How to update the navigator navigator without registration. How to update maps and the Navitel program on the navigator

Water, yak koristuyutsya car navigators to know that often the cards are old and do not correspond to the real state of speeches. And if the cards are wrong, then all their money is wasted. In such a situation, it is necessary to update the navigator in order to change the maps.

Most of the motorists do not know how to carry out this procedure, vvazhayuchi її arched and folding, so they go to service centers to help solve this problem. But really, the process of renovation is borderline simple and does not require significant investment of time and resources. You can also upgrade the navigator on your own, protecting your pennies.

1. Type of update of navigators.

Bezlich Vobrodni is presented to Rinka Navigator, yaki vicorista picture yak separate -rosobnikiv (healing, at the ProLOGY, Explay I Prestigio Vicoristovoye Picture Navitel), so specially outstrip (Counting, at the Garmin Navigators). Selecting special maps for a specific navigator to simplify the transition to maps from third-party retailers, regardless of those that fit approximately equal to the functionality. In the skin dermatologist, the renewal procedures are composed of approximately the same stages, with little difference. Types of updates to navigators vary depending on the installed navigation system:

1. Update software Navitel.

2. Garmin software update.

3. Updating the software security of Sіtіgіd.

4. Upgrading the software from other vendors.

The widest and most popular software for navigators on the territory of the SND is Navitel. There are also updates for the installation method:

1. Installation behind the help of a personal computer.

2. Installation without interruption through the navigator.

2. What is needed to update the navigator.

When the hour of renewal comes, motorists ask themselves: “What is needed to update the navigator?”. Actually, there are no special tools for upgrading. It will be sufficient for you to independently update maps in the navigator, to have elementary knowledge of the robot with a computer and navigator, as well as for good access to the Internet. Among the subjects and tools needed:

1. Personal computer.

3. USB cable.

3. How to update the navigator yourself.

A lot of water with navigators early asks for food, how to update the navigator. So once and for all, give a confirmation on the request: “How to update the navigator yourself”, let's take a look at the process of updating the most popular navigation systems: Navitel, Garmin, Cityguide. There are three options for updating and editing the Navitel map:

1. Run on your personal computer and the Navitel Navigator Update Center program.

2. Speed ​​up your personal computer and the official Navitel website.

3. Enter the data directly to the navigator, as if you could enter the Internet.

Wikoristovuvaty such options for updating would be less likely, like a navigator for purchases in an official store and equipping with a licensed version of the software. Let's take a look at the leather from the options. The software for updating the personal computer and the Navitel Navigator Update Center software transfers the upcoming steps:

1. Install the Navitel Navigator Update Center program on your personal computer by downloading the installation file on the site

2. Run the installed program. It will automatically scan the data base and indicate the need for an update on the computer.

3. Install all necessary updates.

4. Connect the navigator to the computer via a USB cable as an external disk.

5. Run the previously installed and updated program. Won zdіysnit search for the newest possession, identify the navigator and see if it is possible to update the maps to the new version.

6. Select the cards you need and press the "Update" button. Under the update hour, all old maps from the navigator will be permanently deleted.

7. If you need to update the Navitel security software on the navigator (to show up at the next notification), select the next option. After that, a new version of the software will be downloaded and installed on the navigator. And the acquisition of new cards will be created automatically. Additional cards can be selected for the additional option "More updates".

8. After the update procedure, it is necessary to log out of the program by pressing the Log out button.

9. Turn off the navigator from the computer and install it back at the car.

Whiskey for updating the personal computer and the official site of Navitel transferring the upcoming steps:

1. Open the official website of the software retailer

2. Register and go to your special office on the site.

3. Add a new attachment at the “My Attachment” branch.

4. Enter the license key, which is on the box of the navigator or records on the flash drive in the RegistrationKeys.txt file.

5. The site has been re-checked and everything is correctly entered, add attachments to a special office and generate a request for an available update.

6. Request an update (maps and software for the navigator) for assistance.

7. Zrobiti unpacking archiving files in the program-archiver.

8. Connect the navigator to the computer via USB cable and check, until the wines will be recognized as a familiar attachment.

9. Create a backup of the navigator data by copying the Navitel folder, as it appears in the navigator menu, hard drive computer (if necessary, you can turn to the front version).

10. View all information from the folder, except for the file Registration_Key.txt or NavitelAuto_Activation_Ket.txt.

11. Copy to the folder previously downloaded, the updated program (if necessary, enter the activation key).

12. Find a folder to clean up the cards and replace the old cards with new ones, taken from the site. Old cards are recommended to be saved on the computer (to be able to turn to old version for consumption).

13. Verify that the correctness of the navigator's robot has been installed by starting the navigation mode. The option to update without the middle of the navigator, which can go to the Internet - the simplest way, but you can borrow large number hour. The stages of a non-intermediate update of the navigator include:

1. Turn on the “Navitel navigator” mode in the navigator and from the menu “My Navitel - My Products” look at the maps for updates.

