How the worker brings benefits to the robot seller. “Why should we hire you?” How to bring benefits to the worker

Hey, you've been asked for a live interview. Do you still want to work at this planting but are still afraid of not getting through the exit? Therefore, you need to gather all your will into a fist and prepare for your training: think over the style of your clothes and rehearse your promo according to the rules of possible nutrition.

11 main questions on the internet and reasonable types of answers to them can be found here. How can you get unconventional and non-standard food in order to qualify for a job as a laborer? Whenever a recruiter sets up food, it is necessary to wait in advance when a cleaner is hired, as a rule, standard dialing nutrition, which is given to all applicants, about them pide mov lower.

The first time you conduct a interview, the job-seller asks the applicant to fill out a special form, which you can view at a glance.

The most popular situational approach is when the worker describes the situation and encourages the applicant to choose the right way to deal with this situation.

11 head power supply with live feeds

1. What to say when asked - Tell about yourself in a conversation.

If you are aware of the interviewer's input, stay calm and speak in a soaring tone. Tell those who will be important to the robot seller: the place of origin and specialty, the knowledge of the work, the knowledge and the memory, the importance of the robot itself. special berries- Stress resistance, durability, prudence. This report examines this point, where an approximate identification of the applicant about himself is made, as well as recommendations are given about those who can be better identified.

2. What should you say at the interview on the power supply - What are you up to?

Bearing in mind that robots have come from the forefront, don’t talk about conflicts at work and don’t talk badly about your boss or colleagues. You may be suspected of being conflict-prone and working uncontrollably with your team. It’s better to remember the positive moments from the past, and the reason for the observation is to call for the continued realization of one’s potential, to advance to a higher professional level and to pay for work.

3. What do you need to know about your food? - What do you want to study with us?

Let's take a look at the positive aspects of the work company - stability and professional, supportive team, interest in the area of ​​activity, and then add what will add to the work schedule, proximity to the office, good payment for work i.

4. Why do you care that you are coming to this planting?

What do you need to know about food - why should we take you? Here you are obliged to convey with utmost clarity and reasoning that you are the greatest favets of this galusi. Tell about the work of the company and the work in which you are going to work, do not hesitate to praise yourself, tell about your achievements.

5. What would you say at a nutrition talk about food shortages?

Food about shortcomings is tricky. It’s not good to post your minuses like it’s on the wall. Name such shortcomings that look more like advantages. For example: if you stick to your work, you won’t like your robot. Or better yet, to put it neutrally: I, like everyone else, have my shortcomings, but they certainly don’t affect my professional abilities.

6 secrets to a successful conversation

6. What advantages do you have?

  • communication skills;
  • forever;
  • punctuality;
  • diligence.

These standard butts of excellence, which are activated practically on the skin, do not carry any special significance for the robot seller, and are not considered to be produced among others in any way.

Talk more quickly on the internet about professional achievements that will benefit the robot seller:

  • I am aware of negotiations on different levels;
  • Easily arrange important agreements and contracts;
  • I can rationally organize my working day and so on.

Such types of evidence gain respect and are seen among other types.

7. How will you pay for the insurance?

Services good fahivtsya You can't buy it cheaply. Another option is to name the amount you pay for the average salary, or focus on the salary that you earned on the amount of work and save it by 10 -15%. Stick to the golden mean, otherwise they may think that you are a rotten fake, or too ambitious.

8. Are you expecting Kim in 5-10 years?

It is easy and purposeful for people to set long-term goals for themselves, to plan their specialties and career growth. If you haven’t bothered with this food yet, do it before the conversation. To restore your respect, you must work in the same company, otherwise you will face career charges in this hour.

Don’t rush into too much work, be prepared to give out the phone numbers of your colleagues and employees. If, on the basis of this power supply, you are barred or completely withdrawn from the test, then the employer can ask that you want to avoid negative influences.

10. Are you ready for professional pursuits?

The robot seller can get into overdrive. In this case, how often do stinks occur: how many times a month or how many years? If you are ready for such minds, confirm your readiness to vantage.

11. Do you eat supplementary food?

It’s time to find out the details of the upcoming work: starting with the graphics and social media. the package is available to the spіvrobitnikіv companies. A person who does not put a question after a conversation shows her lack of commitment. It’s also difficult to worry about food, but it’s best to think about them in advance.

Apply the good, the good, and the bad, to the interview:

Video - unmanual nutrition on the internet

Would you like to know what kind of nutrition is most often heard on conference calls? Axis latest list(With the most successful variants).

Some companies take an unconventional approach to their conversations, and instead of the greater stink, set standard food (and reject standard options).

This is a list of the most advanced foods for discussion with the shortest variants:

1. "Tell about yourself"

If you conduct a conversation in a sing-song manner, you already know a lot. You read the resume and support sheet, looked at the candidate’s pages on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Please have a conversation with someone to understand whether a specific candidate is suitable for a vacancy that needs to be filled in, then. What are the basics and special advantages that you need to use to help your robot? Do you need a leader to install in the place of another person? Try to find out if you can become a candidate. Do you want your company to be widely known? Ask how the candidate can convey information.

