How to properly ask your boss. “Let me go, boss,” because this is the correct way to ask for work. Pogan_ bring to ask for work

Sometimes the situation arises when you need to ask for work. For example, it’s bad self-esteem, too much, lack of sleep, special needs, or just a really bad mood. However, it is at least unreasonable to go into such arguments when breaking up with your superiors, since for many reasons we will not dare to use our car to give you a day off. This time you will have the opportunity to find serious arguments that could convince your boss to let you out of work. As low as possible ask for work correctly.

It’s immediately obvious: if a driver is regularly asked to work under different drives, at some point the boss will begin to realize that his driver is irreplaceable. It’s also not a good idea to ask for work without the need, since you only recently came to this team. Otherwise, you may not have the best reputation. So you don’t need to be evil with your vultures.

How to ask for work?

Before we talk to the boss about the need for vacancy, we need to use a calm, singing tone, clearly and specifically - the way you talk, for example, about the work bags for the quarter. It’s not good to act in the role of a poor worker and beg for help - for the good minds, you take the right to someone else and put the boss in front of everyone.

Here are 10 reasons to ask your boss about your job:

1. Severe toothache. The need to terminally destroy the dentist and the head of the dentist will contact you.

2. Please with non-rukhomіst. Executing documents for the purchase and sale of apartments and cottages is a very important procedure that requires careful consideration.

3. Important steps. The first bell rings at school, father's gatherings, the child's appearance at the town's affairs and so on. - a very important reason to get out of work.

4. Potential problems. For example, you flooded your water pipes, or they flooded you, a broken gas valve, etc., and now you are calling for emergency service, which is a sufficient reason for you not to come to work, completely ahead of your superiors.

5. Transport problems. The car broke down, you got stuck at a major problem, you got into an accident - it’s important to ignore such reasons.

6. Folding of drinks. What do you learn from VNZ, on courses? foreign languages or in a driving school, at the hour of preparation, your boss will give you orders good hour. True, then you will have to submit a valid document to the job.

7. Registration of various documents. Dispatching various official authorities will take the whole day. Such arguments as the registration of a foreign passport, insurance policy And so on, finish your work so that you can competently ask for work.

8. Extraction of medicine. Since all people are sick at times, this argument will be humanly reasonable to your boss, and it may be good to let you in for tests or to carry out quilting, as well as for the treatment of relatives who are sick.

9. Donation. According to the law, after donating blood to a donor, two payments are required.

10. Arrival of relatives. If you have family or friends arriving before you, you need to meet them at the station, bring them home and put them up, which is a good reason to ask for work earlier.
If you don’t want to have to figure out arguments for giving a vidgul, just write an application for one day of vidgul with a wet wallet. Just don’t forget that your work won’t be earned by anyone for you.

10 reasons to ask for a job sooner We will help you complete difficult tasks or be inspired to take on your work with renewed vigor tomorrow.

About those who ask from work, every one of us will die at any time. We recommend that you consider all the options for safely leaving work for additional special needs.

Let's stick to the grease!

The pattern of behavior largely indicates the loyalty of the robot seller, and even those who do not need to be whipped are caught, so that all the security guards sit in the “before” and “before” seats. Let's make sure that the company prospers and the government is in good hands. I’m not to blame for this type of difficulty about how to ask your boss about work. Sometimes it’s not necessary to inform your boss about being off work for a few days - it’s unlikely to mark your absence at work, and if not, then cover your colleagues.

What else is there to do, as the head of the superintendent, and controls the skin of the underlings? In this case, you can try to find an important reason for the unprecedented rise of problems, and from them, to the point, the chief himself is not insured.

Good lubes include:

    assistance to the squad in case of car breakdown;

    a ringing sound from a lonely summer house with “SOS” signals;

    the little child is alone at home;

    comply with the post office, tax, insurance, social security and other regulations, the work schedule that fits with your work schedule;

    the unsatisfactory arrival of distant relatives who linger at the door.

In all these situations, one can only point to the conscience of the boss - even if he is a human being, he is obviously to blame. Those who are less likely to be affected by such “cataclysms” will find it easier to drink earlier or work out during the daily break.

We know an important reason!

If you don’t always ask for help, then ask the robot to help for the most important reasons, because the boss cannot protect or deprive the worker of his position:

    visits to the doctor, including with a small child (this is a good reason for those who think about getting out of work during the hour of pregnancy);

    emergency situation outside the place of residence (pipe burst, fire, threat of terrorist attack, etc.);

    a summons to appear as a witness or a jury.

All these reasons may be documented. It is clear that it is impossible to immediately give evidence about the bursting of pipes from the liquid fuel system, so it will have to be taken after the fact. A copy of the ship's order can be added to the application immediately.

