Example of the statute of a huge organization. Model statute of a regional (local) community organization. Governing bodies of a large organization

REGISTERED by installation fees ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ "__"___________ 20__ rub. ____________________ 20__ rub. Certificate No. __________ Changes and additional confirmation at the Zagalny gatherings ____________________________ "___"_____________ 20__ Rock Protocol No. ___________. STATUTES OF REGIONAL COMMON ORGANIZATION "____________________________________________________________" p. _______________ I. REGULATIONS 1.1. The community organization "________________________________", hereinafter named "Organization", was created in accordance with the decisions of the regulatory fees "__"___________ 20__ date and registered _____________________________________________ "__"________ 20__ date, certificate No. ______________. 1.2.. The organization is based on independent membership to the huge public, we will create according to the Constitution Russian Federation , the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Community Services”, and other legislative acts. 1.3. The organization is a legal entity under the Russian legislation and is entitled to the rights and obligations assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation for public associations. 1.4. The organization may, in its name, acquire main and non-main rights, bear obligations, which will be consistent with the court, arbitration and arbitration courts, in the area of ​​​​reaching the statutory purposes of these interests, such as current legislation, both in the Russian Federation and there. 1.5. The organization has a completely strengthened independent balance sheet, ruble and foreign exchange balances in banking institutions, and all around its employees. The organization has the right to use its ensign, emblem, pennant and other symbols that facilitate registration of the organization in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 1.6. "________________________" is a voluntary, self-reliant, non-profit, creative community organization, created through the initiative of a group of citizens who came together from a variety of spiritual interests and strong activities for the protection of these common interests and for the implementation of the purposes of this Statute. 1.7. The activities of the Organization are based on the principles of goodwill, equality, self-government and legality. Within the limits established by law, the Organization is free to define its own internal structure, forms and methods of its activities. 1.8. The organization is an interregional community organization. Region of activity – ________________________________. The locality of the permanently active government body (Presidium) is _____________________________________________________. 1.9. Subject to proper legislation, the Organization respects its creation from the moment the decision about its creation is praised. The validity of the Organization as a legal entity depends on its sovereign registration in the established order. 1.10. The activities of the Organization are voice-activated, and information about the installation of software documents is secretly accessible. II. GOALS SET FOR AND DIRECTLY ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS 2.1. The organization was created to combine the creative professional activity of practitioners in the social and cultural sphere, the creation of minds for practical development programs, preserving and reviving the traditions of folk creativity, promoting guidelines for the initiative of self-made collectives and the harmony of their implementation, the advancement of the cultural level of the middle class _________________________________. 2.2. To achieve its activities, the Organization is engaged in: - dividing programs for the development of self-made folk creativity and their practical implementation; - coordination and organization creative activity DIY teams; - Creation of information banks for the development of self-made creativity; - Organization of trips and excursions (including on a paid basis) for members of the Organization and other people in Russia and foreign countries with the method of popularizing self-made folk art, as well as for tourist and other useful purposes. - organization of courses for advanced qualifications and retraining of social and cultural workers in the order established by the legislation on education; - organizational-methodological and advisory-information support for the activities of enterprises, installations, creative organizations, groups, foundations, beneficial organizations for the nutrition of social and cultural work; - Creation of clubs based on interests, formation of musical, choreographic, circus, acting groups, organization of their performances; - organization of exhibitions of folk art in various genres and direct areas; - holding lectures and seminars on current issues of mystical science, development of folk creativity, organization of author’s concerts and meetings with literary and mystical activities; - Organization and coordination of tours of creative teams both in the country and abroad; - Other directions that promote the development of self-made creativity. 2.3. In the interests of achieving statutory goals, the Organization has the right to: - undertake various interests in its own name; - to acquire main and special non-main rights; - freely disseminate information about your activities; - establish the features of mass information and carry out other activities; - in accordance with the procedure established by law, to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and participants, as well as other individuals; - take initiatives from various foods of life, make proposals to organs sovereign power; - to obtain in voluntary ambushes the costs of state-owned organizations, institutions, departments, local self-government bodies, public associations, banks, commercial organizations, foreign powers and other institutions and organizations, as well as other x hulks; - Promote beneficial activity; - conduct beneficial events (including lotteries, concerts, auctions, tours, etc.); - to create government partnerships, partnerships and other government organizations, as well as to create them, intended for the conduct of sovereign activity; - independently determine the procedure, forms of organization and payment of a number of full-time workers and hired facists; - carry out any other activity that is not prohibited by official legislation and is directly aimed at achieving the statutory goals of the Organization. 2.4. "________________________" as a huge organization of goiters is committed to: - adhere to the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal principles and norms international law; - Ensure transparency of your activities; - promptly inform the registration authorities about the continuation of their activities from the designated place of action to find a permanently functioning kernel body, whose name is the data about kernel workers of the Organization in obligation and information that is supplied to the supply authorities; - allow representatives of the body that has registered the Organization to enter what is being carried out by the Organization; - communication with representatives of the body that registered the Organization, aware of the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.5. Failure to submit updated statements for entry to a single sovereign register legal entities For three reasons, the Organization is subject to sanctions imposed by law. III. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATIONS. PARTICIPANTS OF ORGANIZATIONS 3.1. Members of the Organization can be: - citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age, foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship who share the goals of the Organization, who recognize the Statute, who have paid the entrance fee , regularly pay membership fees and take a special part from the work of the Organization; - Community associations, including legal entities, have determined solidarity with the goals and objectives of the Organization, which recognize the Statute, have paid the entrance fee, regularly pay membership fees and cooperate with the activities of the Organization prices, including the way to finance the approaches that are being carried out. 3.2.. Individuals are accepted as members of the Organization on the basis of a special application, general associations on the basis of an application with the addition of a specific decision of their core bodies. 3.3. The acceptance and removal of members of the Organization is carried out by the Presidium by a simple majority of votes in the total number of members of the Presidium. 3.4. The Presidency is in charge of the membership of the Organization. The basis for inclusion and exclusion from the list of members of the Organization is the relevant decisions of the Presidium, as well as statements of members of the Organization about leaving the Organization. 3.5. Members of the Organization have the right to: - benefit from the support, protection and assistance of the Organization; - take part in the elections of the key and control bodies of the Organization and will be elected from them; - take part in the visits that are carried out by the Organization; - make proposals for the activities of the Organization and take part in their agreed upon implementation; - represent the interests of the Organization in government and other bodies, as well as in collaboration with other organizations and citizens delegated by their elected bodies; - collect information about the activities of the Organization; - freely withdraw from the membership of the Organization upon filing an application. 3.6. Members of the Organization are obliged to: - comply with the Statute of the Organization; - take part in the activities of the Organization; - Pay your membership fees promptly; - Conclude decisions of key organs of the Organization; - accept your activity and increase the effectiveness of the work of the Organization; - do not carry out actions that violate the Statute of the Organization, the ethics of friendly mutualism, as well as actions that cause moral or material harm to the Organization, strive for activities that are consistent with the goals and objectives, Let's voice the Organization. 3.7. A member of the Organization accepts his membership in the Organization by submitting an application to the Presidium of the Organization. Before the application of a member of the Organization, which is a legal entity, it is also necessary to make a specific decision to the relevant authority of that legal entity. 3.8. A member of the Organization is respected as having joined it from the moment of submitting an application. 3.9. Members of the Organization may be expelled for non-payment of membership fees, for activities that are contrary to the goals and objectives of the Organization, as well as for actions that discredit the Organization, which affects its moral integrity. other harm. 3.10. The guilty members of the Organization will be elected to the Presidency by a simple majority of votes out of the total number of votes that the members of the Presidency have. Decisions about switching off may be invalidated before the Gala collections, decisions that are made from the assigned food and the remainder. 3.11. Members of the Organization can see the confirmation of a member of the Organization. The form of confirmation is confirmed by the Presidium of IY. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT BODIES 4.1. The main core body of the Organization is the secret gatherings of members “________________________________”, which meet at least once per river. The following meetings may be held by no less than 1/3 of the members, the Auditing Committee or the Presidium. Members and participants of the Organization are personally notified about the call for the Zagalny gatherings no later than 15 days before the date of the Zagalny gatherings. 4.2. External assemblies of the Organization: - recruit the President and Vice-President of the Organization, members of the Presidium, the Audit Commission (Auditor) from the number indicated by the External assemblies, in a row for two years; - hears and confirms the reports of the Presidium and the Audit Commission (Auditor); - confirms the Statute of the Organization, as well as changes to the new one; - makes decisions about the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization; - indicates the dimensions of the front and front edges; - indicates the size of the vineyard for members of the Presidium and the Audit Commission; - means that it confirms the main directions of activity of the Organization and others most important nutrition , Posted for review. 4.3. Meetings are valid if more than half of the members of the Organization are present at them. Decisions are taken based on critical votes. Elections of the key bodies of the Organization are carried out by voting by a simple majority of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the elections. 4.4. Subject to a quorum, the meeting may be postponed for up to 15 days. Repeated meetings are eligible if at least 1/3 of the members of the Organization are present. Since less than half of the members of the Organization are present at the repeated Zagalny gatherings, the gathering has the right to decide whether it is based on its competence, based on the approval of the Statute, to add changes to the previous one, and also to make a decision about the reorganization Ization and liquidation of the Organization. 4.5. Resolutions on the approval of the Statute, amendment and addition to the new one, on the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization are accepted by a qualified majority of votes (75%) based on the number of votes that may be present in the Republic of Uzbekistan elections of members of the Organization. In other cases, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. 4.6. During the period between the Global elections, the permanent official body of the Organization and the Presidium. The Presidium includes the President, Vice-President and members of the Presidium. The President is in charge of the Presidium. 4.7. The Presidium of the Organization: - accepts and excludes members of the Organization; - registers the participants of the Organization and includes participants from the lists of participants; - maintain lists of members and participants of the Organization; - there is control over the victorious decisions of the Foreign Assemblies; - examines and confirms the costs of the Organization; - preparing food for discussion at the Organization's gatherings; - makes decisions in accordance with the activities of the Organization; - makes decisions on the establishment of government organizations, commercial and other enterprises to ensure the implementation of the stated goals of the Organization, confirms their installation documents; - makes decisions about the participation and forms of participation in the activities of other community organizations; - the main focus is on the acquisition of shares (shares) of government partnerships, as well as on sleeping with other persons of the enterprise and organization; - establishes the size and procedure for making membership and entry fees; - promptly informs the body that registers the public association about the continuation of its activities from the designated location of the Presidium of the Organization and information about the leaders of the Organization in general information required by law; - considers other nutritional requirements that do not fall within the purview of the Organization’s secret gatherings. 4.8. Meetings of the Presidency are held as necessary, but not more than once per quarter. The meetings are respected by the authorities for the participation in them of more than half of the total number of members of the Presidium. The Secretary of the Presidium personally informs all members of the Presidium about the date of the meeting of the Presidium and the order of the day. Decisions are taken by unanimous vote of the majority of the members of the Presidency present at the meeting. The meeting of the Presidium is chaired by the President of the Organization, and in his capacity - by the Vice-President or one of the members of the Presidium. 4.9. The minutes of the meeting of the Presidium are kept by the Secretary, who receives information from the members of the Presidium. If necessary, the functions of the Secretary can be taken over by any member of the Presidium. 4.10.President of the Organization: - supports the activities of the Presidium of the Organization, signs the decisions taken by the Presidium; - during the period between the meetings of the Presidium, the daily activities of the Organization are maintained, while taking operational decisions to support the daily activities of the Organization; - signs the installation documents of the government partnerships created by the Organization, as well as documents on the creation and activities of the department; - without a power of attorney, represents the Organization in relations with sovereign, civil, religious and other organizations in the Russian Federation and beyond the border; - manages the Organization's mine; - the current recruitment of full-time employees, including the chief accountant; - wants full-time police officers for active work, imposes restrictions on them according to the procedure established by law; - makes decisions about the addition of valuable papers (besides promotions); - hardens the structure standard layout the staff of the Organization and establishes a fund for paying all full-time workers of the Organization within the sums that are approved by the Presidium; - Other functions are available. 4.11. The President of the Organization issues the punishments and orders. 4.12. The President of the Organization has the right to sign bank documents. 4.13. The Vice-President decides to work directly in accordance with the division of duties, which is confirmed by the Presidency. The President is responsible for his functions. The President is respected every day because he cannot retire from his obligations in health or through his stay at the hospital, who are also stressed out. Decisions regarding the imposition of obligations of the President on the Vice-President are formalized in accordance with the orders of the President and the decisions of the Presidency. In the event of the impossibility of such an order being passed by designated bodies, the Vice-President has the right to independently praise the decision to accept the obligations of the President for the hour of his absence. 4.14. The President, Vice-President and members of the Presidium sign their bonds free of charge or for material payment to the city. The size of the wine town is determined by the gatherings. 4.15. The Audit Committee of the Organization (Auditor) is elected for two positions. The Kalkis warehouse of the Audit Commission means underground collections. Audit Commission (Auditor): - conduct an audit of the financial and government activities of the Board of Directors, the President, the leadership and department; - organizes a review of the financial and government activities of the Organization at least once per year; - whenever necessary, it is necessary to perform audits by auditing organizations. 4.16. Members of the Audit Commission can take part in the meetings of the Presidium with the right to vote. 4.17. Members of the Audit Commission (Auditor) cannot enter the Presidium warehouse royal bodies Organizations. Y. MAIN AND FINANCIAL-GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITY 5.1. The organization may have power, housing funds, land plots, transport, possession, inventory, costs, shares, other valuable papers Otherwise, it is necessary to provide material security for the statutory activities of the Organization. 5.2. The authorities of the Organization may also control the installation, production, distribution of mass information, the creation and collection of funds for the Organization's assets, in accordance with its statutory purposes. 5.3. The organization stands behind its obligations in all respects that lie with it, so that strictures may be subject to strict legislation. Members of the Organization do not represent the duties of the Organization, just as the Organization does not represent the duties of the members of the Organization. 5.4. In this way, the formation of the Organization's main area includes: - voluntary donations, benefits and sponsorships from communities and legal entities; - entry and membership fees; - Bank loans; - restoration of the foundations of the Organization of government organizations; - attention to the activities that are carried out by the Organization, including cultural, cultural, sporting, etc. - Income from government activities; - Income from external economic activities; - search for other resources that are not protected by proper legislation. 5.5. The organization does not intend to take away profits; income from entrepreneurial activity Organizations comply directly with the statutory provisions of the Organization and do not promote redistribution between members of the Organization. 5.6. Members of the Organization do not claim ownership of the part of the mine that belongs to the Organization. YI. PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING THE ACTIVITIES OF AN ORGANIZATION 6.1. The activities of the Organization are subject to the process of reorganization (merger, acquisition, etc.) and liquidation. Reorganization of the Organization is based on the decisions of the Global Assembly with a qualified (75%) majority of votes. The liquidation of the Organization is based on the decisions of the Foreign Assemblies in accordance with this Statute, as well as on the decisions of the court. 6.2. To liquidate the Organization, the liquidation commission is used as a fundraiser, which forms the liquidation balance. Only the funds of the Organization that were lost after the implementation of its activities and the development of the budget, the employees of the Organization, banks and other creditors, are spent for the purposes of transferring this Statute, and do not contribute to the distribution or between members of the Organization. 6.3. Documents from a special warehouse are transferred to the State of Safeguarding within the time of liquidation of the Organization. 6.4. Decisions on the liquidation of the Organization are sent to the body that registered the Organization to include it in the unified state register of legal entities.

