Recipes for foot scrub at home. Foot scrub at home: the best recipes Foot scrub at home

At any time, fate would like your little legs to look pampered and attractive. A foot scrub will help achieve a visible aesthetic effect. It’s amazing how well prepared products and household products are.

The word “scrub” is similar to “scrape”.

The main function of the scrubber is to scrape the horny ball of the skin with abrasive particles. If the components are kept in stock, they can also be used to soften, live and improve the elasticity of the skin.

The main indications for curing are dryness and peeling.

Causes of dryness:

  • Disruption of the nutritional regime. To maintain normal functioning of the body, mature people must drink at least 1.5 liters. clean water. If this rule is broken, the first thing to do is to inform about the shortage of volunteers;
  • Trival water procedures. Taking a hot bath can cause extreme dryness. Before speaking, the skin was wrinkled after a dry trip near the water - an indication of the fact that the skin was “smeared”;
  • Wrong food. Main warehouse healthy skin- Presence of essential vitamins and microelements in liquefied products. Without this, you won’t be able to achieve velvety legs with an expensive drug;
  • Reduced strength sebaceous creases . Keep the feet and the tops of the feet very dry, and the lower sections of the hide. Main reason Therefore, there is little vibration of sebaceous secretion.

Eliminate all causes of possible dryness and take advantage of the brightening of the skin of your legs, and regular scrubbing will help you maintain the effect.


  • Removal of dead weeds and the fight against husks
  • Using a product with abrasive particles helps improve blood circulation, saturate it with acidity and start skin renewal;
  • Prepares the skin before contact with life-giving oils and creams. Open and cleanse the pores to better absorb the brown components;
  • Helps fight hair regrowth after depilation.

Benefits of scrub and peeling

Please note that scrub and peeling are one and the same product. What these products have in common is just one thing – the function that cleanses. Initially, peeling is a procedure aimed at the appearance of the keratinous ball, while it is like a scrub - the mechanical appearance of peeling. After the appearance of features called “peeling”, the scrub lost its mechanical option, and the new product was characterized as a rare product with a high acid content. What is the purpose of peeling using a star scrub?

Main duties:

  • Glibina dii. The action of the scrub is to directly eliminate external defects – peeling and dryness. Peeling penetrates more deeply and carries out “ground” cleaning;
  • Effect. A scrubbing product that will show the best results for the removal of its aggressive effect on the scalp, but if you don’t want to do anything trivial, repeat the procedure as often as needed every day. Peeling works deep on the skin, so the result of cleansing lasts for about a month.
  • Allergenicity. Vikoristannaya scrub is rarely accompanied by allergic reactions, for the sake of surface action Aggressive components of mineral and chemical peeling are more often accompanied by drying and itching.
  • Safety. And it’s much easier to damage the skin with hard abrasive particles. If the abrasive particles are too large and harsh, there will be micro wounds and cuts on the surface.

Peeling or cleansing is an obligatory attribute of careful attention to the skin of legs at home. One of the options for such a procedure is the application of a special product with abrasive particles (scrubs). It is entirely possible to prepare an effective scrub for your feet at home.

And the wine will not be considered professional, but in some cases (naturalness, quality) it will be the best.

How to get it

Foot scrub is a variety of cosmetics for taking care of feet at home. Your headaches will be deprived of deep and thorough cleansing of the skin. Before the scrub, prepared in a home-made wash, abrasive particles such as crystals of salt, tsukru, cava grounds.

Vikoristanya scrub immediately conveys a rich effect:

  • cleansing the skin of dead skin, debris particles, sebaceous deposits - solid particles of the scrub are effectively poured onto the coarse plots, leaving them in good condition. The skin begins to “die”, and a healthy appearance emerges;
  • accelerate the rate of renewal of the skin - parts of the scrub stimulate the epidermis, stimulate the body to actively renew and renew the skin;
  • deep food, intensively fertilized skin - the household stock includes living, fermented ingredients that will adequately supply the skin with important vitamins, elements, and normalize the balance of nutrients;
  • reduction of metabolic processes in the cells - this can be achieved by light massage with abrasive particles at the time of application. The additional effect of vibrating the relief and skin tone is guaranteed.

For skin types, use the ingredients. The skin is oily, so try it with a fine peel of hairy peas or pieces of apricot kernels. For a normal combined skin, use crushed grape seeds and almonds. For the dry type, use as fine particles as possible (soda, salt)


The scrub is considered one of the best skin care products in the home.

