External and internal motivation for staff: the importance of employee management. External and internal motivation: significance, particular formation and factors Long-term motivation for personnel, external and internal



Vadim Subotin, director of the company "Anthropos-consulting"

What kind of workers does your company need?

Highly creative, independent, ready for the most important tasks, filled with work?

But after all, the wise people are quick to follow formal procedures, they want to win and compete, they love honors and material incentives?

Perhaps you would like to dissolve all this rice in your skin and diarrhea?

In principle, any of these options is possible. It is important to correctly and methodically equip personnel selection process.

What are the options? In the first episode there is a strong internal motivation, for the other - external motivation, the third - with high expressions of both types of motivation.

I have already provided internal and external motivation to the staff in articles:

(points 4 and 5);
; .

In this regard, I am focusing on these types of motivation in the report.

Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic motivation ) there is a place, if a person clicks on the right, what she is doing, in itself, is the place; when people feel satisfied with the work process; When the robot gets stuck, it starts to whine and quits, not for the sake of something external (vineyards, honors, etc.), but for the sake of itself.

External motivation (extrinsic motivation ) may be the case if a person is motivated by the “what to know” position instead of work, which is external in relation to her: money, recognition, prestige, etc. Work in which case, in addition, does not particularly detract from anything external in relation to to this day instead of the result.

The research will show (div., for example, Amabile, et al., 1994; Watanabe & Kanazawa , 2009 ), What do people value intrinsic motivation? characterized by such features.

They are rich in independence and independence in setting goals, they want and can achieve without external pressure (without “carrots and cakes”). They have the power to strive to reach the mastery of this right, which they have dedicated to themselves. Not only should you not be afraid, but you should skip the most important tasks, as long as you see them as an opportunity for your professional growth. The stench is locked in the robot. The stench is strong and intoxicating.

On the other hand, people with clearly expressed external motivation

give great significance to how other people evaluate them. We are externally motivated by power, desire to compete, win, overcome. The main goals are to value material incentives (pennies, power). It is important for them to win respect, prestige, glory and fame.

Intrinsically motivated Equally motivated to be more productive in acquiring new knowledge(McCullers & Martin, 1971; Bahrick, Fitts, & Rankin, 1952), at the highest folding intelligent plants(Glucksberg, 1962 ), there may be a higher level of intellect and creativity (creativity)(Amabile, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1987; Amabile & Gitomer, 1984; Amabile, Goldfarb, & Brackfield, 1990; Amabile, Hennessey, & Grossman, 1986; Bartis, Szymanski, & Harkins, 1988; Koestner, Ryan, Bernieri, & Holt, 1984; Kruglanski, Friedman, & Zeevi, 1971 ), they are more similar to the development of a high level of knowledge, they are more similar to professions of the pre-Slednitsky type, they are more similar to literary and creative creativity: to love to write, to enjoy poetry , paint ( Amabile, et al., 1994).

On the other hand, the calls are motivated capable of activity with clearly defined rules, will order the social environment, follow tired procedures and love, if their goals are not to stink themselves, but to someone else.

How are external and internal motivation related to each other? ?

Are there two poles of the same scale: the greater of one, the less of the other, and why it is not possible to simultaneously have high external and internal motivation?

These are independent types of motivation, and all the same are possible: you can have a high level of motivation and these other motivations, a low level of motivation and those, as well as a low level of motivation. Nie and the high level of others?

This is where the food comes in. Show evidence(Amabile, et al., 1994) Since there is a statistically significant correlation between the designated types of motivation each day, it is also safe to assume that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are independent.

However, if a company requires creativity, independence, readiness to take on important tasks, hard work, and aversion to hackwork and incompetence, then choose those who value internal motivation. Iya. If there is a certainty, a knack for quickly following the formation of procedures, the desire and importance of competing and competing, love for honors and material incentives, choose those who clearly have a dominant external motivation. If your company is overpricing everything, look for “mutually motivated” people - those who have both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that are strongly expressed. Such people are the same. On the fourth day possible options(low external and low internal motivation) you hardly want to calm down.

In addition, the importance of internal and external motivation lies in the profession. Just as, for example, an artist-designer and a copywriter simply need internal motivation, then for a sales manager or accountant external motivation is important.

To assess the level of satisfaction, internal and external motivation can be used ( Work Preference Inventory - WPI, Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, Tighe, 1994).


