The Mongols have reached.



Why did the Tatar-Mongols, having conquered the great expanses of Eurasia (from China to Russia), reluctantly push their campaign “to the rest of the sea” and spare Western Europe?

One of the most important mysteries of light history still lacks an unambiguous explanation.

Recently, hidden in the chronicles, those “archives” of nature itself (tree rings) created the microclimate of Converging Europe and indicated the paramount role of natural factors in the Mongolian strategy.

Batu's corps rushed through the Veretsky Pass near the Carpathians, Kadan's corps - through Moldova and Transylvania, Buchek's march - along the modern road, through Wallachia.

This was planned by Subedey - in order to provoke the Ukrainians to split their forces and break them into pieces.

Subedey's main forces were more effective, acting as a reserve.

After taking many places and complex maneuvers, the 11th quarter of the Mongols defeated the Ugric-Croatian army on the Shayo River and dispensed with the administrative power of the native part of the Ugorshchina.

Having died for several months, in the winter of 1242, Batu’s army crossed the frozen Danube and proceeded to the frontier, and Kadan’s corps directly destroyed Croatia, where the Ugric king entered.

The Dalmatian fortress of Klis did not submit to the Mongols.

In the spring of 1242, for an unknown reason, Baty and Subedey turned back and through Bosnia, Serbia and Bulgaria to the pristine Russian steppes.

The authors of the new investigation rightly point out the ignorant nature of these explanations. To understand the logic of Batu and Subedey, it is necessary, at a minimum, to clearly identify the geography, climate and weather of 1240-1242 in the theater of military operations. Mongolian military leaders respectfully guarded

natural minds

(about this is known to the French king Hulagu Khan) - and it has always been assumed that the Swedes’ climatic disruptions contributed to the success of the conquest of the Ugrian region, so they decided to deprive them through the river. Image: Széchenyi National Library, Budapest Then, in the spring and spring of 1241, the Mongols quickly moved across the Ugric lands, burying one fort after another.

They did not organize the operations of the prison guards, and they freely robbed them, drove them in and took them in full

Mіstseve population

Recently, hidden in the chronicles, those “archives” of nature itself (tree rings) created the microclimate of Converging Europe and indicated the paramount role of natural factors in the Mongolian strategy.


The decision of the Mongols to invade seems entirely reasonable.

The weather decided to choose a route to return to the pristine Russian steppes - through Serbia and Bulgaria.

The swampy plains of Batu's army gave precedence to the more dry and high-altitude regions at the frontier of the Carpathians.

Are climate anomalies ruining history?“In my opinion, it is inappropriate to explain the progress of the Mongolian advance to Europe with a courtyard weather anomaly.

For ten years, the Mongols waged wars of conquest in the edges of unfriendly climatic conditions, their armies operated in areas that were either disgusting or completely unsuitable for film (Primary China, Afghanistan, Burma, Kashmir), And then they organized naval expeditions (nearly the invasion of Java) .

It is emphasized that the influence of climate on history is not total and static, but episodic and dynamic.

Thus, the Swedish anomaly of 1242 fate (cold spring plus a lot of fall) played a serious role, so that the Mongols - who were always worried about the strength of their goals and the task - decided not to go ahead, but to , saving people and horses.

Similarly, typhoons (“kamikaze”, divine wind), like two, scattered the Mongolian fleet, saving Japan, and saved this country from the conquest of the 13th century.