Ease of preparation, versatility of recipes, richness of action as a leader in home peeling. How the ingredients are determined are simple, accessible skin products.

Cavo scrub for legs

Give skin smoothness, softness, and effectively clean surfaces in home washes using special power based on natural chalk cava.

To prepare the next ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. melena cavy;
  • 1 tsp. salts;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil.

Mix the ingredients into one mass. Spread the thick mixture on the feet, clean and steam first. Massage your feet with 3-5 hvilins. Collect the excess with water.

To prepare scrubs, use sea salt as an emergency substitute. She has a place Great quantity living minerals. And you can replace the olive oil with peach or almond oil, depending on special needs

Honey scrub

Honey is a natural source of vitamins and minerals that are very important for the health of the skin. Mixing honey with grains of salt will not only clean the surface of the legs, but also replenish the wasted microelements, fill out cracks, ignition processes skins at home minds.

The mixture is made up of ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. natural honey;
  • 2 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp. algae oil extract (olive, almond, peach or any other cosmetic oil).

Eat the living ingredients. Divide the preparations into the skin. I would especially like to give massage to problem feet. After 3 minutes, soak up the excess with warm water.

Effect of deep peeling

A simple homemade scrub is effective and will effectively remove rough spots.

To prepare the required ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. "Extra" salts;
  • 3 tbsp. salts with great crystals;
  • 150 ml of rare salt for bathing;
  • 5 drops of rosemary extract.

Mix the ingredients. Apply a portion of the mixture to the skin, and otherwise tightly cover with a lid until the start of the procedure. Rub the composition that cleanses into the problem area with a stretch of 3-4 swathes. Rinse your feet with water and apply vitalizing cream.

The foot scrub can be stored in a tightly closed container to prevent it from being used. That's too much gotuvati koshti ne varto. Maximum per number of procedures

Fruit peeling for skin and legs

You can prepare an equally effective scrub for your legs using concentrated citrus juices.

To do this, mix the pulp of the following fruits in a blender:

  • half a grapefruit;
  • 3 tangerines.

Apply fruit scrub. Massage your feet with a 5-length stretch. Natural acids thoroughly soften the rough wood so that they can be easily processed with pumice.

Chocolate peeling

Cocoa butter and powder have proven themselves well among home cosmetologists. Chocolate ingredients perfectly clean, revitalize and restore tired skins and restore the elasticity of fabrics. The skin becomes soft and tender, like that of a child.

Prepare an effective chocolate scrub using the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. tsukru;
  • 4 tbsp. unskimmed milk.

Lightly heat the milk over the lazna, add|add| Ingredients. Spread the scrub over the skin of your legs and feet. Using a stretch of 2-3 strands, massage the damaged skin. Rinse your feet.

Tomato scrub

Tomato scrub is very popular in summer and autumn.

For its preparation you need simple ingredients:

  • 2 stick tomatoes;
  • 200 g salt.

Mix salt crystals with porridge-like tomato paste. Divide the scrub over the surface of your legs and feet into 8-9 sections. You can easily rub the seb on your skin. Wash the tomato paste with water and apply the cream.

The procedure for cleaning yourself

All foot scrubs prepared at home can be divided into two groups:

  1. Oily - as the main ingredient, vikoryst contains oil extract of roses and solid grains (detailed brushes of berries, roses, coffee grounds and crystals of zucchini, salts). The consistency of the stench can be similar to the lotion. Scrubs not only have a cleansing effect, but also actively revitalize and revitalize the epidermis;
  2. Watery - getting ready for essential extracts Roslin. They have a rare consistency with components that are soft to act.

There is a whole set of rules for applying a scrub for the skin of feet and legs at home.

I'm talking about them:

  • Do not prepare too much separately; vital components may be lost when carefully saved. Cover the necessary insurance for 1-2 procedures, no more;
  • Apply the scrub to clean, steamed skin. Then, in addition to the palpable effect, you take away the miracle food, swelling of the skin;
  • Apply the mixture with massage rubs. Tse posilit krovobіg, shvidko vivede toxin;
  • A ball of applied scrub will be thick, even, and cover the entire area of ​​the legs;
  • After an hour, take away the excess, and trim the rough heels further with pumice;
  • Apply a rejuvenating or life-giving cream to the entire surface of your feet.

