What is currently prescribed for Tranexam: instructions from stagnation. Tranex for uterine bleeding - what do women need to know? Tranexam instructions for stagnation in case of bleeding

"Tranexam" is the most commonly used drug in patients with anxiety. Therefore, the drug is straightened out for the purpose of viklyuchenya rizika vikidnya. Available in 2 forms - tablets and dispensed for droplet or stream administration. In case of urgency, a drug is most often prescribed, or perhaps another option.

Warehouse and power

"Tranex" should be used before the inhibitor fibrinolysine, which will lead to increased bleeding. Using tranexamic acid, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose and sodium glycolate, which is in stock, the following action occurs:

  1. The drug suppresses kinins and other peptides, which reduces allergic reactions and inflammation processes. Therefore, “Tranex” has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-swelling powers.
  2. The blood thickens and the process of coughing up the throat speeds up, which is especially important in case of bleeding.
  3. The uterine tone decreases, through this period of pregnancy.
  4. If the drug is taken at an early hour, it has an analgesic and analgesic effect.

“Tranexam” is considered vaginal in the following conditions:

  • bloody visions:
  • pain, craving in the lower abdomen;
  • ancient placenta;
  • balling of the fruit egg;
  • weakness to allergies;
  • ignition processes;
  • if there were holidays before;
  • suspicion for the weekend.

The drug is prescribed to prevent bleeding after sexual activity. And also with clear and painful menstruation.

Infusion of tranexamic acid into the vaginal body

The main ingredient of the drug “Tranexam” is tranexamic acid. We obtain lysine from amino acids in a synthetic way.

The peculiarity of speech does not metabolize, so the acid is completely eliminated from the body through the cross section. It does not penetrate the fetal placenta, which is absolutely safe.

“Tranexam” is used in medicine not only in cases of pregnancy, but also in other conditions. For example, with any bleeding, light menstruation.

Often, with minor bleeding, a uterine hematoma develops. Then, in the early stages of this organ, a large amount of blood accumulates, which is then transformed into new creation. And this will lead to serious consequences. Hematomas develop in these types of episodes, if the woman has a damaged laryngeal blood supply. "Tranexam" is useful for examining these hematomas, as the structure of the blood is updated.

Possible contraindications and side effects

For those who are in trouble, blame adverse reactions:

  • tediousness and vomiting;
  • heat and weakness;
  • At this time, the sadness of the dawn is extinguished;
  • confused and hastened heart;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • thrombosis;
  • Allergy – skin soreness, which is accompanied by itching and liver inflammation.


  1. It is categorically recommended to use the drug for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.
  2. Intolerance to one of the components of Tranexam.
  3. Bleeding of a subarachnoid nature.
  4. Pathological impairment of the functionality of the neuronal system.
  5. Reduced blood flow to the brain.
  6. In the breast, fragments of active speech easily penetrate into the milk.
  7. Movements of red blood cells in the area, such as hematuria.
  8. The drug should not be administered internally if there has been a blood transfusion.
  9. It is recommended to use Tranexam simultaneously with drugs to replace penicillin and tetracycline.
  10. Tranexamic acid is not incompatible with other blood-spinal agents and drugs used to reduce arterial pressure.

How and for how long can you take Tranexam during pregnancy - dosage

The skin of the human body has individual characteristics. So, vaginess proceeds in different ways. Ale rizik week in the first trimester is practically for every woman. There are no reasons for this. The prote drug “Tranexam” is considered universal, and is used in all types of illnesses.

The most commonly used form is the tablet form. And here the tablets are used three times a day for 1 or 2 units, depending on the meaning. You need to take the tablets immediately after going. The duration of the treatment course varies depending on the indication. So, a woman can take the drug for 1 week. There is no exchange rate in the course, and the “Tranexam” fragments do not ring.

If the doctor prescribes an injectable dose, its dosage should be included in the therapy:

  1. In case of bleeding from the uterus or hematoma, the drug is administered dropwise after additional drops 2-3 times per dose of 1000-1500 mg.
  2. If bleeding is detected in the first months of pregnancy, then the dosage should be 250 to 500 mg. The drug is administered chotiri once a day.
  3. If an allergic reaction or ignition process is indicated, then “Tranexam” is prescribed in two doses of 1000-1500 mg. It's enough to have 2 rounds.
  4. In case of generalized fibrinolysis, a dropper is given to the kidney, and then the tablet form of the drug is prescribed.

The decision regarding the dosage of the drug "Tranexam" is taken on an individual level. This depends on the progression of illness and gestation, body characteristics, blood loss, etc.