If you are joking with the robot, tell us why you are doing this or that other thing. Explain why the robots were deprived of the front seat. Describe how the university was robbed. Find out what you wanted to learn in graduate school. Don’t forget to remember about those who have made Europe more expensive and about the testimony that was to be taken away from this hour.

As a matter of fact, don’t get bogged down by overstatements of facts (you can read the summary). Tell your spivozmovnik why you tried this and other things.

2. “Name your biggest problem”

The skin candidate knows how to communicate on this topic. It is necessary to select abstract weakness and transform it into goodness.

For example: “Sometimes I get so caught up in work that I waste an hour. Feeling embarrassed, I see that everyone has already gone home. I know that I need to watch the hour more carefully, but I don’t deserve those that I pay, and I just don’t I can’t think of anything else!”

Well, your “shortcoming” lies in the fact that you spend more than an hour on work, right? Hmmm.

It would be much better to describe the real shortcoming that you are working on. Tell us about what you are doing so that we can learn more. There are no ideal people, and it is your responsibility to prove that you can objectively evaluate yourself and try to fully understand.

3. “Name your main idea”

I don’t know whether company representatives will put a price on it. Hope to stay close to your resume again.

If you have been asked about this, formulate an exact and specific statement. You don't need to smear it for too long. If you have any problems, be sure to check what vacancies are available for you. Confirm your words! What kind of leader are you? high level emotional intelligence, focus on what you expect to receive nutrition that has not yet been supplied.

4. “What do you hope for yourself in five years?”

At the end of the day, candidates will inherit one of two possible scenarios. Some begin to describe their ambitions (they think that the spyvrozmovnik wants almost the same thing) and show with all their appearance: “I don’t need a robot!” Others are modest (they also imagine that the psychic will continue to have a similar reaction) and give a self-conscious testimony: “There are so many talented people... I just want to quit my job and marvel at my successes.” I can reach you."

Offenses of types of evidence do not provide the necessary information about the candidate - for the blame, it is possible to sell their memory to yourself.

If you are holding a conference, paraphrase the speaker: “If you could create your own company, what would you do?”

This is a universal food, containing all the necessary proteins from the host vein.

This is a new revelation about the candidate’s dreams and hopes, his interests and true passions, his achievements in work, people who are easy to get along with... Everything you need, it is important to listen to.

5. “Why do we have to hire you?”

Since the candidate cannot compare himself with those whom he does not know, he is deprived of describing his love until he can bring the bark to the stick. In fact, the company is soliciting candidates for their blessings and favors. Having asked the question, representatives of wealthy companies throw themselves at the chair and clasp their hands on their chests. This gesture is like saying: “Well, I hear you! Come on, change me!”

Unfortunately, this is yet another uninformative meal.

You can also change it: “What do you think we forgot to talk about?” or “If you weren’t able to re-emerge on one of the previous meals, what would you say?”

At the end of the day, rare candidates guess that they showed everything they were looking for. Possibly, Rozmova went straight to the unknown. It’s possible that the professional specialist, in his own way, has placed emphasis on the resume, concentrating on some skills and forgetting about others. Or perhaps, at the beginning of the interview, the candidate was too nervous and could not correctly formulate what he wanted to know.

I suppose the interviews are intended to find out more about the candidate, why not give him another chance?

Be sure to encourage Rozmova at this stage, do not allow the candidate to speak out of himself. It’s not good to hear words and then say: “Dyakuyu, we’re calling you.” Please specify your nutrition. Ask to point the butt.

If the candidate has given you specific information, be sure to give feedback and try to introduce new information that has previously been lost in the shadows.

6. “How did you find out about the vacancy?”

Portals looking for jobs, hype in newspapers and on the Internet, job fairs... There are a lot of people looking for jobs there, and there is nothing nasty about it.

Otherwise, the candidate is constantly exploring these channels, having never yet decided what he wants to do.

Vin is just joking with the robot. Be a robot.

It’s your responsibility to not just inform those who found out about the vacancy. Find out what your colleague or employer told you about her, that you have been looking for vacancies at a particular company, and what you want to work for in it.

Companies don't need people, they just need robots. Companies need people, who need a company.

7. “Why do you want to give away the robot?”

Let's go down to the details. When it comes to hiring, it is necessary to tell not only about those you want to work in this company, but also about those for whom the vacancy is ideal for you and what you want to achieve from short-term and long-term prospects i.

If you don’t think the position is right for you, look for a different job. Life is too short.

8. "Name your main professional achievement"

The mother's fault is the fault of the diet straight forward before vacancy. If you say that over the past few years the production volume has increased by 18%, claiming to plant a ceramic plant for the staff, the spyware recognizes your testimony as tacky, but not at all informative.

It would be better to tell about a problematic student, whom you “stealed,” or about a conflict between divisions, which you extinguished, or about minors, who were denied promotions for the rest of your time.

9. “Report in the remaining conflict with a fellow client. What happened?”

When people work hard to achieve the goal, conflicts are inevitable. We all accept mercy. It’s clear, the good will be better remembered, otherwise you can’t forget about the bad stuff. There are no ideal people, and that’s normal.

However, people who are tempted to shift their guilt and responsibility onto others are bound to be unique. Employers give priority to those who focus not on the problem, but on the big ones.

All the necessary police officers are ready to admit that they were wrong, take responsibility for mercy and, most importantly, learn a lesson from this confession.