So anyway, the Tatar-Mongols surrounded themselves with the Powder Russian steppes. Vcheni carefully mean: it remains to establish that the nomads entered through political officials (the death of Ogedei) or having believed that the Ugric lands, which need to flow until the weather changes, are not suitable for them as a bridgehead (and silt base), until oh impossible. Varto more accurately consider the middle of the 13th century: for example, the excavations of the fortifications lined by the Mongols (and the walls of their walls), the rise of the river and the Pannonian plain - and other regions Eurasia, which the Mongols traversed (Zokrema Rus).
The most informed (through the surroundings) of the European monarchs was, first of all, the Ugric king Bela IV.
In his pages, Batu Khan repeatedly highlighted the new expression of surrender, tithes on everything and the expulsion of the Polovtsians, threatening other military invaders.
Bela himself sent numerous Franciscan and Dominican Cents to Volz in order to remove the necessary information “first-hand”.
One of the people, Julian, has collected extensive and reliable information about the Mongols, which, unfortunately, has not been properly assessed.
All the respect of the unturbulent and intelligent Beli was reserved for the value of the alliance with the Polovtsians and the fight against the separatism of the feudal lords, who were secretly and clearly supported by the Austrian Duke Friedrich Babenberg. At the beginning of the alarming 1241, news about the Mongols reached not only Skhidna, but also Central Europe. The Thuringian Landgrave Heinrich Raspe wrote to the Duke of Brabant, foreshadowing the Mongolian insecurities, as more and more clear outlines emerged.
In Europe, XIII century.
At the time of the Mongol invasion, the rich conflict between the papal kingdom and the imperial crown had reached its climax.
The emperor is as skinny as he is, having become the ruler of all of Europe. This tragedy did not pass by either Frederick or Gregory. A representative of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, who was one of the most famous people at that time, in the book “Three Shahs: Moses, Christ and Mohammed”, as he criticized the founders of the faith, and directly wrote that the only fool in the world would believe that a virgin can give birth to a child.
For this reason, the Pope of Rome in November, for the third time, imposed the curse of the Catholic Church on the blasphemer.
The invasion of the Mongol hordes made Pope Gregory IX wonder at himself in a different way.
Having killed his personal ambitions, he promoted Frederick as a secular sovereign to defeat the army of the Crusaders and destroy the Mongols.
Instructing iz, Grigory promised to take under his immediate intercession the intercession of all who would destroy
and forgive sins.
Ale tato dali for calling, don’t bother.
The essence of Subedei-baatur's plan was always simple: our intention was to defeat the European kingdoms one by one, not allowing them to unite forces.
Two military forces under the command of Chingisid Baydar Khan were planning to invade Poland and Silesia and defeat the army of King Henry. Another foreigner - Hadan - will explore the Ugor region from the present day, destroying it from the modern kingdoms and go to war with the main forces. Batu the Wonderful himself, with the main forces, headed straight for the heart of the Ugor region - I will be Pest. The most important goal of Batu Khan was the liquidation of Beli and the entire Ugric Kingdom, which not only gave the Polovtsian Khan Kotyan a back seat for 40 thousand. plans, and treacherously lost the Mongolian embassies.“Now I would like to speak out about the upcoming: after the killing of the Mongol ambassadors and merchants by the Khorezmians, how the war began in Central Asia The Mongols could have ordered the sending of parliamentarians to the enemy.
Suchasna Lyudina
The Polish monarch Boleslaw III, who died even before the Mongol invasion, divided his kingdom among many people in decline.
From that time on, strife tore apart the glorious and strong Poland that had lost centralized power.
King Bolesław IV, who ousted his father's throne before gaining real power, ruled Lesser Poland with its capital in Krakow and its largest city, Sandomierz.

His uncle Konrad Mazovsky was the sovereign of the current Warsaw and its outskirts.

For the Russian historian, the biography of Batu essentially begins in the spring of 1235, when at the kurultai, called by the Great Khan Ogedei, it was announced about the beginning of the Western campaign.

“When the great kurultai suddenly ruled and recognized the great poverty and guilt of the other infidels, then it was decided to take control of the lands of the Bulgars, asians and Rus, which were located near the settlement of Batu, there were no more exactly the roots and were written by their numbers, - reads “Stories of the Conqueror world" of the Persian historian Ala ad-Din Ata-Melik Juvain, who was alive in the mid-13th century and served in the service of the ruler of Mongol Iran, Hulagu Khan.

The names of the princes lasted until the next generation of Genghisids, the generation of onuks (and often great-grandchildren) of Genghis Khan. The stench represented all the gilts that go to the four senior blues “supporting the Universe”, who have little right to inherit power in the Mongol Empire. From the sins of Tuluy (who died before the beginning of the campaign, at the Veresny-Zhovtniya 1232) Juvayni calls the eldest, the future great khan Mengu (Munke), and the seventh, Buchek (or Budzhak);

Shchodo was especially responsible for the order of the Great Khan.

A special role in the campaign was assigned to the eldest son of Ogedei Guyuk and the onuk of Chagatai Buri.

Of all the senior princes who took part in the campaign, only one, Batu, from the very beginning had less trustworthy bearings.