“U T V E R J D E N”

1. Foreign regulations

1.1. The Moscow Community Organization "SPIVDIYA" (hereinafter referred to as the "Community Organization") is a community organization created by citizens to protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members, as well as the community for harmony in business activities directly aimed at achieving the goals set sim Statute.

1.2. The general organization operates its activities in accordance with the strict legislation of the Russian Federation and its Statute.

1.3. The community organization operates without state registration and without the rights of a legal entity. The secret gatherings of members of the Community Organization may at any time praise the decision about the state registration of the Community Organization.

1.4. A community organization has the right to have its own seals, stamps, letterheads, symbols, official emblems and other forms of visual identification.

1.5. The place of origin of the Community Organization is Moscow.

1.6. Activity community organization Based on the principles of goodwill, equality, self-government and legality. A community organization is free to define its own internal structure, forms and methods of its activities and management.

2. Legal status of the community organization

2.1. The community organization has the right:

  • 2.1.1. freely disclose information about your activities;
  • 2.1.2. take part in the elected decisions of the authorities of the sovereign power and organs miscevogo self-direction;
  • 2.1.3. conduct assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets, and other large-scale gatherings, as well as hold conferences, seminars and other organizational-massive gatherings;
  • 2.1.4. establish the functions of mass information and carry out other activities;
  • 2.1.5. represent and protect their rights, legitimate interests of their members and participants, as well as other citizens in the authorities of the state, bodies of local self-government, community associations, courts, in all institutions, enterprises and organizations in all forms of power;
  • 2.1.6. maintain a renewed commitment to the transfer of laws on civil society;
  • 2.1.7. take initiatives from various sources of life, make proposals to the authorities;
  • 2.1.8. take part in election campaigns federal laws and the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation on elections.

2.2. A community organization has the right to join other community organizations, groups, associations, as well as create its own branches and representatives on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. Territorial divisions are subject to official legislation.

2.3. A community organization may engage in supportive activities to achieve statutory goals. Entrepreneurial activities are carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the introduction into force of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation Siysk Federation.

2.4. p align="justify"> A community organization can create government partnerships, partnerships and other government organizations, as well as may also be created for the purpose of carrying out entrepreneurial activities.

2.5. Submissions from the activities of the Community Organization to state, civil and other bodies are not allowed.

2.6. The community organization will ensure the rights of its members to privacy of private life, especially family prison; as well as a secret collection of listings, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other notifications that became known to the Community Organization as a result of its activities.

