Mix any shades to red lipstick. Secrets to choosing the tone of red lipstick for blondes. Eye makeup to red lipstick

Olya Likhachova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more valuable it is:)


A striking, extravagant image is supported by the hearts of rich people. One of the surest ways to look the part is makeup for brunettes with red lipstick, although this lip color is not suitable only for dark-haired beauties. It’s all about choosing the right shade of lipstick, as well as creating a striking image, and putting it together. Girls spend many hours searching for the right shade of red color, and if they find it, they will become a magical beast to woo men.

How to choose a shade of red lipstick for brunettes

When choosing makeup with dark lips, it is important to choose a consistent shade, otherwise you risk looking dull. Not always the first tone that comes across looks ideally in the image, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time searching and experimenting. It would seem that brunettes would like a darker shade of red or some kind of shade, but dark-haired girls are advised to choose a more careful tone for their bold lips.

For girls with brown hair, it is not recommended to choose red, plum or raspberry, as the pure color will suit perfectly. Yaskraviy chervoniy is very careless. Girls can achieve a supernatural effect, but all the same - no eye makeup. The most common shades for brunettes are wine, burgundy and red. It’s also wonderful to match fruit and berry with the main color. The fashionable orange shade “with carrots” looks wonderful in the makeup of brunettes. It sounds great, but it looks subtle and noble.

Other people who like to stand in front of girls who are looking for red lipstick are interested in something like this: matte or pearlescent with glitter? It’s definitely impossible to say everything, because it’s all about the situation, otherwise it’s necessary to follow such speeches:

  • A lipstick with a gloss visually increases the volume of the lips, while a matte lipstick actually changes them.
  • matte looks vishucano, a little bit strimano;
  • Long-lasting lipsticks do not have a pearlescent finish; this type of lipstick is achieved in other ways.

Rules for makeup with red lipstick

Makeup with red lipstick may look unnatural, especially in the lip area. Only in this case you will want to settle down with your cosmetics specialist in the future, otherwise you will be so respectful that this color cannot be distinguished. Here are the rules that you need to remember when applying makeup with dark lips, by rubbing them you will achieve the perfect makeup, and the lipstick will not look dull:

  1. The tone of the cosmetic product for the lips must match the color of the hair, eyes and skin.
  2. If you want to see your lips in makeup, then it is your responsibility to harmonize and complement. Therefore, there is no need to heavily prepare the eyes, grind off the applied black ink, or sometimes they are enhanced with added oatmeal, but for which there is no special need.
  3. The basis of the rules is that the skin of one’s appearance is ideally fair.

How to apply red lipstick: a detailed description

Red lipstick cannot be forgiven for heavy application; such makeup needs are taken very seriously, following the recommendations of qualified stylists. It is necessary to ferment lips step by step:

  1. Soften them so that there is no hairiness or other defects due to weathering. Apply for additional balm.
  2. Paint over the contour of the lips with ointment - you can create a perfect even line, touch up (if necessary), and ensure greater durability of the lipstick. The color for the lips is chosen to match the tone of the lipstick, or even darker than it. Any kind of make-up artist will be pleased to see the outline of the olive.
  3. After applying the contour, lightly blend with a pencil.
  4. Powder the lips and sieve the fruit through a dry server. Powder adds durability.
  5. Apply red color lipstick to your lips, blend well with a pencil, so it looks bright and luscious.
  6. Apply blisk to the animal after the plant. Whatever you want, the lipstick has lost its matte finish, which is not worth it.

How to properly combine makeup for brunettes

The red color itself is self-sufficient and looks wonderful with neutral makeup of the eyes, eyebrows, and face. One thing that must not be forgotten is the ideal skin tone. Every time it’s not a good idea to wear red lipstick, as the appearance is irritated, red, and blue. It’s not a hassle to wear a stylish salon haircut or an evening dress. Red lips look perfect on those with lower lips.

With arrows

The red lipstick with the arrows looks wonderful, but the image looks casual, minimalistic. To create such an image, there is no need to talk about those who work, or rather, say something that is unacceptable in makeup with red lipstick and arrows:

  • black eyebrows;
  • pale porcelain skin;
  • brighten the blush;
  • invoices.

