All cereals.


Repair and self-development

The Cereal family consists of more than 750 canopies, which include more than 11 thousand species.

  • In the Arctic it is possible to grow cereal crops, the list of the widest species and botanical classification, the values ​​of cereals will be lower.
  • Cereals, short description and botanical classification
  • In the family of Cereals, it is important to include herbaceous or rich growths, including tea leaves and tree canopies.
  • All cultures will share the soul of Budova:
  • stem
  • leaves




  • today
  • The stems of cereal crops are empty in the middle and are formed from knees, connected to each other by swollen and well-marked internodes.
  • The skin of them has a septum and the stem is similar to a blocked empty pipe.
  • Botanists usually call the stems containing this kind of straw straw.
  • Rare wines have a ring in the middle like downy tissue, like cane, sorghum, and corn.

In cereals, the secondary root is well developed, and the main root either begins to grow early, or begins to grow after germination.

  • The leaves of cereals and their edges are rarely closed.
  • The leaf plates are most often string-like, narrow, and sometimes folded like a tube.
  • The flowers can be varied or collected from miniature spikelets.
  • Most often folded:
  • near the village
  • at the Sultani's
  • the simple ones have an ear of corn

at a spicate-like shaft

at the folding ear

The taxonomy of the family has changed several times over the last century, sometimes dividing it by 2, sometimes by 12 subdivisions.

  • For example, the Centotekovs were at the same time before Prosovym.
  • Current taxonomists have divided cereals into these species:
  • Kovilovo
  • Bamboo
  • Prosovi


  • Chloris
  • Centotekovi
  • Trostnikov
  • Below will be lists of cereals, which are available in various varieties.
  • Lists of cereal crops

To the mother of Chlorisova one can hear:

  • pork fingers
  • tragus
  • Elevsina korakan
  • coastal girl
  • field grass
  • The next cereals lie down to the Kovilevo plant:
  • Whose rozlogiy

Achnatherum brilliant

Kovila is the most beautiful

  • whose Siberian
  • Achnatherum costeropodibny
  • Pidrodina Bambukova:
  • bamboo phyllo


  • sorghum
  • arundo reed
  • cane
  • millet

History of cereals, their significance for humanity

It is important to reassess the importance of cereal crops in human history.

The stench is widespread throughout the planet, where there are many thousand-meter-long perpetual ice fields.

Cereals grow up to between the ice fields, including high altitude ones.

The savannah and steppe are the reigning kingdom of cereal growths. The most important fruit for people is the cereal grain – the grain. Its endosperm contains the richest source of living substances. This has been confirmed by the fact that the cultivation of cereal crops for survival has over seven thousand years of history. The cultivation of wheat was the main driver of progress.

The wheels and plows are tied to it. It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. Most often folded: At the dawn of agriculture, people grew wheat and wheat.

Later, it was mostly covered with durum wheat varieties.

After a long history on the Eurasian continent, barley could be grown from wheat, and on the American continent, corn grew from cereals from a long time ago, which became the engine of Mayan culture.

The stalks of cereals are generative and vegetative, the stems are empty, straw-type, and the leaf plates are chergovy, noble, long and narrow, with parallel veins.

The flowers are spicate-like, hurt-shaped, racemose, or have a rocky appearance and are formed from the facelessness of elementary spikelet flowers.

The flowers are small and white, which are made up of three larvae, one fruit, a short stem and two pinnate rils.

The fruit is surrounded by grain - the seed that has grown with the shell. Cereals Wheat Wheat (lat. Triticum)

- A number of herbaceous, mainly single-growing plants of the Poaceae family. Wheat is a leading grain crop in most countries. It's good for whirling wheat, boiling bread, mincing pasta and confectionery sprouts.

Look for recipes for various types of beer and burners.

The main grower of wheat in

All varieties of durum wheat are spinous and yar - Kubanka, Biloturka, Krasnoturka, Chornokoloska, Garnivka;

dwarf or long-eared wheat - Triticum compactum, which is used for vicorization.