Frequently using a foot scrub can lead to teasing of the skin. Therefore, combine a few (2-3) procedures per week

Scrub - tse The best zasib for peeling skin and legs. Self-prepared homemade cosmetics are also available. Buying the ingredients is as easy as preparing the recipe yourself. Then you will be pleased with the effect, you will forever save additional expenses on salon procedures.

In order for the skin on your legs to always look perfect, it requires constant and careful attention. The problem is that the epidermis on the lower ends (especially the feet) is naturally rough. The scrub is intended to be used to soften the skin and skin. It’s not at all difficult to bathe, and there are plenty of homemade recipes that are just as effective. It's a lot cheaper to put out the stink.

How to use a foot scrub

Our skin is constantly being renewed. The upper balls die over time, and new ones appear in their place. In human skin, this process occurs at different levels of intensity. I'm squeezing my feet:

  • now (and began to burn uncontrollably) in the air;
  • moving pawn;
  • the wind is too dry;
  • Deakі illness and ін.

The trouble is that the pieces that have died do not fall on their feet on their own, so you have to remove them with a Primus. If you don’t bother regularly, then very soon they will appear:

  • trampling;
  • cracks;
  • calluses.

The problem of ingrown hair often occurs through the excessively coarse dermis on the surfaces of the hair. Scrubs can effectively help with all types of blemishes, and even remove the stink of special abrasive substances that remove dead tissue and thereby improve their appearance. external look nig. Also include in their warehouse for storage and storage:

  • various microelements;
  • essential oils;
  • Vitamin supplements.

Sounds like abrasives in the kitchen

It doesn’t matter at home to create an effective and clear scrub for our legs. It is important to understand that the solid particles in the new body are larger than those that are used in similar procedures intended for monitoring other parts of the body.

As a rule, recipes for revenge:

  • cherry sand;
  • melena kava;
  • semolina;
  • buckwheat;
  • apricot brushes.

In addition, it is permissible to use the same mineral seaweed.

To prepare your own foot scrub, all products (besides the first three) need to be further detailed. Why take a grinder?

It will be important to prepare treasures from the scallops of hairy peas in a booth, so that the grinder or combine simply does not break into it. If there is a mortar on the government, then speed up with it, first tarring the orchard with a hand mincer.

Foot scrub - preparation method

As much as it is abrasive and scrubbing, it is also important to have a good base. Good, if you appear again alive. Let's go like this:

  • Vitaminized rarely nice;
  • be some kind of anthroating cream;
  • olive oil (or something else);
  • sour cream with honey.

The base resin must be mixed with abrasive powder in equal proportions. A sprinkling of specks of some kind is added to the warehouse for the smell. essential oil. After thorough mixing, the mixture can be frozen.

Scrub for your legs at home - options

The cavoy warehouse is very popular. The rating of this product, as obtained from reviews on the Internet, is the highest. The thrifty gentlemen use the vikory grounds that were lost after brewing. Otherwise, take fresh powder. The first option is actually the shortest. For a small amount of abrasive, add just one more substance - tea tree oil (for a few, there are literally a few droplets). The porridge was given a vikory treatment as if it were some other scrub.

Morska will meet with a rare friend. Take three tablespoons of one and the other for one procedure. This recipe has a very good effect, as it cleanses, after peeling the skin must be covered with cream.

Apricot scrub includes:

  • detailed brushes (size like semolina);
  • 3-4 drops of natural essential oil of lavender and a spoon of almond (sold in pharmacies).

The finished masa can be frozen immediately.

Cucumber peeling is best suited for the skin of your legs. Required:

  • two parts of licorice;
  • one - cosmetic cream (whatever).

Mix the ingredients well.

How to use a scrub correctly

It is important to understand that the best scrubs (both homemade and store-bought) do not work well on preparing the skin. Otherwise, their effect will be negligible. It is recommended to steam your feet thoroughly.

  • chamomile;
  • chergi;
  • Kropivi;
  • purity;
  • Lipi.

Follow and essential oils (5-7 drops):

  • lemon;
  • rosemary;
  • m'yatne.

In severe cases, add another tablespoon of water grub soda. To soften the skin, 10 quilins are enough.