2.7. The community organization represents the interests of its members and their current protection on the basis of authority from the members of the community organization and the protocols of the Board meetings, and, if necessary, powers of attorney of the type There are these members.

3.   Activity of a huge organization

3.1. The community organization has scrupulous goals, aimed at:

  • expansion of ideas of mutual assistance and support;
  • popularization of beneficial activities;
  • increased legal knowledge;
  • harmonization of reduced mutual relations between government authorities and communities;
  • advancement of social diversity of communities;
  • formation of a strong community position;
  • protection and protection of human rights and freedoms;
  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens;
  • legal support of physical and legal aspects;
  • protecting your interests in the federal level;
  • legislative initiatives;
  • participation in the development of bills and regulations, the implementation of federal and regional government programs;
  • preparation and implementation of innovative projects, programs within the framework of the goals and objectives of the large organization;
  • organization of international contacts;
  • information support to members of the organization;
  • exchange of information and information between members of the organization.

3.2. Types of activities of the Community Organization:

  • Prosvitnitska. Promoting the idea of ​​mutual assistance, informing communities about their rights, popularizing benevolence. Information activity in the sphere of electronic, other means of mass information and other possible information measures, installation of mass information facilities. Creation of power facilities. Conducting conferences, seminars.
  • Defender of rights and freedom of people and citizens. Organization of legal consultations. Representation in courts, other organizations and institutions of all forms of power of members of a community organization, members of their families, as well as other communities in cases of their destruction constitutional rights and legitimate interests.
  • Confidential information related to violations of the rights and legitimate interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation in the sphere of interests of the Community Organization is consistent with its statutory purposes and instructions.
  • Support and modern approaches aimed at protecting the integrity of individuality, moral and ethical principles of marriage, cultural and historical traditions, the protection of health, constitutional rights and freedoms of people.
  • Consistent development and implementation of social, cultural, environmental, protective, environmental projects, programs, and other approaches aimed at developing harmonious characteristics, as well as protecting the protection of moral, spiritual, mental health good health of people.
  • Conducting sociological surveys, large-scale examinations by members of the Community Organization and obtained representatives.
  • International contacts Interaction with friendly foreign organizations. Participation in international calls.
  • Beneficial activity, obtaining voluntary donations for the purpose of the activities of the Community Organization, as well as communities who require this or other assistance and/or material support.
  • Other activities that are not prohibited by law are directly related to the implementation of the goals of the Community Organization.

3.3. The Main Community Organization is being created for the following reason:

  • voluntary contributions, sacrifices of citizens and organizations;
  • availability of lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events that are held;
  • income from the entrepreneurial activities of members of the Community Organization;
  • civil law issues;
  • external economic activity of the Community Organization;
  • others, not protected by law.

4. Membership. Procedure for obtaining and losing membership. Participants

4.1. Members of the Community Organization can be physical individuals, which reached 18 years, those legal entities (huge associations).

4.2. Reception from members of the Community Organization is carried out by the Board on the basis of the candidate’s application.

4.3. The Board has the right to influence the candidate’s application.

4.4. The rights of a member of the Community Organization cannot be transferred to third parties without the permission of the Board of the Community Organization.

4.5. The resignation of a member from the Community Organization is determined either by voluntary withdrawal or by subsequent expulsion from the membership.

4.6. The withdrawal of a member from the Community Organization is subject to submission of an application to the Board of the Community Organization.

4.7. A member of the Gromadskoe organization, who systematically does not resign or inappropriately resigns his obligations, or has violated his obligations to the Gromadskoe organization, and also goes beyond his actions or inaction normal work of the Community Organization or discredits it with its behavior, there may be exclusions from she is behind the decisions of the governing organization.

4.8. The periodic contributions of members of the Community Organization, as well as other assets transferred by them to the Community Organization, will not be returned.

4.9. Participants in a community association can be either individuals or legal entities - a community association who have chosen to support the goals of this association and (or) specific actions that take part in it activities without compulsory registration of the minds of their participants.

4.10. Participants in the community association – individuals and legal entities – have equal rights and bear equal obligations.

5. Rights and obligations of members

5.1. Members of the Community Organization – individuals and representatives of legal entities – have the right:

  • 5.1.1. contact the governing bodies of the Community Organization and the territorial branch;
  • 5.1.2. take part in the Zagalnye assemblies of the Community Organization and vote for the daily meal;
  • 5.1.3. to exclude the services of the Community Organization from the protection of their rights and legitimate interests;
  • 5.1.4. come to the attention of the authorities from the Community Organization;
  • 5.1.5. make proposals before the day of the Gathering of members of the Community Organization;
  • 5.1.6. to reach the core organs of the Community Organization with any food related to its activity.

5.2. Members of the Community Organization of Zobs'Yazans:

  • 5.2.1. comply with the provisions of this Statute;
  • 5.2.2. take your part in the activities of the Community Organization and its territorial branches;
  • 5.2.3. promptly pay membership fees, the amount and payment procedure for which are determined by the General Assembly of members of the Community Organization;
  • 5.2.4. provide information necessary for the development of nutrition related to the activities of the Community Organization;
  • 5.2.5. Do not disclose confidential information to the Community Organization.

6. Governing bodies of a large organization

6.1. The main governing body of the Community Organization is the secret gathering of members of the Community Organization.

6.2. The secret collections are collected from the warehouse of their members, the heads of the collections, the chief collection officer, and the secretary.

6.3. The competence of the Zagalnyh collections should include the following steps:

  • 6.3.1. making changes and additions to the Statute of the Community Organization;
  • 6.3.2. identification of priority directions of activity of the Community Organization, principles of formation and development;
  • 6.3.3. protection of members of the Board of the Community Organization;
  • 6.3.4. reorganization and liquidation of the Community Organization;
  • 6.3.5. the current audit commission at the time of the state registration of the community organization;
  • 6.3.6. making decisions about the creation, reorganization, liquidation of divisions, branches, representatives of the Community Organization;
  • 6.3.7. the value and order of payment of membership fees;
  • 6.3.8. the highest levels of other food transferred to the highest levels of the Board of Directors.

6.4. The secret gatherings of members of the Community Organization involve the Board members, the Head of the Board and members of the Board.

6.5. The secret meetings of a large organization are competent, since more than half of its members are represented at them. The decisions of the Zagalnyh assemblies are made by a simple majority of votes. Resolutions may be adopted in both the open and late votes, including the most important proposals for making changes and additions to the Statute.

  • 6.5.1. The decisions of the Zagalny elections may be praised by the way of conducting absentee voting (optualny way). Such voting can be carried out by exchanging documents via postal, telegraphic, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communication, which will ensure the authenticity of information that is transmitted and received, and their documentary evidence.
  • The terms of holding the elections for absentee voting by voters are established in such a way that members of the organization who take part in the voting are unlikely to become aware of the additional information s food supplied for voting.

6.6. Chergovi Zagalny gatherings meet at least once every two years.

6.7. Pozachergovi Zagalnye collections are called for necessities.

6.8. The Community Organization is creating a permanently functioning collegial body - the Board, which consists of at least three individuals and is decided by the Head of the Board. Members of the Board of Directors gather in secret gatherings.

6.9. The government's current secret activity in the activities of the Community Organization during the period between the parliamentary elections.

6.10. The meeting of the Board is organized by the Head, who signs all documents in the name of the Community Organization, minutes of the meeting and decisions of the Board.

6.11. Board of the Community Organization:

  • makes decisions about the holding of secret gatherings of members of the Community Organization, determines the order of the day, and ensures the final decision of the secret gatherings;
  • is firmly established whole programs that means financing;
  • adopts regulations on the Audit Commission;
  • makes decisions about the creation, reorganization, liquidation of departments, subsidiaries, representatives of the Community Organization, confirms regulations about them;
  • makes decisions regarding the participation of the Community Organization in other associations;
  • robs the Head;
  • Mostly other nutrition is related to the ongoing activities of the Community Organization, including financial ones.
  • 6.11.1. Meetings of the Board of the Community Organization are held whenever necessary, and not more than once every three months. Decisions are made based on the majority of votes. The minutes of the Board meeting are signed by the Head and all members of the Board.

6.12. The head of the Board, without power of attorney, acts in the name of the Community Organization, the current operational level of the activities of the Community Organization, in support of the Board, organizing the final decision for gallih gatherings and the Governing Body of the Community Organization, represents the Community Organization among the state, legislative and parliamentary bodies, with youth, national, etc. powers of attorney, signs financial and government documents, establishes legal rights in the name of the community organization.

6.13. The head is turned around by the simple majority of votes, and the open votes will influence their renewed importance on on a permanent basis until the moment of calling for the official duties and decisions of the Zagalnyh assemblies. In case of impossibility or impossibility, the Head of their duties is obliged to renew their duties to the Board of Directors until the gathering of the ceremonial fees for one of the members of the Board of Directors.

6.14. The head is responsible for the parliamentary elections and the Government, and is responsible to the Community Organization for the results and legality of its activities.

