Razbirannya pike fillet for cutlets. How to see the luska of the pike. Processing a pike - why start

Poza any sumnivom, pike є tієyu riboy, evil like a dream fisherman, and then cook some kind of culinary masterpiece from it. It’s not for nothing that it’s popular with fishermen, as well as with fish lovers. Meat of pike may have a delicious taste, but at the same time it is low-calorie and revenge for a small amount of fat, and also, it is considered a dietary product. From the pike you can prepare the great diversity of the strains, but before the cim її should be properly cleaned and processed.

What is a pike

Tіlo tsikh rib guessing a torpedo, it is pulled out and squeezed from the sides. Infestation of pikes change, lie in the area of ​​​​residence and the necessary flora: there are gray color with shades of brown, yellow or green, covered with olive patches, which are created from the sides of the cross-section. The unpaired swimmers were turned into a brown color with inclusions of a dark or yellowish-gray color, the guys - orange. Luska in ribs is thin and dry. The head of the individuals is large, the pasture of the troch is flattened and arched. The lower part of the cleft goes behind the base of the skull and protrudes a little forward, the upper one - the anterior edges of the front. The teeth of the pike are numerically stronger. The zebra is not caught between itself and between the gills. Tse allows shutsi kovtati to finish the great vidobutok.
The maximum length of a person's body is 35 kilograms, and a vaga is 35 kilograms. However, in the average catches of the tse ribini zavdovka no more than a meter and a mass of about 12 kilograms.

The spawning period for pike begins in the early spring period, near the coastal zone at a depth of about 20 centimeters, right after the ice melts. At the same time, the water on the water reaches a temperature and a maximum of six degrees with a plus sign. The development of the offspring should be finished off quickly, and the larvae appear two days after spawning.

Gastronomic perevagi

M'yaso tsikh rib is considered dietary, through not great number calories - total 84 per hundred grams. In addition, it is natural for vitamins, antioxidants, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, fluorine, zinc and calcium.

Sufficiency of proteins, which can be found in the fish meat, sprinkles more easily digestible preparation, lower proteins, which can enter the warehouse of meat creatures, and later, this product is more brown for people, as they suffer from poisoning problems.

Krіm tsgogo, pike priyaє zmіtsnennyu іmunіtetu and lowered risky development of arrhythmias of the heart.

Lubricate the pike, boil it, seal it, stuff it and salt it.

So that the fish preserves the smell and taste, cooks it immediately after the catch, without freezing.

Kharchov features of pike meat

Through the stiffness and hardness of the pike meat, yoga is respected by the third-rate. However, you can still cook culinary masterpieces.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in part of the pike, adnexal for living in the hedgehog becomes 97%, 3% and 0% is clear.

You can not be afraid to include ribne fillet in your menu of people who are suffering zayva vaga And don't be turbulent for a low-calorie yoga figure.

Measles of pike meat for people

  1. Shvidke splitting of proteins and fats in the body.
  2. Polypshennya I will become a heart, a vessel, a shkir.
  3. Vіdsutnіst navantazhen pratsyuvati herbal tract.
  4. Improvement of the general immunity of the body, as well as resistance to colds and infections.
  5. Normalization of blood tsukru.
  6. Lower risk of developing diabetes.
  7. Polypshenya functioning of the thyroid gland.
  8. Prevention of arrhythmias.
  9. Reinvention nervous system organism.


Irrespective of those that pike meat is considered hypoallergenic and does not become unsafe for the human body, first bathe the riba, it is necessary to support the environment with the water of the reservoir, in the yakіy there will be a spiymana. Don't forget that the fish itself is capable of accumulating dangerously toxic slugs that make people's health unsafe. And then, like a pike was caught near a water-filled place, її living in a hedgehog building of viklikati allergic reaction, severe intoxication, intestinal infection or non-etched sludge. All the same, it can be accompanied by such unacceptable symptoms, such as:

  • transient pain in the dilyance of the abdomen;
  • temperature rise;
  • Severe weakness;
  • chills and fever;
  • a sharp decrease in the vice is too thin.