If you ask for work for the day, you can tell about your accumulated earnings. It is possible to compensate for overprocessing according to the norm and the output on Christmas Day (weekend day) in the equivalent of a penny, or “in kind”. And here, according to Article 152-153 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the worker also has no right to act.

Robimo everything is reasonable!

Most employers don’t insist on submitting an application, but write a note, and tell you how to get a job for a few years. Today the boss is in a good mood, and tomorrow he will show love and come to the story, having guessed all the mistakes, including the solution special problems V working hours. As a result, the day off will turn into absenteeism, any punishment we can endure, until recovery.

How to write an application to get a job without harm for a career and a gambler, help with your eyes. For the sake of fairness, it is respectful that the text does not have a harsh form, so please remember the current moments:

    Indicate the addressee as is customary for the company (here the application should be written to the head, here to the head of the personnel department, and here to the cerebral officer and the subsidiary);

    write a letter to two sample students (we are offended, but one is lost from the service, and the other is taken for ourselves);

    add documents proving important reasons;

    indicate the date exact hour attendance at work to prevent improper withdrawal from earnings.

Note! Hours of absence when writing an application for a visit will not be paid in cash.

More categorically "ni" - how buti?

In some cases, it is impossible for a child to leave the workplace due to objective reasons, for example, a medical resuscitator or a member of a fire department cannot be removed from the workplace due to the specifics of the work activity. What else is there to work with, since the ceramic worker categorically warns against the worker’s hourly work schedule, regardless of the obviousness of the statement? How to competently manage work in this situation?

The employer does not have the right to defend the farm if the worker:

    provides blood (donation is not only a noble, but also a legal way to take away two whole days of life - the day of the blood supply and the day after it);

    making friends or getting married;

    writes a squad from the canopy booth;

    organizes the funeral of a close relative.

In these situations, you won’t have the opportunity to think about how to get time off from work for 1 day or more, even though labor laws require the employer to take days off.

In family matters, the following are also to be blamed:

    veterans of the Great The Great Patriotic War(and persons equal to them);

    Disabled people from working groups;

    friends of either military or police fathers;

    working pensioners.

Rakhunki have entrances

What is the correct way to ask for work when all the over-the-top methods have not worked? For example, if you are planning to get out of work for the day, you can write a request for a day off at the gate, indicating exactly the hour of departure. The law does not allow the boss not to allow the worker to leave, and even here we are not talking about the leave, but about the granting of a day-by-day leave.

You can take any number of years or days regardless of the following:

    completely spent on the release of no matter;

    until today and after this.

We have figured out how you can get out of work legally and how to work in a house with a laborer. It’s worth remembering that it’s not good to indulge in such a practice, even for family members and relatives who are always ill, and no one loves those who are not familiar with the relationship.

The Village, with the help of experts, continues to look for work nutrition tips. We recently learned that it is better to check with your boss if you need to arrange special meals during working hours.

Albert Mitsevich

kerіvnik viddіlu work with the staff of the multifunctional complex "Chesne Slovo"

For a standard work schedule - five days a day from morning to evening - it is simply impossible to handle some special inquiries during non-working hours: it is not possible to go to official authorities, to see a doctor, or to hold father’s meetings at school. post on the weekend. The need to work from work periodically occurs in skin ailments, but this is a normal life situation.

Ale is not varto deprived work place You are confident that your superiors will not notice your absence. To avoid compromising your reputation or provoking conflicts, explain to your boss why you need to sing at the same time. Your boss is a human being like you, with similar needs. Tell the truth, without trying to sugarcoat the situation, and you will usually take credit for everything. In this case, it is important not to introduce rare views into the system, so that you do not suffer work discipline. You are not to blame for the same problems.

If your work commitment does not allow you to go without special meals without pain, instruct your boss to take an hour off work on the weekend or to work out after the end of the working day. An alternative option is to use a robot at home if you need to look after a sick relative or supervise the work of a plumber. Remember that the manager attests to the results of his department’s work, so present the highest problems that are more pleasant for both you and the company.

Having discovered the importance and importance of compensating for your absence at work good result, you won’t look insecure and will save good fights with your boss.

Irina Baeva

active director of the Regus company in Russia

Since a student needs to work from work due to his special character, it is not good to confront the student with a fact with the phrase “There is no need to drink.” It is important to talk to your employer beforehand as you will need to get away from work. If such a need arises regularly, it is advisable to discuss with your employer the possibility of flexible scheduling in order to preserve the efficiency of your work. The practice has been completely expanded when a sick worker works in the office one or two days a week. The arguments can be supported by numbers: 43% of office workers believe that the vacancy offered to them includes the possibility of working in an office environment. These are the results of the Regus investigation, which involved over 600 office workers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Representatives of rich professions can work outside of their office no less effectively than while working at their main work place.

