma larvae, small mollusks, and chrobaks. The whole river is full of mature leeches. They live on blood, being gifted with the ability to bite through the skin of a person in all parts of the body with their teeth, and especially the mucous membrane, as well as the hard surfaces of various creatures. The leeches are so unpretentious that they can moisten the blood if there is still a lot of unabsorbed blood in the pouch. Hungry leeches waste a lot of money and become thin.

As numbers have been taken into account, other age groups are starting to sprout larger numbers. However, nature kept them until they could recover for a long time. Staying in clean water, the stinks waste more than a quarter of their mass throughout their lives. It’s impossible to get by without hedgehogs! And the leeches are satisfied with this, even if only a little: with living rivers, so that more or less they can be found near fresh water. Hungry, the stinks, with incredible greed, pounce on the first object that they eat near the water, in the hope of profiting, infesting rotten, dead things (the stinks will look at the corpses, and soon they will fall out of them) and Bo take a closer look at the city's appearances with the other ones especially when people are hungry and sit in one container).

And it doesn’t matter to those who have been soaked by leeches, the blood of their body changes and takes on a special unpleasant odor, which is similar to leeches who are hungry. The blood is removed from the leeches that have gotten wet immediately, again and can quickly be covered with others. Moreover, hungry leeches are forced to attack their own kind, and the weak become victims of the strong, and the hungry become victims of the hungry. Cannibalism is associated with leeches, especially kin. Being hungry or not wet enough, the stinks attack the larger creatures that have drunk blood, soaking them from them, until the death of the rest.

A medical leech can dampen the blood of representatives of all classes of ridges, attacks great horned thinness, horses that come to drink, and people. Having soaked some of the blood of their victims, in many cases the stench can cause their death. That's why leeches are huts. At the beginning of the century, it was known that nine hungry bloodsuckers were enough to bite a horse to death (perhaps this was overkill). For them, fish and toads are a different matter, or, perhaps, they are less likely to eat food, and reptiles play a very insignificant role.

Wise nature, which gives the leach a gluttony, has given it wide spare sacks like reservoirs, reminiscent of pleasant surroundings, out and living calmly. A bird that has had its fill of good food, with unmatched blood, requires a minimum of time for it to be poisoned. For all leeches, the period of fasting is painful, but does not lead to death, most of all in the medicinal leech. Vaughn pays respect to his predecessors some particularities in the exchange of speeches, and at the same time endure the difficult hour of hunger (from 1 to 3 days) and completely poison the hedgehogs.

The number of times the blood received can be too much in the body, and the leech can moisten the blood so that there is still a lot of unabsorbed blood in it, and there is no leakage. You can die from carelessness if you don’t die. The blood is completely poisoned, which is due to the presence of enzymes that break down the native protein in the gut, often into the intestines, as well as with the river, which is poured onto them. If the reserves of blood in the intestines have already been exhausted, the ability to survive for a long time without a hedgehog is explained by the strong development of healthy body tissues, rich in reserve substances that are synthesized from the flow of fluids of the blood soaked in them. I will become healthy 'appearances, the stage of saturation with blood', at the same time, starving leeches are growing in abundance, and therefore they need to be kept alive in individual reserves.

Reproduction of leeches in households

Various episodes of the growth of leeches in artificial fish have clearly shown (and it is important to be careful when diluting them):

  • The number of leeches for many months can be done without the hedgehog, but at the same time their “dry food” is no longer necessary for them;
  • With frequent baths, the stench greedily fades in one go great quantities blood;
  • At times, the bloodbath itself, without exchange, leeches quickly reach the great mass;
  • under such a grub regime, medical leeches not only do not die, but show all the signs of healthy creatures.

The characteristics of leeches are even miraculous: the stinks are double, double (hermaphrodite), and the organs of both the human and the female are swollen. The organs are clearly uneven, even folded, spread out on the ventral surface of the creature, along the midline of the body, close to the anterior end. The stench is close to each other, human organ(Stovbur with foreskin, scrotum and testicles) is located in front of the female (uterine sleeve, uterus with oviduct and ovaries). The leech does not latch on itself, but rather connects with another leech, sometimes with a couple, lagging its partner in this way and at the same time becoming tangled with it itself.