Amabile, T. M. (1979). Effectiveness external evaluation on artistic creativity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 221-233.

Amabile, T. M. (1982). Children's artistic creativity: Detrimental effects of competition in a field setting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 8, 573-578.

Amabile, T.M., Hill, K.G., Hennessey, B.A., Tighe, E.M. (1994). The Work Preference Inventory: Assessing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Vol. 66, No. 5, 950-967.

Amabile, T. M. (1985). Motivation and creativity: Effects of motivational orientation on creative writers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 393-399.

Amabile, T. M. (1987). The motivation to be creative. In S. Isaksen (Ed.), Frontiers in creativity: Beyond the basics(pp. 223-254). Buffalo, New York: Bearly Limited.

Amabile, T. M., & Gitomer, J. (1984). Children's artistic creativity: Effects of choice in task materials. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 10,209-215.

Amabile, T. M. M., Goldfarb, P., & Brackfield, S. (1990). Social influences on creativity: Evaluation, coaction, and surveillance. Creativity Research Journal, 3, 6-21.

Amabile, T. M. M., Hennessey, B., & Grossman, B. (1986). Social influences on creativity: The effects of contracted-for reward. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 14-23.

Bahrick, H., Fitts, P., & Rankin, R. (1952). Effects of incentive upon reactions to peripheral stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 44, 400-406.

Bartis, S., Szymanski, K., & Harkins, S. (1988). Evaluation of performance: A 2-edged knife. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 14, 242-251.

Glucksberg, S. (1962). Drive on functional fixedness and perceptual recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 36-41.

Koestner, R., Ryan, R., Bernieri, F., & Holt, K. (1984). Significant limits for children with running: Various effects of treatment versus information styles on intrinsic motivation and creativity. Journal of Personality, 52, 233-248.

Kruglanski, A., Friedman, I., & Zeevi, G. (1971). Effects extrinsic incentive on the activities of qualitative aspects of task performance. Journal of Personality, 39, 606-617.

McCullers, J. C., & Martin, J. A. G. (1971). Reexamination of the role of incentive in children's discrimination learning. Child Development, 42, 827-837.

Watanabe, S., Kanazawa, Y. (2009).A Test of a Personality-Based View of Intrinsic Motivation.Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Vol. 22, No.2, 117-130.

When quoting this material, a message is sent to the author, the company “Anthropos-consulting” and the site www. anthropos. ru obov'yazkovi.

An important problem in the theory of motivation is the consideration of the diversity of its types. There are different types of motivation: external and internal; motivation is for results and status; positive and negative; Individual and group; motivation and self-motivation. Let's take a look at what is external and internal work motivation.

F. Herzbsrg born in 1957 seeing two types of motivation: internal and external. Prior to internal motivation, there appear to be self-creating factors that influence people, irritating them in their behavior or collapsing with them directly (for example, reliability, independence, the ability to be victorious and rose develop skills and usefulness, usefulness of work, career opportunities).

External motivation- these are the things that work for people, to motivate them, for example, wine, praise, blowing, punishment. And since the most obvious external approaches lead to a fierce and intense influx, and most often last for an uninterrupted hour, then internal officials pour deeper and deeper, leaving power in the people themselves.

External motivation can come in two forms - administrative and economic. Some external motivation is called stimulation. Administrative motivation means the achievement of work from a team, order, etc. From direct addition to specific sanctions for violation of established norms. Economic motivation operates through economic incentives (salaries, dividends). With this view of the motivation of the worker, it is necessary to know what methods can motivate a particular worker to quit his job, clearly and immediately: this may include payment, bonuses, praise, or another type of moral desire.

Intrinsic motivation is a complex process and transmits the formation of a person’s motivational structure. In this case, it is possible to find a psychological way of strengthening the negative aspects of the individuality of the worker and weakening negative factors, for example, reducing the monotony of work. This type of motivation is essential for the manager of great efforts, knowledge and greatness. In virtual activity, resentment and motivation closely interact.

The term “intrinsic motivation” itself was first popularized in the 1950s, when two works appeared - a book by R. Woodworth and an article by R. White.

