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Maybe just two I will arrange life for people among myself(Two ideas for a living arrangement, for a scientific one - two concepts):

1. Fair I'll have a life.

2. Unfair I'll have a life.

To a fair succession people live among themselves in peace and blessings, respect each other, play around with the elders, cherish the young, speak about the Germans, work honestly for the good of everyone, live in abundance, good people, save nature... To live with dignity, as they said in Russia, in the Divine way .

It's a long time ago slavery was legalized. That is an unfair way of life obvious, open and understandable for people. Buli slave owners(gentlemen). They have boules rabbi, as they worked for the slave-owners. So that the slaves work well, do not slack off, and the masters put themselves over the slaves observers.

Thus they passed away a hundred years ago. And although the slaves tried to escape from slavery (like Spartak), nothing came of it. Why?

Everything on the right is in the knowledge. Slaves are little known. There is a lot of knowledge about how to make people faceless, how to “frown” them. And the spectators and slaves of the stench were given knowledge “from the part that they are bothered by.” The one-dollar bill depicts a scheme for the suppression of such an unjust slave-dominated marriage - a pyramid. At the bottom is written in Latin: “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” - “new order of the world.” In another diagram, you have two pyramids: the “pyramid” of the marriage structure and the “pyramid” of knowledge. This is how it works until now! And work through the system of pre-school, school and academic education. What's the matter? And so that the slaves and observers do not go out of submission, so that they do not realize that they are slaves and observers!

At the singing stage of “increasingly”, the slave masters realized that the worst slave of the one who doesn’t understand that he is a slave, but gets tired of his lances. Adje with obvious slavery the slave works poorly, without a guide, strives to get involved... For the slave to work well and not get stuck, there is a need for supervisors who need to pay wages... Thus, the efficiency of production is low. What would you earn if a slave worked for the ruler with songs? You need to give your slaves whatever you want! What do you want, slave? The slave wants freedom! If you give me freedom, stop being a slave! Why bother? How can slaves be given the illusion of freedom? And such an illusion was created. After which the slave-dominated marriage became obvious implicit, we will veil, we will attract. And the slave truly does not understand that he is a slave. And now a lot of slaves tend to use their lancets, as from the slimy lancets they became invisible lancets. I wish I had become a slave to the dance, I was addicted to it with a “craving” for alcohol, I wish I had become addicted to drugs, I wish I could sit on the “golden lance” ( "Pennies, pennies are all around!"), who is clinging to the TV with lancelets and sticking to “rich people who can also cry” and other similar fools, who is lost in the religious lancets of “Father Vissarion”, who is clinging to himself to “English” chi funeral ceremony... So the rulers of the unjust concepts obvious slavery moved on to enslavement. In the third diagram, you extend such a device to all corners of planet Earth.

Why did it take so long for the “victims”-demons and their decline to conquer millions of people from ancient times in Egypt? Why, in hundreds of years, has no one been able to recognize this cunning? How did the dark stench groan against all humanity on the planet? Let's figure it out.

Kaleidoscope and mosaic

Lyudina Rozumna is a part of the All-World. There are different ways to embrace the World of Humanity on people’s skin.

How people perceive light correctly, without hesitation, then people’s actions and behavior will be correct, and possible mercy will appear and disappear.

How does a person perceive the light from an incorrect, distorted appearance?, those actions and behavior will be merciful, and those who blame their mercy on the right may be marked, and sometimes even at an alarming hour.

And what “reflects” and “waives” from each of us? Work and salary, family and children, apartment meals, transport, police, army, TV, school and readers, books, friends, newspapers, cinema, all sorts of bosses, the war in Chechnya, bandits on the streets, deputies in the State Duma, in Iran and the USA, strikes here and there, Muslims, Christians, God as He is and the many gods people have guessed, pops and mullies, parties of all kinds, choose this and that. Why should everyone be amazed at the skin?

There are two “looks” at superfluous light, then. two lights:

  1. Kaleidoscopic light gazer.
  2. Mosaic thought.


People respect that there is chaos. Nothing is connected with anything. “Kamintsi” - the surfaces of this kaleidoscope change like the powerful “I” of such a person in the world of how life “spins” and “throws up” new facts - “kamintsi” and “shudders” a person “without the circumstances”. Everything is characterized by the order: “In the city there is an elderberry, and in Kiev there is an uncle.”

People with a kaleidoscope at their head convey from a short shimmer of colorful “fireplaces” the appearance and appearance of our life, induced by a little more, we want to take care of our living practices, and we decided not to take care, respectfully, that’s There’s no fuss about them.” So, it’s important for everyone that movies don’t inflict on them or their children. Who cares that the war in Iraq does not contribute to her salary. Such a “partial” approach to assessing what is happening around us leads people who suffer from kaleidoscopic idiocy to the impersonality of misfortunes, misfortunes, unhappiness, catastrophes, hardships and tragedies.

There are countless examples of such misfortunes from the lives of people with a kaleidoscope in your head. From everyday life troubles to tragic turns of fate. Having gone in a luxury car to pick up mushrooms in a protected place, but not having forgotten (forgetting), the bridge is being repaired and a great crank needs to be worked. And I didn’t take gasoline for the bark. And if you still want to go on a comfortable asphalt road, without having the spare tire in order, then... No mushrooms, no berries, but only roots... So when organizing a small approach, you need to take care of more “fragment”. And what can we say about those who need to take care of everything in the “organization of life” of every person and society in general, in the “organization of life” of the state! Otherwise, people who suffer from kaleidoscopic idiocy will not live in such a “shape”. I would like to take the recent reform of the monetization of benefits. How could it not have been possible to restore the factories from afar? It is possible, perhaps. Ale didn’t lie. And I am very upset about such a person with a “kaleidoscope” at his head in her special life.

So, even so many of our people in Russia, marvel at lawlessness, lawlessness, and respect that everything has become “by itself,” that “life is so governed,” that “it is necessary to spin.” And the stinks begin to “spin” At the commercial bank, they deposited large sums of money, and the bank “succumbed”, and their pennies “cryed”. They bought it for free at MMM from Mavrodi, but they imprisoned Mavrodi, but they didn’t return the money. They wanted to open “their right”, their “business”, but in 1998 the rapid default “raptovo” itself was “exhausted” ... and their “business” ended. Let's go and talk about " garnu firm with a huge salary, and the company went bankrupt as a result of “competition” unknown to them (or the “lords” of the company could have been eliminated, and the new ruler could have displaced all the old ones and recruited new staff). And millions of our sleepers continue to “walk through life” with a kaleidoscope at their head, after the collapse of their hopes, reassuring themselves that “this is how life is mastered.” But many people, tired of the number of unfulfilling hopes, go to drinking, or end up living in self-destruction.

Ale, how many people should ask themselves simply: “WHAT ARE THE RULES?” So Have you mastered your life?” - that’s it, the stink of delicacy in front of a kaleidoscope on the right path.

But there are many more misfortunes and misfortunes brought by the indifference of people, such as the current management of an enterprise, a government, a ministry, a state. And then he decides to cover thousands, or even millions of people. So Gorbachov stated that “ Perebudova - this is an unknown road, comrades!" After what, people were brought there, they didn’t know where. I want the Russian accent to say: “ If you don’t know the ford, don’t go near the water! And what a marvel, they’ve gone... And now they’re cursing. Understand the situation if the region’s potters widely believe that prices for naphtha are set by some unknown abstract “market”, and not by specific people who are likely to change prices for a completely specific for these purposes. What will happen to the people of this country? These would-be Christians of the country loudly declare that the church may be strengthened by the state. But then, when the priests from the stands say to call until one, and those from the pulpits say to call until the next, then who will the people listen to? And here’s another question: who will rule the land and the people? And since the rulers of the region respect that the governance of the region and the peoples on Earth does not matter, that global There is no politics, but there is less internal and external, then who is really holding the line: the people are responsible for the law, the residents and the deputies are “the ones behind the scenes”? And then, what should we look out for in the face of such unfortunate scumbags of the country?

