How hormones can affect a woman’s body. Hormonal imbalance: how to recognize it and avoid it

Traditionally, it seems that androgens are human hormones, and estrogens and progestins are female hormones. It’s true that different hormones dominate among representatives of different articles. It’s important to say something important here: women also vibrate the songs of many androgens. And in human bodies I sing the knackness estrogens and progestins.

Androgens in women

Androgens in women are generated in the ovaries and supra-anterior organs. The stench comes into contact with the speed of the brush molding process and increases m'yazovu masa, infuse libido and mood. Don’t let anyone know about yourself, they won’t become too rich. Such a camp is called hyperandrogenism. This problem occurs often. Up to 15 hundred women during their childbearing years suffer from excess human hormones.

Symptoms of excess androgens in women

A common symptom of excess is hirsutism. Once hair appears in the area, the stench will not grow. Hair appears on the face, chest, stomach, midsection and back.

Excess hair cream, excess human hormones can lead to:

  • human-type skin - on the top of the head and crowns
  • seborrhea
  • changing the timbre of the voice to a lower one
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • problems with conception

In times of strong excess, virilization may develop. There is an enlargement of the clitoris, a clear decrease in the timbre of the voice and the formation of muscles typical of a human silhouette. Hyperandrogenism can lead to many problems.

Excess androgen in women with PCOS

One of the most common causes of hyperandrogenism is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). When someone is sick, there is a proliferation of human hormones for a number of reasons. There is an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the production of androgens in the ovarian cells. Insulin secretion is advancing. What happens with PCOS is that it tends to be more normal. It stimulates the ovarian cells for human hormones. There may be disturbances in the menstrual cycle, excessive vaginal discharge or obesity. Insulin resistance and impaired fertility.

Excess testosterone and swollen ovaries

Excess of human hormones can cause the appearance of hormonally active ovarian swelling. Symptoms are developing rapidly. It is important for you to go through the strictures as soon as symptoms appear. Especially young women are 20-30 years old.

Swelling of the ovaries can lead to a significant increase in the amount of androgens in the female body. In these cases, it was previously known that virilization is not uncommon. A massacre of new creations may be produced by human hormones - ovarian adenocarcinoma and Krukenberg's tumor.

Excess of human hormones and sickness of the nervous system

The cause of hormonal imbalance may be illness of the hyperthyroidism. Here the cause may be the congenital hypertrophy of the supra-narcotic veins. Make the same changes that will make your life better. The swelling of the epithelium, the swelling of the pituitary gland, which responds to the supramental volume of ACTH and corticotropin.

Other reasons

Excess androgens may be due to other reasons. Due to menopause. This symptom can occur especially during the early period of menstruation. The concentration of estrogens in the female body decreases sharply. This can lead to extreme over-importance of androgens.

Other reasons:

  • Acromegaly- Extremely high levels of growth hormone (GH).
  • Hyperprolactinemia which may be the result of a prolactin-producing pituitary adenoma
  • Hyperactive thyroid function.

Excess hormones may be the result of drinking alcohol. For example, in many women who take danazol and progestogens.

Diagnostics: normal testosterone levels in women

It is necessary to undergo gynecological testing. Especially, as a potential cause of excess androgen is PCOS or ovarian swelling.

It is important to avoid hormonal testing. The concentration of free testosterone is measured. The level of free testosterone in women becomes less than 8.5 ng/ml. However, only this test cannot be allowed to eliminate the need for nutrition - which has led to the appearance of excess androgens. For whom it is necessary to perform other analyses:

  • hormones of nadirkovyh zaloz
  • prolactin
  • estradiol
  • SHBG (globulin that binds state hormones)
  • thyroid hormones

Diagnosing excess androgens in a woman can take an hour, but it is even more important. Finding the cause is of utmost importance, since it is necessary to identify the cause rather than the symptom.

Treating hyperandrogenism

The treatment of excess androgens in women is closely related to the reason that led to this state. Those with PCOS have two components anti-inflammatory tablets. In patients with illnesses who do not plan to have children, treatment may include a variety of antiandrogenic drugs. In cases of hormonally active tissues - either the ovaries, supra gland or pituitary gland - the basis of treatment is surgical changes.

In some patients who do not care for an accurate diagnosis, the cause of hirsutism can be known. In this case, the only option is to lose the appearance of unneeded hair. For these reasons, some patients suffer from hirsutism and tend to use permanent hair removal methods - laser.

