Baiduzhist. The problem of bullshit is put before people Create with bullshit

Straightforwardly “Biduzhist and Chuinist.”

Liveliness means awareness of everything that concerns us, interest in the problems of marriage, eternal human values, awareness of the power and share of other people, and the presence of any emotions. odo chogos. O.P. Chekhov said something like: “Beiduzhist is a paralysis of the soul, death is imminent.” Why is it really so unsafe to live like this?

Anger, like love, like troubles, like fear and rubbish, shows the obsession of a person no matter what happens, emotions become an indicator of vital energy, and the blush that reaches the cheeks is always worth it There is more, less lifeless, cold light and empty, empty look. Slightly noticeable at first glance, they show great agility to the point that they inevitably develop into apathy, and ultimately lead to the degradation of specialness. At the interviewed A.P. Chekhov's "Ionich" the author, from the reader, follows the paths of people, from which vital energy flowed and the spiritual buds were vaporized. Describing the skin stage from the biography of the hero, A.P. Chekhov reinforces the speed with which the vigor penetrated Startsev’s share and deprived her of the song’s trace. Due to the uninterrupted peculiarity of this promising doctor, the hero is completely, but clearly transformed into a screaming sick man, a gambling, greedy, regular inhabitant, not minding the passage of time. For the energetic and lively hero, now the vinyatkov’s importance is less than a penny, having ceased to note the suffering of people, with dryness and egoism, marveling at the world, in other words, becoming oblivious to everything, including to himself, which led to the inevitable educational degradation. .

We all live in marriage and are dependent on one another - such is the nature of humans. The very fact of the skin's peculiarity is the essence of all marriage. In other words, an entire system is created, an organism that knows itself. Such matrimony means F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel “Evil and Punishment.” The main character, Sonya Marmeladova, understood the importance of self-sacrifice and helping people more than ever. Marveling at the poverty of those who were absent, she nevertheless tried to help those in need and earn everything she could. Perhaps, if Sonya did not help Rodion Raskolnikov face his moral torments, if she did not instill faith in him, if she did not betray her family to death from starvation, then the novel would have an even more tragic ending. Even though the heroine’s misfortune became a source of light in Dostoevsky’s gloomy and bleak Petersburg. It’s scary to realize how the novel would end, as if there was never such a pure and bright hero as Sonya Marmeladova.

It seems to me that since every person is clearly aware of their problems, it is time to look at all sides and do good things, and the whole world is filled with happiness. Byuduzhist is not safe because in any case it carries with it a headache, which is the antithesis of happiness, joy and goodness.

Life and life are the worst things in today's life. The rest of the time, we often get stuck on the table, and for us, such behavior of people, unfortunately, has become the norm. Almost today you can improve people's confidence. Have you ever thought about those stars appearing there?

Reasons for baudism

Most often, goodwill is a way of protecting people, an attempt to close themselves off from the cruel reality. For example, if a person is often belittled or treated with figurative phrases, he tends to be unique and is not ready to make contact with those who are alien. The person himself is reluctant to show a strange look so that they don’t get caught.

Soon, a trend may develop: people will develop a problem of human self-interest, so that self-interest will become an internal factor, not only for themselves, but also for those who are away.

It’s not hatred that drives us, but people’s wisdom.

Why does bullshit kill?

It is the callousness of the heart and the lack of spirituality that drives away every living thing in a person. In the case of such behavior, people are not responsible for such behavior, and it is, perhaps, the worst.

This is not without concern because by doing so you may develop into a mental illness. The causes of this behavior may include excessive use of psychotropic drugs, mental illness, drug use and alcohol abuse. It is also possible that anxiety may arise after severe stress or shock - for example, waste close people. In children, cruelty and vigor can develop through the presence of respect for their fathers, through the lack of love, through violence on the side of the family.

Psychology has a popular term - obsessive behavior of a person. Such people cannot deal with their emotions, and they probably understand the experiences of other people. You don’t know what kind of pity and smell it is. Alexithymia can be either a natural diagnosis or a legacy of psychological trauma. We always insist that life does not rejoice.