What is most important is that our system is preparing such would-be managers with a kaleidoscope in their heads illuminate everything, what will be the castle of all sciences on the powdery sand of the kaleidoscopic light viewer

In 1995, in the St. Petersburg Budinka of Creativity (the great Palace of Pioneers), we had the opportunity to meet with the intercessor of the Minister of Education (now too great) Asmolov, an authoritative figure in our country. Kolah as a psychologist. We have definitely talked about variable lighting, about the fact that the skin of a person is a microcosm, that the skin from childhood can independently form its own picture of the world, its own light. We set you up with all the simple nutrition, the essence of which was reduced to the offensive. If one person has formed her own world, another person has formed her own world, etc., and if one light does not accept another light, then a war of lights is to blame. Who is responsible for unleashing a war between the worlds? Is there really a war between people? The simplicity and obvious legality of such food shocked those present... Asmolov, however, obviously did not know anything, but self-righteously continued to carry his madness on and on.

So the kaleidoscopic light gazer is not an innocent thing at all!


Here the “stones” (knowledge, revelations, facts, ideas) are laid against the mosaic canvas. Everything is mutually understood and interdependent. There is no thirsty chaos. The world is one and whole and all processes are in a new order in a special order. A mosaic idea forms a complete picture.

The main thing is to start laying the stones. And if at the very beginning the crumbling in the “laid stones” begins, then over time it will accumulate and at some point it will lead to the collapse of all the paintings, and then all the paintings, including the artist himself, will be very disappointed. And there can be two options for laying out the “kamints”:

A) Mosaic light "I am centric" type. Here there are specific concepts, facts, and concepts that are interconnected and interconnected. To the first understanding, “I” is the most powerful - as the center of the world.

And here the people link the boxes and boxes with each other. We need to encourage mutual understanding between them. Ale yogo “bachenya” will be with yogo special rosuminno in the world. What is this about Pomilkov? And how is it possible to be deprived of this much light and not to ignore the understanding of the whole world? He stops his children from watching immoral films. It is clear that the company that operates recognizes collapse and is in a hurry to find a new place. I know people who brought about the collapse of the USSR, later deprived the allied republics and controlled Russia. Tobto. Such people seek the integrity of the concept and strive to achieve it to their own understanding, most importantly to the understanding of their well-being. And there is a lot to go into, sometimes at a very difficult time.

As soon as so many of their “worlds” come together with the fact that they did not smell when assessing the appearance and appearances, their world will collapse. So, near Kaliningrad, I came into contact with a diaspora of Russians who, after the collapse of the USSR, moved to the Baltic states. They spoke about their great prosperity in Radyansky Uzbekistan, about the troubles they faced after the collapse of the USSR, about the incredible things they had to experience when changing their place of residence. They announced with pride that they had managed to get along and live successfully in Kaliningrad. But if I put the power on, and then the stink began to work, since the Germans still turned to Kaliningrad, having talked about the Harvard project, then the power of their backs began to tingle and their brows furrowed. Over the course of several months, the discomfort in them subsided and they calmed down to themselves: this cannot happen. With the black worm, the stinks became intense again, after which they calmed down again.

In order for the global understanding to be clearer, it is more important not to “understand” people from an “I-centric” worldview. As a rule, such people feel the meaning of global politics, and even more so, the meaning of God. Such people are usually demons. We were immediately thrust into the middle by the nourishment and prayers of God. While, knowing that most readers from the “Marxist materialist past”, let’s say, first close, that God is all the Laws of Nature that fall upon us with their influx. Nowadays, such statements about excessive light are called pantheism. Respectfully, humanity has not yet learned all the Laws of Nature.

b) Mosaic thought with the larynx of a new system (“laying stones” in a mosaic) VID true protection of the All-World (popularly called God) U directly to yourself.

This is our light-gazer, Svetoglyad KOB, which is a theoretical platform of KPI. Most importantly, in this case, people recognize the hierarchy of management of all processes in the Universe, including the processes of social management. All this is well shown in the Sufficient Zagalny Theory of Management. And it turns out that with such a mosaic light, there are problems at the early stage of learning with excessive efficiency, then the smell can be corrected. And these “amendments” do not lead to the “collapse” of people’s entire picture.

However, the “victims”-demons, in order not to give people this integrity, and therefore not to give them the time to figure everything out for themselves, set the diet differently: “What comes first: matter or knowledge?”

« Materialism"- I confirm that primordial matter.

"Idealism"- I confirm that primary information.

These two philosophical systems stand together for a long time. On the basis of these philosophical systems there will be religions and ideologies. And the stench, with its black, means activity and behavior of people. And people with a different ideology (or religion) tend to kill each other in wars, religious and national conflicts. So who is right? What comes first?

The Four-Headed Amun and the Holy Trinity

Zvernemosya until pershodzherel. In “The Book for Cob Reading” by V. Vodovozov (St. Petersburg, 1878), it was intended for self-illumination « simple people» Russia, when we read about the way ancient Egyptians looked at Svetobudova: “The most important caste, which protects everyone, was the caste of spiritual victims. The stinks punished the queens(Tobto to Pharaoh) , how to live and what to work... The supreme deity of the Egyptians was Amun. Yogo faces have met Chotiri deities: the speech from which everything in the world comes together, - goddess Ni; the spirit that animates speech, and the power that stirs its formation, change, action, - god Nef; endless space, engaging in speech, - goddess Pasht; the endless hour that we see with constant changes in speech - god Sebek. Everything that does not exist in this world, according to the legends of the Egyptians, is like speeches through the invisible force, borrows space and changes to one o'clock, and everything is increasingly united in one essence, Amuni.”

In this order: НІ - confirms the daily speech; NEF - force fields; PAST - space; SEBEK - o'clock.

It turns out that over the course of more than three thousand, the concept of the world, which sacrifices offered to all success as truth, has become immutable and science today operates on these very phenomena:

1. Matter – speech.

2. Spirit, which is understood at the same time as “energy” (aka “energy” is just a transitional form of the origin of matter). People understand the spirit as a “force” (a force field brought to matter by dialectical materialism), as a “cob of corn”, as information.

3. Space.

However, from other books – “The book of Thoth is sacred. Great Arcana of the Tarot" by V. Shmakov, engineer of the nobles, dated 1916, - we find out what for "especially dedicated", For "abuse" Three thousand years ago another statement about Svetobudova was given: “Thirty-two paths - wonderful, wise, having christened 1A, IEBE, Hosts, the god of Israel, the Living God and the Eternal King, El Shaddai, the Merciful and the Forgiving, the Presentation and the Perpetual of Eternity, - presented to the Holy Name of God, - and having created light of three seferim: sefar, sipur ta sefer Here Shmakov quotes one of the books of the Talmud “Sefer Ietsira”, or “The Book of Creation” .

Further, Shmakov’s official note gives an explanation: “The first of these three terms (Sephar) guilty means numbers, which alone provide us with the opportunity to understand the necessary functions and skin conditions(out of context, perhaps: people) and speeches in order to understand the purpose for which it was created, that peace dovzhini, ta peace locality, that peace vagi, ruin and harmony - all these speeches are covered with numbers.

Another term (Sipur) determines word and voice, for this is the Divine word and voice, for this is the Divine Word, this is the Voice of the Living God, who gave birth to the essences under their various forms, be external, be internal; This is the mother's requirement in these words: “God having said: “Hai there will be light” and “ becoming Svetlo“».

Zreshtoyu, third term (Sepher) means writing. God's Scripture fruit of creation.

Word God and Yogo Letter, Dumka God Word.

So thought, word that writing essence to God less alone, then V people the stench is the essence three». These notes V. Shmakov quotes from another book – “Cuzary”.

