Lesson summary of making sounds zh and w.



Federal state treasury lighting installation

"Secondary dark-illuminated school No. 3" Literacy lesson for 1st grade


: Making sounds (g) and (w).


reader of cob classes

Kolesnikova N.A

- m.Priozersk


Continue your acquaintance with new writers and sounds;

Differentiate the sounds (zh), (w), consolidate the concepts: jingle-deaf guys, voices;

Acquire the development of skills in spelling correct, spelling, expression, knowledge, and reading;

Develop phonemic hearing, language, logical thinking, respect; :

Vikhovuvati podtilivіst.

Predicted results

Children will begin to distinguish sounds by ear (g) ta (w);

Establish their similarity and importance;

Remember that the sounds (g) and (w) at the end of words and in the middle of a word must be clarified by selecting a group of consonant words until the sound is heard clearly;

Replenish your vocabulary stock with new words that will help you develop the development of logical thinking, the development of language.

Lesson progress

1Organizational moment

The bell rings for us

The lesson begins.

The sounds of the writers came,

Let the world know how to lead us!

2 Motivation for initial activity

Guys, what lesson are we learning? (Learning to read and write).

What does the word “letter” mean to your understanding?

Guys, what lesson are we learning? (slide1)

Diploma- reading and sheet.

So it’s worth reading and writing.And if you learn to read and write, you will learn to read and write letters. Do you think the word “literacy” has more meaning?

What is the meaning of this word do you know?

a document that is seen in the city for success in any justice. (Commendable, honorable) (slide 2) Certificate

- An ancient folk name for any document, sheet.So, what are the names of words that carry a lot of meaning? ».


richly significant

) (plate)

And now, marvel at what the ancient Russian letters and business records on birch bark looked like.

(Slide 3)

Birch bark

-birch bark (slide 4)

Such certificates are called -

The one who reads, for example, translates the visible signs of the word that sounds.

And today we will learn to translate sounds from the light of the sensible to the light of the visible.

This is the world we will be today... (translations).

3 Updating knowledge th

Ale, to translate the sounds and letters, you need to understand.

How are sounds popularized?

It seems that it is easy to speak: sounds, words and whole phrases themselves are heard in our mouths.

Hello, everything is not so simple: in our body at this hour a whole plant is working with the production of sounds.

Speech therapist Nasib Inomdzhonovna knows best about the work of this plant.

Teacher-speech therapist:

- The replacement of workbenches at the plant is carried out by the authorities.

What organs do you know?

(teeth, lips, tongue...)

-And the sounds are “pratsivniki”.

In order to achieve the highest sound, work on the lips, throat, nose, mouth, lips and tongue.

This is the organimov. And our lady is always on duty: the little people didn’t understand the sound of a word so much, they immediately smell it in their ears.

    -What two groups can we divide sounds into?

    -When the wind starts to rush into the rushnytsia without having learned the necessary codes, what sound comes out?


    -And how does sound happen to break through the passage of lips, teeth, nose, and then what sounds come out?

(Zgidni) .

-And in order for you to express the sounds correctly, let’s practice articulation gymnastics.

Prepare a mirror.

Articulation gymnastics

(Slide 5)




Smachne varennya.

- Add mirrors

4 The importance of the lesson and goal setting

Well, guys, your plant from the production of sounds is now ready for operation.

When people hear the loud sound of a factory, then they perform….(voice).

Where do sounds live?

(At the kingdom of sounds)

Let's translate the first vocal sounds into the kingdom of letters.

(In the future, we imitate the transfer of vocal sounds from the kingdom of sounds to the kingdom of letters, substituting letters before the sounds.)

Sound(s) - indicated by letters a, i

Sound (o) -…………….letters o, e

Sound (i) - ……………letter i

Now let’s move on to some phony sounds...

Sound (v) - signified by the letter v

Shower soon?



Why is it so difficult to signify the sound the first time when a letter forms a word?

What are you learning in class today?

What are you learning?

Speech therapist Nasib Inomdzhonovna knows best about the work of this plant.

Indicate the topic of the lesson. (“Ordering, making sounds (g) and (w).) (slide 6)

5 Work on the topic of the lesson

-What sound does a snake make? (Drawing of a snake) (Sh-sh-sh)

-What sound does a beetle make?

