How to train your mental abilities How to develop your intellect: many more ways to pump up your brain

We caught ourselves thinking that after yesterday’s drunken evenings, as well as the endless timidity that accompanies the mindless affairs in our lives, we are completely stupid. The axis is serious, 18 years of age were so intelligent, and now the IQ clearly dropped to the level of the plinth. Why are you excited? And how can we decide, think wisely, or turn ourselves into a very “highly intellectual” camp?

Let's be honest: we don't mind what we're doing here. We, damn it, are not fakers. But we have one person who is interested in neuropsychology. Kulya, because he is a neuropsychologist himself. And his name is Mikola Frantsuzov. He works as an expert in the scientific department - this is a site that can pump up your intellectual abilities using various scientific techniques. Moreover, the service is effective not only for you, but also for children and elderly people. With the help of this, you can easily improve your efficiency, tone your brain throughout the day, and also forget about stress at work.

The Wikium technique itself is aimed at promoting the number of synapses - contacts between two neurons, which are responsible for intelligence, memory, creativity, and talent.

Don’t ever think that you are too stupid for what

People do not have a congenital form of behavior in the middle. Its development is determined by the way of appropriating historically evolved forms and methods of activity. However, the basis for the development of the development lies not in the formation of the movable type, but in the absolutely practical activity of the subject. As a result of a long life, people have developed intellectual activity.

How often do you say to yourself: “I’m too bad for this!”? We wonder what happens gradually, but not in your brain. If you are healthy, then the potential for development in you is the same as in other people. Let us remember that it is impossible for any reasonable person to live a life of passive sleep. However, you want to actively get involved in the process of getting started, constantly trying it out in practice, and not just in theory. Once you learn this, you will become a truly intelligent lad.

Stitch for health

In our current world, people are under the influence of various negative factors that negatively affect them. For example, poor ecology and various illnesses, decreased acidity and lack of physical activity, increased stress and anxiety, physical stress and sleep disturbances, monotonous activity and fasting. This is information noise. This portion can also be chewed. This all leads to a decrease in mental and creative activity, especially in professional activities. It appears that the temporary (mental) neural connections that are established in the cerebral cortex can be preserved for many years and decades. They have support every hour, and renewal of these connections can be an effective continuation of this life.

So, you hardly thought that you would have a lot of fun here, but there’s nowhere to go without it. Your brain is, damn it, an organ that needs to be kept in order. Knitted with the whole body. It’s clear that if you trigger your body, drink wildly or get nervous, knowing your neural connections, then your brain will work in a bad way. Are you a drunk academician? No, drunks can only be scribes, but this is a great stretch. Do you want to catch everything with a catch? Go in for sports, as a matter of fact, stop hanging around in circles, and have fun with those filthy names.

Keep in mind that physical strength contributes little to the development of intelligence, regardless of the fact that a person’s intellectual abilities completely lie behind physiological characteristics. E.P. Bebrish points out that with the development of physical strength, children have grown up and do not compromise with normal students. The same applies to people whose significant intellectual strengths are in no way related to the presence of physical strength: Stephen Hawking, Chopin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Terence Tao, etc.

Instead of exhausting information, develop a systematic approach

Systematicity, organization in memorized memory is the most important mental development. It is necessary to destroy systems of knowledge, and not just the accumulation of facts.

Here we quote our expert once again, who memorably described a number of simple, but effective, rights to develop systemic thinking. Such a thought, in its own way, will help you to deal correctly with the great flows of information that surround us today.

1. “Turn off from vikoristan now and then for a few cognitive sensations. Try to sleep with your eyes closed, take a shower with your eyes closed, or close your ears while writing emergency documents.

Such consequences can be understood as the development of other cognitive functions and, apparently, the consolidation of the already created working neural connections, and the formation of the imagery of what is being experienced. There are also similar logics between these images, so that the development of scientific-figurative thinking can readily appear in one’s drawing.”

2. “The best method would be to develop ambidexterity. Then use your free hand in various types of activities, for example: brush your teeth from a wound, comb yourself, or pick up a computer bear. Try to write a short text with your hands at the same time, or alternate between the lower and fork parts at a time when taking it. This method involves the development of neural connections in new cells and the activation of the brain, which in turn has a positive effect on memory.”

