Transfer flight.


Repair Golovna There are a number of talk shows on every major TV channel that discuss social and political issues.

On “Russia 1” the program “Duel” and “Evening with Volodymyr Solovyov” is broadcast, and the talk show “60 Khvilin” with Olga Skabeeva and Evgen Popov is also broadcast there.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

Together with Katerina Strizhenova and Anatoly Kuzichov, they host the daily talk show “Chas Pokazhe” (Time to Tell).

On NTV every day they air “Mistse Zustrichi” with Andriy Norkin and Olga Belova, and on the channel “TV Center” in the evenings they show “The Right to Voice” with Roman Babayan, as well as “The Right to Know” with Dmitry Kulikov.

One of the program participants, Igor Drandin, agrees with McCain’s words about the respectability of Russia before the assassination, remembering the butt of Oleksiy Navalny: “You talk so much about Putin and corruption, you will immediately be sent to prison.”

Other rivermen are starting to interrupt him, firmly stating that in America Navalny would have been jailed for 15 years for protests.

This is a manipulative, non-verifying technique - the technique is called “imposed investigation” if the lanyard disappears and the emphasis is placed on the top.

The presenter sticks the label “you now sound like McCain” on the speaker, ignores the food and vicorist authoritarian approach - repeats the same phrase until the speaker gets tired and locks up.

The speaker leader uses other tools that allow him to control the dialogue: gives commands to speakers;

slows down the pace of speech and puts more emphasis on words to make your mind move;

Issue for the 21st of February 2017.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

Topic: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called on Europe to enforce sanctions against Russia, because they had seen the documents of the DPR and LPR.

Rozmov and Vyacheslav Kovtun, who is represented as a Ukrainian political scientist.

The presenter from behind sets the framework for how viewers will perceive the video from Poroshenko.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

Immediately after re-watching it, it once again demonstrates the absurdity of basing Poroshenko on his status and religious differences.

It is important that the President of Ukraine’s statements are taken out of context: neither the situation, nor the peculiarities of the leader of the parliament, nor the change of mind are unknown.

It is also impossible to say exactly what Poroshenko said to his image - it will sound through the frame.

Topics for talk shows (especially smart ones) are formed according to the current order of the day.

Editors regularly demonstrate the right moves and turns, but periodically end with the command: “Robimo Ukraine.”

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

Since every time it was interpreted as “Ukraine-current”, then it is no longer relevant with such periodicity.

That's why the topic, as well as the program, appears on your fingertips.

It is important that the President of Ukraine’s statements are taken out of context: neither the situation, nor the peculiarities of the leader of the parliament, nor the change of mind are unknown.

Issue for the 6th quarter of 2017. Topic: “What to watch for in Russia?” They are discussing “unproven” allegations on the side of Zakhad regarding Russia’s responsibility before the chemical attack in Syria.

Igor Korotchenko, a member of the Hromadska for the sake of the Ministry of Defense, opposes the American journalist Michael Bohm.

Vislovlyovannya Korotchenko is a typical sifting through of facts: what is left out is omitted, and what is sometimes brought to the fore.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

Dodatkov’s over-continuity of his speech is given by the low rate of speech, harsh voice delivery, and accents.

The image of Navalny is transforming into the image of the enemy of the leader of the label “Fuhrer”.

The proposal is being discussed by Zyuganov as being illegal, unsafe for the country and the ignorant youth, who do not understand anything. Alas, God knows, there are security agencies that are seizing the country and preventing it from being destroyed.. - Topic: “What to watch for in Russia?” According to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, they are wise for the rally. Topic: “What to watch for in Russia?” Olga Timofeeva, who speaks next (member of the committee for the sake of the Federation of Russia with

It is important that the President of Ukraine’s statements are taken out of context: neither the situation, nor the peculiarities of the leader of the parliament, nor the change of mind are unknown.

international rights

) develops the image of a young Russian who does not understand anything, who can be won by a spell from a dangerous group.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

In the event of an appeal before the final May Day, the topic that is being discussed will grow to a global scale, and the organizers of the rallies will immediately become enemies of the country who encroach on their May Day.

Sergei Ivanenka, who bursts into dialogue with spicy food and claims (member of the Yabloko party. -

It is important that the President of Ukraine’s statements are taken out of context: neither the situation, nor the peculiarities of the leader of the parliament, nor the change of mind are unknown.

The system of choosing phrases from context, unfortunately, is practiced gradually.

Those who listen to the program are aware that the people who did the deed will never come to the program.

And if you didn’t do it that way, then your hands became untied.

The flagship of the civil-political block of the First Channel was the talk show “Persha Studio” with Artem Sheinin.

"Chas show" on Channel One

Issue for 21 June 2017.

Topic: “Why don’t people like it?”

The program about the fall of the people by the remaining fates begins with the discussion of the recent release of the conductor to Crimea.