Intrinsic motivation- Motivation is not related to external circumstances, but to the place of activity itself. This is the type of behavior that arises in the middle of the special self and remains in the middle of behavior. Yak means V.I. Chirkov, “people are driven to activity for its own sake, and not for the sake of reaching any external cities. Such activity is an end in itself, and is beyond the reach of any other goal” 1 .

Examples of internal motivation can be:

  • - Dreaming, self-realization;
  • - Ideas, creativity;
  • - self-dedication;
  • - Conversion;
  • - tsikavist;
  • - health;
  • - I need it, I feel it;
  • - special growth;
  • - Requirement for spilkuvannі.

We can say that internal motivation is very effective, as a kind of end in itself: a person “invests” in any process, and this activity brings him satisfaction.

Due to the internal motivation of a person, it is easy to overcome the difficulties and problems that arise in one’s life until the end and informs all efforts to achieve a successful result. Intrinsic motivation follows tens

In the labor sphere, internal motivation is aimed at developing and encouraging the worker to have a positive attitude towards work. The main tasks of managers are to create such an atmosphere, where high internal motivation of workers can be created.

You can see these warehouses of internal motivation spіvrobitniki:

  • A job is the continuation of a person’s life; it’s where he spends most of his life. This hour may be spent out of satisfaction, and not be seen as hard labor or performing an important duty;
  • a robot can morally satisfy a person, it can obtain the results of its work, its usefulness, its necessity;
  • People at work can understand their social status and authority among their colleagues.

How can you tap into the internal motivation of volunteers?

One of the ways is through the installation of care to your subjects. This influx includes the setting, mood and force, with which care is placed on workers, how their teamwork and interaction develops at the work place, the final decoration, the sequence of actions, the vision Or the principles of care, clear organizational structure, management based on goals and results, recognition of the achieved results, learning before the process of improving management nutrition, the crazy search for mercy, etc.

Another way is through mutual cooperation with the team. There is a lot to be said for the corporate style and corporate culture adopted by the company.

The third way is through social contacts, connections. For example, friends are in an informal setting. Thus, new corporate parties help students from the other side get to know their colleagues in the atmosphere of a Christmas party, which, in turn, allows them to get to know their colleagues from the other side and make their centenary happy.

External motivation - not related to singing activity, but it is influenced by the external furnishings.

External motives are a group of motives in which spontaneous officials lie in a posture of activity. Butts can be used by:

  • - Finance;
  • - kar'era;
  • - Status;
  • - Vlada;
  • - Legal norms;
  • - art;
  • - prestigious speeches (budinok, apartment, car, yacht, etc.);
  • - the possibility of increasing the price.

There are real external motives that add activity by itself, apart from those that come with it (for example, prestige, fame, material well-being), and which is often insufficient for spontaneity to activity.

External motivation lies in the needs of people. In the process of industrial activity, motivation allows workers to satisfy the basic needs of completing their work obligations. We can guess what is needed - this is the human body, which acts as a jerelom її active activity And it is created by a need that includes one hundred items necessary for its purpose 1 . Let's look at the main types of external motives, the basis of which lies in needs, and the core of the activity of the practitioner.

Vlady's motive. The desire of the individual is to attract people, to understand other people and to care for them. Motivation is one of the most important ruinous forces human affairs. The goal is to take a leading position in the group (team). The motive of power occupies an important place in the hierarchy of motives. The lives of rich people are driven to the point of need.

The need for power is to be able to relate to other people, to control their behavior, and also to be ready to act for others. This need is evident in the clay planting. This positively reflects the effectiveness of care. Why is it important to select people based on the expressed needs of the authorities in the villages? Such people have high self-control.

Reach motive. The goal of achieving high results, achieving success in the minds of competition is of great importance for human behavior. The sportsmen, in urgent need, achieve high results from the first day of conquering the task, which will result in a high level of social interaction and good Inter-Socialist Relations 1 . People with a high motivation to achieve will take on the challenge of facing significant problems, set goals for themselves, and take risks to achieve these goals. In addition, you should try to remove the turning point before you finish your job. Successful companies actively seek out such innovations, organizing competitions and negotiations, winning efforts, forming project groups that are entrusted with solving particularly important problems. The motive for achieving results has been widely regarded as the most important factor that influences a person’s work behavior. Workers with such a motive to strive for important goals, to foldable robots, they get an independent, versatile work, and workers with low demands on reach, however, give priority to stable, reliable, transferable sieve aciyam.

