Chinese gymnastics for weight gain and weight loss

Taoske dikhannya "by stake"

The next stage of mastering the basic technique of qigong is very complex. Don’t rush, do everything carefully and accurately - you will no longer master the initial rush for beginners, but the technique of harmonizing the flow of qi that actually works in your body!

The stand is the same. The eyes are flattened. The tip of the tongue is pressed to the upper point of the palate.

With your inner glance, find that point on the surface of the skin in this crevice zone, where the thread would come that “trips on the vase” your head, so continue this thread vertically down. (In men, this is the middle between the anal opening and the base of the scrotum; in women, it is the center of the pelvic ring.) Particular precision is not required at this point - you will soon understand it.

Well, you marvel at yourself at this point and begin to gently inhale, drawn in by whom he lives. (I think you’ve already realized: without proper mastery of the front, you have the right to go on a wild ride: if you want some of what is described, you don’t do it “automatically,” you simply won’t lose respect.)

As you inhale, smoothly move your inner gaze uphill along the ridge (in the simplest way: notice a speck that glows moving uphill). At the highest point of inhalation, the point of respect runs along the entire ridge and outer surface of the skull, past the face and forehead, reaching the area between the eyebrows. The life is retracted, the body of the leg, the knee are slightly flexed, lifting the torso.

There is a short pause before the cob of video. At this point, the point of honor passes through the midbrow horizontally into the middle of the head (there, you showed your head to glow). If you clearly concentrate on the point between the eyebrows between the ears (keep your eyes focused on it), begin to gently breathe, gradually relaxing your life and allowing your knees to swell, and allowing your knees to bend slightly. The point of respect (which is not right for you - to glow, like a more important image - be kind) licks through the mouth, passes along the surface of the neck and then descends along the front surface of the toll, passing the navel and other organs. The eyes, as before, follow the point of respect on the surface of the body.

Obviously, the point of respect appears in the exit position - at the center of the crotch (not in the middle of the body, but on the skin), lives on the surface of relaxation, the knees are slightly bent. In a word, you turned around at the weekend camp.

Without a pause, but do not abruptly transfer the end of the breath to the beginning of the inhalation. (It’s better for the child to start unraveling the knees a little earlier, without starting to breathe, so that the legs “conduct” this process. For cobs, this is a completely acceptable approach.)

As you see, it came out cyclically to the right. You can remove him from the front as many times as you are tempted. Golovny, do everything carefully, without getting lost in anything, and then repetition will be less costly.

Once again I emphasize the main rules: do not deal with stress, do not deal with people, do not deal with loud or gassy places.

After getting busy, you need to be quiet. Until you thoroughly master the new techniques, after skin treatment, you should ideally take a shower or bath, and at a minimum, rinse your hands. Always avoid interacting with negative people. (We’ll sort it out later, since spilkuvaniya is still inevitable.)

It is amazing to you that I do not give the same names either for the points of the body or for the descriptions of the “rights”. I pay so loudly. Let me explain. In China, it is customary to call something beautiful and presented beautifully. Like a simple lokshina of rice prepared differently like “ great wall and is not named.

What can we say about what the ancient Taoists called body points or qigong techniques? There was a lot of stuff that had to be encrypted in order to keep it away from the uninitiated. We don’t have such a thing. Therefore, I don’t want to fill your head with all the “cinnabar fields”, “death gates”, or even completely untranslatable hieroglyphs, sadly conveyed by Russian transcription. All these names will not help you to correctly master qigong, and it’s easy to get lost in them. So God is from them, from “cosmic orbits”, let’s read the truth, and not trump the garnist. Where?

Let me remind you: the techniques that are being taught are not only aimed at simply improving physical health, but rather at replenishing your energy levels. It is understood that the results of the study of the rights of qigong will be noticeable in the area of ​​the body. You simply cannot help but notice the energy changes. And our main goal is happiness and success in one’s life, and the skin of the mastered technology of work with energy is the best for this purpose.

Success comes from an effect and a cause, but don’t try to reach it, trying to achieve it. You will come, if you stop feeling sorry for yourself... if you will not act with brute force, if you will become self-important and self-satisfied, you will come by yourself, you don’t need to chase after her, you will come, if you are not trying to reach her - it's gone. Speeches and people, having finally reached the end, immediately begin to wither, and this is because they do not follow the Tao. The life of one who does not follow Tao will end before the end.

