Correctly preparing Kazakh herb “Beshbarmak”.


Beshbarmak recipe


4 year

198 kcal

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The name beshbarmak is literally translated as “five fingers”.

This is similar to the way to live this herb – to use your hands.

People from nomadic tribes (and they smelled beshbarmak) could not eat any other way.

Now, of course, we have to eat all the food from the table.

  • Traditionally, it is prepared from lamb, yoke and horse meat.
  • Sometimes poultry meat, such as turkeys and chickens, is harvested.
  • Today I want to present a number of recipes for this herb.

Let's marvel at how to properly prepare bishbarmak at home, step by step, and then try to cook it.

  • Recipe for preparing beshbarmak in Kazakh style
  • Necessary ingredients
  • How to select ingredients

The main ingredient of this herb is lamb. For varnish, it is best to choose a shoulder blade, seam or brisket.

  1. And for beshbarmak, it’s a pleasure to bake the meat on a brush.
    Golovne, so that it was the meat of a young creature.

    It’s easy to choose when you choose a fresh (not frozen) product for the market.
  2. The lamb must be thoroughly washed, then it must be cut into small pieces.
  3. Then put the meat in a saucepan and fill it with cold water.
  4. When the water boils, you need to skim off the foam before boiling the meat.
    If you can’t make anything, the broth will turn out to be flaky and insipid.

    After you remove the foam, you need to change the heat and cook the meat for about three years on low heat.
    It becomes soft and easily firmed up from the brush.
    Let's add vegetables

    - Cybula ripchasta - 5 pcs.

  5. - Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  6. - Carrots – 1 pc.
    If you can’t make anything, the broth will turn out to be flaky and insipid.

    - There's strength behind the relish.
    — Black pepper (peas) – to taste.

    When the meat has been boiled for about a second, add cleaned vegetables (cabbage, carrots) to the broth.

  7. Then add salt, pepper and bay leaf.

    Give the herbs an infused aroma.

  8. Prepared dough

  9. - Wheat boron - 2 bottles.
  10. - Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
    If you can’t make anything, the broth will turn out to be flaky and insipid.
    After you remove the foam, you need to change the heat and cook the meat for about three years on low heat.
    - Water (for dough) - 200 ml.

  11. While the broth is cooking, prepare the dough for an hour without barm.
  12. Sift thoroughly, beat the eggs, add 200 ml of water and take a pinch of salt.
    Now mix all the ingredients and knead the dough.
  13. Do you know?
  14. The main secret of this herb is the correct presentation.

You need to place boiled rhombi on a wide and flat plate.

Then the animal was coated with tsibul, tsibul and meat. At the top you can pick up chopped greenery.

The broth is served in a deep bowl.

Do you know?

There are a lot of similar hot herbs and spices.

If you also like spices, add seasonings to the broth to suit your taste. 4:00.
I’ll show you which herbs are best eaten with lamb. 5.
The main ingredient of this herb is lamb. For varnish, it is best to choose a shoulder blade, seam or brisket.

People from nomadic tribes (and they smelled beshbarmak) could not eat any other way.

  • This is thyme, ginger, motherwort, rosemary, marjoram, parsley and saffron.
  • Even more delicious herbs
  • on the culinary website
  • Video recipe for cooking
  • Let me watch the video of how to prepare delicious beshbarmak.
  • In this recipe you can eat two types of meat, one lamb and one yalovichi.
  • Beshbarmak from Kurki
  • Preparation time:

Number of servings:

  1. Trigger – 1 pc.
  2. Tsibulya – 3 pcs.

  3. Spices - to taste.

  4. Strength behind the relish.

  5. Roslinna oliya – 1 tbsp.

  6. Water – 3/4 bottle.

  7. Boroshno – 2 bottles.
  8. Eggs – 2 pcs.

The broth is served in a deep bowl.

Cooking sequence Wash the trigger and place it in a large saucepan.
Fill it with water until it is completely dry. To make it easier to handle, you can cut the trigger into pieces.

This herb is being prepared in Central Asia until the holy day, when the whole homeland gathers at the great table, friends and relatives come in numbers.
Often, for this purpose, the ruler slaughters a specially prepared young lamb from behind, since a proper beshbarmak is impossible without lamb.
Every person prepares this herb in his own way, depending on the technology and basic recipe: in some regions, for the herb, they cook several varieties of meat - both lamb and cowhide or cook them.