3. “It is necessary to train caution. For example, throughout the day, pay attention to the green colors, or to the car of the same model from the hot stream, come up with a theme and focus on it. Tim, you yourself will develop the songs of power, the functions of respect and memory (concentration, vibrancy, division, interruption, short-term memory).”

4. “Read and write down as much as possible. After you have read and learned this, try to write it down as soon as you have time. Write it down once - read it twice and organize everything in your head.”

5. “Beyond this, work on transferring to memorize materials that are accessible to you, so that it is easier for you to remember with the help of your visual memory, then organize the required material in a graphic form. It is important to systematically organize all the information you want to remember. Write down the necessary facts and insert meaning connections between them, remembering how you get the whole picture.”

If you want to test your intellect, first start training it, then turn to classic puzzles based on the Rubik’s Cube, Tangram, etc. The world doesn’t lack an IQ test, as we already know.

Read, read, read

When reading, it becomes more peaceful in order to understand the other idea of ​​the work, and a wealth of details is presented: characters, their clothes, objects that we can see. It is also necessary to remember a lot of speeches, which are necessary for the understanding of creativity. This trains memory and logic. Creative people can generate a lot of wonderful ideas at once. Is it possible to take their stars? From books.

Now that you understand, does BroDude bother you to read? I just want you to become reasonable, my friend. Moreover, we think that it is necessary to read a variety of literature. It’s a good idea to read popular science books to boost your intellect. Artistic literature, especially of a high level, also helps to develop specialness. Books contain a wealth of ideas that can be incorporated into life, so don’t waste your time with them. Moreover, books help you to marvel at the world more objectively. With their help, you can make important decisions.

We have not described all the measles. Mikola Frantsuzov, our expert, as if he had forgotten, said this: “At the hour of reading direct language, sections of the auditory cortex are activated in the brain. The connection of the auditory cortex during the hour of reading direct language brings out its brightest influx: it is easier for the brain to detect those that are said “before the first person.” More than anything else, the same voice areas of the auditory measles affect the inner voice - let’s say, with explicit dialogues.”

The inclinations of intellectuality are given to us by the people, the beginning of the development of intellectual qualities is pinched by fathers and teachers, and the development of intelligence lies with the skin of the individual.

It is modern science to confirm that 50% of a person’s intelligence lies in the genetic engineer, while half of the intelligence potential comes from fathers - this is the type of character, the set of neurons, neurotransmitters. In the 5th century, the child has already formed a set of neurons and connections between them, most of which will be lost from them for the rest of their lives. And then there is a lot to be learned from how his fathers develop him, and if he grows, he also grows himself.

The goal of rich people is to realize as much as possible the value inherent in them, their potential. And the surest way to achieve this goal is to never stop working on the advancements of your intellect. Those who are actively working on the development of their intellectual abilities will be able to radically change themselves intellectually within a short time.

So how can you tighten your brain and work to its fullest potential? Even in our world, where competition is rampant, it is not the strongest who overcomes, but the most intelligent, captivating and guilty.

It’s not a problem to promote your intellectual abilities – it would be a pain and patience. Of course, we are unlikely to become others - these are the guilty peculiarities - nuggets. But, having engaged in self-development, we realize that our brain is capable of such possibilities that we did not suspect.

Of course, a lot of people would like to become a genius easily and quickly, without wasting any special efforts. Nina has read a lot of books to develop Rosum’s ideas, for example Stanislav Müller’s “Become a Genius! Secrets of the Super Mind” from the series “Yourself a Psychologist”, but most people tend to read them.

For them, the solution would be a charming walk to the spirit of the world, which, by the will of God, was given to the main character of the American film “Smoking Areas” (2011) with Bradley Cooper in the lead role. Once again, this pill’s brain of a writer from New York begins to work with extreme difficulty, and the depressed hero transforms into a brilliant stockbroker with great prospects. Ale without a walk in nobody. Moreover, it turned out that the miracle pills that can shrink the brain can have serious side effects.

