It's better to drink gin and drink.


Treasure chest of ideas Nowadays, stores that specialize in alcohol pamper their customers with a great assortment of goods to satisfy the taste of the most affluent gourmets.

However, there are products that will give you more respect.

Gin - the same drink

Once you get to know someone, you will never be able to forget him.

This alcoholic product has its own unique bouquet, which is easily recognizable, and can present fresh malt on the skin in either a pure or diluted form.

What is the gin

  • It is a mild alcoholic drink, which is prepared by distillation from a large number of components. The world has been drinking gin for over 300 years now, and many reputable companies are engaged in its distillation.
  • All the smells are added to the new preparation and storage process, which is completely different from the original product. What components are used to shake the gin?
  • The classic version includes yalberry, angelica root, almond, orris root, coriander and many other ingredients. Their choice is completely dependent on the recipe that the manufacturer reaches.

Color It is characterized by its absolute clarity and fine knitting consistency..


  • The aromatic composition is very diverse, the only thing that unites is a bright Yalice note. Gusto. Gin is very dry, so most people who live in it are hesitant to dilute it with alcohol.
  • How many degrees does gin have? When choosing an alternative option, remember that the importance of alcoholic beverages in this category starts at 37.5%

Gin distillation technologies

The most popular are English and Dutch technologies.

  1. English The base is oily, brightened with a bright yalewy aroma of spices and a distinct relish with a rich citrus flavor.
  2. Gene Gordons.
  3. Prozoryy is a drink with a distinctive aroma, distinctive citrus and licorice notes, as well as notes of coriander and yalve. It has a sharp, yet balanced taste.
  4. London. A prosperous bouquet with citrus and buttermilk infusion.

The lemon aroma then flows into the orange one.

Gin Bombay Sapphire . It has crystal purity and viscosity. The taste of the little bit comes from the bitterness of citrus fruits. The aromatic warehouse is a combination of spices and vegetables.

  1. How much does the original drink cost and where can I buy it? The current market for alcoholic beverages is filled with a large quantity of crushed goods, so when choosing alcohol, be sure to be sure to follow the signs that you can look for
  2. good product kind of unclear.
  3. Gin is guilty of the rules, because... Now we are going to expand our richness

popular brands


In order to select a clear product, take care of the following:

In England, it appeared after the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688-1689 that the British throne was occupied by the representative of Holland, William III.

For this reason, this glorious meat product appeared in Great Britain.

By the middle of the 18th century, there were 15 thousand stores that sold alcohol. More than half of them drank the smelly drink from the food.

Great fact.

In 1832, the process of vertical distillation was perfected, which later became the basis for the creation of London dry gin, which has a special taste and aroma. To what extent has this type of alcoholic product been developed using technology found in Holland?.

How to drink gin at home

Mitsna alcohol transfers the shanobliva setting to itself. Don't be short of snack options, otherwise there is a risk of severe sleepiness at the end of the tasting.

By the middle of the 18th century, there were 15 thousand stores that sold alcohol. To avoid these inconveniences, try organizing a snack

sliced ​​meats, seafood, game, salads, hot herbs and fruits

I’ll see who I sing, how wonderful it is to eat desserts.

The most suitable combination is selected based on the particular taste of the taste.


Knowing the types of snacks that go with gin is of utmost importance.

  • In other cases, the infection may be aggravated.
  • Until 1740, the production of English gin exceeded the production of beer 6 times. This is solid alcohol. very complex and varied, as power manifests itself best in a rich cocktail party.
  • Gin is the basis for the creation of widely known mixes that are loved throughout the world.
  • This alcohol, most obviously due to its soothing nature, can easily be combined with other drinks. This is clearly confirmed by the “Gin and Tonic”, which is loved by everyone.
  • If you want to discover the whole palette of taste and aroma, familiarize yourself with the recipes of the upcoming cocktails:

Paradise, Shortsky, Orange blossom, Banino, Bermuda Troyanda, Zaza and Midnight cream.

Gin is often respected with cola, and this may seem unimportant to rich people.

However, such a mix is ​​even more popular and brings satisfaction to tasters.

The spices and effervescence of the kale are excellent complements to the bitterness and tart taste of yalewberries.

Below is a selection of popular cocktail recipes, including gin and cola.