In addition, the introduction of pike is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance or allergies. Irrespective of those that pike is a dietary product, it’s not varto zlovzhivat, but to get away with a set of zayvikh kіlogramіv, rather eat fish in small quantities and cook її obov'yazkovo for a couple.

How to clean and cut fish: instructions with cover photos

An unfinished pike has two small parts, which you can easily pick up: a large number of brushes and an unacceptable aroma of sea mud. However, at right approach qi nedolіki can be repaired for two rahunki!

Preparation for work

The first step is to start before the pike is cooked, it is necessary to blast work space and prepare all necessary tools. Tse borrow three hours, prote to help clean up the kitchen like luski, and yourself like a tidy up. Vrahovyuchi those, scho lusk ribi to finish the schіlna and pіd hіchchennya zdatna rasletіtisya all over the place, next to protect the unbearable stragglings on the surface near the obobnoi doshki, having crooked them with grub plіvkoy. At the taz chi sink (to whom it’s handy) dial cold clean water. Prepare a small doshka, a big one, an eggplant, not a wooden one, but a glass or a plastic one (the tree already absorbs the smell of fish). Under the doshka, lay down a towel, otherwise, under the hour of cleaning, we will put it on the table, and by this we will make the process easier.

Pratsyyuchi with a whole fish, at any time it is not possible to grab with your fingers, sticking through the open pasture. There, a sprinkling of rows of roztashovanі drіbnі gostrі teeth, zdatnі injure your hands to wind krіz tovstі mittens.

Dali, it is necessary to cook hostria low from a wide great forest, like a pike. On top of that, you need even less rozmіru. Їm visually see the luska. As far as possible, it is better to beat the pike for cleaning the pike from the luska, not lower, but specially attached, which is a grater with a container. Krіm tsgogo, in the process of cleansing, it is handy to win the great strength, which is used to sharpen the whistle of ribi for the removal of excess mucus. Tsya cunning allows you to fix the fish in your hands, the roblyachi are less slimy.

The wealthy gospodars are given to the handless vikoristanny mitten for the hour of cleaning ribi. However, they remember to simplify this procedure and, moreover, minimize the risk of injury to the hands with good teeth or brushes. In addition, mittens will help to hide the smell of fish in the skin, and also, you will not happen to soak your hands in lemon juice once.

Basic crumbs in cleaned pike

The first thing to cook is for pikes, you need to clean it. The process is not easy and it takes a little time.

Pochatkov obrobka

In the Persian black, it is necessary to resolutely imitate the riba, seeing clearly what is left behind, and the unacceptable natural mucus that covers the riba. To get rid of the smell of the swamp, wash the fish in cold water, adding a large amount of salt. If the aroma of tins is even stronger, then place it in the salty salts of the amount of khvilin for 30, and then wash it with cold running water.

The best way to clean the mucus and brighten the pike is to smear the sum of ash and salt, at a ratio of 1:1. Check ten khvilin, and then promit. You can’t get enough of ribs and a trace of unacceptable mucus.

Another way to make the process of cleaning pike from luska easier is to soak the fish with otstom. Grate enough riba and let them get in.

Cleaned ribeye from luska.

After all the necessary manipulations on the cobs of ribi, you can proceed to the її purification.

The price is more convenient for a robot with a pike. It is necessary to spread the ribbine so that the head is left-handed, and the tail is right-handed. Dali, for the help of a sirloin bow of a sharp knife or a special attachment, do not squawk from head to tail of the fried strips, periodically zmivayuchi її cold water. Rukhs for the hour of cleansing are due to be smooth and swollen, that they are blowing, and the bottom is necessary to trim with a small arrogance.

You can also see the luska of the pike for an additional grater.