This trinity (sefar, sipur, sefer) is representative of the trinity:

1. Sefar - peace(Shape, matrix).

2. Sipur - information(Zmіst, those who are located in form, sense, idea).

3. Sefer – matter(The fruits of creation, “speeches”, as the unity of form and place is infused).

Nature has it "Holy Trinity" unbreakable: “So the thought, the word and the writing are the essence of Bozi’s only one thing...” Even though you cannot recognize yourself as “abstract” matter. Matter necessarily contains a place, an image, (which carries information about speech, an object). “There is no speech without an image”- this Russian folk saying, or more precisely, needs to be said like this: “There is no matter without an image.” І see “rich” from “image” in real life awkward. I cutaneous and visceral times visits Ena: depth, width, vago, color, relish, smell, atomic and molecular structure, etc. Number of times visits This includes all the changes that are found in it (speech). Even in life everything flows, everything changes. All “speeches” are changing. Some are growing old, crumbling, re-creating. Others are becoming popular, developing, and improving. Then all “speeches” recognize changes due to the influx of rich factors, which are the result of which another “process” takes place. And “processes” have “process speed”, “periodicity” and “frequency”, “collision amplitude”, etc. The whole series of songs is coming. “Allah having created the river and sized it peace» - This is the Koran.

Ale people are “vlashtovan” so that you can see this “holy trinity” in parts, okremo:

  • You can carefully grasp and dissect any verbal material object, looking at it in a different way for a new particularity. Science is busy.
  • Or a person can, it seems, fantasize in the “flood of thoughts”, operate with images, create them, change their thoughts, recreate them, etc. This is important in the past to be occupied by occult schools, esoteric beliefs, and a lot of church religions. archiey and Masonic structures.

In “Cuzary” it is said about people’s ability to discern “surroundings”: “...just like humans have three stinks.”

The very origin of the people “operate with the surroundings” and was vicoristan by the ancient Egyptian priest, about what language pіde given.

The ancient Russian priesthood has little meaningful light. This was reflected in the “Book of Veles” from the “Illustrious Great Triglav”. Until then, the abundance and self-sufficiency of the All-World is revealed there. The axis of the fragmentary “Glorified...”


“I count the axis,
First of all, the chapter before Triglav should be removed!
- this is how we started, we brought great glory to Yoma,
Svarog - The Father of the Gods was praised,
what is checking on us.

I Thunderer - god Perun,
God fights and fights
they said:
“Thou who animates phenomena,
don't screw up the wheels!
You who guide us with the right stitch
before the battle and the great funeral feast!

And we proclaimed the glory of St.
even having risen as the god of Rule and Reveal!

Vine from Nav saves us -
We praise Yogo!

I say:
"Everything is created
I can’t leave until my mind is torn!”
Consider this, because you only mean this,
bo the dungeon is great:
like Svarog and Perun -
- at the same hour and Sventovit.

Russian ascetics unfailingly reduced this knowledge. And just as the informative histories of our land did not try to bring us the truth, “There is nothing hidden that would not become obvious over time.” It’s true, it all comes out in the first place. Yes, describing "The Life of St. Sergius of Radonez"(from the ancient Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1904) Archimandrite Nikon on the side. 172, telling about the events that will precede the Battle of Kulikovo, write:

The holy elder, in great spirit, will once again honor the courage of the Grand Duke before the battle itself, and send him a blessed Mother of God prosphora and a handwritten letter, finally saving one of our chronicles for posterity. This letter, imploring the Grand Duke to fight courageously for the right of God and remain in the unconditional confidence that God will crown her rightfully with happy success, ended with the coming word: “Please, sir, please, and may God and the Trinity help you”

Trying to explain Sergius Radonezky's description of GOD and the Trinity, the note gives a light-hearted rant about those who under the "Trinity" Sergius Radonezky, perhaps, built the "Temple of the Holy Trinity." Sergius of Radonezkiy is not one of those who, allowing himself to think, can tamper with the skin in such a way as to be enticed. In this case, you can tell the story not by saying, but by writing: God and the Trinity!

Symbols of standing Light-gazers of the ancient Russian priesthood and the ancient Egyptian priesthood:

  • Russian trio,
  • Egyptian quadriga(Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Zakhidna).

Then marvel at the sculptural compositions of horses on the most famous buildings in the region.

Why did the ancient Egyptian priesthood conquer the mountain over the ancient Russian one? About cerosmova okrema.

From immensity to lawlessness

About “thin” and “thick” light

From now on, all official academic science is based on these very ancient phenomena about the world of life, as it was in ancient Egypt. At first there are no “objectively clear” philosophical categories in it: matter, energy, space and time.

Ale "energy"- this is a transitional form of the birth of matter. The simplest example: polynom (solid matter) burns and turns into gas (gaseous matter). The process of transition from solid to gas-like is accompanied by heat (energy).

A "space"і "hour"- nothing more private come in behind-the-light come in. These are subjective categories created by humans for:

  • vibration of all frequency processes with one frequency, sufficiently selected ( hour);
  • vimirvannya "space"(Extension) with one unit of dovzhin, shaped like a symbol.

Also, of the 4 “elements”, only one is true – “matter”.

Everything in the Universe is made up of matter. Everyone knows this. There is no abstract matter in the Universe. Matter stands in front of you five aggregate stations:

1. Harder.

2. Redke.

3. Gas-like.

4. Plasma.

This is all so good. "visible matter" « visible light» , a lot of gases.

5 . Physical vacuum. Physical vacuum is not an abstract container - space, but one of the different types of matter.

What else is there:

6. Elementary parts ta quanti different kinds of viprominyuvan.

7. Static and dynamic fields In a physical natural vacuum, built up to a forceful influx into the area, it is over-reinforced. This includes a biofield.

These are the parts and fields that we call "subtle light", "invisible light" This is the terminology used by the occult school.

At the same time whole world into two lights - “thick” and “thin” - the greatest mercy is screaming! This area can be covered through the mastered human category “entry”.

All matter stands still ordered Although there is some external image and internal structure, you still cannot recognize it as an abstract “solid matter” or “rare matter”. Qia axis orderliness take revenge information about speeches.

I stink ( richі image) cannot be seen directly from one view of the other. "There is no speech without image." Be material rich(Fragment of the World) May your image(information). And the image cannot be depicted directly without material wear.

Cream, come what may rich endowed with, measured by weight, color, smell, dovzhina, tovshchina. Whose body is gradually changing (“old”, changing vagina, smelling bad.), then. endowed peace. (Koran). What are these changes being paid for?

Everything changes, everything changes.

The Universe always undergoes coagulation processes. Sound - swaying, light - swaying, magnetic and electromagnetic hulls - swaying, radiation - swaying, human biofield - swaying, the Moon turns around - swaying around the Earth, Earth near the Sun, etc. Buttya is a whole series of mutually contributing collateral processes that occur in periods ranging from a few seconds to millions and billions of rocks.

Kolivannya "image" whatever "speech" be transferred(Transferred) from one material carrier to other material carriers ( mirrored on them).

The simplest butts. We took a photo of the tree. For the rakhunok light kolivan in the photo you will get the photographed tree. What you have on your photo paper is not the tree itself, but rather the image of the tree.

There is an apple on your table. You looked at him and flattened your eyes. And you can see a sample apple. What's on your head? Apple? No. The image of the apple of the rakhunok of the very light kolivan “peresiv” on the clitin of your brain.

Ale mirrored on other material bodies this image - with different colors. Any fragment of the All-World (rich) orderings (may image) and this is in itself all the information about myself: size, color, size, atomic and molecular structure, etc. (rich nadіlena peace). And the axle on other material noses peace I won’t describe “crossing over” anymore.

apply it. That same photograph of a tree. The tree itself is green, the leaves are rustling... You can’t see it in the black and white photo. That's on the color scheme. Not to mention the size of the real tree and its image in the photo.

An apple is on the table. Great, blush. This is the image you took from looking at it for an hour. And when they took a bite, the apple turned out to be wormy.

What is it: “carnation of yakosti”? Tse – і є show come in.