If the hero wants to know a way out of this difficult situation, having lost his guilt, we would rather have a healthy mind and take up the rights to develop intelligence. In order to work out the brain, it is necessary to develop it, the prote has the right to be precise, and not monotonous. Otherwise, we are obviously unique in their work. And you only have the right to give results if you go before the competition.

What is IQ?

In 1912 German psychologist Wilhelm Stern introduced the concept of “intelligence quotient” - IQ. It is indicated for the help of various tests from problems with increasing complexity. The average value is higher than 100. A value of 70 qualifies as Rozumov’s superiority.

The intellect pays attention to the knowledge accumulated by people, but also to the ability to memorize and analyze new information, and also to incorporate it quickly to complete upcoming tasks.

American Andrea Kushevsky is a consultant physician and specialist in behavioral therapy. She works with children who suffer from autism and who have cognitive impairment. One of the first patients was a boy with a delay in mental development: his IQ indicated that he had slight retardation. After three years of mastering reading, mathematics, learning to write, and communicating, the methodology developed by her resulted in his IQ being 100. Similar successes in the development of intelligence were observed in other children with cognitive disorders, which were carried out I'm busy.

However, since children with problems in learning can develop rapidly, the average person, who does not have such problems, seems to have their hands full.

Andrea Kushevsky made the following insights:

  • Intelligence is amenable to training;
  • The more you train, the better the result;
  • Developing intelligence to the strength of your skin is independent of the level of your primary abilities.

Developing pink intelligence

1. Look at the innovation

All geniuses are called scholars - people who have great knowledge in many spheres of life. For example, he was not only a talented artist, but also a writer, a musician, and a renowned winemaker.

People who want to develop their intellect are likely to be open to everything new: knowledge, activities, ideas. Also, new skin activity requires the creation of new connections - synapses, which connect one neuron with others and through which they exchange impulses.

The release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter hormone that stimulates the creation of new neurons and promotes increased motivation, also directly contributes to the innovation that triggers this process.

Anyone who wants a high coefficient of intelligence should not be aware that once you have finished, you can forget about the beginning, and even this is a direct path to degradation. He never ceases to joke about something new for his mind: learning new sciences, new languages, signing up for courses - for example, painting, playing the guitar, Latin American dancing, taking up a new sport, chasing new enemies.

The value of the developments of Rosum's richness lies in the knowledge itself, as much as in the process of initiation itself.

2. Let's vote to ourselves

Much has been said about the benefits of developing brain games that train memory and concentration: poker, preference, chess, backgammon games, computer games on Tetris, Sudoku.

It is true that psychologists who deal with the development of intelligence should, having achieved mastery in one game, move on to the present. Even the cerebrum, having realized that, for example, begins to loosen, due to which new synaptic connections are no longer created so actively. In order for the brain to be attracted and continue to work hard, you need to steadily trim it in the camp of singing twisting.

3. Vchimosya misliti creatively

3.1. , the ability to create original ideas Misliti unconventionally.

For example, we take something given and find 10 to 20 ways to achieve it, especially without limiting our imagination. Otje,

  • We are caught on the street by a strong plank, there is no parasol, it’s a long way to the booth, and the plank, which has been swollen for everything, will last forever;
  • We hasten to the important sustrich, and the selection is rapt in us;
  • having disappeared from the city of money and credit cards, and from someone else’s place;
  • we were asked for a party, where we didn’t know anyone, outside the government booth, as they terminally called for work;

3.2. After watching some movie I guess I’ll name you Vlasna;

3.3. We open any book and write down 10 words taken from it. And now let's try to find out the connections between them and make a short speech out of them with 10 propositions;

3.4. Self-identified as an architect, In front of every deputy, he set the task of designing booths. Budynok is not simple: the project has 10 words invented by the manager: fish, peas, whole, whale, water, etc., bet, etc.;

3.5. Select be any object that you have received what is in the room, and select 5 accessories that best resemble you. For example, an orange is juicy, Spanish, orange, savory, sweet. І 5 adjectives that suit you best: catty, sharp, crunchy, herbal, gloomy;

3.6. On arkushi paper 20 crosses are painted And on the basis of the skin we depict an object that shows us our reality: for example, a butt, a pancake, a saucepan, a grandmother, a chess woman. Instead of crosses, you can paint circles or two perpendicular lines as a blank for future pictures.