It’s better to clean the fish in a wide bowl with water or sinks, otherwise the luska will not spread on all sides, wandering around everything in the kitchen. Also, clean the kitchen from the dirt, in addition to using a great plastic bag, in the middle of which cleaning will be carried out.

You can significantly ease the distance away dry luski from ribi trochs steamed її, placed on pvhvilin in okrip.

Yakshcho trim riba with fingers, zanurennym at the great strength - it won’t hang out of the hands.

Luska ribi is unsuitable for living, revenge for a few words that are rare and brown for people. For this reason, it is planned to cook the pike - the luska can not be cleaned at once, after the end of the cooking, it will come out on its own.

Cleaned ribeye from guts and fins

After that, as the fish is cleaned in the form of luska and vimit, it is necessary to look at the back of the fin and tail. It would be easier for you to make it easier with the hospitality of the filet knife, which was like a luska.

To see the guts, it is necessary to rip open the guts of the stomach. For whom, a small cut of the head is shattered, and then step by step, it smoothly collapses to the tail part to the anal opening. Cut the skin on the neck as carefully as possible, without digging deep into the body of the ribini, so that you can bring the chewing mikhura and the squeezing of the meat to the point of shkodzhennya.

Rozporіv cherevo, yogo need to open and distance the insides. Cherevna is empty, be it a kind of rib to avenge the blood clots of the white of the ridge, which are known under the thin gap of the sea. All this is necessary to see. You can work in a different way, to whom it’s handy: scrape with a thin knife, wipe with a brush, gauze or rub.

Viymayuchi guts need to remember about chewing michuri and take care of yoga. Yogo rozriv can zіpsuvati riba, to that zhovch give їy bitterness. As it happened anyway, fill the living space with a need to vibrate, or rather vimiti and wipe the sill,

After completing all the descriptions of the manipulations of the pike in the front, you can proceed to create the most delicious culinary flavors from it.

Ribi harvesting in the fallow season, what to prepare

Before that, how to process fresh fish, it is necessary to know ahead of time what to prepare for it.

If only a fillet is needed

For example, it’s a good idea to cook fish cutlets, for which you need less fillet. Yogo is carefully known, vikoristovuyuchi special lower, with ribey, already cleared of luska, guts and fins. This process is long, foldable and not clean. However, there is a way of processing, which allows you to overcome the hardships. For a new one, it is necessary to take a small plate, a fork for fillet and a gostry lower.

The sequence will be like this:

  • Put the fish on the board and make an incision along the line of the front fin up to the head.
  • Go to the ridge and, rotting the bottom, cut the carcass of the ridge to the tail. Weide half pike.
  • With the other part of the ribi, add it the same way.
  • Carefully cut from both halves of the rib behind the help of a filet knife, trimming the fish with a fork.
  • Dalі, vіdokremiti z shmatkіv shkіru, having put їх on the board with shkіro to the table and properly zrіzat її with a knife. It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to take the skin from the tail and work carefully. If the shkir is messed up - you can see it will be richer folding.
  • From two pieces of meat, which were seen, with the help of tweezers, you could see small brushes that were left out.

Lose less grind ribne fillet at the meat cutter. You can’t see the shkir for the bazhannya - the stuffing won’t be littered.

If the fish is needed for lubrication

Sob lubricate the pike, її sled zadalegіd to prepare. Zalezhno vіd recipe to fight tse different ways. For example, for ribey, the batter has a fillet. As yogo otrimati Bulo was described more, with which Lusk you can take it all at once, which means to forgive the task.

If you are planning a great frying, then you will need to clean the fish from the luska, the insides and the fins, the fins, and then we will already distribute it into portions of shmatki, trimming down to about 45 degrees, and proceed to cooking.

If it is necessary to decorate with riboi steel

As it is planned to vicorate riba for stuffing the custom decoration of the Christmas table, it is better to leave it whole. Gut pike can be seen without breaking the cuticle. For whom it is necessary to cut the edges of the zyabrov kryshok to the ridge, cut the head and tidy up the fillings at once with it. Dali saw the tail and fins.