There are also such types of wheat growing in the crop as spelt (English wheat), spelled, emer, Polish, English (or dangerous).

Wheat can be cultivated practically in all climatic zones, beyond the tropics. It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. All cultivated varieties are divided into winter varieties, which are in the spring and harvest the sprouts, and in the spring, from birch to grass. To mature spring wheat, you need at least 100 days without frost. Winter wheat is grown not only for grain, but also for food, which is allowed to graze in the field when it reaches a height of 13-20 cm. Zhito

Living in the present day, zhito kulturne (lat. Secale cereal) If you go 1-2 meters into the depths, you can put them on the sand.

The stem is empty, straight, with 5-6 internodes, 70 to 200 cm high, bare, pubescent just below the spikelets.

The leaves are flat, wide-linear, bluish in color, like the stem.

The length of the leaf plate is 15 to 30 cm long, up to 2.5 cm wide. At the top of the stem there is a flower that looks like a subdued folding ear, which droops and does not break into segments all the way up to 5 to 15 cm wide up to 12 mm.

The spike consists of a four-sided stalk and flat two-column spikelets.

The flowers have three larvae with subcutaneous saw blades, the ovary is superior, and the stench is blown away by the wind. It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. The grain of the grain is dry, tightly squeezed from the sides of the form with a deep groove in the middle on the inner side.- A single herbaceous plant, a single cultural representative of the corn genus.

Cream of corn, which also includes four wild species and three subspecies.

It is clear that corn is the oldest representative of cereals, introduced into the crop 7-12 thousand years ago in Mexico, and at that time corn crops reached only 3-4 cm. on Roslina kukurudza it was felt 8700 fatefully in the center of the Balsas Valley.

The role of corn cannot be overestimated: with the emergence and development of the established Mesoamerican civilizations (Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs), cultural corn became possible, and the remains of it formed the basis of highly productive agriculture.

Corn is another grain crop for sale in the world after wheat. The sales leader is the United States of America, followed by countries such as China, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, India, France, Argentina, PAR, Russia, Ukraine and Canada. Grind corn as a valuable food and feed product, vikoryst also as cheese for

medicinal drugs

. Since 1997, genetically modified corn began to be used for commercial purposes, as it became increasingly popular among the world.


Rice (lat. Oryza) It is a cereal crop, a single-river herbaceous plant of the Cereals family. In many Asian countries, the main agricultural crop is the main agricultural crop, leading to wheat. Rice is sometimes called Saracen grain or Saracen wheat.

Rice grains are high in carbohydrates, and they contain very little protein.

In China and the lands of Pedagogical Asia, this culture is the main national product.

  • Remove starch and grain from rice, and remove oil from the germ.
  • Rice is not suitable for preparing bread, but it is used for cooking porridge and baking pies.
  • And use cereal to cook soups, prepare other herbs, and serve as a side dish.

Rice concoctions such as pilaf, risotto and paella have become widely popular, and in Japan, rice cakes are baked and malted for the tea ceremony.

  • In Asia, Africa and America, rice is also harvested for intoxication with alcohol and for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.
  • Papier, cardboard and wicker baskets are made from rice straw.
  • Thinness and birds are eaten with hangers and rice meat. The main varieties of sowing rice are: long-grain rice, the maximum grain size is 6 mm.
  • This rice is deprived of its ingredients after cooking;
  • medium rice - the thickness of the grains is about 5 mm, and the stench due to the color of the plant can become sticky after boiling;
  • Round-grain rice - half of the grains that stick together during the cooking process, 4-5 mm.
  • Depending on the type of mechanical processing after harvesting, rice is divided into:
  • unhulled or unhusked rice;
  • brown or vanilla - rice with a characteristic beige color, which has a pea aroma;

white, or unpolished - the same

brown rice

ale without the top ball; It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. polishing – white rice, cleaning and polishing, and in some countries also enriching with microelements and vitamins; It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. glazing - polishing rice, coating with a ball of talc and glucose; It is a single-river herbaceous dew, which is widely planted in the rural dominion. This is a mind-bending culture that can be successfully cultivated in rural areas. Oats are native to Mongolia and ancient provinces of China, and have been cultivated since thousands of years before our era.

