You can kiss the lad first.



Few wives know that kissing is a complete mysticism, as it allows you to capture a man’s heart and deprive him of his memory for the future.

If a man meets a woman, his body will be destroyed.

For them, foreplay is important.

  • If a girl knows how to find a partner and is satisfied even before sex, she will want to return to her again and again, and will become the heroine of her erotic fantasies.
  • To destroy the man, the girl kisses him in the place, which is his erogenic zones.
  • When a girl starts kissing a man, she can immediately begin to brush soft and light dust with her lips.
  • As soon as the girl realizes that man’s receptions are sweet, she is imminently pressed.
  • Lifting your hands will enhance the effect of a kiss. Stinks can grow on the shoulders and flanks. It suits men when the partner runs her hands through her hair.
  • To create a kiss, change the intensity and fluidity.
  • You need to be complacent and be gentle, then, in turn, show your passion.

How to kiss properly in French:

Clean your mouth a little. Run mine along the man’s lower lip, then take him back.

It costs literally a few seconds. The rocs use their tongues to make light, hateful gestures.

Swipe the tip over the teeth. Your partner's mouth will show the same cheeks that befit a girl herself.

Move on - now If you don’t control this process, your partner will lose even more hostility.

Sensory points on the human body

Vukha is one of the erogenic zones.

The man becomes even more accepting when he whispers sweet words in his ear about what the girl wants to do with him and what to reject from him.

Vulgarity is appropriate for men.

This technique can lead to awakening.

At this point, the foreplay will end, and we will move on to the decisive actions. You deserve a little biting of the earlobe, kissing. Before qim, you can run your tongue along the edge of the ear.

The area between the navel and pubis is a large area for caresses.

Having respect for this area, the affiliate program can get a guy for a few bucks, and you can expect more.

You can irritate a guy by starting to kiss him along the ventral line from the pubis up and back.

Kissing around the navel is an evocative affair, and there is a lot of nerve-wracking to finish there.

Some people have very sensitive parts, especially the inner part.

People should be teased a lot, because their places should be gently bitten, kissed, licked.

To encourage your child's sensitivity, instruct your partner to close his eyes.

It’s even more sexy if you’re wondering where they’ll kiss you next.

Let's look at the main nuances to learn the technique of the first kiss without a movie:

  1. The boy is obliged to shy away from the girl a little, turn his head so as not to respect the process.
  2. It is further recommended to gently press your lips against your face in order to achieve good reception.
  3. It is not recommended to engage in language before the process - then the kiss looks assertive and sharp, which characterizes a guy from the negative side.
  4. After finishing, move your lips over the girl’s lips, then kiss them again and whisper the words in their ear.

    If a girl takes the initiative, when kissing a guy without speaking, you must do the same.

A sharp onslaught characterizes the lady from the negative side, so everything works smoothly: the girl approaches the boy, flattens her eyes, approaches his lips and kisses tenderly.

Complete the procedure at the reception evening and pay for the meeting within an hour.

It’s not a good idea to immediately talk about the upcoming problem, but it can be discussed over the phone or in person.

First kiss with tongue

To say that the first kiss is a kind of test of the folly of the bet.

As people grow up, they don’t worry about this because it’s correct to sign off on this procedure.

  • When the truth looms, the stench simply relaxes and gives in to the process.
  • To do it beautifully, remember the main nuances.
  • Let's take a look at the technique of kissing mine first:
  • You need to start the procedure with standard caresses and touches: just touch your partner’s lips and kiss them gently.
  • For your partner to open his mouth, run your mouth over his lips: if you don’t see anything, try to squirt.
  • It’s easier to tell kids that you shouldn’t kiss, but to learn the right technique: first of all, it’s important to be conscious of yourself and your actions.

Greatly, the tongue screams, thrust deep into the partner’s mouth: the skin can be released step by step, and at first it can be difficult to get rid of it. If you know that your partner needs the process, you can continue to care for your lips, tongue and teeth: the photo shows how to do it correctly. Girls are more likely to grow to their souls, less physical intimacy: be a little streamed - to give hope for the most advanced development of your heart.


great quantity

Pokrov's instructions on how to kiss kindly and beautifully

Regardless of the unusual hour of dating, the partners kiss passionately from the very beginning.

We are talking about the decisiveness of one of the opponents and the reaction of the other opponent.

Learn this very well with step-by-step instructions. Increase your respect! Classic

French kiss It always begins with a prelude: it’s not good to start simmering – it’s better to go smoothly until the final climax. Video lessons

Pokrokovy description

help you master the awkward French kiss and gain practical knowledge from 13 rocks:

How different zodiac signs kiss

Astrologers have identified a variety of features, so they can be recognized as different zodiac signs kiss. This is a great move for those who want to get to know more closely about a potential partner. Marvel at how Aries kisses and think that all Aries kiss this style - obviously, and all people are individual.

  1. Try to find out your kissing technique, and below are the main nuances of the kissing procedure. with different signs


  2. I will burn the signs. Aries, Levy and Sagittarius are impulsive signs by nature, so their style is similar to kissing.

