Cake made from gingerbread and sour cream without whipping.

Cooking This is the recipe what a story . I think I have a dozen gingerbreads lying around.

One day to lie down, another to eat, no one is there, it’s a shame.

I thought about the recipe for a “Student” cake, which is based on gingerbread and

sour cream


There were a couple of bananas in the refrigerator and, surprisingly, half a chocolate bar.

Ingredients for a cake without whipping:

  • Cake made from gingerbread and bananas with sour cream. We cut the gingerbread into cross halves. Banani cut into middle rounds; Beat sour cream with cucumber using a mixer or whisk until the crystals are broken. For the eggplant cream, you can add a couple of spoons of cocoa or coconut flakes, which you can find at the booth. You can add chopped peas or candied fruits to the popsicle cream, it will be more tastier;
    • Place half gingerbread cookies and circles of bananas into the balls, pouring sour cream over the skin. Pour excess cream on top, sprinkle with gingerbread crumble and grate with chocolate. Place in the refrigerator for 4-6 years to soak. We have this recipe!
  • Prepare and delight your loved ones with the most delicious dumplings and dumplings! Dessert Dessert - a favorite category culinary recipes for the entire homeland. And here are those that children and adults adore - licorice and delicate homemade ice cream, mousse, marmalade, casseroles and savory malts before tea.
  • All recipes are simple and accessible. Pokrokov photo
  • help you prepare whatever dessert you want, no problem for the cook!

    Choose a recipe and cook for your health!: 1

    Canning Homemade preparations for the winter are now as delicious as store-bought ones!

    And you definitely know about the smut from any vegetables and fruits, the stench of decay, and never add any unnecessary and unsafe words to winter canning! In our homeland they preserved it for the winter before: In childhood, I remember, my mother cooked a delicious and aromatic jam with berries: polonitsa, sonica, chornitsa.

    The currants produce jelly and compote, and the arus and apples produce wonderful homemade wine! The apples make the most delicious homemade marmalade – extremely bright and delicious!

    Homemade juices - no preservatives - 100% natural and cinnamon.: 779

    How can one be satisfied with such relish?: 01.01.2018

    It’s a must to work out the winter twists with our recipes - brown and accessible to your skin!

    Recipe for “Chocolate gingerbread cake.”

    • Rated the recipe
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    • : 10 hv
    • How long does it take to prepare?
    • : 20 hv
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    • : 30 hv

    Marveled at the recipe

    1. Recipe for extras
    2. Hello, dear readers of the site.
    3. You can also add other fruits.
    4. You can put more gorikhs on the skin ball or not put them at all (for the relish).

    With this presentation, the gingerbreads are similar to the original chocolate cake with aromatic banana crumble. If the gingerbread is thickly coated with sour cream, the cake will have a soft consistency. Let sit at room temperature for one year, then store in the refrigerator for at least 3 years, turn over onto a plate, and remove the liquid. When serving, the banana cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, cocoa or melted dark chocolate. Sift with coconut flakes. Unconcerned with what can happen in the culinary industry great quantity

    cakes for

    Swede's hand

    , borrows skin from them

    value hour

    for use in an oven or multi-cooking machine.

    However, during the last hour of the holidays, cakes based on traditional gingerbread gained popularity.

    Its unique power over the impersonality of such desserts is the totality of the consumption of the drinker.

    After cooking, the dessert comes out even more delicious.

    Moreover, this herb may become a favorite among baked lassies.

    Obviously, the cake has a high number of calories, and it can also be harmful to the body.

    And the gingerbread cookies that lie at its base are a valuable source of carbohydrates.

    Because there is no fruit, which also takes its place in the prepared food, its brownness is obvious to the skin.

    Gingerbread cake recipe without whipping

    The basic recipe for preparing this cake is usually to mix the main ingredients such as gingerbread and sour cream.

    As it was stated earlier, various fruits will become rich and brown additions to dessert.

    Bananas are the most popular choice because their underlying taste is similar to the main taste of gingerbread cake.

    1. Otherwise, as an experiment, you can take other fruits with a clear-cut aftertaste.
    2. For example, Kiwi.
    3. To prepare a cake with gingerbread, bananas and sour cream, you will need the following components:
    4. Gingerbread cookies - ½ kg;
    5. Sour cream – ½ l;

    Cucumber sand – 4 tbsp.


    Great bananas – 2 pieces;

    Hair peas – 1 zmenya.

    The hour of preparation and cooling of the dessert becomes 1 year 20 minutes, so the calorie content is 2400 kcal.

    First, cut the gingerbread cookies in half so that there are 2 slices per skin.

    If you want bananas, they need to be cut into circles and ovals. Allow yourself to viklasti a neat ball. Having mixed sour cream with cinnamon, you can take a mixer and beat all the components well.

    The most creative and essential part of preparation is lost - shaping the dessert. This requires working in a deep container, such as a saucepan. Like the first ball, layers of gingerbread appear, dipped in sour cream.

