The theoretical level is confirmed by the knowledge of the empirical.


Software security Human knowledge has been developed throughout the world in various forms - in the form of everyday knowledge, artistic, religious, scientific knowledge, and in the form of scientific knowledge. The first three areas of knowledge are viewed as scientific forms.

Scientific knowledge has grown beyond the knowledge of everyday life, and yet the two forms of knowledge can be far removed from each other.

The structure of scientific knowledge appears to have two levels – empirical and theoretical.

These equals should not be mixed with the sides of knowledge in the future - sensitive reflections and rational knowledge.

Caution - for the purpose of direct perception of phenomena and processes without direct knowledge of their processes, is subject to the requirements of scientific research.

The main benefits to scientific caution: 1) unambiguousness of the idea; 2) systematicity in the methods of caution; 3) objectivity;

4) the ability to control the way of repeated caution, with the help of an experiment. Be wary of vikorysts, call, there, de handing over the investigation process is extremely difficult. Be careful

current science

connected with a wide variety of adjustments, which, firstly, enhance the sense organs, and in another way, remove the touch of subjectivism from the assessment of the phenomena that are being guarded against.

An important point in the process of caution (as well as in the experiment) is the operation of vimira.

p align="justify"> Formalization, in this way, means the formalization of the forms of various processes, the abstraction of these forms from their place.

Vaughn clarifies the location of the way in which its form is revealed and can be carried out at different levels of repetition.

Ale, as the Austrian logician and mathematician Gödel showed, is theoretically forever deprived of non-appearances, unformalized surpluses.

Formalization replaces knowledge that is becoming increasingly lost, never reaching absolute completeness.

This means that formalization is internally limited in its capabilities.

It has been proven that there is no alternative to the method that allows merchandising to replace calculations.

Gödel's theorems were allowed to substantiate the principled impossibility of the new formalization of the scientific world and scientific knowledge.

2. The axiomatic method is a method of scientific theory, in which it is based on certain conclusions - axioms (postulates), from which all other principles of this theory are derived from them in a purely logical way Lyakh for further proof.

3. The hypothetico-deductive method is a method of scientific knowledge, the essence of which lies in the created system of deductively interconnected hypotheses, from which assertions about empirical facts can be derived.

In conclusion, if you use this method, you will inevitably have a motherly character. The structure behind the hypothetico-deductive method is: includes the similarity from the sensitive-concrete to the abstract, to the visualization of the surrounding sides of the object and their “fixation” in similar abstract meanings.

The flow of knowledge from the sensitive-concrete to the abstract - and the flow from the singular to the obscure, here such logical techniques as analysis and induction are important.

The similarity from the abstract to the thought-concrete is a process of collapse from various zagal abstractions to their own unity, concrete-zagal, here we are talking about the methods of synthesis and deduction. The essence of theoretical knowledge is not only a description and explanation of the diversity of facts and patterns identified in the process of empirical research in the old subject matter, arising from the few laws and principles And, it is also expressed in the desire to reveal the harmony of the world. Theories can be developed by oneself

in different ways


There is often a sharp divergence between these theories and their axiomatic nature, which reflects the organization of knowledge and creations in geometry by Euclid.

However, most often theories are developed genetically, step by step introducing into the subject and revealing it successively from the simplest to the most complex aspects.

Regardless of the form taken, the theory's conclusion is primarily determined by the basic principles on which it is based.

The empirical level of knowledge will also be perceived in a sensitive, structured, concrete manner.

It comes out of the complex of previously removed vidchuttivs: dotik, zorov, etc.

Empirical knowledge comes as a result of understanding, as in the case of vague observations.

As a result of the perception and perception of the forms of external nature, phenomena about it are created as an image of a cognitive type.

Podannya - crotch lanka between myslennyam and priynyattyam.


Empirical knowledge is reflected in the sensitivity of sensitivity and knowledge. It looks like they will deprive Svidomosti of a deep trace. The processes that are evidently felt orient a person in the course of life, rather than specially fixing them. It is impossible to comprehend everything and penetrate into the essence of speeches, to find out about the causes of phenomena with the help of only a few sensitive organs. What can be achieved with the help of rational (rational) knowledge associated with such a process as empirical knowledge.

