How to know in life: another effective method.

Treasure chest of ideas
At first glance, the pleasure may seem even simple, banal, or not on point... By the time you’ve read a lot of things, you’ll know that we were brought up with kimos from childhood, if not by ourselves: “ Kim you want buti, if you virostesh ?— we are forced to choose without choice... we want to be doctors, astronauts, transformers, baby birds, ninja turtles... then we have idols - businessmen, singers and movie stars.

And even before you turn 20, you simply don’t know who you are or where you are from.

Awareness of this section and simple self-direction in the third place.

Be yourself ! to lead you out of the closed stake and change your life again!

"Be yourself. Other roles will already be taken. Oscar Wilde As if to be yourself, Intro: This story began nearly 700 years ago. The great teacher, learned from the knowledge that he is vindicating his losses and glory while lying on his deathbed.

The teachers and faithful followers nourished me, and I am afraid to die. “So,” the wise man said, “I am afraid of a relationship with the Creator.”.

Often, other people's values ​​and beliefs will differ from yours.

The inconsistency of your way of living with their manifestations about what is right and what is wrong shows them, since these manifestations were the basis of all their lives.

When the pressure is closed, internal struggle begins.

Lyudina asks herself: “Is it possible that others are doing the same?

Does this mean that I have mercy?”
Let those who, having recognized their own essence, cannot be threatened by other people’s conflicts.

Those who doubt themselves and do not know their true “I” can become angry with people, which directly or indirectly threaten their value system.

Robert Anthony

What has changed the life of this unfortunate woman?

Just a little respect! “The respect I received,” Mrs. Allred continued, “has changed my whole life.“… As if my mother-in-law started telling stories about how she snatched her children, and said: “No matter what happens, I’ve snatched them again, so that the stench came from itself

Be yourself?

.. This respect made me think about my life in a new way.

Raptom dawned on me.
Before producing such films as “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” and “Whom the Dingle Should Ring,” Sam Wood had a lot of experience working in the sphere of trading in indestructible mines, preparing a cadre of agents in his life.

He declares that the very principles of stagnation are both before the world of business and before the world of cinema.

“You won’t achieve anything if you spend the whole hour waiting.

You can't be a daddy.
Kes Daly obeyed him and forgot about her teeth.

From that hour on, she thought only about the audience as she listened to them.

She opened her mouth widely and sang with such sensitivity and temperament that she became one of the brightest stars in cinema and on the radio.

Other comedic actresses are trying to inherit them!

I can’t help but talk about the need to “know yourself”, since it doesn’t bother me too much. I know what I'm talking about. My summative evidence has cost me much.

This ambiguous evidence will serve as a lesson for me in many ways.

Alec died.

Gershwin heeded this advance and gradually became one of the most famous American composers of his generation.

Charlie Chaplin, Will Rogers, Mary Margaret McBride, Jean Autry and millions of others were eager to learn the lesson that I am trying to convey to your mind.

It cost me as much as it did for me.

When Charlie Chaplin started acting in films, the film director tried to inherit the popular German comedian of that time.

Charlie Chaplin could not achieve anything until he showed his individuality.
Bob Hope survived the same thing: through many rocks, he was the Viconavian of dancing and singing - and he never achieved success.

Emerson wrote in his essay “Confidence in yourself”: “In the spiritual life of every person there comes such a moment, when you come to the end, that the delay will give rise to ignorance;

that inheritance is self-destruction;

that a person, like this, must come to terms with himself, as with his assigned lot;

Whatever blessings the universe has not revealed, I will not know my daily bread unless I diligently collect information from my earth.

The forces embedded in him are not similar to those in nature, and it is only left to him to discover what the wine is created for, but this cannot be clarified until he tries it for himself.”

In order to create such a goal for your life, which will bring you peace and relief from trouble, follow the rule:

Do not inherit from others.

Find yourself and be yourself

Films are one of the things that inspire me the most.

At important times, motivational films remind me of those who need to be strong.

In this article, I have selected 25 quotes from films that will give you the most valuable life lessons.