Ribina can be prepared without cutting it and poured into round pieces.

It is planned to prepare a beautifully stuffed pike, if you have seen the guts, you can see the skin. For whom it is necessary to slip your fingers under it and see the meat, pull back, rushing to the tail (may be like a panchokha). Yakshcho on shkirі overflow with m'yaso - pіdrіzatim yogo. How to protect the swimmers - carefully tear the skin under them. After the znyatya shkіri wіdrubati khvіst, schob vіn zalishivsya at once from the shkir.

Stuff the skin of the pike with stuffing. Robity is necessary to be careful, so as not to harm the obolontsi. After that, sew a head to the top, for which a zyabra was seen far behind.

How to clean and clean a frozen carcass

Clean and process frozen fish more simply, fresher. Such a riba is practically not kovza, to that which is covered with a smaller amount of slime. Minced meat from frozen fillet is also not very good.

Processing of both frozen and fresh pike is carried out according to one principle: it is necessary to produce fish fillets from shkir and tassels. For whom you need a garnius gostry lower, tongs (pliers) and a small plate.

How to clean the freezer:

  • First, you need to see the swimmers from the stomach.
  • Far away, one can see a tail, an anal fin with its back. Breasts can still be left out.

    At the statistics, we reportedly looked at how to properly clean and cut a pike for preparing fresh grasses. For example, I wanted to give a sip of wild joys, dorimuyuchis such a difficult right can turn around to inspire a mister-pochatkіvets.

    • It is necessary to be careful with the forest of ribini: they have rows of deep, ancient teeth, which make it easy to injure your hands.
    • Clean the freshly caught fish more often. After a few years, the refrigerator will be cleaned її folded.
    • Sob the fish did not have a forge in their hands, you can zanuryuvat them at great strength.
    • Before cleansing, we will wash the fish and wash it in salty water, so that the natural mucus will be washed away, with which the whole carcass is covered.
    • Clean the fish better in a shell or a wide bowl with cold water. Tse zabіzhit zabrudnennya kuhnі small pieces.
    • You can see a brighter light at a straight line from the tail swimmer to the head.
    • When the fins are removed, it is not necessary to pierce the carcass with a knife too much, otherwise it is possible to cut the zhovchny mikhur.
    • Yakshcho zhovch drank it on meat, it’s necessary to make a sill or look at it.
    • Knowing the shkir, it is necessary to follow him, so as not to tear, then you will see it more richly.

    Video: how to properly cut a pike

    We close the stats of knowledge, marveling at the video report description process.

    Pike to revenge even a rich brush, it does not deserve such popularity, like the lower corpus or salmon. But remember that the fish bula is culinary-style processed, you can easily turn it into a right delicacy, which, in a fit of gusto, will inspire the most gullible gourmet.

Chischennya ribi is an important kitchen navi, as you will be in the goodness of the Lord and Master. Riba is properly cooked for Aje, and especially pike, you can embellish your day or Svyatkovy style. Pike is a hizhak and a singing world delicacy. Not a lot of fishermen can catch a nimble fish. Pike is good, because in meat there are only 2% fat and rich protein. M'yaso yakіsne ta korisne, yakscho fresh and properly prepared. And in order to have a good ribna grass, it is necessary to take in the meat, the nobility, as the organs can sip the relish.