6.15. Once a community organization is registered as a legal entity, an audit committee is created within the community. Regulations on the audit committee are accepted by the governing body of the community organization.

7. Territorial branches, branches and representative offices

7.1. The Community Association may include branches, branches and representations, the activities of which are subject to the Statute and Regulations that are confirmed by the Government.

8. International connections

8.1. A community organization can join international community associations, acquire rights and bear obligations that reflect the status of these international community associations, encourage direct international contacts and communications It’s hard to settle the land with foreign non-commercial disorderly associations.

8.2. A community organization can establish its branches or branches and representations in foreign powers on the basis of the fundamental principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of these powers .

9. Symbols of the huge organization

9.1. The community organization has official symbols, emblems, signets, stamps, and letterheads.

10. Implementation of activities of a large organization

10.1. The activities of the Community Organization can follow the decisions of the Foreign Assemblies through the necessity of further activity of the Community Organization or from other parts of the This is consistent with official legislation.

REGISTERED by installation fees ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ "__"___________ 20__ rub. ____________________ 20__ rub. Certificate No. __________ Changes and additional confirmation at the Zagalny gatherings ____________________________ "___"_____________ 20__ Rock Protocol No. ___________. STATUTES OF REGIONAL COMMON ORGANIZATION "____________________________________________________________" p. _______________ I. REGULATIONS 1.1. The community organization "________________________________", hereinafter named "Organization", was created in accordance with the decisions of the regulatory fees "__"___________ 20__ date and registered _____________________________________________ "__"________ 20__ date, certificate No. ______________. 1.2.. The organization is based on the membership of independent civil associations, created in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Community Associations", etc. legislative acts. 1.3. The organization is a legal entity under the Russian legislation and is entitled to the rights and obligations assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation for public associations. 1.4. The organization may, in its name, acquire main and non-main rights, bear obligations, which will be consistent with the court, arbitration and arbitration courts, in the area of ​​​​reaching the statutory purposes of these interests, such as current legislation, both in the Russian Federation and there. 1.5. The organization has a completely strengthened independent balance sheet, ruble and foreign exchange balances in banking institutions, and all around its employees. The organization has the right to use its ensign, emblem, pennant and other symbols that facilitate registration of the organization in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 1.6. "________________________" is a voluntary, self-reliant, non-profit, creative community organization, created through the initiative of a group of citizens who came together from a variety of spiritual interests and strong activities for the protection of these common interests and for the implementation of the purposes of this Statute. 1.7. The activities of the Organization are based on the principles of goodwill, equality, self-government and legality. Within the limits established by law, the Organization is free to define its own internal structure, forms and methods of its activities. 1.8. The organization is an interregional community organization. Region of activity – ________________________________. The locality of the permanently active government body (Presidium) is _____________________________________________________. 1.9. Subject to proper legislation, the Organization respects its creation from the moment the decision about its creation is praised. The validity of the Organization as a legal entity depends on its sovereign registration in the established order. 1.10. The activities of the Organization are voice-activated, and information about the installation of software documents is secretly accessible. II. GOALS SET FOR AND DIRECTLY ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS 2.1. The organization was created to combine the creative professional activity of practitioners in the social and cultural sphere, the creation of minds for practical development programs, preserving and reviving the traditions of folk creativity, promoting guidelines for the initiative of self-made collectives and the harmony of their implementation, the advancement of the cultural level of the middle class _________________________________. 2.2. To achieve its activities, the Organization is engaged in: - dividing programs for the development of self-made folk creativity and their practical implementation; - coordination and organization of creative activities of independent teams; - Creation of information banks for the development of self-made creativity; - Organization of trips and excursions (including on a paid basis) for members of the Organization and other people in Russia and foreign countries with the method of popularizing self-made folk art, as well as for tourist and other useful purposes. - organization of courses for advanced qualifications and retraining of social and cultural workers in the order established by the legislation on education; - organizational-methodological and advisory-information support for the activities of enterprises, installations, creative organizations, groups, foundations, beneficial organizations for the nutrition of social and cultural work; - Creation of clubs based on interests, formation of musical, choreographic, circus, acting groups, organization of their performances; - organization of exhibitions of folk art in various genres and direct areas; - holding lectures and seminars on current issues of mystical science, development of folk creativity, organization of author’s concerts and meetings with literary and mystical activities; - Organization and coordination of tours of creative teams both in the country and abroad; - Other directions that promote the development of self-made creativity. 2.3. In the interests of achieving statutory goals, the Organization has the right to: - undertake various interests in its own name; - to acquire main and special non-main rights; - freely disseminate information about your activities; - establish the features of mass information and carry out other activities; - in accordance with the procedure established by law, to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and participants, as well as other individuals; - take initiatives from various sources of life, make proposals to government authorities; - to obtain in voluntary ambushes the costs of state-owned organizations, institutions, departments, local self-government bodies, public associations, banks, commercial organizations, foreign powers and other institutions and organizations, as well as other x hulks; - Promote beneficial activity; - conduct beneficial events (including lotteries, concerts, auctions, tours, etc.); - to create government partnerships, partnerships and other government organizations, as well as to create ones intended for the conduct of government activities; - independently determine the procedure, forms of organization and payment of a number of full-time workers and hired facists; - carry out any other activity that is not prohibited by official legislation and is directly aimed at achieving the statutory goals of the Organization. 2.4. “________________________” as a huge organization of goiters is committed to: - complying with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legal principles and norms of international law; - Ensure transparency of your activities; - promptly inform the registration authorities about the continuation of their activities from the designated place of action to find a permanently functioning kernel body, whose name is the data about kernel workers of the Organization in obligation and information that is supplied to the supply authorities; - allow representatives of the body that has registered the Organization to enter what is being carried out by the Organization; - communication with representatives of the body that registered the Organization, aware of the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.5. Failure to submit updated records for inclusion in the unified state register of legal entities for three years entails the stagnation of sanctions imposed by law before the Organization. III. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATIONS. PARTICIPANTS OF ORGANIZATIONS 3.1. Members of the Organization can be: - citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age, foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship who share the goals of the Organization, who recognize the Statute, who have paid the entrance fee , regularly pay membership fees and take a special part from the work of the Organization; - Community associations, including legal entities, have determined solidarity with the goals and objectives of the Organization, which recognize the Statute, have paid the entrance fee, regularly pay membership fees and cooperate with the activities of the Organization prices, including the way to finance the approaches that are being carried out. 3.2.. Individuals are accepted as members of the Organization on the basis of a special application, general associations on the basis of an application with the addition of a specific decision of their core bodies. 3.3. The acceptance and removal of members of the Organization is carried out by the Presidium by a simple majority of votes in the total number of members of the Presidium. 3.4. The Presidency is in charge of the membership of the Organization. The basis for inclusion and exclusion from the list of members of the Organization is the relevant decisions of the Presidium, as well as statements of members of the Organization about leaving the Organization. 3.5. Members of the Organization have the right to: - benefit from the support, protection and assistance of the Organization; - take part in the elections of the key and control bodies of the Organization and will be elected from them; - take part in the visits that are carried out by the Organization; - make proposals for the activities of the Organization and take part in their agreed upon implementation; - represent the interests of the Organization in government and other bodies, as well as in collaboration with other organizations and citizens delegated by their elected bodies; - collect information about the activities of the Organization; - freely withdraw from the membership of the Organization upon filing an application. 3.6. Members of the Organization are obliged to: - comply with the Statute of the Organization; - take part in the activities of the Organization; - Pay your membership fees promptly; - Conclude decisions of key organs of the Organization; - accept your activity and increase the effectiveness of the work of the Organization; - do not carry out actions that violate the Statute of the Organization, the ethics of friendly mutualism, as well as actions that cause moral or material harm to the Organization, strive for activities that are consistent with the goals and objectives, Let's voice the Organization. 3. 7. A member of the Organization acknowledges his membership in the Organization by submitting an application to the Presidium of the Organization. Before the application of a member of the Organization, which is a legal entity, it is also necessary to make a specific decision to the relevant authority of that legal entity. 3.8. A member of the Organization is respected as having joined it from the moment of submitting an application. 3.9. Members of the Organization may be expelled for non-payment of membership fees, for activities that are contrary to the goals and objectives of the Organization, as well as for actions that discredit the Organization, which affects its moral integrity. other harm. 3.10. The guilty members of the Organization will be elected to the Presidency by a simple majority of votes out of the total number of votes that the members of the Presidency have. Decisions about switching off may be invalidated before the Gala collections, decisions that are made from the assigned food and the remainder. 3.11. Members of the Organization can see the confirmation of a member of the Organization. The form of confirmation is confirmed by the Presidium of IY. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT BODIES 4.1. The main core body of the Organization is the secret gatherings of members “________________________________”, which meet at least once per river. The following meetings may be held by no less than 1/3 of the members, the Auditing Committee or the Presidium. Members and participants of the Organization are personally notified about the call for the Zagalny gatherings no later than 15 days before the date of the Zagalny gatherings. 4.2. External assemblies of the Organization: - recruit the President and Vice-President of the Organization, members of the Presidium, the Audit Commission (Auditor) from the number indicated by the External assemblies, in a row for two years; - hears and confirms the reports of the Presidium and the Audit Commission (Auditor); - confirms the Statute of the Organization, as well as changes to the new one; - makes decisions about the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization; - indicates the dimensions of the front and front edges; - indicates the size of the vineyard for members of the Presidium and the Audit Commission; - this means that it confirms the main directions of the Organization’s activities and other important food items that are laid down for review. 4.3. Meetings are valid if more than half of the members of the Organization are present at them. Decisions are taken based on critical votes. Elections of the key bodies of the Organization are carried out by voting by a simple majority of the votes of the members of the Organization present at the elections. 4. 4. Subject to the presence of a quorum, external meetings may be postponed for up to 15 days. Repeated meetings are eligible if at least 1/3 of the members of the Organization are present. Since less than half of the members of the Organization are present at the repeated Zagalny gatherings, the gathering has the right to decide whether it is based on its competence, based on the approval of the Statute, to add changes to the previous one, and also to make a decision about the reorganization Ization and liquidation of the Organization. 4.5. Resolutions on the approval of the Statute, amendment and addition to the new one, on the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization are accepted by a qualified majority of votes (75%) based on the number of votes that may be present in the Republic of Uzbekistan elections of members of the Organization. In other cases, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. 4.6. During the period between the Global elections, the permanent official body of the Organization and the Presidium. The Presidium includes the President, Vice-President and members of the Presidium. The President is in charge of the Presidium. 4.7. The Presidium of the Organization: - accepts and excludes members of the Organization; - registers participants of the Organization and includes participants from the list of participants; - maintain lists of members and participants of the Organization; - there is control over the victorious decisions of the Foreign Assemblies; - examines and confirms the costs of the Organization; - preparing food for discussion at the Organization's gatherings; - makes decisions to the fullest extent of the Organization; - makes decisions on the establishment of government organizations, commercial and other enterprises to ensure the implementation of the stated goals of the Organization, confirms their installation documents; - makes decisions about the participation and forms of participation in the activities of other community organizations; - the main focus is on the acquisition of shares (shares) of government partnerships, as well as on sleeping with other persons of the enterprise and organization; - establishes the size and procedure for making membership and entry fees; - promptly informs the body that registers the public association about the continuation of its activities from the designated location of the Presidium of the Organization and information about the leaders of the Organization in general information required by law; - considers other food items that do not fall within the purview of the Organization’s secret gatherings. 4.8. Meetings of the Presidency are held as necessary, but not more than once per quarter. The meetings are respected by the authorities for the participation in them of more than half of the total number of members of the Presidium. The Secretary of the Presidium personally informs all members of the Presidium about the date of the meeting of the Presidium and the order of the day. Decisions are taken by unanimous vote of the majority of the members of the Presidency present at the meeting. The meeting of the Presidium is chaired by the President of the Organization, and in his capacity - by the Vice-President or one of the members of the Presidium. 4.9. The minutes of the meeting of the Presidium are kept by the Secretary, who receives information from the members of the Presidium. If necessary, the functions of the Secretary can be taken over by any member of the Presidium. 4.10.President of the Organization: - supports the activities of the Presidium of the Organization, signs the decisions taken by the Presidium; - during the period between the meetings of the Presidium, the daily activities of the Organization are maintained, while taking operational decisions to support the daily activities of the Organization; - signs the installation documents of the government partnerships created by the Organization, as well as documents on the creation and activities of the department; - without a power of attorney, represents the Organization in relations with sovereign, civil, religious and other organizations in the Russian Federation and beyond the border; - manages the Organization's mine; - the current recruitment of full-time employees, including the chief accountant; - wants full-time police officers for active work, imposes restrictions on them according to the procedure established by law; - makes decisions about the addition of valuable papers (besides promotions); - confirms the structure and staff list for the Organization’s apparatus and establishes a fund for paying all full-time employees of the Organization within the sums that are confirmed by the Presidium; - Other functions are available. 4.11. The President of the Organization issues the punishments and orders. 4.12. The President of the Organization has the right to sign bank documents. 4.13. The Vice-President decides to work directly in accordance with the division of duties, which is confirmed by the Presidency. The President is responsible for his functions. The President is respected every day because he cannot retire from his obligations in health or through his stay at the hospital, who are also stressed out. Decisions regarding the imposition of obligations of the President on the Vice-President are formalized in accordance with the orders of the President and the decisions of the Presidency. In the event of the impossibility of such an order being passed by designated bodies, the Vice-President has the right to independently praise the decision to accept the obligations of the President for the hour of his absence. 4.14. The President, Vice-President and members of the Presidium sign their bonds free of charge or for material payment to the city. The size of the wine town is determined by the gatherings. 4.15. The Audit Committee of the Organization (Auditor) is elected for two positions. The Kalkis warehouse of the Audit Commission means underground collections. Audit Commission (Auditor): - conduct an audit of the financial and government activities of the Board of Directors, the President, the leadership and department; - organizes a review of the financial and government activities of the Organization at least once per year; - whenever necessary, it is necessary to perform audits by auditing organizations. 4.16. Members of the Audit Commission can take part in the meetings of the Presidium with the right to vote. 4.17. Members of the Audit Commission (Auditor) cannot enter the warehouse of the Presidium and the final bodies of the Organization. Y. MAIN AND FINANCIAL-GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITY 5.1. The organization can obtain from power buildings, buildings, housing stock, land plots, transport, possessions, inventory, money, shares, other valuable papers and other things, necessary for material security by statute and the activities of the Organization. 5.2. The authorities of the Organization may also control the installation, production, distribution of mass information, the creation and collection of funds for the Organization's assets, in accordance with its statutory purposes. 5.3. The organization stands behind its obligations in all respects that lie with it, so that strictures may be subject to strict legislation. Members of the Organization do not represent the duties of the Organization, just as the Organization does not represent the duties of the members of the Organization. 5.4. In this way, the formation of the Organization's main area includes: - voluntary donations, benefits and sponsorships from communities and legal entities; - entry and membership fees; - Bank loans; - restoration of the foundations of the Organization of government organizations; - attention to the activities that are carried out by the Organization, including cultural, cultural, sporting, etc. - Income from government activities; - Income from external economic activities; - search for other resources that are not protected by proper legislation. 5.5. The organization does not intend to take away profits; Income from the entrepreneurial activities of the Organization is directly allocated to the achievement of the statutory tasks of the Organization and does not contribute to redistribution between members of the Organization. 5.6. Members of the Organization do not claim ownership of the part of the mine that belongs to the Organization. YI. PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING THE ACTIVITIES OF AN ORGANIZATION 6.1. The activities of the Organization are subject to the process of reorganization (merger, acquisition, etc.) and liquidation. Reorganization of the Organization is based on the decisions of the Global Assembly with a qualified (75%) majority of votes. The liquidation of the Organization is based on the decisions of the Foreign Assemblies in accordance with this Statute, as well as on the decisions of the court. 6.2. To liquidate the Organization, the liquidation commission is used as a fundraiser, which forms the liquidation balance. Only the funds of the Organization that were lost after the implementation of its activities and the development of the budget, the employees of the Organization, banks and other creditors, are spent for the purposes of transferring this Statute, and do not contribute to the distribution or between members of the Organization. 6.3. Documents from a special warehouse are transferred to the State of Safeguarding within the time of liquidation of the Organization. 6.4. Decisions on the liquidation of the Organization are sent to the body that registered the Organization to include it in the unified state register of legal entities.