The total amount can be from 15 to 18 years. The period of state awakening (in the third year of life, and in some cases the appearance of children before the birth of children is approximately until the 22nd month of life) is spring, summer, or perhaps the end of autumn and much later. Fruiting occurs between 30 and 40 days, after which the eggs leave the uterus, burnt with a thick ball of mucus, which is very hard, transforming into a cocoon similar to the cocoon of a cutworm. In the middle of the empty tank there is water and 15 to 30 eggs. Leeches bury their cocoons in the ground, near the shore of their place of residence, at the end of the trap, or between the stones.

After 40 days, in pleasant surroundings, especially in sleepy weather, baby leeches hatch; stinks emerge from the cocoon through a small opening on the cone. There is so little food that only a single person notices a thief, but immediately shows greed for the hedgehog. Vin white color And after a few months, it slightly grows from the tail to the head and becomes a mature leech. Children grow at full speed (especially the first two years), from five to eight years, and can live for twenty years. In natural minds, the leech reaches the size necessary for treatment no earlier than five years ago, and from three to three years of age it is possible to undergo medical treatment.

In individual fish, the leech can grow to a mass suitable for stagnation in medicine (1.5-2 grams) over a period of 12-15 months to 3 years. They live for an average of 3-4 rocks, rarely up to eight rocks or more.

Dilution of medical leeches in the register IP(code KVED 01.49.9– “Breeding of other creatures not included in other groups”).

Leech is comparable to a medicinal drug, then it is necessary to revoke the license for the development of the Roszdravnaglyad. Your “medicines” and the premises for their use may undergo sanitary control.

Technology of breeding leeches

For small fish, they are stored in aquariums or large three-liter jars of purified water. It is necessary to cover the animal so that the bags do not leak out.

You will need accommodation with a number of rooms or sectors (outside area - view 30-35 square meters) and shelving for aquariums and jars.

You can set up such a farm at home. It is important to ensure that all stages of growth and development of nature take place between young and older individuals. For example, the fry are raised before the fry, and the adults wait at once.

Purchase of livestock

Independently catching “wild” leeches for detection not recommended , before that, problems may arise from documents.

The medical method transfers new piece replacement. You need a farm, so you buy something with documents that confirm their ability to obtain money from cosmetology and medicine.

For cobs, an additional 500 pieces are enough. The cost to purchase is approx. 270 dollars.

Umovi morning leeches

This is not a very powerful creature, but in a polluted area or if one gets sick, the livestock may die. It’s better to store them in small groups: 20-40 in one container.

Climate minds

Head of mind - pure water. It is necessary to add good filters for cleaning. The reservoir will be filled to half capacity.

It is necessary to change the water daily and at the same time clean the container of mucus that has accumulated. Keep an eye on the presence of houses in the area (for example, chlorine).

Other minds of morning leeches

  • Temperature – +25-27 degrees;
  • The moisture content of the wind is about 80%.

Year of leeches

In order to deal with the growth of these animals, we need to talk about the regular supply of certified scourge blood. Call them to shop at meat processing plants. Shelter is required only for healthy thinness.

The appearance of a penny signals its saturation. Then the recipients are washed and placed back at the jar.

The anniversary is held once every month. Before being sold, a person must fast for at least three months, in addition to being victorious for recognition.

For a population that reproduces, with 500 individuals, you will need approximately 6 tons of blood and $1600-1800 for food over two months.

Yak breeding leeches

For mating, they are planted in pairs and left undisturbed for a month (the mating period).

It’s better for the creatures to steam Therefore, begin to multiply the traces after the year.

To lay eggs, they require a queen cell terarium. After 25-30 days, individuals that have mated are transplanted and sterilized until the cocoons are laid.

The mother liquor needs an imitation of natural dowkill: the addition of water and dry land. The bottom of the queen cell is covered with loose peat soil and moss turf. The creatures crawl around the ground and lay a cocoon with eggs.