How to clean a pike - luska and insides

  • Before the harvest of ribi, it is better to start after fishing or shopping. M'yaso psuetsya (smell changes) and firmer. The pike pasture is equipped with old and good teeth, so we will protect it even better when it is cleaned. These teeth are easily injured.
  • Before him, like a rozpochati cleansing, the riba mietsya under running water in the mucus and mud. A working surface is being prepared, so that a large board is large and warm for processing. The first step is to remove the fillings, you will manually clean the fish from the luska. For these purposes, it is possible to vicorate a special attachment, which is called a "scraper". At a glance, the object is guessing teeth lower. If there is no scraper, then they are peeled with a knife. Luska rises under the hood and against the growth of the Luska. For which fish, take on the tail part; Take the luska carefully, because it can spread throughout the kitchen. Pratsiuvati the bagan with a knife, do not tear the shkir.
  • The carcass is placed on the board with its tail in front of itself. At the same time, it is necessary to spoil the life, so that the guts will be victorious. Slid strongly press the head of the fish and draw a knife near the area of ​​​​the middle fins to the head. After that, like a worm is spoken, the insides of the names are twisted with their hands. As if in the womb, caviar is left behind, it will sprout. Rib'yacha ikra is a garniy supplement to strave that great delicacy. Budova internal organs so that the caviar of the zahisnіy swimmers. І shob її handily, it’s important to try not to harm the smelt at the hour of cutting that gutting. In another fall, the eggs will wiggle around their shells, and the preparation of that wash will be unhandled.

How to clean a pike - fillet and brush

  • The fish is cleaned in the form of luska, and the insides are vipatral, you can proceed to the separation of the loin part in the form of brushes. Meat is thoroughly washed under running water. For clarity, the head of the pike does not show through the body. Trimming the fish by the head, for the help of a sharp knife, the silver caps are lifted.
  • Far away the zyabra cries with their hands, and the sirloin ball wields a knife from the ridge from one side. After cutting the deepest parts, the fish is not thrown out. From the pike head that meaty surplus in the viide is a tasty yushka. It is necessary to look only at the zyabra, for the yushka strongly growl. The head and spine are frozen in the freezer.

How to clean a pike - fillet processing

  • The cut pieces of pike fillet are put on the board with meat called meat, and the top is up to the table.
  • The tassels are cut with a knife, priming the main part of the ribi with a fork so that the fillet is not damaged, the shards of meat are even lower. Filet miєtsya and get ready for a culinary recipe.

How to clean the fillet - an alternative option

  • It is also a way to clean a pike without a stingy mess with a bite. For whom, in the process of processing the lusk, do not add ribs. After the mittya, the meat is immediately put on the board, to fight under the chinks, to cut the fillet.
  • The ridge from the head is laid out for a distant victorious. From the loin part, the skin is taken at once from the skin. In this way, the brilliance does not spread around the kitchen, wanting to add more trouble to clean the working area.

Rozdіl ribi - the whole process, through which it is necessary to go through, to start cooking savory stravia. I want to have a lot of brushes, but a meat varte in order to tinker with it. Dotrimuyuchi important nuances of cleanliness and trimmings, you can prepare a dainty weed. There are plenty of recipes for preparing pike: meat is greased, stewed and boiled. Riba is for people who like to sit on a diet and just lovers of food with an appetite.

Riba is a product of eating, rich in vitamins, often served in the dietary menu. There are more varieties of varieties, and there are even more ways to cook. Lots of lovers to give the priority to shuts, meat like a bagat for protein and may taste delicious. Regularly living in the body improves the immunity of the person, the body becomes resistant to various infections, more meat can be found in the warehouse of antiseptic speech.


Sob the grass was fast and simply cooked, it is important to properly prepare the pike. Obrobka polagaє at the offensive.

  • Smell the ooze.
  • Take the brushes.

The harvesting of a carcass is a busy day, and few people are willing to rob the master. Ale bajannya otrimati savory that corisna strava zmusit to sacrifice a manicure Knowing how to make it right, everything will end quickly. We need:

  • Handy lower
  • Dressing board.
  • Running water.
  • Paper towels.
  • A bowl or a bowl of extra capacity.

Classical processing of fresh pike

Yak slut slime

To get rid of the mucus, you need to wash the pike under the tap, then lower it into a container with water and deprive it of 30 quills. After that, repeat it again and proceed to the obrobka.