In China, spiritual practices have found great popularity within the framework of Taoist yoga in all its varieties from qigong, to Taoist internal alchemy, from martial systems to healing. Why are Taoist spiritual practices so special?

The peculiarity of Taoist spiritual practices

The particularity of the spiritual practices of Taoism is the increasing use of spiritual techniques and visualization with concentration on the sensitive areas of the body and joints.

Dihal practices and schools of internal alchemy in China

Internal alchemy (nei danina), like the approaching alchemy, is the primary method of achieving immortality by melting the so-called walk of immortality in the lower cauldron (danina-tyanya). Speaking about the adherent of the internal alkhimi, Mirch Eliada, writing: “Having brought his soul for the“ Obsessor Metal ”, Vin hidden by the Supreme on those, to be with transformation and re -cross, the soul is autonomous - to“ gold ””. In this manner, the recipient of this tribute gives an alchemic influx - purification, distillation - of his body and soul, seeking immortality not only of the spirit, but of the physical shell. Before the speech, this is an important moment, fragments of the Chinese, on the face of it, say, like the Indians, who are in the respect of immortality, before the eternal life of the soul, included physical immortality. I.

The most important “way” of achieving immortality in the practice of internal alchemy was the techniques of transformation of sexual energy, which are closely related to the practice of mind control.

Fetal life

One of the characteristic practices of Taoist yoga is the method of “embryo” breathing. For this, it is necessary to choose a quiet, calm place far from everyone else, especially in a small room, where no one lives, or in the forest. Let down your hair and unfasten your clothes. Lie down in the correct position and harmonize your breaths, and then rub them as far as possible. Then take a breath, harmonize your breaths again and breathe again. So it is necessary to perform dozens of times, accompanying the breathing with folding internal techniques, one of which is called “melting the breathing”. This technique is important because the table is folded and pressed, which is blocked from being finished today. Follow at least five days between sessions.

It is traditionally respected that “embryonic” vitality brings various benefits. In one of the most recent treatises on internal alchemy, “Effective and secret formulas that exist in many methods of spiritual healing,” it is said: “A person can either walk out of water (and not drown) or walk on fire ( and don’t get burned).”

Attributions of great spiritual practices to Taoism

Other instructions that support spiritual practices also recommend finding a strong place, adopting the correct position of the body, flattening your eyes and closing the breath in the diaphragm of the chest in such a way that a hair is placed on the nose and mouth of the practitioner, didn't collapse. That “sealing” may be absolutely clear. Many Chinese masters of old insisted that in order to achieve immortality, it is necessary to learn to dwell on the present hour, which is equivalent to thousands of extreme breaths and sights. But for health purposes, it is not at all difficult to work on such a trival exercise. All you need to do is to take a full breath, stop breathing as much as possible, without any discomfort, and direct all the breath to the diseased organ. It is necessary to cancel several times. In this way, the ailing organ will be imbued with a new force that moves simultaneously with the currents of the wind. In one of the Taoiseach texts we read: “Those who take in breaths, the guilty thoughts are to accompany them until the stench disappears from the inside, so that (the breaths) penetrate into the core (of the organs) and the skin of the breath without effort reaching it inside this body “, in such a manner, the stench (inhalation) could circulate throughout the entire body and eliminate all illnesses.”

Divine practices of inheritance of creatures

Another characteristic feature of Chinese wild practices is the inheritance of wild animals. This is especially widespread in schools of combat mastery, which are based on the best creatures in their arsenal - the school of the snake, the school of the eagle style, and so on. For example, deep and silent breathing became even more popular, which suggests the breathing of creatures in winter hibernation. It gave a very strong sedative infusion, which, combined with special meditations, made it possible to move to new levels of knowledge.

Dihal practices and qigong system

However, in China, diaphragmatic techniques have become more popular in qigong schools. Qigong is literally translated as “work with qi energy.” Ale here is an important aspect. This system focuses not on the technique of breathing, such as this, but on the state of consciousness, which is achieved through additional concentration on different points of the body and slowing down breathing, which reduces the internal flow of thoughts. Also, the breath, as a rule, combines with the smooth arms and various parts of the body. It is especially appreciated in the practices of Tai Chi Chuan.