Zastosuvannya on different terms

on first trimester Tranexamic acid is indicated for the following types of illnesses:

  • ignition processes;
  • plump new creations;
  • bloody visions and bleeding;
  • Wikiday threat;
  • allergy to any allergen;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • hemophilia;
  • leukemia;
  • liver pathologies;
  • angioneurotic swelling;
  • Intoxication.

Other trimester:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen of a pulling and dull nature;
  • bloody vision, blood loss;
  • rizik vtrati ditini.

Third trimester:

  • stomach pain;
  • threat of frontal canopies;
  • bleeding and bloody vision.

Which is better to take: “Dicinon” or “Tranex” for vaginosis?

The drug "Ditsinon" is similar to the drug "Tranexam". However, the stench is not noticeable. First of all, it’s worth it. For example, "Tranexam" (10 tablets) costs 230-260 rubles, and "Ditsinon" for the same quantity - 40-50.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of tranexamic acid is significantly different, since Tranexam is such a strong drug that it is often used as a first aid. Then you can stop mittevo’s blood.

Thirdly, side reactions in “Dicinon” are less pronounced. All types of drugs are available both in tablet form and in injectable form. And what do you choose, the doctor is to blame.

Pros and cons I accept

Perevag and take the drug “Tranexam”:

  • mitthevy Likuvalny effect;
  • care for mother and future child;
  • The drug has a very low level of tolerance;
  • the ability to stagnate for a long time - there is no squeaking;
  • In some cases, the course becomes difficult for more than a few days;
  • general effect on the body;
  • You can buy it from any pharmacy.


  • it is necessary to carefully adjust the dosage;
  • є low contraindication;
  • Sometimes side reactions occur.

Of course, it should be noted that “Tranex” can be used in an effective and safe way, which will help not only stop bleeding, but also avoid a lot of other problems. It has many analogues, but the selection can only be done by the doctor.

Minasyan Margarita

The explanations and problems of menstruation require diagnostics and treatment. It is good to deal with this problem if it is dealt with easily under the supervision of a doctor. Additional instructions for taking Tranexam during menstruation, as well as the recommendation of a gynecologist for obstetric patients.

About the drug

Tranex is a hemostatic drug, and its active component is called tranexamic acid. This speech stops bleeding and ensures:

  • normal throat of blood;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • antihistamine effect;
  • resistance of the body to bacteria;
  • fight against fluff;
  • reduction in pain syndrome.

The skin of these activities is sympathetically indicated during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the advice about Tranexame during monthly episodes is positive.

An excellent analogue can be called Vikasol. and other uterine bleeding.

Vipusu form

Patients can choose one of two options for the drug:

Rozchin: 5 ml ampoules containing 50 mg of active ingredient.

Tablets: one tablet contains 250 mg of tranexamic acid.

To ease the period of menstruation, most often take it orally.

Main evidence

A drug called Tranex will ensure the activation of fibrinolysin. It increases significantly in the blood with low platelet pathology. The laryngeal blood increases due to the fact that tranexamic acid converts fibrinolysin into plasma. Therefore, medicinal treatment shows remarkable effectiveness in case of advanced disorders:

  1. Menorrhagia.
  2. Coagulopathy.
  3. Profuse uterine bleeding.

The drug is prescribed for other illnesses. However, the most overexposed problems are related to the excess of menstruation and can become the cause not only of long menstruation, but also of heavy bleeding and anemia.

Zagalni rules of zastosuvannya

When using drugs for a period of monthly tranex, women should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Right now, you need to go to the gynecologist and get unfastened.
  2. The method of administration and dose are determined after the diagnosis is made.
  3. The drug is being considered for serious contraindications.
  4. Failure to comply with instructions increases the risk of side effects.
  5. If the body has a negative reaction, it is necessary to select an analogue.

If the patient regularly takes this acid, blood tests may result in additional side effects.

How to take Tranexam

For skin swelling, a treatment scheme is established. Because of this, some women are not suitable for the standard cycle. There are such schemes:

  1. High dose for the kidney with further changes.
  2. However, the number of tablets lasts for many days.
  3. Dosage is lower than standard due to additional illness.

There are a large number of options available for filling, including prescription and including self-medication.


How to take Tranexam during early menstruation can be determined only after finding the cause of the excessive bleeding. Tablets (one 250 mg) should be taken by women as follows:

  • Menorrhagia – up to 1000 mg per dose.
  • Coagulopathy – up to 1500 mg per dose (3-4 days a day).
  • Profuse bleeding - at least six tablets 2-3 times per dose.

The solution for intravenous administration during heavy menstruation is rarely used in the hospital, since uterine bleeding is not treated immediately.

