Molded flowers in a flowerpot prepare the group.


beauty and health

GCD: "Liplennya"

BOD: Artistic creativity Topic: “Violets” Tsil

b : consolidated and expanded statement about the indoor plant - violet. Department: expand knowledge about

external view

I will look after him with height and specialness.

Expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic (spring, stem, leaf, flower, root, violet);

Developing the skills of movable speech, dialogical speech, movable movement, fine and gross motor skills.

Equipment: a pot of violets, plasticine, cardboard.

Activity activity:

1. Org.

You are well acquainted with the roomy dews that decorate our group.

Today we’ll talk about one of them – violet (puts out a pot of violets).

2. Rozmova.

(Development of a dialogical discourse. Clarified statement about the indoor plant - violet.)

Have you seen this village?

That's right, it's a violet.

A violet is a flowering plant.

Wonder what kind of flowers a violet has?

(Garni, nizhni.)

What are the stench behind the color?

(Rozhevi.) What is the middle of the kvitka?


That's right, our violets have rye flowers with yellow centers.

The violet may also have white or purple flowers.

Marvel at the images.

What else does the violet have?

(Leaves, stem.)

What are the leaves of a violet?

(Green, succulent, pubescent.)

What are the stems of a violet?

Our lower arms Hands in a vertical position.

The pellets are released. Spread your fingers apart.

The wind breathes for a few minutes, the rhythmic movements of the fingers.

Chop the pellets.

Our lower quarters

Close the pelyas.

Put your fingers together.

Quietly falling asleep, little abduction of hands with clenched fingers.

Hit your head.

5. Stucco “Violet”

We choose the color for the leaves, flowers, and pot.

We begin the work of preparing the potter, attaching it to the cardboard under strong pressure. Zavdannya:

- fasten and stick objects and their parts of round, oval, disk-like shape; Read and pass characteristic features

will be the farbuvannya kvitki;

Straighten the leaves of the flower and make cuts on the leaves;

Develop creativity, serenity, neatness, and finish printing the rest;

Develop interest in living nature.


Forward view: Abstract of GCD from molding in preparatory group

"Kvitka to the miner" Zavdannya:


will be the farbuvannya kvitki;

Straighten the leaves of the flower and make cuts on the leaves;

Develop creativity, serenity, neatness, and finish printing the rest;

Read on to convey the characteristic features of the future and preparation of the kvitka;Materials and tools:

plasticine of different colors, stacks, boards for molding, serverets, live flower - violet. Methodi ta accepti:

review, explanation, rozmova, display, vkazivki.

Head Nod: Vikhovatel:

Head Nod: Guys, tell me, are you growing indoor plants at home?

Why do people still grow indoor plants? Children:The rooms create a calm,

Head Nod: get rich in the future sour.

That's right guys, what kind of indoor plants can we grow in our group?

Head Nod: Children: Begonia, Geranium, chlorophytum, aloe.

Why do people still grow indoor plants? As you have already realized, indoor plants can be either flowery or not.

Head Nod: I'm trying to pick up a violet flower.

A violet is a flowering plant.

Why do people still grow indoor plants? Let's take a good look at it.

What kind of flowers does a violet have?

Head Nod: Garni, nizhni.

What are the stench behind the color?

Head Nod: Children: Rozhevi.

Why do people still grow indoor plants? What is the middle of a kvitka?

Head Nod: Children: Zhovta.

That's right, our violets have rye flowers with yellow centers.

Head Nod: The violet may also have white or purple flowers. What else does the violet have?

Why do people still grow indoor plants? Children: Leaves, stem.

Head Nod: What are the leaves of a violet?

Green, pubescent.

What are the stems of a violet? Children: Short.

Head Nod: For our violet to bloom so garishly, we need to take a look.

Guess what kind of work you need?

Water with a watering can.

I used a pencil to remove the leaves, because the violets have pubescent leaves, and they cannot be wiped.

Head Nod: What does a violet have near the ground? Children: Corinna. grow up, don’t be afraid of the stench.Let's get it over with for a little while.

Fizkultkhvilinka “Forget-me-nots”.

Towards the end at Anyutka'sArms bent at the elbows, hands in front of you

The forget-me-nots have bloomed.the fingers of both hands are clasped together,

On the little pellets-open your hands, open your fingers -

The sky is blue,Pelustki ubik.

Mid-day -Bring the fingers of both hands together and round them.

Little suns.

The fly flew by,

Gold bracelet,

Sat down on the couch: Sit down, put your hands on your knees,

Anu, where is the honey?turn your head left and right.

The sun came outStand up, bend your arms at the elbows and hold high

The bottom was hot,lift them up, open your fingers.

The honey was brewing - Circle with your right hand.

