Hitler: nationality.

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Treasure chest of ideas

Already 70 years have passed since the suicide of the crooked Fuhrer of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler, and the secrets and facts that have been lost to the foolish, and today they are bursting into vastness.

At the beginning of the new millennium, a handful of pre-successors wanted to get more details and turn history on its head and understand who Hitler was.

A group of descendants confirm that Hitler's name, or rather the nickname of his ancestors and brothers, was recorded incorrectly.

And Adolf's father Alois, as a longtime serviceman, decided to change his family name Schicklgruber to Hitler.

How respected are the leaders of the descendants, the reason for which was the dark past of the Schicklgruber clan, which, perhaps, became involved in smuggling and robberies in the border areas of Nimechchina.

And in order to reconnect with my past and the possibility of building a career for myself, Aloys and pishov for such a short time.

This version also lacks indirect evidence.

Childhood and youth

The day of Hitler's birth, as the place where he was born, is an undeniable fact.

In the border town of Braunnau-on-Inn, on the 20th quarter of 1889, a boy was born in one year, two days later he was baptized by Adolf.

After the defeat, the First World Power had a lot of dissatisfied Germans. The mass secret groups and alliances were established, which organized coups and riots in Munich. At this hour, Adolf was sent straight to the course of political science and spent many hours working as a “spy”, distorting the leftist elections and communists.

Hitler's hour and the rise of his Nazi ideology were just around the corner.

At one of the meetings of the group, which called itself the German Workers' Party, Hitler became interested in the ideas of people, what their paths were, and what their decisions were.

great care

buv reserves up to її lavas.

Thanks to his oratorical mystique, it was not without reason that he had already collected numerous supporters and gained the leadership of the party of like-minded people.

It’s amazing, as today’s historians confirm, Hitler, whose nationality was now interpreted as an Aryan, who was friends with the Jews in his childhood, and, in the opinion of historians, who came to power, spiraling into capital Jews

Hitler's closest exiles, whose nationality was of little importance to him, were Jews.

Why are Himmler, Goering, Goebbels talking...

"I don't know who's Jewish"

Churchill and Roosevelt, who were also representatives of Jewish nationality, knew that Hitler was a Jew.

It is possible that the Jews were used as bait for the uninformed poor population.

I would like to know the facts today that in the army of fascist Germany, people who did not share their Jewish past served in high positions.

It’s just that at that time it wasn’t common to shout about it in all corners.

The facts were forgotten, and hordes of Jews were slaughtered on the orders of their tyrant. Himmler’s catchphrase “Meni verisuvat who is a Jew” masks politics for those who are undesirable. As practice shows, Jews in that period could become disliked by people, no matter what nationality they were. As the documents seem to have recently been declassified, more European Jews were found. Perhaps Hitler, with his anti-Semitic theory, was not choosing the purity of the Aryan race, but the purity of the Jewish nation? There is evidence that German Jews, undergoing advanced training, were sent to Palestine to defend the new budding power.

Hello, Antone! I am your reader Mikola. I want to say that I really respect your idea.

You are one of my favorite writers, whom I trust. My other favorite writer is Volot Orey, who wrote a book"Patsyukolyudi"


I recommend you read it, don’t spoil it!

I read it, and then picked it up and read your book at the same time.

"Rozp'yate sun"


І axis that made me angry. You have very different thoughts about Hitler! You seem to say that Hitler was a Jew and that he was “on the payroll” of the Zionists.

In the same hour, Volot Orei in the book “Patsyukolyudy” is more likely to say that Hitler was not a Jew, and that the history of those who previously bore the nickname Schickelgruber was guessed by the Jews themselves... I would like to marry you.

You are offended by the cosmic baggage of knowledge, and offended, in my opinion, the best people on the planet, I trust you both!

Who among you should I trust from whose food? Is Kim really Hitler? Photographs of Adolf Hitler's oratorical rehearsals.

Photographer Heinrich Hoffman.