With blush

Red lipstick will age for young girls. A bright erysipelas blush will help correct the situation. An example of such recognition is the makeup of Emmy Watson and Lily Collins, who became the main character of the film “Snow White: Land of the Dwarves.” These girls wear red lipstick paired with erysipelas blush, which looks even feminine, without adding any visual interest.

With the color of shadows

For this red lipstick with shadows, it is recommended to use the smoky eye technique, not just a version of the classic black, but a lighter one. For such a look, shades of brown, beige or gray are perfect. It is not recommended to use black, blue, green colors when paired with red lipstick - you want the smell to be wonderful on its own, otherwise, if you get so stuffed, you won’t look very good.

With dark eyebrows

It looks great to pair red lips with striking dark eyebrows. Although there are two different accents in this look, the girl in this look will look fresh. Varto told Kara Deliven: she used to eat these components and walk in this way every day. An important role was played by the casual style and informal white T-shirt with a print.

With daytime makeup

Daytime makeup is the best way to enhance the beauty of lipstick. With this appearance, everything is natural, there are no bright elements, in general, the makeup is streamlined and unnoticeable, only the bright lips impart virtuosity and sexuality. So combined with a formal suit - even good looking, not to break the rules of the dress code (especially if you replace the color with coral), but in which case you will be allowed to lose yourself - a bright and extravagant specialness.

With manicure

Not long ago, people didn’t forget about this kind of ice blowing, but now they’ve turned around. Today, cosmetics companies are introducing special sets that include lipstick and polish. Such a proposition is already straightforward - there is no need to spend an hour searching for a definitive answer to both costs. Cosmetic companies that created such ideas tried to ensure that the varnish enhanced the lipstick as much as possible.

Before the evening cloth

In the evening, the red lipstick you put on will be even more beautiful than before. I always thought that such a lip color would go well with black cloth. That's right! The girl in the black suit with dark lips turns her gaze and looks sexy herself. Alas, other versions of colorful cloth and lipstick will look wonderful. For example, when you wear your lips well, you look respectful and look fresh and stylish. Another classic option is to wear a red dress and lips to match yours.


Red lipstick commands special respect, it does not recognize great wear. This has brought us to the point that look at the beauty of the beauty. It is necessary to prepare not only the lips themselves, but also the skin of the face, eyebrows, eyes, and face. Do you want to learn about makeup techniques and the scheme for applying necessary treatments? Then watch the video tutorial on makeup for brown eyes with dark lips.

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Eye makeup to red lipstick

To say, red lipstick is not suitable for those who cannot wear it. But it's not that simple. If there is sagging on the skin, which cannot be perfectly camouflaged, then choose to remove lipstick. If you don’t want to emphasize your teeth (through color, shape, or any other problems) - look like red lipstick. This color is also not recommended for summer women with a large amount of skin. You don’t have to be afraid of the decision - red lipstick will definitely suit them. Golovne - get the right eye makeup.

Eye makeup to red lipstick

There are three main options: classic makeup, smoky ice and “unpretentious” makeup.

There are two important rules ahead of us:

1. When preparing to put red lipstick on your lips, keep your eyebrows clear. Unnecessarily dark, but certainly bright with a well-designed form. Otherwise you might end up looking like a moth.

2. Vikorize shades of white and warm colors: beige, brown, ore, terracotta, peach, etc. You can apply gray tones, if you like the cold tone. It’s not advisable to combine red lipstick and shades of green and blue tones in one make-up.

Classic makeup with red lipstick

This kind of make-up is very universal: it goes with everything, regardless of color type or age. This is also called makeup in the Chanel style. The use of red lipstick is one of the basics.

How to create classic makeup? Apply in a light tone - the color of the skin or parts is lighter. The eyebrows are given a color that corresponds to the color of the hair, so you can choose a lighter or darker tone. This means that dark brown eyebrows are unacceptable for a pure blonde, just like black eyebrows are for an ore.

On the upper table, along the line of growth, there is a black or dark brown arrow, which gradually expands to the outer corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow goes to the crown and rises. Light shades (beige, cream, light golden, peach, etc.) are applied to dry surfaces.