Bdzhilka was indignant.Short swings with winged arms.

And Anyutka is a shvidkonizhka Easy run.

Everything got better at the end.Turn your head left and right.

Head Nod: Guys, we need to get the miner off first.From brown plasticine, we roll the ball, carefully in a new groove, and knit the edges.

For the leaves, pluck small pieces of green plasticine, roll them into bags, and flatten the skin bag. Further, veins are visible on the surface of the leaves.

We take rye or purple plasticine, remove five small portions, and begin to form flat pellets.

Then we combine them into one vibration, overlapping each other. Place a yellow dot in the middle of the cut-out flower. Vikhovatel: GuysLet's lift our fingers before work

Finger gymnastics "Kvitka".


High Quote

on galyavini,

Hands in a vertical position


1. Outwardly: to do not take the zone of the zone in the very same object in a rib, dumpy ways, to fix the rules of Roboti with plasticine: roskochuvati layer, browned into a glass with the decorated veins of the Father, Rozminati, formalize the land of the landslides, transmitting the form characteristic of the form. 2. Developing: developing the skills of collective creativity. Expand the figurative manifestations of children.

3. Vikhovna: vikhovuvati bazhannya to please those who are absent, create a garne for them.

You can feel the joy of seeing the created image.

Material for something to do.

For the fancier: ready to show your pictures. For children: plasticine

different quotes

, stacks, kleyonki, vologi servets, cups of yoghurt.

Front of the robot:. Watch out for indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Surprise moment - peeling away the sheet email View of Nastinka from the fairy tale “Chervona Kvitochka”.

“Hello, children! Nastenka is writing to you from the fairy tale “Chervona Kvitochka”. I felt that you have a lot of growth room growths.

I also want to grow garni of flowers in my distant kingdom beyond the sea and ocean.I really need violets, they smell so different colors and the whole river blooms. Could you please give me one violet?”

Part 2

. Igrova.

Verbal game "Name the kitty".

The teacher shows pictures of indoor plants, and the children name them.

3 parts.

The current problem situation: how to help Nastintsia?

Vikhovatel: How can we help Nastenka?

Types of children.

Vikhovatel: I’m giving our guests from the Kazakh region a violet made of different-colored plasticine.

And in a little while we can’t help it.

4 parts.


I ask you to rise up – all at once.The head turned around - just two.

Hands up, looking forward - three. We spread our hands wider on the chotiri. With force, squeeze your fingers, squeeze them - five.

The teacher shows pictures of indoor plants, and the children name them.

All the boys sit down quietly - that's six!

Part 5

The teacher shows pictures of indoor plants, and the children name them.

A look at the finished design.

Explanation of the whipper.



Now let's take a look at the violet that came out of me.

Who can describe the violet: what details is it made of, how many petals does it have, what shape of leaves, what color of plasticine is needed for the violet flower itself?

Vikhovatel: As soon as the violet grew in our miner’s house, we need some glasses

with yoghurt.

We will remember to crumple it with paper or newspaper, and cover the animal with black and brown plasticine.


And in us there appears a potter of healthy soil, in which our violet grows.

How do you care about what you need to earn later?Vikhovatel: That's right, you need to pick out the leaves from the beginning, and then the little flowers..

Click on a number of children to show

Vikhovatel: Like the garni of violets you took away.

I will give them a chance to stand in a group for a little while, and then we will send them to Nastya as a gift.

We begin the work of preparing the potter, attaching it to the cardboard under strong pressure.

Lessons from molding “Kvitka”.

Read the sticky elements of the card; 1) modeling with the fingers: roll out the butt, flatten into a disk, press and flatten; 2) stack;

3. Vikhovna: vikhovuvati bazhannya to please those who are absent, create a garne for them.

Develop the miscellaneous


, almost form, fine motor skills;

vihovuvati aesthetic relish.

solving riddles about riddles about rooms and apartments;

Reading story about mom.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Salt dough, base for kvitka, watercolor pastries, flask with water, serverets, glue, pellets for physical.




Guys, today I will ask you for a wonderful activity, and why are you and I learning about our activity?

2. Stay busy.

Guys, come to me, stand up and admire this photo.

Who are the images in them?


Do you still love your mothers?


Children, listen to the verse of dedications to our mothers.

Mommy, really, really

I love you!

I love you so much at night

I can’t sleep in the dark,

I’m amazed at the darkness,

I'll hurry up to dawn,

I'll tell you all the time

Mommy love!

The axis and the dawn shine.

The axis is already light,

No one in the world

There is nothing better than Mami!

Have you been honored with a virsh? Who is our poem about? Guys, what do you think our mothers love to give as gifts?


And the dearest and most beloved gift for your mothers will be the one you make with your own hands.