It’s important that they fought with it for the first time, the fragments of wine were noticed by sowing spelt, and then later, when they became visible to his monster feed power, cold oats and spelt.

In Europe, the first traces of the tree were found in Bronze Age settlements in Denmark, Switzerland and France. Pliny the Elder wrote that the German tribes grew oats and ate them, as a result of which the ancient Greeks and Romans disrespected the barbarians, respecting that oats were good only as food for thinness., the least valuable is the black grain, and the red and gray grain is used for fodder.

The largest varieties of honey that are grown and appreciated are Krechet, Talisman, Gunter, Dens, Lgovsky 1026, Astor and Narimsky 943.

Barley It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. Sowing barley, zvichayny (lat. Hordeum vulgare) It is an important agricultural culture, domesticated at the Close Gathering about 17 thousand years ago. There were a significant number of ancient Palestinians, ancient Jews, and all their neighbors.

Barley was the subject of sacrifice, and bread made from barley was considered coarse and more important than wheat, but was considered more healthy. In Europe, barley was consumed from Asia Minor 3-4 thousand years before our era, and in the Middle Ages it was already growing in all parts of the world. And the axis for America, this culture is new, the fragments brought barley from

New light

in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

Barley is a single-flowered herbaceous plant up to 90 cm high, with straight bare stems, flat, smooth leaves up to 30 cm long and up to 3 cm wide with buds on the base of the leaf blade. It is a genus of monofluid and rich herbaceous plants of the Poaceae family. Representatives of the genus are distinguished by their inability to grow in their minds and miraculously tolerate the heat and dryness of the soil. In the nature of Africa, America, Europe and Asia there are approximately 450 species of millet, but the most valuable species is the pearl millet (Panicum milliaceum) –

one-river roslina

originally from Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia.

The Mongols, the inhabitants of Manchuria and ancient Kazakhstan, have been harvesting this rice since ancient times, and before Europe, millet was consumed together with the reign of Genghis Khan.

Millet was also cultivated in India, back in the first millennium BC, and the crop was brought to Iran and the Caucasus.

  • In the Bronze Century, millet began to appear to Greek traders in Europe - in Ugorshchina, Switzerland, Pivdni Italy and Sicily.
  • type of switchgrass, varieties Blue Tower, Cloud Nine, Heavy Metal, Prairie Sky, Red Cloud, Strictum and others.

Decorative cereal plants


Bamboo (lat. Bambusa vulgaris)- Roslina herbaceous plant, a species of the Bamboo genus.

There are about 130 species of evergreens that grow in the wetlands of the tropics and subtropics of Asia, the Americas, Africa and Australia.

Bamboo is the most common of all species of its genus.

The origin of bamboo is extremely unknown, and it is grown in Madagascar, in the tropics of Africa and throughout Skhidny, Pivdenny and Pivdenny-Skhidny Asia.

  • This species is also widespread in Pakistan, Tanzania, Brazil, Puerto Rico and the USA.
  • Since the beginning of the 18th century, bamboo has become a popular greenhouse plant in Europe.
  • Bamboo is a deciduous plant.
  • It has a bright-yellow stem that does not bend, with thick walls and green edges and dark green pubescent leaves that grow at the upper part of the stem.

The height of the growth reaches 10-20 m, and the thickness of the stem can be from 4 to 10 cm. Nodes on swollen stems, up to 20 to 45 cm. Flower bamboo rarely, but once every ten years the entire bamboo population is melting.

The current growth still does not produce, and the fruits are formed very rarely.- A range of rich herbaceous growths, the most common species of which is the wildflower (Phragmites australis), which grows in Europe, Asia, Southern Africa and both Americas near lakes, rivers, stakes and river banks .

You can grow this water-loving plant around the islands and in deserted places, and this is a clear sign that the groundwater lies shallow here.