They let their feet get wet with a towel, rather than rub them dry. A ready-made scrub is available for problem areas. Rub the skin (approximately 5 quills) with energetic rubs, applying maximum pressure to the bottom of the feet. I prefer to wash the leftovers with warm water without milk. The cleaned ends are rubbed and coated with a living cream.

If you don’t have a lot of time, then you can calmly shop for ready-made scrubs from the large assortment that are produced by cosmetic companies.

Scrub for legs - the best brands

Based on the input of Internet users, we have compiled a rating of the 5 most effective features.

First up is Belita Foot Care. This aroma-scrub creation is especially for women. In someone's presence:

  • extracts made from oak bark and yellow burkunu;
  • mint, clove, lavender, rosemary;
  • vitamin E.

The price is reasonable - approximately 80 rubles.

Himalaya Herbals is divided into:

You can get it here for 250 rubles.

Scrub from Avon removes sea salt. It has a toning and refreshing effect. Price - no more than 150 rubles.

Organic Shop recently released its “Church Lotus” onto the market. Surrounding the whole flower, there is also natural reed pulp. Price - 150 rub.

Scrub from Babusya Agafia is used for many natural cosmetic preparations. Mist the cedar oil and the scallops of the peas. Acceptable price – 60 rubles.

A skinned girl who wants to look attractive knows that looking after herself is a worthwhile practice. With particular care, the beautiful half of humanity follows the figure of skin and body, trends in manicure and haircuts in the world. However, many people forget about regular care of their feet and think about a pedicure until summer, if they happen to wear them upright. It’s hard to think that only a good pedicure specialist can give your feet a perfect look. A skin girl can make an effective foot scrub with her own hands, so that her feet will always look classy and neat. Today we will reveal all the secrets of this procedure, and also give you recipes for sumishes that you can enjoy with any relish.

What problems do scrubs pose for you?

The legs feel the maximum tension throughout the day: body wear, long walks, active occupation sports. Make it as difficult as possible, so that you don’t get stuck on the pick-ups, and skin defects won’t get stuck. There are tramplings in the middle, calluses and cracks on the rough heels. In addition, treatment of unpleasantness may be complicated by itching, smoldering and an unpleasant odor.

The foot scrub helps remove keratinized parts of the epidermis and smoothes the surface of rough feet. Various active ingredients in stock that help relieve decreased sweating and sleepiness unpleasant smell, and also effectively restore and revitalize the skin of the feet.

How to properly formulate a scrub?

In order for the scrub to work as effectively as possible, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations.

  • Apply the scrub 1-2 times per week.
  • The skin is not very rough, it is not on any other body, so the scrub must remove particles of the middle broom.
  • Obviously, before starting the cleansing procedure, create a bath that will dissolve: in hot water Break up the little bits of your favorite rare sweetheart. Warm the skin of the legs for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Apply the scrub to your feet carefully, work in circles with your hands, and do not remove the area immediately after a light massage. It’s a good idea to rub the sumish on the skin for 10 minutes, so that the brown tongues rise.
  • Wash the foot scrub with water at a comfortable temperature, then wipe your feet dry.
  • After the procedure, apply your favorite olive oil to the skin. If you felt the skin before going to bed, it’s time to put on baby skins at night. This technique will help your feet become softer and lower.

If you can't wait to try this procedure and prepare the sumish that you make with your own hands, we recommend choosing a suitable scrub from our collection of recipes.

Antibacterial and refreshing scrubs

These recipes will help girls who suffer from excess sweating and death to keep their skin fresh long time ago. If you want to deal with these problems, prepare some kind of scrub for your legs, described below.

  1. Mix the following ingredients: salt – 50 g, white clay powder – 20 g, favorite shower gel – 20 ml. Clay has a very strong antibacterial effect, the effect of which you will see after the first procedure. Sil, with its black, dries the skin well.
  2. Add 50 g of salt, 15 ml of boric alcohol and 15 ml of shower gel. This scrub allows you to regulate sweating and dry out the skin of your feet.
  3. Thoroughly mix 50 g of salt, 20 ml of oak bark and one drop each of pine essential oils, rosemary and tea tree. The addition of oak bark and essential oils to the foot scrub inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and gives the skin exceptional freshness.

Scrubs for tired legs

If you are stuck with this problem, the following recipes will help you solve this problem. Once active speeches that enter into cleansing sums, there will be a feeling of heaviness and tension in the feet of the unknown.