1. Be confident.

Instead of trying something, just try it.

Get rid of everything, or don't give it up at all.

There is no room for testing here.

- Master Yoda, "The Dawn of War."

2. Start to let go and clearly see where you want to go.

It is impossible to know where there is nothing, and it is impossible to capture where there is no one.

- David Schwimmer, “A Kiss in the Dark.”

3. A passing testimony is a valuable lesson, learn from this new one.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t deserve what you want.

- Heath Ledger, “10 Things I Hate About You.”

9. There’s no ideal time for anything, don’t hesitate to do it right away, otherwise you’ll get hurt later.

I don’t feel sorry for those that I have earned, I feel bad for those that I have not earned.

- "Store "Empire"".

10. You don’t need to be attracted only to what you’re afraid of what others will think about you.

You choose to live your own life.

Showing ourselves as we truly are is not real... it is our choice.

- Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Dark Room.

11. Just keep crashing and you can earn money just once.

Bizhi Forest Bizhi!

- "Forrest Gump".

12. The least important speeches are made at the most difficult times.

My mother used to say, “Life is like a box of chocolate chips, you never know what you’ll get.”

- "Forrest Gump"..

13. Never give up in the pursuit of death, fight for it as hard as possible.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re unreleased right now, tell me.


If you are going to try, go to the end.

It’s not a good idea to start this way.

This may mean that you will waste your girlfriend, squad, relatives, work.

And, perhaps, my mind.

It is possible that you will have to fast for three or more days.

Perhaps you are freezing on a bench in the park.

Possibly, we'll get you to hell.

Perhaps you will be ridiculed.

It’s possible that people will worry about you and ignore you.

Ignoring is a gift.

Everything else is a test of your vibrancy.

The way you really want to reach it.

And you work hard, not caring about the lowest chances for yourself.

And it will be more beautiful, lower than everything that you can recognize for yourself.

- Henry Chinaski, Factotum.

18. Respect every moment, enjoy your life and don’t waste it in vain.

We can all figure out what to do with the time given to us.

– “Volodar Kilets: brotherhood of hoops”

Do you know what distinguishes a genius from a simple person?

A genius has his right to take up his favorite law.

Call for an early appointment.

Give yourself permission to eat what you loved to do as a child.

Even before your fathers began to push into you the attitude that “painting won’t earn you bread” and “dancing is not serious.”

Write three speeches about how you were really loved by your children.

This is not much of a clue as to where you should go.

To the right 2. There are regularities: 20 favorite things to do

Now let's put together a list of 20 of yours.

Don’t let their actions seem banal (for example, they are delicious to eat) - it’s all the same to write.

Once the list is ready, it’s important to marvel at all the fun.

Do you understand the patterns?

Is it possible that your list is more important than those connected with helping people?

What are sports activities?

There are people in the world who have come together for the same purpose, but not for the rare reason.

Revenge everything from your lives that you already love and demand.

And you can bring this into your life.

Right 5. My perfect day

Now we are waiting for a long walk to see you.

Take a pen and a piece of paper, and let's go.

  1. So, how do you plan your ideal day?
  2. Live this day in this hour and in all the details: what kind of house you are, who lies next to you, what food you eat, what clothes you wear, what work you do, what work you do, at home or in the office sі?
  3. Don't limit your imagination.

Describe the day you lived when you had absolute freedom, without sharing money and all the forces and how you died. After that, as a list of items, divide all your fantasies into three groups:

What do you need in the future?

What a shame, but my mother really wanted it all the same.

What can you do without?

Our life is made up of life history, history, roles, contributions, earnings, skills.

We can gather everything from it ourselves.

    What we call our choice is actually a compromise. The fit has gone away.

    • So much of it is necessary and very expensive.
    • Spend a few hours and clearly describe your past in chronology.
    • Chronology is actually an objective method for identifying events in your past that you consider significant.
  1. Marvel at them as if they were the points on which your entire life is based, do not bring too much emotion into them (approximately the same, as if you were leading a shodennik). Write simply, write the truth, and focus on the main idea, or take away the lesson from it.