Ocheret is a rich coastal growth that develops thick, thick and gillous underground rhizomes up to 2 m long. The stems of bamboo are straight, bungy, empty, smooth, bluish-green, up to 1 cm thick. Its stem, its outline, is formed by the ponytails.

The leaves are thick, stiff, long and narrow, linear or lanceolate-linear, which are ruffled to the ends and short at the edges. It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. The leaf width is 5 to 25 cm, the color is gray or dark green. The same cereal growth will continue to reach the Prosovo ridge.

This plant, along with the beetroot, is vicorized to remove the beetroot.

Walk around the plants of this family from the rain-draining part of the Pacific region.

In the wild form, stink occurs in the tropical regions of the Middle East, Southern Africa, China, India, Taiwan, New Guinea and Malaysia.

Tsukrova reed is a very old culture, its name appears in documents in Sanskrit. It is important that the ancient ancestor of this culture was the Pirians. The Chinese were refining zukor from cane as early as the 8th century AD.- a number of herbaceous plants of the Myatlikov family, whose name is created from two walnut words, which mean “petiole, stem” and “kvitka”.

Miscanthus is widespread in the subtropics and tropics of Africa, Asia and Australia.

These are inflexible growths, like some kind of soil, next to important clay.

Do not overcook miscanthus and rehydrate the soil, see the stench in dry places, so as not to grow so much.

  • Miscanthus is a tall plant with a height of 80 to 200 cm, which produces large fluffy turf with erect rhizomes.
  • The stems of miscanthus are erect, the leaves are lustrous, leathery, with stiff linear or lanceolate-linear leaf blades up to 2 cm wide. A very short spine reaches 10-30 cm in depth.
  • Miscanthus is already popular among gardeners.

They decorate the banks with water, they paint them in rockeries and mixborders.

All types of miscanthus emerge during this period of decorativeness, adding to the spirit of spring when their leaves turn into a variety of yellow, burgundy and brown colors. Miscanthus flowers are included in dry bouquets and compositions.

The stems of amaranth are simple, the leaves are whole, the shape is diamond-shaped, egg-shaped or lanceolate, cherous, with a sharp top, and at the base they smoothly turn into a petiole. The flowers grow in bunches in the axils or are formed on the tops of the stems in the form of spicate-shaped mesh. Amaranth fruit - a box of grains.

All parts of the plant are prepared or in

green color

  • , or a purple-red color.
  • When young or dried, amaranth leaves are harvested for preparing hot herbs or for salads.
  • Raspberry grain is a valuable feed for poultry, and greens are for great horned thinness.
  • The silage from the peel has a pleasant apple smell.

Chotiri sees amaranth growing like decorative plants:

fluffy amaranth, or purple amaranth - brown-red amaranth, the shortest varieties of which are Roter Dam, Roter Paris, Zwergfakel, Hot Biscuits, Grune Fakel;

amaranth sumnium or dark.

The finest varieties - Green Tam, Pidzhmi Torch; Amaranth is tailed, which contains a number of decorative varieties.

The most popular varieties are Grünshvants and Rotshvants;

Tricolor amaranth is a decorative foliage plant.

Several varieties of beautiful, pinnate and narrow-leaved plants were introduced into culture for growing in rock gardens and making dry bouquets.

Central Asian species such as mastlifica, longiplutnosa, lipskyi and lingua earn the respect of gardeners and landscape designers.

And the species was forged esparto, because Stipa tenacissima serves as a sirovina for piece stitching and paper. Kanarkovy

Canarkovium (lat. Phalaris) - A range of herbaceous grassy growths, which includes about 20 species, widespread in all parts of the world, including Antarctica. This grass grows both in dry areas and in swamps.


scientific name

Innocent in appearance, but the careless grass was taken in honor of the mythological hero Phalaris, whom the Meshkans elected as king and entrusted to him the temple of Zeus in Agrigentum.