The All-World, without looming either the “cob” or the “end” (eternal and never-ending), bears the entirety of information about itself - peace again. And we draw knowledge from the world, the way we have mastered private logins.

All the knowledge like Volodya people, who are completely impersonal private logins, gleaned from all over the world behind-the-light approach.

How many laws does the Universe have? Do we know all these laws? Of course, no. And such a skin law- tse tezh yakas "private entry""What to do in full come in behind the light.

This concept of “zakhid” includes not only the basic words “vaga”, “dovzhina”, “width”, etc. The concept of “come in” includes color, taste, smell, sound, words, rules, and laws behind which processes take place in the world, and much more.

I axis all three parts of this “holy trinity” – “matter – information – world” There is an inseparable unity with one another: in the All-World, every “rich” MATTER is re-formed to the MEASURE of the song order, then. behind the laws of Nature, behind the Creator's plan. This process is uninterrupted. The process of the triad “matter – information – come”.

Words - “tseglinka”

peace comes to everyone and everything stays in world. “Allah created the river and the size of the world”(Koran). In my opinion, to the authoritative Islamist Heydar Jemal “What’s in the Koran of the world?” What kind of tasks did I have in 1996 at a seminar on national nutrition, which took place in the State Duma, but I was not aware of Islam.

A similar meal was delivered on December 21, 1996 to the television program “What? De? If? Voroshilov (the deceased) will request a transfer to the “knowledgeable people” (this transmission is called the “knowledgeable club”). The meal sounded like this: “The Pharaoh collected the sacrifices and asked them to choose one (just one) word that would explain all the processes that were taking place in the All-World. The priests called this word pharaonic. What word was zhertsi called? Thus Voroshilov finished his meal. I struck the gong. The poor knowers had been sweating under stress all the previous hour, diligently sipping “rips”, having written themselves, trying to say all sorts of foolish things, but... they didn’t say a word. I struck the gong again, and the voice behind the scenes uttered the correct sentence: “This word is peace!”

The quality of the food given by Pharaoh to the victims lies at the center of the Chomu. And the extra light of people. This is the Sun, the stars of the Universe and the entire Universe in the sky, planet Earth with its oceans and seas, fields and forests, mountains and rivers, places and villages, countries and peoples, all the phenomena of nature and social processes in which life flows without Every generation of people. And every person is surprised at it (accepts) and shares their enemies with other people. Yak?

You can work either with the help of little ones (images) or with the help of words (which will appear much more often). Therefore, before speaking, there are two types of writing on Earth: hieroglyphic and ideographic. The Japanese, Chinese and other peoples use hieroglyphs, not letters. The hieroglyph determines the entire word or group of words at once. You can describe this phenomenon at the same time in one image. And ideographic writing is the same thing that we understand: first letters, s letters – words, з sлів – speeches. Iz rechen – texts. It is clear to what extent the thoughts of the “coming” and “coming” peoples are different.

The famous Italian philosopher, linguist and occultist Umberto Eco, known to us for the book and film of the same name “The Name of Troyand”, as well as the book “Foucault’s Pendulum”, seen in Russia in 2000 by the publication “Simpos” ium" in a small edition of the collection under the title "ethics" ", on the sheet that is up to date of collection, to Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, written in 1996, put the following:

“I would like to speak from afar. Certain ethical problems became less clear to me after I thought through certain problems of semantics - just don’t worry about those that seem difficult to define; Perhaps those who seem to be in the habit of thinking should simply blame the individuals for their “confidence” for the intended transfers. Don’t let them cry and think more complexly, because it’s not simple, neither secretly nor openly.

The essence of the linguistic department lay in the offensive : there are “semantic universals”, that is, elementary concepts that are foreign to the entire human race and should be known as mine.”

That’s actually Umberto Eco talking about those, since all those who father a person can be described in words, then they themselves are to blame. primary words - “tseglinka”, focusing on how it would be possible to imagine the entire verbal palette of farbs that describe the picture of the world.

Prote, having given the right nutrition, Umberto Eco did not give evidence of anything. And he is one of the “authorities” in these foods. So we’re talking about those that a clever philosophical idea has stood out from the Russian one by at least 10 years. Back in 1990, the KZB had clearly defined These are the chain words: matter, information, world.

Written and disorganized

Ale people are so in control that they can see and operate these “warehouses” of the inviolable “holy trinity” of skin, about which we were already told a little earlier. Vikoristica of this particularity of people, “MATTER” was published science,"INFORMATION" - religions, and "MIRA" bula prihovana kind of humanity. It was made in ancient times - in ancient Egypt. And this ancient Egyptian priesthood came into being, giving people incorrect ideas about the excessive light, expanding and supporting, through a controlled system, the illumination of a “kaleidoscope” in the heads of millions of people for centuries. This adoption made it possible to manipulate the sensitivity of the skin of people around the world and all of humanity, thus making it possible to continue to grow rich.

The Koran reveals the essence of this deception: “The first axis was given to Musi ( Moses ) writing and dispersion. Perhaps, you will take the straight path.” This is how the Koran tells us about those things that were given by God through Moses to the ancient Jews, so that they would carry stench to all humanity. Letter- these are factual statements, and dispersion- This is a methodological knowledge of the world, the ability to separate good from evil, good from bad, truth from lies, one manifestation from another. A separate- this means put it in once - visits-yat, give peace discoveries and discoveries, discover all the new and new knowledge about the world.

It turns out that the writings of the Torah and the Bible have reached us. Where did the division go? What is the methodology of humanity? What was it possible to achieve for a shell? Now you may understand what has been achieved in the world category!

Even the water itself allows one process to be separated from another, one process from another. Since people cannot be so divided, cannot distinguish right from wrong, then in the future (early too late) allowances will be allowed in the decisions taken. And in this case, such a person will not be able to gain a great deal of factual knowledge. One can say about such people that they suffer from “kaleidoscopic idiocy”, there are a lot of fragments of various facts in their heads, but to combine the facts into a whole picture, such people are not in the picture.

For some, these differences in the reign of the Universe will seem insignificant. This is the very same thing that Kozma Prutkov said: “For small reasons there are even more important inheritances.” This inheritance is being reaped by all of us at once.

The approach to the sunset led to immensity (“without peace iv, without peace beer”), which has led to a lack of morality and all the nonsense that we are constantly guarding against in marriage.

Implementation of the principle “Give and give!”

Marxism versus the dogmas of the church

Methodological philosophy lies in the methodology of knowledge. And as it is implemented in the system of illuminating the life of people in practice, then the emergence of new knowledge will lead to the transformation of people’s life to new under strict laws All the world. This philosophy allows for unique global amends in the development of matrimony.

Dialectical materialism to marxism From the very beginning, marriage was accepted as a methodological philosophy. Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, the opposition to the incompetent management of Russia by the royal homeland of the Romanovs easily ran into quotation-dogmatic philosophy of the church, and with a huge ruling class. I want the dial -to -whale Mattericism to Marxism of Nes, the Soblich Gray -Kolkovikh, the prose, the prose is the methodologic fіlosofiya, the yak was propagated by the Svitorozuminnya, the Svitorozuminnya. In the USSR, through the thoughtless ceremonialism of the country, the methodology of knowledge and understanding (dialectical materialism) was turned into a dead dogma. I or I.V. Stalin, being not a dogmatist, but creativity, in his work “Economic problems of socialism in the USSR”, Marxism was brought to the point of self-denial, rather than sanity among a whole wave of party members. And yet, three generations of people in our region were aware of the methodological essence of this philosophy, and everyone accepted it as a dogma. There are only a minority of such people.

In this manner, in order to firmly protect all humanity, countries and peoples, the ancient Egyptian priesthood created a simple “genius” speech. It gave people the wrong message about too much light, and it absorbed and sealed itself with the correct message.

