Statuses about the approach of new rock are cool. About the new river quotes. Cool and funny statuses about New River

Beautiful funny statuses about New River 2017 ©

Statuses on - this is your Christmas Eve appearance, good emotions and new mood. Statuses about the New River - first of all, what your friends will say when they look at your page, and understand that you are already having fun and celebrating Christmas, which means that it’s time to come to you.

Also, don’t skimp on imagination, creativity and sense of humor, and soon there will be a New River, and then choose cool, festive and optimistic statuses from social media.

A I have collected for you the most beautiful and joyful, philosophical and cunning, fun and funny new statuses 2017.


Newbie statuses: cool precautions

Statuses about New River are beautiful and cool ©

How about that old guy with the beard coming to you at night?
And the majestic bag is stuffed into your head.
Don’t freak out, I just asked you from Santa Claus for New River!

Glad to the state holders: “Don’t prepare new salads From crackers - the stench is exposing itself."

New River - this is a minor hedgehog, old movies, a bad hangover, and then everyone is happy if they sleep it off!


Positive status for the upcomingNew rock

I ask everyone at New Rotsya 2017 not to cackle their happiness with a wet trigger!

I hope everyone has a good time for a walk on the night from the 31st to the 14th!

Good Santa Claus - this list is not spam, but a real opportunity to make money...

Good status: nezabarom New River

Statuses about the New Year 2017 are funny ©

Yak miraculously buti dads! When I'm a newborn baby, I feel like a real charmer!

I really don’t know what to give to my kohan for the New River... It’s all that I need...

I’m ready to do some ground work before New Rock! I cooked the salad and transferred the wags to 5 kg of it.


New river, what to drink: statuses are beautiful, funny and super alcoholic.

New statuses on VK © ©

May the New River be sparkling like champagne, bright like champagne, bright like red champagne and happy like champagne!

And New River drinks everything starting with the letter Sh: champagne, chamogon, spirt... and pour some stuff!

At New River I was appointed as an Analyst.
Follow, and everyone has some!

New mood: smiley and open statuses

On New Year's Eve I buy new cloth, and then I lie on the floor until I'm sore.
Now I’m thinking, maybe it would be better to buy a mattress and pillow?


Statuses about New River with Zmistom

New statuses are beautiful ©

New River – when at the computer, tangerine skins begin to accumulate around the empty cups.

Regardless of the fact that I was completely praised for the great state of good health, I became scared. And then Natalka came to help. At the screenshot with writing The best hedgehog. A couple of meters away from us, and the truth is pacified or shortcakes with meat, two thin sergeants. I started the engine and rushed off to pick up the address given by Kiril. My soul was restless. I turned my head and shook hands with two policemen. Those who stood for a little while away. Who Alice is was no longer a mystery, unless I wanted to figure it out.

They got rid of the steel rods. Thinking for a while, I climbed up the hill, realizing that the panel was opening just like the one we had sunk into the tunnel. She rested her hands on the wall, stuck them out, and climbed into the hole. That’s the room Vanya said. The moon lulled, then Ivan’s voice lulled through the dark darkness. I was ruined, but I was optimistic. The same room shone with light, and I flattened my eyes. I was standing in the middle of the toilet. Two toilets without seats and evil cisterns amused the ears. Peaceful by the noisy water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the door opening was covered with a mesh, and behind. Standing there was Bilka, Mishko and two gloomy men with machine guns. I marveled at the boys with a loud voice and blurted out.

I say I stretched. It was behind the mirror, and then a passerby pointed directly at my typewriter and continued. I looked at the images of the Zhiguli, picked up the beauties that were falling out of the boxes, and muttered. The man pouted, sipped a couple of drinks and declared. I head to the store, clutching in my fist what Raisa has seen, pennies for a drink of beer. Zhigulivsky was in Moscow for the time being. As it happens, treasured boxes arrived in stores as soon as a horde of men stormed the shelves, shouting. Relentlessly, I explained the essence of the matter, told about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewer mesh... The Silomian woman stuck a note into my fist. The doors to Zaligina’s apartment were propped up and propped up by a stool, and at the gathering, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt, smeared with tarpaulin. The girl jumped out from the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated. Nika bit her lower lip, then quietly shook her hair and rushed to her again. I've heard it quietly according to history about deception through speeches. I nodded. I know this mortgage.