4. Don’t look for easy ways

Progress will make us a lot easier, protect our minds, indulge in desire, with which we can relax. Of course, we have always successfully learned to work on the simplest arithmetic operations in the mind of a paper.

Or GPS, which helps you navigate the area. They sounded until now, revealing that it was no longer possible to do without it, the tabletops had lost all their energy, feeling the orientation.

We will be helped by the creation and, as our knowledge of ours is rapidly growing, the fragments will save us the opportunity to practice with them.

Technologies will make life easier, but in this case you will suffer from cognitive weaknesses, and even your brain will require training. Of course, there is no need to rely on the benefits of civilization and the products of modern technologies, other than to work hard to keep him in good shape.

The right to develop intellectual abilities

Development of thinking, logic, memory, respect, caution, humility, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Burime, limericks, riddles for intellectual development. Logical instructions have been established, feeding the development of logic. To the right, warm up during the group training procedure. Procedure for group psychological training. The participants play at the game: they don’t stink “mystery-holics” and want to get rid of it. Procedure for group psychological training. For a short hour, participants are shown a table with 25 letters, and from memory the spelling of words from these letters. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants recognize analogies in unrelated speeches. To the right is aimed at developing sensitivity and intellect. We have the right to help you discover intellectual potential, actualize your potential and develop your sensitivity. The vibrations and signals rotate among themselves various objects and boxes. It has the right to allow further development of the intellect and the increase in the objective power of thought. The right is assigned to an individual wiki. It will help you learn to put together a verbal portrait, quickly remember the external appearance of other people, their characteristic features. Develops early memory. It’s not easy to think without swearing. It is absolutely necessary to advance your intellect. Procedure for group psychological training. Directed to the revelation of intellectual values. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants will remember different positions. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants guess hieroglyphs and write down their thoughts with them. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants joke about the number. Procedure for group psychological training. Directed towards the development of caution and keen memory. You have the right to help advance your intellectual level and the development of combinatorial abilities. You won’t be tempted to marvel at the world’s foolishness: on the one hand, you can promote your passion for powerful intellect, to your success in the intellectual field, and on the other hand, you can perceive the expansion of your light-mindedness, knowing the search for new, colorful truths in the most diverse minds of the world! Procedure for group psychological training. Participants practice abstraction-concretization. In order to develop caution, you have the right to quickly evaluate the peculiarities of other people. The right is intended for the development of conceptual thinking and the whole intellect. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants try to memorize the algorithm for composing with numbers. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants will experience a personal interpretation of one or the other story. There is little right to help effectively develop the flexibility of the mind. You have the right to help develop intellectual capabilities through the development of analytical capabilities. The right develops caution and intellectual aptitude. Procedure for group psychological training. You can benefit from both intelligence training and intellectual warm-up from other trainings. Participants select their names. You have the right to help develop caution, to be reasonable in public, to understand their problems. Procedure for group psychological training. Each participant receives secret instructions about how to behave; Others may guess. The development of caution is straightened to the right. Looking to the right, straight to the development of intellectual flexibility. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants will guess with anagrams: the confusion is not only in the letter, but also in the word. Procedure for group psychological training. You have the right to directly develop intellectual abilities and learn about people’s developments. A procedure for group psychological training aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Develops the ability to think logically and respectfully. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants guess their own superpower. To the right it is straightened to the side of the universe. Procedure for group intellectual training. Participants derive various funny ideas from the given axiom that “everything is clear.” Procedure for group and individual intellectual training. Participants create harmony with the words of the verbs. Procedure for group psychological training. The participants discuss among themselves who will come up with the hiatus found (a series of vocal letters in the interpreted speech). Procedure for group psychological training. The participants present themselves as check figures. The procedure for group psychological training, direct development of intellectual abilities. Good for opening up the group, getting to know the participants with each other (for the beginning of the training). You need to remove only those words that signify similar objects, and turn off one word “zaive” that does not have these symbols. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, collectively cheering in their minds. Intellectual development. Right, created for the development of memory through expanded memory, mastering special techniques of memory and guessing. The decal is on the right to develop memory in the sublinguals. Developing a level of respect, and creating other signs of respect. Development of reality, fantasy. Development of analytical and combinatorial capabilities. We won’t ask anyone to reveal our reality. Good memory allows our memory to work more clearly and effectively, and also provides a reliable support for our mind, allowing us to process complex images. One of the ways to develop reality is through additional poetry. Change of primary clock connections. Change of primary expansive connections. Change of primary ligaments strength. A little game for developing visual memory. Mainly in the development of scientific-figurative thinking - learn to create new images, unleash your imagination. This is the right, or more precisely the cycle of the right, the meanings of the developments are a quick-reading skill. Dekilka igor on the development of tactile memory. A decal of verbal games. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. This technique will help you generate original ideas that are not subject to problems. Intended for unimportant situations in which all possible ways of solving the problem have not been understood. To the right, folded behind the developments of a bright sprout. Development of verbal intelligence. Mastering a mnemonic technique. Development of respect and memory in the process of group training. To the right is the development of memory and verbal intelligence. Development of intelligence in group training. Development of verbal fluency. Formation involves operating with words, as if expressing thoughts. Verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of associative thinking. Development of an intuitive understanding of the authenticity of the approach, tactful features. Development of verbal intelligence: updating the order of words in adverbs. Development of concentration of respect. Development of concentration of respect. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of logical thinking. Procedure for group psychological training. Participants guess a verbal description of the monster. Development of concentration of respect, manifest. Development of verbal intelligence, reveal. Development of verbal fluency. It is necessary to establish and understand the boundaries. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of verbal fluency. Development of critical thinking, respect, and sense of language. Development of conceptual thinking. Rozvitok respect, almost chuttya movi. A rose of respect. Reveal the rose. The aim is to direct the breadth of thought, all-round analysis. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Intellectual development. Development of logical thinking. Formation of an attitude towards a comprehensive analysis of the situation. The discipline disciplines and the mind sinks. Development of verbal fluency. We are popularized in order to improve our understanding of ourselves, and it doesn’t matter what your basic knowledge is - everything can be brought to perfection: you can develop your musical ear by studying music, you can develop your body through additional physical education, you can develop your culinary skills talent, coordination and much more. Most of us benefit from a different kind of nutrition: how to develop our intellect. The truth is that thinking with your head is not innate, otherwise the two-year-olds would never have been recreated in the past because of the light.