Hello, Mikolo! Zagali, what to take.

historical facts

And it’s right to begin to fade them away, this mystery of “Who is Hitler?” will easily be revealed! Radyanskiy Union, and was treated as “damned Jews-Bolsheviks,” as Nazi propaganda screamed.

Turn the light out "Jewish Bolshovism" became the head right of the National Socialist Party of Germany back in 1936, which was openly stated by Joseph Goebbels at Nuremberg at the 8th National Socialist Congress.

Part of the transcripts of the minister’s promotion and propaganda of Nazi Germany can be read below. J.P. Goebbels: “There are no doubts that the founders of Bolshovism are the Jews and that they themselves represent it. The old ceramic class of Russia is very depleted, so every other ceramic group Crimea of ​​Jews there just isn't enough there. In this way, whatever the conflict in the middle of Bolshovism, there will be an internal family conflict between the Jews. Recent Moscow strife, then shootings of Jews by Jews

, you can understand only the position

spragi vladi

and the goal is to destroy all competitors.

Part of the transcripts of the minister’s promotion and propaganda of Nazi Germany can be read below. That thought, that all Jews will ever be in perfect harmony one with another, is a widespread delusion.

In fact, they are the only ones who are the minority that is controlled and threatened by the national majority.

Today’s Russia is no longer the same.” Today's Russia, XXI century, and that same episode! The head of the Russian government is D.A. Medvedev and the Jewish soldiers.

“After the Jews clamor for power (and in Russia they have no boundaries for power!), signs of the old Jewish supernities are again being given, which were suddenly forgotten due to the insecurity that threatened their people. The idea that lies at the basis of Bolshovism, that the idea of ​​a complete ruination and debasement of decency and culture for the sake of the devilish spirit of the depletion of peoples, could only have arisen in the Jewish brain, as well as the Bolshevik practice, from Its greedy gluttony, which is only possible in a fit like this keruet Jews. Due to their character, Jews do not openly show their personalities. They work secretly, and in Western Europe They are trying to smell what is going on with Bolshovism.

Revealing to the Germans the greedy truth about the disastrous role of the Jews in the share of the Russians and other nations Russian Empire, Hitler and Goebbels didn’t say a word about management overhaul, who was active after the death of V.I. Lenin, a great seminarian, I.V. Stalin (Dzhugashvili).

And it is wise, neither rich nor small, to discard all the plans of those who financed the 1917 revolution in Russia and who relied on completely different results. When Adolf Hitler appeared on the historical stage, she cried out to the need to overthrow Stalin and those millions of Radian Jews who supported Trotsky and Lenin, who swore allegiance to Stalin. !

In his historical promotion, Goebbels called this Stalinist management overhaul -

"internal family conflict between Jews"

The creators of the revolution of 1917 fate and their squads.

However, as if there were no world there, there would be some kind of world, and even more such a great one, like the Nazis, in addition to the world, it extracts even more pennies.

For the implementation of the plans of Hitler and Goebbels, colossal pennies were required, especially to compensate for the fact that after the First World War, Germany experienced a terrible financial crisis, and half of its adult population is still small roboti.

The great question is coming: who financed Germany and the militaristic plans of Adolf Hitler?! If you think about it, it becomes clear that Adolf Hitler was not at all a “superhuman”, he was no more than an adventurer with ambitions, the vector of aspirations of which was even more visible to the financial kings who dreamed about the poverty of "Stalin's Russia". These financial kings, who may have real power and real control over the world, simply bet on Hitler as a bet on a racehorse that could win on the racetrack.

Today we are told that German, American and English bankers gave money to Hitler, and then the food comes: when the Fuhrer unleashed the 1939 war in Europe and ordered Germany from a dozen European countries, including France, which we must say without surprising our neighbor Switzerland, How can one find oneself between Germany and France?

To restore respect for the geographical growth of Switzerland.

Why? Why should you allow yourself to recuperate, without a guilty conscience, the very same France and the same Poland, and kill Switzerland

How about giving a sideways glance?

This is the answer to the secret, “who is Hitler?”, who brought him to rule over the German people, and so on.