Dihal practices in China and India

In general, none of the Taoist spiritual practices, due to their thoughtfulness, are even close to the Indian ones, but in their own way, as one can call “practical”, some of their stagnation has found its counterpart on the spiritual plane thoroughness, and also bodily, as a reflection of physical immortality.

© Oleksiy Korniev

I will give a report on Taoist diaphragmatic breathing on a webinar. You can marvel at the recording.

Taoists place great respect on the spirit and techniques that develop it. They respect that people need to take the butt from the turtle, which has been alive for a long time: its breathing will be more complete, longer, easier and more even. Taoist masters say that it is necessary to die: if you have hair in front of your nose, you are not to blame for collapsing. Follow this carefully so that you can truly breathe and see again.

Sometimes it seems to us that our legends are being corrected. In fact, not every human being effectively dies, vikoristically, and all their natural observances. In addition, if you do not exercise, as you age, your vital capacity will change, your breathing capacity will change, and your breathing will become partial and superficial. There is a lack of sourness in the body, which apparently distributes energy throughout the organs.

Dihal qigong practices help to turn the “shape” of the lungs, and dikhannya helps to turn the clay. As a result, oxygen exchange processes intensify and energy supply to tissues improves. As soon as you connect the invaluable power of thought and add visualization, then the flows ci You can get it from a few times. Let's get to that right now.

Taosi vikorist two tipi dikhannya: straight and zvorotne. Practiced at once, the smells are called energizing dikhannyam, “dikhannyam of the Kovalsky khutra” or “fiery dikhannyam”. It can also be called “diaphragmatic” because the diaphragm is blocked. What is aperture and what are its functions?

Aperture and dikhannya

Our body, like everything else on Earth, is subject to the influx of gravity. Organi can go down to the bottom. What does their fall mean? The body has a whole system of ligaments, fascia and other tissue elements that support our organs and prevent them from prolapse (drooping). The main components of the system are two diaphragms - upper and lower.

The upper or upper diaphragm (diaphragma, septum, thoracoventral junction) is a structure that is made up of thin flesh that takes the shape of a dome, and a large tendon center. Vaughn divides the breast and the empty belly.

Its upper surface is covered with the outer layer of pleura, the lower one is curved, folded into the chelium and covered with the parietal leaf of the chelium. Below the diaphragm there is the liver, chuck and spleen.

The diaphragm takes its fate from the dihanna. When you inhale, the chest expands and the size of the abdominal intestine (pleural sinuses), formed by the outer layer of the pleura, increases in size, in which the lungs straighten and expand.

Judgments, nerves and stravokhid pass through the diaphragm. Changing this position creates a pressure in the thoracic and abdominal cavity, preventing the flow of blood from the organs of the abdominal cavity and flow to the heart. The diaphragm supports the normal movement of the thoracic and abdominal organs.

The support of our internal organs from below is the lower diaphragm - the pelvic floor, the muscles of which are spread on the level of the pubic bone (in front) and the criss (back). The stench lies in two balls: deep (pelvic diaphragm) and superficial (urogenital), creating a kind of hammock, which I have already heard about in the anterior sections.

Dihannya "Kovalske Khutro"

Now, let’s get started with the development of the Kovalski Hutra farm. Let’s begin with the mastery of direct Taoist dihannia:

Sit down and relaxget lost. Close your eyes, listen to your breath, hear it. Breathe through your nose. Realize that your breath is an ocean, and what you breathe and see flows and flows. Such visualization will help to fine-tune your thoughts before performing as a musician - an instrument before a concert. Concentrating respect on the breath gives a calming effect.

Breathe with your belly: try to inhale as much as possible. If your breast is at fault in its place, do not raise your shoulders. Notice that your life is inflated like a ball, expanding on all sides. At this moment, your diaphragm moves down, the lower parts of the lungs expand and the bowels become swollen. Notice how this waist stretches across.

Do not touch the dikhannya for long. You will probably want to press the front side of the yakomog closer to the ridge, or you want to press it with a hook. You can actually seePidtiskati lives with his hands.Add to this amount the pelvic floor ulcers. Move to the right without zusil. Keep your shoulders drooping. As time goes by, I see the diaphragm rise up. Watch for 3-5 seconds to see more and more. Get from 9 to 36 such breaths and breaths.