Trivalism of the celebration

Traneks are suitable for use with instructions and should be taken promptly during menstruation:

  1. No more than a few pains with clear menstrual vision.
  2. From three to ten days against the background of coagulopathy.
  3. 3 or 4 days for profuse uterine bleeding.

At the discretion of the physician, the duration of the course may be changed or increased.

You cannot take Tranexam for a period of one month and no more than three cycles afterward. Excessive treatment causes stress on the body, and its effectiveness decreases.

Koli piti ne varto

Since the volume of menstrual blood does not exceed 80 ml per dose, and the volume of critical days is less than 7 ml, then there is no need for Tranexam.

Some women use this drug to help speed up menstruation or to insert their cob. Doctors insist that you can escape from such tasks, otherwise there is a risk of serious consequences, which will then be important to sleep on. Therefore, the hemostatic drug should be taken for its intended purpose, without engaging in self-medication. Find out using other, safer methods.


Tranexam cannot be taken on aphids during menstruation:

  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug

Care must be taken to reveal the following:

  • liver failure;
  • problems with vision;
  • thrombosis.

Doesn't help

In some situations, after the elimination of the hemostatic effect, the nature of menstrual vision is lost by itself. In this case, it is necessary to look for other factors to provoke. If the bleeding does not stop, the woman will need immediate hospitalization and other methods of treatment.

Tranescas should be used until a group of medicinal treatments is used to stop all bleeding. In addition, these people have shown themselves kindness:

  • During ignition processes
  • For allergic manifestations
  • Yak anti-tumor drug
  • As a drug against infections

Tranex is prescribed

If there is a threat of bleeding

  • In patients with a diagnosis of oncology of the subscapular and anterior ovary
  • In the process of surgical insertion into the chest organs
  • In gynecology: abortions and abortions, etc.
  • When the liver is sick
  • When you are pregnant
  • For injuries

Tranexam also helps with ENT illnesses and inflammations: the tonsils, mucous throat, vocal cords and mucous membranes.

The drug Tranexam is prescribed for allergic illnesses: eczema, dermatitis, urticaria.

Video about treatment with Tranexam

She suffered a severe cold and less than a few months after her death, her breasts and painful monthly bleeding are still turbulent. During a consultation with a gynecologist, I first smelled the drug Tranexam. Videos about the drug, good, positive, and I decided to buy it whole.

I started taking Tranexam tablets on the first day of my menstruation. I drank them for 5 days, 2 tablets once, 3 tablets a day. Taking the eyes meant that the cycle could go through without pain and the bleeding was normalized.

Because of the pills, I am not afraid of painful and clear menstruation, so I deprive myself of my positive message about Tranexam and recommend it to all women with similar problems.

Description of Tranexam

The drug is produced in Russia. The release form is round white tablets in the envelope, rounded on both sides. One tablet contains 250 mg of tranexamic acid.

Tablets are packaged in 10 pieces in foil blisters. Blisters (1 to 5 pieces) are placed in a cardboard box with additional instructions.

You can save Tranex at room temperature when serving children. The drug is available for administration over a period of 3 days and is sold with a doctor’s prescription.

Suspension of the drug

Before you buy this drug, you must consult an ophthalmologist: check the eye and clean the bottom. Treatment and treatment regimen are prescribed by the doctor, strictly individually.

Vaginal women, when the weekend is approaching, drink 1-2 jogs every day and evening after going. Tranexam is taken in courses, duration is 3 to 10 days.

For severe bleeding, the dose of the drug may be significantly increased, up to 4 tablets at a time, several times per dose. Whenever the drug is taken as normal, the doctor prescribes it and strictly controls the process.

The drug is prescribed to children with great caution. The dose of the dose taken is indicated for the benefit of the small patient.

Side effects

When taking Tranexam, you sometimes avoid problems with poisoning such as: baking, throwing up, carrying, loss of appetite. The guy's head may be spinning. There may be problems with color insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmia and changes in arterial pressure.

Overdose of the drug

Episodes of overdose with Tranex are not described.


The drug is not prescribed to patients with internal cranial hemorrhage. Tranex should be used with extreme caution in patients who suffer from thrombosis, who have suffered a myocardial infarction, or who suffer from neuronal deficiency.


The drug "Tranexam". Guidelines for caregivers and patients, instructions

Please follow the “Tranex” instructions for stagnation before fibrinolysin inhibitors. The medication has an antifibrinolytic specific effect, inhibiting the transformation of plasminogen into plasmin. Treatments with “Tranexam” (a number of doctors confirm this) provide systemic and local blood-spinal action in cases of bleeding caused by conditions characterized by an increase in fibrinolysin (with platelet pathology, menorrhagia). The drug inhibits the production of active peptides, including kinins, which take part in inflammatory, allergic processes, which results in anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-swelling effects .