To lose weight, you need to eat less. The formula of the stringent post is banal, but obvious. However, don’t make a mistake main reason The increase in the vase is becoming overdone. This is often the result of hormonal imbalances. Stress, age-related changes, genetic diversity, and an incorrect way of living can cause an imbalance in the endocrine system and lead to an increase in the number of hormones.

It often happens unconsciously that it itself has led to obesity - disruption of the child and hormonal disturbances. And most often they are not mutually exclusive. There is a closed loop: through improper eating and storage of fat, the hormonal system is released, and it becomes more difficult to control the appetite. We overeat more, we put more weight on our sides, and we lose more hormones. The vaga is growing. Losing weight is a useful exercise for willpower.

Before the increase in vase, the function of 8 hormones may be impaired. Let us explain what hormones are and what to work with to bring them back to normal.

1 Thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland is distended from the base. It is responsible for the production of hormones T3, T4 (triiodothyronine and thyroxine) and calcitonin. Decreased function of the thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism, is when the gland produces fewer hormones that the body needs. Hypothyroidism often increases in severity. However, this is not caused by fat, but by the substance that accumulates in the tissues. When we are sick, we become swell and puffy.

How to get rid of:

Live the iodine strength. Iodine is present in the supply of triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which is important for the normal function of the thyroid gland. Iodine is not synthesized in our body. We take away everything from food products.

Take vitamins and dietary supplements instead of vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of calcitonin, which regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in cystic tissue.

Include in the menu foods rich in zinc, for example, watermelon and oysters. Zinc deficiency is often found in patients with hypothyroidism. This microelement itself converts inactive forms of thyroid hormones into active ones.

2 Estrogens

Estrogens are the main female state hormones. If there is a disruption in the balance of these hormones, it can lead to an increase in the vagina. High levels of female hormones may be caused by supplemented products or diets rich in estrogen.

Movements instead of estrogens are closely related to vibrating insulin and cellular intolerance to glucose. As a result, the rhubarb in the blood begins to move and the body begins to store glucose in the form of fat.

During menopause, when the level of estrogen in the blood naturally decreases, the body is forced to produce hormones from other organs. One of these areas is fat cells. When the level of estrogen decreases, the body is forced to transfer all its energy resources to tissue fat. This will lead to increased body weight.

How to get rid of:

Contact your gynecologist if you have symptoms of premenopause – for replacement hormonal therapy.

Optimize healthy eating with vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals.

The uniqueness of the absorption of products from processed meat is due to the presence of retained fats in them.

3 Insulin

It is infected by the subcutaneous worm in the bloodstream, instead of glucose in the blood. Glucose provides energy for cells throughout the body.

Insulin increases the cells' access to glucose energy. And the stench will take over and they will add fat to the appearance.

Now it is clear that you have eaten licorice, the level of glucose in the blood has increased. When insulin was released, the cells lost energy, and the level of glucose in the blood decreased. Then I eat chocolate again, and everything starts all over again. Once the body has overtolerated licorice, at some point the client is able to take in glucose and the level in the blood rises. Insulin levels rise, which is received by the brain as a signal of hunger. Please continue to eat, otherwise the client will no longer react. This condition is called insulin resistance. The level of glucose in the blood becomes high, and it begins to be stored as fat.

Insulin resistance is caused by overeating and eating unhealthy foods, fast food, alcohol, and artificial drinks.

How to get rid of:

  • Enjoy seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Don't forget about omega-3 fatty acids - the stink is found in fatty fish and seafood.
  • Vipivati ​​schonaymenshe 2 liters of water per dobu.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, fast food, carbonated and sweet drinks.

4 Progesterone

Progesterone is another female hormone. To support the normal function of the female reproductive system, progesterone and estrogens must be balanced. It is advantageous to cause one or another hormone to cause significant damage. Progesterone levels decrease with the onset of menopause, as well as with stress and the use of hormonal contraceptives. A decrease in the level of this hormone leads to depression and increased body weight.

How to get rid of:

Do physical exercise regularly.

Take care of your mental health and peace of mind.

5 Ghrelin

Ghrelin, known as a hormone of hunger, is highly secreted in the stomach. It’s true that drinking wine reduces the headache and makes you feel hungry. The rhubarb growlin moves in front of the hedgehog, and also during the period of pregnancy and fasting. When there is a lack of sleep, the level of ghrelin moves up. This hormone is also abundant in stressful situations, and we begin to feel stressed.

How to get rid of:

Do physical exercise, yoga.

Drink a bottle of water 20 minutes before you go.

Eat regularly, otherwise it will fade away.

Sleep for at least 7 - 8 years per dobu.