How to take a luska correctly

Sprinkle the fish with dill and the strip is easier to pick up. Vykoristovuvati for cleaning the best of the lower іz tovstim wood. It is necessary to carry out a move against the growth of the meadow.

gutting yak

For the help of a thin, sharp knife, cuts are scrambled at the dilyantsi cherevtsya, the insides are wriggled. The whip and all the swimmers are glimpsed, vicorist knives. The carcass is ready to be washed under a stream of cold water. Dali from the pike getting ready. Like ribn cutlets, then water-cream fillet. Lubricated chi-baked fish will require a front removal of brushes.


In 1 cm, in the winter, cut through the coals to the ridge, without cutting through the yogo. Uzdovzh backs to fight naprіz. For the help of a knife, starting at the head, carefully cut the fillet from one side. Let's turn the carcass over and try the same manipulation from the other side. Znіmіt plіvku znіmіt і vdalіt ribs.


Features of processing frozen pike

In order to easily get out of a frozen pike, it is necessary for the mother of the gostry of the lower, I will trim the doshka and tongs. The pokrokovy stage of purification looks like this:

  • Wash the pike near running water.
  • Trim all swimmers and tails.
  • Near the head, a small incision was made.
  • Uzdovzh vsogo cherevtsya that back also zrobiti incisions.
  • With tongs, go over the edge of the scruff on the side of the head and gently pull it together.
  • Let him cut his head.
  • Riba is cut into shmatki, sized 5 cm - so it is easier to cut the fillet from the ridge and dry brushes.

Preparation before cooking

The basis of the preparation is the correct processing, cleaning of brushes, luska, shkirki. The pike is getting ready in a different way, as seen below.


To lubricate the pike, it is necessary to cut the carcass into little pieces with a size of about 5 cm. You can salt some of them. Heat up a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil. Leather coat:

  1. Roll from the sides of the boron.
  2. Get wet all the time at the egg bag.
  3. Pour into a frying pan and brush on the sides to a golden color.

To cook pike yushka, it is necessary to throw potatoes into boiling water, whole cibulin and strength for relish. If it’s ready, cherga is ready for ribi and groats (you can vicorate rice, pearl barley, pshonyan groats). For example, you can add a bay leaf, fresh krip.

Ribni cutlets

Fillet pike fillet, add eggs, spices, cibula, a couple of tbsp. a spoonful of borosna, mix it up. Quietly can go like a pancake. Obsmazhuvat at a small number of olives.


One of the cooking options is baking in the oven. The hour of preparation is about 30 minutes. You can vikoristovuvati foil for bajannyam. Riba vide juice, savory that coris.


  • Pike - 1 carcass.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Spices for taste, strength.
  • Mayonnaise abo roslinna oliya.
  • Fresh tomato - 1-2 pieces (fallow in rosemary).


  1. Prepared carcass cut into shmatki 3 div. Put in a bowl.
  2. Nasipati strength, spices, olive (or mayonnaise) and mix. Leave for 30 whilins, let's marinate.
  3. Ready shmatochki vyklasti on a sheet or foil.
  4. On top of the skin shmata lay a tomato kuhol, cover the troch with mayonnaise and sip with grated cheese.
  5. Bring to the oven until re-cooked.

Video recipe

  • Ridge, scho zalivivsya, with a small amount of fish meat (after fіluvannya) you can vicorate for cooking yushki.
  • When processing a pike, it is necessary to protect it, the shards may have sharp teeth.
  • When buying, pay attention to the frost, smell, eyes (not guilty of being calamity), gnuchkist.

Pike is a wonderful option for preparing tasty and healthy fish at home. In order to get all the recommendations, the processing does not take a lot of time. Savory!

Have you tried to prepare dietary fish cutlets and serve your own delicacy fish grass with spicy sauce? Todi mi proponuєmo you turn respect for the hut pike and we will tell you how to clean the pike from the luska and clean the skeleton from the filet. In fact, such a beginner is born from the first, but it is necessary to know little secrets, about which we will tell you.

