The water has been boiled and cooled down. Boiled water is crusty and dirty - follow up on the previous recommendations. Features of boiled water

Doctors know that 70% of the human body is made up of water, which is essential for all processes that take place in it.

The product itself pure look is guilty of losing the body and losing its essential functions.

Today we will look at what kind of water is brown - syrah and boiled, and also what we recommend drinking.

What does the water contain during the boiling hour?

During the boiling process, part of the product bubbles up in a steam-like state, and in the other part bubbles actively appear when the temperature reaches 100 degrees.

This process is divided into several stages:

  1. The bottom of the vessel is covered with tiny single bulbs, which later become larger and reach the surface; they accumulated mainly on the walls of the container.
  2. The volume of the bulbs rapidly increases, which provokes a slightly cloudy core, which dissipates over time, and is accompanied by a cob of boiling water. This process is called the “white spring”, because it is indicated by the flow of jerel water.
  3. The remaining stage is characterized by intense vibrations, creation of large bulbs and active pairing.

When the product is boiled, it is purified from harmful microorganisms, its harshness is reduced and its chlorine content is reduced. Hard salts precipitate and are lost throughout the day.

Important! Varto notes that the boiling process cannot prevent hepatitis A and botulism. And if the water is boiled for a long time at room temperature, bacteria will settle there again.

Corrosiveness of the product

Let us first understand that the boiling process transforms the water into pure liquid, from the tap water. You can often see a degree of crustiness when boiling the product in the sink, so that this process is carried out only once. This kind of treatment allows you to improve your mental and physical health, remove toxic deposits from the body, and improve blood circulation.

Ingestion of warm boiled radish helps to speed up metabolic processes in the body and prevents the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Before the water boils, it is recommended to put it in summer period, if bacteria multiply with great fluidity in the binder with sinter, then boiling will be a simple process of cleansing the pulp from harmful microorganisms. To eliminate pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to boil it not less than 10 hvilin- this is the time to allow the most dangerous bacteria to be killed.

Skoda is contraindicated

Regardless of the advantages of the boiling process, waste of water can harm the body, so please take a closer look at this report.

Do you know? People cannot sleep without water for an hour. If you don’t get used to it, then the human body will die for its own sake. Over the course of their entire life, one person drinks approximately 35 tons of water.

If you want to use this product today, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • During processing, the concentration of chlorine present in the country may change significantly, but it will still be impossible to find it;
  • Thermal processing provokes an active reaction, so we often add syrup to the boiled water to increase the temperature, which is absolutely impossible to do, since the harshness of the raw material increases significantly;
  • Since there is a depletion of bacteria during the heat treatment process, it is important to note that pathogenic microorganisms, especially their types, are very persistent, and to kill them, it takes more than 3 years to boil nnya;
  • If you live in a depleted countryside today, you can provoke the formation of stones in the fields, the deposition of salts in the drylands;
  • thermal processing is designed to bring out most of the sourness, which is even more brown for human body, and a large number of nitrates, salts, salts and mercury will be lost by yourself;
  • After processing, the product loses all the valuable minerals necessary for the human body. This kind of country is called “dead” by the Fakhivtsy, because it is absolutely not koris.

The looseness in the product can be eliminated if it is heated more than once, and excessively hot temperatures can cause mucous membranes to develop, swelling and pancreatitis.

There is no direct contraindication to the boiled product before drinking it, so as not to ignore the above-mentioned concern for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Do you know? The most expensive water in the world is bottled water, which is available in Los Angeles, where the bottle is decorated with natural Swarovski crystals and the price is 90 dollars per liter.

Basic rules for drinking boiled water

Some people cannot live without boiled water, so they drink it themselves, since they are more carefree, so it is necessary to consider all the basic rules of living, so as not to cause the body to have an unnecessary influx.

  • Proceed to the home after heat treatment immediately, without hesitation, if you are cold on the outside, so you can get the maximum benefit for your health.
  • Since you don’t need the product immediately boiled, we recommend pouring it into a container and keeping it closed.
  • It is prohibited to remove the product from the same vessel in which the boiling took place.
  • In order to ensure that the soil does not bring harm to health, it is necessary to regularly clean the kettle or the container where the water will be processed, so that the liquid is removed.
  • It is not possible to save water for more than 3 years; it is better to regularly cook fresh water.
Please remember that it is not possible to digest a boiled product, it is necessary for the body to remove the same cleansing product - such steps are necessary to eliminate the accumulation of salts and metals in the body.