You can prepare it yourself, since the recipes are not particularly complex.

Classic recipe

  1. The taste of the gin is distinct, even dry, and you can easily discern the raisin and spice notes.
  2. Another remarkable feature of the rice is that it becomes noticeable when there is a feeling of cold in the mouth after the first cook, and not liver, as is the case when the burner is baked.
  3. Gradually, the cold is given way to the receiving warmth, as it spreads throughout the entire body.
  4. The combination of gin and cola gives the cocktail a wonderful taste and unique aroma.
  5. Necessary warehouses:

How to prepare:

Empty the ice from the highball glass.

Pour pre-chilled gin over the ice.

Add|add| Krizhana cola and mix everything well with a spoon. When preparing a cocktail, you need to add lemon, then put it in a bottle. Serve with a long straw and drink in small cups.

You can prepare it yourself, since the recipes are not particularly complex.

Classic recipe

  1. Variants of cocktails with gin and cola
  2. With juice
  3. The combination of gin and cola, which has become a classic, can be a wonderful addition to the appearance of fresh juice with berries or fruits.
  4. As the third component, experts recommend vicorising the juice of grapefruit, orange, lemon or lime.
  5. The product is soaked in great waters and is wonderfully refreshing, so the abundance of sprague and comfort

summer spec

This option is preferred by most wines, as the remaining wines can add a sweet taste, which is good for the sweetness and bitterness of alcohol.

The cocktail is ideal for refreshing and relaxing after an important day at work, and, in addition, is ideal for a friendly, informal drink.

You can prepare it yourself, since the recipes are not particularly complex.

Classic recipe

  1. Place ice in a shaker and fill it with gin, lemon juice and lemon juice.
  2. Please use it together, then strain it using a strainer and fill a tall bottle.
  3. Pour cola in a thin stream.
  4. Do not stir; immediately start tasting the cocktail through a thin straw.

Decorate the edge of the kelikh with a slice of fresh lemon and cherry.

With liqueur

This mix smells like a combination of bitterness and maltiness and cava liqueur.

You can prepare it yourself, since the recipes are not particularly complex.

The remaining one can be exchanged for chocolate.

The cocktail is characterized by intense relish and intense aroma.

I'll sing the story

Quick transition for the article

The Dutchman, professor of medicine Franciscus Silvius, created this amazing alcohol in the 17th century.

  • The doctor’s task was to develop the viscosities to stabilize the etching.
  • For this purpose, the professor fermented the berries on an alcohol base.
  • Ale nastiy, scho vyyshov, having appeared on the table, we will enjoy the relish, which has overturned the weight of the alcoholic assortment at that time.
  • The name “gin” is French and resembles the word genievre, which translates as “yalivets”.

This alcohol is called “Yalivtseva gorilka”.

  1. The taste of the fresh gin is richly soft when poured with a classic burner and the wine is quite dry.
  2. Therefore, this drink is often diluted with mineral water (still).

The strength of gin in degrees is greater than 37.5.

Denmark is less bitter than its English counterpart.

The wine has a lower degree of temperature and has a golden hue. It is prepared in alcohol using a different technology and, as a result, produces a softened flavor.

When fermenting grain, the wort is mixed with berries, then the milk is distilled and water is added.

Then the hazelnut and caramel are added again for further re-distillation.

  1. The drink matures in oak barrels.
  2. Likuvalny authorities
  3. gin is available in my warehouse

The main distillers of Dutch gin are located in Belgium and the Netherlands. Let’s drink the fort to 37⁰..

Behind its glass, Dutch gin is divided into three types:

Jonge (young and most affordable at a price).

  1. Oude (middle behind the window, has a characteristic amber-yellow barkiness).
  2. Zeer Oude (the oldest behind the glass, the most aromatic and expensive, has a straw flavor).
  3. The Dutch yalework, in the opinion of experts, significantly sacrifices the taste and savory flavors of the English one.
  4. Therefore, gin of this category should be used to create various cocktails.
  5. Old Tom.

This variety is the widest.

It is traditionally prepared using an old recipe from the 18th century.

“Old Tom” has a soft, welcoming, sweet taste with original notes of lemon peel, orange zest and spicy fruit.

The aroma has delicate notes of almond, ginger and original fruit motifs that go together with coriander and yalevets. This value has a value of 40⁰..