Choose one lie from two

Know “kaleidoscope” and “mosaic”. Let's understand all the knowledge from the look of color stones. Mathematics - red stones, chemistry - blue, biology - green, psychology - yellow, economics - black, etc. It is clear that we, dear readers, are slaves. For us to live well, we need the slaves to work well. If the slaves worked well, we have to give the slaves the necessary knowledge. How can slaves know and understand as much as we, slave-owners, are lost in slavery. Why bother? This is where the “kaleidoscope” will help us.

Realize that before a person there are two clean canvases, on which one can paint a “picture of the world.”

You can paint a mosaic picture, if everything is interconnected and interconnected. And then, because people don’t know what they don’t know, they can get the idea to “get” a whole picture.

And you can see all the knowledge of taxes from the “kaleidoscope” view. Spinning yogo in front of a person - one picture ( socialism, hurray!). Spin another time - another picture ( capitalism, hurray!).

Restore respect - knowing both in one and in another picture are the same. Ale in one episode people understand and understand mutuality know this (that religion is a means of managing people, that economics is dependent on politics, that global politics is also important). And in another situation “porridge” in the head And we can’t understand that the world’s credit and financial system is responsible for governing countries and peoples, so that wages and prices in stores lie due to the war in Iraq.

And I guess I’m a slave slave. What kind of knowledge do we give to slaves? Right. We call it “knowledge in kaleidoscope”, forming “kaleidoscopic idiocy”. This axis, as people know in all countries on planet Earth, is realized through preschool, school, and academic education.

This itself allowed the “victims”-demons to stretch their weight to the utmost "Pendulum Hitannya" at the knowledge of skin people: “Which is primary: matter or knowledge (spirit)?” And people search for the truth there, where it is impossible for anyone to know it because it simply isn’t there (dazzling figure). The people were given a choice one lie out of two.

This itself lies at the basis of the principle of managing people, countries and peoples “Share and Volodaryu”, the conceptual principle of injustice and immorality, which is what it is. On the basis of this immoral principle of deception and pitting people against each other, materialism and idealism, two opposing philosophical views, were born. In the applied methodology itself, in the application of the correct statement about the excessive light, there is a hidden secret of the immoral conceptual power of unjust matrimony.

Ale same from the position of tsikh hibnih philosophical beginnings Current parties and revolutions will have their own ideologies. Some are ready to give their lives for the Tsar (Orthodoxy - based on idealism), others for the Secretary General (Marxism - based on materialism). Let the races of both these and others not waver!

Look around for a while and think about it. We are faced with a choice:

- “Which way is better: capitalism or socialism?”- What a fool! And there, and there – the traditional “elite” system, the slave-laden style. Only in one pyramid on the mountain "Elite" or royal family, either from businessmen, or from democrats, and in another pyramid, the “elite”, or from the party soviet nomenklatura (from “servants of the people”), or from patriotic nationalists.

- “What is the economy like: plana chirinkova?”- I am a fool. What a yak! The plan is what you need to earn, what you need to achieve. І plan obov'yazkovo maє buti. And the market is one of the ways to reach the mark. Moreover, it’s a very good way. There is no way. And if you put in place a place that requires you to come (plan), a road that requires you to go to a place (market), then it is called schizophrenia. Therefore, the plan cannot be presented to the market. The market economy needs to follow a plan! In the report we will look at the “economy” of our book later.

- “Which party is good in the USA: democratic or republican?” These are fools, the fragments of this party determine the interests of their ruler - the global financial mafia. And if there is a need to quickly change something in the United States, this mafia will bring the Democrats to the state’s “White House”, and if the situation needs to be stabilized, the mafia will bring the Republicans.

They are the ones who complain about all the Russian parties. They, without even realizing it, are focusing on one ruler, the same global mafia that set the goal: to destroy the USSR-Russia. And people fill their heads with selection procedures: “Choose the best ones!” And what to choose between “cholera” and “plague”, since all these parties, however, seem to be fading in Russia of slavery, the new elite pyramid.

All television, radio and third-party news organizations, all political scientists and sociologists also use this method. Think, for example, about how TV viewers are trained on any problem. Two or three inputs are given when power is supplied and the TV viewer can return one of the inputs. And why are all these types of evidence wrong? Ale the inhabitant does not care about him. This is how the minds of millions of people are programmed to address this and other problems. This is the way to ask “authorities” on the program and put TV viewers and newspaper readers before making a choice: "Who's right?" “Which thought is correct? Choose!”. This technique is vikoristic and Posner, and Shvidkoy, and Svanidze, and... The greatest bulge is demonstrated by the Jew Solovyov in the TV programs “Before the Barrier”, when he rubs his forehead against one lie against another lie, appearing to be for democracy.

It all lies with ancient science and religion. People who are not allowed to perceive the world in such a way that it is right and wrong in proportion Objective Reality- it’s easier to oppress such people and rob them “in a refined” and “cultural” way, and in such a way that you can’t understand the stench of anyone! To achieve this, it is necessary to grasp among people the methodology of independent knowledge of the world and formulate in them “kaleidoscopic idiocy.” It is easier to deceive such people, they are easier to deceive, constantly putting them in front of the need to choose a lie from two or many different alternatives of lies. By stretching thousands of thousands, this itself allowed to implement principle: “give and give”.

Ale now it will be awkward. Now We have spoiled the world!

President of the Academy of Management
global and regional processes
social and economical development
Petrov Kostyantin Pavlovich

Since ancient times, Egypt has been interested in the land, as it preserved the great secret places. The ancient Egyptian magicians and sacrifices began to experience similar European turmoil. The old papyri were followed by alchemists who wanted to bring order to nature, and by occultists who wanted to establish connections with supernatural forces. Magic, indeed, occupied a central place in ancient Egyptian religion. But this magic was not much like the legends about it.
The glory of Fatherland magic has been established in Egypt since ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans did not believe that such grandiose spores as the great pyramids of Gizi could have been created by natural people without help Greater powers. The Egyptians themselves widely believed in the power of spells and amulets, as they fought for any important justice. The stinkers reinforced their apparent engineering mystique with arcane rituals, which instantly clanged and attracted the uninitiated to themselves.

Soul power

Ancient Egyptian magic was closely and inextricably linked with religion. In fact, it is impossible to tell where the religious ritual ended and the magical effect began for the Egyptians. Apparently, the main magicians were the priests themselves, who had a colossal influx in Ancient Egypt and actually ruled the region together with the pharaohs.
He was born as a special god who stood for magic. Yogo's name was Heka. This very word called magic like this. The word “heka” literally means “increasing the activity of Ka.” Ka - this is what the Egyptians called one of the hypostases of the human soul. Apparently, the magic of the stench was respected not by any external force, but also because it was in the midst of the people themselves. For an additional price, the magician could flow onto other people, into the greater world, and then onto the gods themselves! Some descendants believe that, overridden by other ancient religions, where people, in order to achieve their goals, tried to appease the gods and please them, the Egyptians respected their They will be punished and threatened by the gods! A strong magician can force the gods to create things that they absolutely should not do.

Another god associated with magic is Ra’s companion in the name of Sia. He was considered the custodian of the sacred papyrus, on which invaluable knowledge accumulated by people and gods was recorded. Yogo im'ya
meant divine omniscience. How people could be overwhelmed by Sia, denying the ability to act both in the light of the gods and in the light of the dead. Varto respect: the Egyptians respected that the worlds of people and gods did not have cardinal differences between themselves and acted behind these very laws.
In order to awaken the power of Hek in themselves, the priests performed special rituals called “seshau”. In addition, Heck’s wife had magical recipes for “Pikhret”, which were used by the top ranks for feasting. And one of the most sought-after and popular forms of ancient Egyptian magic was medicine itself.

