Predilections for Peter. Was Kim really a revolutionary Voikov? Revolutionary, Leninist, cat of the royal homeland Petro Voikov Voikov, responsible for the sale of national treasures

Oleksandr Fedorovich Ulyanov (timely belief)
Head of the Ekaterinburz Municipal Duma
leaf fall 1917 roku - 1918-rock
Narodzhennya 1 (13) sickles(1888-08-13 )
town of Kerch, Kerch-Yenikal city government, Feodosiya district, Taurida province, Russian Empire Death 7 worms(1927-06-07 ) (38 rocks)
Warsaw, Polish Republic Mіstse funeral Party RSDLP (Mensheviks), RSDLP(b), from 1918 to RCP(b), from 1925 to the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Osvita University of Geneva Activity Marxist revolutionary, diplomatic politician

Petro Lazarevich Voikov- Pinhus Lazarevich Weiner(this information is unreliable and, most likely, it’s easy to read the documents), the party name is “Petrus”, “Intelligent”, “Belyasty”; 1 serpnya, Kerch - 7 cherpnya, Warsaw) - revolutionary, Radian political activist, diplomatic politician. There is no reliable data, but there is an assumption that he is one of those who, in the fall of 1918, authorized the execution of the remaining Russian Emperor Mikoli II in Yekaterinburg.

Real biography Voikova calls out the faceless super-cheek. This is based on the “Evidence about the activity of P. L. Voikov”, prepared by the specialists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I. A. Kurlyandskiy and Ph.D. V.V. Lobanov, P.L. Voikov, one of the members of the Ural regional region, not without attention to the decision “about the shooting of Mikoli II, his squad, son, daughter and their companions,” but also taking part in “the collected traces of this evil”: it is documented that “two letters from Voikov revealed 11 poods of sulfuric acid”, later used for the depletion of corpses.

This evidence is based on the subjective guesses of the Radian diplomat-turncoat G.Z. Besedovsky, which is associated with the super-sensitivity and sporidity of other sources.

Interest in the particularity of Peter Voikov in connection with the rich discussion about renaming? During this discussion, extremely polarized assessments emerged. For example, Russian communities respect that Voikov is included in the number of “heroes of the Land of Rad” and that their name is necessary and continue to be used in the names of streets and other objects. For opponents of such violence, including those from various backgrounds behind the warehouse, Voikov is “a true terrorist and a defender of state power.”

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    ✪ "Petro Voikov died like a hero"


Before the Zhovtnevo revolution

My family lived in a budinka on Kherkheulidzevskaya Street (1927-1959 Voykova Street, Nina Aivazovsky Street), No. 9; Later she moved to an apartment behind the Melek-Chesme River, in the place where the Kerch Ship Repair Plant was later founded.

Already in the gymnasium, Voikov was thinking about killing the Tsar:

It seems that we have learned from Fathers, that together with his comrade Kolya Kiriash sit at the desk at which the popular revolutionary A. I began. Zhelyabov. - Is it true that the king himself punished the stratity? - Having fed Petrus, dad. Lazar Petrovich raised his head, marveling at his son, but he didn’t believe anything. Petrus, not noticing Father’s glance, said: “Have you read about it?” Lazar Petrovich nodded his head a little. - I read it. A nice man. Dad, have you read Zhelyabov’s sheet to the Tsar? I Petrus, having wilted from the sauerkraut arkush paper, igniting it. Lazar Petrovich began to read: “It would be a blatant injustice to save my life, having made a timid attempt at the life of Alexander II many times and not taking a physical part in his death due to ill-health. I'm trying to get my hands on myself until the end of 1st Birth. Without saying anything, he burned the paper and placed it in front of him. Casting a stern glance at his son, Lazar Petrovich said: “Have you been studying all day?” - In the gymnasium. - And today? - In the gymnasium. - We slept. Right away. You will bring us, Petrusya, to ruin.

For his illegal activities he was expelled from the sixth grade of the Kerch high school. The fathers had the opportunity to change their place of residence and work. My family moved to Kekeneiz, where my father was in charge of the road master under the name of the landowner Alchevsky. Due to his mother’s troubles, Peter was adopted from the eighth grade of the Yalta Oleksandrivska Human Gymnasium (nin – Institute of Grapes and Wines “Magarach”). Ale y zvidti yogo nezabar turned off. Together with Voykov, Mikola Kharito and Samuel Marshak started at the same gymnasium in 1906. Later, Mikola Harito dedicated his Yalta friend Voykov’s romance “The Past Can’t Be Turned Back” on the top of Aunt Stroeva.

Revolutionary activity

The exact date of Voikov’s accession to the RSDLP is not known; the period is transferred between 1903-1905. ]. Most often it is called 1903, moreover, according to certain facts, in 1904 the War was removed from the gymnasium.

The elder Voikov, at that time a wheeled assessor, who at that time worked as a Girsky master at the mine, hastened to take his family to Yalta, but this did not help.

It was not entirely clear that Voikov himself joined the fighting squad of the RSDLP, even in Kerch, even after his family moved to Yalta. In the Yalta organization, Voykov was part of the fighting squad and was an active participant.

Voikov was one of the five organizers and participants in the terrorist attack of 20 June 1906 against police chief M. M. Gvozdevich. The terrorist attack was not far away, a self-propelled vibukhov device vibrated 50 kroki from the police station, the middle Vikonavians, Vasyukov and Rutenko, died on the spot, M. M. Gvozdevich without being harmed. Voikov moved from the beginning to Kekenez, to Father, and then to Sevastopol and Petersburg. Two other participants in the terrorist attack, Dmytro Nashanburzky and Petro Korin, did not indicate Voikov’s name; Voikov was searched and an order for arrest was given in connection with “furious efforts against the miscreants.” The fact of Voikov’s participation was established in 1907.

Working in the port, applying as an external student, applying for a certificate of maturity, entering before the registration of exclusions for revolutionary activity.

Swing at General Dumbadze (1907)

In the fall of 1906, during the outbreak of the revolutionary heists, Yalta was devastated at the due funeral. General Dumbadze was an authoritarian leader of the place, for which liberals and revolutionaries hated him. The rest stood before the mayor of the unknown front, threatening death.

On February 26, 1907, from the balcony of Novikov’s dacha, located near Yalta, in Dumbadze, after passing by the carriage, a bomb was thrown. The mayor was slightly contused and damaged (the visor of his saddlebag was torn off by a vibration), the coachman of the horse was injured. The terrorist, who had been in one of the “summer battle pens” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, immediately shot himself on the spot. As it turned out later, the organizer of the attack on Dumbadze was 18-year-old Petro Voikov, who was exiled from Yalta a month before.

Emigration (1907-1917)

In 1907, the Voykov family emigrated to Switzerland, to Geneva. Having studied mathematics and chemistry at the University of Geneva.

In 1909, his father’s family left Kerch and settled on the Anzhero-Sudzhensky lists, and in 1911, his father’s family moved to the Urals, where his father worked as a bottle engineer at the Bogoslovsky plant.

There, in Geneva, having met Lenin, and wanting to become a Bolshevik, Voikov was not (at the fate of the First World War, he was deprived of the Menshevik-internationalist war), together with the Bolsheviks he spoke out against the “defencists”, becoming an active participant “ 1st Geneva Concord Group" (menshovik). Since 1914, the rock was published in the magazine “Voice of the Past”, where, in addition to journalistic works (“A pitiful monument to taxation (the monopoly of salt in France under the old order)”; “One of the mysteries of history”), his book reviews were published zii ("The Mystery of the Great century. Salinous mask"). 1914 he became friends with Adelaida Abramivna Belenkina, daughter of a Warsaw merchant; It was to the same fate that his son Paul was born.

I'm back in Russia


In 1917, the ministry sent directions to Yekaterinburg to place a security inspector. Ekaterinburz joined the RSDLP(b). Member of the Yekaterinburg Revolutionary Committee. Pili Zhovtnevo revolutionaries Voikov Uvіishov to the єkaterinburgsky vіsysovo-revolss comment, Yakyi, who was at a farther to the Urals, “Brother Vlad in my hands at my hands, all the OPIRS ZBRUYU”.

Zhovtnya 1917 r. - Secretary of the Ural Regional Bureau of Trade Unions, from the fall of the leaves - the head of the Yekaterinburz Municipal Duma.

In Sichna - in 1918 - the commissar of the post of the Ural for the sake of, at this planting, the Cheruvs received requisitions, food, villagers, who were responsible for reprisals against the entrepreneurs of the Urals. Voikov set such prices for food products and burned that private trade in the Urals became unbearable. Voikov’s activities led to a commodity shortage and a significant decrease in the level of living mіstsevogo population.

The role of Voikov in the execution of the royal homeland

According to the assertions of Anatoly Latishev, Voikov was one of the authors of the provocation against Mikoli II, since the Bolsheviks, who protected his family, wanted to have a “monarchical idea”, using the method of “kidnapping”. royal family At any time it would be possible to find it.

Apparently, to the knowledge of the turncoat diplomat Besedovsky, Voikov and his classmates ran through the bagnets of the living (the balls ricocheted past the corsets) and innocent young girls, the daughters of Mikoli Romanov. After the shooting of his homeland, Petro Voikov never took a ring with a great ruby ​​from one corpse, which he loved to boast about. The documents of the ship's investigation, which were carried out by investigators of particularly important inquiries at the Omsk District Court M. A. Sokolov, contain two letters from Voikov showing 11 poods of sulfuric acid, which was obtained in the Ekaterinburz pharmaceutical store and the “Russian Suspel” and the supply of Vikoristan for the reduction of corpses . It’s good for Melgunov, P.L. Voikov never stated at a marriage ceremony in Yekaterinburz, “that the world never knows that the stinks were killed by the royal family.”