What makes up intelligence?

Size the brain, so many joints are given to us as a people, but in reality, displays do not play a special role: an elephant or a whale has a larger brain than a Nobel laureate, it’s not surprising. Therefore, we have the power to increase the number of neural connections in the brain, and this will have a positive effect on the brain’s work. And the intelligence axis can be different, for example, analytical, logical, critical, predictive, deductive. Its development flows into figurative and abstract thought, and the mind begins to concentrate. You can learn about intelligence and identify cause and effect, and the fluidity of various operations, and depth of intelligence, and erudition... is everything really needed? So simple for comfortable living, whether in an office or in a dangerous jungle. If you have an emergency, practice your strokes. Just like that, let's figure it out.


So, don’t think that playing is the part of children. First of all, let’s take the right approach to life: we reject satisfaction with the process itself, and not with the results, so much so that we must be friends with our rivals. What kind of games does your brain need?

First of all, there are a lot of programs on the Internet, so it’s easy to see photos of cats. For example, a memory trainer that focuses on the N-back task, the Einstein game (a collection of tasks for the brain), and the Brain of Genius game. Before speaking, all these achievements significantly increase IQ, which has been demonstrated by experiments.

Crosswords are also necessary and don’t waste time. Ale is better, since the stench will be serious.

"What de Koli?" that company. In all most great places there are clubs of intellectual license and fans of intellectual games. You don’t need to think about whether you’re taking the children of Anatoly Wasserman or Oleksandr Druz here – you’re taking them here and it’s a miracle that it’s all about spilkuvannya. Sometimes talking with reasonable people is as funny as reading books. Before speaking, fans play intellectual games not only at the club, but also at guests’ places, on buses, in the courtyard or anywhere. This is my testimony to you, how you become reasonable.