I had a chance to adapt. Almira lived in a new cabin, in a rich apartment filled with expensive furniture. I screamed. There was a company, and then a sharp ringing of the phone made me wince. Almira bought a rumor. Then she marveled at. I was formed by rapt. Ale Almira is an incredibly unacceptable person. I walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And, first, Almira got up from the sofa, pulled the handle, climbed into the elevator and, through treatment, fell in the sixties.

The phone rang in my head, and I hastily stopped Krestova from dealing with the stubborn Zhanna. She marveled at the screen of the handset and said quickly. A human voice came from the mobile phone. The industriousness of the person hired by Max. The actor began to whimper. The other had long ago realized that having played his role poorly, he had been bitten. It's time to stop making faces. But no, the fools continue to talk about screenshots and curch. Good, now my wine is being taken away... The pipe hung up. A woman’s voice erupted to chatter in English. I turned around, washed the lady in black cloth and watered her. The woman chattered for a few minutes with a machine gun, then became quiet, hummed and marveled at.

You can gain respect for your person in social networks in different ways. This is an option that can be taken without any consequences. Establishing cool and funny new statuses for Contact or Odnoklassniki, you will not only add your likes and prepayments, the original floating virtual community in this holy place, and, having seen everything, you will find new things How about dating?

Cool statuses for people and people

Good Santa Claus, give me the first contribution. Santa Claus, besides the laughter, pay off my mortgage.

Novorichna yalinka is more beautiful than a kohanka. You change your temper and part without a scandal. And she doesn’t take her gifts back!

New River is such an exciting time when you crave olive salad, tangerines, champagne and hopes that tomorrow the French will run out of champagne and other alcoholic reserves.

It's time to tie olives and tangerines. Aje, why bring people to nothing for one thing - excess cholesterol and fruit zucchini.

It is difficult to convey to the children that you are a real Santa Claus and change the squad, so that it is not tempting to lie on a fake.

Questions about the question “What is good and what is bad?” It’s not easy at Novy Rik. Having done everything well: having walked, drank, fallen asleep under a yalinka - the next day it’s rotten. And if one day is good, it means that the New River is even worse.

Santa Claus, give me a turbo-free life in the New River, a secluded deification, the ability to lie on the sofa and let everything go as best I can. In short, change me to a cat.

A person goes through three stages of preparation before Santa Claus: believe and check; I don’t need a grandfather, I want Snowy Snow; You, Santa Claus himself, and for the sake of the Snowmen, roll your lip.

List of new documents: carry out the Old River; sustrity New River; zustrity Old new river. I'm closed and I can't go out.

Before the New Rock, you need to prepare in advance. Just this very day they put up the skiff, they let them in yesterday and start rehearsing sacredly.

Shortly after this day, I will be asked: “Why are you so sour, like a dried olive? What is your new mood? It's time to understand what it is... Mine. !

Childhood is over - when on the New River you and your friends begin to dance in a circle not around the skiff, but around the toilet. Damn the alarm bells and sanitary facilities!

Here are the stages of an adult person: 1. You believe in Santa Claus. 2. You don’t believe in Santa Claus. 3. You yourself are Santa Claus. 4. Those who still believe in Santa Claus run up to you on the street, tug on your beard and shout: “I know you’re dreaming!”

With the advent of the New Rock, sellers of human scarpets and shin pins begin to happily rub their hands, while unfortunate lads rush around everywhere asking “Give me a gift, I don’t know what.”

New river is not an easy time for a person. He tries to convince his child that he is Santa Claus, and his squad that he is NOT Santa Claus.

I want the New Rotsya to have everything like Mr. Anton Semyonovich Shpak: three music centers, three fancy laptops, three iPhones of the same model, a suede jacket... just three.

If Santa Claus gives me toys creepy I’ll set the status to “happy” and won’t go online again.

You can feel the approach of New Rock when on your computer table, mixed with beer dishes and flasks of unfinished tea, tangerine skins begin to appear here and there.

The paradox of the New Rock: the frequency and music on the table are always the same, but what comes after them is different.

There are so many people sitting on something that was previously bullied, but will soon be taken over.

Funny new statuses for girls

Dear Santa Claus. Be kind, do it so that in the coming days of my neighbors, who feel the love of love before music and repairs, all the karaoke and perforators break into raptures.

Do you know why Father Frost and Santa Claus are people? That’s why a woman is eager not to allow herself to sacredly appear before the public in that very chosen outfit!

Today in my refrigerator there is “not a hedgehog, it’s up to the New Rock”, and tomorrow there’s a “shvidko a hedgehog, because everything’s going to get stuck.”