Phalaris, having killed the trust of the townspeople, transformed into a bloodthirsty despot, who promoted cannibalism, devouring the undead and smearing the enemies at the bronze whip, like a brazier.

The Meshkans stood up against Phalaris, and he suffered the share of his enemies - in the smears of the biku. There is only one species of the genus growing in the culture - the double-spring grass (Phalaris arundinacea), or the common grass. Its height reaches one meter, its narrow, dark leaves and inconspicuous, split, spike-like top flowers.

When growing cereals, it is necessary to maintain the correct sowing terms.

Winter varieties of cereals sow at the end of summer and autumn, trying to catch the ear of persistent frosts.

In order to begin growth and development, winter grains require lower temperatures - from 0 to 10 ºC.

4.25 Spring grains undergo the first stages of development at temperatures ranging from 10-12 to 20 ºC, so they grow in the spring.

Winter varieties of cereals are more productive, food elements are more productive, as well as winter and spring stocks of vegetables.

Winter varieties grow after crops that are harvested early, for example, after legumes, as well as in pure fallows.

They shine brighter after drying out, winter, leguminous crops and rich herbs.

The main application of the fertilizer is in the spring, before autumn cultivation: granulated nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are added to the rows.

Spring cereals also require nitrogen or nitrogen-phosphorus stimulation.

At this time, there are a large number of types of cereals available.

The family of Cereals is divided into more than 700 canopies, which contain 11 thousand species of plants.

However, among the most widespread and widely known types of cereals you can see such as wheat, rice, barley, wheat, oats, corn, as well as simply cane and bamboo.

All types of cereal weeds play a significant role in the food industry of all world powers.

Cereal warehouse

Varto notes that cereal crops can grow in different climates and ecosystems. According to scientific research, cereals thrive in the harsh climate of Antarctica. We are talking about the unique power of cereals, which have shown themselves to be resistant to climate change.

As a rule, a chemical warehouse of cereals is rich in a significant number of brown and generally essential for the human body. Due to the unique nature of grains, grains give a pleasant influx to the human body. For these reasons, a large number of cereal crops have long been popular among the people, as a healthy and preventive measure in the fight against various illnesses and illnesses. People actively fight against the grains of cereals in our time. Barkness of cereals Cereal crops are cultivated as fodder plants. In addition, our red power Cereals are used in the pharmacological and cosmetic fields.

Bark grains are brought to people of all ages, so doctors and nutritionists strongly recommend that they most often consume products made from grain plants.

Calculate the calorie content of cereals according to a high level.

There are other plants from which many food products are prepared, such as grains.

Presentation of bread and buns, muesli and corn plastins, baked pies, rice beans, assorted pasta, pizza, polenta and beer - cereal and grain products are indispensable an ingredient in people's food, although we often don't know who it is.

Bread as a function of management

Ancient Rome.

Fresco. Bread seller

How significant the products from cereal grain crops are can be seen in this article from the 10th satire of the ancient Roman satirist Juvenal “Bread of all kinds!”

Juvenal was chosen to describe the policies of the sovereign politicians, who bribed the plebs with distributions of pennies and products, as well as circus events, squealed and seized power from Ancient Rome. The Romans simply ate mainly grain products - porridge and bread.

Famine among the Romans meant that the main food product - grain - had run out, which was evidenced by dissatisfaction and revolt of the population through the marriage of bread and crop failure.

There is no evidence of a food uprising through the marriage of meat, fish or vegetables.

Type of wild grasses to grain crops. Types of cereals Cereals are divided into cultivated (grains) and wild plants (smelly and herbs).

White wheat flour has the best baking power in comparison with other grain crops and is widely used for making bread and various types of baked goods.

This is due to the need for a balanced combination of starch, protein and the so-called gluten (gluten) - the protein substance that binds dough.

Wheat grains, which are made up of skins and steam, are extremely rich in minerals, microelements, valuable proteins and fats.

Most often, stench enters the warehouse of mixed products from various grains and dry foods.


Barley comes from Mesopotamia.