Rashid ad-Din reveals that Ogedei will soon launch a campaign against the Kipchaks.

It is important to say how reliable this information is in detail.

You can also tell that there are serious differences between the older and younger Chinggisids. Mengu, a representative of the younger generation of the descendant Genghis Khan, openly told the Great Khan what he should take care of, and why not give in..

First of all, with the method of collecting kostiv for the campaign, tributes were established: kopchur - a tribute from thinness, which is calculated as one head of thinness out of a hundred skin heads, and a tribute from grain: one tagar (zahid) of wheat from every ten tagars "for spending on poor people." In another way, “in order to ensure the uninterrupted arrival of princes, both from the princes, and from the greatness of the kaan for the sake of important inquiries,” all countries conquered by the Mongols were provided with special postal stations. exchanges of horses, beasts of burden and of people. so called (Mongolian “jam”, from the Chinese “zhan” - “station”)..

The significance was understood both by Ogedei himself, who gave himself special credit, and by his brother Chagatai.

“From the confirmation of my entry, I respect the most correct filling of pits,” informing the Great Khan and adding, remembering Bat, who set out at the exit campaign: “I am also seeking the installation of pits, having raised them from Stay tuned to yours.

In this sense, the descendants of Genghis Khan can be called the descendants of the great “golden king” - “Altan Khan” - the Chinese emperor, whose empire was conquered by them.

The entire power of Genghis Khan was formed as one military tabir.

Vona was divided into “center” and “right” and “left” “wing”. The rest, in their own way, were divided into “darkness” and “darkness” (buildings put 10 thousand warriors), and those - into thousands, hundreds and tens, so the Mongol from fifteen to seventy years ago get over it pose with your pussy., then they can, turning left-handed, shoot right-handed, and not only there, but also aim back.

The vivacity of the Mongols knew no bounds.

Suddenly there were Mongolian horses - the main destructive force of any conquest campaigns of that hour. They were low-growing, but they smelled incredibly strongly, they could get their own food - like there, where other horses were dying of hunger, for example, on the snowy steppe, shoveling the snow with their hoofs. These horses “are even soft, can travel calmly and without holes, and can withstand wind and frost for a long time,” wrote Chinese diplomats who visited the Mongolian steppes, great horse experts.

The Mongols placed great respect on intelligence, the enemy's vigorous military service, and locality, where it was necessary to fight. Naturally born stepovians, they smelled like eagle eyes and wine, they easily knew their bearings in any locality that was entirely unknown to them.“Everything that is collapsing will be afraid of a rapt attack from the ambush for the entire hour,” Chinese diplomats inform, and the Chinese patrols will “lead from the flanks...

Ale, perhaps, the main feature of the wars that the Mongols led was their subjugation of indigenous peoples as the vanguard of their troops, a human shield and a battering ram. “In all the conquered lands, the stench of the princes and nobles is unsolicited, as they instill fear that they can carry out any kind of operation. The stinks associated with the battle of warriors and villagers, having formed, were sent against their will into battle in front of them, - the Ugric monk-missionary Julian, foreshadowing the advance of the Mongol invasion of Rus'. - ...For warriors... who to marry, because they say they fight and overcome well, the price is small; If they die in battle, there is not a lot of hot air about them, but if they enter battle, they are mercilessly killed by the Tatars.“Everyone fought without mercy in every situation.”

Thus, before the fall of the Chinese capital Kaifing, the army commander Subedi sent a message to the Great Khan: “This place has supported us for a long time, many warriors have been killed and wounded, so [I] want to tell you all about him” 17.

The most famous Ugric monk Julian has told us yet another testimony of this goodness: all these people whom the Mongols want to serve themselves, the stench “is calling... they are now called Tatars.”

Thus was the hour of the conquest of China;

Shortly before the Mongol invasion of Volzhsky Bulgaria, on the 3rd Serpn 1236, it became darker, as had been expected throughout Western Europe and as described by chroniclers.

In the summer of 1236, the army of Bata and his brothers spent the borders of the Bulgarian land.

Uryankhaev, who resembled the Mongol tribe, Subedey, “an important brave man, a noble warrior and a sagittarius,” went to the service of Genghis Khan early on 23.

