Conducting initial practice at VNZ.



Initial practice is one of the main elements in the process of training highly qualified facists in government and is carried out at enterprises, organizations and installations of various organizational and legal forms.

Significant practice is provided by students of primary education in work in services and departments related to nutrition management, organization and planning of initial activities.

    Initial practice is the warehouse of the initial process of preparing current facists for the specialty 05/08/02/65 “Economics and management in enterprise (behind the curtains)”, and is carried out according to the initial plan of the specialty for 3 The course spans the 6th semester and lasts 6 years.

    The place of practice of a student is designated by the department of economics and management of enterprises under the legal order, and students independently work at the department.

    After completing practical training, students submit to the department a characteristic (signature), signed by the practice manager and sealed with a seal, which confirms that the student has completed initial practical training. Main functions of initial practice: formation of professional ideas and consolidation of theoretical knowledge taken away from the learning process;

    deepening the existing and mastering new practical skills as an economist-manager in an enterprise; development of basic science- pre-slednitskaya robots for the profile of professional training; moldbath

    professional things z urahuvannyam current vimog

to specialists; - adaptation of students to

real minds

    economics and the creation of possibilities for future practice

    Development of the basic enterprise care system.

    The study of external officials shows the performance of basic enterprises.

    Development of the corporate culture of the basic enterprise.

    Recruitment of the main production workers at basic enterprises.

    Learning and mastering the basic rules of safety technology at practice sites.

2. Organizational and methodological notes

The program for carrying out initial practice has been fragmented according to the highest state standards. professional education for the specialty 05/08/02/65 “Economics and management in enterprises (behind the lawns)”, “Regulations on the procedure for conducting internships for students of higher education institutions” of the Ministry of World Affairs dated 25.03. 03 No. 1154.

We will go through basic practice and commercial and non-commercial organizations of various legal affiliations and various organizational and legal forms, including:

    Countryside organizations;

    set a budget;

    manufacturing enterprises;

    trade organizations;

    banks and financial institutions;

    auditing firms etc.

The main objects of practice are organizations for which purposeful training of facists is carried out, as well as organizations for which there are agreements for carrying out scientific research, design and other work.

Over the course of a month until the start of practice, students receive a direction to practice from the dean’s office.

Internships can only be completed by students who are not subject to academic obligations.

The overall management of practice at the faculty rests with the dean of the faculty (his patron), organization, methodological and documentation support in the department of economics and management - on the representative of the department for carrying out practice with the initial staff, which is With the entries, the head of the department compiles lists of graduate students by category.

    behind topics and scientific topics.

    Directly organizational and initial-methodological practice of students is carried out:

    head of the department;

    honored by the department for practical training;

scientific textbook of practice in the department (diploma certificate);

guide to business practice.

    Responsible for organizing and conducting internships for students at the department with organizational and initial methodological nutrition are assigned to the head of the department.

    Scientific ceramics practices from the number of academicians of the department:

    designate the place of the Students' Office;

    take part in the induction conference for students before starting practice; Vikonannya works, transferring them to the program;

    evaluate the report about the practice.

Before completing practical training, the student removes the assignment, as he may retire at the end of the internship (collecting practical material, development, etc.), and independently prepares a calendar plan for the internship.

Kozhen student under the hour of practicing goiters to conduct a schodennik (Addendum 2), which may have revenge:

Signature of the scientific scribe of practice;

Calendar plan (to be entered before the start of practice);

Records about vykonani work during an hour of practice (presence at vyrobnicheskie narods; vyrobniche excursions; scientific research work, etc.) including huge work;

Student's quotes about the results of practice.

The manager of practice in business periodically checks the student's knowledge and records with the student.

All considerations and desires associated with the student’s work discipline during the hour of internship in the organization are paid before the student.

After completing the internship, the professional manager is required to write a Characteristic for the student, certified by the seal of the base organization, in the prescribed form (Addendum 3), showing the positive and negative aspects of the student’s behavior under the hour completion of the initial practice, rate the advanced practice on a five-point scale.