The pike is a freshwater hut, and the meat may be reduced in fat (total up to 2%), and even richer in protein. In pike meat, there is speech, which is straining antiseptics, so it is recommended to increase the resistance of the body to various infections, to live in the meat of pike as much as possible. To get in the menu of your family such a wonderful and even more healthy product, you need to know exactly how to clean a pike, moreover, that shvidko is fine.

The pike that has not been fertilized can have two whole pods: it has a lot of brushes and there is a strong smell of mud. The very first time, the product is not the most popular among home cooks. Ale tse tsіlkom perebornі nedolіki - їх it is easy to transform on perevagi!

Basic rules for picking pike

Rule I

Be careful with the ribini pasture! This hut has sharp teeth and the stench grows near the sprat rows of pasture coals. You can easily hurt your fingers!

Rule II

Before cleansing the ribini from the luska, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it from the mucus and the mud under the stream of water. Let the water get wet.

Rule III

Before that, like cleaning a pike, tell me about transparency. For the harvesting of ribi, you can make room for space, so that you can lay it on the doshka and mother space for the hands.

The board for the dressing is not guilty of collapsing on the table, it is the fault of standing on the stylnitsa steadily, to put paper towels under it, lightly soaked with water. But for suppleness, soak the linen towel with water and put a pad on it.

Rule IV

Lower may be even more hospitable, with a wide forest and a handy handle, otherwise it will be important to spit out the filet.

To clean the carcass from the luska, we vikoristovuemo a special scraper or a wide gostry lower. We chop with one hand the whip, and with the other hand with a knife, we fix it with partial ruches, which will help to strengthen the luska against the direct її growth.

With this method, the gloss does not spread throughout the kitchen, but is lost on the blade of a knife. Rahuyte, scho luska at a pike is drіbna, lower trim trohi under a cheeky, schob luska jumped on yogo lezo.

We put the ribbine on the back with the head to ourselves, fix the head on the doshtsi and lift it with the knife of the swimmer in the middle part of the abdomen, and pull it straight at the head.

Dali in the knife's winds, steaming the cuticle in different ways in the middle fins on the side, opening the filling and cleaning it. If a pike maє іkru, then viymaєmo її. Tse right delicacy! When viparating the pike tummy, trim the bottom not parallel to the stilettos, but the troch under the cheek, so as not to damage the lace on the littsi.

Having cleaned the ribbine in the form of luska and adding the fillings, we wash it, we wipe it with the water and proceed to the processing. The doshka before the harvest is also wiped out in the light of the brush.

How to clean the pike and clean the fillet from the brushes

In fact, it’s easy to make a filet, to wind up the bony hut for the zavoi. Golovne - wide gostry with thin wood. Such knives are always present in the kitchen set of the skin master.

  • For an extravagant morning, the pike's head is lifted between the gills and we bury the head behind the chin with the left hand. We put the fish on the left side, robimo vertical cut of the troch below the small swimmer under the chines.

  • Accurately reach the ridge and close the vice, like a crisp crunch. Otzhe, we have reached the ridge and may be zupinitis, otherwise you can yogo evil.
  • We turn the pike with its back to itself, and then a robimo shallow cut of the bridle of the back. You see the freedom of movement, more on the backs of the brushes is minimal.
  • Dali put a lion (or right, like a shulga) full on a ribbine, lightly press it to the board and insert it below at the rose under the ribs. We install the blade of the knife parallel to the doshtsi and begin to cut the fillet, rushing with the knife at the straight tail, vzdovzh ridge.