10. "Describe your ideal job"

When formulating a statement, remember - it’s your mother’s fault to wait until the vacancy!

It's absolutely not necessary to figure it out. You can learn and develop without being intimidated. Try to figure out what skills you can acquire, having embraced the position you are applying for, and then find out what skills you could gain in the future.

Don't be afraid to find out that once you can follow the rumors of other robots, you may end up spoiling your power business. For a long time now, robot sellers have stopped worrying about the possibility that they will lose their workwear in the future.

11. “Why do you want to lose a job that you already have?”

Well, here’s what you don’t need to talk about (if you spot a robot seller, you should be wary):

Do not say about those that you do not belong to your superiors. Don't talk about those who can't reason with their colleagues. Don’t pour brood over the company itself.

Concentrate on your benefits, so I’ll bring you this crumb. Tell us about those you want to reach. Tell us about those you want to learn. Tell us how you plan to develop. In this case, do not forget to remember about the tax for a potential robot seller.

People, as they say to their bosses and colleagues, are like cookers. As soon as the stinks begin to weep about anyone else, the day will come when the stinks begin to weave about you.

12. “Which work minds do you find most rewarding?”

Since you have to work on your own, if you are pretending to assign an operator to the call processing center, honestly, it sounds inappropriate.

Think about the vacancy and about the culture of the company as a whole (the culture of a skin company is either piecemeal or spontaneous.) If your work schedule is important to you, otherwise you won’t prove it, focus on what else. If you need constant maintenance support, and the worker wants self-renewal, forget about it for now.

Find ways to meet your needs within the company's rules. Since you can’t earn anything, you’ll have to look for another job for everything.

13. “Tell me about the most ingenious solution that you happened to make during your last day of work.”

When asking the question, the employer wants to evaluate the candidate’s performance, resolve problems and raise arguments, as well as readiness to face challenges.

Since you don’t have a vid, it’s really bad. Everyone has to make complex decisions regardless of planting. My daughter used to work as a waitress at a nearby restaurant. Vaughn constantly praised the clever decisions - for example, about how to deal with a regular client who spent hours between housekeeping.

A good argument must include arguments that helped to make a decision (for example, an analysis of large amounts of data to identify the optimal direction for the decision).

The miraculous testimony also describes everything that happened before a decision was made, as well as his inheritance.

Obviously, the results of the analysis are a compelling argument that practically every decision affects people. The best candidates are looking at nutrition from different sides and make important decisions.

14. "Describe your management style"

This is because it is important to inform, without going into platitudes. Try pointing the butt. Say: “Allow me to tell you about the difficulties with which I am faced, hugging the planting of pottery. I think the stench will give outside evidence of my style.” Please describe how you solved the problem, motivated the team, and dealt with the crisis. Explain what you were trying to do so that you can become sane, as you yourself care about other people.

Don’t forget to predict the results you achieved.

15. “Tell me about a situation in which you were at odds with most decisions. What did you do?”

People who want to leave us sometimes make decisions that we are not meant to make. It’s not normal, it’s important, even if we reveal our misfortune. (We all know those who like to lose money after gatherings in order to discredit the decision that was publicly encouraged.)

Showcase your professionalism. Show that you can constructively address your concerns. Just once you decided to change a secret thought, and this change was far away, good. Since there are no such applications, please note that you can support the decision, if it seems incorrect to you (do not talk about inappropriate or immoral decisions).

16. “How would other people describe you?”

I hate food. What a waste of money! It’s true, once I did put it up and took away the testimony that I was already entitled to.

“People would say that I am who I seem to be,” the candidate said. - “As I say now, I’m painstaking. If I want to help, I’m obligingly helping. I don’t think that I belong to everyone and every skin, but the stench can spoil me, because they know how I work.”

What could be more beautiful?

17. What can we expect from you in the first three months of work?

Ideally, the food will come from a worker who wants to account for his or her expenses before the new employee.

You need to confirm it like this:

  • You are trying to be significant as your work brings value. You don’t just lend what you borrow. You do what you need.
  • You begin to help all participants in the process - the manager, colleagues, associates, clients, customers, implementers...
  • You know that you have the best results. You were hired to have specific skills, and those skills need to be sharpened.
  • You achieve positive results, work with enthusiasm and feel like part of the team.

Vykorist this version plan, adding further details to the specifics of your work.

18. “What do you like to do during non-working hours?”

Many companies respect that their culture is very important, and provide information about a candidate’s achievements in order to determine whether they will fit into the team.

While you're trying to find something that suits you perfectly, don't get bogged down in activities that really don't suit you. Focus on activities that allow you to develop - learn new things, achieve higher goals. For example: “My children are still very young, there’s no time left, but on the way to and from work I’m starting to speak Spanish.”

19. “How much did you get paid in your first job?”

This is more convenient food. Make sure you are asked before how to make a proposition from your salary, and you must be honest, otherwise you won’t have mercy in front of anyone.

Try the method used by Liz Ryan. Say: “Currently I am looking for vacancies that would allow me to earn approximately 50 thousand rubles. Your vacancy fits this criterion, right?” (Hey, you already know the answer, so why not play along?)

