The brown power of Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are the essence of an elegant vegetable. Contraindications and possible Skoda

The history of Brussels sprouts began in Belgium, when they were introduced by the agricultural movement (1821) and expanded throughout Europe. By the middle of the 19th century the century reached Russia. Here, due to the harsh climate, there was no popularity. Today it occurs only in our region, especially in regions with a mild climate. Great followers of the light market: Holland, Canada, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain.

Korisni vlastivosti

The chemical stock of Brussels sprouts is cut with a large amount of protein. There is 5 times more than cauliflower and white cabbage. Vegetables are the top sources of vitamin C, including cabbage and white cabbage - some of which can be supplemented with black currants. Vitamin PP, B1, B2, A is 2 times more, lower in white cabbage, add riboflavin (almost in the same proportions as in milk). For these reasons, Brussels sprouts can definitely be placed first among dietary products.

Harch value of Brussels sprouts: carbohydrates - 3.1 g, fats - 0.3 g, proteins - 4.9 g, harch fiber - 4.3 g, organic acids - 0.3 g, starch - 0.3 g, water – 87 g, monota disaccharides – 2.7 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 0.15 g, ash – 1.4 g. Vitamins: PP, beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C – 100 mg, E. Macro microelements: potassium – 375 mg, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus – 78 mg, salizo.

100 g contains the following dosage: vitamin C – 112%, organic acids – 16%, vitamin B6 – 15%, potassium – 15%.

How it flows into the body

Brussels sprouts– a brown dietary product that is recommended for everyone, especially elderly people, children, athletes, those who control their proper food. This vegetable enriches the body with vitamins and minerals, speeds up the pickling process, removes waste and toxins. Positively flows into the camp of the heart's flesh and the vessel. It has a positive effect on the nervous, endocrine and broncho-legal systems.

The power of Brussels sprouts: renewal and stimulation of the epiphyseal gland, normalization of the pulp level. Uses immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, sechoginous, hormonal, wound-containing agents. It contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, neoplasia, and oncology. Suppresses infectious diseases and helps fight scurvy. I paint the intestinal tract, the gynecological system and the ruminant fur. Inclusion before the diet helps to normalize arterial pressure and relieve arrhythmia.

How to choose correctly

Brussels sprouts are sold fresh and frozen. The packaged product is labeled with the date of manufacture and the term of attribution. If you buy frozen vegetables on your own, you can transfer them to the presence of third-party houses and the sign of non-disposable washing.

The vigor of fresh forks can be determined by sight: the presence of traces of rot, mold, dark spots, the freshness of the top leaves. The stem is always bright and clean. Cabbage with spinach yellow color Brothers, not a trace - not stale or overripe goods of low quality. Try to choose rich, bright green fruits.

Ways to save

Fresh Brussels sprouts can be preserved at temperatures of 1-5 degrees for two months. For this purpose it is not necessary to strengthen the stems and trim them in the vegetable container. This product does not lose brown berries when frozen. For this type of preservation, you need to blanch the cabbage for about 1 hour. The freezer can last for 4-6 months.

What to eat at the cookery

Brussels sprouts are valued not only for their grub value, but also for their savory qualities with the great importance of their sweet and pea flavor. Boiled vikoristas are used to prepare other herbs, salads, to decorate the Christmas table, side dishes to meat and fish herbs. Include the stock of marinades and vegetable sumishes. Miniature forks should be extinguished, greased, and used to prepare soups and cabbage soup.

Gourmets coat breaded forks in oil until golden brown and top with sour cream. Cabbage baked in the oven with meat, cheese, potatoes, eggs, and tops is popular. What to do with a fresh look and spices spicy herbs: basil, parsley, thyme, oregano, rosemary, chasnik, celery, parsnip etc.

Corysne condensed products

Brussels sprouts - an indispensable product at the children's tavern. Brews based on this broth are not compromised food value to the smoker. The product is actively used in diets for weight loss. Helps to discount in a short term zaiva vaga and improve your health. A large number of vitamins, mineral salts and proteins relieve weakness, tone, nourish, and give strength.