Numerical studies have confirmed the connections between strong achievement motivation and real achievement of people in various areas of activity. The American opinion of D. McClelland showed that people who achieve success in difficult situations have a low level of achievement motivation that is significantly higher than the average level. Kerivniki, who successfully worked in the minds of intense competition, had a greater need for access, less successful colleagues. There is also a similar thought - that while the work team has competition, the team is a single organism.

The motive of professional growth and suburban development. Kerivniki can contribute to the motivation of their clients, responding to their needs in professional life and gardening. Professional development promotes the motivation of employees and their commitment to the organization, ensures flexibility in management, and also creates a pleasant climate in the organization.

With increasing qualifications and emerging new skills and knowledge, specialists become more competitive in the market and gain additional opportunities for professional growth as the center of their organization, so and her pose. Professional development also contributes to the advanced intellectual development of a person, expanding their erudition and knowledge, increasing their self-efficacy.

Motif of a material wine-growing area. System of material wine-growing for money, cream salary and bonuses (bonuses), which may include pension savings, profit sharing, childcare (for a doctor or child), payment for medical insurance, payment mobile connection, without a hundred items for dressing a booth or a car, without expenses, payment for the travel of healthcare workers, payment for the repair of a healthcare worker, etc. Money, as an external motive that prompts action, is a strategically important point for most people, and not in I'll stay with you as the world recognizes the significance of their contribution to success.

Current high-tech companies are wary of the emergence of new orientations - motives, related to the development of Internet technology and to new generations of spivrobіtniks. Traditional external incentives have become increasingly important. A new word appeared - "Gamization», new approach to the motivation of current young athletes, who are aware of the widespread stagnation in Japan. The term wine itself was coined in the United States in the other half of 2010, when the results of a new marketing move launched by various companies were analyzed, which resulted in social media and gaming factors: the replacement of primary premiums for sportsmen was promoted a desiring alternative has fallen - the participation of the Merezhevy spіlnotі with its own system of bonuses, interactive and live contact with the distributor. Enthusiasts contributed to the success of this new frontier in the development of humanity, and the psychologist Gabe Sichermanp became an ideological advocate and a key figure in the promoted idea of ​​integrating elements of the people in all spheres of life, voting for the people of the new achievement - "Game Series". New trend becoming a noticeable phenomenon in the world. Dossit say what is going on Gsummit- great international forums dedicated to gamification. On one Gsummit New York, for example, has a representative Microsoft Sarah Faulkner brought up the high level of popularity of what until 2015. half of the largest companies on the planet will be gamified.

It is correct to infuse people with external motivation to motivate them to grow, motivate them to the point of achieving high results, both for the student himself and for the entire company.

  • Div: Armstrong M. Practice of human resource management / prov. from English; ed. S. K. Mordovina. 10th kind. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.
Internal and external motivation for staff

Motivation is an invisible part of any work activity. Proper stimulation of neuropathologists great care completely allows every person to realize their interests and complete their work plans. Of course, a skin care professional knows that there are different types of motivation, as well as external and internal incentives to work, and what it specifically means, and how to properly implement motivation into business, not everyone knows and bosses. Skin care can increase staff productivity and increase sales. Competently stimulating workers will help direct people where they need to go and bring profit to businesses. If you know what you need to know for the skin sales manager, you can choose trivals and paddocks with the team.

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Features of motivation

For the successful operation of any business, internal and external motivation for the staff is necessary. Please note that these foods are dealt with by qualified personnel officers who can find an individual approach to each person. The first step is to grow, which is an incentive to achieve clear work for a particular practitioner. What matters is material and non-material motivation. It is therefore important to awaken your inner drive, rather than forget about the external motivation that brings your own positive qualities.

What are the types of motivation?

The external motivation of the military personnel transfers the stagnation of the former officials to the staff. You can see the types of motivation for staff - material and non-material incentives.

Material factors include the following:

  • Additional bonuses;
  • Bonuses;
  • Quarry growth.

This method will really be effective for a single person or a small team. However, as time goes by, if you take away such material benefits, you will obviously need to take away even more premiums and bonuses, or, for example, reaching the next stage career gatherings and an increase in salary. The intangible type of benefits conveys an emotional desire to the workforce. This option is ideal for sharing with any team. The result is the self-esteem of the entire team and the performance of the work. This motivation is related to the professional approach and is divided into types of personnel motivation. The first option is if the professional creates comfortable work, while for the other, an effective job can guarantee, for example, career growth.