Butts can be made harmless. From a veteran of the Great The Great Patriotic War, Kuklin Innokentiy Ivanovich: “I think I’m the center of Irkutsk. I started to feel really bad, and I fell right in the middle of the street. For a long time, everyone walked around me, throwing out phrases: “Oh dear, got drunk in the middle of the day...”. And I fought for a lot of people. Terrible hour."

We can talk endlessly about food, and it really bothers us when our loved ones struggle with food. Then we become a very popular guest.

The ability to bring about the collapse of specialness is important for the harmonious life of people. It is so important to properly groom your children, your younger brothers and sisters. It is necessary from childhood to learn the little sense of wonder and kindness, so that they can survive and encourage those who are absent.

Now it is important to remember that in some ways your behavior may lie in the life of another person, and it does not matter whether you are a doctor, a physician, or just a person, as you go through the motions.

“Argumentation. Obtaining literary material" is one of the main criteria for assessing a literary work. Competently researching literary works, the scientist demonstrates his erudition and deep understanding of the problem posed. In this case, it is important not just to date the message sent to your TV, but also to carefully include it before it expires, analyzing specific episodes that are indicative of the same topic. How can you earn money? We present to you, as an example, an argument from the literature directly “Belief and Chuinist” with 10 well-known works.

  1. The heroine of the novel by L.M. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” Natasha Rostova is a person with a sensitive heart. These were the presented carts, which were originally intended for the move and the invitation of speeches, which were given for the transport of wounded soldiers. Another example of an incredible project to the world of people - Platon Karataev. He turns to war, shouting at his younger brother, and, although fighting is not at all to his soul, in such minds the hero is deprived of kindness and sensitivity. Plato is “loving and lovingly alive with everything that his life entails,” adding to the other people’s misfortunes (seeing him, indulging Pierre, when he killed him), and about a stray dog.
  2. In Romani F.M. In Dostoevsky's "Evil and Punishment" many heroes show themselves as clear expressions of altruism and selfishness. Before the first, madly, one can see Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to take care of her family, and then rushes to envoy Raskolnikov, in order to steal his soul. One cannot forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives probably better for Raskolnikov, but is always ready to come to his aid - he introduces his friend to work, buys him an outfit, gives him pennies. In contrast, noble people are presented, for example, with the image of Luzhin. Luzhin “loved and valued... his pennies the most”; You want to make friends with Raskolnikov’s sister Dunya, following the lowest course - to take a poor squad, as you would always have to do the crops. It’s noticeable that they don’t turbocharge themselves with turbos about those who will be named in the future and their mothers will comfortably leave St. Petersburg. The vigor of those closest to him is reflected in this very situation and characterizes the hero from the negative side. As we know, the share was given to certain characters, but did not punish other active characters.
  3. The type of person who lives in his own right is depicted by I.A. Bunin at the acknowledgment of “Pan from San Francisco”. The hero, a possible gentleman whose name we still don’t know, is on the road “united for the sake of courage.” You can spend an hour with your own kind, and other people are divided into service personnel and to cover the “transition” of your population - such as, for example, commissionaires and ragamuffins on the embankment, as well as sacks of stinging booths, like gentlemen And from San Francisco you have to travel by road. One of the pissing of raptly bended by the very shanani і Sanovani people of the stunes, I ti people, in the bast of the Yaki Vin, Bow Shchedry, the yogo corpse on the Batkivshchina in the box of the soda soda. This is the crude irony of I.A. Bunin illustrates the popular wisdom: as you go, you will come out.
  4. The sign of self-confidence - the hero of the collection of evidence by M.A. Bulgakov "Notes of a young doctor". A young doctor named Bomgard, who recently graduated from the university, decides to work in a rural doctor’s office, and is confronted with the worst living minds, with human ignorance, with terrible illnesses and, in the end, , from death itself. Ale, after all, he chooses the skin patient; lives until sick, day and night, without harming himself; She is gradually starting to perfect her skills. It is clear that Bomgard is not a heroic person, he often fails to sing in himself and, like a mustache, senses fear, the feeling of a professional burden overwhelms everything else.
