Okved 2 additional osvita. Okved "illumination activity" - decoding. Possible options for additional data codes

coverage both for schoolchildren and for preparation for various professions
U Russian Federation These types are installed lighting organizations to implement the main lighting programs:
1) preschool educational organization - educational organization that operates as the main part of its activities. lighting programs before school coverage, keeping an eye on children;
2) illumination organization - illumination organization, which operates as the main part of its activity, illumination activity behind the illumination programs of cob illumination, main illumination and (or) mid-light illumination;
3) professional educational organization - educational organization, which operates as the main part of its activity and is responsible for the educational programs of the average professional OS. viti;
4) lighting organization illuminate everything- educational organization, which operates as the main focus of its activities, educational activities for educational programs of high awareness and scientific activity
The Russian Federation establishes these types of lighting organizations that implement additional lighting programs
1) organization of additional lighting - a lighting organization that operates as the main activity of additional lighting programs;
2) organization of additional professional education - educational organization that operates as the main activity of additional professional programs

Powers, municipalities, non-government (private) public organizations of all types
The system is rich: education both for adults and for those who are learning to read and write. You can also work in educational organizations that implement military professional educational programs, in educational organizations that work for the Federal Service of Vikonana.
For the skin area, transfer your own set of programs
Activities included for students with limited health options
The Russian Federation may obtain:
. in organizations that carry out educational activities;
. posture of organizations that contribute to enlightenment activity (in the form of family awareness and self-illumination)
Advances in organizations that carry out lightening activities, in order to meet needs, capabilities, specialties and it is important to take responsibility for obligatory duties pedagogical practitioner The studies are carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.
Beginning with the form of family awareness and self-awareness is subject to the right to further pass the perineal and state certification in organizations that carry out educational activities
It is allowed to study various forms of preparation to master and forms of learning
Forms of education and training in the basic educational program for the skin level of education, professions, specialties and direct training are determined by the relevant federal powers lighting standards, lighting standards, unless otherwise specified Federal law dated 29th 2012 N 273-FZ "About lighting in the Russian Federation". Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic professional training programs are determined by the organization, which carries out educational activities, independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation tsії
Skin care includes the activities of special (corrective) health organizations (classes, groups) to ensure care, rehabilitation and training, social adaptation and integration in the elderly The choice of children and children with the same possible health
In this grouping, the lighting of adults is classified, instead of being similar to the singing levels of underground lighting.

Other types of learning, such as learning in water schools transport arrangements;
. The development is mainly related to sports and health activities, such as tennis or golf, as well as educational activities, which are taken away from educational organizations (schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums etc.), which is the basis for secondary professional and career illuminate;
. middle Zagalna osvita, which is being developed overnight (middle musical, choreographic, art schools, schools of mysteries, etc.)

The sphere of illumination is a very voluminous object for viewing in terms of economic activity. There is a large mass of lighting deposits, most of which are specialized or are directed to counter-lighting inputs. U to the current world Lighting plays an important role both for the population, and in the form of enterprises, as well as private lighting installations, which not only serve as a source of energy, but also create great profit-making facilities for enterprises. It’s time for you to take a look at the KVED.

A classifier for types of economic activity is a very great resource that can be used by entrepreneurs. It has a very foldable structure, but it’s even easier to see. Mainly the same great directness Economical activities are formed into sections, and different types of activities are classified into classes. In their own countries, classes are divided into groups and subgroups, so that they can create a different type of admission by removing the old code for their entry when registering on the sovereign level.

All KVED lighting activities are collected in a single section. This makes it clear that the light is effectively supported by an independent and flexible economy, which means further expansion and expansion. It is obvious that this directly host work is of sovereign importance.

The skin section is called the song letter of the Latin alphabet. This letter will not be entered during this registration process, rather to serve as an additional guide for the application itself. So, if you want to recognize the author of your section, then familiarizing yourself with the codes will make it much easier to get started. As we are talking about lighting, it occupied the section R. This structural structure serves to consolidate all structural components, economical cleaning, and all types and subtypes of activity between businesses.