Having eaten their fill, the soldiers began their decisive activities. “Batu with Shiban, Buraldaem and with the army set out on campaigns against the Bularians (here: Bulgarian - A.K.) and Bashgirdiev (Bashkirs; here, obviously: Ural Ugorcians. - A.K.) ... and in a short hour, without great zusils, drowning them and committing beatings and plunder there,” reports Rashid ad-Din 26 and further adds: “The stinkers (Mongols - A.K.) reached the Great Place and other regions of his, defeated the local army and destroyed їх "Come on." It’s true, I had a chance to report to the Mongols.

The same is true for other places that fell for the path of the Mongol army.

The conquerors spared only those who immediately and unguardedly recognized their power, and not again.

If you tried your support, as we know, you would be mercilessly strangled.

Having defeated Bulgaria, the Mongolian army was divided. Batu himself, his brothers, as well as the princes Kadan and Kulkan, destroyed in the land of the Volga peoples neighboring with Bulgaria - the Moks and Erzis (Mordvins), as well as the Burtas (the ethnicity of which is not precisely determined) - and, as According to Rashid ad-Din, “ In a short hour they captured them. The military Mordovian tribes at that time conquered one by one;

one of the Mordovian princes, Puresh, ruler of the Mokshans, who was an ally of the Volodymyr-Suzdal prince Yuri Vsevolodovich;

His opponent Purgas (ruler of the Erzyans) staked his claim on the Volga Bulgarians and cruelly conquered Russia.

The massacres took over the stink of the Mongols who invaded their land.

Sunset front At night, at the broken station, we were pulled out of the train, and the pawns were far from the front.

The clear winter road, the snow fell from the sides, the creaking moon in the stale winter sky, it shone for us from the heights and collapsed at once with us.

Creak-clang, creaky-clang a hundred sounds Having lived for over 60 years with the Union, Maria Yosipivna spent these years and escaped from the greedy hell of Radyan. Having settled near California, near Silicon Valley, she enjoyed the heavenly climate.

The closing express is a train from my sleep, from my child’s world, from the dark self-imposed games, if, to the satisfaction of the special need

summer day

and the end of the obligatory breezy way with a forest stitch, himself being a steam locomotive that is tired of fizzing, and a driver, tireless and suvorim, and

The Closing Campaign For the Russian historian, the biography of Batu essentially begins in the spring of 1235, when at the kurultai called by the Great Khan Ogedei, it was announced about the beginning of the Closing Campaign.

“When the kaan suddenly ruled the great kurultai and acknowledged the goodness of the people

Divided the twenty first.

THE WALKING SHAFT AND THE BATTLE OF THE BARDENNES The superech about those who commanded ground operations, as in Montgomery, was essentially pointless.

It’s no longer so important that you don’t take respect to prestigious markets, having told Bradley directly to Eisenhower or through

The Mongol invasion of Europe took place on the ruins of Russian principalities, such as Kiev and Volodymyr under the rule of Subedey.

After the conquest from Russia, the Mongols invaded the Kingdom of Ugria and Poland, which was fragmented after the invasion of Batiy, one of Genghis Khan.

Cause the invasion Historians from the 13th century argue about how the military campaigns of the Mongols in Converging Europe had little macrohistorical importance..

Most Western historians believe that at first the Mongols simply wanted to piss off the invading powers so that they would not be handed over to their people at the gathering, for example, in Russia.

Ale SVIDCHENNA to bring, Batiy Buv is especially blocked at the serpentine Kordonovs of his Rosiyski Kerevyvan, I licheh of the Schvidkiy Uzhennya of the Polskoe Army VIN.

Western Europe

The Mongolian chronicles indicate that Subedey planned outside the root European powers, which they lost when they launched an attack on Austria in the winter and the other powers of the Holy Roman Empire, and then turned back until Mongolia after the death of Ogedei.

For the Mongols, the invasion of Europe became the third theater of military action after the Close Convergence of the Song Empire.

Mongol raids on Europe helped to attract the respect of the world to the lands beyond the borders of Europe, especially to China, which during the hours of the Mongol Empire became even more open to trade, leading to theft.

The armies cleared the Ugrian plains over the course of a summer, and in the spring of 1242 they renewed their rule and expanded their control, conquering Austria and Dalmatia, as well as invading Moravia.