  5. The cruelty of people one by one is especially terrible when, like a virus, it consumes the entire marriage. This is the situation with the interviewee V.P. Astaf'eva "Lyudochka". The heroine's life path is shown and placed before her side by side with others, from the family to the social gathering. Lyudochka is a rural girl who travels to the place in search of have a good life. Vona works diligently at work, dutifully takes over the reigns in place of the woman from whom she rents an apartment, endures the rudeness of so many of her “youths,” until the end of her life she comforts the dying man in the hospital... Vona is not at all like a stupid person, a herd of people is being chased, in a state of horror try, and then immediately bring them to disaster. It’s a pity that no one, as the mother said, did not extend a helping hand to her at the moment of need, and the girl committed suicide. The strangest thing is that for success this situation is in the order of speeches that can be compared with dry, or even terrible, statistics.
  6. The image of a kind-hearted, sensitive person is the key one for O.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Door". You wouldn’t call Matryona’s lot enviable: she was a widow, bore six children, worked for long days in a collective college “for the sake of workdays,” did not receive a pension, and in her old age became poor. Although unimportant at all, the heroine retained a cheerful attitude, camaraderie, love to the point and readiness to help others, without requiring any weariness. The apogee of this self-sacrifice is a tragic fall zaliznytsia, which will end in the death of the heroine. It’s amazing that, exposing her, she was not damaged by a terrible accident, she was “whole, calm, alive, not dead” - just like the image of saints.
  7. The identified “Agrus” A.P. In Chekhov we see a hero obsessed with any material thing. Such a brother says Mikola Chimsha-Gimalaysky, who wants to buy cards, and immediately from the bushes. For whose sake one does not hesitate to live stingily, to be stingy, to befriend an old rich widow and make her starve. He cares about people and is ready to sacrifice their interests for his own. Find out that your mood is calming down, you feel happy and don’t notice that the arus is sour – you’ll see that real life. This news awaits, from the half-blown promo it explodes to “ happy people”, calling out to the memory, “It’s unfortunate that if you’re not happy... there will be trouble... And no one can help and no one can feel, just like now no one can feel and no one can feel.” It was confirmed that the sense of life is above all happiness, “but I think it is reasonable and great.” “Do good!” - this is how I conclude my proclamation, confident that young people who still have the strength and ability to change will not follow the path of their brother and become smart people.
  8. It is not easy for people with an open and sensitive soul to live in the world. This is what happened to Chudik from the same interview with V.M. Shukshin. Being a mature man, the hero thinks and behaves like a child. He gravitates toward people, loves to talk and fire, and is always on good terms, but gradually sinks into trouble through those who do not look like a “proper adult.” Let's remember one episode: Chudik asked the flight attendant to buckle down, as the stewardess ordered; she takes his words with obvious dissatisfaction. The landing is not entirely far away: Chudik’s son falls from his chair so that he breaks his gap. The weirdo rushes to help you - but the response again loses a portion of irritation and aggression. And so everything from outsiders to members of the family should be considered. The strangeness of the Freak and the unwarranted efforts to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.
  9. The topic of compassion for one's neighbor is the subject of K.G.'s speech. Paustovsky "Telegram". The girl Nastya, secretary of the Union of Artists, gives all her strength to the robot. She talks about the share of painters and sculptors, organizes exhibitions and competitions, and never knows the time to treat her old ailment, as she lives in the countryside. Having found that, having snatched a telegram from the one whose mother is dying, Nastya sets off on the road, otherwise it’s too late... The author warns readers of the same kind of mercy, the crime of Yaku, perhaps, will lose all his life with the heroine cha.
  10. Show altruism in the military at a time of particular significance, since life and death are often discussed. T. Keneally's novel “Schindler's Ark” is a story about a German businessman and member of the NSDAP, Oskar Schindler, who, in the face of the Holocaust, organizes a massacre and recruits Jews to serve, thereby exposing them to their poverty. This is what Schindler sees as great zusil: he has to maintain connections needed people, go for bribery, duplicate documents, and the result is over a thousand stolen lives and eternally similar people and their targets - and for the hero the main city. The fact that the novel is based on real principles makes this self-inflicted idea even stronger.
  11. Tsikavo? Save it on your wall!