Tetris. What's wrong with that? Experiments will prove that this game has a greater amount of gray speech. Those who played in the new three months after sleep and 30 drinks a day, noted in their critical mind, carefully process information and size up, positive changes.

Checks, poker, checkers, preference. It is also possible to develop the rudiments of logic. Those who play checkers or checkers well can only try the game at any time.

Live the brain

The right diet will help improve your memory. Therefore we are required to:
  • Volosky peas.
    The basis of the diet of scholars, and there is also so much lecithin here that five peas a day is enough to quickly activate memory;
  • Riba. It's white! And also iodine and omega-3. These speeches provide energy necessary for transmitting impulses to the body;
  • Spinach. There is a lot of lutein here, which is found in the brain cells of old;
  • Real watermelon. Once again, omega-3, and also zinc, which helps improve your mental health.
  • Shavliya. Not only does it calm down and relieve inflammation, but it also prevents the release of amino acids that are responsible for memory damage. Drink tea from shavliya!
  • Kava. It is important not to overdo it with this drink, but at the right dose (up to 4 cups of natural drink), it stimulates norepinephrine and dopamine, which helps maintain the concentration of energy. If there is no coffee, there is caffeine in tablets, green tea, chocolate, cocoa, energy drinks and Coca-Cola.
  • Pigulki. And there is nothing scary in them, especially since you need to think a lot about your head. Available in pharmacies: Phenotropil, Deprenil, Alertec or Phenibut. The rest, however, is very fast. Also very popular would be dietary supplements containing ginkgo biloba, ginseng root, guarana and eleutherococcus.

Get into it, get into it, get into it

This does not mean that it is necessary to obtain another, third, or tenth diploma. If the soul and mind do not reach for such knowledge, then there is nothing.

There are cost-free courses on the Internet, for example,, you can also develop unimportant hobbies and achieve new knowledge, sign up for ballroom dancing: this style of dancing, before speaking, is important not only to successfully contact the protégé yu, ale and think with your head - that’s all - so here we have to think about skin movements, about those that require work in a second, and also require learning to improvise. And, of course, it’s impossible, without some brains it’s simply withering. Thus, there are sites that are located in parallel with Russian and English texts of films and books. That's it!

Well, let’s not forget about reading. You can, you can fight the inner voice by sleeping while reading, you can listen to an audiobook while cooking borscht. If the reader’s voice does not match your inner voice, try the method with one another during the hour of reading...

And you will find out that he is a great quilter, not surprisingly, there are photos of cats, but he opens Wikipedia and reads a unique article. Or perhaps we can’t believe the answer to those meals, which we had been wanting for a long time, didn’t reach our hands.


In fact, the care of a special person allows you to preserve your intellect until old age and the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and prevent old age from insanity. What's the secret? It’s just a matter of learning how to formulate your thoughts correctly. What is a special blog stealing for shoddennik? We are the ones who read a lot, which means that we are not only trying to get our thoughts right, but we are also thinking about what we should write tomorrow, and also what we think about what to write about in the reader’s comments.

Memory training

Without it, erudition, even speech, is inconceivable.

  • The simplest thing you can do with memory for your benefit is to read the tops in just a third of a year. Most likely, you haven’t worked for anyone since your graduation, but you will end up with all the sweetness of an Estonian turtle, but the results will amuse you over time.
  • While shopping for groceries, we re-read the list many times and remember without naming it, but present the route by the store. Having skimped, try to estimate the price of everything as accurately as possible. If everything works out, load yourself up with peas and spinach.
  • It is also necessary to develop a sense of numbers. What is it, it’s important to explain, but it’s important that you lean on your eye, as much as you have, your brain works better. Hanging coins from Gaman, try to tell how many there are, otherwise they don’t smell. It’s no less worthwhile to pack your speeches in a small bag - this is how difficult the task hangs. Why does it need to be manipulative!