(picture of a beetle) (W-w-w)

-Today we seated you in a group so that we could do better.

One group will be “SPIPS”, and the other will be “BUZZLES”.

If you give the correct answer, you will pick up the chips, and at the end of the lesson we will cheer them up.

(Slide “Similarity and sublimity of sounds (F, W))

-When can we identify the sounds that our organs work with?

(tongue, lips, teeth). It’s too bad, it stinks... (nowadays).

2 -“BUZZERS”, say your sound (Zh), does our voice work? »

It means a good day... (dzvinky) (slide)

- “SHIPILKI”, say your sound (SH), is your voice working?

3) This means that you are vocal... (deaf). (Slide)

-Who in nature can see such sounds?

(Slide 7)

- Let's check it out, and your ear can sense its sound.


1) Gra on hearing respect


(The speech therapist names words, words; children in groups raise images of a snake and a beetle as they feel their sound.)

) Gra in groups “Find the interesting object

- Let’s recheck your respect Noisemakers. (Slide)

-Now your respect BUZZLES. (slide)

Gra “What object, what sound does it represent?”


-Sounds are performed in words together, in a team and you practice in one friendly team.

-You’ve done it, but now let’s get on with it.

6 Fizkultkhvilinka

7 Continued work.

Statement of the problem.

What sounds do you make out in words?

(f, w)

What are the sounds? (Guys in deafness)

Dzvinki and deaf, offensive hard sounds (Zh, Sh) are very similar to each other - the same “twins” (slide 8)

What do we call words that carry rich meaning?And if you learn to read and write, you will learn to read and write letters. )

(What do these words mean, Zh and Sh? (Smyslorozriznyachi

- help to differentiate between words, words by word)

Gras with propositions

Sounds are put into words, put into words, and words into words. (Slide 11)

What is our fault in remembering the proposition? (All words in the speech are linked by place)

Take all the words from the river so that the stench is connected and the propositions come out clear and beautiful.

Well done, you are very respectful of those sawy lads!

Spelling consistency

Guess who needs sawnness.

- “To the sailor.” You need to avoid any conflict with another ship.

- “Hawk.” You need to see the video bottle from afar.

- “Mislivtsev, sniper, border guard, intelligence officer.”

To make the most of it, people have acquired a wealth of “instruments”: eyepieces, binoculars, spotting scopes, microscopes, telescopes.

(slide 12)

And we are speeding up with an instrument that has always been with us. And so that our eyes are always clear, we need to pay attention.

We will learn how to interpret correctly.

Stitch around objects that are slipping.

Gymnastics for the eyes

(slide 13)What phrase did KIT LEOPILD say, who noticed and memorized it? )

(“Take care of the world, boys!”)Ale, it turns out that it’s not just your eyes that are sawy, but yours... (mind). It helps your eyes learn the important meanings of words.

How can you call a place, where can you win a peace?(PLEASE NOT BE SAFE !

And let's bachiti

have mercy on the unsafe

It’s time to figure out why the stink is coming out.

Why is it necessary to recognize their sounds?


What sounds do we recognize in today’s dungeon? (F, W)Revealing the secret of sounds (F, W) E?WHY? STRI?

Hello?Listen to the words as they stink. To sound like it is, not how to spell it.

What is CLEAR in the words?(sound (Ш) - dull, boyish voice) Axis one "

PLEASE NOT BE SAFE(sound (Ш) - dull, boyish voice) place, where at the end of the word I stumbled upon one of the bets.

DOUBLE"- dull sound (Ш). »

Feeling the dull sound of a near word, ask yourself: “Or maybe

not disguises


Chi without wasting the sound in a weak position?

I, those who called for help "


And, having placed this sound in a strong position, we will write the required letter.

Poklichmo "

» let’s put the sound (Ш) in a strong position.

(slide 14)

What a couple of words with guys' voices (F, W) whose stopper doesn't follow our rule?

Poklichmo "


(The letter changes, the meaning of the word changes)These words have sounds (Zh, Sh) є " WITH BACKGROUND


Explain the meaning of these words:

LIVED, lived through life;

SEW-edged the edge of the fabric with a thread.