Brown food for those who want to lose weight is a mix of Brussels sprouts, green kvass, lettuce juice and carrots. This vitamin elixir burns fats. By stagnating and excluding starchy foods from your diet, you can lose weight by 4-6 kg in 10 days.

And children who grow on Brussels sprouts. The stench is simple, the smell is simple and accessible. Whatever the season, you can get the best out of your cinnamon vegetables. The product goes wonderfully with rice, asparagus, cauliflower, carrots, eggplants, and shallots.

It is important to know the rules of preparation. Due to the power of mini-cabbage, it has the greatest bitterness, especially in overripe fruits. To reduce this amount, you need to add lemon juice or a dash of soda during cooking. Cook without a crust. Frozen product takes 10-12 hvilins, fresh - 5-7 hvilins.


It should be consumed with care when acidity increases and when the gastrointestinal tract becomes ill.

Zastosuvannya in medicine and cosmetology

Doctors recommend consuming Brussels sprouts for the treatment of foot worms, gum disease, diabetes, anemia, scurvy, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. It is used as a dehydrator, sechoginous, diarrheal and diarrheal remedy, as well as for intestinal problems, insomnia, viral illnesses, to improve the immune system.

U traditional medicine Drinking Brussels sprouts treats hypertension, cough, arrhythmia, and is used as an anti-inflammatory drug after severe illness.

This helps to resolve problems with the subcutaneous tissue and reduce hemoglobin levels. Turns on before the diet of the veggies, like dzherelo folic acid, which is necessary for molding nervous system fetus Brussels sprout juice is an effective therapy and prevention of cancer. Juice-based compresses are applied to wounds to accelerate the regeneration of skin tissue.

According to cosmetology, it is enough to include Brussels sprouts in the diet - the skin will be thin, hairy, and the body will be stringy. Based on this product, there are a number of masks that will improve the structure of the skin, rejuvenate, and rejuvenate. Serves as a stand-in lotion: soothes pores, adds elasticity, firmness, dries out flaking, removes old processes, removes pigment spots and blackheads, suitable for softening hair and nails.

Porridge from boiled or steam pumps helps to remove swelling under the eyes. Puree fresh fruits The gusset comes out of the pea juice and softens.

Brussels sprouts are related to the cabbage family. This small cabbage has a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. Brussels sprouts have long been popular in Brussels (Belgium), and, perhaps, they got their name there.

Regardless of the fact that this vegetable grows in the Mediterranean along with other types of cabbage, Brussels sprouts first appeared in European Europe in the fifth century, and was later cultivated in the thirteenth century near Brussels , the star took away her name.


Syrah Brussels sprouts contain a high amount of vitamin C and vitamin K with a high amount of B vitamins, such as folic acid and vitamin B6; Basic minerals and grub fibers (cellulose) are present in smaller quantities.

Brussels sprouts, like broccoli and other vegetables of the cabbage family, contain sulforaphane - an organic substance, due to its potential anti-cancer properties. Regardless of the fact that cooking reduces the amount of sulforaphane, steaming and mixing with constant stirring does not lead to significant waste.

Kharchova value per 100 grams:

  • Calorie content of Brussels sprouts: 179 kJ (43 kcal).
  • Boiled Brussels sprouts - calorie content: 36 kcal.
  • Brussels sprouts, greased - calorie content: 36 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates: 8.95 grams.
  • Dietary cellulose: 3.8 grams.
  • Fat: 0.3 grams.
  • Protein: 3.48 grams.

Vitamins (per 100 grams):

  • Vitamin A: 38 mcg (5%).
  • Beta-carotene: 450 mcg (4%).
  • Lutein zeaxanthin: 1590 mcg.
  • Thiamine (B1): 0.139 mg (12%).
  • Riboflavin (B2): 0.09 mg (8%).
  • Niacin (B3): 0.745 mg (5%).
  • Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.309 mg (6%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.219 mg (17%).
  • Folic acid (B9): 61 mcg (15%).
  • Choline: 19.1 mg (4%).
  • Vitamin C: 85 mg (102%).
  • Vitamin E: 0.88 mg (6%).
  • Vitamin K: 177 mcg (169%).