  • Listen to the classics. More beautiful than Mozart, and even more beautiful than the sonata in C major and symphony 40. No matter what the effect of Mozart is, it’s not easy to say, but the classics are great for relaxing and bringing the mind into harmony;
  • Develop your intuition by trying to guess what the coronavirus will say in a few seconds;
  • Take a walk. Where would there be without fresh air?
  • Do physical exercise. Better yet, it will raise your head or yours. They have the right to interfere with the creation of a neurotropic agent in the brain - the protein that develops neurons.
  • Drum on the table. It seems that the rhythm also flows positively onto the brain.
  • Hang out and rest.
  • Read! It's always fashionable.

A sensible person is always welcome at the bathroom, easily achieves her goals and achieves success. Regardless of your mother's IQ, the brain cannot develop on its own. For this you need to report a lot, and also spend a lot of time. There are a lot of ways to become smarter and increase the level of your intellect.


It is most effective to seek help for the development of rose's abilities. With regular training in this way, a person can become intelligent and intelligent, which is why it will be a more beneficial remedy for those who are absent. There are a number of options for reaching the mark with the help of a beginning.

Foreign languages

Foreign language training provides good stimulation of the brain, and also helps improve memory. It is enough to read one additional language to see positive changes. It is recommended to give preference to broader and shorter language:

  • English;
  • German;
  • Spanish;
  • Italian.

It is important to begin by following all modern methods in order to promote the effectiveness of the treatment.

Exact science

Studying the exact sciences can seriously develop your mind. They need to be told to the humanities. Golovne, start from the right level, move forward with the consistency of those who are learning. You can study exact sciences at home on your own, or there are special courses where people join groups to gain advanced knowledge. After many years of training, your intellect will grow, your mental fluidity will improve, your logic will improve, your memory will improve.


Showing interest to the fullest extent is one of the best ways to develop your brain. In children, the younger ones will continue to thrive on a certain level, but adults will have to quickly use willpower so that supplementation bears its fruits. The easiest way to reach the core is by interacting with a lot of unnecessary objects, regularly learning new skills, reading interesting articles, encyclopedias, listening to good music or watching movies.

When applying serious materials, it is necessary to give priority to the verified devices. Therefore, it is recommended to become victorious assistants and scientific robots.


Proper burial is the key to success. How can they improve intelligence? If you choose brown hobbies, your brain will gradually develop, making the person intelligent. Therefore, you should throw away unnecessary hoardings from your life, replacing them with more suitable ones.

Reading books

Enhance your intellect in your home minds by seeking additional literature. People who regularly read books have a wealth of erudition, a great vocabulary and a brain for apologies. This is the best way to capture the development of a summer child. It is enough to read 30 books a day to achieve results. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to read as diversely as possible, in which case the list will certainly include classic novels, as well as self-development books.

  • Magazines (popular science);
  • Newspapers.

Once reading reaches the point where skills have become a daily activity, you can try a variety of techniques designed to develop skills. For this purpose, you can try to increase the speed of skimming through the text, see important information, and independently respond to questions after reading.

Playing a musical instrument

Music is very beautiful for the brain and psyche of a person. Since the significance of it comes to mind during the hour of listening, it is under great nutrition and has been brought to this point, then the independent play of musical instruments will bring guaranteed value. This was confirmed by Schellenberg in 2004, when he carried out significant tests that showed an increase in the intelligence of those who study music. It is recommended to give preference to classical instruments: violins, pianos.


Regularly writing new short stories is a bad way to develop the brain. If the level of mastery advances to the greatest level, you can try to write a full-fledged book. For training, it is good to use specific short ideas, which will also allow you to expand the discussion. Golovne, unique platitudes.

All people want to be able to gain special respect for themselves from those who are away, as well as make new and interesting acquaintances.


Constant training, learning special skills, and a variety of puzzles will help increase the capacity of memorized information, as well as improve brain activity. As in the case of advanced attacks, it is necessary to practice these methods regularly in order to reach the target.

Puzzles, puzzles, games

Educational games and adventures stimulate the development of the brain. With regular training, people can achieve an increase in rich displays of pink abilities. There will be a special influx of memory and fluidity of brain activity. To take a seat, go:

  • Checkers, checkers;
  • Crossword, Sudoku;
  • Puzzles, riddles.