In 2015, the investigator of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Volodymyr Solovyov, stated in an interview with the newspaper “Totally Secret”:

Shchodo Pyotr Voikov, he rightfully took part in the vote for the execution of the Tsar’s homeland. Until now, the same joy has gone wild with protests, so that he writes a papier for sirchanic acid. In these cases there was no greater fate than Voikov himself. Reshta literature is about those who are with a gun in their hands, who have taken a ring, chopping corpses - a whole lot of mischief.<...>Well, from a legal point of view, Voikov did not take part in the assassination of the Tsar. All links against him are based on apocrypha, like the defector Besedovsky. Particularly they look for details of these actions from the one who especially Voikov has cut the corpses of the Tsar’s daughters. Beacon: during the investigation of the remains of members of the royal homeland, no traces of a cut were found on the bodies. And this is a statement of confirmation that this entire story was written by Besedovsky.

In another interview, Solovyov clarifies: “Vin (Voikov), who knows what it means to capture the traces of evil, prescribed this sulfuric acid.” .

The decided presidium of Uralradia, having voted for Voikov, formally decided only to shoot the great emperor.

Away from the quarry

On the re-construction of the Russian Empire of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Kurland and Lobanov Voykov, the sale of the treasures of the Imperial House, Zbroyovo, the Chamber and the Diamond Fund, including the great eggs of K. G. Faberge, for extremely low prices . Prote Faberge eggs were sold from Gokhran (under Zovnishtorg) in 1922, and sold in 1928-1932. through the office "Antiques".

Diplomatic politician

In the early 1921s, Voikov favored the delegation of the RRFSR and the URSR, as it was not enough to please the Vikonanny of Rizki, a peaceful treaty, from Poland. Good afternoon point xth Statistically, Radyanskaya Russia was guilty of turning back “archives, libraries, objects of mysticism, military-historical trophies, antiquities and cultural objects, imported from Poland to Russia from the hours of the divisions of the Polish Republic public." According to the idea of ​​Kurlyandsky and Lobanov, Voikov himself transferred to the Poles Russian objects of mysticism, archives, libraries and other material valuables.

In 1922, he was appointed as a diplomatic representative of the RRFSR in Canada, but without rejecting the agreman through his involvement before the execution of the royal family and through those who, having become professional revolutionaries, wanted to vote for the purpose of the Comintern (“Commun The true International of the All-World Union will fight..."Republic"). The Foreign Office recognized Voikov, with similar characteristics, as persona non grata. A similar problem occurred when Voikov was recognized as the new representative of the Polish Republic, but after abandoning this planting in the fall of 1924, he entered the planting on the 8th of November 1924.

Driving in

On June 7, 1927, Voikov was mortally wounded at the railway station near Warsaw by Boris Koverda and died within a year.

At the meal, after shooting, Koverda Vidpov: “I took revenge for Russia, for millions of people.”

“In confirmation” of the assassination of Voikov, the Bolshevik order recklessly deployed 20 representatives of a large nobility near Moscow on the night of the 9th to the 10th of June 1927 Russian Empire, who either were at that time in prison for various crimes, or who were arrested after the killing of Voikov.

The troops were buried near the “necropolis” at the “Kremlin” wall in Moscow.

The killing of Voikov (“driving through the kut, similar to Warsaw”) is spelled out in the “Declaration of 1927 to fate” by Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), which is interpreted as “a blow straight from us” (to the Church). The Polish court condemned Koverda to death, and on June 15, 1937, he was granted amnesty and released.

Suchasniki about Voikov

Vin [Voikov], naturally, has no idea about either diplomatic or civil etiquette and feels even oppressed if he naturally notes both his diplomatic colleagues and Polish officials to limit their relations with him, including between, necessary diplomatic sensitivity.

God bless Besedovsky

food about the execution of the Romanovs, the orders were placed on the heavy duty of the Ural regional region For the sake of which I worked as a regional commissar for food... The central Moscow government did not want to immediately shoot the tsar, respecting the victorious status of both of them 'yu for trade with Nіmechchina... Ale Ural Regional Rada and regional committee communist party They continued to survive the shooting... I was one of the most hostiles of this approach. The revolution may be cruel until the overthrow of the monarchs... The Ural Regional Committee of the Communist Party, having agreed to discuss the issue of execution and having remained in a positive mood since the beginning of 1918. With whom the members of the regional committee of the party were asked not to vote against...

Vikonanny's resolution was entrusted to Yurovsky as commandant of the Ipatiivsky Budinka. When he was victorious, he was present as a delegate to the regional committee of the party, Voikov. He, as a naturalist and chemist, was entrusted with developing a plan for the complete depletion of corpses. Voikov was also entrusted with reading to the royal family the decree about the shooting, with the motivations that arose from many rows, and they truly understood this decree to remind them, so that they could read it as accurately as possible, respectfully, that we ourselves are responsible for will go down in history as one of the leading especially this tragedy. Yurovsky, however, also hoped to “go down in history”, ahead of Voikov and, having said a few words, starting to shoot... All the others began to shoot at the same time, and the shooters fell one by one, behind the barrel of the king’s daughter. The daughters continued to stand, filling the room with the greedy cries of the death wound, and the coolies were jumping in front of them.

Yurovsky, Voikov and part of the Latvians came closer to them and began to shoot right away, at the thought. As it turned out this year, the sacks jumped in front of the daughters of the great king for the same reason that their bras were sewn with diamonds, so that the sacks would not pass through. When everything calmed down, Yurovsky, Voikov and the two Latvians looked around at the shootings, firing at some of them a few more bullets or leaking bagnets... The Voikov recognized me, so it was a greedy picture. The corpses lay on the floor in nightmarish poses, with the appearance of thirst and blood. The pad became slimy like a slaughterhouse.

The depletion of corpses began the same day and was carried out by Yurovsky under the supervision of Voikov and the sight of Goloshchokin and Beloborodov... Voikov envisioned this picture from the fleeting three-year period. He said that when the work was completed, across the mine lay a majestic, crooked mass of human stumps, arms, legs, tubes and heads. This crooked mass was poured with gasoline and sulfuric acid and two fires were immediately fired... It was a miserable picture, Voikov concluded. - All of us, participants in the spitting of corpses, were simply oppressed by this nightmare. Navit Yurovsky finally could not bear it and said, there will be so many more days like this - and God will not...

I sat, oppressed by Voikov’s testimony, as I read the exploits of the People’s Volunteers, their sacrificial, heroic struggle against tsarism. I read books about the French revolution, the great scenes of the trial of Louis XVI. Isn’t there enough sleep in all this picture, since Voykov is less likely to be recognized?

There is the tragedy of the revolution, and here is the gloomy picture of a secret reprisal, which represents the worst manifestations of criminal murders, a fearful reprisal. Deal with young children and with them innocent third-party people who accidentally stumbled into the same room with a great king.

Kurlyandskiy and Lobanov also attribute to Voykov's servicing the sale at Zahid at low prices of the treasures of the imperial nickname, Zbroyovo, the Chamber and the Diamond Fund, called "Faberge eggs". However, Faberge eggs were sold much later in 1928–1934

Voikov Petro Lazarevich (1888-1927)

Another person who is attributed to the Jewish campaign, becoming P.L. Voikov, whose special fate in the slaughter of the Tsar's Family continues to evoke the most bitter super-church among historians and descendants.

It should also be noted that no less than a number of issues around the person of P. L. Voikov continue to influence his nationality and name. Persha (w light hands General M.K. Pinhus Weiner. And although the well-known Ural Bolshevik Leonid Isaakovich Weiner is definitely a Jew (although a completely different person), the deeds of today’s followers, like, for example, a doctor historical sciences I. F. Plotnikov and Doctor of Economic Sciences O. A. Platonov, due to their inertia, continue to respect P. L. Voikov’s “exposure of Jewish nationality.” Alas, even though the lords and the sleeping ones would not want to recognize P.L. Voikov for such a thing, no less, he was a born little Russian!

Did P.I. Voikova - Petro Voiko, walking from the many strongmen of the Tavria province. Having collected the money and rejected the landlord, they soon became friends. The born son was named Lazarus, having adopted the rite of Holy Baptism on the day of this saint. And the remains of Petro Voikov will be even poorer, just like Saint Lazarus himself, the father of his newly-born son here.

The fathers of our “hero”: Pyotr Lazarevich and Oleksandra Pilipivna were already insured until the town. (A few words will be said about them in a few words.)

And in order to get to the bottom of the fact that P.L. Voikov has never denounced Jewish nationality, it is enough to quickly become familiar with some of his autobiographical documents, as well as with the documents of the Sevastopol Gendarmerie Directorate in Yal in the Tiny district, why I still feel like I haven’t dared to earn more than anyone from the descendants!

However, the very fact that P.L. Voikov was a Little Russian, and not a Jew, does not play any role in the destruction of the Tsar’s Family, which produced one of the most important articles in the history of the 20th century!

And since Lieutenant General M. K. Diterichs can still be understood through the prevailing currents in the common knowledge of most Russians anti-Semitic sentiments, then one can follow the lead of these tiles through more than a decade It's empty and hopeless on the right.

It should also be noted that the characterization given to P. L. Voikov by M. K. Diterichs, in every world, does not confirm the relevant biography of this person, which actually developed in this way.

His father - Lazar Petrovich, like the Ukrainian villagers-Little Russians, who managed to get high school education and enter the St. Petersburg Institute of Geography, the certificate for participation in student strikes was turned off.