Minerals (per 100 grams):

  • Calcium: 42 mg (4%).
  • Zalizo: 14 mg (11%).
  • Magnesium: 23 mg (6%).
  • Manganese: 0.377 mg (16%).
  • Phosphorus: 69 mg (10%).
  • Potassium: 389 mg (8%).
  • Sodium: 25 mg (2%).
  • Zinc: 0.42 mg (4%).

Other warehouses (per 100 grams):

  • Water: 86 grams.

*Hundreds indicate the number of these and other words in accordance with the additional standard of living for an adult, which is recommended.

Brussels sprouts bark

We present to your respect 10 deliverables brown authorities Brussels sprouts:

1. To take revenge on the impersonality of living speeches

Brussels sprouts are low in calories and rich in cellulose, vitamins and minerals. This is ideal for foods rich in vitamin K, which is essential for clear blood and healthy cysts. It also contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that promotes healthy tissue and promotes new tissue and immune function.

Moreover, high content of cellulose (grub fiber) helps promote intestinal health and prevents constipation. In addition to the essential nutrients, Brussels sprouts contain a small amount of vitamin B6, potassium, saliva, thiamine, magnesium and phosphorus.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts contain a small number of calories, but are rich in healthy nutrients, especially cellulose, vitamin K and vitamin C.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Brussels sprouts have a number of health benefits, especially since they contain a number of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are products that reduce oxidative stress in your cells and help reduce the risk of development chronic illnesses. One study showed that when participants ate about 300 grams of Brussels sprouts each day, damage to their cells due to oxidative stress decreased by 28%.

Brussels sprouts are especially rich in kaempferol - an antioxidant that is widely associated with many health benefits. Test tube studies show that kaempferol can reduce the growth of cancer cells, inflammation and improve heart health. Roasting Brussels sprouts in a fruit- and vegetable-rich diet can help supply the body with antioxidants for optimal health.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts contain kaempferol - an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of cancer, reduce inflammation and improve heart health.

3. Can help protect against cancer

The investigation will show that high rhubarb The antioxidants in Brussels sprouts may help prevent the development of some types of cancer. A study conducted in 2008 showed that Brussels sprouts can protect against carcinogens or cancer-causing agents and prevent oxidative damage to cells.

In another small study, treatment increased the amount of certain detoxifying enzymes by 15-30%. The investigators assumed that this effect could potentially lead to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer development, although further research is necessary.

In addition, antioxidants in Brussels sprouts can neutralize free radicals that are created as a result of oxidative stress. Vilna radicals are trying to stop the developments of such illnesses as cancer .

Including this vegetable to a balanced diet, food, well in good health Life can help reduce the risk of developing cancer if additional research is needed.

We need a small pouch:

Evidence shows that benefits found in Brussels sprouts may reduce the risk of cancer.

4. Revenge the high amount of cellulose

100 g of Brussels sprouts contain 3.8 g of cellulose, which satisfies our dietary requirement for it by approximately 15%. Cellulose is extremely important for the health of our intestines, and it is enough to bring rich benefits to all our health.

Research shows that dietary cellulose can relieve constipation by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and making stools more loose and voluminous, which makes them easier to pass through the intestines and rectum. Cellulose also resists poisoning, helping the growth of corticobacteria in the intestines.

Increased cell growth is associated with other significant effects on the health of the entire body, such as a decrease in the risk of development heart-judgment sickness and improved control of blood sugar.

Women are recommended to consume at least 25 grams of cellulose per day, while men are recommended to consume at least 38 grams of cellulite per day. Roasted Brussels sprouts, along with other good food fibers such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can easily help you meet your fiber needs.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts are rich in cellulose, which can help reduce inflammation, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing heart diseases and diabetes.

5. Rich in vitamin K

Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamin K. In fact, 100 grams of this vegetable will provide the body with 177 mcg of vitamin K, which is 169% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin K plays an important role in life. Vіn is important for:

  • throaty blood;
  • dissolving blood clots to stop bleeding;
  • you can play the role of grown brushes;
  • can help prevent the development of osteoporosis.