Indications for vikoristannya drugs "Tranexam"

In case of bleeding or the possibility of its development as a result of an increase in fibrinolysin, the drug Vicorist is used as a hemostatic agent. Thus, it is indicated in the postoperative period, in cases of postoperative bleeding, with manual separation of the afterbirth, hemophilia, chorionic choroidectomy, liver disease, bleeding during pregnancy , puffiness of the anterior, subcutaneous, malignant nature, leukemia. The same treatment is used for nasal, uterine, and intestinal bleeding. As an anti-allergic drug, “Tranexam”, as a remedy for doctors, shows stagnation in cases of urticaria, eczema, rash on the skin due to the ingestion of skin and the influx of toxins, allergic dermatitis. For laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, the drug Vikorist is used as an anti-inflammatory drug. In addition, they are indicated for the treatment of angioedema.

Release form and warehouse

The medicine is produced in the form of film-coated tablets in packages of 10, 20, 30, 50 units. One tablet contains 250 mg of tranexamic acid.

The method of using “Tranexam”

Patients should note that the doctor selects the dosage of medications and determines the severity of each drug on an individual basis. In cases of local ingestion of fibrinolysin, it is recommended to take 1-1.5 g of the drug 3-4 times per dose. If repeated nosebleeds are on the rise, take it for 1 day at a time.

Side effects

Under the hour of treatment with “Tranexam” (the sick are talking about this), negative effects on the side of the scolio-intestinal tract, such as diarrhea, burning, boredom, and decreased appetite, may develop. On the side of the central nervous system you may experience weakness, drowsiness, confusion, and impaired color and vision perception. Disorders on the side of the vascular system and heart are manifested by the development of thrombosis, chest pain, tachycardia, thromboembolism. Sverbizh, visipannya, and kropivyanka may also appear.


It is recommended to prescribe the drug in cases of hypersensitivity to the components in stock, in case of subarachnodial bleeding. Be careful to avoid thrombosis or their risk. During periods of pregnancy and lactation, Tranexam is used only for acute needs.


Tranex for vagusity: indications, instructions, how to take it?

Every day the mother can work on her skin as much as possible to avoid problems with her child’s wine. Despite the fact that medicine has advanced ahead of the curve, food for the people of the world still costs a ruble in many regions of the world.

How to stop bleeding and save the baby. Let's talk about everything at once!

Tranex for vaginosis

This is a strong homeostatic drug that prevents bleeding, promotes the throat of blood and reduces the risk of uterine transfer due to insufficient feeding of the fetus or damage to the blood vessels.

The instructions for use indicate that the drug is contraindicated if taken for medical purposes. Tranexamic acid, which enters the bloodstream, crosses the placenta and is found in breast milk.

Display before stastosuvannya:

  1. Bleeding and risk of development of bleeding, during surgery, in case of postoperative bleeding, manually isolated postlipid, chorion injection, malignant effects of the subscapular and anterior glands, sickness cookies.
  2. For uterine bleeding.
  3. For allergic illnesses, sprinkles, medicinal and toxic drugs.
  4. Illness of the oral cavity, pharynx.
  5. When promptly handed over to the mikhur.
  6. Surgical manipulations for sepsis, peritonitis, gestosis, and various etiologies.

Traneksam with vomiting can lead to weakness, confusion, drowsiness, impaired vision and coordination, color loss. The drug affects the functioning of the cardiac system and may cause arterial pressure and chest pain.

You may be on the lookout for problems on the side of the herbal tract, boredom, vomiting, diarrhea, baking, diarrhea. Hedgehogs do not like it, because they have an appetite, similar to relish.

Possible allergic rashes, itching, kropiv'yanka, mucous membrane variants. Such treatment is in accordance with the norm, so that taking hands without visible indications is blocked.

Respect! The drug cannot be prescribed for the diagnosis of problems with blood flow, and tranex is not prescribed for thrombosis and thromboembolism. If the patient is sick, they should take a continuous course rather than take other hemostatic drugs.

Cream for bleeding tranex is prescribed for severe pain in the lower abdomen when the fertilized egg is removed. Such damage is diagnosed after undergoing an ultrasound scan and examination by a doctor.

For vaginal women over 35 years of age, to reduce pregnancy, doctors often prescribe a course of these medications from the first days of pregnancy. Golovne, don’t engage in self-indulgence and summarily ignore all the doctor’s prescriptions.