decisions of the leaders of the Community Organization

"Zakhisniki of Orthodox Christians

Name of Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy

Protocol No. 1 dated 09.09.2009






2009 r.


1.1. The Community Organization of the “Reserve of Orthodox Christians named after the Holy Prince Demetrius of Donskoy” (hereinafter referred to as the “City Organization”) and the community associations created by the community for the development and value of Orthodox culture this tradition, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members, as well as to encourage members to carry out activities aimed at achieving the goals conveyed by this Statute.

1.2. The general organization operates its activities in accordance with the strict legislation of the Russian Federation and its Statute.

1.3. A community organization has the right to have its own seals, stamps, letterheads, symbols, official emblems and other forms of visual identification.

1.4. The locality of the Community Organization is Moscow, the locality of the permanently active body - Board: 125080, metro Moscow, Volokolamsk Shosse, booth 15/22.


2.1. The community organization has the right:

2.1.1. expand information about your activities;

2.1.2. join other community organizations, groups, associations, as well as create their own branches, representations and territorial branches on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond Laziness is consistent with orderly legislation.

2.1.3. conduct conferences, seminars, and other mass gatherings, as well as conduct meetings, rallies, demonstrations, protests and other organizational-mass gatherings in accordance with the official legislation;

2.1.4. take initiatives for the nutrition of your married life, make proposals to the authorities of the state, take part in the selected decisions of the authorities of the state and the bodies of local self-government;

2.1.5. represent their members in the courts, in all institutions, enterprises and organizations of all forms of government to protect their rights and legitimate interests within the framework of the current statutory tasks of their activities.