I am for this family’s heirloom! I will dress up Yalinka on the New River, and you will dress me up!

A sign of our time: it has given the New Rock a funny status - soon you will become the person of your world, who says that all life is a joke to the girl, which is not to believe the sign, then it seems to be humorous.

If you want everything to be awesome in your Novy Rotsi, one day at a time, put a chocolate bar under your pillow without burning. Now you will definitely have everything in chocolate!

I say to my friend: “Darling, give me this new arrival gift So that I forget it.” She says: “Are pills good for multiple sclerosis?”

I'll start a new diet soon! I’ll be satisfied with the licorice and go dry and dry.

In childhood, before the New Rock, we waited for Santa Claus to come. And our children wait when they decide to visit their mother.

I love the New River through those that you can prefer from the stove. From the beginning, the Yuletide supper is transformed with charming order into late drinks, and then gradually moves on to dinner, which drags on for a long time.

Santa Claus, buy me a new iPhone, tablet, red Ferrari, cabin in the Maldives... Oh, that's it. Buy me some pennies, in short, and then I’ll figure it out myself.

She told the people that I really wanted a fur coat for New River. Having given... Potatoes, carrots, tsibul, beetroot, oseledtsi.

Guys absolutely do not like gifts. Between them, on the New River - Snow in a latex suit, and not the role of a generous Santa Claus with a bear.

I will give in to the good hands of Santa Claus. The third day of sleeping under the yalinka, he takes me for Sneguronka and receives recognition, de bula. But I don’t remember, de bula, the New River started buzzing!

The fox gave birth to a yalinka, grew and grew. Oh, I wish Snowy brought me a boyfriend! And Santa Claus, so be it, let him give you a delicious Shchur, which he celebrates.

I sent a commercial proposal to everyone – Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Joulupukki. Ale no one wants to take mine save in kilograms and give it to the needy.

Santa Claus, you may have smacked your pikes last time, because all my life there were only deer being hunted down. I beg you, why don’t you go on a cart once again?

The boys always get the best of everything, but it’s not the New River. Sneguronka is young and beautiful, and Santa Claus is old, with a beard and a red nose that makes you think about his way of life.

The seconds before the chiming clock strikes the New Year's Eve, it's already very wilting, we're thinking of a bad day and we're sure that the stench will definitely come back. Seasoned with subtle humor and broad sentiments beautiful statuses about New River will help you greet your friends and loved ones. Either short or long - beautiful new statuses in place, posted a few kilometers away from the saint on your page VK or Odnoklassniki, everyone will find themselves truly generous.

On New River I will wish yogo on a gift... on National Day I will wish yogo on a gift... on Christmas Day I will wish yogo on a gift. I will remove all the magical trash with my bastards, lest the stink attract me!

Say hello, I made a wish for the bell of the new chimes, it’s time to fall asleep. And the New River will bring a sea of ​​new enemies, great acquaintances, rich knowledge and grandiose plans. Indulge one another happily, sitting at Christmas table! May there be a wonderful miracle in your life on New Year's Eve!

I am confident that the New River is less welcoming, will give hope, plans, to eliminate enemies, unnecessary worries and human problems... In other words, I believe in miracles!))

The feeling of New Rock awakens in me as a child... Just like in childhood, having thrown off the frock, I want to sit on the boat with gifts under it... I want to play in the snow and not think about those who are sick.

There is so much front-line vanity. And all the same.....Less after one! just a second!!

I want to kiss your 31st breast about 23.59 and 1st day about 00.01... This will be the perfect end of the old and the delectable beginning of the new fate!

When the doors to the New River are repaired happy life, don't get carried away. Get up and say hello!

Santa Claus is dreaming, I know that for sure. I see this in the eyes of my little son, who will wish for his homeland health and happiness, singing, which will inevitably come! I can't let you down.

Novorichna nich is wondrous, kazkova, enchanting, nich, if the diva is awakened and the most sacred duties and dreams are fulfilled. So don’t let this miracle come to an end for all your dreams!

Nezabarom Novyi Rik - I have only two bananas. snow…. And you're in order...

Everything froze in the frozen fairy tales, the snow sparkles with all the results after the end and, having dimmed them, you check when the anniversary is still on the way to a new life.

I want the New River not to be like that, but to be truly new, a new cob in my life.

I ask you, Santa Claus, may there be no tears at the New River. May the war end, there will be a wall between people, which will lead to life for those who care less for their benefit.