Behind the baskets you can clearly see the dark color of the bottom layer, or the layer with shading. The water line of the lower part vibrates behind the help of a white sheep. Black or dark brown ink should be applied to it. That's it for the eye makeup.

The apple of your cheeks can be refreshed with peach blush. And, let’s say, the finishing touch is red lipstick.

A classic make-up with red lipstick is, however, good for both work and evening. Ideal as a cheerful makeup for the bride.

Smokey ice and red lipstick

There is a thought that you need to see one thing: either your eyes or your lips. There's no need to worry anymore! In the evening, we have the right to work to brighten up those and others. In the future, light, classic makeup may appear unnoticeable, as a result of which you will become invisible and “anemic”, so that you can wear red lipstick. You can't do that with smokey eye makeup.

Who said that red lipstick doesn’t match the smokey eye? When dark makeup only appeared in the 20s and 30s of the last century, it was first added with red lipstick, creating the image of a vamp. If you need to look upscale in the evening, give credit to your date.

"Smoky Ice"- this makeup is made from a mixture of dark shadows, black kajal and black eyeliner. Vikorist and maximally dark tones form (or otherwise seem to paint) the shape of an eye, giving special respect to the outer cut and folds of the upper eyelid. With this, the internal cut begins to vibrate.

As a result, the eyes appear majestic, bright, and “fiery.” Chervona, like blood, lipstick - a nuance that fits perfectly into this concept. Aloha in the evening! During the day, smokey ice is accompanied by “nude” lipstick, beige, or a lip that repeats the natural color.

The red color on the lips is often associated with addiction, vulgarity, and the appearance of “fatal redness.” Lipsticks like these are considered classic. Therefore, makeup with red lipstick for brunettes, which is ideal for girls of this type, does not go out of fashion. It is also important to choose the desired tone of cosmetics, and also know what colors to use.

The relevance of red lipstick and the choice of the required tone

Let's brighten up the red color and add it to look at. Therefore, the presence of makeup in advance guarantees respect for the girl who undertook such a serious task. The representative of a beautiful statue is already wary of putting on a red palette, afraid that in any situation such a loose color on the lips will look vulgar and ugly. Ale tse majestic mercy.

Makeup with brightly colored lips with red shades is relevant at any time and in any season. Red lipstick is ideal for festive occasions; it can create a formal business look, which is also suitable for everyday life and informal settings. And the brightness of the color on the lips adds an inner flavor.

Another good thing is the thought that the darkest shades of cosmetics are best suited to everyone. Styles come to the conclusion that the palette of this color is nevertheless relevant for girls with light hair, for brown hair, and for brunettes. Regardless of the color of the eyes, the skin, the shape of the lips and the style of the garment. Golovne, just choose the right shade of red for your type, then such a bright touch to the make-up will look elegant, playful and attractive.

How to choose the right color for dark-haired girls, for whom red lipstick is often an invisible part of their look?
  1. It is necessary to show your color type based on the color of your skin. Choosing the color of cosmetics for your own purposes, brunettes, like girls, are obliged to pay special attention to this.
  2. Choose the shade of your eyes, which plays the role of seeing the “subtypes” of the color type.
  3. Turn your attention to tooth enamel. Red tones of lipstick that have yellowish, golden, orange, brown inclusions at their base are contraindicated for girls whose enamel is not pure white.
  4. By choosing the tone of your cosmetics, it will be hidden from your outer appearance. It is important to apply lipstick on the arch of a white paper and the skin from the inner side of the wrist, so as to show good visible veins. If the color of red lipstick overlaps the shade of the skin and no vein is visible under it, you must choose correctly.
  5. The natural thickness of the lips also plays a role. Regardless of the fact that makeup with red lipstick for brunettes is created using a thin contour, which can be used to change the shape of the lips, paying attention to this nuance is necessary. Please remember that:
    • Glossy and pearlescent cosmetic properties add not only shine, but volume;
    • matte lipstick visually changes the thickness of the lips;
    • Light shades of this palette will help to visually make your lips look plump, while dark and deep colors are contraindicated for girls with thin lips.