2. Click on the required card and confirm your choice.

3. The maps will be entered into the navigator and you will receive an update, about which a notification will appear on the screen. The average traffic volume is about 300 Mb, and the installation process can take a few years.

The essence of the update of the Garmin navigator is approximately the same as that of the Navitel navigator. For updating navigators, which have installed Garmin maps, you need the GarminCommunicator utility. This utility is available on the official website of To remove the utility, go to the official site, turn on the navigator, and if necessary, enter serial number. Stages of updating Garmin maps through the official website:

1. Vikonati search for updates on the site, zgidno with the connection of the outbuilding.

2. Vibrati ta zavantazhiti I need a card to a personal computer.

3. Run the GarminMapsUpdate download file and go through the update procedure, finishing with the installation wizard's instructions.

4. During the installation process, you need to enter a license number (the report can be found on the MapsUpdates website). Updated by the hour three years.

5. If there is not enough memory on the annex, you will be asked to cleanse it. To save the music and your files on your computer, put a special ensign.

You can update Garmin maps and more in a simple way- wicking program Garmin Lifetime Updater, as in the offline mode, search for cards fallow in the selected outbuilding and its updates. The program can be downloaded from the official website and installed on your personal computer.

Bad and functional cards are issued by the company Sitigid. The stench works with GPS, and with GLONASS 15 days for the trial version, after which you happen to pay for the license. There is also an anonymous extension for additional paid content. There are additional charges for expanding the appli- cations from the navigator, which shows not only the road, but traffic jams, new road signs, and repair work. The program is downloaded and installed in the trial and paid versions. The program for navigation is practical for all navigators, as it is already installed on them, otherwise software security

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For new cases, the program "Navitel Navigator" transfers the possibility of installing a trial version of the program. The term of the license for the trial version of the warehouse is 7 days from the first launch of the program. Using this term coristuvach can evaluate all the advantages and benefits of the program, so that you give the coristuvachevi access to all functions and services. The trial mode of the program also allows you to grab any official NAVITEL® cards. After the termination of the term of the trial version of the program, the program will switch to the mode of operation with the exchange of functionality (you can get acquainted with the detailed information). In order to continue working with the program, it is necessary to obtain a license for the right to use the program. Koristuvachev will be available only those cards, as they hope to be in the boundaries of the purchased license. If you receive a program, you can obtain licenses for additional cards or card packages.

Where can I get the Navitel Navigator program and maps?

You can get a program and cards for a smartphone or a tablet, as well as additional cards for autonavigators from the previously installed program “Navitel Navigator” through the “Buy” section of this site.

The “Buy” website also provides information about online stores, in which you can get the program and cards, as well as the addresses of stores in Russia and other countries. Specify the method and type of payment directly from the representatives of the designated companies.

How to recognize the serial number assigned to the attachment by the Navitel Navigator program, as well as the number of the license key and the version of the program?

To retrieve the information, launch the Navitel Navigator program. Choose Menu at the left lower corner of the head screen, far My Navitel > Zavantagey cardi > Navitel Navigator. Yakshcho split Zavantagey cardi at the menu of not views, wick the way: My Navitel > All products > Navitel Navigator.

This article discusses information about how to update maps on the Navitel navigator. This problem often hvilyuє koristuvachіv tsgogo gadget. The software security of Navitel wins the most important number of navigators. The cards themselves are regularly updated, and there is no sense in being covered with old content. The article will discuss in detail 3 methods for the implementation of the update operation.

Necessary possession

First, proceed to the description of the methods themselves, it is necessary to discuss all the necessary things, so that they can become in good time for an hour of work. You can't see new cards for "Navitel" without the Internet. Bazhano, obviously, vikoristovuvaty vysokoshvidkіsne and unlimited connection, shards in the process of zavantazhennya incoming traffic can exceed 500 megabytes. The type of connection to the Internet is to lie down in the same way as the update (whatever you need, you know further). For some devices, you may need a usb-cable (it is supplied together with the device) and, apparently, the PC itself (and installed on a new driver). Then you will know how to update the maps on the Navitel navigator.

First way

In this way, we need a PC, the Internet, a USB cable and the creations of oblique records on the official website of Navitel. The essence of the method is as follows: you go to the portal of the Navitel program, get the necessary cards (as required and required) and get them on your own devices. And now let's take a look at all the reports.

  • fold oblіkovogo record. The registration process itself is composed of primary and standard stages. You need to fill in all the fields by entering your email, PIB and your login. As soon as the oblikovogo record was created, you should go to the “special office” and add a new attachment there.
  • On the "My Attachment" panel there will be a "update" button, de may be the "update available" option.
  • Vihodyachi z installed version program "Navitel", you need to pick up the necessary card. If the utility is not fresh enough, the content will not be displayed.
  • As soon as you choose the version, it is necessary to save on your computer the archive or format.nm3.
  • After downloading all the necessary files, connect your navigator to the PC via a USB cable. If this operation is to be done in the future, then it will be necessary to install the necessary drivers (after which it will be necessary to restart the PC).
  • The device can be used in portable mode (USB Flash Drive/MassStorage).
  • As soon as I see it, I'll go to the NavitelContent/Maps directory and delete all the files from that folder. І for their replacement, copy the archives beforehand.
  • Dali turn on the navigator from the PC and turn on the Navitel program. If the utility did not show new cards, then I will manually enter their directory. To go to the Menu - Settings - Other maps - Add atlas.