The healthiest people

Herodotus also wrote that the Egyptians are the most accomplished physicians and the healthiest people in the entire economy. The high development of medicine was fueled by the culture of mummification of the dead. Tse vimagalo garnih know about interior building to the body. Apparently, knowledge about various diseases has also developed. However, the Egyptians did not see the human body as a folding mechanism. The stinks disappeared into the water. That’s why they rejoiced, the faces of that spell stagnated at the same time. Most of all, the cause of all illnesses was attributed to demons, ghosts, evil gods or the influx of other creatures. Therefore, the feast of the day suggested the Christian rite of exorcism and it looked wonderful.
The priest-doctors were called “sinu”. Before the recitation of the liturgy, they read a prayer obligingly, enlisting the support of the gods. The sick person, after dressing up, is obligated to make generous donations to the temple in order to give back to God for helping him.
Before the speech, over the expansion of the population, the victims in Ancient Egypt were not only men, but also women. The first female doctor in history was the priestess Merit Ptah, who lived in Memphis in the 3rd millennium BC.
Egyptian doctors treated themselves Various illnesses They carried out operations of varying degrees of foldability. There was a stink about dentistry. True, it was quite primitive and amounted to the extraction of teeth from an opium-addled patient. Prote mysticism of the sacrificial healers instantly cried out the burials and clanged the strangers. And gloomy stories about the details of the embalming and preparation of mummies have given rise to a feeling about those that the Egyptians used to revive the dead and did not create special people. The priests did not overstep a bit, but willingly fought to enhance their reputation as omnipotent servants of the evil gods.
It is clear that their medical knowledge could be abused and to the detriment of those who were not lucky enough to become their enemies. The mysticism of preparing fruit flourished in Ancient Egypt. And in this case, of course, it couldn’t do without magic. In one of the papyruses that have come down to us, the following recipes are revealed:
“Take a shrew, drown her and let people drink this water - they will blind their eyes,” “Infusion of wine and the shrew will give death to those who drink it.”

Dreams and amulets

Another broad type of magic was all kinds of magic and transfer. The ancient Greeks respected that the Egyptians themselves were the first to master all types of warfare similar to them. Most popular
there was a fortune telling from a dream. This mystery began at the temples of the place of Iunu (the Greeks called this place, which was located near the present-day Cairo, Heliopolis). The head priest Yunu officially bore the title of Great Seer.

"The Egyptian priest reads the Suviy." Painting by Stepan Bakalovich, cob of the 20th century.

To this day, there is an old Egyptian dream book, written 2 thousand years before our era. There are nearly 200 dreams and magical rituals that can ward off evil spirits.
Also, the Egyptians had an extreme apology for the heterogeneous curse. The stench was divided into two groups. Before the first, there were curses that the victims and magicians imposed on the promises of any people against their rival. Apparently, before the war they cursed the ruler of the enemy state and all his military leaders. Moreover, the people, having realized that they were cursed by the mighty Egyptian magicians, could actually die or perish - such was the power of self-invocation. Another great group laid curses with which the walls of the tomb were thickly covered. Until the dead, the Egyptians were placed behind a great army. Please note that not all of these proclamations were addressed to those who are working on the mummy. There are many who have threatened them with terrible punishments, who have stolen from the tombs and gifts reserved for the victims.
With the soothing light of ties and the gloomy part of magic, which testifies for those to help the soul of the dead to know Virny Way And with honor I will show off all my efforts before the gods. Only in this regard, they looked for a warm virok at the judgment of Osiris and eternal peace. To help the soul, the famous magical “Book of the Dead” was created, images of which were painted on ancient Egyptian sarcophagi. This branch of magic, of course, is also the same for the uninitiated.
A common attribute of ancient Egyptian magic was amulets. It was anonymous and had a slight stench across the widest spectrum of stagnation. Amulets protected the Egyptian from demons and wild animals, brought good luck in the khanna, right and work, saved the family and guaranteed health. The nebizh people also generously donated amulets. As a rule, amulets were prepared in the form of figurines of creatures or sacred scarab beetles. Those amulets in which the text of the spell was set were the most revered. Any original figurine without inscriptions could be endowed with magical powers.

Eternal stories

In the past hour, Egypt's dynasties were changing. The old gods forgot, new ones came to replace them. Alas, the glory of the wheel of magic did not dim. Stories about the incredible strength of the Egyptian victims continued to be heard in all corners. Ancient world. Acts from them became part of new mythologies and new religions. For example, about the priest Zazemankh, who served Pharaoh Snofra in the middle of II! Thousands of years before our era it was known that the muddy waters of the lake would part to reveal the beauty spent by one of the servants. This story clearly has baked rice with the famous biblical story about Moses.
The historian Ammianus Marcellinus, who lived in the Roman Empire in the 4th century, wrote about the hidden knowledge of Egypt: “If anyone wants to achieve an understanding of the divine and with our minds get rid of the beginning of perceptions, then we can , that knowledge of this family expanded throughout the world from Egypt. Here, long ago, people came to different places, so be sure, the incunabula of religion and carefully protect the first foundations of the sacred rites laid down in those writings... The leaders of Egyptian wisdom Anaxagoras was able to transfer the stone This plank and, having reached the well, is a mighty earth-truck. І Solon, having gained the strength of the Egyptian sacrifices, having seen his just laws and giving great help to Roman law. Drawing from these jerels, without giving Egypt a second hand, Jesus from the given polity of proms, Vin is Jupiter’s superior, the hero of illustrious wisdom.”
The wisdom of Ancient Egypt, they say, subsided middle Europe. The Philosopher's Stone, which alchemists have fawned over for centuries, trying to create it into secret laboratories, having first guessed from his ancestors the sage Zosima of Panopolitansky, who was alive in Alexandria around 300 years ago. He deprived himself of numerous treatises, declaring the principles of chemistry. Before speaking, one of the first to call this science, characterizing it as “a sacred mysticism.” Zosima exclaims that the philosopher’s stone, created to transform base metals into gold and silver, is not a guess, but reality. Following him, tens and hundreds of people all over the world believed him.

Smaragd's tablet

In the Middle Ages, Egypt has completely transformed into people, a land seeped with magic, populated by even omnipotent enchanters. The name of Hek was widely forgotten, and magical secrets were now associated with the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth. Then they fade into the background. European alchemists revered Hermes Trismegistus as the most prominent sage of Ancient Egypt. They no longer called him God, but they didn’t really doubt him. Although, perhaps, such a person has never existed.
Hermes Trismegistus was credited with the authorship of many treatises on alchemy. The famous Smaragd Tablet occupied a special place among them. Historians are still wondering who and if this text was truly created. It was reported that Trismegistus hangs on an emerald plate, which was preserved in one of the Egyptian temples. More recently, we know Oleksandr the Great.

The text is composed of several phrases that represent the main principles of alchemy. Adepts of the dark sciences began to reconcile that in such a marvelous form the very same recipe for removing the philosopher's stone was written down. The stinks fell Prihovany sense Innumerable experiments were carried out on the text of the Emerald Tablet. It’s a pity that none of them was able to remove the philosopher’s stone. However, in the pursuit of ancient magic, alchemists inevitably pushed natural science ahead. Today's physicists and chemists, of course, cannot seriously consider their jokes, but they must still honor their ancestors.
It’s hard to believe that not all of the hidden places of the sacrificial magicians of Ancient Egypt have been revealed. Well, perhaps, touching them, the stench will reveal some marvelous paths for humanity.

Love spell with threats

Magic was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and in such delicate matters as love cards.
For love spells, a variety of enchanting potions were used, which were prepared by magicians, as well as spells. Moreover, the love affairs sometimes looked amazing. The axis, for example, is a text written by an unknown magician during the reign of the XX Dynasty (close to 1100 BC). The author, without any ceremony, declares to the gods that if the stench cannot be helped, then their temples will be destroyed:

“Hello to you, Ra-Khorathi, father of the gods,
Hello to you, Simo Hathore,
We'll decorate you with red bands!
Hello gods,
Lords of heaven and earth!
Come on, my daughter, follow me,
Nemov Bik for food,
Nemov, a servant for children,
Mov the shepherd behind the flock.
If you don't hesitate to follow me,
I will unleash fire on Busiris and burn him.”