Choose a tone based on the color of your skin and eyes

Skin shades:
  • For Portel, almost pale, and some bits of erysipelas consider all options for the red one;
  • What appears to be gold or bronze, the skin is smudged. Paired with dark hair, there is a vibrancy of rich, vibrant and dark shades of red lipstick: berry, burgundy, interspersed with golden, wine and orange notes;
  • skin light olive tone It combines wonderfully with warm, soft lipstick options.
  • for dark eyes The best options are sparkles, infused with a red color starting with a deep erysipelas tone and ending with dark red, coral tones; Cosmetic properties with notes of brown, beige tones combined with dark blue are also relevant;
  • for green eyes There are different shades of berries, such as hazelnut, cherry or raspberry, dark russet colors, red-peach lipstick;
  • for dark and gray eyes You can go for a cosmetic purpose by using red and violet tones, as well as light, light shades of red (russet) lipstick.

When choosing red lipstick for any occasion or wanting to use it regularly, you need to consider what it can be combined with embellishments and clothing, without entering into conflict with the created order.

Subtleties and nuances of makeup with bright lipstick

There is one key rule for creating a beautiful and clear make-up, which is to destroy any traces in case of guilt attacks.

When applying makeup, place emphasis either on the eyes or, in particular, on the lips. A viscous red lipstick imparts an additional brightness to the make-up. Otherwise, you can achieve not an elegant and attractive, but a vulgar image that screams.

Makeup under red lipstick conveys a variety of subtleties and nuances.

  1. The make-up itself can be thoroughly detailed. The skin color is even, the eye line is neat, the shape of the eyebrows is perfect, the lip contour is clear.
  2. The rich tones of the black palette are wonderfully combined with the numerous options of shadows, so eye makeup can give flight to the imagination. However, stylists strongly recommend to wear away from the “painting, what to scream” century. It is better to go for shades in the “nude” format (as natural or white as possible), or shades with a neutral, smoky shade. “Smoky Eyes” with red lipstick will look amazing, but this option is only relevant for evening and holiday gatherings.
  3. It goes perfectly with the red color if the top layers are thinly lined with olive or in a special way. Color: palette of grey, brown, black. A classic option is make-up for brunettes with red lipstick, complemented by arrows on the eyelids.
  4. Brunettes can choose any color of mascara to create a distinctly bright tone on the lips. It’s better to give advantage to not quite “shoe polish” farbe for everything.
  5. When creating make-up, you need to cream your eyebrows.
  6. Contour lip liner also needs to be applied. In this case, it is better to choose the right tone for the main cosmetic purpose.

When choosing red lipstick, be sure to give preference to long-lasting versions of this cosmetic method. And when applying this color to your lips, so as not to smear the particles of lipstick on your front teeth, cover them with Vaseline or a similar method, which is available in stock with Vaseline or wax.

How to create a classic make-up for brunettes using red lipstick?

Before applying decorative cosmetic treatments, it is necessary to carry out a small preparation procedure. This is necessary in order for makeup with red lipstick for brunettes to look perfect, highlighting the advantages of the girl’s appearance, without emphasizing respect on the imperfections of the face.

Anterior procedure

  1. It is good to cleanse your skin using vicor and special products (tonics, foam for washing, scrubs, exfoliation).
  2. After washing, it is necessary to wipe the skin with lotion or refreshing toner. Hair ladies with dry or combination skin will benefit from an aroma-reducing cream, which must be applied directly before make-up.
  3. It is also necessary to perform light lip peeling at home. For this purpose, use a brush with soft bristles. Apply the mixture to the brush and rub a little on the surface of your lips. There is no need to try too hard so as not to injure the tender skin.
  4. Once the peeling is completed, the sponges can be coated with baby skin cream to give them a good soak.
Step-by-step creation of classic makeup with red lipstick

Skin. It can first be applied to a special base that evens out the surface of the skin and its tone. Then you need to differentiate two contrasting tonal colors separately. The first is a couple of shades lighter in skin, the other is darker. This will help you develop the necessary accents, as well as add shine to your appearance. The correct application of foundation is shown on the baby below.

Important: For Vikorist concealer (corrector), it is necessary to add its consistency. Rarely apply before foundation, dry after. The stage ends with the skin being frozen in order to take away the intense shine. In this case, the cosmetics are given but the same tone and skin tone. And then the ice appears in a pale horn or light beige color.