  1. Pass a small lemon through a meat grinder with skin and brushes at once, add 50 g of zest and 1 drop of essential oil of mint. With a hint of citrus and mint, this scrub gives the skin a vitamin boost, nourishment and a welcoming coolness.
  2. Mix 50 g of semolina, 20 g of cinnamon and 20 ml of your favorite shower gel. Cinnamon has a warming effect, so this foot scrub will help you feel a relaxing warmth in your feet.
  3. Add 3 drops of lavender essential oil and 20 ml of shower gel to 50 g of cucumber. Lavender has the power to quickly calm and relax.

Life-long and skin-loving scrubs

Since you decided to sacrifice your skin, we say effective recipes: skin scrub for legs from this section, create a gentle scrub and turn the feet soft.

  1. Mix 50 g of salt with 20 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of shower gel. Olive oil from the fruit of olive is a good remedy for dry and cracked skin.
  2. Up to 50 g of chalk cava, add 20 ml of coconut oil and 15 ml of shower gel. This scrub will help those girls who are not afraid to perform the procedure often: coconut oil is quickly absorbed and maintains the level of hydration in the skin for three hours.
  3. Eat 50 g of almonds, 10 g of honey and 20 ml of avocado oil. Honey softens and smoothes the skin, and avocado oil intensively revitalizes.
  4. It is advisable to prepare a very effective scrub for heels. Mix 50 g of detailed hair peas, 15 ml shower gel and 20 ml jojoba oil. Such a scrub will help restore neglected heels, the scraps of scalp will give a wonderful soothing sensation, and jojoba oil will provide the skin with intense nourishment.

We appreciate that our recipes have pleased you with their versatility and accessibility. Finally, watch the video, the author of which will tell you about your foot care and show you how to create an effective scrub for your feet. We hope that with the help of our joys you will be able to enhance the beauty and elegance of this whole river!

It is no less important to look after your feet than any other part of your body. There are various ways to ensure that your legs are always looked after. You can see them and scrubs that are available at the same time.

Korisni vlastivosti

Scrubs for legs contain a lot of brown berries, which appear pleasantly on the legs and feet and nails. The main axis is:

  • Purification. Due to its special structure, the scrub removes dead and horny skin.
  • Update. Our skins and skins are regenerating faster.
  • Update. In addition to external positive action, you can also remove this from nothing after have a nice day relax them.
  • Zakhist. Thanks to the scrub, which renews the dermis and stimulates blood flow, the skin of the legs is more protected from various infections and bacteria.
  • Early growth of hair or reduction of new hair. This effect can be achieved by scrubbing regularly.

You can prepare this dish at home or get it in any store.

Today there are a lot of such products, you can easily choose the one that suits you. Among those on the shelves are scrubs from Organic Shop: the polishing “Crystal Sheet”, which softens “Tickle” and the new “Latte with you, be kind”; Lush brand “Rubby heels”, which guarantees you horny and smooth heels. In addition, the fragments are one of brown authorities scrub - regeneration, today is the day transdermal scrub.

However, in order to choose the best hobby for yourself, you need to figure out what you need it for: for the legs, for the heels or for the legs. The scraps will give you options for choosing, and the scrub itself will be effective for you.


Cream of bark, you can also cause harm to your legs, the fragments of which even harshly flow onto the surface of the skin. However, there are special problems if you are going to get rid of the scrub for your legs.

  1. Sudina's sickness;
  2. Dermatological diseases, including trophic skin changes;
  3. The sensitivity of the skin itself to the scrubbing;
  4. Sensitivity or intolerance to components that are included in the scrub;
  5. Injuries and bumps on the places vikoristannya for your own sake;
  6. The capillary expansion is close;
  7. Burning and damage to the integrity of the skins, for example, wounds.

In addition to the main indications for a unique purpose, it is necessary to remember that you should use scrubs, like peelings, at least 2 times a day. If you are a young woman with a dry skin, then even less. Otherwise, in addition to the drying effect, you add or increase the dryness of the skin.


Of course, today you can buy any scrub that suits you in the store, for example, Avon “Mojito and lime”.

It is often more economical to prepare sumish budinka. So now you can get acquainted with several recipes for foot scrubs that you can prepare with your own hands and use at home.