What we breathe and see is peaceful, uninterrupted and quiet. If you have managed to earn these incredible benefits, respect that you have achieved good progress. The final step is to the right - change the breathing sounds in such a way that the breathing sound becomes your natural way of breathing. The same technique is needed to work with jade eggs.

Zvorotne daoske dikhannya

The healing dihanna is the basis of the witchcraft of Taoist meditative practices. On the return path, lift the energy uphill along the microcosmic orbit. From whom it is important to lose relaxation, without disrupting the flow of movement ci:

He takes a deep breath and lives in his own place. If you are a beginner, then use the diaphragm to move the diaphragm up and push up the legs, which will reduce the efficiency of breathing and the volume of air that is inhaled. In order to overcome the forces of will, regardless of the growing pressure on the side of the spar, it is necessary to bend the diaphragm in place or lower it. For this purpose, lower the sternum below. After 1-1.5 months of regular training, the diaphragm will “give up” and descend during the return breath!

Continue inhaling, suck in even more, trying to press the front wall up to the ridge and pull the gap up. At the hour of the “return” inhalation, not only the lower parts, but all the legs up to the upper parts are revived. And also massage the organs with a strong squeeze on the breath.

Visibility, relaxation of life, chest wall, interstitium and body organs. The empty chuck must therefore widen in all directions, and not just lean forward. Smile at yourself. Repeat 9-36 such breaths and breaths.

This simply allows you to not only increase the vital capacity of the leg, but also cleanse the respiratory muscles (diaphragm, intercostals), and also gently anoint the internal organs behind the arch of the diaphragms and re-cut the vice in different empty parts.

Cherevnye dikhannyas can do everything. Raju begins the practice early, without getting up from his bed. This helps you to lean back and turn on your head. You can also check the right at any hour of the day or evening. If you practice at night, it will be easier to relax and fall asleep. During the training process, you will learn to control your breathing, and at the same time, your emotional state ( blue).

The fidelity to long-standing traditions is immediately true, which comes with skin fate. The knowledge that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have taught for centuries reveals the secrets of health and longevity. Chinese gymnastics helps to prolong youth. How can we apply the Viconnian technique to the right? So, it works either independently (from acquired specialized literature), or with the help of an accomplished master. Chinese is divided into types, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's take a look at the broadest types of legal rights.

Chinese Dihal Gymnastics Jianfei

The word “jianfei” in Chinese is translated as “lose fat.” Three inconvenient people have the right to help reduce the pain by normalizing the exchange of speech and suppressing the feeling of hunger. The stench will also help you relax and understand this. All this will ensure low blood flow, so as not to bring harm to the human body, and follow a diet that promises weight loss. Plus there is also the fact that training in these rights can be carried out at home and without the need for any special exercise equipment. One thing: you need to stock up on comfortable clothes that don’t hold you back. It is important to understand that Chinese manual gymnastics will only give results if you do everything regularly and correctly.

To the right No. 1. “Khvilya”

There is a direct feeling of hunger. You must kill him before you eat. The most comfortable position is lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, spread your feet evenly. Place one dol on the chest, and on the other’s live. With a deep, deep inhalation, draw in your stomach and lift your chest. for a few seconds, then you can see completely. Squeeze your chest in, and do forty more cycles of “breathe-see.”

Right #2. "Toad"

She has the right to allow the functioning of the central nervous system to be normalized. Sit on a low chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The cut between stitch and gomil is straight. The elbows are on the knees, the left hand is clenched into a fist (for men it’s the right), the other is groaning. Then you need to press your forehead against your fist, relax and close your eyes. Take deep breaths and breaths for at least 15 minutes.

Right #3. "Lotus"

It will help regulate speech metabolism and activate blood circulation. The final position is the “seated Buddha” pose. Place your hands flat on your legs in front of your stomach. Women move their right hand under their left, and men do so. The eyes are closed. 1st stage: 5 hvilin deep dikhannya. 2nd stage: 5 natural and unimpressed dikhannya. 3rd stage: 10 khvilin dikhannya without control over the process with clearing information from third-party thoughts.