The most popular brands of gin are Tanqueray, Beefeater, Seagram's, Greenall's, Bombay, Plymouth and Gordon's.

Gin as a base for cocktails

It should be noted that gin is rarely drunk as an independent drink.

The soft aroma of gin makes a wonderful base for the creation of various cocktails.

The most popular, without a doubt, is the “Gin and Tonic” cocktail. To prepare it, you need to fill a tall flask with one third of ice, add one part gin and two parts tonic.

“Misyachna River” is a soft, almost milky cocktail.

For this creation, you need to mix equal parts of gin, apricot brandy, Galiano and Cointreau liqueurs, as well as lemon juice in a shaker, then pour into cocktail glasses and garnish with lemon and cherries.

Have a bite to eat

Gin tastes bad without a snack.

In order for the gin drink to bring maximum hostility and satisfaction, eat it with the necessary suitable products. |

To get the full taste of the drink, it is customary to eat it rather than drink it.

The origin of gin originated in the Golan monasteries of the 9th century.

At that time, everyone knew how to drink gin, even tse bula zvichaina, yalivtseva, low-alcohol infusion.

The lower body was so thirsty for the drink that the stench suggested a terrible illness, so that I would like to take away a small portion of the savory drink.

Read also:

After hundreds of years, it has changed to the point of unknownness.

Today's gin, as before, is prepared with a liquid, but with a different spirit, which is more similar to a burner, at 37.5 degrees.

Regardless of this, gin is also good for health, as it was in the past century.

It does not iron, removes toxins and acts as a compress for colds.

Ways to drink gin:


Professional experts who know how to drink gin respect the quality of drinking it undiluted.

Gin and tonic is another variety of drinking alcohol.

Any tonic tonic is added to the gin in proportions 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3.

In order for the gin drink to bring maximum hostility and satisfaction, eat it with the necessary suitable products.

Place a slice of lime on top of the large bottle.

Which gives me a sour and bitter taste.

Eat the trail with dark, dark chocolate.

Tonic is a highly carbonated drink that has a bitter taste and sourness.

The tonic itself is a non-alcoholic drink.

  • Yogo was used for adding alcoholic beverages.
  • After this addition, the alcohol turns into an amazing drink.
  • With it, alcohol not only smells wonderful, but also imparts an angelic aroma.

Fourth method

Gin with red vermouth - this method of drinking gives preference to men of all ages. Add cubes of ice, vermouth, gin and Campari to the bottle in the same proportions. Garnish with a slice of lime.

Then carefully mix with tableware and drink.

This type of drink is loved by the locals, it has a light aroma of spices, essences, and a bright taste of alcohol.

Enjoy the fiery drink with hard cheeses:

Swiss sire "Aceda";

Belgian sire "Bakstein";

French sire "Bosphorus".

You can eat some hard cheese.

I think that there are no harsh rules for drinking anything with alcohol.

You just take it and eat it, right?

And so and no.

Increased knowledge about something gives you the opportunity to understand and understand something new, especially if you have previously been an outsider.

  • Gin is one of these speeches that can evoke hostility through their harshness or supernatural “yalinism.” But everything can be corrected if you know how and why you need to drink gin.
  • Without exaggeration, gin is one of the most universal and most popular alcoholic drinks in the world.– grapefruit juice and gin, known as the Greyhound cocktail, one of the greatest, but forgotten, mixed drinks of the bygone era. Mix at a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. Try it crane juice for greater flavor, as well as orange, pineapple, pomegranate, cherry or
  • grape juice for the taste of the softness.
  • Also, don’t try to make a juice mix, keeping the proportions (it’s good to show yourself the mixes of crane-grapes and orange-grapefruit). Ginger spruce/beer

- a wonderfully refreshing message that helps “gin-haters” to love this drink as much as they love gingerbread for those who don’t understand them.

Mix at a ratio of 2:3.

I understand, it’s better to cook it yourself.

  • Cola- it’s amazing, but it’s true that they have the right to live, especially for those who love polemics (there will be a couple of people in your life who will come to sue you for this).
  • Don't listen to anyone - gin and cola work wonders. I call again? Now is the time to mix a cocktail! Porada No. 3.
  • Prepare great cocktails with gin, especially Martins: rosemary or arugula, apple slices.
  • The intense aroma of herbs enhances the botanical motifs of herbal gins. Apple instead of lime adds the necessary sourness, but does not contrast with the herbaceous taste. For spicy gins: orange slice, clove bud, licorice abo
  • Gostri pepper.