During the internship, students establish the internal rules of the organization, enterprise, and establishment.

Obviously, before the internship program, students master the types of activities, technologies, methods and work related to the specialty profile.

The work and practical training is carried out at the work places of third-party organizations or in computer classes, the faculty can be assigned a schedule, where each student is given the opportunity to work as an individual during an hour of practice alm koristuvachom computer.

    It is important to read this Program of Initial Practice and methodological recommendations for preparing a report about the practice and follow them throughout the process of completing the practice and writing the report;

    support the connections with your scientific quarry throughout the current period of practice and preparation;

    Conclude a schedule for completing practice, working together with a scientific kerivnik and conducting a schodennik.

After completing internship at the enterprise for three days, the student submits to the department (scientific faculty):

    direction with attention to the completion of practice;


  • Lettering call shodo vikonannya program practice.

Practice of correspondence students. Students absentee divisions Universities are divided into three groups.

Before the first group, there are students who are working behind the scenes.

The other group is comprised of students who work in attitudes that are indicative of a professional training profile, and not beyond their qualifications.

Up to the third group are students who do not work behind the scenes.

Students of the first group, for the sake of the faculty, can benefit from practical training on the basis of the work characteristics presented in the place, signed by the teacher.

The signature of the kernel is verified by a seal.

The practice of students of the other and third groups is carried out mainly at the place of residence of the students for the obvious basis of practice. For students who are starting short-term programs, the focus on initial and initial practice is changing, as the student may be looking for or intermediate specialized training, which corresponds to the profile of training. And understand that there is a unique ability to “bruise the soil” while still under the wing of your lighting installation.

Having significantly saved your time and effort in this way, you will not experience major losses after graduating from university and will know exactly where to go next.

    What opportunities does practice give to a student?

    consolidate theoretical knowledge;

    gain knowledge and skills in practice;

    become familiar with the real work process and learn the pitfalls of your chosen specialty that are not visible in theory; make direct contact with;

    professional strength

    get started searching for robots and joining with a robot seller;

    withdraw evidence of interaction with a qualified professional mentor;

    You may have realized earlier that the specialty or field of study is incorrect and does not correspond to your capabilities in the profession;

    become knowledgeable about the profession and become significant;

    “scan” the market and understand what is required and what else needs to be learned; Tease yourself work place

    what is suitable for starting a career;

    get rid of the initial evidence that young workers don’t get when they are forced to work after starting, and make your first entry in the work book;

achieve first successes and demonstrate strength in your chosen specialty before your next employer. Students undergo general practice in the senior years of universities, if they have already chosen a specialty, and set the topic of practice to incorporate knowledge and skills learned during the semester. The practice takes place on the bases of real enterprises, with which the university has a primary home base.

Directly, the activities of the organization may be related to the student’s specialization. The student has the right to choose a suitable base of practice, and the VNZ can provide a list possible options . If a student is already pursuing a professional degree, he/she has the right to undergo internship while working.

During the hour of practice, the student must keep a document, which is signed by the scribe of his practice. After completing the practice, these pouches are evaluated equally with the examiners and are listed in the locker book. university, and is regulated by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The working day of a student trainee from 16 to 18 must be no more than 36 years per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and for those from 18 to 18 years no more than 40 years per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the period of internship for students, the internal rules adopted by the organization expand, and

illegal rules

When a trainee is employed for an hour of practice, he forfeits all the rights of a trainee: a declaration about the withdrawal of wages, a declaration about paid leave, for assistance in case of inconvenience, etc. He is also subject to regular military duties. Robot seller

    Regardless of those who are student interns, click the button on the right for organization, industrial practice has undeniable advantages for the company.

    Becoming the basis of practice and interacting with the profile lighting installation, the organization gains the ability to:

“recruit” young specialists for yourself, depending on the specifics of your organization;

1. save light programs specialized universities interacting with them. The legal side of the process of registering an intern can be quite difficult, but it is a complete hassle.