    You can hardly hear the word “I’m afraid” among the representatives of the elements of fire - they are ready to go on any adventures and most often act as initiators of passionate kisses.

  3. Signs of the wind. To live in romance, they can paint a kiss on paper.

    Twins don't take their first kiss seriously, Teresa murmurs about romantic manners, and Aquarius is sensitive, tender and open-minded.

  4. Earth signs. Capricorns never show deep emotions, so a kiss is unlikely to be partial.

    Women are respected by everyone, so they are encouraged to analyze their partner, and Taurus gently and deeply love their partner.

Drive signs.

Timeless Cancers kiss kindly, but live by their instincts and impulses.

Every girl faces the moment of her first kiss very early.

I would like not only to show my mastery, but also to get rid of the bitterness from the process.

What time is it for a kiss?

Even the first kiss with a boy is remembered for the rest of his life.

A lot of people ask: what is the right way to kiss a guy?

The technique is not simple.

Let's get along.

  • Types of kisses
  • First, let's move on to how to kiss correctly first, going wild to history.
  • Why did the woman and the man start kissing?
  • The ancient Greek philosopher Plato noted that people are small, with two heads and two ends.

So, since whose self-esteem was protected, Zeus divided him into two halves - a man and a woman.

At the hour of such a manifestation, the souls of these two halves will feel united.

Who saw the kiss is unknown.

It is also impossible to name the date of its appearance, although the process is acceptable and important for any person. The first kiss can become unforgettable if you speed it up using different techniques. There are a number of types that can bring satisfaction to both partners.

Among them:

Before the execution, the trace must be turned into an empty mouth.

Brushing your teeth is top notch.

Tim mostly plans to kiss mine.

  • Naturally, the clock is turned off from living at the remaining moment of the event.
  • If your lips are dry, it’s best to apply some hygienic lipstick before going out.
  • Vikoristovuvati lipstick is not good.
  • Before you kiss the boy, you better have some fun with some munchers or zuckers.
  • Not only can you make money, but you can gain hydration.

To attract your partner to you and help you have your first kiss, follow this:

Have a laugh;

Marvel in the eyes;

Do not cross your arms over your chest; Do not hide your hands in accusation; You can kiss the boy on the cheek during the hour.

Remember that your body is very important.

If you, because of your body’s problems, take the “don’t come near me” position, then no one will want to kiss you.

How to achieve reciprocity?

Girls will never be tempted to kiss on the first day of marriage, and they will no longer know how to do it right.

But still, young ladies are still wondering about food: how to kiss a boy first?

To start, you need to understand the date

young people

As soon as the young man is approaching, you won’t worry, especially since he’s not a stranger.

It’s not good to jump on someone and kiss with tongue.

You just need to start working on it right away.

If you are already close to exposing your partner, it is better to tilt your head on one side so as not to bump your noses together.

You can hug the boy.

Kiss the trail thoroughly and gently.

Teeth are not to blame for their fate in the process.

There is no need to complete this moment, as it will take a lot of time.

The best way to earn money is overnight.

How can you understand whether your partner received a kiss or not?

Having asked a person deeply, as if he had kissed at the hour of the hour, you do not always reject the truthful testimony.

And not all girls can kiss a guy properly.

If kissing does not bring satisfaction, then the person covers his mouth or does not like your first kiss.

It’s not a good idea to make your kisses too long, because the boys are getting in more often than not, the girls.

So we can be hostile to what the young man can do at this hour.

This is a sign that the guy before you is clearly not a good person, otherwise he will be in trouble to earn his first crumb:

  • You'll never inadvertently get bored.
  • This gesture can look different: he grabs your hand, feeling emotional, or carefully removes the hair from your face, or he simply brushes the snow off your jacket.
  • You don’t have to talk about those things that are more important to you, and you have to take advantage of any gain in order to be close to your neighbors.

Vin often calls you by name.

When a person likes us, she can’t get out of our heads, then we want to talk about her all hour long, and her name gradually leaves her lips.

  • The lad is red, if you marvel at him.
  • This, of course, is more likely to bother with sororous young men, but since there is already a story about how to get the boys to have their first kiss, which means that our lad is clearly among the smilies.
  • How to kiss the boy first?
  • If you are convinced that you want to earn the first crumb yourself, then proceed.
  • Smile.
  • This idea is universal.

Whatever the situation, if you want to attract a person to you, laugh.

This way you show that you are comfortable, that you feel kind and feel sympathy for the person in charge.

People are influenced in such a way that they inadvertently copy the works for themselves.

Well, if you think about kissing a boy on the lips for the first time, a smile is simply necessary.

Smiling, you attract the companion’s gaze to your lips, which means that since you are already pretty, you always think about a kiss.

At the last moment they screwed up their head.

  • You run the risk of confusing yourself and your partner.
  • The best way to quickly use a natural lip balm.

The place for a kiss can also be

greater significance


Do not choose a living place where people will be amazed at you.

It’s better to choose a quiet place where you won’t be able to harm anyone.

Before a kiss, a powerful emotional barrier is normal!