Let me review the facts again: we talk about one thing and omit others.

In the discussed Krim there is a great moment: children know about peaches, what about relish.

First of all, these forecasts are likely to evoke a reaction from the target audience of the program - good fortune, warm weather, nostalgia, and at the same time, good luck will come in handy with the position of the presenters.

Political talk shows should not be confused with original programs - they are a classic show that resembles the program of an American TV presenter.

Invented by more than 60 Phil Donagh, the format of using views (and asking experts) to discuss topical issues is most often used for any social topics (for example, “Don’t stop talking”).

Expanded releases of new products, which usually come out like trends of the day (for example, “The Weekly Hour”), still play on a different field than talk shows, although they may be similar to them.

The most popular talk show in the political genre has for a long time been losing “A Weekly Evening with Volodymyr Solovyov”, which airs late every evening on “Russia 1”.

In the period from 13 to 19 years, this program achieved a rating of 4.6%, and in part - 18.9%, taking first place among social and political programs and becoming thirteenth in the hall (Moscow, audience 4+).

Also, up to ten times this section is often overshadowed by two more Solovyov’s programs - “Evening”, which airs on weekdays, and also “The Duel”, in which the politician, who was honored, was spoiled by TV viewers.

In addition, the popularity of the multiple-time show TEFI from the Saturday “Central Television” (3.4% rating and 9.8% share), as well as two shows on the channel “” - “The Right to Know!”

ta "Right to vote".

Well, obviously, “60 Khvilin” is gaining momentum on “Russia 1” and “First Studio” on Pershy.

Before the speech, Takmenev himself won two TEFI programs - 2014 and 2016.

Slot for roses

The show airs every weekday at 6:50 p.m. and runs on advertising until the 20th anniversary of “Vistey.” It was and is positioned as socio-political and dedicated to the main topic of the past day, which discusses the current (human) and guest requests of programs - political and public figures. What's the fuss about"

Live broadcast

“, then he didn’t go anywhere, but simply moved from the Korchevnikovs a year earlier.

Beyond the prime.

The main competitor of "Russia 1" has not made any changes to the news channel for almost half a year.

And just in the beginning of 2017, having given a blow to the news, the two-year talk show “First Studio” with host Artem Sheinin began to air about six evenings.

The format of the projects is approximately the same as that of “60 Khvilins” - discussed that day with the requested experts (also in the legendary First Studio of Ostankino), and perhaps a little more report, below Skabeeva and Popova.

For rahunok dovshoy timekeeping.

Right in the ranking

Artem Sheinin

Nina “First Studio” and “60 Khvylin” compete on equal terms.

The First Channel's programs in the period from 13 to 19 have a rating of 4.1%, and a part - 13.8%, the show "Russia 1" - 4.2% and 13.7% at the same time.

Parity between two similar programs may be preserved in the future.

“Russia 1” helps that after “60 Khvylins” “Visti” begins and it is possible to preserve the integrity of the new and analytical order of the day.

25 668

Pershy is active in Andriy Malakhov’s scandalous talk show “High to Talk,” which has already repeated dozens of rocks and looks absolutely unsinkable. Looks, perhaps, in this case, they have lost the victory: you can choose the presentation of relevant material to your liking - aggressive like “60 Khvilins” or calm like “First Studio”.

The main victims in this battle of ratings were the show’s “Let’s Be Friends” show-goers, who unwittingly stumbled upon an unimportant place (now airing at 17.00) - not all viewers wake up until that hour when TV sets leave work.

32 458

37 994

True, the protest that swept through social measures did not show respect to Persha. The story of the journey to Syria and the return of MDU student Varvara Karaulova has spread not only to Russia, but also to the whole world.

The girl was convicted of attempting to join a terrorist organization and was sentenced to four and a half terms of freedom.

1 114 374

In this documentary film, Varvara and her fathers look back and reconsider everything that has happened to them.

"Square of Broken Hopes."

1 401 149

Documentary film

The famous American director Oliver Stone has fought with Russian President Volodymyr Putin for two years.

1 761 601

Documentary Now the viewers of Channel One have a unique opportunity to watch the documentary film “Putin”.

3 241 689

Documentary Watch online on the Channel One website the entire series of Oliver Stone's film about Russian President Volodymyr Putin.


75 371


Channel One presents a four-part documentary film by the famous American director Oliver Stone, Putin.

Watch online on the Channel One website the entire series of Oliver Stone's film about Russian President Volodymyr Putin.

Genre: Civil War / Zbroya / Politics / Technology / Documentary 2020
Kostyantin Dushenov about Medvedev’s nomination, Mishustin’s recognition and the president’s message to the Federal Elections.
Why did this happen all at once?
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How can we get the political will from Europeans to complete the project and not suffer from American sanctions?

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Kremlin psychics.