What is an internal stimulus?

Internal motivation is aimed at self-development of the student, achievement of goals, realization of creative potential and application of new knowledge. It is important to note that this stimulation lasts for a long time. It is also necessary to ensure that these forms of dough are knitted one after another. This means that the external factor encourages the enemy to reach the target, and the internal factors have a destructive force.

Motivation tools

One of the most powerful methods of getting a team to succeed is to recognize its success. Therefore, the boss is responsible for marking and marking the work of successful spies and putting them in the butt. Also, the ceremonial worker at the gatherings is responsible for the last month. In wealthy companies, this is a strong tradition and a very positive incentive. This is also an effective tool that supports special growth. It’s not easy to earn money, it’s enough to create a strong mind for growth and conduct training, such as starting courses to improve your qualifications.

Of course, there are no factors or methods that contribute to labor activity. Below is a list of the main tools used to motivate staff:

  • Command robot;
  • Want to reach the correct location;
  • The importance of each member of the team and the recognition of this fact on the job;
  • Setting singing goals.

Why do police officers work so badly?

According to statistics, very few bosses are satisfied with their employees and the result of their work. No matter what company you have, it will never be successful. There are a number of main reasons why healthcare workers dishonestly commit their duties:

  • Due to the constant stress in the work itself, as a result of work activity, it is no longer necessary to go to work with the attitude and invest in all 100 hundred thousand; And the professional worker does not realize his importance among the team;
  • There is no clear understanding of how the salary is formed, how the bonus is collected and based on which indicators an additional bonus is accumulated;
  • The importance of professionalism in the team (specialists need to conduct training and beginners begin working with clients). Therefore, after the kernel has identified the reasons why the team does not work intensively, then install a motivation system. And it’s no secret that the most effective motivation is penny motivation.

The correct choice of personnel you want

It is important for any management to immediately understand that some incentives are being undermined by this or that other worker. Therefore, when choosing a motivation system, it is so important to navigate the team and understand the skin condition. The boss needs to consider the reasons for the lack of interest in the work of the staff for additional questionnaires and training. These results will help to understand which principles of incentives are suitable for stimulating these practitioners. The varied goals and plans of people, the zeal for enlightenment and the devotion of the practitioner mean vikoristanya different types motivation for staff:

  1. Material incentive;
  2. non-material motivation for staff;
  3. Motivation of the team leader. \

First of all, it is necessary to formulate a strategy that can be slightly protected, but not entirely used by the practitioner. In addition, there are currently a lot of books in store police for the effectiveness of personnel management. Specialized literature has been collected for the sake of methods, after cessation of which the company will have some changes.

Problems and options for a more comprehensive personnel motivation system

Feeding the incentive of workers before work enhances the work force in all areas of activity. For personnel management, it would be effective to focus on current methods of motivation. In addition to the penny incentive, it is recommended to use the so-called additional points and bonuses. In this case, the Vikonanny plan will be similar to the gru. The method is to create comfortable activities for people that will stimulate them to achieve maximum income. Before introducing such an alternative method of motivation, make sure that it is suitable for the entire team.

Below are the costs of a successful salary payment system for sales personnel:

  • Fixed payment per month - salary;
  • A hundred percent of the income gained by the enterprise is like fate.

This is just one of the applications for stimulating the respiratory tract. And in a particular case, the motivation is directed towards achieving and winning a cash bonus. And this, in its turn, encourages people to work more intensively, without spending the earned premiums earlier. There are options to pay thousands of bonuses or quarterly bonuses. What to do in the leather company is decided by the boss himself in charge of all business. It is important to remember that the manager, having created a plan to achieve success, will definitely want to repeat it again.

© Kostyantin Baksht, General Director of Baksht Consulting Group.

The shortest method Quickly master and implement technology in the field of sales - follow K. Baksht's training on sales management "Sales System".

The statistics are clear about internal and external motivation. Find out how each type of motivation works. Experts will tell you how knowledge of the conductive motive will help you treat the spivrobitniks.

Here you will find out:

Motivation for staff

Test of the world of achievement motivation from the experts of “System Personnel”

What is internal and external motivation?