How codes can get stuck

This section contains the main components, which form the basis for illuminating codes for specific lighting installations. This category is indicated for each class and subgroup, and the next category for the species is indicated by adding one more number:

  • Cob of the code, zastosovovanogo zagalny type of illumination, -85.1.
  • For investors who are engaged in professional training – 85.2.
  • If you are worried about professional development – ​​85.3.
  • The number of services provided with additional coverage is 85.4.

Thus, ZKVED 2016 for preschool education by transferring code 85. . This code itself is stuck in dark-illuminated preschool mortgages, which work according to hidden programs. Warto note that the process of childcare does not include this code, and therefore, since the installation is required to provide this type of service, it must be completed quickly with additional codes. Varto also note that up to grouping 85.1, the same types of receiving facilities are included, which provide services from the outer light of the middle, outer and cob.

Others directly illuminate

Let's come to the direct light, the activity between which can be recognized by the receptionist, this professional light, which happens to be the most important thing in the middle. For skin type, the code has been changed to the same amount. 85. – code for these lighting facilities, which, as part of their activities, train middle-class specialists. 85.22 – code for lighting facilities that provide services for the purpose of lighting.

85.30 is a code that is used by most banks and organizations that provide professional services. It is possible to obtain additional qualifications in the form of specialization in the singing type and additional qualifications within the framework of the given profession.

Dodatkova osvita

It’s good to know about the lighting conditions that provide services with additional lighting. Highly specialized schools, studios, groups can use this to demonstrate their services with special skills. QUES of additional lighting for children and adults were seen directly, where the main types of such lighting were located.

Varto note that additional education You can study both culture, sports, and special skills, such as, for example, martial arts schools and survival schools, etc. KVED of additional education for children will be 85.41, it will be carried out to the galusa of culture and the background and the species that is most concentrated in the middle of children's additional education.

However, the scope of teaching is large and varied, so that, in addition to the organization of this class, there is another separate section in ZKVED.

Please note that in most cases of sports and other types of schools, which do not have time to complete schooling, they give the opportunity not only to take away the profit, but also to realize it to the many professionals who high plains know such idiots.

What to enter before ZKVED 85.41

Since the main code is not stagnant in the selected business, one of those that is included before is often victorious. I would like to respect that it is not uncommon for enterprises to actively vikorize these types of QUESTION codes. So, KVED 85.41 vikorystvuyutsya a lot of sports schools that teach sports skills. Get involved in sports camps. Enter this code in filing documents and entrepreneurs who wanted to open a riding school or a section of martial mysteries.

Enter to this code and types of activities related to swimming, gymnastics, josi. These types of sports are particularly popular among entrepreneurs. Ale varto respect that, regardless of the validity of this code for representing the many types of activities that may occur straight forward Before sports, we do not rely on foreign schools, colleges and universities to conduct sports activities. ZKVED 85.41.1 does not display the lighting that is removed from the sphere of culture.

Another ZKVED code, 85.41.2, is used for activities that may relate to the cultural sphere. There are a lot of businessmen who have chosen to work in the sphere of art. Nina is often visited by artistic, dance, musical and theatrical groups, schools, and studios. The only blame is Foreign languages for them a different KVED code is specified.

The third code is KVED 85.41 9. Vikorist is used for various activities related to the provision of correctional courses or preparatory activities before exams. It appears that he has learned to speak. At the same time, KVED 85.41.9 is being actively challenged by enterprises that have begun to develop their activities from computer courses. It is possible to display various trainings and courses designed for mastering various types of professions.

Regardless of those that have ZKVED 85.41 decoding in 2016, and at the same time there is a very short explanation, the codes that are included before the next one contain more broad information that allows wealthy businesses to indicate them in Suitable for children and adults at any school mysteries or special courses.