Brows. Having trimmed the shape of the razors, they must be prepared. A dark contour can be seen from the thick shadows like a thin eyeliner or a thin eyeliner. Afterwards, the eyebrows themselves are filled with olive powder based on them. Then you can create a light accent under them, vikorist shades behind the color of shade or olive, well shaded. The final touch is to cover the razors with gel to fix the shape and color.

The photo shows the entire process of shaving makeup:

Ochi. smokey, which has sufficient validity. So it’s time to practice first. Tiny arrows are at the top, rather than vikorist not rarely eyeliner, but sharply sharpening the eyeliner for the top, violet lines along it and above them, achieving a single dark and even tone. The mascara is applied in two balls, of unique thickness and breast. If necessary, you can brush it with a special brush.

Pointing lower, the collage clearly shows vikorist light shades and highlights. This kind of make-up option itself goes well with different tones of red lipstick.

Gubi. Applying cosmetics to the lips is the finishing touch to the makeup. One of the options for applying lipstick might look like this:
  1. lips, which were previously light, apply a little powder afterward;
  2. Vikorist and similar in tone contour lip, lips are outlined with an even thin line, extending from the edge of 1-1.5 millimeters; It’s important to create a neat shape and keep the lipstick from spreading; After lining, you need to smear the surface of your lips with olive oil, creating a “base” for lipstick;
  3. offensive crust - vikoristannya red cosmetic zasobu, which is better to apply after the help of penzlik; Cover with a red color from the middle of the upper and lower lips to the edges; apply a bright tone on 2 layers;
  4. After applying foundation or dry corrector, you need to adjust the shape of the lips, extending 1 millimeter from the edge, as shown in the directions under the description of the photography process;
  5. It is necessary to blot the farb sponges with a serving cloth, removing excess farbi;
  6. Then, if necessary, you can cover your lips with 1-2 more balls of lipstick to reach the rich lipstick, and blot again with a serving cloth;
  7. The next step is to lightly powder your lips to brighten the color and add matteness.
  8. At the end you can press up to a vikoristan of clear-sighted glare, always on either the entire surface of the lips, or just in the center of the lower lip, adding to the effect.
One of the options for step-by-step application of red lipstick

Another option for creating a make-up from the final cosmetic product for the lips is shown in the video below:

Makeup wears a number of classic types of makeup, one of which is makeup with red lipstick. With a well-chosen lip tone, the image will be more refined and elegant, while at this most important stage it will be less vulgar and rude. Why do you need to gain respect when choosing colors? Today we will share recommendations from fashion experts for girls with light hair. They're looking at you for this detailed instruction on how to create makeup with red lipstick for blondes.

Who is the important color type?

Brunettes are obviously dissatisfied with why we are bypassing them and why the instructions below are bad for them. In truth, we do not underestimate the power of copper and chocolate-colored hair. It’s just that your color is the main guide in choosing the tone. And for the sake of fair-haired women, they will be inappropriate for the ladies of other colors.

Makeup with red lipstick for blondes is based on hair color and skin tone. For those whose skin has a light tint, it’s best to choose soft and warm lipsticks in the palette, and for dark-skinned and smooth-toned lips, choose bright and deep lip colors.

Blondes can enjoy makeup ideas with a luscious accent on Scarlett Johansson's lips. Fashion critics say it’s important to choose the right tone to the standard one. The legendary Marilyn Monroe will forever be deprived of the invincible belly with red lips No. 1. Gwen Steffani, Kate Moss, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Heidi Klum, Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, Madonna and Christina Aguilera know love to their red lips. Among the current stars of show business, the likes of Glucose (Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova), Vira Brezhneva, Masha Malinovska, Lera Kudryavtseva have been repeatedly mentioned.

Aspects of choice

So how to correctly choose the ideal tone for your specific situation:

Carefully add lipstick to the skin according to the following principle: the lighter the skin, the lighter the shade, and similarly, for the dark skin, the darker color.
For hair blondes with light, heavy skin, a cool palette is relevant. Acceptable shades are erysipelas or black. A “clean” tone is ideal, and the axis of peach and carrot colors can be seen again and again.