In others, especially beshbarmak, special shortcakes are prepared from unleavened dough, and thirdly, a loaf of different sizes is prepared from the dough, boiled in broth and served until the meat is boiled.

So, as you know, this herb is already popular, and not only among the Turkic peoples, but also among us, in which the recipe of the herb has been changed due to the lack of necessary ingredients and spices, which is the main Italian cuisine.
For example, I tried the wonderful beshbarmak with gander and boiled, served with meat broth, seasoned with spices and herbs - it was so tasty that I learned to cook the same beshbarmak using the recipe I read from a book about Kazakh cuisine.
And now, certainly not as often as my household would like, but this herb is still available in different variations.
Today I am trying to prepare beshbarmak at home with my own recipe and photo.
Strava essentially consists of three main ingredients - boiled boroshny sprouts (lokshina, diamonds, shortcakes), mixed with sautéed cibul, boiled meat (lamb, cowhide, poultry), seasoned with spices and poached cibul , as well as riches The broth is poured in cups or bowls.

- for the broth:

- meat (chowberry, optional with a brush), fresh – 600 g,
- tsibula-ripka - 1 pc.
(for bazhannyam),
- Laurel leaf (dried) - 1-2 pcs.,
- black pepper (peas),
- salt kitchen or morska (medium pomelu).

- for the test:

- chicken egg (dalnya) – 1 pc.,

- water (you can use broth) – 100 ml,

- boroshno wheat, V.S.

Next we make the loxin dough, for which we pour the beans (pre-sifted) into a bowl, beat in the egg, then add some cold water (broth is possible).

Carefully add the dough to the dough, then put it in a bag or pour it over for finishing on the surface.

During this hour, all the gluten is thoroughly absorbed into the mixture, and the dough becomes elastic.

Then pinch a small piece of dough out of the dough (the dough is pressed in a bag so that it doesn’t dry up) and spread it thinly onto the surface.

Make the dough into diamonds or rectangles, creases (whichever suits you best) and dry the dough either on the table with 40-60 quills (lined with parchment), or in the oven at low temperatures (no more than 60 ° C) with the doors open yats no more than 20 hvilins.

Now we remove the meat from the broth, separate it from the brushes and usually into small scraps.
The broth itself is processed from spices and vegetables a couple of times through a sieve and gauze until it becomes clear.

Next we deal with the tsibule.

Clean it, shake it with puffballs, sauté half the portion until golden brown in a frying pan in oil or fat skimmed from the broth.
Then we pour a little bit of broth into the pan, boil up any leftover sibu, sizzle it with salt and spices and let a couple of quills soften.

Now we take out the fish with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a container (we will need it again), and add more broth to the pan, add salt and spices to taste.

Boil the lox or lokshina for about 7-8 pieces in dried broth in portions, then put the lokshina on the drushlyak, then onto the dish and mix with the lokshina, which is sautéing.
On a large plate we put a lokshina with a tsibule,

Boiled meat is placed on it and the animal is poured with poached chicken and sprinkled with pepper, spices and herbs.

Serve hot broth in prozory cups.

Beshbarmak is the legendary hedgehog of all nations that roam.

The name is similar to the combination of two Bashkir words - “besh”, which means five, and “barmak” - fingers.

Strava from one great cauldron, raking in pieces of meat and dough from all five sides.

This sieve herb more than once roared out of famine for entire tribes, and the nomads, no matter what, had no time for ceremonies.

At the same time, the tables are ready to be used everywhere, so that the value of the hedgehog has not been lost.

  • In Kyrgyzstan, the level of people’s lives is measured by the “beshbarmak index”: it allows you to equalize the incomes of residents of different regions of the country, focusing on the quality of ingredients for the food.
  • To begin preparing beshbarmak you need to prepare juice, which is the correct name for a special lokshina with a diamond-shaped appearance.
  • In view of the mastery, gentlemen, the taste of this beshbarmak is stored.
  • How to prepare the most beautiful compositions?

The thickness of the lokshina is a sign of the cook’s carelessness and incompetence, and the thin one can fall apart and create a messy broth.

