Supreme Court Lebediv V'yacheslav Mikhailovich.

Repair and self-development Born on September 14, 1943 near Moscow. 1968 Rock ended Faculty of Law Moskovsky
sovereign university
M.V. Lomonosov for his specialty in legal studies.
Since 1969 - engineer in the human resources department, the salary of the Golovyugprombud Ministry of Industry of the USSR, Moscow.
Since 1970 - people's judge of the Leningrad District People's Court, Moscow.
3 1977 - head of the Zaliznichny District People's Court, Moscow. Since 1984, he has been the intercessor of the head of the Moscow City Court..

Since 1986, the head of the Moscow Municipal Court.
Z lipnya 1989 roku – Head to the Supreme Court
Russian Federation
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Lebedev: - Honorary Doctor of the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines (2006);– Honorary Doctor of Sofia University, Bulgaria (2007);
- Doctor "Honoris causa"
National University
"Odessa Law Academy" (2011);
- Honorary Professor at the Ibero-American University (2012);
- laureate of the Great Legal Prize "Themis" 1998, Russia;
- In 2000, a book by V.M. was published.

Lebedev “The formation and development of ship ownership in the Russian Federation”; - one of the authors of the comments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;- author of a publication published in 2004 as a beautiful Russian book on the history of ship ownership in the nomination “Jurisprudence and Law”, “Ship ownership in Russia: history, documents” in six volumes;

This work has been designated more than once by the ranks and sovereign towns.

In 1998, he was awarded the sovereign order "FOR MERIT TO VICHINA" III degree.

On September 14, 2003, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for significant contributions to the appreciation of Russian justice and extensive work, he was awarded the Order "FOR MERIT TO HIC" II degree. In 2012, a number of people were awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In 2013, a number of people were awarded the Order "FOR MERIT TO THE VICHINA" IV degree.
On September 14, 2008, the Order of the President of the Russian Federation for services to significant legality and extensive summative service was awarded with an Honorary Certificate of the President of the Russian Federation.

January 12, 2008, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation and

great contribution

the developments of the democratic foundations of the Russian Federation are deafening.

In the spring of 2013, the Order of the Russian Federation was awarded the P.A. Stolipin medal.

I stage. Vyacheslav Lebedev photography In 1960, Lebedev began working as a student at the Moscow Drukarny No. 8.

At that time, the Moscow plant of reinforced concrete pipes was in charge, and until 1969 it worked as a metalworker. In 1968 (according to other data, in 1969) Lebedev completed his evening studies at the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. In 1969-1970, Lebedev worked as a legal adviser to the Head Directorate of Industrial Work in the Pivdenniye Regions (Golovyugprombudu) of the Ministry of Industrial Work of the USSR. For other data, you are officially a human resources engineer. Already in 1970, Lebedev was elected judge of the Leningrad District People's Court of Moscow, and in 1977, he became the head of Zaliznichny

district court

In the spring of 1993, the Lebedevs took part in the working commission to further examine the presidential draft of the Constitution and submit it to the Constitutional People.

Apparently, he was an adherent of the idea of ​​enshrining in the basic law of the state the right of members of the Supreme and Great Arbitration Courts of Russia to act through legislative initiatives.

In fact, such a situation was enshrined in the law of the region adopted in 1993. Most days It was intended that Lebedev

long time ago

It was fortunate that the situation would be unique if the Supreme Court had the opportunity to act as an arbitration authority for the analysis of political conflicts.

For Volodymyr Putin, elected President of Russia in 2000, Lebedev also saved his seat and, according to experts, “never allowed the authorities to doubt his loyalty.”

According to Novaya Gazeta, “historic decisions of the courts, which are associated with great politics,” for example, the great head of the Yukos nafta company, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment for charges from the shahray and non-payment of taxes, there were no connected with the husband's testimony to the Supreme Court.

At the end of 2007, Lebedev's successors ended in 2007, having first taken part in the competition to nominate the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for the competitive selection of candidates for planting ships was established back in 2001. The election turned out to be uncontested, and there were no other candidates for the seat, Vedomosti reported in 2007. The newspaper emphatically stated that the most qualified board of judges (VKKS) will continue Lebedev’s reinstatement.