You, melodiously, have already noted that the sounds of the weak and strong positions “LIVE” follow the sung laws.

What laws?

And now we’ll be amazed at the susida!

CHA?KA LO?KA KRU?KA DRU?BAHow to cope if two vowels appear (at the middle of the word) and they are not " CHARIVNIK

"(Not golosny)?Sometimes it goes wrong " ».



So, this is why the sounds during sustricha come into play one after another.


Another vocal sound commands in this game, and the first one is subordinated.

Just as another sound is ringing, the first one also becomes ringing.

And if the other sound is deaf, the first one remains deaf.

CHA?KA (K) - deaf, which means the sound (Ш) is also deaf

DRU?BA (B) - dzvinky, meaning the sound (F) is also dzvinky

(a deaf guy in a weak position, a voiceless chaplain in charge)So what needs to be done so that the guy becomes a strong position and makes a sound? (Call the vocal charmers)



(slide 15)




CRI?KA--- Krishechka

(We insert the required letter after checking the paired voice)

8 Reflection of initial activity

Let's get started with the lesson.

What sounds did we listen to and play in class today?


(Children show the letters of the sounds (F, W) collected from chips.

What did you learn today?: What have you learned?

How can a robot make sounds (Zh, Sh) in words?

(to help separate words)

How can you verify the spelling of voiced and voiceless vowel sounds in words?

(with the help of charmers)

List of Wikilists

1.ABC author

Goretsky St. R., Kiryushkin St. A., Vinogradska L. A. and in ABC.

Podruchnik 1st class.

Vidavnitstvo:Moscow, Prosvitnitstvo

3. Russian language in little ones

4. Tsikavo about Russian language authors: V.A.Ivanova, Z.A.Potikha, D.Z.Rozental

Enable Effect

1 from 17

Marvel at the similarities

Embed code

  • VKontakte
  • Equalization of the dull sound w and jingle w
  • Reading from the warehouses
  • Barvisty characters - assistants
  • Explanatory pictures


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Molchanova L.S.






    • To conduct a lesson by the teacher

Slide 1

We have guests from Dzvinochka and Sheptuna.

(Composition of sounds [zh]-[w]. Reading with words and words with the words ZHI-SHI.)

m. Armavir

Slide 2


Slide 3

Snizhinka Lizhi top shipshina fluffy kalyuzha

Slide 4

Slide 5

F F Shsh F Sh

Slide 6

Slide 7

Honeysuckle honeysuckle Konvaliya Komishya Shipshina pears

Slide 8

conjured, pushed, smeared with woohoos, stole, extinguished, fumbled with woohoos

Slide 9


The fox's bush is clear.

The flowers are full of bright flowers. Tse buv ___povnik.

Good___du_sti Troyandi!

Masha began to tear Troyandi.

And there ___pi.

Ma__ has a rolling pin.

You need to go to the deadline.

wilderness shi shi shi shi shi

Slide 10

Slide 11

not _on, tossing, moving, hanging, beating, spinning, collapsing, breaking, white

w w w w w w w w

Slide 12


Snowflakes are always white.

Falls were caught when snowflakes of red, blue and yellow colors fell on the ground.

It was possible through the presence of a saw that had been in the wind before the snow began to fall.

Snowflakes can be used to predict the weather.

If little snowflakes fall to the ground, it will be cold.

When big snowflakes fall, it will be warm.

Slide 13

The gut yelped loudly

She completely sank onto the wooden lava.



Slide 14

Izhachki Lizhi Giraffe Machine Pushinka shipshina

Slide 15

order, Gorobtsi, with, people.


The horobtsy is entrusted to live from the people.

sipshini, duzhe, berries, korisni.

Shishina berries are even browner.

Slide 16

Slide 17

Internet resources:


Dwarves (pictures) - www.


: Making sounds (g) and (w).


m. Armavir


Budinochki (pictures) – www.

bagira 0401.ya.ru04;

Shipshina (picture) - www.flystarlady.ru; Honeysuckle (picture) www.


"Shipshina" (opovіdannya) - www.klass39.ru;

Kviti (animashki) – SMAYLI.RU;

Gnome (rospainted) – tux-paint.narod.ru;

Winter (picture) – scrpionse.ucoz.ru;

Dwarves (clipart) – blogs.mail.ru;

Kazka “How the shiplings got into a quarrel with the active writers” - V. Volina “Fun Grammar.” Moscow 1995r.