Chinese Dihal Gymnastics Qigong

You have the right to relax to smooth music that will relax you. This gymnastics improves the physical, intellectual and emotional state of a person.

Right #1. "Dihannya vognyu"

Apparently he lives and gets involved very quickly. I'm breathing with my diaphragm. This one to the right is even more dynamic. There may be confusion among the cobs.

Right No. 2

Dihaemo completely and deeply. Inhalations and sights are characterized by equal intensity. Vikonuyemo at least ten times.

Right No. 3

We breathe in and see without any effort. The body is relaxed, the eyes are flattened. Trivality – 10 khvilins.

As doctors from the Celestial Empire confirm, the problem of heavy weight gain and chronic illness arises from the yin-yang disharmony of our body. Stabilization of ci flows will help you forget about a lot of problems, including excess fat. Who can help with Chinese gymnastics?

Dihal gymnastics has ancient roots in China. In the famous Taoist work “Baopu-ji” (early 4th century), the teachings of Taoist Ge Hong wrote that with the help of spiritual powers you can “heal all illnesses, protect yourself from snakes and tigers, walk under water and walk on water, pose be hungry and Sprague and continue your life.”

In the “History of the Later Han,” the biography of Wang Zhen, there is the following entry: “Wang Zhen was at least a hundred years old, before he was exposed; vin is similar to pentadecimal. The moment you finish the right of the uterine diet and uterine food. “Womb breathing” means internal circulation breathing in a static sitting position; “womb food” means the slaughter of a sling that has found its way into the mouth.

Among the many methods of dihanna of the Taoists, the most popular method was “Womb Dihana”. I gave up my name to this method by trying to create the same fetus in the womb. The Taoists believed that a blanket does not breathe through its nose or mouth, but that its breath vibrates through the umbilical cord, which they called the “gate of the share.” All practitioners of Tao were recommended to die from the womb, so that they would die like a fetus in the mother’s womb. The Taoists respected this method of living as the basis of life, they respected that with its help one could reach the beginning of the embryo, overcome old age, “turn to the top, turn to the core,” and this meant, in thought, the attainment of immortality.

History of wine

“Womb Dihanna” began in the early days of the Tang era. In Taoist works, it was designated as the internal spirit, those who have the inner spirit of the human body from the beginning. As long as the external world is in trouble, then the external world is victorious.

Once the Taoists paid attention to the circulation of air in the human body, the spirit was divided into the external and internal. According to the teachings of the Taoists of that time, the inner surface came from the “cinnabar field”, from the area of ​​the liver and the diaphragm. This internal wind, which was located in the human body, was also called the “cob wind” (yuan qi). The Taoists respected that the “cob wind” in people is representative of the primary wind of Heaven and Earth, that people take away the cob wind of Heaven and Earth with their people, and that this is the “primary wind” of Heaven and Earth. spirit" (shen) and yogo body (sin), which is human removes the bud in one piece, which also becomes its essence (like the seeds). In addition, the Taoists respected, the cob of Heaven and Earth in the macrocosm arises at night, follows the elements of water, corresponds to the trigram of Kan, dominates in the snowy regions and, near the river, in the area of ​​​​Mount Hen, Pika p at night. “Soon after the end of the day” people, that is. the microcosm that arises in the nirks, which are represented by the elements of water, the trigrams of Kan and the night. It is the core of the wind of life that collapses between the mountains. Vin is the basis of the five internal organs, the root of all twelve channels, the gates of inhalation and vision, the body of the “three melting pots” (“three heaters” or “burning areas”). This is the root of man, so if the root is lost, all organs and channels will behave like leaves and flowers that dry up due to the death of the root.

The fragments of the “ear of the cob” seemed to the Taoists to be a living root, which had to be carefully preserved, more than that, as it was important, it was already divided, a total of six tsuns. The Taoists believed that spending one cun of “cob wind” would change a person’s life by thirty years; saving all six cuns would ensure a lifetime of life. Therefore, he was ordered to revise the rules of the diet, so that the “ear of the cob” would not come out through the nose and mouth, but would steadily fill the “cinnabar field” and circulate throughout the body, not interfering with other areas.