20. “The rock sits at the bottom of a well with a depth of 9 meters. Every day it goes down 2 meters, and at night it goes down 1 meter. How many days will it take for you to get out of the well?”

These types of foods will continue to become more and more popular (thanks, Google!). It’s possible that your spouse doesn’t even realize that you’ll immediately rush to fight. For everything, I want to understand what you think.

Try to understand the situation by commenting on your skin. If you have started making mistakes, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself - perhaps this is a stress test, and your athlete would like to see how you react to failure.

21. “Did you want to ask something?”

Don't miss the opportunity! Provide reasonable nutrition - not only to enhance your individuality, but also to ensure that you have chosen the right company. Don't forget that conversation is a two-way process.

Apply the following:

22. “What results can I achieve during the first three months of work?”

If you haven’t been given a question, ask one yourself. What's the matter? Good candidates should immediately take up the right hand. They don’t want to spend the next few months trying to learn better organizational structure Don’t make any sense in the orientation approaches and will start on the move.

The stench wants to bring measles now.

23. “Name the three jacoins that your best companions carry”

Good candidates want to be good students. You should know that all companies are different, and for successful work they require different strengths.

Maybe all the good spies are doing their best. You may value a creative approach more than you need to strictly follow the protocol. You may be trying to conquer new markets, so getting new clients is more important to you than the old ones. Or maybe you need someone who is willing to spend as much as an hour on a buyer-cob and on a wholesale permanent moneymaker.

Good candidates need to be known. You want to focus not only on being able to fit in with the team, but on being able to achieve success.

24. “Why should we really keep the results of the work in this planting?”

Investing in the Russian Federation, robot sellers are hoping that they will bring them profits (how else will they ever pay them?).

The skin robot has types of activities that provide greater benefits than others. You will need an HR specialist to fill open vacancies, otherwise you really have to find the right people, thereby minimizing hundreds of staffing levels, quickly spending on the development of new employees and increased productivity.

You will need a plumbing repairman to help you get it right, but in fact, you can effectively solve the problems of clients and interact with them so that the problems continue to arise again and again.

Good candidates want to know what benefits they can afford to earn largest contribution This is due to the fact that their particular successes lie with the success of the entire company.

25. “List the priorities of the company in this region. What kind of contribution can I make if I cover this planting?”

Every candidate needs to know that his work is important for those who are absent.

Good candidates want to work significant right Serve in a meaningful way and deal with people in a way that promotes their values.

In another case, the robot loses its senses.

Workers who love their work are obligated to recommend the work provider to their friends and acquaintances. Those who are worried about the kerivniki - the stench inevitably comes from those with whom the stench was previously dealt with. They needed a lot of time to develop their competence and establish mutual trust, so people would instinctively follow them.

All we can talk about is the intensity of the work efficiency and the atmosphere in the team.

27. “What are you doing, what?..”

The skin company has problems - technologies are getting old, new competitors are entering the market, economic trends change steadily. Not all of them are economical, and they cannot be stolen.

Although the candidate views the robot seller as a starting point for a high level of growth, he still expects growth and development. Accepting the robot seller’s position, the skincare worker is willing to follow the new one for the sake of his own needs, and not the one who pushed the company out of the market.

Let's say you own a store. About a kilometer away, another store opens up in front of you. How do you plan to fight competition? Or, let’s say, you have a poultry factory. What are you earning to spend on food?

Good candidates want as much insight as you think. They want to know what you are planning to work for next year and what your plan has for them.

Jeff Haden Airapetova Olga

  • Career and Samorozvitok

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-08-11

How can you demonstrate your value to a company?

In order for the company to show respect to you, it is necessary to show it to yourself. Ale yak zrobititse, not being a dazzling salesman or a promotion worker?

The key component of a successful business - with a promising and accurate robot seller - is not at all what you think it is. The conversation is not about you and the story is not about the work you work.

What can characterize the value of a professional worker is the income the company takes away and how many pennies it saves by hiring it. How can you measure the income you bring to your business?

Signify your role in the profit deduction

If your work is related to sales, marketing or design, then you will increase your commitment to the product by selling and creating its image. The more you agree with someone, the more valuable you are to the company. How is your work related to information technologies or through production - it pours in on the waste of money. If you think about minimizing costs and increasing the efficiency of your work, you save company resources. The difference between income and expenses and the profit that the business takes away.

So, regardless of what your job entails, ask yourself what you do that can increase the company’s profits? Are you able to sell a product or service at a lower price, while your competitors are working faster and cheaper? By supporting your employer, you can demonstrate your value to the company.

Convert your inflow to vart_st

Since your work is connected with expenses, appreciate that you yourself manage to work the best. Do you understand that the meals for clients who called the service cost 2 hwini? Have you ever wondered how to implement more precise projects at 20% less? Add up the entire hour that you like, and transfer his salary; If you are deprived of a portion of the profit, you take your fate from the molded form. Do you have an idea on how to reduce the company's costs? You, melodiously, are happy, but there are not a lot of specialists who would like to introduce any proposals to improve the work process.

Estimating the contribution of your activities to the company's income is not necessary to be accurate, since you, having done everything, do not have sufficient information about business processes. Either way, be prepared to steal your spoils. You can imagine your charges as they are, and ask your employer to give you more information to make more accurate calculations.