View all slides


Y – buvaє lyadkova);

The dead end of the “Silent Ones”


Street "Zgidnykh"

Slide 3

Snowflake Kalyuzha

Lizhi top

Poohnasty shipshina

Slide 4.

Slide 5.

The Kazka is grammatical

Slide 6-7

b) slide 8.

"Fun sounds." Let's help the dwarves retake Rome.

On the tenth version

Lived by the literati Zh and Sh.

Now they were confused, now they laughed,

Then they exchanged apartments

Skin time.

I axis, before speech,

It came out as a result.

Two crows were telling fortunes

Ten – sino (stolen)

And the magpies didn’t grieve

The rivers were burned (extinguished).

And the crane smeared the fish

I broke up with my friends

Hare, dancing (whooping).

Slide 10

"To the music.

Light fluffy

The snow is white.

Yaka is clean!

What a smile!

On the turbulent road

Easy to rush by

Not on high night,

Ask for land.

In the wind that blows

Trembling, angry,

What is he spitting on?

Lightly hit.

Yogo goydalki

Vona is quiet,

With yogo khurtovina

It's crazy to spin around.

When the axis ends

The road is long,

The earth is in trouble

Zirka Krishtaleva.

Lying down fluffy

Snowflake is smiley.

Yaka is clean!

How white!

Children: Snow.

Work in pairs

Slide 11.

Slide 12.

wilderness shi shi shi shi shi

Work in pairs

Reading the text “Snizhinka”.

Slide 13

The gut yelped loudly…….

(Snizhinka, Snizhinka)

Individual work.

Slide 14

- basic rhubarb.

- Advance rhubarb

We have guests from Dzvinochka and Sheptuna.


Dwarves (pictures) - www.


: Making sounds (g) and (w).


m. Armavir

Detsad196.ru;(Production of sounds [F] – [W].

Budinochki (pictures) – www. develop logical thinking, memory, respect in academics, improve reading skills, strengthen the memory of writing correctly in conjunction with text.

bagira 0401.ya.ru04;

Shipshina (picture) - www.flystarlady.ru; Honeysuckle (picture) www.


"Shipshina" (opovіdannya) - www.klass39.ru;

Kviti (animashki) – SMAYLI.RU;

Gnome (rospainted) – tux-paint.narod.ru;

Winter (picture) – scrpionse.ucoz.ru;

Dwarves (clipart) – blogs.mail.ru;

: the rules must be established at the hour when the initial orders are instituted;

pratsyuvati u parah;

Kazka “How the shiplings got into a quarrel with the active writers” - V. Volina “Fun Grammar.” Moscow 1995r.


View all slides


put the food in order to replace the text;

Y – buvaє lyadkova);

The dead end of the “Silent Ones”


characterize sounds, associate them with letters.

Street "Zgidnykh"

Updating of acquired knowledge.

Guys, today in class we will continue to appreciate the Kazkov place of Bukvograd and we will go on a visit to your bastards.

Yaka letter zayva?

Slide 3

(I – means the softness of subvocal sounds. It can mean two sounds.

Snowflake Kalyuzha

Lizhi top

Poohnasty shipshina

Yaka letter zayva?

Slide 4.

The letter does not interfere with the sound and serves to emphasize the softness of the voices.

Slide 5.

Yaka letter zayva?

(Ch – always means soft sound)

The Kazka is grammatical


Once upon a time there lived the hissing people Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch, and not far away lived the loud voices U, Yu, I, Y, A, Ya.

Slide 6-7

They lived together.

b) slide 8.

The 1st axis was once driven by the Literi Pograti near Khovanka. "Fun sounds." Let's help the dwarves retake Rome.

The driver was sizzling, and the rest of the people ran away.

On the tenth version

Lived by the literati Zh and Sh.

Now they were confused, now they laughed,

Then they exchanged apartments

Skin time.

I axis, before speech,

It came out as a result.

Two crows were telling fortunes

Ten – sino (stolen)

And the magpies didn’t grieve

The rivers were burned (extinguished).