Another way

You knew earlier how to update the maps on the Navitel navigator manually. Ale, you can vikoristovuvaty specially created automatically. In what way do you need your own warehouses, which in the past method. Plus, the Navitel Navigator Updater program is installed. You can take advantage of it on the official portal of "Navitel". Ale, let's sort it out in order.

  • Download Navitel Navigator Updater to your computer and install it. The installation follows the standard form.
  • Launch a new program. At the first notice, you will be asked to update the software. It is recommended to install a new version of the program.
  • Connect your navigator to your PC via a USB cable. Connection mode - znimny nosіy.
  • Before the launch of the newly updated Navitel Navigator Updater program, it will immediately recognize your attachment. NNU independently create a search for updated cards on the Internet. If they are so present, you will be asked to make a change. Click on the quotes on the screen and press "Dal".
  • If you do not want to update the program "Navitel" on your navigator, then check the box next to the item "Do not update the program".
  • After all, interrupt the connection.

Third way

The remaining method, which we can see today, is unpopular. Yogo essence lies in the fact that vikoristovuvati direct connection to the Internet through the attachment itself. Yogo's unpopularity is undermined by two important officials. First, most navigators do not support a direct connection to the Internet. In another way, the speed of the process is small. Plus, up to the memory varto, that a big vaga of cards can transfer 300 megabytes. Since the majority of mobile operators strongly surround the traffic with the Internet, then such an operation can cost you dearly. However, if you still failed the victorious method, then hurry up with the offensive instruction.

  • Open the Navitel program and go to the menu.
  • Here you need to go to the "My Navitel" folder, and then to "My Products".
  • After pressing on the card, the program will ask you to carry out an update (as it is). Wait for the proposition by squeezing Ok on the screen.

Possible problems

Now you already know how to update maps on the Navitel navigator in three different ways. Ale, don't start running smoothly. Here I will speak possible problems. I'm afraid that the Navitel Navigator Updater program is able to update these maps. As a rule, the problem is related to the presence of the activation file. The solution to this power is simple - buy a licensed version of the program. Also, check that you have a connection to the Internet on your PC. Some new cards cannot be installed through the old version of the software. In these vipads, it is necessary to simply revise "Navitel".


The news about those, how to update the Navitel maps with the navigator, became even more popular in the rest of the hour. Vlasniki adjuncts often do not know about the possibility of replacing the original content. Cream of cards, it is necessary to install new versions of the software. The operation was carried out using the same methods, as described in the article. To the point, varto, respect that your software security is a lot less for cards. Therefore, the method of updating through the mobile Internet is acceptable here.

A modern water tourist can no longer see himself without the help of a GPS-navigation station. One of the best software solutions is software from Navitel. Today we tell you how to update the Navitel software service on the SD card correctly.

The procedure can be done in two ways: with the help of the Navitel Navigator Update Center, or by updating the software on the memory cards, victorious for this particular cabinet on the Navitel website. Let's take a look at these methods in order.

Method 1: Navitel Navigator Update Center

The official utility for updating the files of the programs Navitel is able to update as the most navigational software, and maps up to the new one.

This method is simple and reasonable, however, on some computers Navitel Navigator Update Center, for unknown reasons, it crashes every hour of startup. Having stumbled upon such a problem, go back to the next upgrade option, which is described below.

Method 2: Special office

More foldable and prosunuty way, then more universal: for this help, you can navitel on any memory cards.

  1. Connect a memory card to the computer with the Navitel setting point. Open її and find the file NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt.

    Copy it in some place on a hard disk, but try to remember where we need it in the future.
  2. On the verge, like you don’t fit installed update, prudent decisions would be to copy the maps to the computer - such a backup copy will allow you to access the previous version of the firmware. After making a backup copy, delete the files from the card.
  3. Call and see to the special office. If you are not registered yet, then it is the very hour to rob. Don't forget to add attachments - go to , and read the instructions on the screen.
  4. At special office click on an item "My extensions (updating)".
  5. Find your SD card in the list and click "Available updates".
  6. Take over the largest archive - as a rule, new one is packed new version PZ.
  7. You can also update the cards - scroll the page a little lower, and in the block "Maps for version and more" grab all available.
  8. Unzip the archives with firmware and maps to the root of your SD card. Then copy the savings to it earlier NaviTelAuto_Activation_Key.txt.
  9. Done - firmware updated. To update the cards, please get in touch with the staff.

Yak bachimo, the update of Navitel's PZ on the map of the memory is not really anything foldable. Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags, so we want to tell you in the future - beat the licensed PZ!

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