If you cannot evaluate your contribution, be honest with yourself: why is the employer responsible for hiring you? Why should I try to discourage you?

This approach has the fundamental idea of ​​capitalism, business, trade and prosperity. Unfortunately, this method of assessment is rarely practical. Instead, in order to demonstrate their value, spy agents expect that the robot seller himself understands this. If robot sellers often do not explain the proper performance of their employees, you must be ready to explain to your business how you bring benefits to the company. When you discuss your work with your employer in the context of income, for all that, we don’t need to worry about the accuracy of the numbers, but rather be sure to evaluate what you have tried to get them to understand.

First, you need to go to the interview or contact us about kerivnitstvom, just get a similar home robot, and you switch over, as is easy to know I speak in full with a robot seller.

When you come to a conference, you will be asked about knowledge and skills. Are you ready to clearly say what companies need and why they are better than other candidates?

"Let me tell you what I can earn for the company as part of my future planting"

1) This is the best truth, but only for the minds, that in the following sayings you do not describe the process (for example, “I come to work on time, I will be kind to each other”, etc.), but focus on a specific and tangible result, I which robot seller rejects you. In this situation you don’t come to ask for money, status, salary – you are presenting specific solutions to specific problems of the employer, and in this situation the salary is deserved by the city for the result.

2) Garna vidpovid. This may be the ideal option. I hope that the doctor is trying to really evaluate his abilities, he’s trying to get better Gateway link as if we are not so wise. The specialist is targeting the company and is afraid to develop ideas. I have potential both as a worker and as a creative person.

"I can bring it's really creepy companies"

1) In essence, the employer is not so important what knowledge you have, what skills you have, what is important to him is how you can employ them and what you yourself can earn for the company. It would also be good to clarify what this value is about - for example, “I can increase sales” or “I can increase awareness of your brand.” Moreover, it is reasonable to talk about you as a result-oriented person, which is the essence of doing business.

2) The testimonial is only good in the sense that the candidate can be recruited because he brings value to the company. It is important to know what knowledge and skills you have that will help you achieve your goals and how you can, for example, gain new clients, save additional income, or reduce your expenses.

“I am aware of the knowledge and evidence that is necessary for this work”

1) This confirmation shows your compliance with formal benefits. Let us know that other candidates can have the same knowledge and evidence. You also need to show the employer why you can be hired, in other words, show your competitive advantages and value. In addition to relevant knowledge, many companies also pay respect to the candidate’s compliance with corporate culture, his characteristics, and motivation.

2) Promoting your resources for a successful job as a robot seller is a great approach. Are you sure that you are well aware of the situation in the middle of the company, especially before planting, especially the necessary kerivnik, so that with such success we can inform you that you are doing everything necessary? The very fact of conversation is that it is assessed as knowledge and evidence, and the extent to which a person corresponds to the inner minds of the plant.

“I am very practical, punctual and stress-resistant”

This is not a guarantee of nutrition. Of course, punctuality, punctuality and resistance to stress are important qualities, but they do not mean how a person fits into a position. This is rather an addition, but is based on the competence of a person, her knowledge, her motivation and the rationality of how to run a business. In addition, for the skin position, one has to understand one’s priorities, and it happens that truly ambitious and punctual workers do not have the creative approach that is required in a job.

“I have long been dreaming about a job in which I can realize my best, and I respect that it is such a job.”

Self-realization, of course, is of great importance for the candidate, so that the candidate fulfills the task assigned to him. It is necessary for a healthy person to show that his self-realization is based on the established obligations and achieved goals, which, in turn, are acceptable for the development of the company.

“I’m a valuable practitioner!”

1) In this version, I feel the message: “There is no one behind me, if you won’t take me, there will be a terrible mercy.” A rush of threat. Since you are so valuable, why didn’t you get involved in the past place?

2) I especially don’t like self-righteous people. Such a confirmation does not suit me. Such a person can never objectively evaluate not only himself, but also the situation. You can evaluate it incorrectly and do not prepare for force majeure. Better underestimation, lesser overestimation.

“I really need this robot”

1) The robot seller is not worth it. The company has its own mission, and you are recruited for their success. If you really really need this job, don’t waste your privileges. Don’t say that this is your only chance, otherwise you don’t need to talk brutally. Shorter option- take the position of a partner and discuss what you and the company can give to each other.

2) This type of testimony characterizes the candidate not short side. Shvidshe for everything, the applicant has lost his job and has no importance financial situation That’s why there are no problems with any practice. It’s completely obvious that I no longer need to recheck my important watches. You don’t need to stay in the company and enjoy your own place of work for a long time.

Dar'ya Vakhrusheva, Andriy Kurtsev
For materials from “Pracia”

Spіvbesida accept pratsyuvat- is actually an obligatory procedure, since you are in control of the “remote” procedure. Most often, interviews are not carried out either by companies for which personnel are not needed in general - robot sellers for all kinds of freelancers, or there are scams that will scam you out of insurance, and for which they don’t want to talk to you at all. (I want the scam to happen during the interview process when you are hired for a job. Or you should immediately talk about the interview with the candidate for the job.

