The procedure for changing the technical plan after rescheduling.


Sequence of the applicant's actions

What documents are necessary

1. A document identifying the applicant’s person. 2. Application for changes in the characteristics of the object indestructible lane

, placed on the state cadastral register. The application can be submitted by the official, his representative on the basis of a notarized power of attorney, or another person in cases established by law. The application form can be downloaded on the website of Rosreestr, or picked up at the office of the Cadastral Chamber and the MFC. 3. The boundary plan of the land plot and the technical plan of the existing, future, premises and objects of unfinished everyday life. A boundary plan is required when changing the unique characteristics of a land plot and the appearance of a part of the land plot..

Technical plan it is necessary when changing the capital utility facility (behind the statement of information about the recognition of the facility) and the appearance of part of the capital utility facility. To draw up a boundary and technical plan, it is necessary to enter into an agreement for its preparation with a cadastral engineer, which has a qualification certificate. On the Rosreestr website you can find a list of all certified cadastral engineers Russian Federation 4. A document that establishes the applicant’s verifiable right to the object of indestructibility (original or notarized copy; copy of the act to the authority sovereign power

or to the body miscevogo self-direction

, certified with the seal and signature of the authorized

  • posadovaya individual
  • such an authority).
  • If information about the right to the object is already held by the State Cadastre of Invalidity (DKN), it is not necessary to submit a document.
  • As soon as the assignments have been changed, the placement has been made - a decision has been made to the local self-government body to change the assignments and placements.
The applicant has the right to submit an original or a copy of the document, certified by the seal and signature of the authorized person assigned to the body, or a notarized copy.

If the applicant does not submit the required documents, they will be collected by Rosreestr independently within the framework of the system of interdepartmental information exchange.

Terms of service and service The cadastral record about the object of inviolability, which must be entered before the DKN of the new record, is shown especially to the applicant (his representative) or is enforced We will deliver to departments

for the presence of a valid indication in the application, the lines are no more than 18 calendar days from the day the application is received by the cadastral authority.

Making changes to the DKN is possible without charging the applicant a fee.

  • Possible reasons for the lack of consideration of the statement:
  • one of the land plots crosses one of the other land plots, information about which is already available from the DKN; one of the plots spans a cordon municipal lighting
  • chi settlement;
  • As the local location is consistent with the cadastral records, it is avoided with the local location of the other location for the reason, as the other location is the object of inviolability, which I will transform there is;
applicants and the documents behind the form do not comply with the requirements of the law or the wrong set of documents was submitted.
  • Possible reasons for quitting a change:
  • the boundary and technical plan is certified as special, as it does not carry any subordinate rights;
  • a reply to the authority of the sovereign power and the body of local self-government on the interdepartmental request to confirm the validity of the document and information necessary for the cadastral office, and this document was not submitted by the applicant for the authority new initiative; From the statement about the change cadastral records
  • brutally denounced;
  • changing the area and (or) changing the description of the distribution between the land plots is not subject to the approval of the land plot or clarifications of the cordons;
  • when clarifying the cordons of a land plot, the established order of weather distribution between land plots was violated, and the location of the assignment of cordons is not respected (due to the culprit of the fall, the assignment of cordons was clarified in the order of the highest land dispute ).
For detailed information, go to the Rosreestr website or contact a specialist in the office.

How to submit documents

An application for changes in the characteristics of an indestructible lane can be submitted in one of the following ways:

1. Return to the Cadastral Chamber office.

Make an appointment in advance:

  • on the official website of Rosreestr in the section “Offices and reception”;
  • for a single number to the telephone service center of Rosreestr.
2. Submit an application and necessary documents, sign electronically digital signature, on the Rosreestr website under the “Electronic Services” section*.

3. Submit documents to the nearest person richly functional center tribute of the sovereigns municipal services(MFC).

4. Confirm that the MFC provides this service.

Send notarized documents to postal shipments with a description of the contents and notifications about delivery to the office of the Cadastral Chamber at the local location of the property. * Possibility of submitting documents for this service in electronic view

check on the Rosreestr website, with the operator at the telephone service center or with a specialist in the office.

You can quickly check the review status of your application using the additional electronic service “Checking Application Status” on the Rosreestr website, regardless of the method in which you submitted the documents. Monitoring and displacement control sovereign service

Rosreestr Ministry economical development
Russian Federation

FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY ESTABLISHMENT "Federal cadastral chamber Federal Service sovereign registration

, cadastre and cartography"

About hiring Budivel, Sporud

FDBU "FKP Rosreestr" has the most reliable sheet of Rosreestr dated November 14, 2014 N 14-15628/14 (input dated 11/14/2014 N 47983/CA, further - Sheet) about the review of the sheets of FDBU "FKP Ros04. dated 26.05. 2014 N 10-0509-AG for inclusion in the state cadastre of inviolability of information about the name of the budivel, sporud.