Explain to the worker that if you leave the office during working hours, you will be required to work at other times: working at home or working hard at work on other days. Check to make sure your server knows what results you have achieved, and so on. It’s not a good idea to hire a worker if you highly value his willingness to keep up with your busy schedule and his ability to work outside the office at all times. There is a lot to be learned from corporate culture in any given company, but underground rule like this: since the kerivnik of the executions, that the fire drill is properly placed before the assignment is made and that the work is not harmed through any particular procedure, it will be much easier for him to please such a scam.

Maxim Sundalov

Kerivnik online school English language EnglishDom

It is not good to be afraid to be examined, even if unforeseen situations can occur with the skin, and the brain may not be understood. If the reason for singing was previously overwhelming in his eyes, before the rose, put yourself in the place of a boss. He ensures that the company operates smoothly and without interruption, generates profits, and for which employees are paid salaries. It’s better to prepare ahead of time and do everything so that your unplanned absence does not harm your work. Ideally, retire part of your assignments from now on.

And Rozmova herself is always present. Aja Yakshcho Vi did not come, the ears of a timid day, the telphized day, they won’t wake you, they don’t have to draw up a do not give you a non -lice, but an inadvertent surprise for the kalgs, you will be visible to the vicunum of your hub. If you ask for time off a few days in advance, everything can be planned ahead.

In emergency situations, for example, when the temperature has risen sharply or the vessels have flooded, there are obviously no other options, you can’t just answer the phone.

Be clear and direct about the reason why you need to drink. I respect that it’s better to tell the truth in the first place, and not to imagine dreamless ailments. This is how you can waste trust, even though it becomes obvious too early and late. It’s important not only to do part of the work, but also to plan it if you can do otherwise. And we are preparing to replace colleagues who will insure you for your work. Well, of course, it’s not a good idea to be evil and only ask for something really important.

Olga Kuzmina

director of the personnel company ManpowerGroup Russia & CIS

There may be no reason for delay or delay, but it’s all worth it to no one. The best option that does not compromise the care of the colleagues on whom your documents will depend is to plan an additional day off from afar. You can earn money by registering a day at the shops with a paid permit or permit with a wet jacket. How can you plan ahead? So, you can often predict the days when you need to be at work every day. For example, if you want to celebrate Christmas Day with your child on the 1st of Sunday, or you need to help organize your mother’s birthday, it’s best to arrange such upcoming days on the same day. All health care workers are required to be insured, so that when examined in advance, they are allowed to work on a daily basis and insure the working day. And this screams doubt. If you know that you have enough good luck with the pottery to let you go, then he himself may have problems when submitting a report card with the year of your work, since your early guess and presence were marked as the matter of personnel.

It could be that the person woke up from a wound and simply didn’t want to go to work, so she called and said that she felt bad. If this happens, the potter may drink on the spot and end up lost at home. If it is repeated to drink often, regularly between the herbal saints and the working day of the 31st breast, then, naturally, it raises doubts and forms a negative attitude to the spivotnik, as it then forms the day with a damp cat.

Sometimes a day is needed for important reasons, for example, in a sudden episode, when someone close to you suffers from illness and dies.

Situations may not be transferred, and the skin may not be understood. Since the virus is not affected by worms and is able to plan them, then it is necessary that Raptovy vinyl, the kerivnik will not mind, and there is no need to figure out any tricks for this.

Those who are tired or have not slept well are your problems. Good workers display all their papers behind the walls of the office. And, for example, I experience health problems and problems water news for significant reasons.

The characteristics of your boss also play a big role. For example, he is a great football fan. You can ask him for an important match of your team and, melodiously, refuse permission.

Please describe why you need to give up your work space

The authorities better not fool around. It’s true that we can’t find out the truth - still, it’s not even possible good idea. Since the situation is so important, then, in principle, problems cannot be solved. For example, the neighbors downstairs called you and said that they would be flooded. Once the reasons are explained, there is no need to go into detail. Find out why you think you will go back to work today.

Prepare before meeting with your boss

Think about what you will say beforehand. It is not right to doubt and show the power of indifference. Obov'yazkovo is sure to remember that your vision cannot be harmed by robots. You can say that you took care of everything in advance, or send them home. Every time you can’t go on your own, then just call. It’s unlikely that your boss will be very nice if he makes a decision for someone and then simply informs you.