For the test we prepare:

500 g boroshna;

2 eggs;

chugs of water;

a pinch of salt.

  • We quickly add water and eggs, begin to knead, gradually adding well.
  • We wait until the dough becomes springy, stretchy, and elastic.
  • Next, heat the dough into one layer.
  • Even more respectfully, so that the thickness of the layer did not exceed 3 mm.
  • There are no problems with it: this dough is easy to spoil.
  • It is forbidden to cut it with a knife into shapes, rhombic pieces or squares - either shape is considered acceptable.

The remaining stage is to add juice to the beans and wait until they are cooked.

For the cob, simmer the meat with the tsibule, chasnik and spices over low heat.

It makes the table so soft that it falls apart on the edge of the fiber, which you gently pluck with a fork.

Tearing on the edge of the fiber.

Previously, technology was able to trim meat into thin fibers of hair.

This is how they gave tribute to the elders, because in old age they had a lot of teeth and chewed with force.

But today the situation has changed - it is fashionable to serve large pieces of meat, which is to say about the prosperity of the household.

During the cooking process, it is important to skim off the broth, otherwise the broth will be flaky.

While the meat is cooling, prepare the sauce.

We galvanize the cibulin on top, add a top of butter, and add black pepper.

We fill it with broth, so the meat is boring.

In Kazakh style with cowbass and horse

On Great Holy Days, the nomads prepared a version of beshbarmak with Chinese cowbass “kazi” - for a long time this herb was considered as a local herb and was served to favored guests.

Kozaksha et (that’s what this beshmark is called) and today the Kazakhs are preparing for special attacks.

Try experimenting and vi.

  1. It is clear that you can only eat goat in the regions where you can eat horse meat, but you can cook it yourself for eggplant.
  2. To do this, generously stuff the horse meat into the horse gut (we hear it in local markets), take it from the ribs of the creature, and then rub it with the salt, black pepper, and cumin.
  3. Ready cowbass should be rinsed in cold water and left to marinate in a cool, dark place for a few years.
  4. Once the consistency ends, you can follow the classic recipe and cook beshbarmak as before.
  5. The process looks like this:
  6. Cook the prepared product with spices in a cauldron with water until soft.

Place on a plate.

In the boiling broth, while the kazi is boiling, we throw in pieces of dough.

Let's give the cowbass some clothes.

  1. We spread the dough around the edges of the jam.
  2. We sip everything with zibula rings and black pepper.
  3. You can serve the broth in a bowl, add herbs to the herbs, treat your guests with warm bread - everything should be kept in view of the bosom and the sovereign’s abilities.
  4. It’s clear: there’s no need to prepare the prepared product yourself, since you managed to get a good lump of yogurt yogurt.
  5. For pork
  6. People love pork for its softness and delicate structure; in addition, this meat is lower in price than lamb, horse meat, and it is much easier to find them on the shelves.
  7. For smut - you need to give the guy pork on the bone and, eggplant, grains - so the herbs will turn out rich, and the broth will be even richer.
  8. The meat must be washed thoroughly and boiled in a small amount of water with spices (500-600 ml).

Allow a kilogram of meat to boil for 2:00 on high heat.

Bring the broth to a boil - remove it from the bottom and see clearly.

Our hour dictates its own rules and fluidity.

Rich households simply don’t have time to prepare for the old canons, and so such a clever device as a multicooker comes to the rescue.

The advantage of cooking is that there is no need to skim, follow the hour and level of readiness - just put the meat on the bottom of the bowl and turn on the required mode.

Make sure that the meat is well-cooked in the “simmer”, “soup” and “softness” settings, and that it tastes best in a multicooker that cooks under pressure.

While the meat is boiling, prepare the loxin yourself or prepare the juices (you can simply buy them at any supermarket).

  1. Place the lokshina 10 minutes before the end of cooking and serve beshbarmak with greens, bread, and – for the eggplant – sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.
  2. Beshbarmak with chicken
  3. Beshbarmak with triggers is the best and most democratic option for fighting.
  4. You can take one chicken, or “dilute” it with a turkey, a rabbit, a piece of pork - everything is at your discretion.
  5. Smut, so that the meat is fresh, and the carcass is smooth and springy.
  6. Beshbarmak is easy to prepare:
  7. The chicken is boiled until soft.