There is a classification of types of motivation: material-intangible, positive-negative, individual-group.

External motivation- is not connected with the local activity, but is influenced by any external environment.

An example of external motivation

Intrinsic motivation-Connected with the local activity, and not influenced by external circumstances.

An example of internal motivation

Experts in the field of personnel management have noted that in the most difficult tasks, if there is great importance and consistency in repeating similar actions for a long time, external motivation is more effective. The more you pay, the better the result.

When successful, creative tasks are completed, external motivation ceases to exist and a lasting, negative effect can occur. Pay more - the result is worse.

No. 4. The motive of the material wine garden

Spivrobitniks with this ruinous motive are engaged in the right especially in order to take away the wine from the city and avoid punishment.

Yak keruvati: Understand that the very thing that motivates the division of groups among your staff is desire and punishment. Emboss on this motif. Amateurs will want to achieve the results you need for the sake of a bonus or advancement. And the police officers, who are committed to punishment, will make sure not to earn a fine and not to cancel the punishment.

How does intrinsic motivation work?

Internal motives exist in external settings, but in the middle of the people themselves. Applications of internal motives - self-assertion, continuity, special growth, persistence and play.

For professional workers with a high internal motivation for work - prolongation of life, which can make them morally satisfied, professional workers need to understand the necessity and benefit of their work, so that the results are right ci. Let's look at the main types of internal motives and how they are related to this and other leading motives.

No. 1. Gris motif

The people whom work inspires are more productive than those who are tired of it. The basis of this motive is simplicity and aptitude for experimentation. Nowadays, pottery workers love grati. Nutrition, what games you demonstrate and what their results are.

Yak keruvati: turn on the element gris for the robot.


Yak seriously ne zavdannya recreate on the ground , The expert tells the magazine “Director and Personnel”. The statistics have a lot of applications, cases and valuable results from the HR departments of leading Russian companies.

No. 2. Methi motif

A sports worker works more productively if the results of his activity are avoided with his special transformations. For whom the work process may not be suitable. Golovne is a worker for the same result as the company.

Yak keruvati: set your goals correctly. The smells are great, meaningful, emotional and logical.

Valentin Timakov, intercessor general director from the staff of IBM (Russia and SND)

. This develops better training!

No. 3. Motive for potential

For a student with this clear motive, the goal is self-improvement, professional growth and the realization of one’s potential.

Yak keruvati: Propose to the student the availability of the job and the ability to take it as a responsibility. Give him the opportunity to advance his qualifications and learn new skills. It is noted that good mentors emerge from such spivrobnitniks. The best way to improve your skills is to teach them to others.

Olena Belikova, director of personnel at RED

We have formulated a program, behind which the frontiers will begin to follow the newcomers. Mentors are selected from qualified sellers who have all the necessary competencies. At the end of the day, new practitioners are starting to learn. If the mentee demonstrates his goodness, a bonus is paid to the mentor. Since a newbie’s skill increases significantly after his or her apprenticeship, the mentor is promoted to change administrator.

External motivation is not related to the work place, but is inspired by external officials - material desire, power, achievement, honor. Intrinsic motivation is associated with the work itself and is supported by internal factors - realization of potential, self-confidence, dedication and play. Maintaining a balance between internal and external motivation is ensuring effective work for staff.

The correct choice of tangible and intangible types of motivation for personnel in an organization guarantees stable and effective work. How do you engage people effectively? How do factories lie? How to ensure a personal approach to motivation? Read about it in our article.

Motivating staff: basic theories that translate into practice

Motivation (from the Latin “Motus” - goal-directed movement, action) is the warehouse of the underground corporate culture of enterprise. This is a system of methods that is being developed in the company to encourage employees to work effectively with full self-sacrifice. In this case, the development of a system of motivation for personnel, if carried out competently, allows the employer to achieve strategic goals and implement development plans, and for workers to gain satisfaction with their work activity. There are a number of theories that can be used to interpret and predict the behavior of doctors in various situations.

Maslow's theory of needs

The author of this psychological theory of motivation is the American researcher A. Maslow. Visual inspiration was found in Maslow’s pyramid, which is the hierarchy of human needs and values.