And today, while we are busy, we will make a charming little flower as a gift to our beloved mothers.

(Let us all sit down in our place).

Marvel at how charming the flower is, I gave it to my little mother.Is it appropriate for you?


Guys, why do you think I called him charming?

(He has a bunch of different colors).

Let us together call you this color, and for whose guilt we will be more respectful.

I'll tell you a wish

enchanting riddles

, and it’s your responsibility to guess.

Axis garniy color,

There is nothing bright and warm.

Ale may be guilty and unsafe,

Did you guess it?



Tsim color mi paints the sun


And we prepare sand in the same color,

Well done, you guessed all the colors of our charming flower.

Why do you think we mold our card?

(Z testa)

And now let’s take our place and mold our lovely cake from the dough.

Look at the box and tell me what parts it is made of?

(middle, petals, stem, leaves).

Well done, and now let’s get started with the molding.

In front of you are pieces of dough, a bottle of water, serving dishes, and a base for the cake.

Why do we need to stick our card together?

(from the middle)

Take one piece of our dough and roll it into a bag, ivy, to come out in the middle.

We wet the middle with water with our finger and apply it to our base.

Who can tell me that we will still wet the dough with water?

(In order to glue our middle, replace with glue)

First we need to roll the bag, then a little bit of it is flattened, and one end is squeezed, pinched, changed.

Attached are the sheets that came out.

We correct it evenly.

Unforgettable, first apply the sheet to the bottom and soak it in water.

Apply it, flatten it with your fingers, and straighten the leaves.

Guys, can you tell us that our book is ready?


What are you rejecting?


Take a piece of dough, twist it into a thin cowbass - the axis of the stem.How can we get to the kvitka?

Top down or bottom up?

(top to bottom)

We apply water to our stem.

How amazing is everything in our little book?

Why isn’t it showing yet?


Take a piece of dough, roll it out, flatten it, wet it and apply it to the stems.

Guys, marvel at the miracle ticket we got.

Can we call him charming?


What didn’t we spend to become charming?

(it’s not possible, because they didn’t give me anything)

The theme of the year is “Rooms in the rooms”

Activity 27. Kvitka-semikvitka

(Applied to plasticine)

Software change. Seal the plasticine and apply it to the cardboard with a thin ball.

Develop fine motor skills and accuracy. Demonstration material.

A seven-kvitka book has been daubed. Distribution material.

Contours of the image of a seven-flowered flower on cardboard (large), plasticine, molding boards.

Stay busy

From now on, get to know the children with V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Semikvitka Kvitka.” Stop getting busy finger gymnastics

: “Hands twist-twist-twist” (Wrapping the hands.) Then the fingers and palms, having formed the shape of a bird, freeze.

Ask your children: - How did the ticket come out?

(Some have a Trojan, some have a tulip, a cactus, etc.) - Which people met with an unusually charming card?

(Kaztsi is talking about a seven-week round.)

Guess this word with your children and ask them if they would like to mother such a seven-queen.

As if the boys would have wished for a bajan. Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

Show respect to those who have a different color of the skin (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet).

Instruct children to “pour” the skin with peles, applying plasticine with a thin ball. Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

From the book Molding and application with children 6-7 years old.

Take notes Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.


Koldina Dar'ya Mykolayivna Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

The theme of this year is “Room grows” Activity 27. Aloe (Painting with pencil. Gouache) Program change.

Prodovzhuvat read and paint with a pencil an object from nature. Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

Get to know the aloe vera from the indoor dew.

Aloe in the potter. Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

Album leaves, gouache, penzli, jars of water, gancherochki (on

Baby with children 5-6 years old. Give each person a seven-week round. Look at the picture of the card.

Take notes

The theme of the week is “My House” Activity 22. Booth for a bunny and pivnya (Modeling with plasticine) Program change. Secure the children's minds and bring the mixture to the required shape using additional plasticine.

Read the retelling of the tales, hidden in the illustrations. Demonstration material.


From the book Application with children 3-4 years old.


Take notes The theme of the year is “Room grows” Activity 27. Cactus for the potter (Lapka with plasticine) Programming. Close the mixture and bring it to the required level using natural materials.


Introduce children from indoor plants to cactus. Demonstration material. Baby with children 3-4 years old. Take notes


The theme of the year is “Rosliny” Lesson 31. Tulip (Color paper. Application from prepared parts of an object) Program change.


Chew and teach the children to fold the whole piece.


Learn the names of garden plants and parts of the plants. Demonstration material.


The theme of the year is “My House” Activity 22. Parkan byla budinku (Painting with pencil. Gouache) Meta.


Encourage children to draw various objects that come from lines.

Read the retelling of the tales hidden in the illustrations at the bottom.

Develop your language, your mind.