How can magic be introduced into science? Since the dawn of magic, there have always been charlatans who masterfully produced all sorts of “miracles” for a fee. And the abundance of gullible simpletons wanted them to continue their investigations. Moreover, official science is difficult to perceive and observe the secret knowledge of victims, as well as all those that cannot be seen and examined under a microscope. And yet, the transference is happening, and the magic is alive, as long as interest in it has not died down yet.

If so, what happened to magic? There is no single thought about the terms - obviously, except those that this knowledge developed simultaneously with humanity. And magical formulas and rituals were found to be consistent with the laws of nature - even occultism in its essence - this is physics itself, but it is not so easy to explain how magic works. We can say that the ritual is an additional function that serves to fine-tune the will of the magician and the concentration of his respect.

What is lost under the significance of magic and the occult sciences? At this time, there is a line between the secret sciences and the so-called “non-traditional medicine”. fill up the fuel frequently. Since any actions that went against the manifestations of secular and church power were respected absolutely, then in our days the so-called. “Bioenergetics” is practically equivalent to official science. And before, perhaps, they could have burned out...

Today's magic can be called not only the secret knowledge of sacrifices, but also some occult activities and rituals that affect the health, psyche, and position of a person, etc. The origin of magic and its developments gave rise to numerous ideas for success, rituals, magic and much more. Here you can include astrology (and other prophecies), palmistry, numerology, mediumship and human supernatural abilities - telepathy, telekinesis and others.

The secret knowledge of the victims

Beyond the expansion of the Duma, a magician (or a witch) become popular, but fade away. I would like, of course, to realize that people, as a result of nature, tend to act like hypnotism. Learning about the occult sciences is a serious matter, as you can see a lot of time.

It is not good to wait for the rapid progress of supernatural miracles, those who are dying for the secret knowledge of sacrifices that allow them to shake mountains and turn rivers back, so they will not achieve anything. Those who are more important than the magician’s adjustments, and for whom difficulties do not appear, are looming ahead of us. Since the disappearance of magic, practices have been gradually perfected, and the savers of the hidden knowledge of the victims have lost their monopoly.

The French mystic and occultist Gerard Encaus, better known as Doctor Papus, wanted to develop his sense organs. For Wyconnanny magical rituals Chaklunov needs greater control over his will, and in order to achieve this, he needs to train his body. You can start small - with the process of receiving izhi. In our time, few people truly show respect for those who exist. Be aware of the taste and sensation of fullness and all your emotional reactions. It’s a shame to bring blame on the diet of alcohol and tyutyun, as it harms not only the physical, but also the astral body, thereby crossing the line of magic acts. This, of course, is not the hidden knowledge of the victims, but even more important mind to use magic.

It is necessary to develop a concentration, and a special form. Concentration does not have to take away energy and drain it - the magician under the hour of consecration to the ritual may result in immediate relaxation and tension. Concentration increases with the help of meditation. Next, take a handy position, close your eyes and stay away from all the thoughts that appear to Svidomosti.

There is no need to succumb to the impulse to start talking about any topic. Guilty thoughts come and go, without losing track of the evidence. Meta to the right - try to achieve a mental pause (I will become increasingly aware of my thoughts). This year, you have the right to bear your fruits - you will be able to forgive the willful zusillas for any unbad thought.

It is not necessary to give too much respect to the attributes - to perform complex magical operations and not to rely on numerical instruments. And the sacrificial blood of a goat and the cup quilting brush unborrowed can be observed only in the films of the people, and not in real practice. I want to read some books (for example, French grimoires) to guess some of the attributes.

Occult practices of the peoples of the world

Of interest is the fact that the skinned people who, even if they were born on earth, practiced their occult practices. You can guess the faceless confirmation of this fact - the ecstatic dances of the dervishes, Scandinavian runic, Slavic, mysterious practices of Indian fakirs, the hidden knowledge of the sacrifices of Ancient Egypt and tablets Meditation is popular among similar peoples. Over the years, people have been powerfully searching for ways to resolve their problems through occult methods. The people have already abandoned power, they wanted to know their future, and even the deeds of transfer are being carried out... Before speaking, it is important to note that the apologetic occultist, who is Volodya, is on the verge of power, and the selfish lover, who believes in the help of chaklunity, is under To surround yourself with a world that is not possible to achieve success.

In the era early middle school The victims had great authority, they shared power with the rulers of various countries. At that time, the rare commander launched his army on the offensive, without being pleased with a special astrologer, no one doubted that transfers were taking place.

The priests acted as intermediaries between the gods and humanity. They were also entrusted with the function of protecting the population from the attacks of demonic forces, as well as preaching about the material well-being of the government’s philanderers. They brought gifts of carnage to the victims, and the stinks, in their ranks, were obliged to cheer people up, to protect crops and food, and, of course, to create rituals and calls to appease the gods. The secret knowledge of the victims is not enough to serve people.

In order to alleviate the task of magicians and victims, the various warlords of the system were broken up. One of the most popular is that it consists of 78 plates (22 older ones and 56 Young Arcana). With the help of Tarot cards, you can get the exact answer - transfers are learned almost immediately. During the hour of its inception, the system changed its external look. Today there are a number of decks of Tarot cards - decks of Lenormand, Aleister Crowley, Papus and others. Ale Pershogerel is considered to be important in the Egyptian Tarot.

There is one, connected with the creations of this deck. Along with this, the Egyptian priests decided to create this system and symbolically place their occult knowledge in it in order to transfer it to their followers. The deck was completed, and the priests began to think about who to trust to save it. Some wanted to hand over the cards of honor, and give the deck to the savings of people, which are other people's mercies and whatever earthly treasures. Others felt to them that it was practically impossible to know such a person, and at death the knowledge would be wasted. Tody was praised for his decision to give the Tarot deck to vice. So they showed up border cards. The next step is to indicate that the transfer will take place - the deck has been saved and left.

Lifting the veil of the future...

It is impossible to say that the life of the middle-class people was calm and peaceful. On the one hand, they were tossed around, and they practically shared power with the rulers of the powers, and on the other hand, many of them became victims of their “impossibility.” At any time, the ruler could be saved by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconsideration - the transfer of justice will be done no matter what, for example, because the astrologer knows the hour of his death. And if he called time, then he risked being separated from his life earlier for the meaning of the term, and even by strategizing, the ruler could lead to the impossibility of the leader.

At the same time, it was also not possible to disagree on the food supply - a warning sign of being recognized as a charlatan, and for the whole purpose. One astrologer went on to become even more original - having told the ruler that their horoscopes were very similar, and as a result, whose ruler outlived his predecessor by less than 10 days. The ruler, without becoming a ruler, even though transfers are being carried out...

No one likes nasty news - it was said that the messengers who delivered them were driven into the place. Since the rise of magic and astrology, the prophets have been confused by those who want to be a ruler. And in the end, since their transfers were not justified (for example, the military lost their battle or became neurotic), the astrologer was waiting for reprisals.

Tim is no less, astrologers have often shown themselves to be unhelpful; So, according to the author of the book “Ivan the Terrible”, Walishevsky, Bogdan Belsky is the favorite of Ivan the Terrible, asking astrologers to predict the day of the king’s death. The day of the transfer, and Belsky is ahead of the astrologers, so that the stratum always checks for mercy on them - the bedroom is alive. That day Grozny felt himself better, and Belsky told the astrologers about his threat. The messengers calmly told you that the day had not yet ended. History has confirmed the truth of the transfer - that day (18 February) the tsar died during the checker's game with Boris Godunov.

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The priests of Egypt were the main guardians of the sacred secrets, traditions and culture of Ancient Egypt, they had long-standing, hidden, powerful knowledge in the field of astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine. The priests loved the schools that belonged to them in Memphis, Sais, Thebes and Heliopolis. With their secret knowledge, they devoted even more of their students to them. This knowledge was inaccessible to the common people. The beginning for attaining the priestly rank was important; the beginning began when the future victim had not faced four fates, and ended before twenty fates. The priests of the highest ranks were awarded the title Ur - “high, high”, the Most High Priest of Maa - Imhotep, the waker of the step pyramid of Djoser. He was the chief seer and had the greatest title of Ur Maa.