Like Maslow, people are constantly aware of all the needs that can be found in a singing group to form a pyramid. It is based on the elementary basic needs of powerful people: the world, the world, sex, carelessness, etc. In addition, since basic physiological needs are satisfied, it is not a motivating official. People have such needs, of all things. Consume for what it's worth high ranks They can be satisfied only after they are satisfied with the consumption of their lower rivals. These stench are closely related and incompatible with each other.

Most people place the most importance on values, warehouse bases and pyramids. They need insurance to formulate rich motivation systems for staff.

Alderfer's EGR demand theory

The model of the hierarchy of human needs according to Clayton Alderfer consists of three levels:

  • consume sleep;
  • Require interaction and connections;
  • Require special growth.

Regardless of its similarities with Maslow's theory, this model is distinguished by the fact that the equals represented in it are equivalent and have the same value. In this case, the hierarchy is focused on the level of promotion from specific and basic values ​​to more simple ones.

McClelland's theory of improved performance

This model of motivation for the staff of the American psychologist David McClelland divides all needs into three groups: needs for control, needs for success and needs for respect. It is important to remember that the basic needs of people are already satisfied, but a spontaneous spontaneous motive may prevent them from achieving the most basic needs. All your needs are equal and interconnected. This is consistent with McClelland's theory that people who achieve success set a high standard for themselves.

Victor Vroom's theory of recovery

It is based on the postulate about what people collect, how to do it consistently before the predicted inheritances. In this case, a positive result is a motivating factor, and a negative result is a demotivating factor. Consistent with this theory, by combining this type of behavior, people will achieve the desired result.

Motivation of the personnel, who are clearly dedicated to the work assigned to them, is carried out in accordance with the needs. For some this is praise, for others it is the possibility of further career growth. The strongest driver of motivation and delegation is the importance of re-importance, which allows you to effectively complete the job.

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg proposed to divide human needs into two types: hygienic and motivational. It is hygienic to meet basic, physiological needs. People will not be satisfied with the work, since hygiene factors are either constant or insufficient. But in itself their manifestation is also not initial. The lack and absence of motivating officials does not lead to dissatisfaction with the work. If the smell is present, satisfaction and motivation to move forward.

There are a lot of theories that provide a psychological basis for motivating staff. Apart from the universal approach, neither theorists nor practitioners can prove it. For a specific skin condition, it is necessary to act in accordance with the situation and real needs, which can become an effective tool for promoting work enthusiasm.

Types of motivation for staff

Motivating staff at work is a process of continuously promoting high productivity. The complex of approaches that forms this system is not a dogma - it is constantly updated, adapted to the minds of the market of a specific production. Developing a system of motivation for personnel at the enterprise and maintaining it in the current state is a priority in the personnel policy. Every company is directly focused on increased profitability, so that its specialists work with maximum efficiency for the lowest cost.

Highly motivated staff allows:

  • satisfy the basic needs of healthcare workers;
  • promote loyalty, engagement and remuneration among staff;
  • formulate a well-functioning team, every member of which will pay attention to the results of their work;
  • reduce the flatness of the frames, move their frames closer to the light of day;
  • reveal the talents and potential of the skin stimulant;
  • secure the minds so that the skin practitioner can implement their professional knowledge and special berries new peace.

Methods of motivating staff can be divided into three groups:

1. Organizational

This group includes ways to motivate staff, ensure a unified system of incentives that are relevant to all members of the work team, group. Before such motivating elements there is a social package, a system of benefits and compensation, and additional payments. social guarantees The most favored groups of students, victorious in the grading system, will want bonuses.

2. Diagnostic

This group of incentives includes “pilots” of types of motivating approaches, which are temporarily stored in control groups, using the method of assessing their performance. What matters is that if, with the help of tangible incentives, significant results can be achieved, they will be included in the internal system of motivation for personnel in the enterprise.

3. Individual

This group uses the same methods that are aimed at increasing the motivation of other workers. Most often, they are used to stimulate the work of ceramic workers of various levels, unique specialists and small groups who work on the project on a time-hour basis.

Motivation comes in two types: internal and external. Internal – a complex of incentives and motives, inspired by the special characteristics and circumstances of the practitioner. External - spontaneous motives that flow into a person’s life, for example, a system of incentives that exists in business. In practice, we see such types of motivation for staff, both material and intangible. Let's take a look at what types of motivation are given to each of these types.