2.2. The community organization is committed to protecting the rights of its members to the privacy of private life, especially and family privacy; as well as a secret collection of listings, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other notifications that became known to the Community Organization as a result of its activities.

2.3. The community organization represents the interests of its members and their current protection on the basis of authority from the members of the community organization and the protocols of the Board meetings, and, if necessary, powers of attorney of the type There are these members.


3.1. The community organization has scrupulous goals, aimed at:

The accumulation and suppression of information related to Orthodox culture;

harmonization of creative minds, development and appreciation of Orthodox culture;

Preservation and appreciation of traditional cultural values ​​and historical traditions;

consolidation of the protection of rights in the sphere of education, health, culture and in the field of mass information and book publishing, other spheres of life associated with Christian culture;

Protection of rights and freedoms of people;

Come to the defense of moral, moral principles, traditional cultural values ​​of marriage.

3.2. The activity of the Community Organization is aimed at:

3.2.1. Support and development of approaches aimed at reducing moral and moral ambushes of marriage.

3.2.2. Protection (including representation in courts, other organizations and institutions of existing forms of government) of members of the Community Organization and members of their families in cases of violation of their constitutional rights and legitimate interests, including the rights to human dignity, the rights to the incompleteness of a special life, to freedom of conscience education, health, age, moral education of children, in case of violation of their rights in the world, including the right information.

3.2.3. Securing the rights of members of the Community Organization through the creation of competent minds, moral and spiritual development of specialness.

3.2.4. Up-to-date information related to Christian culture, encouragement and current approaches aimed at saving the Orthodox Christian historical decline.

3.2.5. Current types of information activities in the field of electronic, other media and other possible information technologies, the beginnings of mass media, and There are also other activities not prohibited by law, directly aimed at achieving the goals of the Community Organization.

3.2.6. Conducting sociological research.

3.2.7. Concentrated development and implementation of social, cultural, educational, projects, programs, and other approaches aimed at the formation of harmonious characteristics, the appreciation of the moral values ​​of marriage, as well as the protection of the moral, spiritual , mental and physical health of people.

3.2.8. Implementation on our own and through the acquisition of a wide range of scientific and research analytical programs that can help assess the moral status of marriage, its spirituality, as well as the identification of factors that can be relied upon poor influx.

3.2.9. Participation in international efforts to exchange evidence in the sphere of conciliation of creative minds, development and appreciation of Christian culture.

3.2.10. Effective beneficial activities and receipt of voluntary donations for the reconstruction and renovation of Orthodox churches, including the New Jerusalem Church, Christian monuments, historical monuments and other goals of the community any organization.

3.2.11. Consultation on food security, life protection of clergy and military personnel of the Russian Federation Orthodox Church, funerals of cult objects, disputes and other areas of the Russian Orthodox Church

3.2.12. Organization of security, protection of life of clergy and religious workers of the Russian Orthodox Church, protection of cult objects, disputes and other areas of the Russian Orthodox Church.

3.3. The Main Community Organization is being created for the following reason:

Membership fees, the amount and procedure for payment of such fees are confirmed by the General Assembly of Members;

The voluntary sacrifices of the community and the organization.


4.1. Members of the Community Organization can be individuals who have reached 18 years of age.

4.2. Reception from members of the Community Organization is subject to the decisions of the External Assembly of members of the Community Organization on the basis of the candidate’s application.

4.3. The rights of a member of the Community Organization cannot be transferred to third parties without the permission of the Board of the Community Organization.

4.4. The resignation of a member from the Community Organization is subject to voluntary withdrawal, or as a result of his expulsion from membership.

4.5. The withdrawal of a member from the Community Organization is subject to submission of an application to the Board of the Community Organization.

4.6. Registration and periodic contributions of members of the Community Organization will not be returned.

4.7. A member of the Gromadskoe organization, who systematically does not resign or inappropriately resigns his obligations, or has violated his obligations to the Gromadskoe organization, and also goes beyond his actions or inaction normal work of the Community Organization or discredits it with its behavior, there may be exclusions from she is behind the decisions of the Zagalny gatherings. Suspicious organization.


5.1. Members of the Community Organization have the right:

5.1.1. Please contact the authorities of the Community Organization and the territorial branch;

5.1.2. Take part in the Zagalnye assemblies of the Community Organization and vote according to the order of the day;

5.1.3. Separate the services of the Community Organization from the protection of your rights and legitimate interests;

5.1.4. Come to the authority's discretion with the Community Organization;

5.1.5. Submit proposals prior to the day of the Gathering of members of the Community Organization;

5.1.6. Return to the main bodies of the Community Organization with any food related to its activity;

5.2. Members of the Community Organization of Zobs'Yazans:

5.2.1. Comply with the provisions of this Statute;

5.2.2. Take part in the activities of the Community Organization and its territorial branches;

5.2.3. Membership contributions must be made promptly, the amount and payment procedure for which are determined by the General Assembly of members of the Community Organization;

5.2.4. Provide information necessary for the development of nutrition related to the activities of the Community Organization;

5.2.5. Please do not disclose confidential information to the Community Organization.


6.1. Management bodies of the Community Organization:

The main governing body of the Community Organization is the Secret Assembly of members of the Community Organization;

The final governing body of the Community Organization is the Board.


Secular gatherings of members of the Community Organization

7.1. The main governing body of the Community Organization is the secret gathering of members of the Community Organization.

7.2. The secret collections are collected from the warehouse of their members, the heads of the collections, the chief collection officer, and the secretary.

7.3. The competence of the Zagalnyh collections should include the following steps:

7.3.1. Amendments and additions to the Statute of the Community Organization;

7.3.2. identification of priority directions of activity of the Community Organization, principles of formation and development;

7.3.3. The Heads and Members of the Governing Body of the Community Organization;

7.3.4. Reorganization and liquidation of the Community Organization;

7.3.5. Regional Audit Commission;

7.3.6. A commendable decision about the creation, reorganization, liquidation of branches, branches, and representatives of the Community Organization;

7.3.7. The value and order of payment of membership contributions;

7.3.8 The ranks of other food transferred to the ranks of the Board of Directors.

7.4. The secret gatherings of members of the Community Organization involve the Board members, the Head of the Board and members of the Board.

7.5. Legislative assemblies are eligible if more than half of their members are represented.

The decisions of the Zagalnyh assemblies are accepted by the majority of votes. Decisions regarding food passed in clauses 7.3.1 - 7.3.3 are accepted by a qualified majority of votes - participants in the Divine Assemblies.

7.5.1. The decisions of the Zagalny elections may be praised by the way of conducting absentee voting (optualny way). Such voting can be carried out by exchanging documents via postal, telegraphic, teletype, telephone, electronic or other communication, which will ensure the authenticity of information that is transmitted and received, and their documentary evidence. The terms of the conduct of elections by the absentee ballot may be established in such a way that members of the organization who take part in the voting are unlikely to become aware of additional information about the food put up for voting.

7.6. Chergovi Zagalny gatherings meet at least once every two years.

7.7. Pozachergovi Zagalnye collections are called for necessities.


7.8. The Community Organization is creating a permanently functioning collegial body - the Board, which consists of 5 individuals and is elected by the Head of the Board. Members of the Board of Directors are subject to taxes of the Head of the Board of Directors, and the head is surrounded by elected members of the Board of Directors.

7.9. The government's current secret activity in the activities of the Community Organization during the period between the parliamentary elections.

7.10. The meeting of the Board is organized by the Head, who signs all documents in the name of the Community Organization, minutes of the meeting and decisions of the Board.

Board of the Community Organization:

Praises the decision to call for secret gatherings of members of the Community Organization, means nutrition to the order of the day, will ensure the final decision of the secret gatherings;

Confirms the purpose of the program and means funding;

Adopts regulations on the Audit Commission, on Representative Offices and branches.

Meetings of the Board of the Community Organization are held whenever necessary, and not more than once every three months. The minutes of the Board meeting are signed by the Head and all members of the Board.

7.11. The head of the Board, without power of attorney, in the name of the Community Organization, maintains operational control of the activities of the Community Organization, in support of the Board, organizes the final decision of the Zaga In particular, the Governing Body of the Community Organization issues powers of attorney, signs financial and government documents, and establishes legal rights in the name of the Community Organization.

7.12. The head is surrounded by Sacred gatherings and continues its renewal on a steady basis until the moment of calling for important duties or decisions of the Sacred gatherings. In case of impossibility or impossibility, the Head of their duties is obliged to renew their duties to the Board of Directors until the gathering of the Sepulchral fees for one of the members of the Board of Directors.

7.13. The head is responsible for the parliamentary elections and the Government, and is responsible to the Community Organization for the results and legality of the activity.


8.1. The Community Association may include branches, branches and representations, the activities of which are subject to the Statute and Regulations that are confirmed by the Government.


9.1. An organization may carry out other business activities as long as it achieves the statutory purposes for which the organization was created and is consistent with these purposes.