The eggs are threads of only 0.03-0.04 g. They live and grow close to adults. The young animals are also fresh-blooded and of great and medium horned thinness.

One cocoon produces 10-30 filaments. So, 500 heads will bring approximately 10,000 new individuals per month.

Installation of a bath for breeding leeches

Virochuvannya leeches vimagatime purchases:

  1. Multi-tiered racks (9-10) - $380-400;
  2. Tables for bathing and washing (2 pcs.) - $90;
  3. Terariums (10-15) and triliter jars (200-250 pcs.) - $150;
  4. Filters for water purification – $200.

The investment in the property is around $800-900.

Vitrati and profit

To start a small leech farm, a large amount of capital is required 1300-1500 $ (documents, possession, purchase of livestock, cleaning of premises and ventilation/air conditioning).

It’s difficult to go back on your own without keeping an eye on the “Vikhovants”; you’ll need to hire a policeman. Besides salaries, the list of thousands of expenses includes food and utility services (most importantly, water supply). Total $1300.

SND has an average market price of 0.5 $. For a cordon they can be sold for $1.5 per piece. The prospect is to think about expanding the business and improving the posture beyond the border. Selling 6-7 thousand individuals per month to LICs, you will subtract 1,700 dollars from your net income.


  • (184)
  • (102)

Leeches are members of the class of multipartite worms, which include oligochaete worms, multichaete worms, mysostomids and leeches. The most familiar representative is the woodworm. From the current 500 species of leeches in Russia, there are a total of 62. However, for personal purposes, only a special class of leeches is selected, which are reproduced on specialized farms. Let's talk about medical care. The article provides reporting information about these creatures.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

Most types of leeches are new and differentiated by their color - black, green or brown. Their body is thicker, the animal seems to be long enough to reach 15 cm.

The upper side of the meat is convex, and the side is absolutely flat. At the poles of the body there are suction cups, with which the leeches are attached to the roots, ground or body of the victim.

If there is a stench of insanity, it is important to mark them, the rest are well masked. By the hour the stench is clearly visible. The stench moves with the substrate, finding the victim, looking at it through one end or the other. In this case, the back end is pulled up to the front end, and the body is bent at the loop.

When swimming near the water, the stench fades away. Leeches can appear and rocs that disperse, splashing with one end on the ground. This is necessary for them, because the stench absorbs damage from the water. For his conquest of the rulers there is plenty.

When the leech dissolves, the water ball next to it is replaced with a new one to contain fresh jelly. Each type of leech occupies almost one zoogeographic region.

For life, these things need fresh water, only some of them can live in the Caspian and Seas of Azov. Leeches do not like the cold and go into hibernation after the first frost. Do not sleep the stench of the whole river when you open your house. The hibernating leech checks for the winter, curled up in a ball.


The medicinal leech has a body consisting of 102 rings. Until regeneration, there is no time left. On the side of her back there are no papillae and no openings. On the reverse side there are fewer of them, about 38 in total, including two articles.

They do not have any blood, the circulatory system is connected to the internal emptying system, which ensures the purification of both blood and metabolic products. Cover the body of the leech with thin skin. We create one ball of arm-like cells that create the epidermis. Around the new opening is the cuticle, which performs its function. Vaughn is growing steadily. Shedding lasts for 2-3 days, after which the cuticle is renewed. Throw off the swimsuits, similar to white shrouds. The stench will be noticed in the containers where leeches linger in household sinks and may be seen regularly.

The skin contains nerve cells, small capillaries and a large number of mucous membranes that see the gel mass. Vaughn covers the cuticle of leeches, so the stench is always vologi and slimy.

Also, the leech dies through its skin, and there are no fragments of its fur. On her body there is a specific little thing - late, hot-hot cream, extended closer to the sides. There are black spots there. Due to such infestations, it is possible to distinguish licentious leeches from others.

The mouth is located at the head end and the oozing suction cup. There is another suction cup at the back. Leeches in the middle live for about 6 years. The life expectancy of wild individuals is completely unknown, and it is possible that some of them live long lives.