In Switzerland, they were not surprised that their “boss,” the rulers of all rulers, lingered there.

Who is that stink, this picture clearly explains:

Based on the Jewish Torah, the “golden calf” was created as a guide god by the Jews Aaron the Levite, the brother of the legendary Moses. His direct plans created a financial empire called Switzerland in the very center of Europe, which later became the fatherland of the most powerful rulers of the Holy Roman Empire - the Habsburgs, and also became from the 19th century to Fatherland ZIONISM. Switzerland is a Swiss ensign.

What's wrong, Hitler told his friend

World War on the territory of Europe 1st spring 1939 under the signs of the Swiss ridge! The very same markings were applied in the spring of 1939 to all German tanks during the hour of the German-Polish occupation.

Then, obviously, in order not to unmask his “masters,” Hitler decided to change the shape of the crosses on military technology for the “Wehrmacht.”

It’s still good, under the hour of Another World War, only one country in the world has a small unique right

get excited

for Nazi Germany for all goods supplied by third countries, and for all industrial raw materials.

This unique right is small, of course, Fatherland’s Zionism is Switzerland!

According to the testimony of an officer of the General Staff, on that day Hitler was a terrible picture: he was shifting his feet importantly and awkwardly, throwing the upper part of his coat forward and stretching his legs... The Fuhrer carefully preserved his balance. Left hand She didn’t submit to him, but was constantly shaking her rights... Hitler’s eyes were bloodshot...

In the evening, one of Germany’s greatest patriots, Hanna Reich, who was fanatically devoted to Hitler, arrived at the bunker.

She later guessed that the Fuhrer asked her to himself and said: “Hanno, you will wait until those who die with me. Each of us has an ampoule with an open one.”

He extended the ampoule to Hannah with the words: “I don’t want any of us to be crushed to the Russians’ hands, and I don’t want our bodies to go to the Russians. Both my bodies will be in the bedroom.”

As Reich witnessed, at the hour of his undoing, Hitler became a terrible picture: he was rushing from wall to wall with a paper in his three-handed hands.

“The people have completely fallen apart,” stated the little girl.

29th quarter.

The former friend of Adolf Hitler and Evey Brown.

The process was carried out in accordance with the law: a love agreement was formed and the wedding ceremony was completed.

The certificates, as well as Krebs, Goebbels's squad, Hitler's adjutants, General Burgdorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and cooks were requested for the Holy Day celebration.

And after a short feast, Hitler settled down to formulate his commandment.

30th quarter.

Following Borman's order, the bodies of the deceased were buried in carpets, carried near the door, and then doused with gasoline and burned near the shell.

The fragments burned with a foul stench, and half of the corpses that were burned were buried by the Essesians in the ground.

The bodies of Hitler and Brown were discovered by the Red Army soldier Churakov on May 4, but for some reason they lay unattended for 4 days: they were taken for inspection and identification to one of the Berlin morgues on May 8.

An external glance allowed us to assume that the corpses, the burnt ones, men and women, were the remains of the Fuhrer and his squad.

But, as you know, Hitler and Brown have a small number of twins, so the Russian government has little intention of conducting a thorough investigation.

The food that was delivered to the people’s morgue, indeed by Hitler, still delights the followers. According to an eyewitness, the man’s corpse was found in the widow’s wooden box, 163 cm wide, 55 cm high and 53 cm tall. On the body there was found a burnt piece of knitted material with a yellowish lining, similar to a shirt.

During his life, Hitler visited his dentist more than once, as evidenced

great quantity

fillings and gold crowns on the gaps that have been preserved.

The stinks were collected and transferred to the SMERSH-3 section of the Shock Army.

May 11, 1945 Dentist Gayserman memorably described the anatomical data of Hitler's oral cavity, which was consistent with the results of the investigation conducted on May 8th.

On the body damaged by fire, visible signs of serious fatal injuries or illness were revealed.

In the empty company, a broken glass ampoule was found.

