Some any meals.

Golovna beauty and health Some borrowers are harassed more often than others.

The axis of some, any and no is one of the most popular and most complex.

It also creates different word forms from them, which are familiar to

different types

1. words with the same meanings, but the stench cannot be replaced by one alone. How can you understand and remember everything? This theme lends itself easily to understanding, since everything is worked together in a complex, the skin shape is reshaped with brushes. Let's just wonder what kind of group we include them in? To unimportant borrowers. Any, no, some or anyone else doesn’t express anyone or anything specifically, obviously, more precisely. The Russian stench sounds like “shos”, “why”, “nothing”, “nothing” and so on.

Vzhivannya some, any, no at the river In order to understand how the random unimportant borrowers, as we will look at below, are victorious, it is necessary to get the basics. The rules are very simple. Some and any English

You can cancel the role of names or appendices. In order to understand how the random unimportant borrowers, as we will look at below, are victorious, it is necessary to get the basics. In the first episode, the stench is determined independently, and in the other it is accompanied by a name.

Once again, there are different meanings, as we can see in the table. Some is vikorized in solid words.

Any- Some is vikorized innegative, nutritional and smart

He asked if I had


interesting DVD
disks . , — I have energized the disks. (Umovne, yak prikmetnik)
I didn't buy matches. Have you got
— I didn’t buy any sirniki.
How big is it? (Position, as a name)
disks . The buyers want to get some models of our dresses, we send them, — I have energized the disks. (Umovne, yak prikmetnik) some
. — Buyers want to marvel at the number of models of our cloth.
I need some milk from you. Please give me some.
- I need milk.
Give me kindness.
There is no water in my glass.
Have you got any?
— My bottle doesn’t have any milk.
Do you have it?
Meaning: deyaki
at special meals, at savory meals, when there is a problem that is manifested
Why didn’t you buy some bread?
- Why didn’t you buy bread?

Can I take some warm water?

- Why can’t I take a little warm water? Will you have some coffee?- Will there be some cava? Meaning: some of - part Kilka is wounded.

- Part of the congenital bulo was damaged with a board.

Meaning: be it, skinny

in solid and powered rivers with calculations in od.

numbers and undiagnosed

I can go out at any time that is convenient to me.

- I can sing if it’s easier for me. Well, we got to know the basics from the standstill. Remember that people are more likely to be victorious in solid statements, and any - in negative and positive ones.

To avoid getting lost in the meanings, marvel at the meaning of the words.

Please don’t call for problems, since you clearly know the meaning of the skin.

2. Z

borrower no

a little simpler. Vono is vikorist as an acolyte in front of the names and inalone Anything in the lists is translated - nothing, and propositions with Russian nothing are translated into two lists.

Something has fallen.

- It fell.

What's all that's in communication?

- What’s in the envelope?

Nothing was done. - Nothing was broken. Any, some, no + where

This is how the priests are established.

here, where, where, nowhere, nowhere.

Everything is explained with the key words some, any, no.

Is she going anywhere?

-Where are you going? Tomorrow I will fly somewhere with my boss.“Tomorrow I’ll fly somewhere with the boss.” Where did you go?- Nowhere. - Where are you going?


Some and any + of

Living with these borrowers, we take into account the meaning - either way or not, so that the part is part of the whole.

Varto note that

nobody, no one, anybody, anyone don't get used to it.

  • In the first two cases, the stench is replaced by none, and in the others - any of whatever it is. Zamist somebody vikorist
  • one of. One of you should tell the truth.- Who among you can tell the truth? Some of my friends language English.
  • - Some of my friends speak English. Any of us can go there.- Kozhen from us can go there.

None of them came to me after the accident. — Some of them didn’t come to me after the accident. More secrets!

The last role is extended (to stand first place),

nobody, no one, nothing, anybody, anyone, anything,

somebody, something

extract the word in the third person alone.