And the crane smeared the fish

The letters sit in the hidden places, check.

I broke up with my friends

Hare, dancing (whooping).

When they are being joked about.

The studs all over the place began to stare, joke around, play tricks - they already knew they were rich.

Only people can’t recognize the three voices Y, Y, Y.

Slide 10

They joked and joked, they got confused, and they joked until evening.

And the axis, stumbling, grimacing, tired, and hungry, walked home."To the music.

Walk through the courthouse and chant that Y, Y, I, like nothing ever happened, sit, laugh, watch TV.

Light fluffy

The snow is white.

Yaka is clean!

What a smile!

On the turbulent road

Easy to rush by

Not on high night,

Ask for land.

In the wind that blows

Trembling, angry,

What is he spitting on?

Lightly hit.

Yogo goydalki

Vona is quiet,

With yogo khurtovina

It's crazy to spin around.

When the axis ends

The road is long,

The earth is in trouble

Zirka Krishtaleva.

Lying down fluffy

Snowflake is smiley.

Yaka is clean!

How white!

They drink tea with gingerbread cookies.

Children: Snow.

Work in pairs Hisslets formed, and from that moment on, their friendship was detestable.

Slide 11.

You can’t stand the stench at once, but just like this: ZHI-SHI, CHU-SHCHA, CHU-SHCHU!

As if Dzvinochok and Whisper came to a beautiful forest heather.

Name the words from the words ZHI-SHI.

What are the words for Dzvinochka, and what are the closest words to Whisper?

Dzvinochka had fewer words.

To amuse your brother, Whisperer has spoken to the gru

(Added words written on the doshka, students select the following words and write them down on the dosha pair. (The words are written on the cards.)

Jmil at the arable kvitah (Sharil)

Slide 12.

The whisperer has prepared a short text for you.

wilderness shi shi shi shi shi

Snowflakes are always white.

Falls were caught when snowflakes of red, blue and yellow colors fell on the ground.

Work in pairs It was possible through the presence of a saw that was in the wind before the snow began to fall.

Reading the text “Snizhinka”.

Snowflakes can be used to predict the weather.

Slide 13


The gut yelped loudly…….

(Snizhinka, Snizhinka)

Individual work.

Slide 14 If little snowflakes fall to the ground, it will be cold.

When big snowflakes fall, it will be warm.

- basic rhubarb..

Add the following text to this text.

By inserting the word into the proposition.

Explain your choice.

- Advance rhubarb Insert the words podnannya ZHI chi SHI.

Add two words to the skin tag.

MA...na, ...povnik, e...ki, pu...shinka, li....., ....raf.


Zі sіv sklіv proposition.
Write it down.

In the words pіdkreslit, the names ZІ – ШІ.

order, Gorobtsi, s, live, human. Shipshini, korisni, duzhe, Berries.

"Secondary dark-illuminated school No. 3": « (Checking for the standard. Self-assessment), Learn to make gnomes' bundles, stating your assignment before the lesson.. What new spellings have you learned about?».

Some writings have been learned from writers. Have you learned this before?:

Engage your notes: Irina Mulyukova Reinforcement of the sound Zh, letters Zh. Reinforcement of the sounds Zh - Sh Technological map of organized lighting activities from the development of light galuz Learn to make gnomes' bundles, stating your assignment before the lesson.. "Development of language. Learning to read and write" Strengthening the sound Zh letteri Zh Arrangement of sounds F - W Zavdannya

Lighting Pin articulatory vimova sound Zh (, written) Set the sounds Zh - Sh

, familiarize yourself with the rules of writing letters І–ШІ Read the notes sound and letter

, memorize letters Rozvivayucha.

: Develop in mind sonic

analysis of data from a vicoristic mixture model sound-letter

models. Vikhovna Rozvivayucha.

: Formulate interest to your language and features Technical

: Working with a camera

Letter and warehouses Movna: Activate children's vocabulary

Types of child activities

: movna activity. Material and ownership?

: Multimedia installation, chips, marker board, markers, cash registers. Front of the robot

: verbal and didactic games

1 Organizational moment Technological map of organized lighting activities The wizard teaches the children riddles sounds? live at the edge of Literacy.