All these options can be combined for both children and adults. Among the puzzles there are a variety of options, divided into different categories, which allows you to choose the most suitable tasks for yourself.


For any person, it is very important to be on your own for an hour. In such moments, you need to get rid of what is happening and get out of your thoughts. Analyzing what you have been up to, taking stock of what is to come, thinking about what is important - all this allows you to increase the level of your intellect. In addition, it is recommended to put in doubt everything that is possible, obscuring reasons for any reason.

To achieve the maximum effect, you can use any special add-on for your mobile phone. Someone can learn respect, memory and brains.

Way of living

The most important official, which is incredibly intellect, is the way of life of a person. If it is not correct, then it will be even more important to develop the brain, but the mother’s mind will not give in. Therefore, you should bring respect to your own way of living, change it every time you need it, and then start developing your intelligence and intelligence.

The sweetness of sleep

Not long enough sleep gives a direct influx of human life to its low bitterness. Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in brain activity, loss of memory and importance. Good sleep is the key to achieving goals in life and promoting the development of the brain. What is needed:

  • Lie down until 00:00;
  • Get up no later than 08:00;
  • The duration of sleep is at least 8 years;
  • Take short breaks to sleep during the day.

There is no doubt about the weekend. If you break your routine once a week, your body will be more susceptible to stress.

Physical activity

When walking in the fresh air and engaging in active sports, the brain removes a lot of acidity, which is necessary for proper blood circulation and ability to clearly think. A person who plays sports is more calm, respectful, and easily copes with tasks. The following types of physical activity are recommended:

  • Walking;
  • Sports Nordic walking;
  • Yoga;

People who go in for sports are more likely to realize success in life and achieve success.

Free beeps

If mothers have poor skills, then high intelligence cannot be achieved. Regular consumption of alcohol and chicken significantly enhances all processes in the human brain, which becomes critical in the development of the mind. Nicotine and alcohol penetrate into the bloodstream, which is how such a negative effect occurs. It’s no less easy to watch programs on TV or play games on the computer for years that do not require serious training in intelligence. Expand your mind's capabilities even after removing the useless buttons.


It will be more precise to show you how to improve your intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to get along with only reasonable and enlightened people, in which case they will steal for them. Garni people will always go downhill, and trash people will go downhill. Therefore, nutrition and sharpness are even more important for people who want to achieve the development of their minds. It is the people who are most likely to blame for the intellect who are always at fault. The stench will help to reach the top.

This allows the brain to relax and prepare for work, training, and trying new things. This has a positive impact on brain activity, increased intelligence and increased memory. It is enough to do meditation for 20 hours a day to achieve success in developing your mind. Dodatkov's desire to help people get their thoughts in order, their minds cleared, and their creative skills increased. This effect can be achieved within just a few days of meditation.

The right way of living not only makes it possible to broaden one's horizons and enhance one's intellect, but also gives people the benefit of long-term health.


Proper food will ensure people's good health, good mood and clear mind. How to increase your intelligence with this help: consume bean products, include medical supplements and folk remedies before your diet. It is necessary for the brain to begin to develop, since people already know a healthy way of living, to take care of themselves and train their mind.


A correctly structured diet is very important for people, as it inhibits the development of the brain. We especially recommend purchasing the following products:

  • Pea hairs - a positive influx on the brain is given by lecithin, which promotes fluidity of intellectual activity and improves memory;
  • Fish - iodine and omega-3 are responsible for the rapid influx of energy to the brain, regulation of cholesterol levels, normalization of blood vessels;
  • Garbuzov's nasnya - the stench permeates the fluidity of information processing, which is absorbed by the brain, as well as memory;
  • Spinach - lutein enhances the old process, which reduces the tension before the beginning.

It is enough to include any of the over-contaminated products before your diet in order to prevent their influx within a week. In this case, it is important to exclude from the menu all unhealthy foods that could have a negative impact on the body.

Medical supplements

Special preparations, such as those presented in the form of supplements to water, seriously affect the intensity of brain activity. If you listen to this type of nutrition about how to enhance your intelligence, you need to think about adding food.

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