Girls with medium density undertones have beautiful soft, warm colors. For them, the growers regularly expand their assortment, introducing more and more apricot and orange motifs. And the cold weather will make them sick, it’s just not suitable.

Let's make sure that women show respect for lipstick in a bright, juicy tone. Among the harmonious options are burgundy, cherry and brown shades. And the horns and carrots are under the taboo.

The whiteness of teeth plays no less important role in effectiveness. A red color with an orange undertone enhances the zestiness, and the axle is designed to visually vibrate them.

Standing on one of the lipsticks, away from the counter, apply the tester to a white paper or the tip of your finger. Consider the shades present in the red one. This is necessary, since the fragments behind the color of the tube or bottle you will not be able to see the different pictures about the tone, just like if you trust the label or number. It is best to try to clarify the situation and eliminate doubts.

Features of makeup with an emphasis on the lips

This make-up has a golden rule: the emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips. Of course, red lips are more attractive, so don’t go overboard with your eye makeup.

Clarity of application – protection of stains. Therefore, try to add a special lipstick for identical lips with the same lipstick tone or a little darker.

So, since the image of such a blonde will be brightened and effective, you won’t be able to lick away cosmetic defects from the eyes of those who are desperate. It is important that red lipstick is the lot of these girls whose skin is in the homeless camp. However, now is the time to grab tools and a whole range of tools will help you: concealers, highlighters, foundations.

The choice of matte and glossy textures rests entirely on your shoulders. Whose food has no canons, only your taste and merit. The only thing we can note is that matte lipstick looks more washed out. You'll need to trim longer, and you won't be stuck with molasses. Lips will become brighter and darker. The gloss, which would not be tinted or rich, is equalized with a matte variation that will be lighter. A brilliant technique is to illusorily sculpt your lips higher, which will add charm and romance to them.

Ideas for daytime and evening makeup with red lipstick

Fashion experts urge you to share daytime and evening makeup. It’s simply inappropriate to rush to the local supermarket in full parade, just like arriving at a social gathering in front of someone who doesn’t look right.

If you are going out for a day in the world, for example, to work, for example, and you want to immediately put on red lipstick, you need to minimize actions from eyelids. Just finish it and prepare it. Straighten your efforts more effectively to the tone of denunciation. With a bright accent, the make-up will look fresh and sensitive.

For evening occasions, more cosmetic gifts are relevant. So, in addition to correcting the color and exposing skin defects, you can give more respect to the eye area. These can be shadows, arrows, ink. Blondes with darker shades will benefit from brown, milky, beige or bronze shades. The arrows can be varied, from playful little tails to wide, long or loud ones.

Photo of makeup with red lipstick for blondes:

Red lipstick is the most striking accent on your appearance. If you don’t tolerate competition, your eye makeup may be different from those who wear it in darker tones.

Red lips, especially of cold wines, always exude a recklessly strong tone of denunciation, without protection or other shortcomings!

7 secrets from makeup artists
To keep your makeup neat and luscious, you need to apply lipstick to your lips correctly. For this purpose, hurry up with the help of qualified professionals:

  1. Cover your lips with a softening lip balm and let it soak in
  2. Before applying color, tone your lips a little and powder a little
  3. In order for the red lips not to look vulgar, it is necessary for the stench to be more clearly sanctified. Olivet must accurately match the tone of the lipstick, or the shade is darker
  4. The contour is applied in front and with lips closed.
  5. To apply lipstick more beautifully, use a special lip pen.
  6. Apply lipstick in a thin line, starting in the center of the lips and spreading to the edges.
  7. Apply the first ball of lipstick, then blot your lips with a servette and apply another ball

Technique for applying red lipstick according to professional makeup artist Olenya Krigina:

I have a thought that red lipstick just doesn’t go well with these people. Myth – cult make-up artists sing with one voice. If it seems to you that the red lips do not suit you, then you simply did not find the required shade. Continue listening to your tone, and you will experience incredible bitterness if you do find it. A fatal beauty, a gentle and romantic nature, a businesslike colleague or a brightly named one - any image can be realized with the help of the right color. Enjoy our pleasures and recommendations, experiment, apply makeup with red lipstick and enjoy your sexy image in the mirror!

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