    • When you analyze your past negative evidence, look at the positive lesson you learned from it, don’t focus on the successes and failures.
    • Zreshta, we learned something from him.
  2. Everyone has such irritations in life, it’s not good to overdo them and just make sure the stinks don’t go away. Confidence in one’s strengths is the key to finding one’s “I.”

    • Since you do not have a strong sense of vulgarity, you will always listen to what others say, to their understanding of what is good, bad, or what is decent.
    • Learn to believe in yourself and believe in those in power.
    • Then you will discover a new “I”.
  3. Remember, be patient and honor your abilities. Everyone will come soon.

    • If you have become a victim of the past, you need to extinguish this conflict.
    • These problems will not go away on their own.
  4. The stinks will gradually permeate your daily life, causing you to live with the squabbles of other people, instead of being in power. Start to trust your own thoughts and the process of making a decision.

    • All of us are aware of why we are not developing in what we would like to develop in - even though it may be a diet of pennies, a lesson, a job, a hundred pounds, you name it, everything can be the reason.

As much as you need to do, you still need to find a time to sit down and put everything in order.

As this is a list of your certificates in other roles, you will never understand them.
  1. Part 2 Let's nourish our light

    • Leave it to yourself.
    • Allow yourself to be aware of the chaos, the noise, the noise, the newness and the pressure on you.
  2. See yourself today, just go for a walk and relax. Sit on a bench in the park and relax.

    • Have a long walk, full of random thoughts.
  3. No matter what you are afraid of, find out that you have found everything that interferes with the everyday life and does not allow it to go in the right direction. It is your responsibility to see yourself as independent and self-sufficient, and not self-sufficient, needy or careless.

    • Tell them about the process you are struggling with.
    • Especially say those that you know about those who are dear to you, if you would like to quickly use His power to straighten you out.
  4. It is as much as possible to admire them objectively. How did the stench become like this?

How did they know their power?

Why do stinkers stink more than themselves?
  1. Encouragement is the key to any way of self-improvement. Not many people will understand you, but many people will simply get rid of these things as they are from the network.

    • The mentor will also tell you everything that you definitely don’t need to do.
  2. Figure out your career. If you are always in search of a “superior” place that is worth everything, in the depths of your soul you are unhappy and justified in the impossibility of realizing your potential by frequently changing the place of work. і about myself.

    • There are two reasons for this: 1) Positivity can open up the happiness for you that was found under the guise of everyday life and 2) Opening your mind to new people and new people (whom you weren’t allowed in before), you open up that new world that can Better yet, for yours in advance - in such a world you will find your piece of heaven, you will be a castle in the gloom, you will find your place in this divine light.
  3. Try those that you previously considered “wonderful”, “illogical” or simply “uncomfortable”. Leaving your comfort zone allows you to find out for yourself what you are doing, what you have never seen before and what you have never had before.

    • No matter what happens, you will only win!
    • Give yourself some nutrition.
    • Set yourself an important diet that will encourage you to speak more broadly, even earlier.
      • More importantly, write down the responses on this page.
      • If you actively have serious negative thoughts, having recognized them openly, you encourage yourself to direct this energy in a positive direction.
    • Try to turn the nasty sign into a hobi.

Don't like to wear clothes often?

Go on a hike, maybe you will get the chance.
  1. Something like this before dancing on the pole can serve you well!"Who am I?"

    • The nutritional information may remain unchanged.
    • Ask yourself about this throughout your life.
  2. A normal person constantly wakes up. By regularly feeding yourself, you can improve your diet and keep an eye on changes.

    • It won’t be easy – it won’t be easy for anyone or anyone.
  3. Once you learn to accept difficulties and the ability to achieve the firmness of your intentions, you will be rewarded with the success of your plans. If you become yourself, everyone will begin to respect you more and treat you more kindly.