(two types of codes at one time)

The new ZKVED2 (Trans-Russian classifier of types of economic activity) OK 029–2014 is essentially modified from the old one in terms of numbers. The codes don't run away there. KVED 2 was disbanded as of April 1, 2014 (order to Rosstandart dated June 31, 2014 No. 14-st). The transition period lasted until 2015, then until 2016. On June 11, 2016, at the hour of registration of individual entrepreneurs and organizations, it is necessary to establish a new ZKVED (OK 029-2014). Current for 2017 Roku

80 Osvita [old]
85 Osvita [new]

[Old KVED] 80.1 Preschool and early childhood education

[more new option]

[Old ZKVED] 80.10 Preschool and early childhood education
[New ZKVED] 85.11 Osvita preschool

[new option] 85.12 Osvita Pochatkova Zagalna

[Old KVED] 80.10.1 Preschool education(Forward cob illumination)
[New ZKVED] 85.11 Osvita preschool

[Old KVED] 80.10.2 Pochatkova zagalna osvita
[New ZKVED] 85.12 Osvita Pochatkova Zagalna

[Old KVED] 80.10.3 Additional education for children
[New ZKVED] 85.41 Additional lighting for children and adults

[Old KVED] 80.2 Basic zagalna, middle (povna) zagalna, cob and middle professional education

[new option]

[new option] 85.21 Professional education

[Old KVED] 80.21 The main zagalna is the middle (povna) zagalna osvita
[New ZKVED] 85.13 Lighting is mainly hidden

[new option] 85.14 Osvita middle of nowhere

[Old KVED] 80.21.1 Basic illumination
[New ZKVED] 85.13 Lighting is mainly hidden

[Old KVED] 80.21.2 Middle (povna) underground lighting
[New ZKVED] 85.14 Osvita is middle of nowhere

[Old KVED] 80.22 Pochatkova and secondary professional education

[Old KVED] 80.22.1 Pochatkova professional education
[New ZKVED] 85.21 Professional education

[Old KVED] 80.22.2 Secondary professional education

[Old KVED] 80.22.21 Navchannya in lighting installations secondary professional education
[New ZKVED] 85.21 Professional coverage of the average The part that is in trouble

[Old ZKVED] 80.22.22 Instruction in educational installations of additional professional education (advanced qualifications) for facists who may have intermediate professional education

[Old ZKVED] 80.22.23 Beginning at preparatory courses for entry to the basic principles of secondary professional education

[Old KVED] 80.3 Vocational education

[Old ZKVED] 80.30 Vocational education
[New ZKVED] 85.22 Illumination of the building

[Old ZKVED] 80.30.1 Basic training in advanced professional education (universities, academies, institutes, etc.)
[New ZKVED] 85.22 Illumination of the building

[Old ZKVED] 80.30.2 Post-university professional education

[Old ZKVED] 80.30.3 Initiation of additional professional education (advanced qualifications) for facists who may be in need of professional education
[New ZKVED] 85.23 Training of personnel with high qualifications in the part that is lacking

[Old ZKVED] 80.30.4 Beginning at preparatory courses for entry to the initial stages of professional training
[New ZKVED] 85.41.9 Additional education for children and adults, not included in other groups

[Old KVED] 80.4 Lighting for adults and other types of lighting
[New ZKVED] 85.42 Professional education dodatkova

[Old ZKVED] 80.41 Navchannia of water transport means

[Old ZKVED] 80.41.1 Navchannia of water transport vehicles
[New ZKVED] 85.42.1 Activities of the school for training drivers of motor vehicles

[Old KVED] 80.41.2 Training of military and maritime personnel
[New ZKVED] 85.42.2 The activity of the school is based on the water of sailing and sailing vessels, without the type of commercial certificates and licenses

[Old ZKVED] 80.42 Lighting for adults and other types of lighting not included in other groups
[New KVED] 85.42.9 Activity from additional professional education other, not included in other groups

UVAGA!!! Previously, it was enough to enter a code of 3 digits, but since 2013 the year required 4 digits (2019 and 2020 also have 4 digits). For example, 52.42 is enough, we include everything that starts with 52.4Х.ХХ

The codes of the Russian classifier of types of economic activity indicate only for income. In case of losses of the organization and viconic work in the middle of the organization itself, KVED is not required. For example, rich organizations have an accountant, for whom there is absolutely no need to indicate the code to the accountant. There is also a problem with renting, purchasing goods, etc.

For additional assistance, you can submit an application for the simplified tax system and UTII, formulate payments, 4-FSS, Unified Regulations, submit any information via the Internet, etc. (325 rubles/month). 30 days free of charge. For newly-created IPs, the first rik at the gift (bezkoshtovno).

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