2. The main problem for personnel officers is the lack of statistics that clearly regulate the employment of a trainee. If the agreement between the employer and the employer stipulates that students undergo internship without official training, and there are daily vacancies, then the student does not lose a specific job function Yes, but in practice it is more knowledgeable, without bearing the same qualifications as a doctor .

Despite the internal rules that apply to enterprises, the rules of protection are expanding.

To enroll students in an enterprise, there is an order in which all the necessary details are prescribed (names of students, terms and purposes of practice, the procedure for passing, additional mentor, etc.).

If the student is already working, and the profile of his work corresponds to the specialty in which he begins, then he can undergo an internship at the place of his work, having received a graduate certificate before university.

Thus, the educational practice is a mutually beneficial approach for both students and workers, helping them to get to know one another and develop a professional relationship with each other.

When vikoristanny materials on the site, the site is inserted by the author and actively sent to the site!

  • It is no secret that well-trained theoretical training cannot replace skills and knowledge acquired as a result of real work, developed through trial and error.
  • In order to promote the qualifications of graduates and their value in the market, internships are organized for students.
  • If the internship passes the exit from the region, where there is an initial deposit, the greater the initial deposit of the obligation to pay your academic receipts back and forth and pay for the days of work The ratio is 50% according to the norm established by law for business operators.

“Rules of practice” for colleges and technical schools that organize practice are established by Order of the Ministry of World Affairs No. 1991 dated 1999.

They are similar to the principles that govern universities.

What is the difference between educational practice and educational practice? Practices that are organized for appreciation and destruction theoretical knowledge

  • , available in three formats:
  • Initially, it is important to understand the theoretical base, which has been removed from the teachings, to acquire the skills of independent and follow-up work, and to learn from current possessions. Such programs are offered to junior students. The main approaches for their implementation are excursions to production, supervision of the company’s work, consultations with facists, and practical activities in the workplace.
  • Beginning-virobnycha is most often carried out in the 3rd-4th year. Її meta – learn the science behind the scenes.

future profession


And this also applies to entrepreneurship, and the role of an assistant to the main specialist (for example, an assistant accountant, a marketing assistant, etc.) is important.

Virobnycha is intended for senior students. They are constantly pouring into work at a specific job within the framework of their specialty, management and control begin in accordance with the plan and schedule laid out in advance. Known and learned skills learned during practice can then be practiced when writing

diploma work

  • consolidate the knowledge and evidence gained in the course of educational practice;
  • select empirical facts that will serve as the basis for writing your thesis.

Formalization of practice for students: butt

The legislation provides two options for formalizing practice: a contract between a student and a temporary worker, or a company that is ready to hire young staff.

You can choose from any of these formats. Subject to official legislation, the organization of practice transferred lighting program

, is available on the basis of agreements or the average initial mortgage with companies of a similar profile.

Organizations that hire students “under the wing” are required to arrange employment contracts with them unless there are vacancies.

The law allows for the possibility of registering a study with the staff of an organization, unless it is assigned to its training program.

The company does not have the right to provide employment to the student for an unspecified period.

This is obviously due to the need for cleaning.

For example, the document states: “The agreement was concluded for three months for the purpose of pre-graduation practice.”

There are a lot of nuances when registering students, which traditionally raises the question of ambiguity among job-sellers.

Let's look at the finer details of the legal documents that appear on the butts.

Situation 1

Since the organization does not have any open vacancies, it can arrange employment contracts for students.

They can work on the stand under orders. In the end, it is unacceptable for vikors to use the formula “Get hired without a full-time job title.”.

The best option is to indicate that the person is taking pre-graduation practice.

If you have found peace, please, please see a fragment of the text and press it


Let's try to understand how the initial practice differs from the traditional one.

Many students from science academies and universities have encountered similar foods and tried to find out the evidence for them on their own. What is the sound Formalization of the report from knowledgeable practice - an analysis of the materials collected by the student during the process of his activity.

Nini practice is a warehouse element of the training program.

Internship and professional practice are necessary in order for future fakhivets to acquire practical skills.

And also consolidate theoretical knowledge, laid down during lectures in the classroom.