Nowadays, the List does not agree with the position of the Federal Budgetary Institution “FKP Rosreestr”, published in the List dated 01/27/2014 N 08-0067-AG, about those, on a thought.

Federal Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr", information about the change of name was, and may be assigned to the technical plan, including on the basis of the decision of the authority of the non-convulsive object i.

The position of the FDBU "FKP Rosreestr" is based on the position of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, published in the sheet dated July 19, 2012 N D23i-2093, the procedure for assigning names to objects capital everyday life is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the name of the dispute can be changed on the basis of any document that confirms the legislation of the Russian Federation and replaces the name of the dispute.

For example, on the basis of permission to put a facility into operation, design documentation, documents that establish the right.

Also, the list of Rosreestr dated 08/23/2012 N 09-6741-ВАб states that the current legislation does not regulate the procedure for changing the name of infirmity objects.

Most of the disputes that are located in the state cadastre of infirmity, and previously registered, information about them was submitted within the framework of the new order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 11.01.2011 N 1 “About terms and order inclusion in the state cadastre of the invulnerability of records of previously insured objects of inaudibility "technical documentation transmitted by technical inventory authorities

Most often, much earlier than insurance claims, disputes among applicants are necessary to inform about the exclusion or change of information about the employment, and some of the data is irrelevant.

Documentation that applicants have (technical passports, certificates of commissioning, permission to put into operation, design documentation, documents that establish the right), contain information about the “irrelevant” name.

The cadastral engineer could, by virtue of the fact that before preparing the technical plan, be guilty of declaring the name of the object of inviolability Art.

This refers to the documents on the basis of which the preparation of the technical plan is carried out.

In such a manner, it is impossible to indicate in technical terms about the “new” name, disputed on the basis of documents, so as to take revenge on the “old” name. The procedure for assigning names to capital assets of the legislation is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the opinion of the Federal Budgetary Institution “FKP Rosreestr”, a change in the records of the state cadastre of inaudibility about the appointment may be made on the basis of the decision of the authority of the relevant object of inaudibility .

In addition, the characteristic of “name” by virtue of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Cadastre Law is additional.

It is also not covered during the development of the cadastral property of the property.

FSBU "FKP Rosreestr" in connection with the deposit, it is important to contact the regulatory authority with a proposal to make changes to Article 22 of the Cadastre Law, and itself, transfer what is necessary for the cadastral document a document that avenges the will of the legal authority the object of inviolability about the change of its name (in the cadastral form of changes, the name was born, sporudi).
In. directors

Electronic text of the document preparations of JSC "Code" and fees for: indestructibility, and information about a building, a vessel, a place, a machine, an object of unfinished everyday life, or a single indestructible complex necessary for the state cadastral image of such an indestructible object, as well as ostі about the part or the parts that were, spores, placements, one indestructible the complex or new ones are necessary for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Invulnerability, information about invulnerability objects, to which cadastral numbers are assigned.

2. The technical plan includes:

1) information about the building, the dispute, the premises, the machine, the object of unfinished living, a single indestructible complex, necessary for its state cadastral structure, in the event of the deposition of cadastral works, which preparation of documents will be ensured for submitting an application to the cadastral authority to the registration authority the appearance of such an object of inaudibility;

(Div. text from the previous edition)

2) information about part or parts of the former, spores, placements, a single unbroken complex at the time of registration of cadastral works, which will ensure the preparation of documents for submitting an application for the state cadastral region to the registration authority And parts and parts of such objects of inaudibility;

(Div. text from the previous edition)

3) new items required for entry into the Unified State Register of Indestructible Information about a building, a vessel, an accommodation, a machine, an object of unfinished everyday life or a single non-destructive complex, to which a cadastral number is assigned, and the establishment of cadastral operations, which will ensure the preparation of documents for filing before the registration authority of rights, declare the state cadastral image of such an object of invulnerability.

(Div. text from the previous edition)

3. The technical plan consists of graphic and text parts.

4. In the graphic part of the technical plan there were, of course, an object of unfinished everyday life or a single unbroken complex, there are details of the cadastral plan of the subdivided territory or a connection from a single State register of infirmity about the land deals, and also indicates the place of reorganization of such objects, disputes, objects of unfinished everyday life or a single unbroken complex on the land plot.