From St. Petersburg, L.P. Voikov moved to Tiflis, where, after graduating from the Tiflis Teachers' Seminary, he took up his position as a teacher of mathematics at the Vocational School in the city of Kerch.

Mother - Oleksandra Pilipivna was a blessed woman. Having graduated from the Kerch Kushnikovsky Women's Institute, she read a lot and loved music.

The Voykov family had four children. The eldest is Petro, so called by his grandfather (or Petrus, as he was most often called in the family), his brother Pavlo and his sisters: Valentina and Militsa.

In 1898, Petro Voikov entered another class of the Kerch Classical Human Oleksandriv Gymnasium. Starting with “excellent”. His especially favorite subjects were history, mathematics, literature and geography.

“Until the sixth grade of the gymnasium,” said P. L. Voykov’s schoolmate M. Z. Kiriash, “we read Jules Verne, Myn Read, Fenimore Cooper, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Garriet Beecher Stowe. From VI we moved on to the readings of Dobrolyubov, Pisarev, Chernishevsky, Herzen, Voynich, Stepnyak-Kravchinsky. This was truly the period of the birth of our revolutionary light. An illegal group was created at the gymnasium, from which we first learned about the love of Karl Marx.”

Before the speech, the very large Kerch youth group of the Social Democratic Party gave important assistance to various representatives of the RSDLP organization, who sometimes advocated this place, which was reflected in their recruitment not, but also from the wide range of illegal literature that was brought by them. And all the “playing in the revolution” gave the first results - the police took the Voikovs home, as they laid down the surface cover. However, this unilateral situation did not anger Pyotr Voikov, who continued to organize the illegal social democratic meetings that took place in the Adzhimushka catacombs near Kerch. Having lived in the brewery shop of the Kerch Metallurgical Plant, after being released from the Craft School (through the revolutionary activity of his son) working with his father, and having also become involved with work what kind of comrades from underground work there are, such as removing various assignments.

In 1903, 15 years old, Petro Voikov joined the RSDLP and joined its Menschovites organization.

Starting at the Oleksandrivskaya Gymnasium, Petro Voikov, already a member of the RSDLP, creates a social-democratic group of scientists who publishes his own illegal handwritten journal, which helps to promote connections between revolutionaries to the young people who are ready to join, Mariupol, Berdichev, Rostov- on-Don. Other places of the Day of Russia.

Already in 1904, following the initiative of Peter Voikov and under his leadership, a strike of Kerch high school students was carried out, which lasted for many days. Having placed a secret watch on the “tall, fair-haired high school student,” the police were unable to find out who the real person was, which was immediately reported to the director of the Oleksandrivskaya Gymnasium.

The rest, not afraid to give in to this fact of unnecessary political spoilage (so as not to cast a shadow on the closest initial pledge in the place), having decided “not to disturb the right,” and, if possible, to rule his world, including the high school student Voikov ... borrow for absences.

Ale y tsa obstavina nitrokha did not spite Petrus. Already two days after being turned off, you are preparing to complete your external studies, which successfully completes the 5th of May 1905 and receives the Certificate of completion of seven classes of the Kerch Human Capital Lasichna Oleksandrivskaya Gymnasium.

And yet, regardless of those who, for his turbulent activity, the young revolutionary Petro Voikov seemed to be considered an easy bastard, they did not bother to raid the Voikovs’ apartment.

Miraculously realizing that behind the scenes of unspoken police surveillance, Lazar Petrovich intends to go from Kerch to the small village of Kekeneiz, where he will represent the place of the road master in the name of the landowner Alchevsky.

The new place of residence of the Voikov family is a small stone hut on the Upper Highway, where all the stinks, despite the good earnings of the head and the visible absence of a police officer, have again become more and more hopeless for some time now.

At the same time, Oleksandra Pilipivna, having connected her special connections, began to fuss about securing the school to the VIII class of the Yalta Oleksandrivska Gymnasium, which they decided to earn, after which Petro V Oykov is once again becoming a high school student, taking the class “as a boarder” . "

Less than a quarter of a century later, while in exile, Pyotr Voikov’s great classmate Mikhailo Pervukhin thought:

“Voikov of those distant days called himself a social democrat and stood on principle against terrorism and against expropriation, even if others organized terrorist acts and expropriation, Voikov was more than willing to put him under I'll help you. His attempts at agitation among the Yalta robot workers appeared a little distant. The robotniks, three-quarters of them from wrongdoers and hooligans, based on the Marxist doctrine, captured the greatest “distribution of values”, and understood the entire revolution as the rightful plunder of possible plunder. nogo.

Before the speech, Voikov appeared due to one deeply tragic episode, information about which was not completely wasted.

We discovered one very young Yalta high school student, Rachel R., an orphan, who lived with elderly people - grandparents, peaceful, practical and God-fearing middle-class Yalta merchants. The old souls were not satisfied with the girl, who became blushing with virility. Everything went well until the girl drowned the sleepy Voikov in the flood. She was determined to conduct socialist propaganda among the cotton plantations. Rachel began to sip on everything, and once, having broken “with literature,” she died. The summer people started to burst into flames. I had a chance to turn to the police. The jokes revealed the following: the careless young propagandist, who was less than 15 years old, became a victim of a whole herd of hooligans from tramp labor workers. The Gvaltivniki rubbed three dobis into the yogurt. They used their bodies themselves, or, not being satisfied with this, they “frequented” them with workers from other plantations for a modest fee of 15–20 kopecks per person. When the police snatched the girl from the hands of these cunning baboons, was she already in an unpleasant state? And the doctors doubted whether they could be cured. Don't wake up, Rachel R. survived, but she was not happy - shock struck her nervous system, and, in addition, she turned out to be infected, not with just one, but with two terrible illnesses. They were taken abroad and I lost my respect.”

With the beginning of the revolutionary spirit in 1905, mass strikes were organized in Yalta, and during the hour, demonstrators walked around with red flags and sang revolutionary songs. Among them was high school student Petro Voikov.

Once again, a search was carried out at the Voikovs’ apartment. And Peter, who was forcibly accepted, is again excluded from the gymnasium.

Alec once again the patience bursts and into Lazar Petrovich. Having earned a lot of knowledge from the pardons of his student youth and at that time a completely law-abiding person, he simply grew tired of the endless problems associated with the anti-order activity of his son. She initially fell into her career (resigned from a good job), then, with a change of place of residence, it was said that she began to appear as if she had never missed a beat. Between my father and my son, a turbulent Rozmova was born, after which Petrus (whose family would definitely like to stick with him for a long time as a revolutionary leader) takes over my father’s house. There weren’t any pennies, and Petro Voikov wandered around the place every hour, spending the night with casual acquaintances and grubging on what he would get.

I'm sorry, I have to find a job at the port and rent a room, and immediately begin to prepare for the final year of the classical gymnasium.

But at the same time, another misfortune befalls the Voikov family - Birch 2, 1906, through the unfortunate and undivided work of the postilion from the pistol to the closet to build their shells with the lives of their young son Pavlo...

Having graduated as an external student for the final course of the Yalta Classical Human Gymnasium in 1906, Petro Voikov withdraws his Certificate of Maturity, and instead of continuing his studies, he begins to Again, compare with the local Bolsheviks.

At the beginning of the war in 1906, the youth movement of the local anarchist-communist fighting squad decided to secretly smuggle out of the area and foreign bombs (self-made Vibuch devices), prepared for curing at the personal battles. If the fragments of this battle, fortunately, did not burn out, the bombs could be partially discharged and stored in a safe place, and in part they were simply removed by the method of destruction due to the impossibility of discharging them due to their design features.

On the evening of 20 June, five militants: Vasyukov, Voikov, Korin, Nashanburzky and Rutenko - gathered on the outskirts of Yalta, on the outskirts of one of the old booths, fenced with a wooden fence. Having talked among themselves, they divided into two groups, the first of which: Vasyukov and Rutenko - went out into the street to stop the newcomer, and the others: Voikov, Korin and Nashanburzky - having picked up a bunch of khmiza, went down from the ladies and brought the Let's go, whoever you've been to two important bombs, packed in two large boxes from Montpensier. Having laid down the seat of their deadly tractor on the phaeton, Vasyukov and Rutenko ordered the driver to drive freely along the street, and their comrades, as instructed, took their place. Having talked with the driver, they learned that at that very hour Police Chief M. M. Gvozdevich would be driving through Pushkinsky Boulevard. The decision came soon after - the young terrorists were planning to launch a strike against the Chief of Police, throwing a bomb to his crew when he caught up with them. However, this is a terrorist act for those who, having launched a swing, ended in failure - the police chief lost his life, and the resentment of the dashing person was severely shell-shocked with a viscera and took off numerous shrapnel wounds, which resulted from being taken from the scene under and to the local medicine store, Vasyukov and Rutenko close to midnight died. Svedomist.

Having learned about the recent move, Voikov, Korin and Nashanburzky continued to deprive Yalta that night. Having reached Kekenez with his clothes and having looked at his father’s little booth, Petro informed his father about the bulges on Pushkinsky Boulevard, as well as about his plans to quietly leave the place in order to avoid the inevitable arrest. Having taken away the “father’s blessing” from the financial assistance that seemed necessary for the first hour, and taken away necessary documents, it’s already a day before reaching Sevastopol, where he buys a ticket to St. Petersburg.

Having arrived in the capital, he initially lives in the apartment of his high school friend M. Z. Kiriash (also a student at the Imperial St. Petersburg University), and then rents a room in a room on the Petersburg side And, where they begin to prepare for the tests, they have made the initial pledge.