Tweer behind the text

“Beiduzhist is the paralysis of the soul,” wrote the famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhiv. True, mental callousness is sometimes worse than aggression, hatred, and cruelty.

Before me is a fragment from the testimony of K.G. Paustovsky's "Telegram", in which, in my opinion, the author also destroys the problem of people's poverty one by one.

The author reveals it from the butt of Nastya and her mother – Katerina Ivanivna. The writer expresses the reader's respect for those who love their daughter and love her dearly. But the author bitterly means that Nastya left the person closest to her (“How Katerina Ivanivna lived... no one knows”). K.G. Paustovsky blames Nastya’s behavior, but does not give any reasons for this, because he does not explain the matter. And the landscape description of the autumn garden creates a symbolic image of the cold and dark light in which the brightness of human love has gone out. It’s sad and sad to hear the words of the witness: “I carefully took her home and thought: if I had such a mother, I would be happy!” Depicting the warmth of the setting of the hero-evidence to Katerina Ivanivna, the author speaks to the text, that is alive, beloved fathers - this is happiness!

It’s impossible to miss the idea of ​​a writer. We must be kind and respectful one to one, be sensitive to other people's pains and sorrows, and talk about our loved ones. No matter what kind of fathers they are, it is not the children’s fault to take their pain away. Russian literature has dealt with this problem more than once.

Princess Maria Bolkonska from the epic novel by L.M. He loves Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” he respects his father, and he swears about him until his death, even though the old prince has a rotten character. You can tell her daughter’s hairpin, never trusts her, threatens to read her friend’s worksheet, forces her to take the math she doesn’t like. But what is important for a daughter is her father’s love before her, and don’t show it so secretly that she’s ready to show off.

And the other daughter’s axis is the heroine of the story “The Station Watcher” by A.S. Pushkin - the mother of the soft-hearted and gentle father was blessed. However, this fatal addiction allows the hussar to develop cruelty - he will secretly run away from home, without leaving his blessed father and without knowing anything about himself. Divinely, out of grief, my father sleeps and dies, and his daughter appears at his grave.

Reading the summaries of the evidence of K.G. Paustovsky, you begin to talk about how important it is not to repeat the pardons of Katerina Ivanivna’s daughter, about those who are needed in the future, no matter what, find the time for their fathers, to give them their love and respect, and also about those what is not possible pass someone else's poz dashingly. Respect, sleepiness, sleepiness - this is what can make us people feel cold from the soul.

Text by K.G. Paustovsky:

(1) Katerina Ivanivna did not suffer at all, except for the weakness of old age.

(2) I knew from my wife and from the heartless kind old Ivan Dmitriev, the watchman at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanivna was alone in the world. Katerina Ivanivna received treatment. (4) No matter the time, I’ll die without kissing my daughter, without loving her, without stroking her russian hair of “enchanting beauty” (that’s what Katerina Ivanivna said about them).

(5) Nastya fed Katerina Ivanivna pennies, but it happened intermittently. (6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanivna lived during these interruptions.

(7) One day Katerina Ivanivna asked me to accompany them to the garden; it had been early spring, and she was still showing weakness.
(8) “My dear,” said Katerina Ivanivna, “you won’t make me feel like I’m old anymore.”

(9) I want to tell you about the past, and finally marvel at the garden. (10) When I was still a girl, I used to read Turgenev. (11) I planted those tree slabs myself.

(12) Vaughn took a long time to dress up. (13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm hustka, and, tenderly hugging my hand, went down completely from the bunk.

(14) It’s already evening. (15) Garden of flights. (16) The pale leaves began to move. (17) The stinks crackled loudly and collapsed under our feet, and a star lit up in the green dawn. (18) Far above the forest hangs the crescent moon.
(19) Katerina Ivanivna sank to the white of the weather-beaten linden tree, leaned her hand on it and began to cry.

(20) I carefully trim it so that it doesn’t fall. (21) There she cried, like even old people, without being overwhelmed by their tears.