In fact, one study of seven studies found that taking vitamin K supplements can increase the value of the wrists and reduce the risk of cyst fracture in postmenopausal women.

Please be aware that those taking blood thinning medications need to change their vitamin K supplementation. For most people, supplementing with vitamin K can be beneficial for your breast health.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin K, a vital vitamin that is important for normal blood flow and the metabolism of bone tissue.

6. Can help maintain normal levels of blood sugar

In addition to the hostile profile of living speeches and a long list of health authorities, Brussels sprouts can also be taken as a supplement normal level blood tsukru.

Numerical studies have shown an increase in the growth of cross-flowered vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, due to a change in the risk of developing diabetes in the vegetables. This is probably due to the fact that it contains a lot of cellulose, which helps regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. Cellulose is completely absorbed by the body and is sufficiently absorbed into the blood.

Brussels sprouts also contain alpha lipoic acid (ALA), an antioxidant that is widely observed for its potential to boost blood sugar levels and insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for transporting sugar from the blood to your cells, thereby controlling the level of sugar in the blood.

In one study, 12 patients with diabetes who were given an alpha-lipoic acid supplement experienced increased sensitivity to insulin. Researchers found that this is due to the fact that alpha-lipoic acid allowed insulin to work more effectively by reducing the level of sugar in the blood.

Eating more Brussels sprouts along with a healthy diet can help you keep the rhubarb in your blood stable.

We need a small pouch:

The cellulose and antioxidants in Brussels sprouts may help keep rhubarb stable in the blood.

7. Reduce Omega-3 Fatty Acids (ALA)

People who do not eat fish or seafood find it difficult to get enough omega-3 fatty acids. Roslin products do not contain alpha lipoic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is less effective in your body, and lower omega-3 fats that are removed from fish and seafood.

This is because your body can convert ALA into more active forms of omega-3 fatty acids in small amounts. For these reasons you will need to understand Great quantity omega-3 fatty acids ALA to meet your dietary needs for omega-3 in combination with fats such as those obtained from fish or seafood.

Brussels sprouts are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, containing 173 mg of ALA per 100 grams. It was found that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, improve cognitive decline, reduce insulin resistance and reduce inflammation.

A decimal serving of Brussels sprouts (80 grams each) will help you easily meet your needs for omega-3 fatty acid, the skin of the female body is 12% and the human body is 8.5% of the normal requirement.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), which can reduce inflammation, insulin resistance, decreased cognitive performance, and the level of triglycerides in the blood.

8. You can change the ignition

Inflammation of the normal immune system, but chronic burning You can get rid of a sickness like cancer, blood diabetes that heart-judgmental illness.

Decades of research in test tubes have shown that the secretions found in cross-flowered vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, are associated with anti-government authorities. A large study showed that a higher prevalence of cross-flowered vegetables was associated with a lower level of ignition markers in the blood.

In addition, Brussels sprouts contain a large number of antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals. scream the flame. Several studies have found that kaempferol (one of the main antioxidants in Brussels sprouts) has particularly strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Based on these crops, a diet rich in vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, can help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pro-inflammatory illnesses.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants and contain antioxidants, which may help reduce inflammation.

9. Get plenty of vitamin C

100 g of cooked Brussels sprouts will provide the body with vitamin C at 102% of the dietary requirement. Vitamin C is important for the growth and renewal of tissues in the body. It also acts as an antioxidant, taking part in viral proteins such as collagen, and may help boost immunity.

One study of over 11,000 participants found that vitamin C reduced the severity of cold symptoms, reducing the severity of cold symptoms by an average of 8% in adults.

Vitamin C can also increase the absorption of non-heme slime - a form of slime found in hedgehogs that your body cannot absorb as easily as liquid from the hedgehogs. In fact, one study showed that taking 100 mg of vitamin C increased skin intake by 67%.

Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, and Brussels sprouts are one of the best sources available. Adding one or two servings of this vegetable to your diet several times a day can help you meet your vitamin C needs.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts contain a significant amount of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant important for healthy immunity, digestion, collagen production, and tissue growth and renewal.