Having successfully completed his entrance examination, P. L. Voikov became a student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, but he did not have a chance to study for a long time, since Vlad Yalti was not going to close the report about the swing on Pushkinsky Boulevard. Moreover, since the order around Yalta had been dissolved, Livadia became the favorite place of the Tsar’s Family. And to endure, as it seems, a nest of terrorists under the nose of the August Family, not allowing not to deprive the service of the Yalta gendarmes, but also their special prestige. Moreover, the area on the right behind the High Command has been transferred to the control of the Ministry of Justice. Ozhe, aresht P.L. Voikova buv lee more food an hour.

The report “About the attack on the Yalta Police Chief” had a lot of evidence: military officers, students, high school students, sailors, local workers, etc. Having lost our lives, we are born. And although “Petrus’s” comrades did not see their friend, the police still managed to find information on their trail.

Pochatkovі vidomosti, as small posadovi individuals, busy with the chatter of respectable people, until Petro Voikov entered, they were even modest. So, for now, the Office of the Yalta Governor-General is small in its operational capacity:

“Voikov Petro, 1888 rock of the people, son of Lazar Voikov, teacher of mathematics, Little Russian (seen by me. - Yu. Zh.), diligence to the knowledge of the sciences of the meanings of letters.

For disobedience, rebellion and seditious behavior of any kind, the Order of His Imperial Majesty was excluded from the 6th grade of the gymnasium and ending with an external degree.

Member of the RSDLP.

Before I swing at the High-Posadovtsev, I pay tribute.

Conduct investigations in localities, volosts and districts of the Russian Empire.”

Realizing that his axis can be arrested, P. L. Voikov, in response to the proposal of his comrade M. Z. Kiriasha, decides to quickly obtain his foreign passport and leave for Paris. I, as it turned out, immediately - if the warrant for the arrest of P.L. Voikov was withdrawn from St. Petersburg, having been in Kharkov.

Doctor A. A. Nikolaev, who was born in 1907, said:

“Petrus (...) immediately came to me. (...) Voikov knew that political illegalities were often hidden in me, and he told me about his exodus from St. Petersburg. (...) It was hard for me to live: they were doing the same thing behind my apartment. They believed that Petrus would settle in Moskalivtsi. However, it did not matter to us every day. We once lived on Pushkinskaya, and our door was also facing Sadov. This made it possible to lick out the bacon. Petrus doesn’t make any money and lives on the pennies he earns for his lessons. (...)

Knowing how carelessness will threaten Voikov, I’ll let you go beyond the cordon.”

However, Petro Voikov is determined that at that time he was aiming at the new Chief of Police of Yalta, Colonel I. A. Dumbadze (who was killed by one of the militants in the “flying corral” of the Socialist Revolutionary party on the 26th of February 1907 in the dacha town of Chukurlara near Yalta) gave an additional impetus to the investigation of the report “About the explosion of bombs on Pushkin” who cares about the boulevards?

The Vizna Session of the Sevastopol District Court praised the fact that the main accused were convicts. Ale P. L. Voikov is one of the main figures in this case, as before, having lost his freedom. Therefore, orientations with his attributes and accolades (“Petrus”, “Intelligent” and “Byalavy”) are shouted at all ends of the Russian Empire, attributing to his organization the preparation of the attack on the Yalta floor Itzmeister.

The assistant to the Head of the Sevastopol State Housing Administration in the Yalta region, Captain Popov, who, through his agents, obtained information about Voikov’s place of worship, sent a secret sheet to the Police Department on June 14, 1908:

“Respecting the new law in Switzerland about the release to foreign orders of all the evildoers who have been killed by the evil spirits with vibukhov’s speeches and shells, I report on the order that I received from the authorities of a group of anarchist-communists that has established itself in Yalta in 1906, people saved their sleep. The Sevastopol war in 1907 roared through the vibrating walls with a explosive projectile: the townsman Oleksandr Andrianov Mudrov, the peasant Titus Lepovsky, as well as the capture by the court investigator of the especially important right-wing student of St. Petersburg University that Petro Lazarevich Voikov at the information about the bomb on Pushkinsky Blvd. Yalta 20 June 1906 rock, for the most reliable information, live near the city of Geneva, near Switzerland.”

From the Department of the Police this sheet was handed over to the Special Branch with the resolution:

“Ask Harting about the correctness of the records of Captain Popov (for the Viconn to transfer to the Special Veddilu). 19.VI.”

And, in addition, the person who despised her asked the head of the foreign agency to check the records.

The city gendarmes were awake, busy searching for Pyotr Voikov’s photographic card. And, I need to say, we have achieved success in this endeavor. Thus, the Head of the Sevastopol Residential Administration in the Yalta and Evpatoria districts, Colonel Seidlitz, on a secret sheet dated June 23, 1908, addressed to Viddill with special information to the Police Department, informing:

“In addition to the notification of 30 rubles for No. 6711, I present one photographic card of Pyotr Lazarev Voikov.”

Following on the trail of Peter Voikov, the Police Department instructed its agents behind the cordon to understand the possibility of presenting official documents through diplomatic channels about the appearance of the Tsar's Order. And today, of course, it is important to establish who is the most vulnerable to the gendarmes of the gendarmes of Voikova, but it is clear that the director of the Yalta Oleksandrivska Gymnasium Gottlie has been seen for a long time L.P. Voikov Certificate of maturity in the name of my son, who is satisfied that having completed the initial mortgage. And after a while, they decide to satisfy his bastard, putting an urgent mind: tell the prokhanna about the appearance, for what purpose it is necessary.

For a long time, not having any fears for this time, Lazar Petrovich finally gave up on his insecurities, the result of which was a scandal, which literally read:

“My honor, we humbly ask Your Excellency to see the dedication of my son Pyotr Voikov about those who have truly passed the test and rejected the certificate of maturity. Such confirmation is required for submission to the University of Bern (Switzerland) before submitting the supporting documents that are located at the University of St. Petersburg.”

Please send your message to my name at Kekeneez: Postal and telegraph office Kekeneez, Lazar Voikov. 3 zhovtnya 1907 r.

Lazar Voikov."

In this manner, on the 9th of June 1907, L.P. Voikov, having taken away a long document, said:

Having traveled between the Russian Empire, P. L. Voikov initially lived in Paris and gave lectures at the University of Paris, and then moved to Switzerland in the spring of 1908.

Arriving in Geneva, he rented a small room on the rue de Carouge, where at that time a large number of emigrants from Russia lived.

His earnings at that time were very modest - the pennies earned for private mathematics lessons, the ice was enough to pay for the rented life, so P. L. Voikov plans to join the Swiss Socialist Party, whose members were entitled to all sorts of benefits from the rulers and getting used to work.

In the spring of 1909, Petro Voikov successfully created entrance exams Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Geneva. And at the moment I am studying mathematics, one of the most important tasks in the most beautiful and rational way, which immediately earns the respect of the professor.

Being a student, P. L. Voikov Bagato prazuu in the UNIVITETSIKI BIBLOTETSI, de is known to be the same emigrant ІЗ Rosії - B.V. Dydkovsky (Maybutnim, Comrade Golovy Presida Viconcom Uralsko for the sake of).

Employed in UNIVITETI to the Caulit of P. L. Voikova Nastilka, the zgoda vin, Vihishov beyond the framework of forever, write Kilka Robit of the Franziya, the zgoda of the pubescanish at the Country of Country.

P. L. Voikov’s studies at the university revolve around sports. So, during the student holidays, Switzerland often becomes more expensive, and if you are busy with mountaineering, you will reach the summit of Mont Blanc, which is located 4807 meters above the river level, but at that time you can climb without much trouble strength Having admired the beauty that appears in the sky, and having signed the book of the undercurly flowers (which is preserved in a small white box, which has decorated the top, serving as an observatory), the wine is already turning around in the evening back near Chamonix, the stars began their path to the mountain.

Spring 1914 rock P.L. financial development. And just a little while ago, across the river, on April 24, 1915, in the homeland of the Voikovs, the first leader of the people is called - Sin Pavlo, named after the riddle about his lost brother.

Despite the fact that P.L. Voikov joined the Menshevik faction of the Russian Bureau of the RSDLP, his life in Switzerland did not pass in vain. With the help of his classmate B.V. Dydkovsky and other known members of the Bolshevik Party, we can establish close acquaintances with some of them closest to V.I. Lenin. And the majority of Russian emigrants lived, seemingly, to live modestly, then such people as P.L. Voikov were always welcome guests in their apartments, which only suited his additional “authority” in the emigrant community i.

With the beginning of the Lute Troubles and the transition of political power in the region to the Timchasov Order, many Russian emigrants began to return to Russia. As passengers of the so-called first-list “sealed carriage”, but in reality - agents of the German General Staff, on March 27, 1917, a group of Bolshevik emigrants traveled from Zurich to Russia on behalf of V.I. Lenin. And just before Russia, another train of Russian emigrants was sent to another list of “sealed cars”, among which were P.L. Voikov and his squad.

Arriving in Petrograd on May 9, 1917, P. L. Voikov headed the Ministry of Pracia, looming on the spot with regard to food and practice. Menshik M. I. Skobelev, who agreed with this establishment, appointed to this posad, literally, every few days, appointing the Commissar of the Ministry of Food and Nutrition to this posad, who, in fact, was his intercessor. Bo, in my opinion, P.L. Voikov, who is well aware of the work of political organizations in Europe, could soon take a significant place from the Menshevik party.