Even the light-palatable herbaceous weed, which is among all grains, is required for a short time before sowing until the grain ripens.

There are also such types of wheat growing in the crop as spelt (English wheat), spelled, emer, Polish, English (or dangerous).

Both the ancient Chinese and the ancient Greeks highly valued barley as a food product for the development of their culture.

Smoother, brighter with a hint of green, the grain lives longer; It is not so rich in vegetable protein, but rather rich in minerals, lower wheat grain..

Grind the rye with a slaughterhouse into borochono for dark vibration

bread of life


Millet is remarkably inflexible and ripples due to strong dryness.

It is possible, therefore, that fine, golden-yellow grains will be present today as the main food products of the African population.

Previously, millet was revered as a symbol of birth and wealth, so millet porridge was traditionally served on the table during celebrations and celebrations when the cob of new grain was brought to the table.

These crisp round grains are rich in vegetable fats, lower wheat, and rich in fat-rich vitamins, protein, minerals and microelements.

Millet grains ripen in their own grains, which form rice, and grow into the grain mainly in the form of cleaned grain - millet, and sometimes in the form of plastics.

Cook porridge for a while, add soup;

For combinations with other cereals, vikorist is added to the prepared bread.

Since it is important for vegetable fats to be present in steamed vegetables, they also contain fat-containing vitamin E, which is present in most corn products.

However, parched corn yields a valuable oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Corn shoots also grow in whole-grain corn borers, which must be kept for 3-4 months from the moment of harvesting, otherwise the vegetable fats contained in them should be fermented And there will be a lot of bitter relish.

Corn is not only the most versatile of all types of cereals, but also the most universal.

It is used in the production of animal feed, milk for American whiskey, olive oil for salads, starch, which is used in soups, sauces, and desserts;

for extracting dextrose, corn syrup, greased corn loaves.

Fresh corn is very popular in the form of boiled corn.

The shell is made of cellulose or viscosity, which does not succumb to over-etching, popularly known as grub fibers, including the fact that the stench of the gut and intestines and, thereby, stimulates pickling.

These balls retain mineral compounds.

Between the bean kernel and the shell of the roasted meat there is a protein ball, where it is important to contain the protein and vegetable fats.

Boroshnisty kernel - tse komora live rechovins for parostok. If the sprouts are due to turbulence due to prolongation of the family, it is due to nature that there is a sufficient supply of living substances and active ingredients, such as proteins, fats, minerals, as well as vitamins B and E. The sprout contains fats, Shvidko become bitter. For this reason, the valuable steam before the harvesting of food products is mainly removed and the whole grain is saved in a whole grain borer.

Old varieties of grain crops


Kamut is an ancient type of wheat that was grown in To Ancient Egypt and confectionery viruses.

Prote is close to 3000 rub. BC That is, they were important to the main grain crops of Central Europe. Emmer, as a relative of durum wheat, has a very hard grain, which is why it has a granular structure.

This is why it is wonderfully suitable for producing eggs without eggs. Shortbread dough It will also be more elastic, like dough for dumplings and waffles.

Yeast bread and sourdough bread especially take a long time to stay fresh.

Einkorn pays tribute to its long-lasting infusions, which is due to its high content of carotene. Einkorn is ideal for plastic drinks and as a side dish for cereals. You can make cakes, baked goods and mlints from yellow, soft beard.

The scraps from einkorn contain little gluten, sopping of the bread is important, and the result comes out extremely moist and juicy.

Two types of wheat were given garni results in research on grub tolerance.

However, there is still no precise medical evidence regarding the stench associated with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) patients.

POLENTA Polenta grains, coarse or fine, are increasingly available for sale. Vaughn plays an important role in Italian cuisine, and in German gastronomy it has found its place in gourmet herbs. old recipe based on durum wheat cereal - complete the labor-intensive task: soak the cereal in salt water and simmer for about 40 pieces over high heat in a special steamer "couscous" or in a card previously placed with a kitchen towel in the steamer, then get out and mix 20 quils per couple.