Often, after these recent borrowers, vikoryst is used

else - More: anything else - what else?

nobody, anybody, somebody, someone

by default: somebody's hat — falling droplets. In order for everything to be forgotten and forgotten, it is necessary to go to the right in order to ease your way along

They sent me some boxes of salt - The stench sent me several boxes of salt.
  • What do you think of books for our library?
  • – Do you have any books for our library?
John didn't show me any dresses - John didn't show me (any) cloth. 2. Some and any are vikorized by the significant onesyakis, kilka, yakis zamіst There are many names. Some (in solid words)
Clients of our company wanted to look at the new products and we showed them some. Any (in food and negative words)
Tom asked me for some draws, but I wanted - Tom asked me for tickets, but I didn’t have them. falling droplets. 3. Some and any are victorious from the significant ones There are many names. untreated names.
Clients of our company wanted to look at the new products and we showed them some. In this case, the stench is often not transferred to Russian mine.
Add some oil, please – Add some oil, please. We don't have any work in May - The grass doesn't have any work.yakis, kilka, yakis 4. Some and any are victorious from the significant ones There are many names. kіlka, trochki, no matter how much
Clients of our company wanted to look at the new products and we showed them some. untreated names.
5. We need some salt. Please pass me some - We need strength.
  • Pass me the salt, please.
  • I have lost my money on my way home.
Have you got any? falling droplets. In order for everything to be forgotten and forgotten, it is necessary to go to the right in order to ease your way along - I spent my money on the way home.
Are you running out of money? falling droplets. At special meals Some is vikorized, but not any.
Where can we sell some TV-sets?
  • – Where can we sell a few TV sets?
  • - Why didn’t you show her photographs of that day?

6. Some gets used to a significant act Some animals die in cold weather - In cold weather, some animals die. 7. Some vikorists about the meaning of the part

untreated names.

  • Part of the paliv bula was found in the forest. Some is vikorized in 8. Any is experienced in any words of the meaning, whether with untreated names or countable names in one.
  • - Tomorrow you can find me at the university at any time. You can deposit pennies into any bank in our country - You can deposit pennies into any bank in our country. Unknown borrowers

some, any, no and all forms

actively vikorize the English language.
Any and no are synonyms..

Basic rule:

in popular propositions vikorystuvat

Some people are sometimes vikorist in the questions, because there is a lie there.

Can I make some milkshake for myself?

- Can I make a milkshake for myself?

Borrower Any

Any in a capital proposition means “be-someone”, “whoever”.

Has any of you read the “The Hobbit”?

– How many of you have read “The Hobbit”?

“Any” is also used in the opative proposition for the meaning “whether s”, as shown in the application..

Any in negative words:

I haven’t received any package from you – I didn’t deny you any package

Borrower No The part no means blocked. Most often, you can replace it with any listed above.

I had no mobile phone when I was ten.

I didn’t have any mobile phone when I was ten - I didn’t have mobile phone when I was 10.
Table of current non-important borrowers Replace the spiritualized name. Actually they are synonymous. Prisonnik of the place
Replaces a non-living name -body
Htos Someone
No one Nowhere
Who's the best



Kudi zavgodno Anything What's next

The official rules for the establishment of personalities are some, any, no change.


Somebody/Someone came to this

room and

- Please come to this room and take away all the books. - Right here, right behind Tula, go to the board. Something fell from the shelf and woke the baby up – Something fell from the police and woke up the baby.

Nobody/No one has ever stood on its ears – No one has ever stood on their ears.

- Nothing bothers Olena as long as she does yoga.

We could buy caviar nowhere in this little town

little place

Some - a borrower.

It can be translated into Russian in different ways, depending on the context. Main meanings: trochki, sprat, sprat, deak. Any [ˈɛnɪ] - can be either a borrower or a borrower, and one of the main meanings is whatever. Some and Any are vikorized as they are calculated (Those that can be smelled), so with the uncured

(Can't spoil it)