However, P.L. Voikov did not rush to give up his year right away, but decided to first go to Kekeneez in order to see his fathers, whom he had not left since Yalta.

Having become friends with others, my father learned from the news that after the end of the synopsis, I had to change my job again and, having left the warm Crimea, move to the Tomsk province at any time to work on the Anzhero-Sudzhensky list ah. And then, in search of better earnings, move to the Urals, to the Bogoslovsky Girsky Okrug, after an unfortunate fall, having lost the calcium, through some confusion they will turn back to Kekeneez.

Turning to Petrograd, P. L. Voikov accepts M. I’s proposition. Skobeleva begins to engage her ministry in looking into conflicts between workers and entrepreneurs - the bosses of enterprises, so that the function of the arbitration court can be ended.

Before the end of 1917, the situation was particularly complex in the Urals, where Bolshevik organizations had been around for a long time Lute revolution They carried out an active campaign aimed at coming to power not through equal and direct elections to the Constitutional Elections, but through a violent path. In connection with these many plants and factories, the Urals stood for a troubling hour through constant strikes and all sorts of internal conflicts. The picture looked no better in most of the mining districts of the Urals, the mines of which also concentrated their work. And this, in its turn, could lead to another problem - the nationalization of enterprises, the threat of which became very real after the lime crisis of power.

For the highest level of nutrition M.I. Skobelev encourages P.L. Voikov to go to the Urals as a representative of the Ministry of Pracia, for which he gives his benefit and, approximately in the middle of 1917, goes to Yekaterinburg together with his squad and his young son.

Arriving at the unofficial capital of the Urals, P.L. Voikov immediately joined forces with representatives of the Ekaterinburz Radiya, who told them that, as a representative of the government, we intend to promote business and professional It is impossible to see all the conflicts at a glance in the presence of such representatives.

Almost from the very first day of P. L. Voikov, the mediation activity was successful, since his position was reflected in the priority given to the position of only one side - the Ural proletariat, through which his special officer affiliation to the Menshovik Party of the Yekaterinburg Municipal Committee of the RSDLP(b) marveled at how it seems like it's crazy. Of little importance to the eminent authority is small and the “most senior revolutionary activity”, and the main thing is that his multiple partners with V.I. Lenin, what happened to the fate of the Swiss emigration.

Based on the nature of his activities - factories, factories, pharmaceuticals and initial deposits, having negotiated with workers, service workers, personnel and students, P. L. Voikov miraculously revealed the alignment of political forces that had come together at that time, in Ekaterinburz, leading role in who was given to the Bolsheviks. . And, being at his core an adventurer and a political adherent of Suvan, P. L. Voikov is already aware that the future of Russia is inextricably linked with their party. The party has never recognized its current political opponents. A party that is far from favoritism and any compromises in the struggle. And that’s why, already in the middle of 1917, fate would defeat his many comrades in the Menshovik party and openly switch to the Bolsheviks, who received a letter about this from the local newspaper.

To explain the motives for joining the RSDLP(b), please write a short sheet, which was also published by the local press:

“The rest of the union between the menshoviks and the United Nations ended without a break with the defencists, as the latest comrades found themselves in the lava of the menshoviks-internationalists, but, incidentally, pleasing between two wings of menchovism. The favor is, in my opinion, an unproblematic political mercy and a serious blow to the internationalist work in Russia.

At the moment, every day, every day, the greatest effort of strength and the clearest manifestation of the class proletarian position of the Social Democratic Party, I seemed pitiful and hopeless attempts to know the middle. Between the stubborn defencists and the completely capricious crack-Plekhanovites. Not having seen the end of the departure, I deprived both the departure and the party, as I only hoped that the Mensheviks-internationalists would find a possible organizational unity with the “social democrats” in defense of that coalition tsії.

But as an organized social democrat, I have an unbearable political identity and social democratic work outside the framework of the comradely middle class. The Bolshevik party is deprived of a united one that can stand on a class proletarian position, and I, without hesitation, will enter before its lava. I was not the first to follow this path, but the greatest successive Mensheviks-internationalists have earned the very same things...”

Vibir P. L. Voikova has resolved to submit to the Ministry of Pracia in any way, and then become even closer to the Ekaterinburg Bolsheviks. Thus, for the recommendation of the Yekaterinburz Municipal Committee, the Committee of the RSDLP(b) must be sent to the warehouse of the Yekaterinburz Municipality for the sake of sending him to a vocational job as Secretary of the Ural Regional Bureau of Trade Unions.

On September 10, 1917, the First Conference of Trade Unions opened in Yekaterinburz, on the third day of which P. L. Voikov gave a speech “Trade Unions and Revolution,” declaring that the Russian professional The seventh revolution “may escape from any illusions about possibility bourgeoisie."

After Zhovtnevy’s coup in Petrograd, the capital now has the “Chervony Urals” of P. L. Voikov to enter the warehouse of the Timely Revolutionary Committee and the elections that were held in the Yekaterinburz Municipal Duma, as a representative of the RSDLP (b), elected There are up to 2 deputies. On the day of the first meeting, which took place on November 19, 1917, P. L. Voikov, again on the proposal of the RSDLP (b) faction, turned his head to the Duma.

Having climbed onto the stage and taken the lead seat at the presiding table, they immediately accosted those present for their trust. And then, in response to the proposition, he drew on himself the sign of the Head of the Ekaterinburg Miska Duma, which was lying in front of him in a morocco case, taking a posing pose, saying:

“I am a servant of the proletariat, and the proletariat for its history has endured so many Lanzugs...”

However, in this new year, having imprisoned P.L. Voikov, having tried for a short time, a few protested against the Bolshevik Duma representatives of other factions, most often, pointedly deprived this huge election. And after the Bolsheviks dispersed the Statutory Assemblies of the Yekaterinburg Municipal Duma, like other bodies of the old government, simply gave up their existence, like such an institution that “survived”.

But this did not at all mean those who at once from the political arena of the Urals and P.L. Voikov. At the Ural Regional Office, I am glad that, having returned to life, he has become the Commissar of the Post-Industrial Affairs of the Ural Region, concentrating in his hands colossal power over the shares of the inhabitants of the entire Ural region. And also, what is important, he rejects the unsatisfied encouragement in the person of his old comrade from emigration B.V. Didkovsky, who was elected at this meeting as Comrade Head of the Presidium of the Ural Regional Rad.

P.L. Voikov, who is holding in his hands the supply of food for the entire Ural region, is called “living in a big way.” Now he no longer lived, as before, in the “American Hotel”, where the Ural Regional Cheka moved in early 1918. (I would like to deprive myself there, as a work room, of one of the many rooms.) Having chosen for their commissariat a luxurious apartment with columns in the central part of the place - the enormous cabin-mansion of the Head Chief Irish Factories of the Ural Ridge, which grew on the Gymnasium embankment (infectiously - Embankment of Robochaya Molody), he often held Balshasar’s banquets for his “party comrades”, which continued until late at night. The tables were bursting with herbs, pineapples, champagne and caviar, which were far from the most sought-after delicacies... And during the day of the festivities you could also enjoy marafet (cocaine), which Petro Lazarevich became addicted to during his student hours. As a rule, all the guests were accompanied by Adele’s squad, who at that time was on duty at the regional health protection commission, who in the booth occupied by her family was in charge of the fashion salon, which was carried out in the evening by the squads. khanki of the new Ural "elite".

At the same time, P.L. Voikov, who was of the greatest importance, set such prices for food products and firewood that even if private trade in the Urals became impossible. And this, in its turn, led to a commodity shortage and a serious decrease in the level of living. During the course of the policy of nationalization of the Ural industry carried out by P. L. Voikov, large leaders of enterprises, as a rule, were repressed not without their direct participation. No less cruel attacks were experienced by the villagers, who were forced to abandon unsustainable plans for the supply of food.

Thinking about these days through the rocks, P. L. Voikov with a sum thought about them as about the era of “energy, determination, initiative” that “gave space.”

At the hour of the “Jacobian epic”, which ended, the transport of the Tsar’s Family to Yekaterinburg, P. L. Voikov entered the warehouse of the “superordinate trio” (F. I. Goloshchokin, B. V. Dydkovsky and P. L. Voikov). And then, among the same people, he is assigned to the “Commission of three people to organize the protection and protection of the great Tsar Romanov and his family.”

About those who P.L. Voikov carried a letter to Budinka of Special Purpose as a member of this commission, history, it seems, has swept away the fragments of everyday mysteries, but nothing has been preserved. But those who have been at your office more than once – there is no doubt about the documents that are saved in GARF. And the same: the signatures of A. G. Biloborodov, dated May 6, 1918, were seen by P. L. Voikov in the fact that he is a member of the well-known commission, that permit, dated on the same date, to the right of entry “to Ipatov’s booth (so documents!) on Voznesenskaya Street (prospect. – Yu. Zh.), where to take revenge great king N. Romanov is the part of this family.”

May 11, 1918 to Comrade Head of the Presidium of the Vikonkogo Ekaterinburzskaya Miska for the sake of R. F. Zagvozkin, who testified for the grub and the slave spirits of those arrested, writing in the name of P. L. Voikov for number 2157, in anyone asking for food cards for this Ipatieva ”, like that “merciful” allowing us to formalize...

It should also be noted that P.L. Voikov was one of the most dedicated people in the fight against evil that was plotted against power. Tsar's martyrs. So, for example, he especially took the greatest part in the provocations carried out by the Chekists, so as to set the ultimate goal of provoking the Tsar’s Family to escape. In the name of some “Officer” in the presence of A. R. Beloborodov, Chekist I. I. Rodzinsky, under the dictation of P.L. Voikov, wrote sheets of paper in French, which were then handed over to the Chekist for confessions through the security officer who had been transported to the internal security warehouse.