(22) “God forbid you, my dear,” she said to me, “to live to such old age!” (23) God forbid you!

(24) I carefully took her home and thought: if I had such a mother, I would be happy!

(Behind K.G. Paustovsky)

All the arguments up to the point of view are directly “Biduzhist and Chuynist”.

What's wrong with being a baiduzhist? How can we respect people's lives?

Goodness can cause a person to suffer from mental pain; The cruelty of people caused the death of a little girl, the heroine of the Yuletide celebration by H.K. Andersen. Barefoot and hungry, she wandered the streets, hoping to sell cheesecakes and bring pennies home, prote in the yard on the eve of the New Rock, and people had no time for buying cheesecakes, and now we no longer have time for marriages of girls that lasted forever. kiv. Without sleeping with her, why would she wander around in the cold without informing her of her skin, which would slip cottonly into her shoe, which was too big and fell off her small feet. The girl dreamed more about the warm place, where there is no fear or pain, about pet hedgehogs, the aroma lurked from the skin. Vona was afraid to turn back home; that mountain could hardly be called a budinka. The fireplace began to burn cheesecakes, which were too small to sell. Kozhen bedrooms sirnik bestowed miraculous images on her, she babbled her Grandma died. Once it was so clear that the girl believed in him, she asked her grandmother to take her with her. The stinks hung high into the heavens with joy on their faces. The people of France found a little dead girl with a smile on her lips and perhaps an empty box of cheesecakes in her hands. They were driven not by the cold and the evil, but by human zeal to harm too many people.

Do you need to read up on it?

It is possible and necessary to remember. The main character of J. Boyne's novel "A Boy in Dark Pajamas" Bruno has a bright butt, which confirms my position. This German army officer hires a tutor for the children to teach them how to learn current history understand what is right and what is not. Ale Bruno is not at all good, as the reader reveals, but to love benefits is not at all understandable, which is why some people are different from others. When his friends hear him, the boy decides to “explore” the territory of a nearby booth and comes across a concentration tester, where he meets his peer, the Jewish boy Shmuel. Bruno knows that it is not his responsibility to be friends with Shmuel, who is strongly welcomed by him. He wears a hedgehog, plays with it and talks through the thorny tree. Neither propaganda nor the army can stir up hatred in the camp. On the day of his departure, Bruno again wants to meet a new friend, he wants to help him find his dad, puts on a dark robe and makes his way to the camp. The ending of this story is ambiguous, the children are sent to the gas chamber, and only by the bars of Father Bruno’s clothes do they understand what has happened. This is the story to learn from those who need to learn. It is possible, it is necessary, to learn to marvel at the world in the same way as to appreciate it great hero Then people will not repeat greedy favors.

Nebayduzhe (baiduzhe) set to nature

One of the main characters in the novel by B.L. Vasilyeva “Don’t shoot at white swans” Egor Polushkin is a person who doesn’t get stuck on one job for too long. The reason for this is the inability to practice “without a heart.” You really love the forest, he sees. That is why he is considered a forester, having played into the hands of the unclean Buryanov. Egor himself is regarded as a true fighter for the protection of nature. Vin bravely enters the fight against poachers, who set fire to the forest and killed the swans. This people serve as the butt of what is required by nature. Thanks to people like Yegor Polushkin, humanity has not yet blamed everything that exists on this earth. Against Buryanov’s cruelty, goodness may always appear in the case of the unlucky “half-hearted ones.”

“The person who planted trees” is an alegorical story. At the center of the story is the shepherd Elzear Buffé, who himself wants to renew the ecosystem of desert locality. Buffa continued planting trees for almost ten years, which led to incredible results: the valley became like the Garden of Eden. Vlada accepted this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest rejected the official protection of the state. Within an hour, nearly 10,000 people had moved to this place. All these people owe their happiness to Buffa. Elzear Buff is an example of how people are determined by nature. This book will awaken the reader's love to the fullest. The people can only be ruined, they will give you more money. People's resources are inexhaustible, the directness of life is created in a place where there is nothing else. This publication was translated into 13 languages, having so much impact on the marriage and power that after reading, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest were restored.