Additional rhubarb

Evidence is the greatest rage against the sensitive.
1. Caution is a more passive and direct intervention of an object that affects the sensory organs. During this process, the successor removes private news

about the object of knowledge, about its power.

2. Experiment - this is a direct, active input into the ongoing process that is being carried out.

It involves a change in the object and mind of its functioning, as determined by the goals of the experiment.

Features of the experiment include: active focus on the subject of investigation, the possibility of its transformation, control over its behavior, verification of the result, the creation of an experiment of the entire object that is studied, and minds, the possibility of identifying additional data and the power of manifestations.

3. Alignment is a recognition operation that reveals the differences and similarities of different objects.

This process has a sense in one class of similar speeches and phenomena.

4. Description - a procedure that ensures the fixation of the result in accordance with the results (experiment and caution) with the help of accepted systems.

5. Vimir is a set of active actions that involve additional vimirual-calculating methods to find numerical and quantitative values ​​of traceable quantities.

It is necessary to emphasize that empirical and theoretical knowledge are implemented at the same time, so that methods of investigation are supported by conceptual theories, hypotheses and ideas.

Technical equipment

Empirical knowledge in science actively vikorista technical upgrading in the process of learning phenomena and speeches.

These can be:

1. During the experiment, revelations appear in the minds behind the creation of the investigator.

With caution, there is no registration of the phenomenon in the natural middle.

2. The investigator is promptly handed over at the bottom of the box within the rules of the experiment.

The inspector has no rights and cannot regulate the object of investigation and his mind.

3. During the experiment, the investigator has the right to turn off and turn on various parameters. The poster simply captures possible new parameters in natural minds. Types of experiments

Empirical knowledge of the foundations of

Various types


Physical – adaptation to the diversity of natural phenomena;

Psychological - learning about the vitality of the subject of investigation and surrounding conditions;

Dumkovy - carried out inclusively in the world;

Critical – it is necessary to verify the data according to different criteria;

Computer mathematical modeling.

The structure of scientific knowledge appears to have two levels: Empirical rhubarb; Theoretical rhubarb.

To know, otrimanih on to the empirical equal , characteristically those that are the result of direct contact with reality and careful experimentation. Theoretical rhubarb

It is important that the section of the object being followed is under the clear cut of the gaze, given by the light of the follower.

It will be explained with obvious directness objective reality Its main task is to describe, systematize and explain all the many data from the empirical level.

Empirical and theoretical equals have great autonomy, but it is impossible to separate them from one another.

Theoretical rhubarb is evolving from the empirical one that is now expected

scientific explanation

facts gained on the empirical level. system of fixation and registration of authorities and connections of the investigated object.

The functions of this method are: recording the registration of information and the forward classification of factors. Experiment

- this system of cognitive operations that operates in relation to objects placed in such minds (which are specially created), which are responsible for the detection, alignment, and extinction of objective authorities, vіdnosin. Vimiryuvannya As a method, it is a system of fixation and registration of specific characteristics of the object that is being vibrated. For the economical ones

social systems procedures are closely related to indicators: statistical, statistical, planned; Substantiality

inventory As a specific method for extracting empirical knowledge, it lies in the systematization of data that has been removed as a result of care, experiment, and extinction. The data is expressed in my singing science in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs and other values.

By systematically systematizing the facts that are laid out around the sides of the boxes, the object that is being studied appears as a whole. Theoretical rhubarb we are the greatest equal

scientific knowledge.


theoretical level of knowledge

can be shown like this:

Dumkov's experiment and idealization based on the mechanism of transferring the results of practical actions into the object; Development of knowledge in logical forms: concepts, judgments, laws, laws, scientific ideas, hypotheses, theories;:

It is logical to re-verify the structure of theoretical motives;

The transfer of theoretical knowledge to practical use in large-scale activities.

You can determine the main

characteristics of theoretical knowledge The object of knowledge appears entirely directly under the influx of internal logic, the development of science and the practicalities of practice;:

The subject of knowledge is idealization on the basis of explicit experiment and design;

Knowledge is carried out in logical forms, which means a way of connecting elements that are included before replacing the thought about the objective world.