Types of material motivation for staff

The survey, which is carried out among working Russians, confirms that for most people the main motivating factor is not paying for work. A person's salary reflects their ability to operate in the market. And since people respect that they take away unfairly little for their work, their motivation will be low and they will have to work hard - nothing, even to the point of sabotage.

In addition to salary, which is a permanent warehouse, before material incentives, there is a premium portion of payments

These can be:

  • bonuses for specific results for the singing period – quarter, year, river. The worker's bonus can be withdrawn individually or from the warehouse team, which is achieved according to the plan or the conclusion of assignments has been completed before the deadline;
  • allowances for those guaranteed for certain categories of labor legislation. The employer has the right to independently establish such allowances, for example,
  • surcharges for a number of professions, mentoring activities, and professional functions that go beyond the boundaries of official duties;
  • one-time bonuses for completed projects under the hour of completing a major contract or launching a project.

In order for the system of material incentives to become an active tool for increasing productivity, the principles of the division of the variable part may be clear and reasonable, tied to specific evaluation parameters. The lack of clarity in the distribution of penny grapes reduces the motivation of the staff and destabilizes the team. The result is an increase in the length of personnel and a decrease in productivity.

Types of non-material motivation for staff

Vіdsutnіst financial capabilities does not mean that customer service does not provide mechanisms for increasing staff motivation. Neither high salaries nor bonuses guarantee stable and challenging work. Moreover, within an hour the stench begins to go away as soon as possible. Current trends in motivation management are based on a wide range of additional intangible incentives.

In addition to comfortable physiological and psychological minds and a disturbed corporate culture, experts point to real motivating factors:

  1. a system of gifts and greetings, which signify significant dates and events that are received from families of doctors;
  2. Development and learning, if the robot seller pays additional education, advanced training;
  3. have a place to recuperate, where students can comfortably drink some kava and sit in a calm environment;
  4. organization the call of the bell, if the practitioners are given the opportunity to express their thoughts to the potter, rejoice at them;
  5. personification, which means that workers are given personal privileges for special merit - a separate office located in the parking lot in front of the office, a sign with a designated name and a seat on the work table;
  6. The benefits that all the sick people hope for. For example: a social package, payment for health care and emergency services to workers and members of their families, organization of catless food, payment of transport costs;
  7. corporate visits – long trips to nature, professional exhibitions, sports events between teams.

It is not possible to discount from the shells no less important factors of negative motivation, such as:

  1. reduction in bonuses;
  2. disciplinary restrictions;
  3. This is due to the provision of corporate benefits and compensation.

With fair and well-established stagnation methods, it is also easy to achieve the goal of establishing corporate and corporate discipline and subordination.

Motivation for personnel in the organization

Procedures for recruiting, forming and implementing motivation systems for personnel are regulated by personnel documents, for example, regulations on personnel policy or about the staff. Pardon for the important behavior of people is conveyed and accepted under the rules. There are no applications, if the solutions of others are created by eliminating logic, and if they are grounded with evidence and knowledge of people. Therefore, the more detailed analysis of the factors of motivation is given, the more effective it will be to eliminate the problem. From now on, and then regularly, conduct a test with the background of the motivational profile of S. Rich and P. Martin.

The test will help identify those factors that may represent a different level of importance for each person. The results of the research are used to develop organizational and individual motivation programs. Analysis of all tests will help to identify which tangible and intangible types of motivation for staff will be most suitable for most employees. By unraveling the complex of motivational approaches, check out the evidence of the enterprises that operate in the sphere.

Adhere to the following principles:

  1. The system really wants to be insightful and intelligent, based on Chinese estimates.
  2. Vikorist clear evaluation criteria, miss the majority of respondents.
  3. If you ensure the information accessibility of the system, information about them can be expanded promptly at all levels.
  4. Doctors may wish to withdraw immediately after positive results.
  5. Consider that the motivating factor is not the increase in salaries, but the payment of a small part of the salary - bonuses and bonuses.
  6. Don’t set the salary and bonus levels before you take up the position - as the clerk consistently shows garni results, this city's wine is supposed to be great.
  7. The payment of the replacement part may be considered as a mandatory addition to the salary, and its amount must lie directly under the labor contribution of the worker.
  8. Vikorist the advantages that the system of intangible desire provides. These incentives often produce no less results than a penny.
  9. Personalize your desire to look at the achievements, consumption, culture and national culture of the Siberian Republic.

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