However, as it turned out, Lebedev was not the only candidate: the lawyer of the Moscow Regional Chamber of Lawyers, Oleksandr Savchuk, also submitted his application, giving preference to Lebedev against the VKKS. On the 15th of 2007, President Putin presented Lebedev’s candidacy to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the 6th Council of the Federation, and the majority of votes supported the nominated candidacy. According to the posters, it would be impossible to win against such a rival as Lebedev.

Prote, the political scientists proclaimed, having played their role in this respect, it does not deprive the authority of the head of the Armed Forces as a professional.

Lebedev - Doctor of Law, professor, author of 50 scientific and other works on the problems of development of ship ownership in the Russian Federation, as well as low scientific and methodological developments. Lebedev was called one of the ideologists of ship reform: the development and development of his contributions, as well as the formation legislative base

justice in Russia and revitalization of the institution of jury trials

For his “distinguished contribution to the valuable work of the Russian justice system,” Lebedev was awarded the title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation” (since 1993), as well as awarded the Order “For Services to the Republic of Crimea”, III degree (Serpen 1998) that II stage (Serpen 2003).

Talking about his burials, Lebedev said that he deserves jazz and theater.

In addition, he has been a fan of the Torpedo football club since childhood.

Born near Moscow.

Starting from the 17th century, we first studied as a cutter at Drukarny No. 8 of the State Standard of the Central Statistical Office of the SRSR, and then as a metalworker at the Moscow Plant of Reinforced Concrete Pipes. Having immediately started at the evening department of the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University. After his completion in 1969, he continued to work as an engineer in the personnel department, the salary of the Head of the Ministry of Industrial Development of the SRSR. In 1970 Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was elected people's judge of the Leningrad district of Moscow. This planting took place until 1977. At this time, he was the head of the Zaliznichny District People's Court of Moscow.

V. M. Lebedev was awarded the Order "For Services to the Batkivshchyna" 3rd degree.

You have been given the honorable title of “Honoured Lawyer of the RRFSR.” May have the highest qualification class. Let us now marvel at how things turned out after the breakup

Radyansky Union

  1. from the prosecutor's office.
  2. Here the first individuals changed as often as in the Russian Ministry of Justice.
The honor of becoming the first Prosecutor General of the RRFSR, and also of the Russian Federation, went to U.R. Stepankov.

More on the topic Vyacheslav Mikhailovich LEBEDEV (b. 1943), Head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation:

The table of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is equal to the division of their competence in the sphere of recognition of unconstitutional and illegal normative legal acts § 12. The place of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the system of courts of foreign jurisdiction. Renewal of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Oleksandr Gelogaev On the right, Zirinov can be “destroyed”? The completion of the trial of the “christened father of Anapi” by United Russia deputy Sergei Zirinov could cause a scandal and a headlock to the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev.

Aja, just a little bit, Lebedev can give Zirin his fate.

After the death of the leader of the “Kushchov OZU” Serhiy Tsapok

Krasnodar region

“The damned father Anapi” is kidnapped by the head of ZS Vyacheslav Lebedev?

It’s a pity that the “dissolution” of Zirinov’s report seems even more real, from the beginning they said that the trial would be smooth, and the trial over the head of the “Anapskaya RAM” could take place in Moscow, so as to avoid the influx of the Judicial Partnership Cube Any from the side of local authoritative people.

However, Zirinov was not only deprived of his rights in the Krasnodar Territory, but he was not yet convicted.

Sergiy Zirinov

Why, if the organizers of the “Kushchevskaya RAM” have long been convicted, the transfer leader of the “Anapskaya RAM” is still downloading the materials of the case and is clearly not in a hurry to go to trial?

Indeed, Pan Zirinov is considered to be the most important patron of the Russian judicial system.

For example, behind the information of the Yabloko party, the main support and guarantee of the boundless capabilities of Deputy Zirinov, he had close friendly and business ties with the head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Lebedev.