If it is possible, ask in advance

For example, if you know that your daughter will have an important birth in three days, then you can say about the ceremony today. And slowly tell me about it, the fragments of such stories are often forgotten. Get all the information about the planned day ahead.

Rozmov better start with a short summary of the problem

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, my daughter has a concert in three days and I definitely need to be there.” Only then realize (and don’t face the fact) whether you can drink. It’s easy to say that the robot will be exhausted right away, but it’s true that you really need to drink. If the evidence is truly significant, it can be taken lightly.

Once they let you in, it’s not a good idea to leave under suspicion

You don’t need to collect speeches for a long time, talk to other sports professionals, or earn money. Kerivnik may think that this on the right is not such a term for you, since you are not in a hurry to earn it. It’s also not a good idea to wake up your colleagues too late and tell them that it’s easy for you to “get out of work.” First of all, the specialist can tell you about the plant. In another way, they can also start asking questions, but we obviously don’t play into your hands.

Sometimes, due to any living conditions, workers are needed time to deprive your work place for singing days. Then the boss is given a request for time off, which specifies the reasons for absence.

List of important reasons to visit Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Most often, the employee of the organization independently determines nutrition, no matter the date of supplementation or not.

Vidgul – tse vіdpochinok, which is given to a sick day worker for work on weekends and non-working holy days.

Most often, it is critical for the ceremonies to be installed before the overflow of workers. However, sometimes the furnishings are not formed in the most distant order, and It is necessary for the sick leave worker to leave work at any time..

The most important thing is for these people, who often ask for help, guessing permanent fraud. This is where the bosses begin to fight. It's normal to ask for a job no more than 3 times per month.

It is best to inform your boss about your mischief later, for example, in the evening. This is necessary in order for the kerivst to be able to supply all the work with food and entrust the work to other people.

Try to clearly explain the reason, but without too many details. Varto forfeit your number, phone or address by e-mail for communication with critical situations at work.

It is important to know that there are different ways to deal with a situation that rarely occurs. It would be better if I recounted the story of how I got rich and got along with my boss.

You can take a stroller for its powerful appearance. Any missed days will not be paid for. There is no need for a time-consuming escape from work here. Documents are being filled only for paid days. It is necessary to press come:

  1. Liquor leaf.
  2. Evidence that confirms donation.
  3. The order of the day before the trial or the Viysk Committee.
  4. Confirmation from the RAGS authorities to complete the registration of the school for the day of the holiday.

For excess hours, the worker can receive compensation.

Medical indications

To go to the medical station from work place:

  1. The need for medical assistance A doctor and a young child have fallen ill. Also, a girl can sing by looking around at women's consultations(For example, in case of vaginity) or for passing a honey survey for a healthy diet. The employer can obtain a medical certificate as confirmation of an additional day off.
  2. Donation. This is consistent with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this reason is the basis for a double paid pass. It is necessary to submit a document from the doctor, which confirms the donation of blood from a specialized doctor.

If the worker did not inform the organization about the donation on a specific day and the coming day, having started to complete the labor obligations that go through important minds – this is violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the side of the organization.

If a person donates a few times a day, then they can donate blood all day long.

In cases where the care of the organization does not allow the patient to leave work, regularly taking time off for this reason, only in these cases, when shelter is needed for a sick member of the family, or for obvious reasons it is rare. Main group.

Delivery to station. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a spivorotenik may be given a unpaid leave for other important reasons. Labor Code RF the period of such release has not been established. This means that the coronavirus can be quickly released for a couple of days.

Giving permission is not part of the employer's obligation, but is not a right. Carelessness of business can be seen, however, that the reason is not important enough.

To family furnishings include:

  1. Birth of a child (up to 5 working days).
  2. Registration of the gateway (under Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - up to 5 business days). Weekends may be given during the friendship period, before the date of registration of the ship, after the holiday is cleared.
  3. Death of any family member or close relative (up to 5 working days, may extend up to 2 working days).
  4. Blame everyday emergency situations (pipe burst, fire, gas leak, etc.). The boss should give a confirmation of service to the order or related companies, so that we will be busy with our food supply.
  5. A relative's anniversary.
  6. Visiting school and preschool deposits.
  7. A meeting of close relatives from a long journey.
  8. Furnish it differently.

Zrazok and the rules for filling

The application can be submitted in advance or on the day of review (for the same reason). The best option would be to inform your boss about the screw-up in advance. Whose type will have greater severity, so that cerivism cannot be prevented.

If the application is not made on a daily basis, then the worker will insure the absenteeism, but direct violation of labor regulations, which attracts disciplinary responsibility. With regular overflows, the diarrhea may become damaged.