13 Bereznya 1970 fate head of the KDB Yuri Andropov, punishing the disposal of the remains.

The stench was creamy, and the sparkles began to flow from the helicopter.

For the sake of history, they removed the dictator’s slit and a fragment of his skull with the cul-de-sac.

This verbal evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler was sent to Moscow and placed in the KDB archive.

Feelings about the fact that Adolf Hitler is alive appeared almost immediately after his death.

The British, French, and Americans doubted the death of the dictator.

There were heated rumors about the Fuhrer’s amazing order.

It was believed that he had escaped from Berlin beyond the cordon through the so-called “squinting stitch.”

Vaughn was a “vicno” on the border with Switzerland.

Through the new High-Posaders of the Third Reich, with fragmented documents, they made their way to the neutral land, and from there they went straight to fascist Spain and the lands of Latin America.

As the dictator passes into modern America, there are apparently few FBI “documents” to investigate this fact.

Most historians continue to insist that Hitler had no chance of leaving Berlin.

They had a version that Hitler might not have been in the bunker under the Reich Chancellery at all.

From which nutrition the main version is that all tactical nutrition is a double of the Fuhrer.

She herself was shot dead on the 30th quarter of 1945.

In 2009, the head of the Department of Registration and Archival Funds of the FSB of Russia was Vasily Khristoforov Rozpov, and in 1946, a special commission carried out additional excavations at the site where the corpses of Adolf Hitler were discovered. Yevi Brown.

In this case, “the left part of the skull with the cul-de-sac opening” was revealed.

In 1948, a number of “finds” from the Fuhrer’s bunker (a number of burnt objects, as well as fragments of cracks and teeth, for which the corpses of Hitler, Javy Brown and Goebbels were identified) were directed to Moscow, until to the 2nd Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Since 1954, according to the orders of the head of the KDB at the Republic of Moldova, SRSR Serov, all objects and materials were preserved in a special order with a specially assigned archivist.

Since 2009, Hitler’s bones have been preserved in the archives of the FSB, and fragments of the skull have been preserved in Derzharhiva.

Prote, DNA analysis, carried out in 2009 by scientists at the American University of Hartford (Connecticut), destroyed the entire evidence base for the death of the dictator.

According to the current version, the skull bone that was collected did not belong to Adolf Hitler at all.

There were no people lying around.

It's a fragment of a woman's skull.

For a long time, Hitler was tempted to make friends with Brown out of fear that it would affect his image.

Tim is no less likely to make money if the Germans were defeated.

Hitler and Brown became friends during the huge ceremony.

The next day, their bodies were revealed.

Hitler shot himself, and Brown died from a cyanide capsule.

24. Hitler and his niece are super happy When Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, studied medicine, she lived near Hitler's apartment in Munich. Later, Hitler began to stand before her even more powerfully and masterfully.

Hitler ordered her to work without anyone's knowledge after news of her drinking with his special water came up.

After returning from a short fight in Nuremberg, Hitler knew the body of his niece, who had probably shot herself with his gun.

23. Hitler and the Church

Hitler wanted the Vatican to recognize his power, so in 1933 the Catholic Church and the German Reich signed an alliance, which ensured that the Reich was guaranteed the protection of the Church, since they retained their allegiance mainly religious activity.

This advantage, however, was destroyed, and the Nazis continued to engage in anti-Catholic activities.

22. Vlasna version

Nobel Prize


After winning the Nobel Prize from Germany, Hitler created his own version - the German National Prize for Art and Science.

Ferdinand Porsche was one of the laureates for having created the world's first hybrid car and the Volkswagen Beetle.

Hitler and the artists were disgusted.

When he moved to the 1900s, Hitler immediately thought of making a career in history.

Vienna submitted documents to join Vienna's Academy of Art, but rejected Vidmova due to her “inability to paint.” 16. Hitler's Family Hitler is viral in the authoritarian family middle class.

Yogo dad, who was an Austrian military official, was famous for his savagery and fiery temper.

It was also stated that Hitler had adopted a lot

special berries

your dad.