Let's cool down.

We add it to the brush.

In the broth, boil the loxine diamonds.

Kazakhs, for example, traditionally prepare beshbarmak from lamb, and the saint must always add horse meat before the game.

There is cibul and greens in the recipe.

It’s easy to finish everything with zagal, tasty and very filling.

The main ingredient of this herb is lamb. It’s not easy to prepare such a herb; it only takes an hour, even if the meat broth takes a long time to cook.

I try to prepare beshbarmak with three recipes: for lamb, for chicken, and for yalovichini.

Pokrokovy recipe for beshbarmak in Kazakh style with lamb

rocking chair, saucepan.


Cooking meat Cooking beshbarmak with lamb

Boiled meat is placed on it and the animal is poured with poached chicken and sprinkled with pepper, spices and herbs.

Ready-to-cook shortcakes

Ready for cibul We collect beshbarmak

Video recipe for beshbarmak with lamb

If you also like spices, add seasonings to the broth to suit your taste. The video shows how to prepare beshbarmak
I’ll show you which herbs are best eaten with lamb. 6.
The main ingredient of this herb is lamb. for lamb for a Kazakh recipe.

I try to prepare beshbarmak with three recipes: for lamb, for chicken, and for yalovichini.

Pokrokovy recipe for beshbarmak with chicken with photo

2 years

rocking chair, saucepan, frying pans.

rocking chair, saucepan.

Preparing beshbarmak with chicken

Cooking meat Cooking beshbarmak with lamb

Varimo broth

Recipe for beshbarmak dough

Refueling ready

At the hour of serving, place a bowl of broth on the skin.

If you also like spices, add seasonings to the broth to suit your taste. 4:00.
I’ll show you which herbs are best eaten with lamb. 6.
The main ingredient of this herb is lamb. Video recipe for beshbarmak with chicken

I try to prepare beshbarmak with three recipes: for lamb, for chicken, and for yalovichini.

Everything described in the recipe can be watched in the video.

Pokrokovy recipe for beshbarmaku with yalovichini and lamb with photo

  1. rocking chair, saucepan, sieve, frying pan.

  2. The meat is placed on the brush.

  3. Cooking beshbarmak from yalovichini and lamb

  4. Place 1.5 kg of cowhide and 1.5 kg of lamb in a saucepan and fill it with water.

  5. Cook for 3 years.

  6. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  7. For 300 g of boroshna add a quarter teaspoon of salt.

  8. We beat it on a boron egg.

  9. Gradually pour in water and knead the dough until very stiff.

  10. Misity will have to spend at least 15 minutes.

  11. After the dough has been infused, you will feel good about it.

When the dough is ready, cover it and leave it aside for the rest of the day.

After 2 years of cooking the broth, add a couple of cibulins, a dozen peppercorns, and 3 bay leaves.

The video shows a wonderful recipe for preparing beshbarmak with yalovichi and lamb.

You can also get a lot of information about this ancient herb.

I’m naked because if you hadn’t cooked the meat in the beshbarmaka, the brushes and a little bit of fat are to blame for this burden - without them the broth would not be rich and savory.

Of course, ideally, the meat mix contains horse meat, but it is very problematic that not everyone likes this type of meat.

So you can get by with lamb, cowhide and chicken.

If possible, gourmets recommend adding shuzhuk, the famous Kazakh cowbass, to the broth when cooking.

Another good thing is that if the meat is cooked for a long time, there is no harm in sticking to the hot bottom of the pan.

How to prepare beshbarmak.

To prepare beshbarmak, choose fresh meat, not old or frozen.

Be sure to place the meat in a saucepan, add water and cook for at least 2-3 years, removing the foam.

During the cooking process, add all the vegetables, roots and spices specified in the recipe to the saucepan.

When the meat is boiled, remove it from the pan, add it to the brushes, disassemble it with your hands and cut it into pieces with a knife.

Golovne, so that it was the meat of a young creature.