Nowadays, couscous is often prepared from semolina.

The cereal is sprinkled with salt water;

From the separated mass, grains are formed, which are then sprinkled with dry semolina or beans, after which they are sifted.

Couscous can be eaten with vegetables, spicy seasonings, as well as sweet ingredients such as dates, figs or rodzinki. Lifetime value of one grain of wheat Wheat grain contains an average of 13% protein, 1.9% fat, cellulose, 1.8% minerals, and vitamins.

The largest portion is found in carbohydrates, which are 68% in grains.

All other grain crops are similar to those in stock, but are rich in fat, protein and raw cellulose.

Greatest quantity

Valuable words can be found in everything, and grains that contain a lot of vegetable fats are also found.

Valuable pseudo-cereals


Amaranth is related to the Foxtail genus.

Quinoa is known to be congealed like a whole grain, and it also appears to be rich in additives for muesli.

There are traces of pea flavor and amaranth-like cinnamon in our warehouse.

Cinema is generally regarded as a “life-live”. If the fragments do not belong to gluten, they will be transferred to sick people with celiac disease. Quinoa is cooked like rice and served salty and sweet.


Buckwheat spoils the cereal crop with its grains, but it will lie down to the growths of the buckwheat family.

There is also a lot of growth in the meager lands, and the Fatherland’s land is the pristine Russian steppe.

In Europe, buckwheat has long been forgotten, but now it is growing again in Holland and Germany. Tricky, shiny brown fruits are mixed with valuable protein. The product made from buckwheat is called buckwheat. Buckwheat is enjoyed by hedgehogs as a whole purified grain, beard or plastics. Add buckwheat to cooked bread, soups, porridges, dumplings,

of several types

Kovbas, as well as Mlintsiv and Mlintsiv.

Greek porridge is popular among us right now.

Oleksandra LAPSHINA, specially for Lady-Chef.Ru

Tricky, shiny brown fruits are mixed with valuable protein.

From which section you can select the following power supplies:

What products should be placed before the group of cereals?

Be it food products made from wheat, rice, oatmeal, coarse corn, barley or other types of grain crops and cereal products.

Bread, pasta,

Vivsyan plastivtsi

, dry foods, tortillas (shortbreads with corn or

wheat boroshn

Products made from refined grains are recommended to be enriched.

This means that vitamins of group B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) are added after their processing.

This is especially important for the treatment of illnesses such as anemia.

What products should be placed before the group of cereals?

Oleksandra LAPSHINA, specially for Lady-Chef.Ru

Check the ingredients list on refined grain products to ensure that the word “rich” is included in the name of the grain product.

All food products are prepared from a mixture of whole and refined grains.

These are the cereal products that are most popular in hedgehogs:

Whole grains:

Vysyan is good

plastics made from whole wheat

whole grain barley

whole-grain corn boron coarse pomelu

whole grain wheat

whole wheat bread

whole wheat breads/slices/crackers

Whole wheat pasta

sandwiches, buns and rolls made from whole wheat

tortillas (corn crusts) made from whole wheat

Mensch often uses whole grain cereals:

Quinoya (loboda kino)

triticale (hybrid of wheat and wheat)

Refined cereals:

corn bread

Corn shortcakes

couscous (wheat cereal)

Boroshna shortbread




, dry foods, tortillas (shortbreads with corn or


wheat boroshn


Dry food ready for use:

corn plasticians

sandwiches, buns and rolls

What is the 1st equivalent for cereal products?

Consider, 1 scoop of bread (10 g), 230 g of ready-to-eat dry food or 115 g of cooked rice, cooked pasta or cooked oatmeal can be mixed with 1 whole grain equivalent.

Here is a table to determine the exact quantities that are considered equal to 1 grain equivalent of cereals in relation to the recommended daily diet.

A number of varieties also have a large number of product equivalents in basic portions.