Then the Great Khan died, and his Chingizids (direct forces) turned to Mongolia to convert a new Khan.

Invasion to Poland

Having plundered Kiev, Baty sent a small group of Mongols to Poland.

One of them destroyed Lublin and defeated the weak Polish army.

Other groups settled in the folds of the Polish cordon, near the town of Galich.

I want to tse bula not the head of the Mongolian force.

The invasion of Poland and the Ugric region was not a reconnaissance effort, it was revenge for the killing of the Mongolian postions and the result of wealth.

Near the Moravian town of Olomouc, the Mongols experienced serious losses: the “backward European army” was outnumbered by them, and that territory was invincible for the conquest of the military forces.

There are clear indications about the European powers that they are planning a brilliant attack, such as carrying out Batiy and two more Chingizids.

Baty - the son of Jochi - was a well-known leader, aka Subedey, who was a commander and thus was present both in the present day and in the modern military campaign from the conquest of the principalities of Russia.

He also commanded the central army as it marched against the Ugorshchina.

While Kadanu's army won the Battle of Legnica, Huyuk's army triumphantly entered Transylvania, calmly checking them out on the Alfeld plain.
Then the army that had risen went to the Shayo River, and loudly defeated the army of the Ugric king Bel IV in the Battle of the Shayo River.

Having become the main “brains” of this operation, it became one of its greatest successes.

Invasion to Ugorshchina

In 1241, Ugorshchina was similar to another kingdom of Europe.

Although Arpad's attackers sat on the throne, as before, the king's authority and power were greatly weakened.

Most of the Ugric nobility simply believed the seriousness of the Mongolian insecurity.

Dekhto probably believed that the defeat of the royal army made Bela deprive himself of his attempts to centralize power, and thus undermine the power of the nobility.

Undeterred by the fact that the insecurity on the side of the Mongols was very serious and real, the Ugor region was not ready for it - people who for several generations did not know the fear of invading nomads, respected this impossibility.

The main population of the region was no longer made up of soldiers.

Many representatives of the nobility began the military mysticism, and even the armored cavalry.

They have long forgotten the tactics of light cavalry, for which their ancestors were famous, and even the Mongols themselves achieved.

The Ugric army (about 60,000 before the Battle of the Chayo River) consisted mainly of a few individuals without any tactical knowledge, discipline or talented and reliable commanders.

In addition, the Ugric army was not known in the military style of nomads, King Bela also received the Polovtsian Khan Kotyan and his henchmen from his land.

Tens of thousands faced death and slavery, huddled behind the walls of countless fortresses and dense forests and swamps.

The Mongols, instead of depriving the already rooted and hopeless peoples and continuing to push through Pannonia and further into Western Europe, spent the whole summer and autumn making changes and “putting things in order” in occupying them territories.

Then, in winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies, which had previously begun the military campaign in the spring, they crossed the Danube and continued to conquer lands, including Pannonia.

As a result, they reached the Austrian cordons and the Adriatic shores of Dalmatia.
In the spring of 1242, Ögedei died at the age of fifty-six.

Baty was one of the main contenders for the throne, and at the same time, with his armies, he immediately turned to Asia (before Baty’s exit, he ordered the destruction of all military forces), leaving all of Europe in ruins.

Ale Zahidna Europe has lost its unruliness.

Some Ugric historians confirm that the long-standing Ugric operation of the Mongols turned Western Europe into a disaster.
Other historians simply insist on this assumption, firmly asserting that Western Europe was uncontested by the death of Ögedei, and not by the struggle of the Ugric peoples.

Many historians often argue about whether the Mongols could or would have wanted to continue their invasion to Europe before leaving Alfeld, even if it would have been difficult and inconceivable in view of the waste of military forces.

However, the answer to why Baty stopped after the Chaillot River was that everything was much simpler - he was not going to stick his neck out further.

He consolidated the roots of Russia for ten generations, and when the Great Khan died, he quickly turned to Mongolia to claim his right to rule, and ended with plans for expansion at the end. Having immediately turned home with him and Subedei, his Mongol armies were left without a spiritual leader or chief strategist. he was able to renew his plans for the rooting of the “Great Sea” (

Atlantic Ocean

) only in 1255, when the turmoil after the death of Ögedei arose, and Munch was elected the new Great Khan.