  • Lezo knife trohi podnіmaєmo, іnakshe vomіt іt іt іt thе ridge аnd thіѕ fillet wіll bіstkami. Pushing against the palm, under control, I climbed directly - for the yakіsnoї work. Having taken the fillet from one side, we try the same procedure from the other side.
  • Head and spine with a thin ball of meat, which is left out, cut into pieces and left for a savory yushka. Abo vario її negay after harvesting, or frozen in a freezer, knowing that someday you can whip up a head with a ridge for fish soup without laborious pre-preparation work.
  • We take a fillet part. It is important to know that pikes will appear again in the presence of small brushes. Visit the fashionable restaurants of Europe in the pike fillet, you can see the fuzzy brushes, if you want to cook there, I already know for sure how to clean the pike, right? When eating pike, you need to be careful not to choke on them.
  • We put on a plate one of the vіdokremlenih vіd ridge sirloin parts. We fix the fin and repair the ribs. We insert the blade of the knife between the ribs and the flesh on the stomach, picking up the spit with the lumber, watering it together with the ribs. The blade of the knife is directed uphill, ruhayuchi yoga from the back to the stomach. Those same work with the smelting of another fillet.

  • Now we need to vodokremiti filet vіd skіri. The main procedure is often repeated with other types of ribi. With two fingers we grab half of the ribini by the tail, insert the blade of the knife between the skin and the meat and begin to cut the fillet so that the blade of the knife is slightly straightened down (under the cut to the board) - it’s so easy to take the fillet clean and without damage.

Sob not to waste directly climbing, cut the meat across the fibers into sprat pieces, but do not cut the shkiri. Swipe your finger over all the shmatochkas, as if you have made a crack in the sky. Most of the brushes should be cut with culinary tweezers or small pliers. It won’t take you a lot of time, and when you are getting used to the ribs, you can not be afraid of a traumatic drop for the pharynx.

Well, what! The fillet is beautifully folded on a flat plate. If there is still a smell of mud, then you can get rid of it as simply as possible, just by sprinkling them with lemon or lime juice.

Now, if you have sipped, how to clean the pike and how to easily water the ridge and shkiri filet, stravi z dietary meat tsієї huts will appear more often on your menu, and in the future you will become a master of spicy delicacies - only a varto say: "For the shrimp velinny, for my bazhanny ..."

Treat yourself, your loved ones, with stuffed pike, fragrant yushka, or a piece of greased fish, if you want, a lover of fish spices. Ale, unimpressed by the miraculous savory taste, the availability of that honorable place on the menu, few people know how to clean a pike, which significantly simplifies the cooking process. Really, it’s rather awkward in such a short time. For this varto, show a little patience and speed up with wild joys, lower down, so that you can successfully prepare grass from the river hut and remember to clean the pike correctly.

The pike is unique in that it is practical not to take revenge on fat (maximum 2%) and rich in protein. Fish have antiseptic speech, so fish fillets are regularly eaten for eating. Ale, an unbroken hut, has two nedoliki: a faceless brush, as well as a disgusting aroma of ooze. Such unacceptable features make this delicacy ingredient no less popular element of home cooking. However, the minuses can be turned into pervagis, which allows you to cook the vishukan Christmas weed.

How to cut a pike: preparation process

How to see a luska from a pike

To clean the carcass from the luska, it is important to use a scraper, a fork, or a sharpening of the bottom.

If in the middle of the ribs you have revealed caviar, then win it and at the same time do not throw it out of the telbukhs at once, because won't be a delicacy. At the process of spawning the pike, trim the lower trochi under the fringe, so that the spit on the ikr is not broken.

After that, as a product of cleansing from the luska, and the fillings are selected, it is necessary to carefully wash it, see it to the vologer, having wet it with a paper towel, and you can start the dressing. Before the speech, wipe the doshka, removing the mucus and excess luska, and then wipe it dry.

How to remove the brushes in the schuts and vіdokremiti fillet

It’s not easy to make the fillet of the cysts really hard, to bring about the improvement of the strong stiffness of the river hut. Golovna umova - the presence of a defense with a thin gostrem wood.

Fillet cut

Warto means that it is practically impossible to see all the dry brushes in the kitchen, so small brushes can be seen at the elite restaurants near the coats, prepared by professionals at the coats. But all the same, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t see a trace. Also, the processing of fish fillet is done in this way.

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