10. It’s easy to add to your diet

Brussels sprouts are delicious healthy diet The food can easily be included in a variety of side dishes and herbs. People often taste it in a greased, boiled or baked form.

To prepare the side dish, stir in the ends of Brussels sprouts. Mix them with a small amount of olive oil, salt and pepper, and then brush until they become crispy.

Brussels sprouts can also be added to pasta, frittata or mixed with herbs for a delicious and hearty meal.

We need a small pouch:

Brussels sprouts are easy to prepare and you can enjoy them at a variety of foods delicious herbs, Avoiding measles for your health.

The leanness of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts in highest level safe when used. However, staying in the urine during certain periods of time can lead to increased gas (flatulence) and bloating.

It is unknown whether Brussels sprouts are safe or what possible side effects may occur when they are consumed in medicinal doses.

Particular foreign approaches and contraindications:

  • Vaginism and babybath : There is a lack of information about the safety of eating Brussels sprouts in children during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Stay on the safe side and try to get the most basic food products.
  • Leaky Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Harvesting Brussels sprouts can cause gas build-up. This may increase the symptoms of IBS.

Highly harvested Brussels sprouts may not be suitable for patients taking anticoagulants such as warfarin, as they may contain vitamin K, which is a blood thinning factor. In one reported incident, the ingestion of too many Brussels sprouts hastened the hospitalization of a patient who was taking anticoagulants (drugs that thin the blood).

Let's bring the pouch

  • Brussels sprouts are rich in cellulose, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that provide vital supplements to your diet.
  • This practice can also bring additional benefits to health, for example, it helps reduce the risk of cancer development, changes inflammation and improves blood sugar control.
  • Supplementing Brussels sprouts with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can potentially make a significant positive difference to your health.

Brussels sprouts are a sprout of the crossflower family. This vegetable is related to the types of kale. This type of vegetable was bred on the basis of leafy wild cabbage, which grew in the Mediterranean. Belgian centuries from Brussels developed a cultivated variety on this basis, which later spread throughout Europe.

Roslina has a cylindrical stem up to 60 centimeters. A long and narrow leaf sits on the stem, attached to the back of the petioles. The leaves are green or gray-green with a waxy finish. In the leaf axils small swings grow (50-100 pieces) with sizes Voloskogo peas, vaga їх – close to 10 grams.

Chim Corrisna Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are distinguished from other types of cabbage. This is due to the fact that other pumps often contain more vitamins that are vitally important to the human body.

  • Brussels sprouts are a wonderful treat for Improvement of the immune systemі Treating spring avitaminosis. Vitamin C in cabbage contains 3 times more than cabbage, which is approximately equal to black currants. When you include Brussels sprouts in your diet, the risk of getting sick from seasonal infectious diseases is reduced.
  • Brussels sprouts are incredibly popular dietary product Whichever contains enough protein. Wine is easily absorbed by the body without significant energy expenditure. Therefore, this type of cabbage is recommended to be eaten more by children, young children, elderly people and those who are sick, whose body is weakened as a result of illness.
  • Brussels sprouts beneficially flows into the cardiac-vascular system people. Vaughn to take revenge on your warehouse speech, like reduces rhubarb in the blood. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include food in your diet if you have diabetes.
  • Cabbage, bred in Brussels in the past, seems to be friendly influx on the underwater vine normalizing work. High cellulose content in green vegetables will ensure flashing effect, which eliminates constipation and normalizes the work of the scolio-intestinal tract. However, in small quantities, Brussels sprouts give stinging effect.
  • Brussels sprouts may hematopoietic effect Instead of high levels of magnesium, potassium and magnesium, this will not only revitalize the heart, but also reduce the increased level of red blood cells in the blood and the absorption of blood. It is important to include food in your diet for people with heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Brussels sprouts stimulates regenerative processes. That’s why it’s bad for people who have been wounded for the most obvious healing of wounds. Moreover, there may anti-inflammatory and anti-infective action which minimizes the risks of festering wounds.
  • High levels of antioxidants and chlorophyll give Brussels sprouts an anti-cancer effect without causing changes in the cell tissue DNA storage. human body. By preserving the DNA structure, the creation of malicious fluff is impossible.
  • Brussels sprouts juice zhovchoginimі in a sechoginal way. This action of vegetables also cleanses the body of waste and toxins, which stain the walls of the vessels and negatively affects a person’s self-esteem.
  • Zagalnozmitsnyaya action cabbage allows you to fertilize it during the period after suffering from severe infections. When you have a bunch of Brussels sprouts in stock, you can think of a chicken broth that is recommended to drink if you have a weakened body.
  • Brussels sprouts normalizes arterial blood pressure, not allowing him to move beyond the limits of the norm. It is therefore highly recommended to include this before eating if you suffer from hypertension. This power of vegetables is beneficial for people who suffer from arrhythmia.