You can get away from carbonated drinks, because the carbonic acid from them, when consumed in the bottle, promotes the formation of ghrelin.

6 Cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone that appears in the brain under stress, anxiety, depression and physical trauma. The level of cortisol in the blood increases during chronic physical and mental stress, such as when we are constantly running somewhere, feel pressured at work, are nervous, etc.

The main function of this hormone is to reduce the level of stress by further increasing the level of glucose in the blood and suppressing immune reactions. Cortisol promotes the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

With chronic stress, excess cortisol levels overgrow and illness begins, fat begins to accumulate on the abdomen, so called cortisol levels live.

Ailments loom over the world, moon-like faces, fatty deposits and bright purple stretch marks on the abdomen.

How to get rid of:

Sleep for at least 8 years per day.

Try yoga and meditation. This helps reduce stress.

Spend more than an hour with friends and family. And also in the fresh air.

7 Testosterone

Testosterone is a human hormone that is produced in both the human and female body. Its main functions are to improve tone, increase muscle mass, libido. In some cases, testosterone deficiency in women causes polycystic ovarian syndrome, increased hair growth, decreased fertility, or possible infertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is usually accompanied by obesity. Patients often have impaired sensitivity to insulin, high rhubarb bad cholesterol in the blood, movement pressure.

How to get rid of:

For any suspicion of hormonal illness, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist, and in this case, a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment.

8 Leptin

This hormone is found in fat cells and regulates energy balance. Elevations in leptin levels occur after eating food, and appetite decreases. If you constantly overeat or eat sweets, carbohydrates begin to accumulate in the form of fat in the liver, cherries, and on the sides. Fat tissue, growing, begins to see more and more leptin and the body stops responding to it. The signal of satiation stops coming from the brain and gradually begins to feel like hunger.

How to get rid of:

Combine with licorice, beetroot and other carbohydrate products. Eat fruits no more than three times a day (don’t substitute them to lose weight).

Add more vegetables to the menu.

Unique products from processed meat.

Drink more water.

Not much

A deficiency of thyroid hormones is often detected in severely ill patients. For example, in patients with insufficient function of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism can be suspected of hepatitis, since they are characterized by irritated skin. Young girls with insufficient thyroid function are often plagued by severe, unreasonable fears and depression. They are characterized by lethargy and drowsiness.

The marriage of thyroid hormones also flows into the cardiovascular system. The normal functioning of the heart is destroyed, heart failure develops, decreased (in 30% of patients) and increased blood pressure. Doctors often lose respect only for the investigation - the destruction of work Cardiovascular system, without mentioning the reasons. Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by anemia – a lack of hemoglobin in the body. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, there may be disturbances in the menstrual cycle, decreased libido, uterine bleeding vision of milk vines. With the appearance of such symptoms, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate the function of the thyroid gland. It’s very simple to do this: you need to provide shelter for the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), on the basis of which you can accurately say what hypothyroidism is. Treatment of hypothyroidism is well resolved. With competently selected immediate replacement therapy, the life of people with thyroid hormone deficiency practically does not differ from the emergency. Just immediately rush to the endocrinologist!

Impaired thyroid function is closely associated with the problem of osteoporosis. And there are reasons for this: mineral metabolism and the bone-meat system are affected by it. The level of calcium in the blood will always remain unchanged. In order to maintain the necessary level of calcium, the body’s system, which carries out its exchange, takes calcium from all tissues and organs. And if, for example, a blood test or densitometry (ultrasonic examination of the thickness of the bone tissue) shows that there are problems with calcium, you need to go to an endocrinologist - this is a signal about those who have thyroid problems vines vinikli zboyi. So, if your nails have become scratchy, hair is growing and caries has developed, you need to immediately check the thyroid gland.

Overwhelmingly rich

The basic situation is this: the woman has lost a lot of weight, often fights through friends, and experiences mood swings. This condition is due to the excessive production of thyroid hormones. Most often they suffer from young or middle-aged women with a singing slump. Such patients exhibit cardiac arrhythmia, pain in the vase, and weakness.


If, during an ultrasound examination, a thyroid nodule has been identified, then if the nodule does not exceed 1 cm in diameter and does not ripple, no additional padding or debridement is required. More dynamic caution is needed. If the swelling is larger, the doctor often prescribes a puncture biopsy. This is the most accurate diagnostic method. This allows you to make a diagnosis and select the correct treatment tactics.