It’s not like it’s set to nature.

The identified “” has a problem that comes down to nature. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha shows a sign that she is growing in greedy minds and will require help. The next day, start a whole herd of pioneers, and all at once fertilize the ground until the soil is full. Through the river we receive the inheritance of such misfortune. The wasteland is unrecognizable: it was “filled with herbs and flowers,” and “birds and snowstorms flew over it.” Turbot about nature never again produces titanic efforts from people, but never again produces such important results. Having spent a year of your time, a person’s skin can save or “date of life” a new receipt. And the skin of this world is in ruins.

Byduzhіstvo to mysteztva.

The main hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Children” Yevgen Bazarov completely saves interest until the end. He will deny it, recognizing the “mystery of making money.” He respects a decent chemist more than any poet, and calls him a “fool.” The painter Raphael, in his opinion, “isn’t worth a dime.” Navigation for music is a “frivolous” activity. Evgen writes “from the perspective of an artistic sense” from his nature, although he himself is very familiar with the works of mysticism. A list of secretly accepted values ​​for the most important. For the idea of ​​“need” may prevail in everyone: if there is no practical benefit in thinking, it is not at all important. Please contact your profession. He is a doctor and also an inveterate materialist. Everything that is subject to reason is of interest, but those that are in the sphere of feelings and do not have a rational basis are tantamount to insecurity. Those that you cannot understand, please you the most. And as we know, mysticism is something that cannot be explained in terms, but only with the heart. Therefore, Bazarov clearly shows a desire for mystery, but he doesn’t understand it. As you understand, you will have to see something you can trust. This means admitting that you are wrong, “changing your principles”, standing before all your followers, saying one thing, but acting differently. That way, you can become confident in your ideas after you have stood by them, raising the boiling point in the superheater to the maximum.
Your profession also played an important role. For people who know the anatomical body well, it is difficult to believe in a living soul. A doctor who treats death will never forget the wonder and believe in the power of medicine, and it is difficult to realize that the soul also needs medicine - and this is mysticism.

Another butt that illustrates the ability to achieve mysteries may be Dr. Dimov from the testimony of “A.P. Chekhov. His team, Olga Ivanivna, calls him in one little place, and the very interest remains until the end. To which Dimov confirms that he does not forget the mysticism, but simply does not understand, he has spent his entire life in medicine, and he has not had any. Osip asserts that if some reasonable people dedicate their entire lives to mysticism, and other reasonable people pay great pennies for their works, then the stink is needed. Partly, the passion for mysticism is connected with his activity, and partly with the fact that he had to work on many robots, so that Olga Ivanivna could afford to “live in the world of mysticism” and turn into a suspense. flattery of “presented” people. Possibly, Dimov did not understand the false mystique itself, the love that Olga so diligently tried to pin down. Borderliness, flattery, and snobbery were the companions of the people of mysticism, which led to the methods of Olga Ivanivna. It can be said that Dimov was not up to the true mystique, but to the delusional, and even dubious motives, like his engraving on the piano, were poking at his heart.

Why bring up the bullshit? What's wrong with being a baiduzhist?

For Onegin, life appeared to be cut off, as it was ruined by the stretch of rich fates. His lack of success brought an evil heat to him to the point of intense feelings. When Tetyana confronted Evgen at the kohanna, she turned up deaf until the moment she spoke. At that stage of his life, he simply could not do otherwise. In order to develop a sense of responsibility, I needed rocks. Unfortunately, fate did not give you another chance. Prote Auntie’s life is important to overcome with respect, the awakening of Evgen.
Putting people before their fathers, being before their loved ones. Why bring blasphemy to your loved ones? This is according to Shaw’s assertions: “The greatest sin in dealing with one’s neighbor is not hatred, but selfishness, which is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.”

By the way, it’s already set to your loved ones.