9.2. The organization does not intend to take away profits; Income from the entrepreneurial activities of the Organization is directly used to achieve the statutory purposes and mission of the Organization and does not contribute to redistribution between members of the Organization.


10.1. The activities of the Community Organization can follow the decisions of the Foreign Assemblies through the necessity of further activity of the Community Organization or from other parts of the This is consistent with official legislation.

10.2. During the liquidation of the Community Organization, the property lost after the satisfaction of the creditors will be sent according to the Statute for the purpose for which it was created, or for a beneficial purpose.

In cases where the violation of the liquidated Community Organization is not consistent with the Statute, a decision about this violation is made by the Governing Community Organization.

APPROVED by installation fees "___"__________ ____ r. protocol N _____

Statute of the Community Patent Trust "___________________________"

m. __________ ____ r.


1.1. The Community Establishment "_______________", hereinafter referred to as the "Institution", does not hold membership in the Establishment, which is intended to provide patent attorney services that serve the interests of the participants and serve the statutory purposes of the designated association.

1.2. Outside the name of the Establishment of the Russian language: the huge establishment of patent authorities "_______________", the name of the Russian language has been shortened: OU of patent authorities "_______________",

Externally called ________________________________________________ (whatever foreign mine or my people of the Russian Federation) mine: "_________________________________________________________________", shortened to _______________________________________________ (be it a foreign mine or my people of the Russian Federation) mine: "___________________________________". 1.3. The installation operates within the boundaries of ___________________________________________. (territory, territory) 1.4. Place of knowledge Set: _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (addresses are confirmed to the state registration)

1.5. The establishment is respected by the creation as a legal entity in accordance with the state registration of speech in the order established by federal laws.

1.6. The mortgage is created by the term on ____________________ (or: without the term being interchanged).

1.7. The Establishment may be confirmed by courts of foreign jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, in its own name, to enforce both main and non-main rights, depending on the purposes of the Establishment’s activities, transferred by the statute Establish, and are not related to the activity of the obligation.

1.8. The installation is consistent with other names. Install in Russian language, stamps and forms with their names.

1.9. The pledge can be made with ensigns, emblems, pennants and other symbols. Symbols Installations may be avoided with the sovereign symbols of the Russian Federation, the sovereign symbols of the subjects of the Russian Federation, symbols municipal works, federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other military and military formations, symbols of foreign powers, as well as a symbol Some international organizations.

How symbols Installations cannot be made with the emblems and other symbols previously registered with the Russian Federation of community associations, emblems and other symbols of organizations operating on the territory of Russia This Federation is fenced.

Symbols of the Establishment may defame the State Ensign of the Russian Federation, the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the State Anthem of the Russian Federation, ensigns, coats of arms and anthems of the subjects of the Russian Federation ii, municipal institutions, foreign powers, religious symbols, and may represent racial, national or religious sensitivities.

The symbols of the Establishment support the state registration of speech in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.10. The establishment has the right to establish awards (honours, medals and badges) and other types of awards for special and collective merits. Cities Establish innocent mothers of similar, similar names or external similarities with the sovereign cities of the Russian Federation, cities and visible signs of the authorities of the sovereign power and cities of the bodies of local self-government.

1.11. The regulations have the right to open the divisional, currency and other banking sectors within the Russian Federation and between them.

1.12. Viable by the Statute of the Establishment and obligatory for the viconnation of all bodies of the Establishment and the founders.

1.13. The installation is responsible for its duties in accordance with its regulations. In case of their insufficiency, subsidized duty for cravings is established.

1.14. The founders of the Establishment are the patent attorneys who consulted the secret meetings on which the Establishment’s statute was adopted, the formation of its core and control and audit bodies.

The founders of the Establishment - physical and legal persons - have equal rights and bear equal obligations.

1.15. The participants of the Establishment are individuals and legal entities who are determined to support the objectives of the Establishment and (or) specific actions that take part in its activities without binding the minds of their participation ( Otherwise it may be provided by statute).

Participants of the Establishment – ​​physical and legal persons – have equal rights and bear equal obligations.


2.1. The method is to establish the achievement of collective interests of patent attorneys and beneficial interests in the field of registration and protection of intellectual rights.

2.2. The subject of the activity is the organization of securing the rights of patent attorneys.

2.3. The mortgage can be taken out (one type of activity or several types of activity):

1) establish arbitration courts for the most important disputes that arise between the participants of the Establishment, as well as between them and the associates of the participants of the Establishment, other persons, including the legislation on third parties;

2) carry out an analysis of the activities of their participants on the information platform, which they establish in the form of consultations in the order established by this statute (or another document approved by the decisions of illegal elections ів participants Install);

3) represent the interests of the participants in relations with the bodies of the structure of the power of the Russian Federation, the bodies of the structure of the power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the bodies of local self-government;

4) organize professional training and certification of the participants of the Establishment;

5) ensure information transparency of the activities of its participants, publish information about this activity in accordance with the procedure established by the internal documents of the Establishment;

6) exercise control over professional activity he was able to rule and guide his participants in their participation in the Establishment;

7) look at the scourges of the participants of the Establishment and inquire about the violations by the participants of the rules and minds of participation in the Establishment;

8) ____________________________________________________________.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the types of activities that the Establishment has the right to engage in.

2.4. Okremi vidi Activities may be subject to the installation of special permissions (licenses). The diversity of these types of activities is defined by law.

2.5. The establishment has the right to carry out administrative activities only to the extent that it achieves the statutory purposes for which it was created, and is consistent with these purposes. Entrepreneurial activities are carried out on a large scale in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the introduction into force of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

2.6. The mortgage can be created by government partnerships, partnerships and other government organizations, as well as privately intended for conducting entrepreneurial activities. Established by the Establishment, government partnerships, partnerships and other government organizations make payments to the general budget in accordance with the amounts established by the legislation of Ukraine.

2.7. Income from the entrepreneurial activities of public corporations cannot be redistributed among the directors and participants and must be used only to achieve statutory goals. It is allowed for communities to use their assets for beneficial purposes.

2.8. Establishments can enter into international community associations, acquire rights and bear obligations that indicate the status of these international community associations, support direct international contacts and connections , settle down with non-commercial non-routine organizations.

2.9. The establishment can create its own organizations, branches or branches and representative offices in foreign powers on the basis of the basic principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and their legislation powers

2.10. The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the establishment's entrepreneurial activities.

2.11. In the interests of reaching its goal, Installations may create other non-commercial Installations and enter before other large-scale associations and non-commercial Installations.

2.12. Submission of the State and other activities of the Establishment from the side of the sovereign and other organizations is not allowed, since it is not subject to their right to exercise control over the activity of the Establishment.


3.1. The major government body establishes official meetings of officials (hereinafter referred to as “official meetings”).

A permanently responsible collegial governing body establishes the Board of Directors, which is zagalnymi collections I’ll let you know.

3.2. The main function of sacramental gatherings is to ensure the achievement of established goals for the purpose of which they were created.

3.3. The management of the installation is carried out by a special person appointed by the directors - the director (then the last director).

3.4. In the Establishment, a collegial body can be created, which will be recruited by participants, but not by the founders of the Establishment and by its employees, - I’m glad.

Naglyadova is glad to be able to determine the place of activity of the Establishment, and the right to have a positive voice with the founder(s), but does not have the right to dispose of the Main Establishment (otherwise it may be established by the statute or the founders).

3.5. Prior to the guilt's competence of ceremonial gatherings, the following steps must be taken:

1) change the statute of the Establishment;

2) identification of priority directions of activity of the Establishment, principles of formation and development;


4) confirmation of the river balance sheet;

5) confirmation of the financial plan established before new changes;

6) creation of filials and establishment of representative offices of the Establishment;

7) participation in other organizations and public associations;

8) reorganization and liquidation of the Installation;

9) ___________________________________________________________________. (other meals)

3.6. Secular gatherings are collected when necessary, and not more than once per river.

3.7. Kozhen zasnovnik Establish a duty to be present at the funeral gatherings and take the fate of his robot.

3.9. The official meetings of the governors are established as competent, since more than half of the governors are present (represented) at the official meetings.

3.10. Decisions on secret assemblies are taken by a greater number of votes from the leaders and present assemblies.

3.11. Decisions regarding the food fees, including the competence of the food fees, are adopted unanimously.

Option: Resolutions on secret meetings prior to the reorganization of the Installation are adopted unanimously. For other reasons, within the framework of the official competence of the parliamentary assemblies, the decision is taken by the qualified majority of three quarters (or two thirds) of the votes from the secret number (or those present at the assemblies) of the votes of the leaders. Install.

3.12. A protocol is kept at the gatherings.

3.13. The competence of the Board must be strictly maintained, so as not to become the responsibility of other management bodies of the Installation.

The Board regularly informs the leaders of the Installation about the activities of the Installation.

3.14. The work of the Board of Directors is organized by the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Head of the Board of Directors. Minutes are kept at board meetings.