  • Names. All these rules, so it goes down to the following types of borrowers: anything, something, anywhere, somewhere and others. The rules of living with some and any are simple:
    "Some" - is used in strong (+) words.
  • If we want to tell you about what’s going on, without showing the exact quantity.
    I have a few friends in Moscow.
  • There is a bunch of lemons on the tree. I need some help. My funny photo got a bunch of likes on Facebook..
    • In these rivers I write the words: kilka, deyakiy toscho, ale as a rule, Some and Any are not translated into Russian
      , Just toil in respect. Some is vikorized in I have a few friends in Moscow.There are dozens of lemons on the tree. In order to understand how the random unimportant borrowers, as we will look at below, are victorious, it is necessary to get the basics. I need some help.My wedding photo got some likes on Facebook.
    • "Any" - is used in negative (-) and positive (?) words. I don’t want any vegetables (any kind). I don’t have any of my own creatures (any kind).. That’s the way to go about saying a word If
      Apply: - We never - We go anywhere. She eats any fruit.- Lina did her homework She without
      Apply: any help. Jack left the house
      any money. hardly
    • "Any" - is used in negative (-) and positive (?) words. watch any television


You have any questions, just ask. You can be vikorist in a solid speech, so the very meaning of its meaning will be “be-like, be-like, be-like.”. Butt: You may call me anytime at your convenience.
+ He asked if I hadHe asked if I had
- You can call me at any time that suits you.- You can call me at any time that suits you.
? - You can call me at any time that suits you.- You can call me at any time that suits you.
"Do you have any questions?"
— Do you have any (any) food?
Some/Any table
He asked if I hadHe asked if I had
Type of proposition
Calculated days
He asked if I hadHe asked if I had
Countless sources.
He asked if I hadHe asked if I had


- You can call me at any time that suits you.- You can call me at any time that suits you.


- You can call me at any time that suits you.- You can call me at any time that suits you.

Can I…some….?

- You can call me at any time that suits you.- You can call me at any time that suits you.

Meals with Vikoristannyam

Would you like some….?

Nutrition-proposition about right now. « Why don’t we watch some movies on TV tonight?» Firm proposition with vikoristannyam If. « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» The proposition is firm, the meaning of Any will be: “be-like, be-like”

1) You can display the Some/Any table in pdf format for each other, as well as test Some/Any with types. « Why don’t we watch some movies on TV tonight? » The rules for living with some and any can also be found in these excellent guides to English grammar. « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm. » ?

2) In English language, in negative speeches we are associated with the negative part

not « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» or with a negative borrower


. The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm. The food is immediately obvious: If the trace takes in a piece

that borrower Are two offensive words interchangeable? Borrower

. vikorist in front of the names. In this case, it does not matter whether the name is extended, additional or the nominal part of the adjective.

Butt axis: There is address

not « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» on the postcard. — There is no address on the leaflet. , He has , no children . « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» – She doesn’t have children.

no milk left.- I haven’t lost any milk.

She paid

no attention to my mistakes.“Vin did not show any respect for my pardons. It is used both with countable and unquantifiable names, because its function is to indicate the existence of an object (objects), people, abstract phenomena:

« no time» no people

no fun is happy without money.

- A thirsty person will not be happy without pennies. No pets

allow allowed at the hotel. « Why don’t we watch some movies on TV tonight?— The presence of domestic animals at the hotel is fenced off. It's possible to share a piece of it "At the butts, aimed at them? So. In this case, the syntactic construction of the proposition will change (return respect to « In order to understand how the random unimportant borrowers, as we will look at below, are victorious, it is necessary to get the basics.» non-variable article

"A » that borrower) and decide to spend your emotional intoxication: There isn't an address on the postcard. He doesn't have any children.

There « Why don’t we watch some movies on TV tonight? isn't any milk « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» left.


are not allowed

at the hotel.

In such cases, more than a portion of the « The proposition with the words: never, without, hardly is firm.» "?

  • no time There is a loaner in front of the earmarks and footnotes. don't vikorize.

For example,

It is not often that I see my parents.

– I don’t play with dads that often.

It is not suitable for people over 60. – It is not suitable for people over 60.

  • no time In English language there are strong phrases related to borrower. , and remember them:
  • - Don't go.. No way.
  • no time "Are you inviting the Nelsons?". "No way."

-Are you asking for Nelsons?

- No problem.


- Marno.

  • There is no vikorystuvati yak Ursula.. - Marno ask Ursula.
  • No wonder. - Nothing wonderful, nothing wonderful.
    It's no wonder your children are bored.
  • no time - It’s no wonder your children are bored.. problem
    - No problem. Not food.

"Can you help us?"

the right method - try a number of learning methods and choose the optimal one for yourself;

"No problem."