These garnishes will enhance the spicy flavors of the gin, especially dominant in most varieties of cinnamon and cloves.

For dry gins : a slice of lime, lemon, grapefruit or add kumquat. Citrus fruits balance dryness and enhance the spices of London Dry. Also try replacing the ubiquitous olives in your Martin’s with pickled zibula, carrots and gherkins.

Whether the vegetables are marinated in brine (not in oil), they look wonderful in dry gin cocktails or as an appetizer before our investigation. Martina will be the best choice for drinking not only a cocktail of the same name, but pure gin (it is logical, since a good Martini is approximately 99.99% gin). This form of kelikh allows you to fully enjoy the rich aroma of a decently chilled drink without heating it with your hands. In fact, to drink gin in a clean look, it would be better to use something suitable for alcoholic drinks, or a cup for tea (another trend set by the innovators of Hendrick's).. Large square cubes, with skin on both sides more than 2.5 cm, will melt more. I realized that

more ice

at your kelihu, this with less virulence in rosetan, diluting your favorite gin.


  1. - Power up the vi.
  2. So, darling, even now you know how, why and how to drink gin, and you have a much greater chance of finding your ideal yoke distillate. Carry this knowledge to the masses. Good luck!
  3. Gin is a popular local alcoholic drink.

In other words, the product can be called a burner with added berries and pine needles.

  1. There are also a number of different types of gin, which include not only pine trees, but also other unique ingredients.
  2. Try the cocktails and share the pleasure with your loved ones.
  3. Understand the rules of living with a gin.
  4. Select glassware for gin In a universal form for all ceremonial drinks, it is customary to use a glass with straight sides (a glass). Such a container can be called a classic bottle without edges.
  5. When drinking gin clean, it is customary to drink it from a container with a volume of no more than 50 ml.
  6. (Stacks).

Many gin lovers give preference to bottles that do not exceed 350 ml.

  1. With this capacity, you can add a scoop of ice and a squeeze of citrus or
  2. exotic fruit
  3. According to tradition, any local alcoholic drink needs to be cooled to a minimum temperature (about 5 degrees).
  4. A few years before serving, place the gin flapjack in the freezer.
  5. Serve the drink in glasses, the volume of which does not exceed 50 ml.
  6. Among real gourmets there is an idea that it is better to drink gin before drinking as an aperitif.
  7. Drinking something 5-7 drinks before eating significantly increases your appetite.

  1. It is recommended to transfer the glasses at one time.
  2. It is not customary to savor pine drinks in small pieces.
  3. After drinking the gin, following all the rules, the mouth feels fresh and cold for a few seconds.
  4. Then you feel the heat that burns, the power of local alcohol.

Many lovers of pine gin will like to brighten up their drink with a bit of citrus or a dash of kiva.

  1. A similar move will help soften the liver.
  2. The fruit, in its own way, can only add a unique taste to the drink.

Gin lovers will want to drink it with a diluted look.

  1. It appears for a simple reason that not all people can tolerate alcohol in the clear.
  2. During the day, you yourself can regulate the amount of water you drink.
  3. A popular recipe involves mixing white vermouth and gin.

  1. To prepare a simple and savory drink, all you need to do is eat two types in equal portions.
  2. Place the olive on skewers into the cocktail and enjoy the experience.
  3. This genie is most respected among its kind.

The warehouse also cannot help but calm you down.

  1. Gin prepared on the basis of raspberries, various spices, cinnamon, berries and lemon zest.
  2. The remains of "Gordons" are considered a classic gin, which is important to enjoy in a clean, chilled look. Take a glass of whiskey, pour some alcohol, add a glass of ice. This type of gin is also often mixed with non-alcoholic drinks.
  3. A popular cocktail is called "Gin Tonic".
  4. The proportions of the product are correct, rather than focusing on particular advantages.

Add ice and enjoy.

Yak piti gin “Beefeater”

Anyway, reprogram your intelligence and understand that it is necessary to cultivate and develop your intelligence throughout your life.

Gin is also accompanied by a unique taste from the original warehouses.