Yaku piti - kip'yachenu chi siru

To maximize the health benefits of drinking water, we recommend drinking purified sir. For this purpose, you can buy water from artesian wells, which is sold by specialized stores that run their own delivery services.
If you want to protect it, you can add filters that are installed on the water pipe, and as a result, you remove purified water from the tap. The same bottled product, which is sold in all stores, will be brown and will not harm the body.

About those, water intended for drinking can be boiled no more than once, you know, be a good gentleman. However, the physical and chemical mechanism of this protection can only be explained using molecular physics and chemistry. Regardless of preserving the organoleptic characteristics of the raw material during the boiling process, its structure and storage of ingredients change. Why you can’t boil water for two days is a scientific fact that is confirmed by experiments. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Physico-chemical power of water

Natural water molecules from the school chemistry course. This warehouse contains two atoms of water, combined with one atom of acid. The chemical formula of water is H2O. The country has no color, no clarity, no taste and no smell. Tap and natural water (river, lake, dzherelny) contains no harmful mineral chemicals, most of which are harmful to the human body. In addition, natural water is capable of containing high-molecular organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

Why you can’t boil water for two days – this is a scientific fact

The main method of boiling water is to reduce harmful and pathogenic microorganisms, which die at elevated temperatures.

Without denying the correctness of all the suggestions of scientific facts, a completely legal diet remains - Why can’t you drink distilled water? ? There are no practical barriers here, but it is noted that distillate, which has neither taste nor smell, also has a negative impact on people’s health. Moreover, there is no common understanding among scholars about the reasons for this phenomenon. According to some scientists, distilled water, which has passed the steam stage and is then condensed again, changes in direction of charge and changes in value dipole moment. To renew the cob powers, healers recommend distilled water, which can high step purification and from the point of view of chemistry it is absolutely inexpensive for people to freeze. For drinking and preparing hedgehogs, it is recommended to vikoristavvat thawed rіdina.

The crustiness of water is not harmful to the human body. Many fates of that life gave birth to the water element, and in our time, lack of water in the body is fatal for the individual. To improve health, and also to prolong youth, doctors are happy to live at least a second of years per day.

KRIM Tsyoo, Korisni Persiwood is led by the Poleni, there is a regular pipe permitted Zakhvorywanni Nirok, sichovivivate gentry, to cleanse the roles of the toxinin, to let the Vedvedenny product in the Ludskoy organism. The fragments of the human body are 2/3 composed of water substance, so the bark is not impermeable.

Why is the water boiled?

Water, as humans know, goes through many stages of processing. This includes chlorination, filtration with special barriers, boiling, and silvering.

It is clear that there is a lot of stuff out there: rare, solid and gas-like. When boiling radish, it is possible to evaporate parts by volume, as well as to render uncontaminated parts that are not safe for humans.

The process of boiling the water base is carried out as follows:

  1. At the end of the day, there are piles of tiny bulbs that stick to the walls.
  2. There are more puffy dots, and the water starts to turn pale and then turns white. In the absence of people, at this moment the mixture is started, removing the container of water from the gas heater. This is not the last step in boiling water.
  3. The surface of the water is covered with great bulbs. The stench bursts, spraying all over the sides (to the hot water) and seeing steam. At this point, it remains as uncontaminated as possible from waste liquids, as long as its boiling temperature reaches a critical height. Please remember that the steam is hot and can damage people’s skins.


During the boiling process, water bubbles up with brown powers:

  • Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is achieved. The remains that were wasted in the countryside from the drain can cause a lot of harm to a healthy person, starting with infection with helminths and ending up with an illness that destroys the body of the nose.
  • Start boiling water, store water significantly less part of the chlorinated speech, as a result of which the unpleasant, specific smell is lost. Chlorine can harm the mucous membrane of the mucus, but it cannot be cured, as the risk of infection with pathogenic flora increases.
  • Changes instead of salts of important metals. Bringing it to sprinkling allows you to reduce the harshness of the water, which is more pleasant for people.
  • Regardless of the fact that a direct relationship between the human body and boiling water has not been identified, there will always be an increase in the exchange of speech for another more acidic substance.
  • Boiled water helps speed up the poisoning of hedgehogs. In addition to the fact that it appears in a clean appearance, in the storage of soups, porridge and puree-like products, water carries bark to the individual’s body.
  • Ridina is effective for elimination of toxins. Alcohol is consumed for free in a regular pitta. Before it gets cold, drink plenty of rare substances in order to replenish your balance. Active operation of the liquid prevents the accumulation of salts, which also prevents the drink.
  • The infusion of water, which became a warm temperature after boiling, reduces pain symptoms in the throat with colds.