Leeches have 10 eyes. They have no crystalline cells, but they have 50 photoreceptors per skin. The eyes are filled with the sight of the rolling cameras. Don't give a complete picture of the stench.

Then the leech miraculously captures all the odors, although it has no sense of smell or smell. The predators are caught by the sensitive claws of the skin. They are especially abundant at the head end. This helps them not only to find a victim, but also to drain the water that smells bad, because they can’t stand the stench.

With high accuracy, leeches recognize the smells of people, both great survivors and potential victims. Obviously, the most noticeable smell is the smell of blood, which smells like Mittevo. The leeches immediately assume a hunting stance, which resembles this in dogs: they stand vertically in a line, begin to energetically disperse and move their arms with their front end.

Leeches in nature go hungry most of the time. Before this regime, the stench began to appear and may not be present until lunchtime. The maximum severity of the fast was observed and brought to light. The won adds up to 1.5 rocks.

They have reserves of fresh blood in their gut and intestines. Therefore, the leeches do not require careful cleaning of the hedgehogs, re-etching a portion of 2-3 stretches.

In nature, warm-blooded creatures wander near bodies of water. Be careful to show that many animals often squirm for no reason, allowing themselves to be spit on by leeches. After such a session of hirudoterapy, their condition will improve. At this point, the respect of the people was lost.

Leeches can be eaten by other species of water: viper, water shrew, muskrat, and even rarely birds. The main companions of these sources are the water scorpion and the water scorpion.

Breeding of leeches

Leeches are hermaphrodites. Regardless of this, two individuals face the same fate among the created offspring. The breeding of leeches proceeds somewhat differently than in many other hermaphrodites, so that they do not create a stink for themselves, but create bets. For what it's worth different species The methods of steam bathing vary.

To propagate leeches, use the external-internal method, developed by academician M.S. Gilyarov. Nowadays, before the Wikid, it is called to find the middle of a special human state organ - the atrium. Here a spermatophore bag is formed. At the hour of destruction, the spermatophore emerges from the atrium and attaches itself to the stem of the partner white and the arterial opening.

Thus, for the reproduction of leeches, 2 mature individuals are required. Such stinks remain for up to three years of life, when a sufficient number of natural cells accumulate in their bodies - eggs and sperm.

The leech reproduces once per river, and produces offspring 3-4 times throughout its life. Ethologists have brought up the fact that these creatures can not only make bets, but also make bets about their offspring.

This is due to the fact that the place for attaching the cocoon is carefully selected and arranged. All kinds of leeches are hatched, and cocoons with zygotes are attached to the lower part of their body from the calves and carried on their shoulders until the young are fully grown.

Tsikavim is the process of multiplying medical leeches. The external-internal method does not stagnate. The sperm is lost to the female as a result of copulation. The stench of good excuses is the copulatory organ. Functionally similar to humans. It is incredible that the hrobaks practice various positions of evil. One of the moments of breeding of leeches is shown in the photo below.

In these creatures there are now two main methods of killing: the front ends can be straightened to one or the other side. In the first episode, one individual in a pair takes on the role of the male, and the other - the female. In a different position, the individuals intertwine each other.

Reproduction of leeches and barnacles, as well as hermaphrodites, is similar: they require a pair.

Business on leeches

These creatures have been vikorist for a long time now. It is good for people to engage in the breeding of leeches, although such hoarding seems aesthetically unacceptable. However, such a business has an advantage - the number of competitors. At the same time, Russia has only 4 states that officially deal with this right.

Before the breeding, the heavy arms hang out. Homely minds do not mean between one apartment or a country house. To breed leeches, you have to scour an entire farm. Obov'yazkovo is located in a low room, which will have leeches at various stages of its life cycle - cocoon, juveniles, mature individuals. One of the main reasons for breeding leeches is to provide them with a pleasant microclimate: the ambient temperature should be between 25 and 27 ºС, and the humidity should be no less than 80%.

The best place for them can be 3-liter jars filled with purified water. Aquariums are more expensive. In one jar it is allowed to contain more than 30 items. The water is thick and stagnant. It is necessary to fill the jar with it 2/3 full.

