Transferring the demand of the profession to the market.

Osvita The goal is to allow you to filter all the content of the university website: education programs, specialties, professions, statistics. Turn up

to the fullest extent

  • The goal is to allow you to filter all content on the university website.

    Find out the initial mortgage NDU VSHE National

  • Preslednytskyi University

    Vishcha school of economics IDSU Institute

  • state service

    that management

  • VShFM

    Vishcha School of Finance and Management

  • SPb branch

    Philia near St. Petersburg

  • IBD

    Institute of Business and Business Administration

  • Perm branch

    Philia near Perm

  • Nizhny Novgorod branch

    Philia near Nizhny Novgorod

  • B&D

    Institute of Business and Design

  • SPbSUE

    St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Professional Education SPbPU Peter the Great St. Petersburg field

  • technical university

    Peter the Great NI TSU

  • National Doslednitsky Tomsk

    national university

  • Girsky University

    St. Petersburg State University


    St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


    Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

  • LDU named after Pushkin

    Leningrad State University named after O. S. Pushkin


    Russian State University of Tourism and Service

  • NDPU im.

    K. Minina

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozmi Minin

    Moscow Polytechnic

  • Moscow Polytechnic University


  • Faraway Federal University


  • Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics


  • Russian State Social University

    MGRI-RGGRU im.

  • Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    Russian State Geological University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

  • SSU named after M.G.


  • Saratov National Pre-Sled State University named after M.G.


  • MFUA

    Moscow Finance and Law University

  • Pivdni

    Ugra State University MIP

  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

    University at IPA EurAsEC

  • University under the Interparliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC

    IGUMO and IT

  • Institute for Humanities

    information technologies

  • NWTU

    Pivnichno-Zakhidnyi Vivkrytnyi Technical University

  • VShKU

    Vishcha School of Corporate Management


    St. Petersburg University of Technology, Management and Economics

  • PSPbDMU im.


  • I.P.


  • First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlova

    REU im.

  • G. V. Plekhanova

    Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov


    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MZS Russia NRNU MYFI National Pre-Slednytsia Nuclear University "MIFI" RANEPA

  • Russian Academy

    people's dominion and state service for the President Russian Federation

  • VAVT

    All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Ministry

  • economical development


  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

  • MDTU im.

    Not. Bauman

  • Moscow State Technical University named after M. E. Bauman


  • St. Petersburg State University

    MDU named after M. V. Lomonosov

  • Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

    SZGMU im.

  • Mechnikov

    Pivnichno-Zakhidny State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

  • Hold.

    ІРЯ ім.

  • A. S. Pushkina

    Sovereign Institute of the Russian Name.

  • A. S. Pushkina

    MDMSU im.

  • A.I.


  • Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after O. I. Evdokimova

    MDYUA im.

  • O.Є.


  • Moscow State University of Law named after O. E. Kutafina


  • Kazan State Medical University

    ITMO University

  • St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

    St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

  • RGUP, Pivnichno-Zakhidna branch

    Russian State University of Justice, Pivnichno-Zakhidna Branch RNIMU

  • Russian National Pre-Study Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov


  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

    Financial University

  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


  • Russian State University of Justice

    VDMU im.

  • N.M.


  • Voronezk State Medical University named after.


  • Burdenko

    St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

  • St. Petersburg Academy of the Slide Committee

    St. Petersburg Academy of the Scientific Committee of the Russian Federation

  • BDMU

    Bashkir State Medical University

  • RGUNG im.


Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkina

  1. Over the course of the river, nothing will change, but still, let’s take a look, the great profit will be on competent fakhivts:
  2. Engineering.
  3. Conducted marketing research and found out that in various jobs of engineers, like simple vacancies, the role of quarry workers.
  4. The greatest need is for engineers to work on economical technical and legal matters.
  5. IT representatives.
  6. These are professionals who service computers and other office equipment.
  7. Doctors.
  8. Highly qualified doctors will be needed in medicine forever.
  9. At the same time, new ways of treating people with additional nanotechnology are being introduced, and people are trying to cure people genetically.
  10. There are a lot of vidkritts to be found in the 21st century. And there will be a need for service personnel who will be able to handle the new possessions so that they can correctly make a diagnosis and determine the correct course of treatment with the “miracle pills.” Service specialists.
  11. The service personnel and administrators who supervise them.
  12. Due to skin disease, the population's need for efficient service personnel is growing.
  13. Logistics.
Russia is entering new world markets and establishing uninterrupted operation in the old ones.

Logistics services are highly valued in enterprises.


The most demanded women's professions in 2017

1. Required professions for girls in 2017

Representatives of the beautiful article will be amazed at the following professions:


Nutritionist The soullessness of people suffers from a supermundane pain. The stinks are dying, wake up in traditional ways Making money is not so easy anymore. Dietologists can help them to create an optimal diet for their clients. No one will have room for high-calorie hedgehogs.

You can help turn the mold into

style terms without harm for my health. There are already a lot of medical problems involved in hiring a nutritionist on staff and paying the highest amount



Nearly 50-100 companies will not be without clients.


Master of manicure and pedicure

A skinny girl is trying to follow her

from the outside looking in

To become a secretary, you do not need to complete your initial deposit.

It is enough to complete the six-month course.

After this, get involved in the same company.

The wine town of Fahivtsa has a lot to offer in terms of the prestige of the organization. Secretaries are paid the most at banks, where they are ready to receive bonuses for their merits. 1.7.


Photo: Nanny profession

Considering the most in-demand professions for women in 2017, one cannot help but mention the nanny.

The skin knows what its activity is related to.

She looks after children who are also in their care. There are two people and a child in the family preschool age

, then they will require the services of a specialist like no one else.

Having proven herself from the very beginning and having received a number of good recommendations, the nanny is considered to be a great servant.

Before the speech, there is no need to read its article.

It is enough to love children and take care of them. 1.8., living quarters, bridges and much more.

Before the alarm workers begin to build the object, the engineer is responsible for creating it on paper.

The work of this specialist is complex, aka Pributkov.

Talented engineers are asked to work with other companies, including foreign ones.

In order to graduate from this specialty, you will have to graduate from the university and spend some time studying as a certified fakhist.


Sales manager

If you have a talent for selling, then immediately join the department of “Management and Commerce” at the college or institute and become a certified salesman in the field of sales. Hundreds of companies will require managers and are ready to hire a worker without notice. Initially, income will be low, but if client growth increases, and with it growth and sales, the manager’s financial situation will significantly improve. If you are consistently successful in your sales, then there is great confidence in becoming a sales manager. Riven income in no way to oblige the beast. 2.3. Financier

This profession is considered one of the most prestigious in the world.

The most in demand professions in 2017 are presented for people in accordance with the spirit of the hour.

It’s amazing how popular the profession of a baker is.

It would seem that gas for burning is being used everywhere and the stove has long since outlived its usefulness, but it is growing in huts near the graves.

In fact, bakers are engaged not only in their production, but also in stationary barbecues, tandirs, smokehouses and fireplaces.

There are a lot of refurbished designs that not only want to be used in summer kitchens and in farmsteads, but also in huts.

Before a talented baker, record client performances for many years or months in advance. You can become a register clerk by completing courses and completing your studies. 2.6.


Until recently there was little information about this profession.

Today, interest in risk managers is growing less. These guidelines are intended to help identify companies and organizations from difficult economic situations and avoid financial risks. The profession is unknown, but even worse.

It is unknown how much money a worker earns, but certainly no less than a manager of the middle Lanka.

Any skin company that respects itself simply needs to get a nice website. If previously visibility was an insignificant advantage, now a web resource has become an essential attribute of a successful organization. The creation of websites is handled by webmasters.

Why the stench is created and this technical support, for which the nasty wine city is to be removed.

To become a webmaster it will be enough to finish

online course

And practice a little.