Cream brown authorities, and it’s bad that people respect their homeland:

  • If the boiling period of water becomes less than ten minutes, then pathogenic microorganisms survive with greater severity.
  • In this case, the infusion of salts becomes precipitated, mixing with fresh water added to the reservoir. The result is harshness.
  • No matter how much people try to get rid of the problem of water obstruction, the chlorine-containing mixture cannot be completely evaporated.
  • In the process of boiling from the middle there is a valuable sourness for the individual. The direct harm from this effect is low, and the presence of acid saturation in the body is completely untrue.
  • When pouring a cavo or tea drink with an aqueous substance, the individual does not experience the appearance of a crystallized fluid that appears structurally in his cup. The warehouse contains a lot of substances that cannot be absorbed by the human body. The bag will deposit stones in various organs.
  • There is a loss of structure at the molecular level. Apparently, boiled water is dead, because the ligaments in the middle of it are destroyed by the infusion of high temperature.
  • When boiling again, the contents of the liquid increase in the content of important metals.

It is very important to take water to preserve your health and do it right. There are a number of rules to ensure maximum safety for people during this time of action:

  1. Drink rіdina after boiling. Don’t worry about it completely.
  2. After the water has boiled, it is necessary to pour it into another container. Be careful not to pick up scale from the walls.
  3. It is not possible to remove the water substance in the container that was used to boil it.
  4. It is important to keep a rinsed kettle clean due to the presence of steam and scale.
  5. It is better not to drink water after boiling water for several years.
  6. Do not mix the syrah with the liquid that has been brought to a boil. You can threaten the little boat with troubles.
  7. The water becomes dead after boiling, it is necessary periodically add water to the diet. Many people are afraid of drinking something like this, but the remainder can be disinfected with an additional insert.


Regardless of those who boil water everywhere, vikorystvuyutsya humanity, measles and harm can be equalized one by one. The cream is taken from the dill, then the water substance is purified with the help of scraping, filter-barriers, and standing water. Health begins with working hard for the body, and the rest begins with taking care of the worst for yourself.

What do you expect from all these streams under the hour of boiling water? Of course, bacteria and viruses die at the first boil, so it is simply necessary to keep water uncontaminated. Especially when water is taken from a dubious source - a river or a well.

Salts of important metals from water, unfortunately, are not known, and when boiling, their concentration is lost due to the fact that the entire volume of water is evaporated. The greater the boiling power, the greater the concentration of waste salts. But, in the minds of many, their quantity is still not enough to give the body complete harm at one time.

Rather than chlorine, boiling wine removes a lot of organochlorine compounds. And as the boiling process progresses, more such consequences occur. They contain carcinogens and dioxins, which are given negative influx In the human body, during laboratory studies, it was found that such problems arise from the fact that the water before boiling was purified using inert gases. Of course, if such water is not noticeable immediately, aggressive words can accumulate in the body for up to an hour, and then lead to the development of serious illnesses. To harm your body, you need to drink this water every day.

According to the assertions of the British woman Julie Harrison, there is great evidence to follow in the flow of life and the consumption of cancerous fluff, when the water is boiled, instead of nitrates, ashes and sodium fluoride become shim. Nitrates are converted into carcinogenic nitrogen substitutes, which in some cases cause leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other types of cancer. Mishyak can also become the cause of oncology, heart pathologies, infertility, neurological problems and, of course, degeneration. Sodium fluoride negatively affects the cardiovascular system, and in large doses it can lead to sudden changes arterial pressure and dental fluorosis. Speech, which in small numbers is not easy, for example, calcium salts, with a lot of boiling water becomes dangerous: they attack the skin, suppress the formation of stones in them, and also provoke arthrosis and arthritis. It is especially not recommended that highly boiled water be used for children, as high amounts of sodium fluoride in it can seriously damage their pink and neurological development.