The speech of P. L. Voikov at the expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Vikonsky Ural Region was already reported to the previous section, which indicates preparations before the assassination of the Tsar’s Family, and it would be senseless to repeat this again.

To this day, there is the same version about those that P.L. Voikov not only took a special part in the execution of the Tsar’s Family, but also was present at the depletion of corpses, which was carried out directly under his ceremonies. And as confirmation of their words, by showing an engagement with reds, like blood, ruby, like, nibity, it was necessary for any of the members of the Tsar's Family. Well, it’s not surprising that these reports came out only from P. L. Voikov himself and no one else. Peter Lazarevich (then the Plenipotentiary Representative of the SRSR of Poland) on New Year’s Eve 1925 told his closest aide R. Z. Besedovsky. And that one, in her own words, under the heading “The Killing of the Tsar’s Family (Voikov’s Confirmation)”, described them in her book “On the Ways to Thermidor” (1931).

From this “Voikov’s confirmation” (a fragment of what was also the advice from the previous section), the part that reveals the debate that came out of the food: how to protect the Tsar’s Family is lost. yu? And no more. Albeit from this, it certainly doesn’t matter that P.L. Voikov burned out without having to commit further marriage to this evil. A reader who is familiar with N. A. Sokolov’s book “The Killing of the Tsar’s Family” melodiously remembers that one of the verbal proofs in this case were two notes by P. L. Voikov with evidence about the release of Japanese sulfuric acid, for which yu what From the very beginning it was time to deplete the body. And for some kind of help, the isolation of the bodies was obtained at the place of their zagalal “burial.”

After the fall of the capital “Chervony Ural” P.L. Voikov evacuated to Perm. Now his head of the robot lies at the molded and distributed food sheds, which obtain bread from the villagers who live in the adjacent districts of this provincial center.

In 1918, at the birth of the Radyansky district, the state apparatus was replenished with new personnel, on the recommendation of V. Voikov, who knew P.L. People’s Commissar of Finance of the R.S.F.S.R. well. M. M. Krestinsky, translate them from Moscow. A number of months have been working in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat, which is the final assignment, and starting from the beginning of 1919, assigned to the post of Deputy. The head of the Central Union.

26 June 1920 Roku RNK R.S.F.S.R. recognizes P. L. Voikov as a member of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade of the R.S.F.S.R., in which it was entrusted with the responsibilities of the lower departments: export, transport, expeditionary, mint-material and border departments burial While residing in this area, Petro Voikov became one of the organizers of the sale of the rich treasures of the Zbroyovo Chamber and the Diamond Fund, including the priceless collection of K. G. Faberge.

In 1921, P. L. Voikov spoke more than once at meetings of the Radnarkom, at which V. I headed. Lenin, with information from various sources of foreign trade.

September 17, 1921 Rada of Defense R.S.F.S.R. under the head of the same V.I. Lenina is looking at a project about the newly created organization “Pivnichnolis”. P. L. Voikov took part in the preparation of this project, after which the Presidency of the VRNG SRSR at its meeting confirmed him as a member of the Board of Directors of the Pivnichnolis as a representative of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade vli SRSR. (At that time, P.L. Voikov, who was victorious from the systematic plundering of especially valuable farmsteads, as he gave to his numerous khans, rejected the Suvor Dogan along the party line and was subsequently removed from the imprisonment of a member of the board of the People's Commissariat.)

18 Bereznya 1921 between R.S.F.S.R. And the Ukrainian Socialist Republic, on the one hand, and Poland, on the other, signed the Great Peace Treaty, which legally ended the Radian-Polish war unleashed by the Bolsheviks. However, the implementation of the main provisions of the agreement was delayed.

At the end of 1921, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin informed P.L. Voikov about his recognition as the head of the delegation of the R.S.F.S.R. and Ukraine at the Mixed Radian-Polish reevacuation and special commissions. The head of the robot of this newly-minted body lay at the continued evacuation of the sovereign, huge and private lane from the province of the Kolishny Kingdom of Poland, which began as early as 1914 and was interrupted in the spring of 1915, when the situation at the front became much more complicated. So, the Radyansky district, not recognizing the daily craws of the colossal Russian Empire, began to shamelessly lay claim to the main thing, which is absolutely due to you. (Those who do not have to marvel at the fact that among all the leading followers of the Radian hour, the Gold Reserve of the Russian Empire is cynically called the Gold Reserve of the R.S.F.S.R.!)

On the 8th of 1921, the first meeting of the Mixed Commission took place, before the work of which engineers, writers and artists who represented the grievances of both sides were obtained. Already on the other hand, there were 2 leaf falls in 1921, defeating the delegation of the R.S.F.S.R. and Ukraine’s knowledge of the teachings of O. Yu. Shmidt, having announced what we intend to devote to ourselves scientific activity, and P. L. Voikova was assigned to the Radyansky district in this place. It is necessary to say that P. L. Voikov showed himself far from the best side. As a result of the installation of diplomatic bonds with Poland, they transfer Russian archives, libraries, as well as other material values ​​and works of art.

At the same time, while working at the Mixed Reevacuation Commission, P.L. Voikov resigns to low order, taking part in the negotiations to establish a trade agreement between the R.S.F.S.R. that of Poland, as well as between R.S.F.S.R. and Sweden.

Thorish sickle of 1922 at the meeting of the Collegium of the NKID R.S.F.S.R. P. L. Voikov’s letter of recognition to the appointment of the Most Important Representative of the R.S.F.S.R. was seen. in Canada. Ale the order of this region was categorically taken from this Radyansky order through the accountability of P. L. Voikov before the killing of the Tsar’s Family.

On September 8, 1924, at a meeting of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the SRSR, it was discussed about the recognition of a new Most Important Representative of the SRSR from Poland. Following the proposal of G. V. Chicherin, the board recommended Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov for this position. Agreman for this purpose received 10 sickles from the Polish Government. Ale, remembering the scandalous aspect of the Canadian order, Poland murmured... On the 22nd sickle, the long-awaited confirmation was torn away. But in the new Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, in the person of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland A. Yu. Skrzynski, it was determined by the wariness of the war that the history and legend of his participation in the shooting of the Romanov homeland are connected with Voikov’s particularity, then use Which order do you want to pick up from whose drive of roses? clear.

In his testimony, G. V. Chicherin reported that:

“The Order of the Union respects Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov in the obvious guises of the intended purpose, then. to clear up the obvious misunderstandings between our Orders...”

I explained that P.L. Voikov, having taken over the post of the regional commissar in the Urals, was in charge and, as a Neveyan, did not stand before the crowning of the great king and his family.

“I don’t remember the moment in the history of the struggle of the Polish people against the strangulation of tsarism, if the struggle against the rest did not hang like a loom on the right of the free movement in Poland and Russia. There is certainly no Polish citizen who would not remember those sparks and deeply understood achievements, in which Adam Mickiewicz recalls his close connection with Pushkin and, among others, those like n, grimacing behind him with only his cloak, standing in front of the statue of Peter the Great. I have no doubt that Adam Mickiewicz was entirely in agreement with Pushkin’s famous verses:

Samovlasnytskyi dashing!

I hate your throne,

Your death, the death of children

I rejoice with the cruel one.

Given the majestic expansion that has arisen throughout Poland, the drama of Julius Slovaksky “Kordian”, every Polish giant undoubtedly remembers that scene from these dramas, where the voices of the people are suing for the death not only of the king, but of his family.” .

At the end of his words, G. V. Chicherin praised the fact that

“... that hundreds and thousands of fighters for the freedom of the Polish people, who perished over the course of a century in the tsarist struggles and in the Siberian wars, otherwise the Romanov dynasty would have been reduced to the fact, but it would have been possible to settle down from your ranks Domlen".

Liszt by G. V. Chicherin evoked a great resonance in Poland. Young people were “progressively” groomed, labor workers and, along with representatives of the intelligentsia, illegally distributed them all over the country. And on the pages of newspapers with the most democratic orientation, lively disputes began...

Nezabar from A. Yu. Skshinsky rejected the idea that the Polish order had decided to accept P. L. Voikov as the most important Representative of the USSR in Poland.

On the 2nd of leaf fall, 1924, P.L. Voikov and his friends arrived in Warsaw, and on the 8th of leaf fall, they presented their certificates to the President of the Polish Republic, Stanislaw Wojciechowski.

This text is a meaningful fragment. From the book Famous mandrivniki author

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GINZBURG VITALIY LAZAREVICH (born 1916) The brilliant Radyansky and Russian theoretical physicist Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg was born on the 4th of June 1916 in Moscow. The Mayday scholar was one child in a typical Jewish family. Yogo father, Lazar Yukhimovich Ginzburg, born already

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1888 RIK 72 Having read Lyubimov’s note, sent to Your Majesty, I don’t find anything in it that would justify the storm it caused in the city. Vorontsova. This record is very true and fair, and because he, being the director of the new university statute,

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1888 r. Right there. L. 61.

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Peter I - ce Peter III (1728-1762) The names are identical. Peter I's baptismal name was Father Fedir, and according to Father Peter III's name - Fedorovich. According to the father of Tsar Peter I - Oleksiyovich. A outside of my home Peter III – Karl Petro Ulrich. Karl is the king, king. And Ulrich can entirely be confirmed by Oleksiyovich.