Estrogen is required for the proper functioning of the body. If all the hormones are balanced, the body functions as required, and if there are too many hormones, various problems arise. They don’t care about those that estrogen is known as a “female” hormone, its excess has a negative impact on people.

Why is excess estrogen to blame?

In women, estrogen vibrates in the ovaries, and in pathological conditions, the veins are often produced by fat cells, placenta, liver, epithelium, brain and meats. This is due to the menstrual cycle, the development of secondary signs and the formation of cysts.

Together with calcium and vitamin D, it renews the bones, which means that blood levels significantly decrease.

Estrogen also contributes to the tiredness and vitality of the pelvic walls, throat, stimulates the production of vaginal mastyl and a variety of other functions of the body, affecting the pelvic tissues, hair and skin.

Throughout a woman's life, her hormonal balance gradually changes: from adulthood to gestation and until the onset of menopause. The rapid production of estrogen occurs at the onset of menopause, which leads to the appearance of symptoms such as hot flashes, dry mouth and loss of sexual desire.

What happens when the body produces too much estrogen?

Possible causes of excess estrogen:

The level of estrogen rises with the growth of gestational age and vaginity. However, too much estrogen appears during the primary period of life.

There are only two reasons for the accumulation of estrogen in the body: either the body itself produces too much of it, or we remove it from dovkilla and food products.

Since the level of estrogen is high and equal with other hormones, this is often called estrogen dominance, because one hormone dominates over the others. More widespread disorders require the dominance of estrogen versus progesterone, another hormone that also regulates the menstrual cycle.

Surprisingly, although the accumulation of excess estrogen is not so difficult to explain, we are constantly susceptible to the influx of estrogen in food products that eliminate toxic pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones.

There are a lot of everyday consumer products that we buy, including plastics such as BPA, household products, cosmetics, furniture and carpets, and endocrine tissues - chemical substances that have estrogen.

These toxins lead to increased vaginal production, which is a stimulus for proliferation large quantity estrogen from our fatty cells.

Pharmaceutical hormones, such as those used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also produce excess estrogen, whether we take them ourselves or absorb them from drinking water.

Know what foods are high in certain types of phytoestrogens, such as soy.

Other reasons for excess estrogen, zocrema:

  • Overworldly addiction to alcohol;
  • Stress;
  • Likarsky estate;
  • Diabetes;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Obesity;
  • I'm sick to my heart.

For doctors, it is not surprising that alarming indicators of the dominance of estrogens, based on other statistical data, show: over 50% of women aged 35 years and more suffer from excess estrogen.

Let's look at the signs of estrogen dominance:

1) You gain momentum without changing your way of living

You don’t overeat, you don’t lie on the couch all day. But you still gain vagina for no reason, especially in the pelvic area - which is one of the main symptoms of excess estrogen.

You also often suffer from bloating and can’t lose weight, which means you’re wasting a lot of calories, naturally. I'm healthy and healthy and exercise regularly. This is because the body cannot balance hormonal levels, and even then you will lose weight and be able to maintain an ideal vagina.

2) You have an irregular menstrual cycle

There are many reasons why menstruation occurs earlier or later than its due date, and high estrogen levels are one of them. If your cycle is always on schedule and raptovo becomes unstable (in addition to vaginity), this may be due to excess estrogen.

The menstrual period is strictly controlled by hormones and with increased levels of one norm, the whole process is disrupted.

3) Your breasts are too tender or swollen

Lots of wives recognize changes in their breasts within an hour monthly cycle, and also during periods of pregnancy. Breasts are more sensitive to hormonal changes. If you have pain in your breasts, especially around the nipples and the front of your breasts, or if you have noticed that the stench is worse than usual, then you need to check your estrogen levels.

4) Painful breasts

When there is too much estrogen and low progesterone, the breasts develop what is called fibrocystic breasts. She becomes sensitive and sick, usually on the upper or back side of the breasts. For this sign, be sure to go to the doctor in order to eliminate the appearance of swelling and other changes in the breasts.

5) Be more emotional

Estrogen flows into many systems in our body. Mental state and emotions are not to blame. Surely, you have experienced the stress and severity of PMS. Such sudden changes in mood occur through hormones. With too much estrogen, women experience depression, panic attacks, restlessness, irrational anger, etc.

6) You often have headaches

Women are more susceptible to headaches and migraines due to their reproductive system and estrogen levels. With a strong combination of estrogen and progesterone, headaches often develop.

The development of headaches is influenced by many factors, including genetics and diet, and in women, too much estrogen is the main factor that causes chronic headaches and menstrual migraines.