Another fact confirms the inadmissibility of repeated boiling - the addition of deuterium to the water - an important water whose strength increases. The original water is transformed into “dead” water, and its constant consumption threatens death.

There are still persistent thoughts that the concentration of deuterium in water is even small after several heat treatments. Based on the research of Academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, to extract one liter of water with a lethal concentration of deuterium, you will have to boil over two tons from the tap.

Before speaking, the water is boiled several times and changes its savory taste. shortest b_k, So the tea or kava prepared with her will not be the same as what you are supposed to do!

There is a lot of evidence that people have problems with boiled water. Adje tse without any doubt is the main component of the human body. Judge for yourself - we are composed of 80% water, which means that we need to be diligent about what we eat, otherwise we could cause serious harm to our health.

It has become clear that living in a diet that has undergone heat treatment weakens our immunity, and we are more susceptible to getting sick. Let's figure it out.

Fashion magazines and online news tell us that you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day. We also know that boiling water kills pathogenic bacteria and viruses that can be found in the environment. It is important to avoid this. However, the most important nutrition is lost: What's going on with that expensive woman?

Let's think about how much harm and mischief such “portions” can cause.

All instructions and contents of boiling water

1. When boiling, wash the glass to remove the chlorine. The chlorine and salts themselves fall into sediment, which we can deposit, for example, on the walls of a kettle. I'm already here lots of pieces of carved houses. And, of course, everything is wasted in your kitchen and bottles.

2. The boiling process leads to the destruction of the structure of the original, it is not without reason that it is called “dead”. The boiling water is absolutely marinating for us. Well, why not? shortest method vtamuvati spragu. Ale for health, unfortunately, nothing cinnamon.

3. When steamed, the concentration of salts increases, which, as we remember, do not go anywhere from boiled radish. As soon as we set the kettle to heat up again, the scale that accumulates on the walls of the kettle is absorbed into our body and accumulates there, leading to frequent illnesses in the mouth and blood. internal organs(Nirok, Sertsya Toscho). And this means that Those who like to drink tea and kava endlessly at work are more likely to have heart attacks!

4. Important metals, pesticides, and herbicides are also not vaporized. Without even talking about nitrates, phenols and naphtha products, which we can calmly absorb without knowing that such a natural environment is harmful to the body.

5. When boiling water in a kettle, the temperature rises to at least 100 degrees, at which time a lot of bacteria will die off at higher temperatures. high temperature or else it’s a troubling hour. Therefore, to protect yourself, it is necessary to boil for 3-10 minutes. All sorts of microbes and viruses began to live on such minds for many years.

6. That same chlorine has the power to enter into a chemical reaction with other elements, thereby making methane gas unsafe for the health of the body. And the stink, believe me, is a lot of money for the chlorine itself.

So why bother?

  • For example, you can drink without fear I'll drink some water The fragments will not be removed from the chlorine pollutants that are given to people as a means of non-infection, and, apparently, will not harm us.
  • Another option - buy mineral water. So, more dearly, then singly.
  • Well, the third way vikoristovat different filters. For example, the so-called reverse osmosis miraculously works as a way to cleanse wasteful houses and the smell of tap water. It is bad to use carbon filters to deal with bacteria and salts.

However, there is a problem here: the sorbicide filter traps organic matter and microorganisms, which requires constant cleaning. Otherwise, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, devouring the absorbed organic matter. So, turning from the outlet, this filter will have to be replaced. Otherwise, you take the bottle off again. If you haven’t effectively vikorized it for a long time, you would like to run water through it for 1-2 years.

  • Another one, just to get a folding option, which is rarely used by anyone - this is in the background prepare melt water, the structure of which changes completely after freezing and further warming. So it remains environmentally clean. It always seems that they can be consumed without first boiling.

How can you get water that is still cheap?

Such a shameful pleasure. Just let it “strain” for a few years. This year, she becomes the most sensitive to bacteria that float in the air.

Just be careful - do not rinse boiled water for a long time in the open air and be sure to thoroughly clean the filters. Please don’t save it wholeheartedly.

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