These are separated types of forms of scientific knowledge Zagalnological: understanding, judgement, intellect; Locally logical: scientific ideas, hypotheses, theories, laws. Concept- this is the idea that represents the main and necessary signs of an object or box.

The concepts are: superficial, singular, concrete, abstract, concrete, absolute.- this is a thought in which to take place the assertion and the prohibition of what for the additional connection to understand.

Judgment can be firm and negative, secluded and private, intellectual and divisive, etc. Visnovok

- this is a process of thought that combines a sequence of two or more judgments, and the result is a new judgment.

In essence, a concept is a concept that allows for the transition from thought to practical action.

There are two types of crowns: without middle; mediated.

In the middle ones, the transition from one judgment to the next occurs after the third. The process of knowledge goes from a scientific idea to a hypothesis, which is transformed into a law and a theory.

Let's take a look main elements of the theoretical level of knowledge


- intuitive explanation of the phenomenon without intermediate argumentation and awareness of the entire set of connections. The idea reveals previously unnoticed patterns of the phenomenon, based on already existing knowledge.


- a conjecture about the cause that calls for the effect. The hypothesis is based on the assumption that the reliability of any peer science and technology can be demonstrated.

Whenever a hypothesis is consistent with the facts that are guarded against, it is called a law or a theory. Law

- necessary, persistent, repeated messages between the elements of nature and marriage. Laws can be specific, obscure and obscure.

The law reflects the hidden connections and notes that rule over all persons of their kind and class. Theory

- a form of scientific knowledge that gives complete indications of the patterns and connections of action. It arises as a result of the formalized cognitive activity and practice and the obvious reflections and manifestations of real activity.

The theory has few structural elements: Facti

- knowledge about the object or manifestation, the reliability of which has been demonstrated. Axiomi

The concepts are: superficial, singular, concrete, abstract, concrete, absolute.- Propositions that are accepted without logical proof.


In a formal way, one can say that the subject of knowledge has the same action as any variety of its components and connections. However, it is necessary to separate the data to the light, both for empirical and for theoretical knowledge. On the skin of this subject, who knows, in essence, comes from the same point of action, but in this case one cannot forget about those who are involved in various subject aspects, in different contexts, and that’s why, These findings will be realized in different ways.

Empirical knowledge is basically oriented towards the identification of the phenomena of reality and the relationships between them in themselves, so it is obvious that the connections are not seen in the light of the nature of universal patterns. pure look, but the stench of the sky is visible in the phenomena, let oneself know through their specific form.

The most important manifestations of action and the connection between them, empirical knowledge is more likely to reveal the operation of this or that law, but it is also fixed, as a rule, in the form of simple empirical occurrences, such as a trace of Remove from the theoretical law as special knowledge, which is determined as a result of theoretical investigation of objects.

There are differences between empirical and theoretical knowledge and the difference between different types of subject matter and activity.

Empirical investigation is based on the immediate practical interaction of the investigator with the object being studied.

Before theoretical knowledge, then other investigative features will become obvious.

There are a lot of ways of completely practical interaction with the object being studied.

The language of theoretical research also differs from the language of empirical descriptions.

When considering empirical and theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to remember the Kantian division of the empirical as the factual and the theoretical as the purely superficial.

There is a question of demarcation in the known world to the mutual understanding of the subject that is actually being traversed, without the action of anything other than the final antinomies, the reason should be preserved with a pure eye y dosvid.

With this, the essential characteristic is the inevitability of one’s becoming in the state in which one has already become, and the most important particularity, in any case, is the impossibility of one’s further actualization.

In this way, it is possible to develop a concept in which empirical and theoretical knowledge is closely connected with each other and, in all aspects, does not function separately.

Topic 3. THE PROBLEM OF implicit knowledgeScientific knowledge has two sides: empirical and theoretical. EMPIRICAL RANGE OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE this unmistakably sensitive investigation.

really clear and available to everyone objects On the empirical level get involved


last processes:

Formation of an empirical research base

– accumulation of information about the tracking of the object and the box;

2.- The importance of the sphere of scientific facts in the warehouse of accumulated information;– the introduction of physical quantities, their extinction, and the systematization of scientific facts in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.;

Classification and theoretical formalization

Information about the denial of scientific facts:

– the introduction is to be understood;

- Identification of patterns in connections and joints of objects of knowledge;

- Revealing of hidden signs in objects is known and their placement in the hidden classes behind these signs; - The primary formulation of the final theoretical principles. In such a manner empirical rhubarb

1.scientific knowledge two components in your warehouse: Sensitive evidence. .