Contraindications for Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are contraindicated for acute chronic diseases of the intestinal tract and for gastritis with high acidity.

Avoid including Brussels sprouts in your diet for people who may have weakened intestines.

The food value of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a dietary food product, in which great quantity Proteins and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates and fats are mixed. Per 100 grams of the natural part of the product there are more than 43 kilocalories. This piece of cabbage contains:

100 grams of Brussels sprouts contain vitamins:

The average mineral content of Brussels sprouts can be seen (per 100 g of product).

Brussels sprouts are another brown representative of the Chrestotsveti family, along with wasabi, broccoli, cauliflower and mustard. You need to handle it carefully, because when overcooked, cabbage has a bitter taste and an unpleasant aroma.

One cup contains over 38 calories, 8 g carbohydrates, 3 g protein and dietary fiber. The vitamin warehouse of Brussels sprouts includes (per serving size):

  • 1100 MO vitamin A;
  • 0.17 mg thiamine;
  • 0.12 mg riboflavin;
  • 0.95 mg niacin;
  • 74.8 mg vitamin C;
  • 1.4 mg vitamin E;
  • 155.8 mcg vitamin K;
  • 0.28 mg vitamin B6;
  • 0.4 mg pantothenic acid.

Other red compounds: zeaxanthin, choline, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and selenium.

Type of breast cancer

The journal Cancer Prevention Research (2010) published evidence that Brussels sprouts contain indole-3-carbinol. This unique speech streams the cancer cells of the mammary gland through replication. Follow-up on the animals showed a 65% change in the malignant plumpness of the designated species. Brussels sprouts can be protected from other oncological diseases when used instead of isotiocinates. The smell cleanses the body of carcinogens and reduces the risk of heart attack. Other types of cancer, which protects the eggs: colon, anterior ovary and ovaries.

For a professional watch

Brussels sprouts are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. Paul S. Bernstein, writing in Gardening Protocols (published 2009), recommends taking 6-10 mg of these carotenoids daily to combat macular degeneration and retinal degeneration, the main causes of blindness in older adults. This century's group. Vitamin A in stock of these green pumps can replace a trip to the ophthalmologist - it will clog the vision.

Type of oven

The product contains high doses of vitamin C and plenty of dietary fiber. This contributes to good etching and changes in the oven. If you want some people to grease the vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, cabbage and tomato, loosen the flesh of the herb, which will cause the oven to heat up.

Type of constipation

Skin 100 g of Brussels sprouts with 3.8 g of cellulose. Vaughn helps herbal system It functions normally and avoids constipation.

For low cholesterol

Brussels sprouts reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and reduce the buildup of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. The best thing for the heart is to eat this vegetable without adding oil, syrup or any sauces.

Dietary fiber binds esteric acids, which are synthesized by the liver from cholesterol molecules. The liver begins to produce more fat to replace the bound molecules, causing the level of cholesterol in the blood to fall. Other foods that lower cholesterol: white cabbage, beet and carrot, turnip and kale, apple skin, loaf bread and whole grains.

View of the burning heart and judgment

The anti-cooking power of Brussels sprouts is based on organic compounds containing glucose and amino acids. glucosinolates. The stench minimizes the destruction of blood vessels. The American Heart Association encourages all heart patients to include this vegetable in their diet.