Lyudina, who is applying for a job as a clerical worker of a different rank, has already memorably encountered the situations that arise when recruiting personnel, and, perhaps, specifically conducted interviews with applicants for available vacancies.
If these applicants were Tajik workers, you already know approximately what and how to ask when applying for a job.

Now you yourself take on the role of a contender for the seat.
Therefore, it’s important to take a closer look at this process and prepare a little before the next interview.

The questions asked during the interview give the HR manager the opportunity to understand what you notice. These data are not only related to typical and professional nutrition, but also to those not subject to provocations.

You can find out in any food that depends on your qualifications, education, career, work, reputation, character and manner of behavior.

It is important to learn to remember the “correct” responses, but to prepare and formulate the correct manner of behavior and responses.

1. Tell a little about yourself
The first and most common food supply is via the Internet. You need to prepare a small statement in your head, essentially a biography and a declaration of peace in one bottle. But be careful that it doesn’t look like a trembling protrusion.

Don’t tell a great autobiography, you’ll fit it into 2-3 hours. Talk briefly about the illumination, and then describe the results of the work and achievement. It is a good opportunity to show your strengths to a professional person. If you start talking about the spyvrozmovnik now, he will ask you about the same hour of your speech.

Mark your advantages over other candidates similar to you (evidence of successful work, special achievements in your professional field, natural aptitude, etc.), reinforcing your commitment and renewed readiness embrace this posada.

Speak calmly, singly, briefly and precisely. Support healthy contact Use your internet browser and check for stress and loss of interest.

Typical favors:
Richness, emphasis on minor details.
A formal and dry presentation of biographical data.
Zayve boasts, the foolishness of simple facts is reinforced by fairness.

Don’t put clarifying nutrition on the question “what do you want to know?”
It is unacceptable to say: “Everything is written on the resume.” You can follow him immediately.

2. What did you do (or want to drink) from your last job?
Never raise a major problem with the director and never talk about your intolerance to your boss, team or organization. You seem to be far from being of the highest rank, since you are not a troublemaker, then here is the charge. Get rid of the positive.

Laugh and talk about recovery as a positive side, such as a good opportunity to earn money especially, about career growth or other similar reasons.

Employers can calmly tolerate the types of problems associated with the distance from the front line of work and the requirements of professional growth and salary.

3. What is your evidence of work in this galuz?
Talk about the specifics of the activity that relates to the vacancy for which you are applying.
Since you don’t have much evidence, I need to tell you more about what you have learned and taken together.

4. Do you consider yourself successful?
Provide more food for the applicant for the Kerivna Posad. And maybe obligatory for a lot of business.

First of all, you need to firmly say “So” and firmly explain why.
A good explanation lies in the fact that you set your own goals and were able to achieve them. Podolayuchi problems, obviously.

5. What should your colleagues say about you?
Prepare a couple of quotes about yourself from your colleagues and health workers: “Over-achieving before yourself and others... I am often called a “workaholic”, etc.
It is intended to convey specific affirmations, a phrase or a name with a positive connotation.

6. What do you know about this organization?
This food is loved by small and unknown companies.
Find out more about the organization before the interview. Find out what you need to avoid, their current problems and major headaches in your market.

Most companies want to hire people who have a passion for the company and its products. You don't want a stink, so you'll get drunk on them crazy people. It’s up to you to explain why it’s important for you to work in this company and why you think you’re a good fit.
This food is intended for the selection of candidates who do not have a serious intention to work for the company. Sometimes you are asked to gain respect while the interviewer is eating or reading your resume.
7. What have you earned to improve your knowledge of the rest of the river?
Try to guess what kind of activity these robots are going through. A wide range of interests can be called positive self-development.

8. Have you joined other organizations?
Don’t waste too much time on food, but don’t steal the truth. Focus on the work of this organization and think about what you can do for it. Let us clarify why they didn’t take you there - to tell the truth. Personnel officers may change this in the future.

9. Why do you want to practice with us?
This may make you think and the answer, of course, may be based on the investigation that you have made about the organization. What is important here is the breadth of the line. Connect this with the long-term goals of career development.
Bring concrete evidence to the fact that this very plant will allow you to realize your aspirations, aspirations, knowledge and evidence to the maximum, and the company of your person will be an irreplaceable companion ("I have no evidence of work") in this segment of the market itself, there are great connections, rich instructions, etc.").
It is completely wrong to use the standard phrases: “I like the good job... the prospect of growth... a good salary.” Golovna can’t show herself as human as she demands.
If your work is infected, it is obligatory to say good things about it. And after that, name any moment (or other moments) that does not control you.

10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
Find out about personnel policy in relation to relatives and friends who work for the organization. This may appear on your line. Think about the people you know especially if you really care that the employer thinks kindly about them and their thoughts about you may be detrimental.

11. What salary do you expect?
This is a small provocation, or a game in which you will most likely lose, as the first subordinate. So don’t confirm it. It’s a good idea to say this to the command: “This food is more complex. Can you tell me the most suitable range for this planting?” Most often the worker will give you the news. Needless to say, everything is contained in the details of the work. Then give a wide, or even pleasant, range of possible salaries. Obov'yazkovo name your real salary. Most often, they also check that it is not good to call “intermediate” numbers.