A special role was played by the priest Ur Heku - “Volodar of the sacred powers.” The stench was the guardians of the Divine Power and could transfer it to objects - “sanctify” it, and also help sick people. The priests of Kher Heb made the bindings of the temple scribes and were the guardians of the sacred books. They were reputed for copying and saving their temple library and strutting as saving “words of power” - sacred words that hold special powers.

The priests were looking for a favorable hour for sowing and harvesting, the stinks came from exact hour flooding the Nile, the forecasts were compiled using data from temple libraries, and reports were kept on guard against astronomical phenomena. The ancient Egyptians were the right doctors and the healthiest people of the Ancient World. However, medicine was not just a profession for them, but a sacred science. The єgiptyanians were brought in, pushing the sulfur to lay the yak vid of the Likarsky Umіn, and the sin of the divine volume, the same as the Old Avynoye, Buli Yak Likari, and the sly of wisdom of the likivanny of the text of the text.

The priests performed ritual funereal magic and maintained necropolises and tombs. The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death of a person’s physical body – Kat, his name – Ren, the soul – Ba (eternal life) and the energetic twin of a person – Ka (astral plane) is deprived of life. Like the Sun, the Duat (the afterlife) enters the land of darkness, where the souls of all the dead remain. It was important that the victims could perform their posthumous awakening with secret mystical spells and ritual magic. They tried to mummify the bodies of the dead, placing special figurines on them - “ushebta” - to represent the people who were protected by Ka in the world.

Victims were victorious about the dark mystical psychotechniques, spells and witchcraft. There was a culture of amulets, spells, magical images and powers that protect against various illnesses. The celebration was dependent on the arrangement of astronomical factors - the arrangement of stars, stars, Sun, Month and planets. The ancient Egyptian priests were inspired by the mysticism of transmission, magical control of weather and astronomical phenomena.

The first victims of Egypt were the Atlanteans, who could merge with the Spiritual Cosmic Mind - God, and they themselves were the pyramids of Khafre, Cheops and Mikkerin, in which the knowledge of the ancient Atlanteans was laid. The victorious priests created pyramids for mysteries, which they secretly carried out simultaneously. The priests of Atlantis lived up to 500 years ago, they knew that God is one and passed on to the Egyptians knowledge about the price of the soul in the dead, which they learned from the Egyptian “Book of the Dead.”

The Pyramids of Gizi, inspired by the Atlantean priests, establish the role of the guardians of the Earth, like antennas, receiving and transmitting energies to the Cosmos.

Pyramids represent God's plan. They give people the opportunity to think about the sense of life, realizing the greatness and mystery of unexpected disputes. They will have encrypted knowledge that will be revealed to people in the world of their spiritual growth. In the middle of the Cheops pyramid there is a capsule containing documents that confirm that the pyramids were behind the thrones of the Atlantean victims, and if this knowledge is revealed to people, a new stage in the development of civilization will appear this Earth.

The Egyptian pyramids retain hidden secrets and mysteries, and they contain the most important source of information about events that were discovered in the distant past. The Great Pyramid of Cheops is oriented in such a way that during the spring (20-21 spring) and autumn (22-23 spring) sun the same day it appears on the top of the pyramid, culminating in the majestic Temple. At the Great Pyramid, Egyptian sacrifices held the mysteries of Osiris and Isis.

The initiation of scholars took place in the underground chambers that were located under the pyramid. After that, as an adept, having acquired a singing knowledge, it was tested in underground labyrinths. Then they gathered sacrifices and slaughtered the sanctuary in the dark, swearing under fear of death not to share their knowledge with the uninitiated. Only a few of these sacrifices revealed the main secret, first of all, the dogma about the one God. In addition, the victims began to believe that they were once again dedicated to transmitting behind the stars and coming into contact with cosmic forces.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, scholar, ecologist, esotericist, writes in the book “The Hidden Egyptian Mystery”; “Ancient Egyptian mysteries begin with divine energies rising to the top Great Pyramid, which resembles an upside-down tree with a crown below and roots on the mountain. From this inverted tree, divine wisdom spreads down its long sides and spreads out with light. The tricutaneous shape of the pyramid is similar to the position human body what she takes during traditional meditation. The Great Pyramid, behind the plan of the victims, was likened to the All-World, and the top was people who would reach towards God. Initiations passed through the mystical corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid, they entered as people, and came out as Gods.” The descendants of the Egyptian pyramids respect that the sacrifices of the victorious people gave their lives to the future for the benefit of not only their companions, but their future interests. І in order to convey to us important information, the stench of vikorism was on the pyramids themselves. As proof of such a theory, the results of the composition of the dimensions, the proportion and arrangement of the secret internal rooms of the pyramids, the fact of the orientation of the pyramids along the sides of the light, the pattern of the A description of their numerical values ​​from known dates in the history of human development.

Coming from this, the descendants developed a clue about the true significance of the pyramids, which, in their opinion, lies ahead of humanity about the coming cataclysms and is connected with the prophesied transfers of the Egyptian sacrifices, and so with messages encrypted not only in letters, but also in the and their orientation on all sides is light. Supported by connections with the Cosmos, the Egyptian warriors began to embrace the future more than a thousand years before their perfection.

What did the Egyptian sacrifices of Atlantis deprive us of the recession? Egyptologist Basil Davidson was able to decipher the text of the Coptic manuscript, in which the ancient leaders of the Great Pyramid conveyed information about the achievements of science, the world and the world to the victims. were in Egypt. The data contained in the manuscript is combined with the information that is removed as a result of the composition of the proportion of the pyramids.

John Taylor, the founder of the science of pyramidology, in 1859 “recognized that the architect of the Great Pyramid was not an Egyptian, but an Israeli, who was born according to the Divine orders. Might as well be Noah himself. The one who, having created the Ark, was the most competent of people to create the life of the Great Pyramid.” In 1864, the famous astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith came up with the idea that the Great Pyramid preserved the secrets of the understanding of biblical prophecies from the dawn of time until the next coming of Christ.

1993 to the fate of the Belgian teachings Robert Bauval, having raised his voice. We note that the arrangement of the three pyramids of Gizi indicates the position of the three main stars in the belt of Orion, which are located above the horizon line only when they cross the meridian of Gizi. A computer analysis carried out by Bauvel showed that the placement of the Gizi monuments corresponds to maps of the sky as it looked around 10450 BC. e. This allowed them to have an uneasy follow-up with the one who created the pyramid. The famous prophet Edgar Cayce confirmed that the Sphinx began to spore at about the same hour as the pyramid of Cheops. “The Sphinx of brutality denounced exactly that point in the sky, saying that, close to 10450 BC, three stars from the belt of Orion shone in a strictly singing place above the line of the horizon. Sphinx is a clear expression of the “additional marker”, which indicates I'll give a point" Edgar Cayce wrote: “The most important information for modern mankind may be found at the base of the Sphinx’s left front paw, and not in the underground tunnels below it. The information is included in outdoor stone the bases of the paws. The tunnels under the Sphinx, while not yet visible to you, still carry important information in their configurations. However, the capsule with the messages on the pads is located under the left front paw...”

The tunnels under the Sphinx were successfully discovered. Based on the seismic properties, the investigators discovered a chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx, with a tunnel emerging from it; in one of the wells at a depth of 32 meters they found the entrance to the tunnel. There stood a sarcophagus made of black granite. However, nothing is yet known about the “capsule with messages to the pads.” The Atlantean priests deprived humanity of unsolved mysteries and mysteries, encrypting them in ancient spores - pyramids.

Humanity repeats the path of the adept who seeks initiation in the secret chamber of the Egyptian mysteries. In this case, for the adept and humanity, the same lies in the encryption in the architecture of the Great Pyramid. There is only one person, let each adept pass by the expanse of the Pyramid, humanity will pass by the Hour.

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