    • And what’s more, you will always be satisfied with yourself, you will notice this and appreciate your individuality even more.
  • Serve others.
  • Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to know for yourself is to spend it from serving others.”
  • By constantly engaging in self-analysis and not extending a hand to those who are discouraged, you will step up in front of people and walk within yourself.
  • Service to other people and marriage is the best way to understand your purpose and find your place in life.
  • Don’t think about what will happen to you.
  • Ralph Ellison wrote about this well in “The Invisible People”: “All my life I’ve been playing around, and no matter where I go, I want to explain to myself.
  • And I was honest with myself, I joked to myself and made sure that I was nourished, as if I were the only one... my senses turned to a less painful boomerang, and it took quite an hour for me to understand Having eaten those with whom you were “Some other person, perhaps, the world will become popular: I am only me and no one else.”
  • Remember that the morning of the evening is wise.
  • It is not possible to rush into making a decision, but the ability to make the right decision is greater once you calm down and calm down.
  • Farewell and rest assured that others will forgive you.
  • Be yourself - the best you can be, remember this.
  • You know that you are close, whether you are relaxed or completely tense.

Sometimes you don’t have a hard time spitting, that’s how it goes. 03.11.2015

In reality there is no “right” and “wrong”, so don’t worry too much.

Listen and trust your inner voice!

Be as garnished as possible.

Soulful lining

It is as little sense for someone to confess the truth to someone as it is for someone to realize that they have done something wrong.

And on the right, the truth is not in the justifications that we express in our voices - although this happens - but in that endless internal monologue that we lead ourselves, trying to justify ourselves in front of people, a thought that is important to us.

How often we have such silent dialogues with mom and dad, with children, with squads and people.

No matter what they are afraid of, no matter what they think, I always want to say, I want to say, I’m desperate for these people who are important to us - oh, bachish, bachish, as I can, well, tell me, what’s great, what’s good, that I’m right in everything Well, don’t let it go absolutely, but you’re right at your side, know it!

We want to hear the praise of loved ones

It is important to say that our anger is not grounded in anything and has no sense.

People will now become part of the marriage, register with someone else, and take their share of praise and encouragement.

And this is even more important if there are close people on the right.

It’s just that we don’t accept this, as we sing to ourselves that we are all the same, that we can do without anyone’s praise, in the depths of our souls sits this dissatisfaction, this restlessness, which does not give us peace of mind with us What's wrong, What's not enough for me good, insufficiently successful, lucky, and if they didn’t bother us, it seems like we’ll lose it like that again.

Another reason may lie in the fact that we need to be tied to these people, as we hope for the praise of our leaders.

At the thought of someone else, we might not lose our respect, but it seems so natural and natural for us to take away support, for example, from our fathers, that for us it is extremely uncomfortable to think that they are not good for us, what the hell do they care about? We are happy to live our lives, singing in a singing manner.

Or, for example, we began to think that this encouragement was given to us by our friends or friends, but in this case it is clear that we cannot take it away.

And then this endless monologue begins.

We understand that in our thoughts and ideas, we can and should be valued for those that we are able to give reasons, arguments, appeal to their fairness, understanding, generosity...


How can you improve your internal monologue?

It’s hard to say how much strength is at work in this internal struggle.

How much can you overcome in this super event?

And on the other hand, remembering this powerful testimony, be generous with the people dear to us, if they themselves expect praise.

It is necessary to understand that sometimes it is not so much the nature of specific actions that is important, but rather the extent to which they are accepted, no matter what the smell may be.

So, sometimes it’s even more difficult to earn money.

Why don’t you push someone aside, no matter who’s better?

For these reasons, it is easy to reveal a little that is reasonable and even a little that we cannot reach with praise.

Maybe they can’t be as generous with us as we would like, but we don’t care about being generous with them. For the sake of this world, the whole world cannot achieve it, otherwise our life in this way can in the future earn a little for the kind and bright, and even to that extent we are pragnemo. So this is the attitude of the one who tells herself - don’t try to justify yourself.

We won't.

And just joke about being yourself.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

    And the firebrand that we believe in, the firebrand that we believe in ourselves.

Reshta will do it.

Artist Oleksandr Ilnikh