12. Do you work for a team?
This is one of the key points of the interview. Of course, you work for the team! Reconfigure what you have ready butts. Specific features, which shows that you bring effective value during the hour of sleep work. Don’t boast, just put it this way, because you’re just laying out the facts.

13. How long will it take you to confirm that we will accept you?
The text on the script says: “I would like to find it again” or “Until we are offended, we realize that I am giving up a good job.”

14. Did you call anyone? How did you feel in your presence?
This is serious food. It’s not good to show that it’s appropriate for you to kidnap people. At the same time, without flinching, do this if there is no other way out.
When you have to make a choice between the organization and the people who create problems, and on the side of the organization.

15. How is your philosophy completely robotic?
The interviewer does not check long dissertations. Do you feel positive emotions when the work is completed? So. This type of type will be the best here. Short and positive, which shows the benefit for the organization.

16. If you had enough pennies, would you stop selling right now?
Give your testimony as you think so. Well, this is how you need to work, this is the type of work that gives you superiority. Don't say it because you don't think so.

17. Have you ever been asked to forfeit the posad?
No matter what, no matter what. If so, then be honest, briefly describe the situation, without any negative consequences for people or organizations. You can't tell against yourself.

18. Explain what you could do in this organization.
You are getting your food. This gives you a chance to highlight your best assets for the negotiated vacancy. No boasters. Modestly, but not objectively.

19. Why do I have to hire you?
Indicate what you think is strong and what the organization requires.
Don't guess other candidates in order to compare.

20. What is annoying you with your colleagues?
This food is pasta. Come on, you thought a lot, but you couldn’t come up with anything special. A short statement that you get along well with people, being a river girl. At the extreme, one would say dishonesty and hopelessness.

21. What are you strongest at?
Numerical types are not good, just deprive yourself of the positive. Dekilka good butts: your strengths, your skills in dealing with major problems, your ability to work under pressure, your ability to concentrate on the project, your professional knowledge, your skills as a leader, your positive attitude.

22. Tell me about your destiny.
Unique singing robots. If you say that this is a robot, what you pretend to be, you will look like a gibberish and a woodsy look. If you call another job, you will raise the suspicion that you will not be satisfied with your job once you accept it. To put it more simply: “Where I could love work, be like people, I could be able to cope with the impatience of the working day.” Just a little shorter.

23. Why do you respect that you can get away with this job?
Give a number of reasons to emphasize the basics, evidence, stress.

24. Where and what are you teaching yourself in 3-5-10 years?
Why do you want a little stink?
To what extent are you seriously interested in your company? What is the company part of your long-term plan, what is the stench?
Are you seriously approaching planning your career?
You know Vi, what do you want? What are the specific goals?
How can this robot help you reach them?
How ambitious are you? Moreover, ambition can be positive or negative.
How will this settlement fit into your long-term plans? What kind of work is there only for patching up doors?
What are your long-term plans? How far can the company plan to work with you?
You will be kindly greeted with answers to the question: “Do I know the stars?”, “I don’t understand”, “As you will see”, “I don’t know”, “Only God knows”, etc.
Defended phrases on kshtalt “just work your job...” “retire peacefully”, “open your business”, “start to rise in price” etc.
Plans and recovery from robots may be real.
A trace of the news that you are planning your career growth in the future, formulating the stages for a specific career. It is better to overestimate, but not to underestimate yourself.
However, beware of creating a threat to your future kerivniki. If they are afraid that you can “sit” on them, your chances are slim.

25. What kind of person would you like to work with?
Describe small waters, but don’t be trivial.

26. What is more important to you: work or money?
Pennies are always important, but work is important. There is no better answer here.

27. What would be your strengths that would indicate your greatest strength?
And a lot of good abilities: loyal, energetic, positive, leader, leadership, team leader, expert, proactive, resilient, creative.
Honestly know what your nuts are worth on this job in this planting. Professionalism, activity, integrity, kindness to people, truthfulness and loyalty are always valued.
A greedy and modest statement: “Don’t let others judge you from outside...” - and they will revive you.
Know how to “sell” to yourself without giving in to too much praise - one of the most important skills in life. A lot of people are simply afraid to “sell” themselves, for fear of becoming arrogant.

28. Tell about the problems you have with your first boss.
The greatest paste from this spivbesid.
That's the test, so you can get along, and you'll talk badly about your boss.
Once you get to the point and talk about problems with your boss, you can immediately end the interview. Lose yourself in the positive and refer to those who don’t remember those who had disagreements with your boss. Give your boss a short, if not positive, review.

29. What disappointed you about your job?
Don't become unkind.
To put it in a positive way: life without problems does not happen, except for difficult struggles, the share and career of a person is in their hands, people are more good-natured and ready to fight without mobilizing forces.
Please be prepared in advance. It’s not too hard to make your biggest mistakes. Golovna, so that, having named your oversight, you could show how you yourself corrected him and saved the company of inconveniences.
It is absolutely unacceptable to gloom in the spirit of action: misery, bad luck, injustice and constant intangible problems that arise in the context of other people and external situations. It is impossible to show the serious weakness that comes with the decision to practice.

You can put it into paste, giving one of the following indications:
I can’t imagine such a situation.
This will show you as an incredibly thorough or absolutely naive person, who cannot convey or work out solutions from problems and mercy.