Products that are considered equal to 1 grain equivalent of cereal products

Primary portions and food equivalents

CZ*: whole wheat

OZ*: simple, please add the eggs

1 large bagel = 4 bagel equivalents

Dry oven

(baking soda/buttermilk-OZ*)

1 small (diameter 5 cm)

1 bike (diameter 7.5 cm) = 2 car equivalents

CZ*: 100% Whole wheat

OZ*: white, wheat, thinly sliced, sourdough

1 zvichayny skibochka (10 grams)

1 small, thinly sliced ​​loaf of French bread (baguette),

4 yak-sized containers of whole grain bread for appetizers

2 initial discounts = 2 voucher equivalents

Bulgur (wheat refined)

Crushed wheat (CZ*)

7 square or round crackers

Zdobni buns

Consider, 1 scoop of bread (10 g), 230 g of ready-to-eat dry food or 115 g of cooked rice, cooked pasta or cooked oatmeal can be mixed with 1 whole grain equivalent.

OZ*: simple, from birthmarks

1 bun = 2 cheese equivalents

Consider, 1 scoop of bread (10 g), 230 g of ready-to-eat dry food or 115 g of cooked rice, cooked pasta or cooked oatmeal can be mixed with 1 whole grain equivalent.

OZ*: visivki, wheat, plain

1 small (diameter 6 cm)

1 large (diameter 9 cm) = 3 equivalents

Wheat porridge

115 grams cooked,

1 bag of retail

30 g dry (prepared first or foremost)

CZ*: Whole wheat

OZ*: buttermilk, plain

1 mlinets (diameter 20 cm)

2 small millins (diameter 10 cm)

3 rolls (diameter 20 cm) = 3 equivalents

700 grams, lubricated

1 package for microfiber oven, lubricants = 4 product equivalents

Dry food ready for use

CZ*: lubricated oat groats, plastics made from whole wheat

OZ*: corn and rice plastics

230 grams of plastic or bag

CZ*: unpurified, wild

OZ*: enrichment, whiteness, polishing

115 grams cooked

30 grams dry

230 grams cooked = 2 food equivalents

Pasta spaghetti, macaroni, loxina

Consider, 1 scoop of bread (10 g), 230 g of ready-to-eat dry food or 115 g of cooked rice, cooked pasta or cooked oatmeal can be mixed with 1 whole grain equivalent.

OZ*: rich, from durum wheat

115 grams cooked

30 grams dry

230 grams cooked = 2 vegetable equivalents

Tortillas (Mexican corn cakes)

CZ*: whole wheat, whole corn beans

OZ*: Boroshno, kukurudza

1 small boron tortilla (diameter 15 cm)

1 corn tortilla (15 cm in diameter)

*CZ = whole grains, OZ = purified grains.

More details will be provided if the products can be prepared from both whole and refined grains.

Why is it so important to consume grain products, especially whole grains? A method for eating cereals, especially whole grains, is healthy. People whose healthy diet includes whole grains have a lower risk of guilt

chronic illnesses


Cereals contain a lot of living substances that are important for the health and normal functioning of our body.

Officials Koristi for health

Eating hedgehogs rich in cellulose, such as whole grains, in a healthy child, reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Eating hedgehogs rich in cellulose, such as whole grains, for a healthy child, helps relieve constipation.

Eating at least 3 grain equivalents of whole grains per day may help regulate your grains.

Dietary cellulose from whole grains, as part of a healthy diet, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cellulose is important for the normal functioning of the intestines. It helps fight constipation and diverticulosis. Products that contain cellulose, such as whole grains, appear nutritious with fewer calories.

Whole grains are high in dietary cellulose; most refined grains contain little cellulose. Group B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid) play a key role in the metabolism of nutrients - they help the body in the process of chemical energy release from food lkiv, fat and carbohydrates. Group vitamins are also important for maintaining health

nervous system

. Richly refined grains are often rich in B vitamins. Folic acid, another B vitamin, is necessary for the body to form red blood cells - red blood cells.

Women of childbearing age who have the prospect of becoming pregnant or are in the first trimester of pregnancy need to consume adequate amounts of food to prevent

folic acid