Very often children forget about their fathers, worrying about their work. So, for example, the interviewed K.G. Paustovsky's "" shows the daughter's affection for her elderly mother. Katerina Petrivna lived in the village herself, while her daughter was busy with her career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya bothered her mother, she wrote pages very rarely, and once every two or three months she paid her 200 rubles. These pennies had little praise for Katerina Petrivna; she re-read a number of rows that her daughter wrote at once from the translation (about those that there is a lot of time not only for those to arrive, but also for those to write a normal sheet). Katerina Petrivna was busily busy looking after her daughter, listening to the sound of her skin. When she felt really bad, she asked her daughter to come over so she could heal herself before she died, otherwise Nastya wouldn’t get it. Bulo was right, she didn’t take her mother’s words seriously. Behind this sheet was a telegram about those whose mothers were dying. Just then, Nastya learned that “not loving anyone as much as she is old, she abandoned all the old people.” She realized that she had never had anyone else in her life and never would have one again. Nastya went to the village to help her mother get up from life, to ask for help and say it yourself important words but didn’t get it. Katerina Petrivna died. Nastya didn’t even bother to say goodbye to her and left with the knowledge of “an unlawful crime and an intolerable severity.”

What's wrong with being a baiduzhist? How are the concepts of egoism and egoism related? Can a Yaku human being be called a bayduja? How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How hard is it to despise oneself?”

Liveliness seems to be evident not only in one’s relationship with other people, but also in one’s life in general. , the central character of “The Hero of Our Hour”, testimony of M.Yu. Lermontov is like a human being, so we don’t want to enjoy the joys of life. I’m bored all the time, I quickly lose interest in people in that place, and the main goal of my life is to find “useful.” This life means countless tests to see what you want. According to the words of the famous literary critic Belinsky, Pechorin “crazyly chases after life, searching for him everywhere.” It is possible to reach the point of absurdity, transforming oneself into foolishness for oneself. According to Pechorin himself, his life “becomes empty every day.” He sacrifices his life for nothing, embarks on adventures that bring no harm to anyone. One can learn from the example of this hero that illness is spreading in the soul of a person, just like illness is not safe. It is possible to bring to the summable inheritances and ruined shares of both the estranged and the most lost people. A human being cannot be happy, because her heart is not dedicated to loving people.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be a profession anymore.

The role of a teacher in life is difficult to overestimate. The Teacher is the one who can reveal the wondrous light, reveal the potential of a person, and help him choose his life’s path. The reader is not only the one who conveys knowledge, but also a moral guideline. Thus, the main character of M. Helprin’s account “Andriy Petrovich” is a teacher from a great literature. This is a person who has lost her true profession at such an important time. In the world, where spirituality has taken on a different plan, Andriy Petrovich has continued to uphold eternal values. You were in a hurry to honor your ideals in the face of a filthy material development. The reason for this behavior is that it is important for a new sense of life to convey and share knowledge. Andriy Petrovich is ready to greet anyone who knocks at his door. Not being promoted to a profession is a guarantee of happiness. Only such people can earn the world by stealing.

Can a Yaku human being be called a bayduja? What's wrong with being a baiduzhist? Why bring up the bullshit? How can you hurt something? How are the concepts of egoism and egoism related? How can any person be called hisistic?

To what extent can you bring baiduzhist?

Fiction also has its own twist on the theme of goodness. Yes, E. The plot of the novel “We” shows us a unique model of life, as well as the inheritance of wealth of both individuals and the entire marriage. The reader is confronted with a pathetic picture: a totalitarian state in which people have been spared not only individuality, their own opinion, but also morality. As soon as you try to understand the reasons for what is happening, you come to the conclusion: the sovereignty rejects such a leader as it deserves, and the inhabitants of the United Power themselves allow the bloody dictator to destroy themselves. They themselves step into the “string of lava” of robot-like ones, on their own feet they fall into an operation with “a fantasy”, thereby allowing themselves to live fully.
However, there were a few who could say “no” to this system. For example, the main character of the novel I-33 understands the absurdity of this world. She created a stronghold for the coalition, because she firmly knew that no one had the right to deprive people of their freedom. She could have lived, worn out by more comfortable hypocrisy, but she would have protested. A great responsibility fell on her shoulders, not only for herself, but for the rich people who did not understand the fear that the state was experiencing.
That's how I fixed the D-503. This hero was caressed by power, having embraced a high seat, living in a calm, peaceful, mechanical camp. Ale zustrich iz I changed my life. We understand that fencing is almost immoral by its nature. No one dares to take away from people what they have been given in life. Once he has found love, he can no longer be deprived of love. His struggle did not bring any results, but the state spared his souls, who had lost the ability to perceive, but this “awakening” cannot be called marigold. Because the world of creation is changing to a more beautiful place for the most daring and the most incredible.