Reduces the risk of birth defects

Such as sheep's pasture and splitting of the ridge, for high rakhunok instead of folic acid. Others, loaded with vitamins and berries for vegetable products: pears, avocados, fresh cucumbers that oatmeal porridge.

Changes in the prevalence of respiratory illnesses

Add beta-carotene – a powerful antioxidant that greatly improves the health of the body and reduces risk viral infections, asthma and emphysema.

Fight diabetes

New research shows that drinking juice from Brussels sprouts and kvass gives positive results in treating patients with diabetes.

Corysna for the brain

Vitamin K brown for the brain. It stimulates the degeneration of neurons and plays an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Stomach bloat

This is the most common side effect type of Brussels sprouts. People with irritated bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease are especially affected. In this type of gasification, fructans (from excess fructose) are produced. If you suffer from bloating from broccoli and Brussels sprouts, honey, apples and pears, artichokes and asparagus, wheat and corn syrup, you have fructose malabsorption.

Damage to the thyroid gland

People with weakened thyroid function should avoid Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables to avoid developing hypothyroidism. They contain a number of goitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones. However, some nutritionists believe that during thermal treatment, goitrogens are neutralized. Ale Brussels sprouts are mixed with indoles, which transfer the absorbed iodine to the thyroid gland.

Calories, kcal:

Bilki, r:

Bcarbohydrates, g:

Brussels sprouts - sprouts of the family cabbage (chrestotsvitikh), sheep culture. Apply to the appearance of kale and do not overshadow the wild appearance. The ancestor of Brussels sprouts is kale, which grew wild in the Mediterranean and was introduced into cultivation a long time ago. Brussels sprouts were bred from kale by vegetable growers in Belgium, and spread to France, Germany and Holland (calorizer). Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and call it Brussels sprouts in honor of the Belgian townspeople from Brussels. In Russia it appeared in the middle of the 19th century, but the expansion did not arise through our climatic minds. Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in the countries Western Europe(especially in Great Britain), the USA and Canada. In Russia, they are found in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.

The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is 43 kcal per 100 g of product.

Brussels sprouts warehouse

The barkness and skoda of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a low-calorie product. It is important to follow these steps to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease (coronary insufficiency, hypertension), and also reduce the likelihood of birth defects.

It is recommended that new mothers include Brussels sprouts and dzherelo in their diet. It is necessary for the proper development of the nervous system and reduces the risk of birth defects in children. As a miracle jerelo, a major antioxidant, Brussels sprouts help young mothers preserve their miracle color. Instead of cellulose, it prevents constipation.

Brussels sprouts are recommended as a dietary product for patients suffering from heart disease. There is evidence that ingested Brussels sprouts stimulate wound healing. It combines the renewed functions of the subglottic gland, and is even useful in case of cervical diabetes.

Eating Brussels sprouts can cause harm to the body. And it contains elements that destroy the functioning of the thyroid gland. People who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland must avoid taking Brussels sprouts and other thyroid glands, otherwise hypothyroidism may develop. Goitrogens that reside in them suppress the production of thyroid hormones. However, not at all, some nutritionists talk about those that the effects of goitrogens can be neutralized during thermal processing. In addition, Brussels sprouts also have indoles, which are normal for the thyroid gland and absorb iodine in sufficient quantities.

Brussels sprouts in cooking

The hedgehog grows small cabbages of Brussels sprouts that grow in the axils of the leaves. The stinks of high grub yakos. Brussels sprouts are boiled, roasted for the preparation of salads, soups and frozen vegetables, stewed and greased. Whole pumpkins go to cook cabbage soup, other herbs and side dishes before meat. They can be boiled and then simmered in butter, brushed until golden brown and served at the table with a calorizer. The original shape and size of the cabbages of Brussels sprouts, combined with added green or purple fermentation, allow the cabbages of Brussels sprouts to be crispy for the decoration of Yuletide herbs, and the high savory flavors for the savory herbs gourmet. iv. Brussels sprouts can also be dried.

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