(archived message) According to the testimony of Anapa residents, Lebedev is planning to build on the birch of the Black Sea and control Zirinov’s beach-hotel complex Yacht Club “Zolota Bukhta”. Who do Lebedev and Voloshin like in Sochi? Moreover, as the press writes, Zirinov’s procedural actions are already taking shape through his acquaintance with the head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Lebedev. For information, Vyacheslav Lebedev checks in at the Zolota Bukhta Hotel, which is “supervised” by Sergiy Zirinov.

ZMI confirms that at the hour of the visit of the head of the Supreme Court, the beach of “Golden Bay” is taken under protection and is blocked.

Other judges have repeatedly spoken about Lebedev’s bias until the end in Sochi. For example, Vasil Voloshin, who was at the head of the Moscow Regional Court, rode off Sochi on a scandalous court boat. Dmitro Novikov

, suspicions among

land frauds

However, it’s important to be kind to Lebedev’s friends, and not just to Novikova, Egorova, Voloshin, etc. Take, for example, the intercessor of the head of the Supreme Court Vasily Nechaev

, whose candidacy was recently confirmed by a special qualifications board (SCC) when the judges were elected to the Supreme Court.

On April 19, 2014, it became known that the Special Qualification Board of Judges appointed Vasil Nechaev as the head of the judicial panel of the civil rights of the new Supreme Court. He will be the only contender for this place. It is in fact Lebedev, who is struggling with his influx into the ship’s capacity, taking and “putting” Nechaev on the seat of the head of the ship’s panel at the civil rights of the ZS. Why does Lebedev help Nechaev so much? Let us believe that Nechaev is not less than encouraging the rich friendly connections with the head of ZS, and also creating the right “tandem” with the deputy

State Duma and the founder of the legal company "YUST" Volodymyr Pligin

, which has a reputation as a “virishnik”.

It is clear that Pligin and Nechaev gave a whole lot of service to the head of Oschadbank

German Gref

, and were also involved in the process of “dispossession” of lands during the implementation of projects for the development of cottage settlements near Barvisa near Moscow - the village of Zhukivka.

Voloshin is right?

Let’s face it, history will tell you that in 2012 a group of developers decided to “delight” a little bit of land for themselves in Zhukivtsi in a very original way.

It is important to say that Voloshin has forgotten at Ho, ale Gan, due to the miraculous organization of a safari for safe gentlemen on elephants and lefts!

Let us believe that the fate of the safari itself was the main reason for the head of the Moscow Regional Court to travel to Africa.

It’s clear that this is only the version, but it’s too much!

Top of the pyramid

However, who allows Voloshin to “carry away” the shipping system of the Moscow region for so long and take the fate of the “division” of expensive lands of the Odintsivsky district?!! In order to reach the dubious decisions of the Odintsovo Municipal Court and the Moscow Regional Court, they are hiding behind the head of the State Service and Personnel Department of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) Viktor Khristenko and the intercessor of the director of the FSSP Tetyana Ignatieva. Voloshin himself most often declares that the most controversial acts are accepted by him after the orders of the fire - from the ZS, and there the order was given by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Just a little bit, from the sun's head

Igor Borisenko

    , nicknamed “Rishaloy”, this is how Voloshin’s interests come to fruition.

    In addition, it seems that from Vasily Mikhailovich the informal vertical stretches directly to the intercessor of the head of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, the head of the ship's board of the civil right, Vasily Nechaev. Also, it seems that Pan Lebedev has created the right mutual responsibility in the middle of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which means that as long as the Supreme Court is in charge, the situation will not improve in any way...

    Wikipedia has articles about other people named Lebedev, Vyacheslav.

    Lebedev, V'yacheslav Mikhailovich (sings) (1896-1969) engineer, sings, prose writer, translator. Lebedev, V'yacheslav Mikhailovich (judge) (nar. 1943) Head of the Supreme Court ... ... Wikipedia Head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

    born on September 14, 1943. near Moscow;

    Having graduated from the Faculty of Law of MDU im.- Biography of Vyacheslav Lebedev Head of the Supreme Court of Russia Vyacheslav Lebedev, having suffered in an accident near Ghana and having been taken to the military hospital near the capital of the region Accra, transferred to Agence France Pres last Tuesday with instructions to… Head of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

    1 Views 1.1 Lebedev, A 1.2 Lebedev, B 1.3 Lebedev, G ... Wikipedia

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