First theoretical understanding sensitive testimony The basis of empirical scientific knowledge, taken from sensitive evidence,

є scientific facts


If any fact is a reliable, isolated, independent idea or a phenomenon, then a scientific fact is a fact of firm determinations, reliable confirmations and correct descriptions in scientifically accepted ways. In such a manner Phenomena and recordings by methods accepted in science, a scientific fact has a primacy force for the system of scientific knowledge, so that it subordinates the logic of the reliability of the investigation. On the empirical level In this way, on the empirical level of scientific knowledge, an empirical research base is formed, the reliability of which is confirmed by the overwhelming power of scientific facts.:

1. Empirical rhubarb Scientific caution is a system of approaches to the sensitive collection of evidence about the power of the object of knowledge that is being investigated.

The main methodological principle of correct scientific caution is the independence of the results of caution and the process of caution.

This research will ensure both the objectivity of care and the implementation of its main function – the collection of empirical data from the natural world. Caution for the method of carrying out is divided into:

without middle(the information comes out directly from the sense organs);

2. - this system of cognitive operations that operates in relation to objects placed in such minds (which are specially created), which are responsible for the detection, alignment, and extinction of objective authorities, vіdnosin. indirect (organs sensitive to people are replaced by technical means)..

Scientific caution is always accompanied by extinction.

Vimir is the equalization of any physical quantity of an object of knowledge with a standard unit of value. Viming is a sign scientific activity Some investigations become scientific only if extinction is observed in them.

Depending on the nature of the behavior of these and other authorities of the object at the time, they are divided into: static

, In which they mean constant quantities in hours (external dimensions of body, thickness, hardness,

constant pressure, then heat capacity, thickness, etc.);

without middle dynamic

, from which we know the current values ​​(amplitudes of grinding, pressure changes, temperature changes, changes in strength, saturation, fluidity, indicators of growth etc.).

3. The method of extracting results from the results is divided into: straight .

(Bezredny vimir size vimiryuvalnym fit);

4. The functions of this method are: recording the registration of information and the forward classification of factors.(The method of mathematical analysis of the magnitude of the known relations with any quantity that is determined by the method of direct vimirs).

Depending on the nature of the experiments, they are divided into:

last, which are directly revealed to the object of new, unknown authorities;

turn over which serve to verify or confirm these and other theoretical reasons.

Based on the methods of conducting research to obtain the results, experiments are divided into:

clearly, As it is of a poetic nature, it is intended to reveal the very obviousness and presence of these and other theoretically conveyed phenomena, and is not aimed at extracting specific data;

Kilkisny, which are directed to the extraction of precise data about the object of knowledge and the processes in which they take part.

After the completion of empirical knowledge, the theoretical level of scientific knowledge begins.

THEORETICAL RANGE OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE – tse processing of empirical data with additional abstract ideas

Thus, the theoretical level of scientific knowledge is characterized by the importance of the rational moment - to understand, principles, ideas, theories, laws, categories, principles, assumptions, principles, principles, etc.

What is important is the greater rationality of the moment in theoretical knowledge that abstractions can achieve- information about specific objects that can be sensitively grasped, and transition to abstract phenomena.

Abstract statements are divided into:

1. Abstractions- Grouped impersonality of objects of knowledge in around the world, curtains, classy, ​​drive thinly.

following the principle of similarity of their most important essential signs (minerals, minerals, compound colors, chords, oxides, proteins, vibukhs, radini, amorphous, subatomic etc.).

Abstractions of abstraction allow us to reveal the most hidden forms of interaction and connections between objects of knowledge, and move from them to private manifestations, changes in options, revealing the full extent of the processes that take place between the objects of the material world.

2. Extended from non-networking powers of objects, abstraction allows us to translate specific empirical data into an idealized and simplified system of abstract objects, known as the fate of folding operations is mislennya. Isolative abstractions

Isolating abstractions also make it possible to idealize, through knowledge, empirical evidence and to define it in concepts that are part of the complex operations of thought.