15. Why Hitler was disappointed by the capitulation of Germany in the First World War

When Hitler woke up after the gas attack during the first world war, he learned that a truce had been reached, which meant the end of the war.

This stunned anger enraged Hitler and gave rise to his belief that the Germans were powerful leaders. 14. The general who was inspired to commit suicide Later, Hitler began to stand before her even more powerfully and masterfully.

When it became obvious that the German Axis-Axis had suffered defeats at the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler realized that the leader of his army would commit suicide.

The prote general said: “I’m not going to beat myself up through this bohemian corporal” and surrendered to 1943 fate.

13. Why don’t you like football? Hitler later developed hostility to football, so it was impossible to guarantee that Germany would prevail over other peoples, even if the stinks were trying to manipulate and spoil the results. 12. Help

outside of my home

Hitler's father changed his name in 1877.

Otherwise, it would be important for people to recognize Hitler’s name – Adolf Schicklgruber.

During the beginning of his political career, Hitler was called upon as a witness.

This was confirmed by the lawyer of the Jewish campaign against the family, Hans Litten, who gave Hitler overkill for three years.

This Jewish lawyer was arrested for Nazi rule.

They rolled him around five times until, they decided, he laid his hands on himself.

8. Hitler as Disney's prankster

Hitler loved Disney.

Vinh described “Snow White” as one of the world’s greatest films at that time.

In truth, the sketches of the Timid Dwarf, Doc and Pinocchio, who killed Hitler, were revealed.

7. Hitler's funeral

His body was buried several times, the first one was creamed, and the gunpowder spread with the wind.

6. Hitler's nose shape

Hitler's ears were twisted up for a long time.

During the First World War, he sharpened his taste, changing the shape of his famous toothbrush style. Behind his words, the writing staff began to respect you to secure the gas mask. 5. Loan from Mercedes-Benz

At that time, when Hitler became aware, he was inspired to write a request for a loan to purchase a car to a local Mercedes-Benz dealer.

Through many fates this leaf was found at a flea market.

4. What did Yogo Vus mean to Hitler?

It is important that Hitler wears a dress, because he thinks that he always looks lesser.

Adolf Hitler.

In the 20th century, this name became synonymous with cruelty and unhumanity - people who survived the horrors of the concentration camps, who fought the war in their eyes, know who they are talking about. But history is gradually coming to an end, and now those who respect him as their hero are creating an aura of a “romantic” fighter for freedom. One would wonder how those who defeated fascism could stand up to those victories?

Tim is no less, among the people who fought against Hitler and died in his army, there are those who today, the 20th of April, celebrate the day of the Fuhrer’s birth as their sacred.

Still 60 years ago

great victories

, in 2005, several documents were found and published that traced and revealed the peculiarity of Adolf Hitler, the drawings and legends of his estranged people - just a few steps to the portrait of the dictator.

People don’t need to know who I am and what my family is!

It is reported that Hitler took over 25 different tablets per day.

Morel steadily gave him painkillers and tonic injections, first as a necessity, then for prophylaxis, and after a dozen hours the injections became a common part of life. Fuhrer, please from the outside looking in
, gradually taking weight loss pills, which were invariably followed by opiates.

The "turbo" about health has truly become a mania - the vegetables that Hitler ate were growing in special plots of the earth.

They were smoked to remove bacteria, fertilized with especially pure pus from especially pure creatures.

Everything was carefully checked - the dictator was afraid that he might be cut off.

Following all these “secondary approaches”, military doctors came to the conclusion that Hitler’s body had aged for four or five years.

It is absolutely certain that new facts about Adolf’s biography will always appear.

The day before, Hitler's people in Germany voiced their interest in creating archives for the Holocaust that were secretly accessible.These documents contain information about the share of over 17 million victims of Nazism. This information could only be obtained by the spies of the international Red Cross, who helped people find relatives who had died during the war.

Now the declassified archives will become available to all concentration camps.

It is possible that this data can still crush the eyes of those who dare to create his cult at once.