The theory and practice of internal circulation was developed by Taoists during the Tang Ta Song period. The stench revealed the circulation mechanism at the onset: the fragments of the inner and outer winds are coordinated, then when the outer one rises to see the inner one, which fits into the lower one This “cinnabar field” also rises uphill; As the outer one descends again after inhalation, the inner one also descends and turns into the “cinnabar field.” The circulation of the internal air, as the Taoists respected, took place in two steps: first, the clay air and, in the other, the power of the circulation of this air. Taoist works describe only one method of claying and two methods of circulation.

What is Utrobne Dikhannya?

In Ge Hong's work "Baopu-ji" it is said that when practicing circulation in the air, then inhale through the nose and then close, freeze through the air, stretching it out for 120 beats of the heart, and then carefully breathe out with the mouth. Inhale and see the traces, work silently and without tension, so that the pen placed in front of the nose or mouth does not collapse. In this case, you need to inhale a lot of air, but see little. In the world of rejuvenation, the practice is to increase the interval between inhalation and vision to a thousand heartbeats, which is not enough to rejuvenate the elderly.
To get the effect you need to exercise 30 – 50 times a day. It’s important to begin the need to recover from five and step by step to bring the hour to the appointed time.

How to make a meal?

Dihanna is important for the help of the stomach, sucking and kicking it. During direct abdominal breathing, while inhaling, the anterior wall of the abdomen pushes forward and inflates. The diaphragm then moves down, creating a vacuum at the legs and increasing the volume of air that is inhaled. Apparently, life is retracted, the diaphragm rises.

What position does dikhanna have?

The most beautiful way to experience the womb is in the Lotus position. Cross your injured ankles and stretch the heel of the skin on the knee of your longest leg so that the soles of both feet point up. (As you begin to position yourself, try to place your heels closer to the pelvis.) Then place your right hand on your left, with your palms facing up, connecting your big toes, and lower your hands onto your feet opposite your stomach. This is the best place to practice.

If you cannot sit in the lotus, it is best to start in a basic position with your legs crossed. The eggs move so that their heels are under the middle of the skin. The body is straightened, the shoulders are relaxed, the elbows are naturally lowered, the knees are easily placed on the supine and folded in front of the stomach as in the Lotus position.

What better way to deal with “internal achievements” at Lotos? Whose has his own sense. A novice who sits in this position has the appearance of an embryo in the womb, and completely seals the vital points of the body in order to create the most receptive mind for “uterine breathing” and openness in the abdomen. titles “tenth opening” - point of exchange of “internal energy” to Taoist and “Heavenly energies” to the cosmos. Another important significance of this position lies in the fact that it accepts the awareness of the novice of energy channels in his body.

Apparently, victory over old age, turning to the “non-movable” and back to “embryonic” will become the main method of Taoist thoroughness. Although the process is ancient and inevitable, people cannot restore the state of inconsistencies, but the ability to renew the actions of power is inevitable, for example, a new system of energy channels, which is what newborns have. These channels cannot be separated neither by the human eye nor by scientific devices. They can only be improved by those who have experienced the end of inner achievement. This kind of knowledge allows the novice of Tao not only to maintain health, but also to renew youth.

How to practice womb birth?

Better close your eyes. Then inhale through the nostrils completely with your stomach, inhale smoothly, so that there is no slight thirsty noise, and you need to inhale when the chest begins to expand. Then stop breathing as soon as possible, take it for an hour as necessary to increase the pulse from 1 to 120 (ideally, then 120 pulse beats). After which it is necessary to see it through the mouth outward and so smoothly, so that the swan feather suspended in front of the face does not fall down. Then go again, breathe, shut up, see, etc.

The theoretical basis of this process lies in the fact that it goes back to the birth of the fetus in the womb, during which the embryo continuously grows without wasting anything. The ideal would be to stop breathing for an hour, which is necessary, in order to reduce the risk from 1 to 1000, as long as the human body renews and revives.

Nowadays we may be alive, not dead. It is important to remove it in fresh air or ventilate the area first. Qiu has the right to differentiate between the daily and the daily. This period is still alive - Jan. Between everyday and evening – Yin.

Someone who is of the right type may be a vegetarian. In addition to renewing the body, as the old sages say, breathing brings a richness of thoughts and, as a result, good concentration to the mind. It will bring health and peace to the outside.

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