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1888 Lovkin G.G. Typical favors

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1888 Arab Sophia-Boniface, 05/14/1870, issue 18th 1888, N 173 Borzhkovska Valentina, 12/28/1870, issue 18 1888, N 173 Vasilyeva 8 Bryant medal, 06/2/1871, issue 1 8th 1888, N 173Grodzka Evgeniya, 01/9/1870, issue 18th 1888, N 173 Zakrzhevska

Born in 1888 in Kerch into the family of a theological seminary teacher (otherwise known as the director of the gymnasium; he was a remaining monarchist, later joining the Union of the Russian People). Having joined the RSDLP in 1903, he was a Menshovik. For revolutionary service he was discharged from the gymnasium and the St. Petersburg State University. In the summer of 1906, he joined the fighting squad of the RSDLP, taking part in the transported bombs and taking aim at the Yalta mayor, General Dumbadze. In 1907, facing arrest, they went to Switzerland, where they became close to Lenin and the Bolsheviks. While in exile, he began at the Universities of Geneva and Paris. Having made friends with a classmate - the daughter of a rich Warsaw merchant, and living with a great fortune, she was raped by her fathers. In 1917 turning to Russia at once from V.I. Lenin. He was a commissar of the Ministry of Labor and Timing, having witnessed the greatest conflicts between workers and enterprises, who opposed the employers and wanted to stockpile factories. Torishny sickle in 1917 was directed by the ministry to Yekaterinburg, where it joined the RSDLP(b). Member of the Yekaterinburg Revolutionary Committee.

Zhovtnya 1917 r. Secretary of the Ural Regional Bureau of Trade Unions and head of the Yekaterinburz Municipal Duma. In sichna - chest 1918 r. The commissar of the post of the Ural region, at this planting, requisitioned food from the villagers. He took part in the execution of the royal family (an active henchman of some kind). Zokrema vin signed documents about seeing a high amount of sulfuric acid for permanent reduction of the body. With this, as a result of this very initiative, a boy cook was spared, who was initially expected to be assigned to the ranks of the royal servants.

U zhovtni 1917 r. Secretary of the regional bureau of professional vocational schools and head of the Municipal Duma in Yekaterinburz. In 1918 Commissar for the sake of the Urals. Voikov set such prices for food products and burned that private trade in the Urals became unbearable. This, in its turn, led to a commodity shortage and a serious decline in the level of life. During the nationalization of the Ural industry, which was carried out by Voikov, many rulers of the enterprises were subject to reprisals. The villages were stagnated because they were forced to make unbearable supplies.

Z Bereznya 1919 r. intercessor of the head of the Central Union. Zhovtnya 1920 r. Member of the Board of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, member of the board of the Severoles Trust. One of the stonework operations of the Radyansky order was sold for the treasures of the Imperial House, the Chamber of Breastfeeding and the Diamond Fund (including the same way was sold Great eggs, Prepared by K. G. Faberge). From the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, they were paid from the heavy party dog ​​for the systematic theft of valuable farms (as they gave to their numerous khans).

In 1921 Voikov treated the Radyan delegation as soon as the peace treaty with Poland was overdue. Willingly accept diplomatic documents at any price, transferring Russian archives, libraries, objects of mystique and material values ​​to the Poles.

Torishny Serpnya 1922 appointments as a diplomatic representative of the RRFSR in Canada, and after rejecting the agreman through honor before killing the royal family. Zhovtnya 1924 r. Performer of the USSR in Poland. According to contemporary accounts, Voikov was seen in Warsaw as an active adventurer, even to the point of planning to wet the head of Poland Pilsudski (and not denying permission from Moscow); After spending an entire hour in secret contacts with the Polish communists, one of them (Leszczynski) after this, due to the relationship, was imported from Poland to the embassy motor show; The fire pits in the Warsaw embassy at the hour of the war were still filled with explosives and grenades.

7 rubles 1927 r. shot at the train station near Warsaw by Russian emigrant B. S. Koverda. The Polish court condemned Koverda to death, and on the 15th of June 1937 he was released.

Voikov was buried at the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

The Moscow metro station Voykovska is named after Pyotr Voikov (by order of the chemical plant named after Voikov), as well as several roads named after Voikov. Participants in the huge Vernadnya project appealed to the mayor of Moscow to remove the names of Tsarevbivts from the map of Moscow and rename the Voykovska metro station. U Sverdlovsk region One of the mines bears the name of Voikov; the Zaporizhzhia mine is named after Voikov.

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Petro Volkonskiy Petr Volkonskiy

Military and sovereign leader. Field Marshal General (1850). Adjutant General (1801). Member of Derzhradi (1821). The Most Serene Prince (1834). From a long time ago..

How often do the residents of Kerch wonder at those in whose honor the streets, alleys, creeks are named? A village, district, street, factory proudly bears the name of Radyansky party activist Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov. Kim won, how did he deserve to be known, how does he live?

Voikov was born in Kerch in the family of the local master of the metallurgical plant in 1888. Until now, there is no single reliable thought about the real name of the upcoming revolutionary. For the data of the Voykov - his official name, for other wines, Pinchus Weiner was respected under the Jewish names. As a mature man, during the period of his turbulent revolutionary and diplomatic activity, Voykov dropped the nickname “Biliasty”, “Intellectual”, “Petrus”.

Petro Lazarevich, already in school, became embroiled in political struggle; in 1903, after the split of the RSDLP, the 15th Petro joined the Menshevik Party. Having become actively involved in the party right, he was entrusted with the expansion of revolutionary leaflets and the recruitment of representatives of the RSDLP. The student’s illegal activities became known and he was expelled from the 6th grade of the Kerch gymnasium.

The father of the Lazar family decided to transport his family to the Oleksandrivskaya Gymnasium (now the Institute of Grape and Wine "Magarach"), and from this initial mortgage Peter was turned off. As the situation changed, this period began at the gymnasium with Mikola Harito and Samuel Marshak. Voikov went to school as an extern and worked at the port at the same time.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, I went to St. Petersburg, intending to enter the university institute. Even though it had not been washed there for a long time, its revolutionary activity alerted the credibility of the institution and became the reason for the revival. At an unexpected hour, I became Voykov’s stool near the hotel near St. Petersburg, and soon turned back to Yalta.

In 1906, Petro Lazarevich joined the fighting squad and helped transport bombs for the attack on General I. A. Dumbadze. The general was the mayor of Yalta, ruling the place in an extreme authoritarian manner, which was not up to both revolutionaries and liberals. Petro Voikov acted as the organizer of a close-range attack on Dumbadze in 1907.

The young revolutionary soon left the country, going to Switzerland and joining the University of Geneva. Far from Fatherlandism, Voikov became acquainted with Lenin, but without becoming a Leninist, he lost himself in the ranks of the mensheviks-internationalists. After the revolution of 1917, Petro Lazarevich turned to Fatherlandism, ousting the commissar of the Ministry of Pratsia from the Timchasov order.

There will be more dispatches to Yekaterinburg, to the Military Revolutionary Committee. Petro Voikov was in the midst of provocations against Tsar Mikoli II. He was one of those who took part in the execution of the royal family and saw a large amount of sulfuric acid in order to completely reduce the body of the imperial family.

From 1919 to 1921, Voikov’s career was going well, he was recognized as a pottery worker for the Central Union, and was promoted to the Collegium of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Trade. Before the speech, Voikov was among the quiet, who sold the treasures of the Russian Empire across the border (Faberge eggs, treasures of the Diamond Fund and the Zbroyovo Chamber).

After 1921, the Voykov marched on a diplomatic path, winning over the delegation of the USSR from Poland. They created diplomatic documents of the Voykov, transferring to the Poles objects of mysticism, Russian archives and libraries. In 1927, Voykov was shot dead near Warsaw. The organizer and leader of the massacre was a Russian emigrant, who was sentenced to death before his death, but in 1937 he was amnestied and released. Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov was buried with full honors on the Kremlin wall in the capital of the USSR, Moscow.

1 Biography
1.1 Swing at General Dumbadze (1907)
1.2 Emigration (1907-1917)
1.3 I know from Russia
1.4 Yekaterinburg
1.4.1 Shooting of the royal family (Lipen 1918)

1.5 Away from the quarry
1.6 Diplomatic activity
1.7 Death

2 Memory
List of references


Petro Lazarevich Voikov (for the following names, for the version of the Great Encyclopedia “Terra”, for the correct name - Pinkhus Weiner, party nickname - “Petrus”, “Intelligent”, “White” 1 (1 3) sickle 1878, Warsaw) - Russian revolutionary, Radyansky party activist, diplomat.

1. Biography

Born in 1888 in Kerch in the same city as a master of a metallurgical plant.

Already the academic fates have reached the political struggle. In 1903, when there was a split in the RSDLP between the RSDLP(b) and the Menshovik party, the 15th Petro joined the RSDLP, the winged Menshoviks. Having removed the borders of the party secrets - expanding the revolutionary leaflets, helping to recruit representatives of the RSDLP who came to the place. For his illegal activities he was expelled from the sixth grade of the Kerch high school.

The family moved to Yalta, where the fathers reported to the chimalo zusil to encourage Peter to the eighth grade of the Oleksandrivska Human Gymnasium (nin – Institute of Grapes and Wines “Magarach”). Ale y zvidti yogo nezabar turned off. Cool fact: simultaneously with Voykov at the same gymnasium in 1904-1906, Mikola Kharito and Samuel Marshak Piznishe Mikola Kharito began, dedicating the romance “The Past Can’t Be Turned Back” to his Yalta friend Voykov on the top of Aunt Stroeva .

Working in the port, having become an external student, apply for a certificate of maturity, having entered the St. Petersburg City College Institute, and received a certificate of exclusion for revolutionary activity.