In this way, the transition to abstraction allows theoretical knowledge to provide abstract material for the creation of scientific knowledge about all the diversity of real processes and objects of the material world, which would be impossible to develop , between more empirical knowledge, without irritation of the skin from these non-healed areas Projects or processes.

As a result, abstraction becomes possible such METHODS OF THEORETICAL RESEARCH:

1. Idealization. Idealization – this obvious creation of objects and objects that were not actually used

to simplify the research process and use scientific theories. For example: the concept is a point or a material point that is used to designate objects that do not vary in size; introduction of different mental concepts, such as: ideally smooth surface, ideal gas, absolutely black body, absolutely hard body, absolute thickness, inertial system For a long time, too.

to illustrate scientific ideas;

electron orbit in atom, pure formula

chemical speech

Without homework, it is impossible to truly understand, create explanations and formulate scientific theories.

Idealizations to the fullest extent:

– if it is necessary to explain the object that is being investigated, or the manifestation for a practical theory;

– if it is necessary to exclude from the view of power and the connection of the object, which captures the essence of the planned results of the study;

2. – if the real complexity of the object of investigation outweighs the obvious scientific capabilities of its analysis;– if the complexity of research objects is real, it will work with the unknown or complicate their scientific description; In this way, the theoretically known will soon be replaced by a simplified model of a real phenomenon or object of activity. This method of idealization in scientific knowledge is inextricably linked with the method of modeling.

Modeling . Theoretical modeling

replacement of a real object with its analogue vikonanim zazobami movi abo podumy. The main mental model lies in creating a model of the object of knowledge for the scale

high level

its type of reality, allowed:

- Conduct non-resident activities

- Optimize the process of creating a real object for the run-in process using a prototype model.

Thus, theoretical modeling combines theoretically known two functions: it traces the object that is being modeled, and it develops a program of action from its material reality.

3. Doomkovy experiment. Dumkov experiment - tse clearly carried out over the object of knowledge of the unknown in reality

before the last procedures.

4. Vikorist is considered as a theoretical testing ground for planned real pre-investigative activities, or for the investigation of phenomena or situations in which a real experiment is impossible (for example, quantum physics, the theory of applicability, social, Iysk and economical models of development etc.). Formalization . Formalization - this logical organization of the exchange scientific knowledge in separate ways piece


special symbols (signs, formulas).

Formalization allows:

- Bring the theoretical place of investigation to the level of underground scientific symbols (signs, formulas);

– transfer theoretical research to the level of operation with symbols (signs, formulas);

5. – create a formalized sign-symbolic model of the logical structure of the following phenomena and processes;- Carry out a formal investigation of the object of knowledge in order to carry out the investigation of the way of operating with signs (formulas) without going all the way to the object of knowledge.

Analysis and synthesis


Analysis - this is clearly the layout of the whole in the warehouse, as it may be on the floor:

- Development of the structure of the object of knowledge;

- Dismemberment of a foldable whole into simple parts;

- Separation of the source material from the warehouse as a whole;

– classification of objects, processes and manifestations;

- Seeing the stages of any process, etc.

6. The main purpose of analysis is the identification of elements as elements of the whole..

The parts, known and understood in a new way, are formed using a similar synthesis - the method of incorporation, which constructs new knowledge of the whole from the unification of its elements.

Thus, analysis and synthesis are inseparably linked with rational operations in the process of knowledge.

Induction and deduction Induction is a process of knowledge, in which knowledge of the surrounding facts of the totality induces knowledge of the hidden.

Deduction is a process of knowledge, at which skin step it is logical to go from the previous one.

1. The problem is theoretical and practical scientific nutrition, which will require more.

2. The problem of frequently making decisions is correctly formulated, since it is formulated in relation to the actual possibility of one’s decision. A hypothesis is a way of resolving a possible problem.

3. A hypothesis may appear to be of a scientific nature, or it may appear to be fueled by concepts or theories.

Theory is a comprehensive system to understand that describes and explains any area of ​​activity. Scientific theory is the highest form of scientific knowledge

It is necessary to go through the formative stage of posing a problem and forming a hypothesis that is simple and confirmed by various methods of scientific knowledge.

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