(Div. text from the previous edition)

The graphic part of the technical plan of the premises, the machine space and the plan on top, or the parts on top were either inconsistent with the designation of such spaces, the machine space, and for the surface of the white i or sporudi - the plan was or the sporudi or the plan of the main part was or Dispute from the purposes on this plan the expansion of such premises, machinery.

5. Rotating the existing, unfinished activity on the land plot is established by assigning the coordinates of the characteristic points on the contour of such an unfinished activity on the land plot. Roztashuvannya has been, or the object of unfinished work on the land plot behind the records of the deputy of the cadastral work can be additionally installed with the help of a comprehensive description of the structural elements of the building, dispute or the object has not been completed of the future, including the regulation of the height and depth of such structural elements. 6. Rotated placement is installed behind the additional graphic display of the cordon

geometric figures

, created by the inner sides of the external walls of such a premises, on the plan on top or parts on top were or on the plan Some parts were either disorganized or disorganized.



Between the machine places are designated by the project documentation, and are designated or secured by a special one, as the current activity or operation was carried out, or by the owner of the rights to the machine place, including way applied to the surface of the substrate or the coating of the markings (preparings, with vikoristanny stickers or other methods).

The cordons of the machine-seat on the side (depending on the surface - in either case) are installed or supported by a path at the designated distance from at least two points that are in direct visibility and secured with state-of-the-art special marks on the internal surface of building structures on top (walls, partitions, columns , on the surface of the substructure (hereinafter referred to as special marks), to the characteristic points of the cordons of the machine station (points under the cordons on the part), as well as between the characteristic points between the machine station) to the maximum permissible dimensions of the machine station, established by the regulatory authority. regulation


8. Information about the booths, the spores or a single indestructible complex, in addition to information about the location of such objects of indestructibility on the land plot and their area, simply forgotten, is designated in the technical plan on the platform submitted by the deputy of the cadastral department of the design documentation for such non-rusting objects.

(Div. text from the previous edition)

At the time of the completion of the cadastral work, the possibility of a visual inspection of underground structural elements was either an object of unfinished work for the development of changes necessary for the expansion a significant object of inviolability on the land plot (contour of the future, sporudi, object of unfinished life) , it is allowed to use the original documentation submitted to Part 6 of Article 52 of the Local Code of the Russian Federation.

9. Information about the object of unfinished work, in addition to information about the location of such an object of inviolability on the land plot, is recorded in the technical plan on the basis of submissions by the deputy of the cadastral work for permission to the life of such an object and the design documentation of such an object of inviolability.

(Div. text from the previous edition)

11. It is clear that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not transfer the preparation and (or) data of assignments from parts 8 - these permits and design documents Yes, the following statements are indicated in technical terms on the basis of the declaration, folded and certified by the legal authority on the subject of hearing loss.

(Div. text from the previous edition)

Once the object of inviolability is created, the declaration is formed and certified by the legal authority of the land plot, where such an object of inviolability exists, and before the stateless object of inviolability - the body of local self-government of the municipality It is essential to illuminate why such an object of inaudibility exists. The designated declaration is communicated to the technical plan in an invisible way. 11.1.

Changes to Federal Law No. 218 “On the national registration of hearing loss” came about prior to the preparation of various technical documentation for capital utilities (CW) facilities.

Without being at fault, the technical plan, which is the main element of the package of technical documents.

To implement the new provisions, new measures were developed prior to the preparation of the technical plan, which were introduced into force by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 953 “On the approval of the form of the technical plan prior to its preparation.”

About the technical plan document

Article 24 of Federal Law No. 218 defines the technical plan as a document that contains information about the object of hearing loss.

They can be divided into two groups - data from the EDRN and data that is used for cadastral registration.

A technical plan is being developed for the GKS, which will make a tight connection to the ground. So, if you were going to be on the government's business or private sector, you don't need a technical plan, unless building a garage with a foundation requires completing technical documentation. In the meantime, the technical plan is based on the part of the building, around the location, the unused object and the parking lot.

Help before preparing the technical plan For further information, until the technical plan is prepared, please contact the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade No. 953.

Let’s take a look at the basic provisions that are important for a cadastral manager to know.

The basis for preparing the technical plan is various data about the GKS and the land plot, for any reason.

  • approved for commissioning (until July 13, 2015)
  • registration certificate (registered before 2013).

To formulate a technical plan for shortages, it is necessary to allow the development of design documentation.

If there is a lack of supply, the object has a registration certificate, it can be obtained until 2013.

There will be problems if the technical plan for an unfinished project can be folded without permission to work.