For smut when leeches are bred in household washes, the water is pure. What are the required filters for? From time to time, a little bit of sand is added to the banks. It helps the leeches to cleanse themselves of mucus, which needs to be cleaned regularly. Water changes are carried out every 2-4 days. To prevent the leeches from appearing, tightly cover the neck of the jar with a cotton cloth and tighten it with a rubber band. It’s just light for these things, but the placement may be light.

The breeding of leeches requires constant control over their development and the timely transfer of young animals to a different group. All robots on the farm are designed manually.


At home, it is necessary to use certified scourge blood taken from healthy animals. About postacchaniya її її сід мізлід іжжі. To pamper the leech, there is no need to flood the jar. The vessel may be okrema. At its bottom there is blood and it is covered with the beast's spittle.

Then they release leeches there. You can safely bite through the stinking spittle and eat it. The sign of saturation is the appearance of a feather. These leeches need to be cleared and distributed again among their banks.

Such a year should be carried out no more than once per month. A sales person may fast for at least 3 months. Then she will be suitable.

Reproduction on farms

Reproduction of leeches in households is not very difficult. For mating, plant them in pairs and leave them undisturbed for about a month. They themselves are experiencing the love period.

The leeches lurk while staying in place, so mating is more successful. After a month, they are transplanted to the mother terarium to lay a cocoon with eggs.

Peat and moss turf are poured onto the bottom. This is necessary for leeches to dig passages near the ground and place the cocoon. The babies appear after 40 days (during sunny weather). As a rule, the stinks are very hungry. Young animals are able to grow as adults. Children live by blood.

The proliferation of leeches in households can occur in the skin, who will follow the descriptions of the larger species. Business is better than printing with 500-600 individuals. Otherwise, the wine will not be profitable. On the river you can catch 7-8 million leeches.


This process also involves the development of singing minds. Transport leeches in a container filled two-thirds with standing water. The norms of temperature and moisture are to blame.

If the distance to the warehouse is no more than 100 km, it can be transported in plastic containers with a perforated lid. A 3-liter skin capacity can hold 200 leeches.

If you travel more than 100 km, you will need to knit fabric bags from calico. Its size should be 30x20 cm. It can accommodate up to 300 leeches. The microclimate is the same.

Breeding leeches in households is a sign of provadzheniya, so it is necessary to approach it very seriously. When lining such a farm, it is necessary to ensure fire safety, ecology, waste disposal, etc.

De kupuvati

Leeches for breeding can simply be caught from the nearest body of water. Ale the inheritance of the vikoristan of such creatures has not been transferred. Therefore, it is necessary to buy leeches either at certified biofarms or in pharmacies.

Kudi zbuvati

Krapok mozhe buti kelka:

  • Medical centers of hirudotherapy.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Private hirudotherapists.
  • You are welcome to start your business.
  • Sales outside the border.

In Russia, 1 visit costs 30-40 rubles. In Europe the price is about ten times more expensive.

Likuvalny authorities

With more reports of leeches, a clear thought arises about their uniqueness. It can be called a small masterpiece of nature. The stench of wondrous and powerful powers looms.

This explains its popularity. The range of pathologies for hirudotherapy is very wide. Leeches occur in the complex treatment of cardiac pathologies, eye diseases, surgery and microsurgery, dermatology, cosmetology, gynecology, endocrinology. The stench helps with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis.

The leech turned out to be a whole living factory of biologically active substances, which, when they enter the blood of a person, give an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that relieves swelling, thins the blood, reduces their microcirculation, and also activate immunity.

Behavior of a leech on a patient's skin

At the hour of the session, a leech is placed at the designated place. However, she does not immediately attack the victim, but instead searches for a unique point on the patient’s body.

A leech can moisten the blood for up to a year, but the session lasts a little more than 20 minutes. When the hour is up, they are removed with a swab soaked in alcohol or iodine, and soaked in chloramine for depletion. Vikoristannya of one instance was re-fenced. Korisna is not a leech like a slina. She is seen constantly in the process of pissing. Slina uses the most valuable biologically active compounds that can have a healing effect.

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