    1. Then it is necessary to treat them with fruit heels.
    2. So, you should leave the dessert in the refrigerator for 1 year, and then turn it over on a wide saucer.
    3. Gingerbread cookies - ½ kg;
    4. To decorate the gingerbread cake before guests arrive, you can sprinkle the top of it with sprinkled peas.
    5. Chocolate gingerbread cake
    6. I want
    7. classic recipe

    This cake will delight the lassies, but you can enjoy it even more by adding chocolate.

    For this purpose, you will need to add chocolate gingerbread cookies, as well as chocolate bars and cocoa powder.

    The sour cream must first be beaten with sugar powder, and then added to it after cleaning and adding pea hairs from a blender.

    Cover the pan needed for shaping the dessert with grub sauce in such a way that the edges of the pan hang over the edge.

    This will help you easily twist the cake.

    When forming a gingerbread cake, dip the top of the cake in sour cream and then distribute it along the bottom of the pan.

    As soon as clearings are created, they will need to be filled with additional crumbled chocolate gingerbread cookies.

    After the first ball, banana slices are added, and after that the two balls are unable to stick together until the remaining ball of gingerbread is finished cooking.

    Leave the finished cake to soak for a couple of years, and then turn it over on a wide flat saucer. Grated chocolate and cocoa powder can act as a wonderful decoration on top of the dessert. Lasoschi with added marshmallows and sour cream

    Tell me how

    1. chocolate cake
    2. To prepare a cake with gingerbread, bananas and sour cream, you will need the following components:
    3. Chocolate gingerbread cake
    4. Since gingerbread cookies have not given your homemade sweet tooth sufficient saturation, you can experiment with adding more simple ingredients.
    5. For example, similar malts.
    6. The most available today is marshmallow, which is the basis for the upcoming dessert.

    For what purpose prepare the following components:

    Be it gingerbread – ½ kg;


    Marshmallow – 2 pieces;

    Sour cream – ½ l.

    Hour of preparation and refrigeration in the lassoche warehouse for 24 years and 20 minutes, so the calorie content is 2400 kcal.

    Cut two of the whole bunch of gingerbread into layers, and break everything that is left over with your hands into fragments.

    I need to cut the malt into pieces, fruit - into cubes.

    • Having mixed the sour cream with the cinnamon in advance, you can use a blender to carefully beat the mixture together.
    • As a result, the sand may break loose.
    • Those ovens that have been creamed, and marshmallows need to be added to sour cream.
    • An hour of cooking without cooling and setting for 20 minutes, the main part of which goes to mold the dessert.

    Cake recipes

    A sweet and delicious cake made from gingerbread with bananas and sour cream - amazing pokokovy recipe preparation of a report video and photo.

    Chocolate gingerbread cake

    25 hv

    5/5 (1)

    450 kcal Everyone loves licorice gingerbread, but few people know that they are delicious not only in themselves, but also in the appearance of the cake. Are you happy?

    I didn’t believe it until one day my mother-in-law prepared a holy miracle cake with gingerbread, bananas and sour cream for the family. It's all rosey, and everyone's happy, how can you cook such delicious desserts? I wrote down the recipe for the cake, as it turned out, easy to prepare and simple no VIP in the oven, from all types of chocolate gingerbread and bananas, as well as fresh sour cream and condensed milk.

    In addition, recipe

    original cake

    Iz Pryanikin allowed the gotvati yogo not to banana: calls to the viribis to vision і zefіr, the prote іnshі does not vote, the ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї igsit without overt a vip. Today I decided to write to you

    pokrokova kerivnitstvo

    to prepare two possible options.

    • A unique cake made from gingerbread and sour cream can be prepared in a microwheat oven, if you still decide not to cook it simply and without the fuss associated with the dough.
    • However, thermal treatment can make your skin too soft and crispy.

    Option with bananas

    Kitchen appliances and stuff

    : 3-4 Gliby bowls єmnistya 600-900 ml, Stereva for a cake with a di-meter VID 20 cm, dischalets that teaspes, half a-evelene plіvka, a cavomot of an aboat strap with a dull one, vіnochka that mirn a cup, mixer abdominal.

    You need


    50 g grated milk chocolate; 20 hvilin.
    Calorie content per 100 g: 350 kcal.

    pokrokova kerivnitstvo

    • 600 - 900 g gingerbread;
    • 5 – 7 pcs.
    • marshmallows;

    7 pcs.

    • stale bananas.
    • There are plenty of culinary experts who recommend sticking to the usual white vanilla marshmallows and not experimenting with colored or chocolate ones.
    • Regardless of this, I often taste marshmallows with strawberry or cherry flavors, and enjoy coming out even brighter and richer!
    • 500 g sour cream;
    • 2 tbsp.
    • l cocoa;

    70 ml of high fat content;

    1 tsp.


    100 g cucru;

    1 tbsp.


    details at the foot of gorikhiv (not small).