The cadastral engineer will work to ensure that the cadastral record is in compliance with the law.

Since the law allows reconstruction to be carried out without revoking the permit, in order to formulate a technical plan it is necessary to submit a draft and data on the commissioning of the GCS.

How the technical plan is formed

At the hour of completing the technical plan, the cadastral engineer conducts a visual inspection of the object and determines the necessary considerations.

They are required, for example, for the GCS circuit, the removal of its structural elements, engineering communications, etc.

In fact, visual inspection is no longer possible. Most often there is a problem with underground structures.

It is impossible to look at them without destroying their integrity.

It is impossible to create a technical plan with your own hands, because...

Before registration of this type of document, the following benefits are provided: the document is compiled in XML format and is certified with the seal of a cadastral engineer, who confirms the correctness of its formation. That's why there's no comparison to cadastral engineers. Information from the state cadastre of indestructibility increases the production line of the object.

  • Any changes that were carried out with the local authorities will appear at the cadastral register only if the ruler informs them about them.
  • Making changes to the DTC after rescheduling
  • in a non-residential location, transferred to a residential unit, is carried out when changing its basic parameters and includes the preparation of a package of lower-level documents with the following working details:
  • Development of design documentation, and the Project itself on planned work and technical updates on feasibility
  • examination of design documentation (for requirements)
  • allowed me to Perebudova
  • act about Vikonana Perebudova from Moszhilinspektsiya making changes to technical documentation BTI
  • Negotiation and withdrawal of the technical plan from the changes made before completion

making changes before the DKN

and obtaining a cadastral passport for an object with all changes making changes to the Unified State Register of Rights and withdrawing from the EDRP from the changes made Preparation of the project and obtaining permission for replanning

Project documentation

  • Technical passport of the object
  • Year of Vlasniki for relocation (if there are two or more Vlasniks)
  • For

In cases where there was previously a re-planning at the site for the registration of the Work Receipt Act, a technical update will be required on the admissibility and safety of the work at the site, registration of the Work Receipt Act and the application before the approval instances.

Making changes to BTI documents

Work to make changes to the technical documentation of BTI at facilities today is not clearly regulated.

If you make changes to the characteristics of the location, you can apply for an application to the State Budgetary Institution MosmiskBTI or a cadastral engineer. When most of the time, behind the internal interactions of the institution, I try to keep track of the situation that has arisen . As a result, first and foremost Vikonati

making changes to the DKN sheet

, as soon as possible, make changes to the technical documentation of the BTI. Compilation of the technical plan

Making changes to DCT documents

  • carried out on the basis of current data about the planning and construction of the project.
  • This data can inform the technical plan that is prepared by the cadastral engineer.
  • The warehouse is quiet.
  • The plan includes the seating and description, where the main parameters of the object are indicated.

To prepare a new technical plan you will need:

Project documentation

act of vicony rebudovi legal documents for the object

the declaration of application is certified by the authority and confirms the reliability of the data assigned to the technical plan. Making changes to the DKN in Moscow In order to approve all changes to the inviolability project, it is necessary to write an application to the main registration authority - the Federal Service for State Registration Rosreestr.

Fill out the application with the authority of the appointing official or his official representative with a power of attorney certified by a notary. act about Vikonana Perebudova from Moszhilinspektsiya There are folding songs.

  • There are a number of reasons why the registration body may have the right to downgrade its consideration or to take advantage of the following:
  • The boundaries of the premises must be determined by the boundaries of the registered property
  • the boundaries of the object go beyond the boundaries of the municipal authority
  • the boundaries between objects are not established or the rules of their designation are violated
  • the area of ​​​​location after replanning is larger than the area that fits in the building
  • The submitted package of documents does not correspond to the officially approved form or is filled out incorrectly
  • Not all documents are presented

the package of documentation was submitted not by the official or by a representative without a power of attorney Our company’s specialists are ready to assist the owner, go through all the stages and provide him with a current cadastral passport. The service can be “turnkey”, as well as in other positions. New list documents and works that we create for

  • making changes to the DKN in Moscow
  • offensive:
  • Development of design documentation and technical guidelines for the standing of load-bearing structures was carried out, if necessary, development of technical guidelines for the admissibility and safety of construction work at the site
  • Preparation of a package of documents for the issuance of the Order for the construction of repair and maintenance work, execution of the certificate of renovation, approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate
  • Making changes to technical documentation BTI
  • Registration of technical plan for the object
  • Making changes to the DKN
Since 1998, an archive of registration of all people's funerals has been maintained here.

Making changes to Rosreestr