Before the age of maturity, migraines occur approximately the same in both boys and girls, but after maturity they occur with a frequency of 3:1 in both girls.

7) Your hair is falling out

Who cares that before they lose their hair, the smarter people have more hair, but it’s not fair. With too much estrogen and not enough progesterone, women lose hair just as much as their men. Ale, don’t rush to call everyone’s hormones. Everything depends on how much hair you spent and in what period of time.

Hair loss may be due to a number of factors: genetics, lifestyle, diet I'll be crazy health, regardless of whether you work hard to solve this problem or not.

8) “Girl memory”

Do you know this fiery virus? You have noticed that your memory has problems much more often than before, for example, you often lose your car keys or lose your phone on the job, which may be due to estrogen.

Low estrogen is often associated with Alzheimer's disease and loss of memory, but it has recently been discovered that too much estrogen also leads to difficulties with memory, although the exact cause of this phenomenon is not yet known.

9) You suffer from insomnia

Estrogen is a brain stimulant; in fact, this hormone can be treated with exotoxin. That's why women who take a lot of estrogen experience severe depression and sleeplessness after taking high amounts of estrogen.

One of the signs of excess estrogen in women can be considered unproductiveness, whether it be a robot, a sport, or just Rozmova.

The increasing dominance of estrogen causes problems with sleep, and the excess of this hormone changes the production of melatonin. So if you have a lot of estrogen and not enough progesterone (the hormone that helps you calm down), then you are guaranteed sleeplessness.

10) You feel exhausted

Lack of sleep can easily cause you to become sleepy. Of course, in such a busy world, since many of us are faced with a long list of obligations every day, many are stressed out, but this does not always mean the dominance of estrogen.

If you have noticed that you wake up more often, or experience some of the other symptoms we talked about, you may have too much estrogen.

Know that estrogen dominance increases the risk of serious medical problems, including high blood pressure, depression, uterine, breast and endometrial cancer, as well as endometriosis.

Another important detail: estrogen levels must be monitored at intervals, even if the rhubarb increases steadily.

What can we do to bring estrogen back to normal?

    Avoid drinking alcohol.

Liver fragments are likely to metabolize estrogen, so it is necessary to talk about it carefully. Alcohol degrades the liver, which can cause estrogen to accumulate.

Living with more than one I'll give you some alcohol per day in women the risk of breast cancer increases.

    Eat organic products.

Inorganic products are free from pesticides and chemical speeches including those that act as estrogen in the body or endocrine systems. Buy natural products most often so that your body does not absorb hormones, antibiotics and chemical substances.

    Live more cellular.

Non-fragile fiber binds to excess estrogen in the herbal tract, and is then excreted from the body. Cellulose also flows into the warehouse of intestinal bacteria, changing the accumulation and re-absorption of freely floating estrogen. Good cellulose products: fruits and vegetables, peas, ground beef and dried beans.

    Expect more probiotics.

The imbalance of healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, and “rotten” or unhealthy bacteria can not only be compromised by poisoning, but also become infested the right look excess estrogen from the body in the herbal tract.

Look for more probiotic products: kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt and kombucha, or take probiotic supplements.

    Weak phytoestrogenic products.

These products counteract the effect of excess estrogen: ground beef, oats, barley, pears, berries and apples.

    Maintain a balanced diet.

All essential vitamins and minerals help balance hormone levels. The body needs enough vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc and other vital substances for support normal level hormones and the functioning of enzymes that play a role in testosterone and estrogen.

    Essential oil of rosemary.

It is important that this oil can control the flow of estrogen, stimulating the flow of blood to the brain, ensuring proper functioning of the thyroid gland and a healthy immune system.

This powerful antioxidant stimulates hair growth, improves memory and eases muscle pain, which means it can combat many of the symptoms of estrogen dominance.

100% pure rosemary oil is infused with inert estrogen hormones. Experts from Rutgers University evaluated the infusion of rosemary extract in laboratory mice and found that a diet with 2% rosemary increased microsomal oxidation of the liver and glucuronidation - a process related to metabolism senobiotics.

This was especially noticeable in the estradiol and ester in the mother. Estradiol is an aggressive form of estrogen.

    Avoid the influx of xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens have an effect on estrogen, they are found in cosmetics, plastics, anti-inflammatory products and other products. Surround the influx of these shy speeches.

    Control your stress.

Extreme stress leads to a higher level of estrogen in the body. With stress, progesterone changes and the stress hormone cortisol increases, which often leads to excess estrogen.

P.S. And remember, as soon as you change your knowledge, you change the light! © econet

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