2 Preparation before mastering the program material What kind of cloth to wear

sounds from this country


: The couch potato lives on its own secured material in practice

Vikhovatel will make a wish riddle:

Stars fall from the sky and fall on the fields

Don't let the black fields appear under them.

Richly - richly zirochok thin, like sklo;

The eyes are cold, but the earth is warm (snowflake)

How many warehouses does this word have?

Sound-letter analysis of a word.

Working with a Kasa Rozvivayucha(lick)

Transform it yourself into Kalyuzhi.

5 Pouch selection

Guys, today fixed the sound Ж. I tell you to scribble, paint, and smear letter

home and bring it to the kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:“Outline of GCD for assigning the correct visual sound [z] (behind the lexical topic “Birds”)”

Topic: “Reinforcement of the correct visual sound [s] (on the lexical topic “Birds”)” Integration of light areas: Language development.“We are visiting the sound and letter O.”

Summary of the organized educational activities of the training group Theme of the activity: “Visiting the sound and literature O” form of activity: activity – introduction to new material type: integrated activity type: beginning.

Integrated activity “Reinforcement of sounds [A], [O], [U], [M], [S], [X]” Lighting instructions: - close the name, call it in front, and the missing number is indicated by a number;

- fasten the tips. Summary of individual speech therapy sessions with automation of sound [L] and differentiation of sounds [C]-[C']

Topic: sound L, sounds S-S.

Management: I - automate the sound L in warehouses, words, rivers;-develop phonemic awareness in work.

Summary of individual lessons on automation of the sound [L'] and avoidance of vocal sounds 1

Goals: automation of sound by eliminating phonic sounds in words, phrases, speeches, forming a grammatical mode.

Summary of a speech therapy session for a preparatory group on the topic: “Use the sound of the letter “S”” Meta: - Reinforcing the correct language.

Summary from the beginning of literacy “Reinforcement of sounds [a] [u]”

Topic: “Finding the sounds A, U; obviously the letter and warehouses.

The relationship between the sliver and the folded sliver and the split abta of the great. Class:

Presentation before class

Back forward

  • Respect!
  • establish that a dull sound can be represented by different letters - zh i sh (watch out for word changes);
  • establish a method for assigning letters to the house of a dull voice sound (change of words).


  • development of logical thinking (begin to analyze, analyze, see the head);
  • development of respect;
  • development of the language: enrichment and compilation of vocabulary;

rejuvenation in different language ways;

  • development of the sensory sphere - development of precision and subtle differentiation of sounds [zh] and [w], viz.
  • vykhovny:
  • develop love to the Russian language, the need to develop your mind, thoughtfulness and guilt;

I feel patriotism, pride in my Fatherland;

  • interest in light events;
  • promotion of a healthy way of life, interest in various types of winter sports.
  • Lighting resources:
  • ICT (presentation);
  • handcuff “Abetka”, stand for handcuff;

Remember that the sounds (g) and (w) at the end of words and in the middle of a word must be clarified by selecting a group of consonant words until the sound is heard clearly;

pictures for kids: snowflake, gate with hockey player, lyzhny (descent from the mountain), five pictures of the Olympic rings with continental signatures (okremo - blue (Europe), black (Africa), chervone (America), zhovte (Asia), green (Australia) )); Remember that the sounds (g) and (w) at the end of words and in the middle of a word must be clarified by selecting a group of consonant words until the sound is heard clearly; came with numbers (to determine the number of warehouses in words);

1. three geometric figures (colas) in yellow, green and red colors (for reflection).Start the lesson


2. Organizational


The readiness of students is checked before the lesson.

(Updating knowledge. Entry).

– What kind of grandiose vision will appear in the whole world?

Types of children:


– This is a particularly important day of light for our region, the XXII Winter Olympic Games will be held in our region near the city of Sochi!

Kazka “How the shiplings got into a quarrel with the active writers” - V. Volina “Fun Grammar.” Moscow 1995r.

Slide 1

– We welcome guests and athletes from all over the planet.
The symbol of the Olympic Games is a white ensign - a symbol of peace and friendship, which depicts five rings of different colors.
(Versh reads: remember in advance the preparations for the study)
“Five kilos, five kilos -
Five continents sign.
The sign that means

Slide 3

Those who love sports are their best friend, All people ask,

It’s all worldly, peaceful.” .