Let's face an unacceptable situation, but don't realize during the process of identification that the story has a happy ending!
In principle, you can point and butt, so the robots don’t bother. For the minds that they will demonstrate those skills of yours that will become available to us in the future.

30. Tell me about your work under pressure.
You can say that you are successfully coping with different vices. Give me a good example.

31. Are your skills suitable for this job or what other job would be close to you?
Perfect for the price. Don't give any reason to suspect that you might want a different job more than that.

32. What motivates you to work with maximum efficiency?
This is special rice, you can only say about yaku. Ale good butts: reach, knowledge.

33. Would you like to practice according to the norm? At night? On the weekend?
Here you are welcome. Be completely honest. If you want to practice, you will have to practice.

34. Why do you think you will succeed in this job?
A bunch of good butts: You install high standards For yourself, you condemn them. Your results are promising. Your boss recognizes your qualifications.

35. Would you like to move, if necessary?
It is your responsibility to discuss this with your family before the interview, as you respect what is a chance and what may happen. Don’t say “that way”, just to avoid the fact that the answer “no” is real. This can impact your career in the future. Be extremely honest with your diet and protect yourself from any unpleasantness in the future.

36. Would you consider putting the interests of the organization above your own?
This is really about loyalty. Don't boast about ethical and philosophical meanings. Just say “so.”

37. Describe the Keruvan style.
Unique stamps. Say that you have a situational management style so that you respond to the situation.
І systematic approach! ... Why do we care about you? ...

38. Have you ever had any mistakes or failures at work?
Here you have to come up with something or keep the faith. Tell me about the small reward for which you learned a lesson.
What do you want to know? Let us know what kind of approaches you have lived through, so that later you can straighten out your situation. And it’s even better to show in practice that you realized from afar that you can sing differently than necessary, and what steps you have taken to avoid it. Remember, you are not Mr. Ideal, everyone makes mistakes! Try to prepare butts that are close to the work you are applying for. For example, prepare a story about failure, because you did not bear full responsibility, but took the blame on yourself... Failure is responsible for developing into future success, replace you with something better.

39. What kind of shortcomings do you have?
Nutrition is cunning. As you know about your weak points, the smell is no longer the same. Do not open the cards. Allow me to work in the best possible way.
I would like to name 2-3 of my shortcomings, carefully presenting them as advantages, for example: “I will tell the truth in my eyes... I am too capable of myself and others... I am often called a “workaholic”, etc.
Remember: the shortcomings loom but the continuation of your achievements.
Honestly the knowledge of the shortcomings (poorly known from similar work, does not require special lighting, linear, ignition, etc.).
It is also incorrect to say “I have a lot of shortcomings” - this is perceived as a lack of criticality towards oneself, a tendency to feel guilty about the failure of colleagues, or simply as a lie.
The recruiter also wants to see how much you can evaluate yourself and how much this evaluation is avoided by his thoughts. It’s best to choose a small amount that doesn’t affect your job by quitting the job you’re hired for. And be sure to turn the negative into positive!
By the way, you can tell that you are one of the textbook candidates who testify to the question “What is your main weak place?”, looking straight into the eyes, laughing and saying: “Chocolate.”

40. If you hired a man for this job, what would you use your respect for?
Be respectful and guess what rice you need and what you have.

41. Do you care that there are sufficient qualifications for this vacancy?
Regardless of your qualifications, please indicate that you are well suited for this position.

42. How are you going to solve the lack of evidence?
If you have evidence that the interviewer doesn’t know about you, say that you work lightly and get started easily.

43. What kind of nuts do you joke in barefoot?
The benefits that come from trust are information, a sense of humor, fairness, and loyalty to others. Everyone is thinking about the stench of rice.

44. How do you deal with conflicts?
Select a song incident. To say that they concentrated on the problem and solved the problem technically, and not as a result of the dispute.
To point out the butts of the minors, and how you have corrected the situation... The butts may become worn out beyond the uniforms.
Essentially, recruiters are always looking for people who get along well with other people, which may put the company at risk. They are looking for someone who can rise above the conflict and emotions, and find a solution.
Now is the time to tell you how much you hate your boss and colleagues!
It’s also hard to say how important it is to work with your company and how many arguments you have to change your job. It is also impossible to affirm: “I never have problems with other people.”

45. What role do you prefer to occupy in a team work on a project?
Be honest. If you feel comfortable in different roles, let us know about this.

46. ​​​​Describe your robot ethics.
Increase the benefits for the organization. I would like to finally finish this work and finally finish it.

47. What was your greatest professional disappointment?
Reconfigure what you are trying to do to those that were under your control. Make it clear that you have come to terms with these and everyday negative emotions.

48. Tell me about the worst episode you have had while working.
Think about the heat that was going on at the hour of the announcement of any task for the organization. Don’t get caught up in making professional jokes; instead, stick to secretly accessible humor. On an equal footing with the American one.

49. Do you have food?
Have a pot of food ready in advance.
For example: How soon can I become brown? What types of projects can I take on? Who cares directly? Show interest in the reality of the given work and your participation in it.

And smut - don’t fight!
I can’t taste you, and this work didn’t come together like a wedge.
Try your best and finish it independently. State it clearly and to the point.
Don't lie.
And you have it all!

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