The organization and conduct of initial practice in a large number of initial positions is the obligatory stage of training.

Don't forget it, it's a pity,

real life

Students are provided with a solid base for consolidating their knowledge.

The final stage is pre-graduation practice.

The students pass directly in front of the guard of the pouch robot.

The main purpose of this type of internship is the collection of necessary material for writing a diploma.

Since the organization of initial and graduate practice is allowed by the university, the pre-diploma form is impossible without the work on the field of graduate work, which is related to the topic of the thesis.

Sizing up over what the initial practice in the virtual form is being tested, is significant to the specificity of the sound that is hoped for.

Learn the basic rules that must be followed based on past practice. Both graduate, initial, and pre-graduate internships convey the given characteristics of the organization where the student is located. Before you read about completing the initial practice, you must include

I'll give you a dirty description

enterprise, basic management processes, security systems, description of technological processes. Depending on the specifics of the directive, several additional items may be included before the call. It is impossible to talk about industrial practice without a description of production, development of economic indicators, analysis of activity, assessment of the activity of competitors, and development of the company.

The information from pre-graduate practice conveys the characteristics of the management and economic activities of the company,

detailed analysis

specific problems, identifying nuances, positive parameters, so that shortcomings can be eliminated.

This will be the basis of the analytical part of the diploma. Peculiarities of the formed life, What is the difference between educational practice and educational practice? The first option is not related to the addition of professional skills and allows for the formation of a formal position.

Viral internship is more serious and reliable, and behind it there is a full description.

You will now need to provide a report describing the company. Next we will describe them economic displays

accounting information


During the preparation and implementation, all participants play an important role: specialists in the field, subjects in the field.

It is customary to call professors, academicians, and also the trainees themselves as subjects.

Kerivnik practice is assigned to the specialized department. There is something rich in the effectiveness and efficiency of a student’s practical thorough development of theoretical knowledge and skills. In addition, the success of the internship depends on the organization on which it is conducted.

As representatives of the company contacted

to a young specialist , I will create optimal minds for developing practical skills, “training” in the current specialty, so that after completing my diploma, I will return to the organization as a full-fledged student. The triviality of practice An hour of spending, and also a nuisance different species

practices are designated by the department. The stench pleases the vimogam of new ones lighting standards , in favor of Russian illumination Initial practice, which is organized by a university, institute, academy, may continue to replicate these

initial program

, for which one is involved

lighting process


  • Between the third-party organization on the basis of which it is carried out, a special agreement on the special procedure is established as an initial pledge. Important moments Meta-initial practice has a basic knowledge of the functioning of the enterprise, its everyday structure, management apparatus, legal and organizational form.
  • During the course of their work, the trainee reads the regulations and legal documents required by the management company.
  • During their professional practice, students lose the right to independent activity, which allows them to develop basic professional skills.

Initial internship is represented by three types:

The obvious form is directly based on the numerical excursion of such enterprises as may

Many Russian students try to choose the same direction for their initial and graduate internship, which will be related to the topic of their thesis. For example, if a student at a pedagogical university plans to write a paper based on the specifics of the organization after-hours activities

With the completion of practice, he gives respect to the very first steps.

Any current specialty that respects technical integrity is impossible without consolidating theoretical knowledge with practical activity in production. It is important to identify a qualified engineer who, without having the knowledge, expertise and maintenance of any equipment, will be involved in the workplace. Students have great size different forms knowledge and knowledge.

Purposeful lectures, seminars and practical sessions, panels, round tables and conferences.

Ale too

an important element

Whenever you go through a professional practice, when you go through an apprenticeship, you may be accompanied by a set of written documents.

So, an important element is the practice book, where the student records all the significant moments of work in production.

initial program

In that short hour of being on the job, you will have to cover all the major warehouse jobs in this specialty that you will encounter in your working life.

This is also important because of general practice (management, even if it is a different specialty, is not important).

It develops well with the established form and is not guilty of being overly wide, for which the student is a student, and sometimes a coursework or abstract work, which is often extorted from the walls of the student’s initial mortgage.