Five continents:

Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia (The teacher shows the continents) Slide 4

On the map

“The land is the same bastards”

You teach people of different nationalities.

And you also appreciate the diversity of the created world on our planet.

Slide 5

Our mascots hurry to the city of Sochi, and they decided to come to us before school for our lesson.

Slide 6

Guess the Olympics went out.

(Updating knowledge. "Shvidshe is more powerful"!

Slide 7

– What do you think about becoming a champion of the world, which is what a human being is?

(Types of children: ...)

It is necessary to give strength to your mind, to be a guilty and literate person, in order to represent your country with honor!

At school, in all lessons, we can develop all these qualities!

It’s not enough to rely on the success of talismans!

To achieve success, you need to do your best!

And today we will add our

“a small contribution to GREAT SPORT”!

3. An update on a new topic.

– Today we have made some small discoveries – we are opening up a new sound in our promo and giving a characterization to the new sound.

And finally, the lesson of the Leopard, the White Witch and the Bunny mascots will teach us about the rings assigned to the colors, we learn - which ring after the color to which continent lies...

Slide 8

4. Repetition of the grafted material.

– Let’s guess how the two groups share sounds.

(Updating knowledge. “...voices and voices.” )

Slide 9

– How do loud sounds differ from those of today?

(Updating knowledge. “...the voices do not close up the membranes during the hour, but now they close up; )

Slide 10

5. Voices can open a warehouse, but today’s ones cannot.”

Physical exercise No. 1.

- Let’s try to guess which sound is vocal, and which one is of the year.

As soon as you feel a vocal sound, you cheer and splash in the valley, and when you feel a vocal sound, you squat...

(The teacher shows a number of different sounds: [a], [pro], [p], [i], [w], [u], [z],

Slide 11

[й'е], [я'а] (with these sounds the learners squat and then subtract)

Slide 12

6. - Well done!

Development of new material.

(Updating knowledge. The talismans came to us from a guest as a gift. )

What is shown in the picture?

"Snizhinka". - The word “snowflake” has our new sound, try it a little.

Reading the text “Snizhinka”.

Rejoice one by one

(Updating knowledge. (Work in a bet). )

– What new sound are we hearing today?

"... sound [zh]".

(Updating knowledge. We are very open - we learn everything about the new sound [zh]. )

- Let’s consider the sound [zh] many times, let’s think about how this sound is sharpened by the transition when voicing...“... the sound [zh] sharpens when the hour passes.”

(Updating knowledge. – Get a refund: )

voice sound [f] or voice sound.

(Updating knowledge. “... the sound [zh] sharpens the transition during voicing and therefore is a vowel sound.” )

“Once again, have you heard the sound, how it sounds, hard or soft?”

(Updating knowledge. “...The sound [w] sound hard. )

- Find out the sound [zh] and think, what is the steam in the softness?

(Updating knowledge. “... the sound is [zvinky]. )

- Think about the difference in deafness, if so, then call this sound...

(Updating knowledge. “...The sound [zh] is similar in deafness to the sound [w]. )

Types of children:4

(Checking the characteristics of the new sound)

– Let’s check, having updated the diagram, we will confirm our opinions about the new sound [zh].

Slide 15

7. Physical exercise No. 2.

– A new sound is coming [zh]!

It is subtracted and splashed in the valley, as we feel the sound [zh] in the word,

we squat because the word has no new sound!

(The teacher names the words: kalyuzha, Lusha, heat, kulya, cold).

8. Work from a diagram.

– Place the diagram on the bottom until the word “snowball”.

You can immediately see how many words there are in each word (Splash in the valley, you can put your fist under the chest of those who deserve this method...).

Show how many warehouses there are in a word (Show on page: 3) .

(Before school, two students ask, they work with the couple.)

Slide 16

(Rozvitok respect).

Our snowwoman, a gift from talismans, has found a letterer to assign a new sound [zh].

Guess what this letter is.

(Updating knowledge. “... the snowwoman has discovered the letter “zh” assigned to the sound [zh]. )

Slide 17

– Check your answer with the slide...

Slide 18

– Can you guess what kind of writers met with the letter “zh”?