3.15. The head of the Board is under the name Install without authorization.

3.16. The authority must be in charge of the location of the Installation.


4.1. For these statutory purposes, the Establishment has the right to:

freely disclose information about your activities;

take part in the chosen decisions of the bodies of sovereign power and the bodies of local self-government in the order and obligations transferred by law;

hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, walks and pickets;

establish the functions of mass information and carry out other activities;

to represent and protect their rights, the legitimate interests of their leaders and participants, as well as other citizens in the authorities of the state, the bodies of local self-government and community associations;

maintain a renewed commitment to the transfer of laws on civil society;

take initiatives from various sources of life, make proposals to the authorities;

take part in elections and referendums according to the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. Installation of crops'yazan:

adhere to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the basic principles and norms of international law that govern the areas of its activity, as well as the norms transmitted by this statute and others installation documents;

It is important to publish information about the development of your mine and ensure the availability of information about the publication;

Carefully inform the body that made decisions about the state registration of the Establishment about the continuation of its activities from the designated place of action of the permanently active government body, whose name and data about the authorities nikiv Set up your records to be included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

submit for request to the body that makes decisions about the state registration of public entities, decisions of major bodies and townspeople Establish, as well as daily and quarterly reports about your activities in relation to the reports that are submitted to the tax authorities;

allow representatives of the body that makes decisions about the state registration of public associations to enter the premises where public associations are being carried out;

communication with representatives of the body that makes decisions about the state registration of public entities, aware of the activities of the Establishment in connection with the achievements of statutory goals and the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

inform the federal government registration authority about the obligations of international and foreign organizations, foreign giants osib without enormity pennies worth that other lane, about the purpose of their construction and modification and about their actual construction and modification behind the form and at the line that are established with renewed importance federal body Vikonavchy's rule.

5.2. The regulation may also inform the body that made decisions about the state registration of this association about changes in the statements specified in paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On the State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", with the exception of information about the revocation of a license within three days from the date of such change n. The appointment authority no later than one business day from the day of removal of the relevant information from the Installation notifies the process to the authorized registration authority, which makes an entry about the change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Information about the huge ob'ednannya.


6.1 Establishments can be made with the authorities on land plots, buildings, buildings, housing stock, transport, possessions, equipment, cultural, educational and health purposes, funds, shares, and other valuable papers. otherwise, it is necessary for the material security of the statutory activity of the Establishment .

In power, institutions can also include types of mass information, which are created and bought for the amount of money for which it is necessary to achieve their statutory purposes.

6.2. Federal law may establish types of lanes that, due to the cessation of sovereign and public security, or, obviously, until international treaties of the Russian Federation, cannot remain in the power of the Regulations.

6.3. Maino Installation is formed on the basis of voluntary contributions and donations; compliance with lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events carried out in accordance with the Statute of the Establishment; income from the enterprise activities of the Establishment; civil law issues; Establish external economic activity; Others are not protected by law.

6.4. In addition to the right of operational management of the designated mine, which is assigned by the founders to the Mine Establishment, there is also the right to control, control and order within the limits established by law, in accordance with statutory purposes.

6.5. The establishment that the Volodian Maina has the right of operational management, can be the holder of the Maina created and (or) acquired by him by other legal means.

6.6. The owner(s) - the holder(s) of the main, transferred to the Establishment, has the right to receive a pledge, non-vikoristan and vikoristovane for the purposes of the main and to dispose of it in an official court.

6.7. In the event of a transfer of the right of power to a mine assigned to the Installation, the Installation retains the right of operational management of the assigned mine until another individual.

6.8. The regulations do not have the right to alienate or in any other way dispose of the lanes and lanes assigned to them, added with the help of kosti, seen in the yoma behind the koshtoris, without the written permission of the ruler.

6.9. Income that is withdrawn from activities that generate income, and the income for this income may be collected from independent management. Set up and insure on a separate balance sheet.


7.1. The accounting system and statistical data are established in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Establishment provides information about its activities to state statistical bodies and subordinate bodies, the founders of the Establishment and other persons according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. Reliability for the organization, reliability accounting aspect in the Establishment, presently providing immediate information and other financial information to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the Establishment, which is submitted to the founders of the Establishment, creditors and in the form of mass information atsії, nes Pravlіnnya.

7.4. The installation saves the following documents:

Establishment Agreement;

Statute of the Establishment, change and addition, introduced before the statute of the Establishment, registered in the established order, decision on the creation of the Establishment, document on the sovereign registration of the Establishment;

Documents that confirm the rights Install on the mine that is on your balance;

Internal documents Install;

Establish regulations regarding the filiation or representation;

River calls;

accounting documents;

accounting documents;

Protocols of official meetings, meetings of the Board of Directors, audit committee (auditor) Establish;

Renewals of the audit commission (auditor) of the Establishment, auditor of the Establishment, state and municipal bodies of financial control;

Other documents provided by federal legislation;

Other documents: _____________________________________________;

Other documents transferred by internal documents of the Establishment, decisions of official meetings, Board of Establishment and documents transferred legal acts Russian Federation.

The installation can provide the principals with access to the assigned documents.

7.5. In order to maintain control over the financial-state activities of the Establishment, the audit commission is collected from the warehouse of _____ directors on the line on ____________________. The presence of several members of the audit committee, and the new members in between, constitutes a basis for the shortening and continuation of the activity of the entire audit committee. For the work of the audit committee of the Installation, its head is turning around.

The institution has the right to replace the audit committee with no more than one auditor.

7.6. The competence of the audit committee (auditor) of the Installation includes the following:

Re-verification (audit) of financial and government activity is established for the activities of the river, as well as at any time for the initiative of the audit commission (auditor), decisions are made they were collected (for visual purposes) or established for the benefit of the ruler;

Vimoga in government bodies Establishment of documents on financial and government activities;

Calls for secret gatherings;

The following is a summary of the re-verification of financial-state activities, in which there may be:

Confirmation of the reliability of data contained in documents and other financial documents.

Information about the facts of violation of the regulations of the legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding the accounting and filing of financial reporting, as well as the legal acts of the Russian Federation during the period of financial reporting ovo-state activity;

- _____________________________________________________________________; (Inshy Vidomosti) - _____________________________________________________________________. (additional competence of the audit commission within the boundaries of its establishment - control over the financial and government activities of the Establishment)

7.7. The procedure for the activities of the audit committee (or auditor) is established by the internal document Regulations (or regulations), which is confirmed by external elections.

7.8. For the decisions of the official fees, the heads of the audit commission (auditor) shall be established at the time of their signing their obligations (not) to be paid to the city and (or) to be compensated for expenses associated with their signing (s) their obligations.

The size of such wine towns and compensation are established for the decisions of celestial gatherings.

7.9. To verify the financial and government activities of Establishment, the underground collections signify and confirm the auditor of Establishment.

7.10. The auditor carries out a re-verification of the financial and government activities of the Establishment in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation on the basis of the agreement established between the Establishment and the auditor. The amount of remuneration for the auditor’s services is determined by external fees.

7.11. State authorities control the activity of the installation. 38 of the Federal Law "On Community Ob'ednannya".


8.1. The activity of the Establishment can be applied conclusively to Art. 42 of the Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Community Obedience”.

8.2. The installation can be reorganized according to Art. 25 of the Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Community Obedience”.

8.3. The installation may be liquidated voluntarily according to the procedure established by Art. Art. 61 – 64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, pursuant to Art. Art. 18 - 21 Federal Law dated January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "About non-profit organizations".

8.4. The installation can be liquidated with a primus stove up to the station. 26th century 44 of the Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Community Obedience”.

8.5. From the moment the liquidation committee is recognized, new steps are taken to manage the rights of the Installation. The government acknowledges its activity.

8.6. At the discretion of the offender, documents of permanent preservation that may have scientific and historical significance are transferred to the state of preservation to the archives of the "____________________" association; documents in a special warehouse (punishments, special certificates, special documents, etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive ____________________, on the territory of which the Establishment is located. The transfer and arrangement of documents is carried out by the forces of the archives of the archives.

8.7. Upon liquidation of the Establishment, it is possible to establish what was lost after the satisfaction of the creditors, which is not otherwise established by Federal Law dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Organizations” and other federal laws, directly on the or, in the interests of which it was created, that (or ) for beneficial purposes in the order established by the legal collections (such an order may be established in the statute).

8.8. Once a victorious mine is established, which is traced back to the establishment documents, it is not possible that it will result in the income of the state.


9.1. In the Establishment, ____________________ has been created at the address: _________________________.

9.2. ____________________ name Set the following functions:

9.3. The Establishment has a ____________________ representative office at the address: _________________________.

9.4. ____________________ representative office includes the following functions:

- _____________________________________________________________;

- _____________________________________________________________.


10.1. The proposal to make changes and add to the statute of the Establishment is to be submitted to the consideration of official gatherings on the initiative of the Board or with the initiative of at least one third (____ hundred of the same) of the founders of the Establishment.

10.2. Changes and additions to the statute, confirmed by parliamentary elections, will increase the state registration.

10.3. The state registration of changes and additions to the statute of the Establishment follows the procedure established by the official legislation of Ukraine.

10.4. Change and add to the statute of the Establishment to gain ranks from the moment of their sovereign registration.

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