Based on kava. It means that there are a lot of options for preparing kava scrubs, but one of them is: you will need 1 tablespoon of chalk kava (preferably not crushed kava), 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, etc. can be replaced by something else. Oliya. Everything is mixed until thickened.

Before soaking, you need to steam your feet, then apply a sumish massage to your feet for no more than 5 minutes.

The recipes for chocolate scrubs are also wider. For one of them you will need: 1 tablespoon of brown zucchini, ground cava and cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Everything is carefully mixed and rubbed with a few strands of skin, after which it is washed and turned into cream.

The basis of this special treat for your little ones is citrus juice. You will need 1 orange (you can also replace the orange with half a grapefruit or 2-3 tangerines). We remove all the brushes from the fruit, and at the same time remove the skin from the meat grinder and blender.

Before drying, you need to steam your feet, and then apply a scrub and massage for about 10 minutes.

The remaining recipe, which you can find out in this article, is an emergency treatment for adult hairs on the legs based on paracetamol, which may have a prophylactic effect after depilation or epilation. To prepare this recipe, you will need 2-3 tablets of paracetamol, a small amount of water and some body lotion. The consistency is of medium thickness so that it can be applied manually.

Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture to the area of ​​hair growth.

And now a video recipe for a scrub mask for pimples on the legs.

How to correctly vikorist

In order for the scrub to work effectively, it is necessary to apply it correctly.

Before starting the cob, you need to wash your feet, especially nicely.

It is necessary to steam the skin of your legs before peeling. To do this, you can rub the legs in hot water 10 minutes, in which case the water can be very clean, or add herbal infusions, flavored oils, or perhaps some sea salt, dry citrus peels or soda. Steaming will have a beneficial effect not only on softening your heels, but also on softening the cuticles.

After applying the scrub and massaging it, you need to stay on your feet for about an hour so that the components that go into storage are ready.

After completing the procedure, you need to wash off with warm water, thoroughly wipe the skin and then apply a cream (living or anthorogenic). Do not immediately apply the cream after applying the cream; it will take about an hour to remove it.

It is also necessary to remember the upcoming moments:

  • It is not necessary to freeze your food often: no more than 2 times per week. However, the frequency may vary depending on your skin: apparently, even a rough scrub may scrub more often.
  • The best way to do this is before going to bed: at the hour of sleep, the legs rest and rest in peace
  • Apparently, after scrubbing, the brown speech will become more easily absorbed. Therefore, after this procedure, please apply a special mask for your legs.

A look at the virobniks

Nowadays there is a great choice of scrubbing agents, and we will look at just a few of them.

The Organic Shop "Church Lotus" scrub is suitable for any skin type. The main effect of this method is cleansing, and it also rejuvenates the skin and therefore does nothing. Before this warehouse enter the lotus oil, which will soften and live. Please do not keep synthetic materials in your warehouse.

Virobnik means that it is suitable for both home and professional use (SPA).

Natura Siberica offers a selection of different scrubs intended for cleansing, nourishing, nourishing, and softening. All products of this distillery are made from natural ingredients. As a rule, these companies contain vitamins and amino acids. The company has been presenting its products on the market for a long time and has quickly gained a reputation as a fruit grower.

The toning scrub "Feet Up Comfort" is widely sold by the Oriflame company. This composition includes olive oil, which has a drying and fermenting function, ginkgo extract, which contains antioxidant and softening properties, parts of olive kernels, which cleanse the skin and exfoliate.

It stimulates microcirculation in the epidermis.

The Chinese foot scrub "Scholl" gives a detoxifying effect to your feet. This effect gives the skin a new look and removes rough patches. The warehouse specifically includes particles of natural pumice, fruit alpha acids, which provide a smooth and effective dry coat for the skin.

All Himalaya Herbals are produced in India and are suitable for all skin types. Here it is given, first for everything, a softening, loving, softening and calming action. The following ingredients include crushed hair peas, pineapple extract, aloe vera and coconut.

At the same time, they guarantee the softness and smoothness of your heels.

When making Ecolab foot scrub, only organic materials are used, such as corn, salt, sea minerals, macadamia oil and shea butter. The texture is delicate with a pleasant aroma, mainly for renewal, rejuvenation, and also tightens the skin during the time of weight loss.

It has a long lasting, healing effect and is full of bark and vitamins.

And now a video review of scrubs for legs.

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