(Updating knowledge. “...the letter “zh” has the letters “k”, “x”). )

9. Work with a line of letters (poster on the back).

– Find the place for the letter “zh” on the “strichtsi letter”.

Rejoice one by one (work in a bet).

10. Work with an abet (poster on the back).

- Find the letter “zh” in the alphabet.

– Which letters is the letter “zh” divided into?

(Updating knowledge. “...between the letters e, z. )

11. Work with assistant “Abetka”.

– Open the handle on the side.

(Updating knowledge. “...the sound [g] is hard, there is no steam in the softness. )

(Read the folds).

12. Work with text.

- The intelligence, intelligence and creativity of children develop in loose games.

– Read the title to the text.

(Read: "Blind Man's Bluff.")

- Who among you knows what this game is?

(translated Types of children. .)

– Read the text and find out about this group...

- Explain what the game is.

- What can you say about these children?

– Can they be called true friends?

(translated Types of children. .)


13. - I am confident that no matter what your game, no matter what your life situation, you will come to the aid of one another.And I, as your teacher, am writing to you!

Relay race

"Descent from the Burn."

– Let’s try to ruin the idea of ​​ruining the Winter Olympic Games by being athletes and completing the “Descent from the Mountain” relay.

- Who wants to take part in this relay race?

(The teacher calls out for the name of one of the students participating in the relay race,

Children insert the letters or w (behind the preparation with a magnetic pad) at the place of the pass.

(The relay is accompanied by the song of the group “Neposidi” - “Anthem of the Olympic Games”).

After finishing the game, the children need to check the words correctly.select inverted words.

Slide 19

14. Gra "Hockey".

- Now let’s play with the hockey team and score the puck at the goal.

(The teacher calls out for the name of one of the students - the gravel hockey player,The student inserts the missing letter in the word, then calls out the next letter).

On the back there is a picture “Gate with a gate”.

Under the picture there are words written in a column:

(Gra accompanied by the song of the children's choir - "Hockey".)

After the game is completed, a recheck is required -children read words.

Slide 20

15. Work in a group - play in three teams (work with words that mean the same value, repetition).

- And now we’ll conduct a game, dividing into three teams:

1 team called “Leopard”,

2 – “White Witch”,

3 – “Bunny”.

Each team elects a team captain.

First of all, the command team.

Guess what all the learned words mean, write these words on a paper.

Another mischief.

Among these words, find a word that can be taken to the Winter Olympic Games, and speak on that word.

(After the vykonannya, the captains read out the words, read out the word, as they said...)

(Types of children: "...forged leather. )

Powered up to all commands.

The word “kuzanka” can be related to which winter Olympic Games?

(Types of children: “... hockey and figure katannya. )

Slide 21-23

16. Checking the words for another presentation.

– Please help me with the slides to explain the meaning of the words.

Slide 24-34

17. Lesson bag. (Reflection.)

– Today in class we tried to earn our "a small contribution to a great sport"!

And she helped us before friendship, support from one another, intelligence and intelligence!

– What lessons did we learn in class?

– What was particularly rewarding during the lesson?

- How would you like to see the Vicont again?


1. show the teacher that everything was clear in the lesson;

2. show the green colo if you need help from classmates, teachers (why you yourself needed help - ... explanations are given for the need (in short - by students, at least - by the teacher);

3. Show the red stake if you didn’t understand anything during the lesson and you need help after the lesson.


1. show the woman that you appreciate that you did a great job;

2. show the green circle that you appreciate that you haven’t practiced much of your lesson;

3. show the red stake that you appreciate that you haven’t worked at all in class, perhaps through illness, perhaps watered...

Slide 35

– The time has come to say goodbye to our mascot friends – the Leopard, the Bear and the Bunny!

Slide 36

To say goodbye, our talismans Leopard, White Witch and Bunny will give us five Olympic rings.

(the skin ring is signed, which continent means:

blue – Europe

chorne – Africa

Chervone – America

Zhovte – Asia

green – Australia)

We wish Russian athletes good luck inXXIIWinter Olympic Games!

Sound the Olympic Anthem!

Slide 37


Thank you for your respect!

Slide 38

19. Internet resources

Additional material for teachers.


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