Why is there any concern about the situation? How old are the sayings: “Beware of those who stink, do not kill and do not cause harm, but from this very year of war there will be harm and harm on the earth”?

In the novel "Gloomy Atlas" David Mitchell We have sharp butts by the way to people. The novel takes place in the dystopian power of Ni-So-Kopros, which has developed on the territory of present-day Korea. This power is divided into two groups: purebreds (people born by nature) and manufacturers (clone people, bred individually as slaves). Slaves are not respected as people; they are known as evil technology. At the center of the author’s respect is the heroine Sonmi-451, who, by chance, is forced to fight against the power. Once they learn about the terrible truth about those who rule the world, the Host can no longer resist and begins to fight for justice. It is only possible for the most unlikely “pure-blooded” people to understand the injustice of such a thing. At the baked essence, they kill their comrades and kokhan people, and the Host is asked to mortal punishment Before her death, she begins to tell her story to the “archivist.” This is one person who sensed this confession, and then she herself changed the world. The moral of this part of the novel lies in the fact that as long as one unlikely person lives, the hope for a fair world will not go out.

Can a human being be called a swindler? Why do people know that they don’t sleep?

One can call a sensitive person those who think more about others than about themselves, are always ready to come to the aid of those in need, and also take the experiences of other people to heart. In fairness, one can call the hero of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Idiot" by Prince Lev Mikolayovich Mishkin. Prince Mishkin is a representative of a noble family, who was orphaned early, having experienced 4 years behind the cordon through a nerve ailment. To the best of my knowledge, she seems like a wonderful, if not wicked, person. Vin impresses people with the depth of his thoughts, but at the same time shocks him with his straightforwardness. However, everything signifies openness and kindness in someone.
This sensitivity begins to manifest itself immediately after getting to know the main people in the family. Vin finds himself at the epicenter of a family scandal: Ganya’s sister Ivolgina, as a sign of protest against her fun, spits in her face. Prince Mishkin stands up for her, for which he takes away the mistake from Ganya. Instead of getting annoyed, Ivolgina ends up harming her. Mishkin understands that Ganya will be extremely sorry for his behavior.
As soon as Lev Mikolayovich believes that he is the best in people, he rages until Nastasia Pilipivnya, firmly insisting that he is the best, but is tempted to give up. Reality quickly, like a magnet, attracts distant people to Mishkin. Nastasya Pilipivna and, later, Aglaya will fall into trouble.
Mishkin’s rice is remarkable – he has pity for people. He doesn’t praise their filthy things, but always suffers, I understand, their pain. Having settled in Aglaya, we cannot make friends with her, because we are hurting Nastasia Flippivna and cannot leave her.
It’s bad for you to tell the robber Rogozhkin, who always kills Nastasya.
Lev Mishkin’s singing does not divide people into good and bad, good and unworthy. Look, all humanity is straightened out, it’s crazy.

How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How hard it is to live for yourself”?

Self-esteem is an important burden, as it weighs heavily on people at the very bottom of life. By the way, which confirms what has been said above, maybe the hero of the same name novel by I.A. Goncharova Illya. All of your life is a geometric progression of self-worth. It starts with something small: with something from the outside looking in, to whom Illya Illich does not give the desired importance of wearing an old, worn-out robe and slippers. These speeches have individuality and beauty. Everything in your room is dirty and dusty. Your financial right is collapsing. But if you show your best self-esteem, consider Vidmova Oblomov’s idea of ​​happiness with Olga. He is so attentive to himself that he allows himself to live fully. It is not necessary to bring him to the point where he can get along with a woman, but not love him, rather than what is right for him.

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