Swing at General Dumbadze (1907)

In 1906 he joined the fighting squad of the RSDLP. Taking the fate of the transported bombs, I took aim at the Yalta mayor, General I. A. Dumbadze.

In the spring of 1906, when the revolutionary thieves broke up, Yalta was devastated at the site of a supernatural funeral. General Dumbadze was an authoritarian leader of the place, for which liberals and revolutionaries hated him. The rest stood before the mayor of the unknown front, threatening death.

On February 26, 1907, from the balcony of Novikov’s dacha, located near Yalta, in Dumbadze, after passing by the carriage, a bomb was thrown. The mayor was slightly contused and damaged (the visor of his saddlebag was torn off by a vibration), the coachman of the horse was injured. The terrorist, who had been in one of the “summer battle pens” of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, immediately shot himself on the spot. As it turned out later, the organizer of the move against Dumbadze was the 18-year-old Petro Voikov.

Dumbadze's permission was strictly ordered to burn down the dacha, which had caused a scandal for years, and it became clear that the ruler was not ready to wait until the end. The order of repairing the disturbances would compensate the ruler for the varity of the wasted lane.

Emigration (1907-1917)

In 1907, the Voykov family emigrated to Switzerland, to Geneva. Started at the University of Geneva. There, near Geneva, having met Lenin, and wanting Voikov not to be a Leninist (at the end of the First World War, having lost his position as a Menshevik-internationalist), he and the Bolsheviks spoke out against “social-chauvinism” in".

I also started at the University of Paris, studying chemistry.

After the Lute Revolution of 1917, fate turned to Russia (not “in the same sealed carriage with Lenin,” as they often insist, but in the advancing transports with Russian revolutionaries, who missed the German order).

1.3. I'm back in Russia

He was a commissar of the Ministry of Labor and Timing, having witnessed the greatest conflicts between workers and enterprises, who opposed the employers and wanted to stockpile factories.

1.4. Ekaterinburg

In 1917, the ministry sent directions to Yekaterinburg to place a security inspector. Ekaterinburz joined the RSDLP(b). Member of the Yekaterinburg Revolutionary Committee.

After the recent coup, the Military Forces rose to the local military-revolutionary committee, which went to the utmost joy of the Urals with the cry “brothers rule the localities with their hands and strangle every support with armor.”

Zhovtnya 1917 r. - Secretary of the Ural Regional Bureau of Trade Unions and head of the Yekaterinburz Municipal Duma. In sichna - chest 1918 r. The commissar of the post of the Ural region, at this planting, requisitioned food from the villagers.

U zhovtni 1917 r. Secretary of the regional bureau of professional vocational schools and head of the Municipal Duma in Yekaterinburz. In 1918 Commissar for the sake of the Urals. Voikov set such prices for food products and burned that private trade in the Urals became unbearable. This, in its turn, led to a commodity shortage and a serious decrease in the level of living. During the nationalization of the Ural industry carried out by Voikov, large leaders of the enterprises were subject to reprisals. The villagers were stagnating and reaching the villagers, who were looking to stop surplus appropriation.

Shooting of the Tsar's Motherland (Lipen 1918)

He took part in the execution of the royal family (an active henchman of some kind). Zokrema vin signed documents about seeing a high amount of sulfuric acid for permanent reduction of the body.

1.5. Away from the quarry

In the spring of 1919, a system of lively cooperation with an offensive structure was created: the first lively partnership - the district union - the provincial union - the Central Union. This is how the Radyansky Central Union and the Radyansky lively cooperation emerged - sovereign creations that retained just a few signs of the Central Union cooperation - History. Then, in Bereznya, the 30-Richny Voykov increased to the establishment of the new Central Union, which canceled the responsibility for installing the intercessor of the head of the government.

In the early 1920s, the head of the Central Union, the head of the Central Union, was deprived of the leadership of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade. In 1921, he was appointed as the intercessor of the head of the mixed state-capitalist trust “Severolis” (the trust was transferred from the VRNG after the end of the NEP, in 1929).

One of the Kerivnik operations of the Radyansky order with the sale of treasures of the Imperial House, the Zbroyovo Chamber and the Diamond Fund (this is how the great eggs produced by the firm of K. G. Faberge were sold)

1.6. Diplomatic activity

In 1921 Voikov treated the Radyan delegation as soon as the peace treaty with Poland was overdue. Try to establish diplomatic documents at any price, transferring Russian archives, libraries, objects of history and material values ​​to the Poles.

Torishny Serpnya 1922 appointments as a diplomatic representative of the RRFSR in Canada, and after rejecting the agreman through honor before killing the royal family.

Zhovtnya 1924 – permanent representative of the USSR in Poland.

1.7. Death

On June 7, 1927, Voykov was shot dead at the train station near Warsaw by the Russian emigrant B. S. Koverda. “In recognition” of the assassination of Voikov, the Bolshevik order recklessly spent in Moscow on the night of 9 to 10 cherub 1927 20 representatives of the nobility of the largest Russian Empire, who were either at that time in court for the They were also guilty, because they were arrested even after Voikov was killed. The troops were in the area of ​​the Kremlin wall near Moscow. The Polish court condemned Koverda to death, and on the 15th of June 1937 he was released.

The Moscow metro station “Voikovska” is named after Pyotr Voikov (after the Moscow brewery named after Voikov, which was issued according to the order of the Moscow decree dated 09/26/1995 No. 803 “About entering soon for changes”) hostile influx of breweries), as well as vulitsa, district and five passages named after Voykov (Voikivskie proezd). Participants in the huge project “Povernennya”, as well as representatives of right-wing radicals and Black Hundreds, together with Hieromonk Nikon (Belavenets), are fighting to change the name of the Voykivska metro station.

· In Asbestos, one of the streets is named after Voykov.

· in the Sverdlovsk region one of the mines is named after Voikov

· in Zaporizhzhya – ZAT “Zaporizhzhya Instrumental Plant named after. Voykova"

· there is a confectionery factory near Kherson named after Voykov.

· Near the town of Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya region, one street was named in Voikov’s honor.

· Near the city of Samara, one street is named after Voykov.

· In Taganrosia one of the streets is named after Voikov.

· In the Ukrainian town of Zhitomir, one street is named after Voikov.

· The Volodymyr region has a salivary platform named after it. Voikova (V'yaznivsky directly).

· One of the streets of the city is named after Serpukhov near Moscow.

· Near Moscow, Mitishchi, one of the streets is named after Voikov.

· In Sochi, one of the central streets of the city is named after Voikov.

· In Crimea, two villages were named after Voikov: one (the colossal name Aybar) near the Pervomaisky district, the other (the colossal name Kidirlyoz, Katerlez) near the Leninsky district, on the outskirts of Kerch - Peter Voikov’s hometown.

· Near Kerch – Kerch Metallurgical Plant named after. Voikova

· In Tomsk, one of the streets in the historical center of the city is named after Voykov. In 2006, there were births from the inception of the Tomsk Diocese of Russia Orthodox Church The Tomsk City Duma decided to turn the street back to its historical name, Znamyanskaya (after the Znamyanskaya Church was erected on it). However, this renaming aroused protest both from the members of the Tomsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and from the population, so the decision was affected, and the street will bear the name of Voikov until this day (2009).

· In Voronezh, one of the streets in the Central District is named after Voykov

· Near Old Peterhof, near St. Petersburg, one of the streets is named after Voikov.

· Near Kurgan, one of the streets is named after Voikov.

· One street in Vladikavkaz is named after Voykov.

· In Yekaterinburz, one of the streets of the Ordzhonikidze administrative district (Yelmash residential district).

· Near the town of Khabarovsk one of the streets is named after Voikov

· In Rostov-on-Don, one of the streets in the Zaliznychny district is called Voykova

List of references:

1. Voikov Petro Lazarevich, statistics at BSE

2. VOYKOV Petro Lazarevich // Ural Historical Encyclopedia

3. Revolution and huge war in Russia: 1917-1923. Encyclopedia in 4 volumes. – Moscow: Terra, 2008. – T. 1. – P. 305. – 560 p. - ( Great Encyclopedia). - 100,000 units. - ISBN 978-5-273-00561-7

4. Voikov, Petro Lazarevich // Great Radyanska Encyclopedia

5. “The villages of Pivostrova still wear the kata of the royal family”, newspaper “Persha Krimska”, No. 233, 18 June/24 June 2008

6. Institute of Grapes and Wines “Magarach”

7. Comments: LiveInternet - Russian Online Service

8. Collection The black book of names, which have no place on the map of Russia / Commander Volkov S.V. - Moscow: “Posiv”, 2005. – 296 p.

9. Biography I. A. Dumbadze on the website "CHRONOS.RU"

10. Zinkovich N. A. Collected works // Swings and staging: from Lenin to Yeltsin. - Moscow: OLMA-PRES, 2004. - T. 6. - P. 115-139. – 636 p. - ISBN 5-224-02152-9

11. Zalesky K. A. Empire of Stalin. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary - Moscow: "Viche", 2000. - 609 p.

12. Small Radyanska Encyclopedia, T. 7, St. 724-725

13. Dolgorukov P. D. Great devastation. Reminders of the founder of the Cadets Party 1916 – 1926 / Glibovska L. I.. – Moscow: ZAT “Tsentropoligraf”, 2007. – P. 341. – 367 p. - 3000 copies.

14. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Voykivsky passages

15. Hieromonk renamed “Voikivska”

16. JSC “Zaporizkaya Instrumental Plant named after. Voykova"

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