One thing to do before completing your application – official style. However, if you ask for work only in words, writing an application is still necessary for publicity. It’s worth paying attention to your duties.

The application must be written in free form. Points to be completed:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Vidomosti about the helper.
  3. Data about the pratsivnik.

The document contains the reasons for the decision. Ale tse ne obov'yazkova vimoga. In case of birth of a child, death of a close relative, registration of marriage or other circumstances, vomiting is possible according to the law.

Application for a vodgul may be due standard view. This writing does not raise any special difficulties.

  1. At the top right corner of the arch, information is written about the addressee: the hiring of the boss, the hiring of the enterprise according to the designated organizational and legal form (BAT, ZAT, TDV, IP and others), the director's PIB.
  2. Next, data about the worker is specified (location, name of activity, PIB).
  3. Place, district, organization is being de-rotated.
  4. State the date of writing.
  5. Name of the document.
  6. The main part of the statement. The period for which the holiday is planned, the reason. If you need to remove the term from your work, please indicate it carefully.
  7. Signature with transcript.

General Director of JSC "Ural-Logistic"

Solovyov A.I.

Type of specialist with financial and economic security

Uvarova I.M.




Please give me a day off from 05/06/2017 to 05/07/2017 through my daughter’s graduation.

Fakhіvets from financial and economic activities

signature Uvarov I.M.

If additional documents are attached to the application (certificate, doctor’s appointment, etc.), it is necessary to indicate them in the text.

Nuance upon completion of the application:

  1. It is possible to register with two examples - one with a worker and the other with a worker.
  2. Reviewing the standards arising from the standards established in the organization and understanding the orderliness.

Other details as required can be obtained from the personnel department.

How to ask if the boss is against

In many organizations, maintenance is always the most important reason for working hours and hours with reliable work. Sometimes the worker doesn’t really say I'll tell you the reason, Bo respects what you definitely want to do.

It turns out that the robot-seller thinks that he is lying to him, and the spivorotnik, that he will not be allowed to go out of his way. A paradox emerges. In this case, a number of legal bases will be deprived of the work.

Sometimes it is impossible to ask for objective reasons, for example, whether the doctor is a resuscitator or a health department or ministry supernatural situations. It is not possible to deprive time from work due to the specifics of the profession.

The simplest and safest way is donation. Kerivnitstvo cannot be seen in your opinion. The health center takes two days off, transfers federal law Russian Federation - on the day of donation of blood for the coming harvest.

Drink with a wet kosht It is used in family, special and other settings. Ale tse is a duty of the robot seller, and is not the subject of home ownership of the parties.

On this purpose not paid. The pracievnik spends part salary for the number of days missed. The money is collected over the course of a month, from whom the cess was taken, then. the salary will be reduced according to the number of days off taken.


A consultant manager at a bank branch takes a salary of 30,000 rubles. The number of working days established by the employment contract is 20. The average salary earned is 1,500 rubles.

The worker took 4 vidguli for special furnishings with a damp cloth. The following from your salary will be deducted: 1500*4=6000 rubles. For example, at the end of the month, the amount is withdrawn from the settlement of the income tax (30,000 - 6,000) * 13% = 20,880 rubles.

A look at medicine. It may be the case if the patient himself and his minor child are seriously ill. The employer is guilty of taking days off.

Don't buy a trace medicine leaf. This is a direct violation of the law, which results in criminal liability.

The organization may request additional leave for:

  1. Vikonannyh provisions for the worker of labor obligations this month.
  2. Substandard robot. If you can get up to above-standard work: if there is a lockout at the vinyl plant, the worker does not get up to finish his work properly, technical malfunction, absence of one of the workers iv.
  3. The fate of creative approaches, trainings, subbotniks etc.
  4. Replacement of one of the workers.
  5. The emergence of new ideas that contribute to the development of the organization, the improvement of work, and the strengthening of the team.

It is not possible to get foreign workers to work above the norm in emergency mode. This is subject to reinvestigation by law. During the winter period you may be exposed to radiation before work no more than 4 years. For the number of additional years it is not necessary to exceed 120 years.

  1. VVV veterans.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Members of this family of military servicemen and law enforcement officers who died during their retirement from service.
  4. Pensioners after age.
  5. Fathers of children up to 15 years of age.
  6. Residents of Extreme Nights suffer until 15 years of age.
  7. Hulks who work on so many robots.
  8. Students who will continue to prepare for the hour of preparation.

Find out other legal options for taking voluntary leave, prescribed in Art. and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Just remember: no matter how legal the method is, it does not guarantee an adequate reaction from the boss. It is best if the organization’s care is at its best.

For the sake of a professional, your diet should be lower.

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