I’m already grown up and I know that Santa Claus never sleeps. What doesn’t matter to me is to make a wish for the New River and believe in the diva.

Do you want childishness? ... It’s snowing, there’s a husk on the street, and you, sunbathed in a jacket, are being transported on a sled... with extra bags of tsukkerok and tangerines on knees...

With future plans for the coming river, we hope for a better day, perhaps, a mysterious day. I would like to thank you that everything you wished for and wished for on the New River came true! So that your loved ones are healthy and happy, so that luck is with you on the right, so that love flows away and reminds you and your home.

I want Santa Claus to leave three gifts for the New River under the Yalinka - happiness to the house, happiness to the homeland, good health to the family.

I put a hundred dollars in my grandfather’s frost, because I always don’t receive and donate to those that I had lying around from the past fate.

With a quiet croak, without haste, just with flying wings, the New River is sneaking up to us with a red comb without turbos!

Winter was created in white colors so that you could start your life from scratch.

It seems that Novorichna is nich - nich vikonannya bazhan. I wished that all people on the whole planet would become happy. I’m impressed that this is bound to happen. Happy new rock!

At New River I immediately want to turn the page forward and wonder that from now on books will no longer have a good plot and a crumpled and torn arch.

The greatest gift for the New River - as long as your people are with you, everyone is healthy and happy, and ahead of many happy gatherings at once.

It doesn’t matter whether there is rain, snow, snow, or wind outside the window. Golovny, so that your heart will always be warm, which is what I hope for you!

Very soon the most beautiful and most emotional winter saints will begin. During this period, everyone wants to introduce themselves and loved ones to a special Kazkova atmosphere, and also raise the spirits of friends social measures, who posted funny new statuses for 2020 for VK and Odnoklassniki.

Nowadays, the setup of public records on large portals allows you to decorate your page with a twist: thematic photos and beautiful background decorations in the New Rock style. There’s nothing else you can do to make it more alive and kicking, like cool statuses.

Kozhen Koristuvach Social Merezh knows that short words written by the ruler of the page occupy a special place. They are located in the central place, moreover, all friends will receive notifications about their change. Also, the stench will automatically be located near the floor. If you want to greet all the new-born saints at the top in one fell swoop, or just write about what you’re thinking, then change the status and be sung to help everyone!

There’s no need to tinker with your head and figure it out yourself original statuses. On the Internet there is a great reason and a small reason. We have selected the best short stories that would be perfect for any new story.

To give the mood to yourself and your loved ones, it is recommended to show respect for the humorous expressions of the place, which can be humorously expressed as a cool new status:

  • “Dear Santa Claus, I’m on a diet, so I can’t have any sweets. Come, kindly, for a glass of licorice!
  • “If you want everything to be good in you for the New Year, put a bar of chocolate under your pillow and in just one day everything will be “in chocolate” for you!”;
  • “The Axis and the beginning of the New River, but I am still disgraceful for the past!”;
  • “Don’t wait for wonders in the New Year, marvel for yourself!”;
  • “The greatest miracle of the New Rock is the acquisition of pennies from a hamman”;
  • “If you had a blast at a new corporate party, then you will definitely recognize the New River as the sound of a new job”;
  • “The one who remembers the New River is the one who doesn’t burn and doesn’t sing!”;
  • “There is no savory drink of the 1st sichnya, lower ogirkovy rose”;
  • “The New Church has doors for the rich new life but, unfortunately, not everything can be consumed from them”;
  • “The birth date is 31st breast, and will end on the 14th”;
  • “Shanovnyy Santa Claus! Last time my sheet was either not working, because I misspelled the word Ferrari.

Cool and funny statuses about New River

To raise the mood of prepayers, it is recommended to develop respect for the humorous language in prose. Amidst the lack of short information, we have chosen the ones that we think are best:

  • Dear Santa Claus, I can’t have any licorice, so they sent me a nice box of licorice!
  • If you want everything to be good in you, put chocolate under your pillow on New River. In the morning you will have chocolate for EVERYTHING.
  • The New River is approaching, and less has happened in the past few days.
    The most incomprehensible wonder of the New Rock is the speed of getting pennies from a hamman
  • With the arrival of the New Rock, doors to everyone are opened the best life, but it’s a pity that not everything can be consumed in them.
  • Don't expect miracles on New River! Marvel!
  • If you had a good time at your new corporate event, then you will receive a new job from the sound of a new job!
  • The one who remembers the New River is the one who doesn’t burn and doesn’t sing!
  • What is the worst thing for a woman after new saints? - Get up on your feet!
  • There is no tasty drink 1 day, the water is still cold!
  • The boys' childhood will end as soon as they wish, so that the day of the day is celebrated not by Santa Claus, but by Snow.
  • Dear Santa Claus! I've always been such a good boy, so kindly give me this filthy girl as a gift.
  • Dear Santa Claus! I've had good times the whole time. Is it possible that I wouldn’t like my new student to behave badly?
  • I tell everyone at the New Roc that is coming, not to miss your happiness with a teddy bear!
  • What should I give you for the New River? - Grant me whatever you want! The most important thing is to be touch sensitive and with headphones.
  • Childhood when you check for a new river, check... check, check... and about piv on the twelfth virus.
  • Santa Claus! Be careful so they don’t tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 rocks.
  • Don’t forget 31 breasts at 23:55 to leave Contact and contact New River.

Beautiful history at the top

This is a small choice to take revenge on friends. New ideas are perfect for those who want to greet their prepayers in an original way:

I wish you good health
The nineteenth is born!
It just fell in luck
Give generously to your homeland!

Be happy, friends!
Let me help you Shchur!
Smell your little ear -
Become a faithful friend!

Let our White Patsyuk smell the little shoot,
І make a wish - shvidko, without hesitation,
Those, of course, have too much to deal with.
May the whole river be with you!

May Shchura's river bring good luck -
It’s all important to honor your dreams,
I became hoarse, like a board,
Gold and silver!

Fly on soft snow on licks
Before you, the turbo-free, young New River.
May you have good luck in your life closer,
Bring prosperity and joy!

Have fun, joy, success,
Heartfelt toasts, songs, laughter,
Good, like a star under the sky,
In short, all of you from New Rock!

I love you with the New Rock,
May we be happy when we are blessed,
Let fate smile sweetly at you,
And all your dreams - let them come true.

May the New River be happy,
Quietly lie to wake you up,
Charmfully make the doors,
Awaken all the worlds and faith,
Hope will give you a new one,
And so is joy and love.

Rick, please don’t be stingy
For fun, happiness, laughter,
Prosperity knocks at the booths,
He expects those on the right to have some success.

May newborn dreams come true,
The images will forever be forgotten,
And don’t let him get caught immediately
All those about whom nina dreams!

New statuses 2020 with change

And finally I would like to add a few more wonderful words about holy beauty:

  • When we become older, the list of goods for the New River becomes smaller, and those that we really want for the New River cannot be bought for pennies.
  • I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts at the New River under the Yalinka - happy until the day, food for the family, health for loved ones.
  • On the eve of the New Rock, I want to wish all my friends and relatives the enchantment and wonder of childhood, when my father’s little house smelled of pine, zucchini and tangerines. When the skin of Yalinka's toy appeared, it seemed like a little light with its new-born fairy tale.

Modern aphorisms and quotes

One of the most popular statuses in social circles are aphorisms. Crylic phrases from this day are seen in the middle zagalnoi massi The emphasis is on excellence and originality. Also, some of them are written in a humorous spirit, which will raise the spirit of phlegmatic and melancholic people:

  • Dear Santa Claus! All I want to go to New River is your list of girls who had bad experiences.
  • The new river is the same for the old one, but never the same for you.
  • I’ve read so much about the dangers of alcohol and chicken that I thought I’d quit from New Rock. Read more.
  • To properly master the New River, you need to rehearse for a long time, and you can start today.
  • If you want your children to experience the New River at home - go to a guest.
  • 31st breast is the day when the Calendar turns again!
  • Fifty people and fourteen snowmen were delivered from New Year's Eve to the evening. The reason for the pardon of the policemen is clear.
  • As soon as the New River is established, then you are required!
  • For Russians, the cob of the day is combined with the cob of the month “Drabadan”.
  • No matter how much you drink from Santa Claus, you won’t forget your bag.
  • The Old New River is not sacred. This is a control shot at the liver!
  • There is no doubt about the world, the New River and thoughts about diet.
  • The river in the name of some damn thinness is coming again... and I really wanted to live like a human being!
  • The celebration of the New Rock is a sad farewell to old illusions and a joyful greeting to new ones.
  • Let's go Novorichnu nich Happiness is knocking at your door... And God grant that at this moment you stumble home.
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