  • Strain the broth, and discard all the vegetables, vegetables and spices that were cooked in the broth.
  • Another component of beshbarmaku is lokshina, however, it is not at all similar to lokshina, but rather thin dumplings in the shape of diamonds or squares.
  • Lokshina dough is prepared on the basis of wheat beard, eggs and salt.
  • It is important to sift a few times beforehand in order to saturate it with sourness.
  • Then add eggs, salt and mix until the dough is thick and thick.
  • There is no need to add water to the dough.
  • Allow the finished dough to proof for 10 minutes, then flatten it thinly and cut into diamonds, the width of which varies from 1.5 to 7 cm. Dip the diamonds from the dough into boiling salted water and cook for 2-3 minutes after draining, and then They throw them away.
  • Once the lokshina is ready, start an hour before preparing the third component - tsibul.

- chicken egg (dalnya) – 1 pc.,

  1. Carefully remove the meat, cut it into large pieces, place it in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the foam that has settled, cover the pan with a lid and cook the meat for 3 years.
  3. 1-1.5 before the end of the cooking, add carrots, whole cibulin, black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt to the broth.
  4. To prepare the dough, mix in a bowl the sifted mixture, eggs, salt, bits of chilled broth and knead the dough.
  5. Sunbathe it in grub and let it lie for 15 minutes.
  6. Place the dough on a table top, divide the dough into pieces, roll out the skin into a thin layer and cut it into small diamonds.

Lightly dry the rhombuses with beans and pour 30 pieces of bread onto the table so that the stink of the bits dries.

Golovne, so that it was the meat of a young creature.

  • When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan, let it cool and rub it into small pieces with your hands.
  • Strain the broth, removing everything that was cooked in it.
  • Divide the strained broth into 2 parts.
  • Then add eggs, salt and mix until the dough is thick and thick.
  • In one part add|add| I will detail the greens.
  • Pour the other part of the broth into the chopped cibul, add hot pepper, bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes, and then remove the cibul from the broth.

- chicken egg (dalnya) – 1 pc.,

  1. Add a little bit of water to the broth, bring the broth to a boil again, add salt until it tastes good, drop the middle of the dough into the boiling water, shaking off the excess bean from them first, and cook 7-8 of them, then remove the noise. ivka.
  2. Place the diamond balls on the plate, the animal - meat and tsibul, and serve the green broth around the bowl.
  3. Beshbarmak iz konini
  4. Cut the salmon into slices, pepper, salt and pour in hot broth, cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes.

There are a lot of similar hot herbs and spices.

Golovne, so that it was the meat of a young creature.

  • Remove the finished meat from the broth, cool and cut into thin slices, and drop the boiling broth into the cut dough and cook for 6-8 quillins.
  • Strain the broth, removing everything that was cooked in it.
  • Serve with greens.
  • 1 trigger,

3 carrots,

  • pepper - for relish.
  • For the test:
  • 500 g boroshna,
  • 200 g of water,

- chicken egg (dalnya) – 1 pc.,

  1. 3 eggs,
  2. 1 tsp.
  3. salts
  4. Boil the chicken in a large saucepan for 2-3 years, add salt and spices for relish.

Pour water into a deep bowl, beat in the eggs, add|add| flour|bough|, salt|salt|, olive oil and knead the dough.

Golovne, so that it was the meat of a young creature.

  • Let it sit at room temperature for a few hours until it’s done.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the cut into rings, grate the carrots and, stirring, coat the vegetables until done.
  • Remove the finished chicken from the broth and add the meat to the brushes.

Then, after the dough, press the large balls and knead them into the crust, then roll the skin with a rocker to a thickness of 2-3 mm.

  • Then place the shortcakes in the boiling broth and cook for 5-7 shortbreads.
  • Then add eggs, salt and mix until the dough is thick and thick.
  • Serve beshbarmak on the table with three types of herbs: chicken, vegetables and dough.
  • Place the vegetable and meat filling on the crust, burn it with an envelope and eat it immediately with your hands.
  • Beshbarmak at multivartsi
  • 1.5 kg of any kind of meat,

- chicken egg (dalnya) – 1 pc.,

  1. 5 potatoes,
  2. 2 cibulini.
  3. For lokshini:
  4. 300 g boroshna,
  5. Cover with a lid and set aside.

When the meat and potatoes are ready, remove them from the broth.

Set the steaming program again for 20-30 minutes, cook the dough in small pieces and place it on a dish.

Place the meat on top of the dough, pour the broth over the tsibule, and sizzle with the chopped herbs.

Serve the broth to the table in a sealed bowl.

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