Vidguki koristuvachiv

Marina, 32 roki.

“My first pregnancy was at 30 years old, at 11 years of age I started having motor bleeding, the doctor threatened to interrupt my pregnancy, and one of the midwives said that it would be impossible to save the baby.

I was prescribed Tranex, I took it 3 times for food after the hedgehog. By God, everything is over, the bleeding has stopped and the threat has subsided. Now I know for sure that if I have a problem with others, I will always have tranex at my fingertips. I encourage all mothers to bear and give birth to healthy children!”

Victoria, 28 rokiv.

“For me, the pressure was not just a period of acceptable compliments, but a period of constant restlessness. I’ve been in bed since I was 6 years old, I’ve been hospitalized for a long time, I’ve spent an awful lot of time at the doctor’s office.

They immediately put on a dropper with Tranexam, then they prescribed it in tablets. Ultrasound showed that the placenta is migrating, it is becoming crooked, it is crooked under any stress, and therefore it requires more calm and control from the doctor.

I spent three days in the hospital, the drops were put on for 3 days, and I took walks for another 5. Then everything stopped, but they just got ready to pee, and the bleeding started again. I was put to bed for two more days, with orders to remain calm and take tranexam tablets.

After a three-year course of treatment, I was given an ultrasound scan and it turned out that the threat had passed, and my blood pressure began to subside. I didn't have any more problems. She gave birth to a sweet and healthy boy.

I will help the qualified doctors for their professional assistance, because of the operational actions and the drug tranex, I have become the most conscientious mother in the world. That's what I really want you to do!


The drug Tranexam effectively helps to stop bleeding and preserve vaginity, but only take it as prescribed by a doctor and do not engage in self-medication, since it has a lot of side effects and is contraindicated.

Take care of your future baby! All the best to your homeland!



Tranexam is a drug that is used to prevent bleeding.

Form of release and warehouse of Tranexam

Tranexam is available as white, film-coated tablets and is available for injection, the main substance being tranexamic acid.

How additional speeches are corrected:

for tablets – hyprolose, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylstarch, calcium stearate, talc;

at home - water for injections.

Pharmacological action of Tranexam

Tranex is a fibrinolysis inhibitor, a hemostatic drug.

This will inhibit the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

In bleeding caused by fibrinolysis, tranexamic acid exhibits a systemic and local hemostatic effect. In addition, it has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-infectious actions, which are based on the suppressed release of active peptides, which take part in inflammatory and allergic reactions.

The potential effect of tranexamic acid on the analgesic activity of opiates and its analgesic activity has been confirmed experimentally.

Indications for Tranexam administration

Follow the instructions for Tranexam in the form of tablets when:

  • bleeding during the hour of pregnancy;
  • there are concerns about bleeding or bleeding from aphids due to musculoskeletal fibrinolysis (schilino-intestinal, nasal, uterine bleeding, prostatectomy, bleeding after viconization of the cervix, extraction of teeth for signs of of hemorrhagic diathesis, hematuria);
  • unsafe bleeding or bleeding on aphids due to generalized fibrinolysis (manual separation of the afterbirth, post-natal bleeding, leukemia, surgeries on the chest organs, oncological diseases of the substellar swelling of the liver, sick liver);
  • ignition illnesses (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis);
  • allergic diseases (urticaria, eczema, toxic and medicinal viscera, allergic dermatitis);
  • angioneurotic swelling of a spasmodic nature

Rozchin Tranexam stagnates with:

  • Surgical procedures on the split fur;
  • Unsafe bleeding or bleeding in aphids with advanced generalized fibrinolysis (bleeding during and after surgery, post-operative bleeding, chorion bleeding, bleeding during pregnancy, hemophilus ii, manually extracted afterbirth, thrombocytopenic purpura, cancer therapy, liver disease, leukemia, after treatment with streptokinase ) and local fibrinolysis (hematuria, bleeding after extraction of teeth due to the presence of a hemorrhagic diathesis in a patient, prostatectomy, uterine, nasal, sclero-intestinal, leg hemorrhages, convalescent horse uterine cervix);
  • surgical procedures for peritonitis, sepsis, severe and moderate stage gestosis, pancreatic necrosis, shock and other critical conditions.

Contraindications for use with Tranexam

For instructions Traneksam has all forms of contraindications for:

  • high level of sensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage.

The drug should be used with caution when:

  • thrombosis (thromboembolic syndrome, deep vein thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction);
  • thrombohemorrhagic complications (with indirect anticoagulants and heparin);
  • destruction of the colorful light;
  • nirka deficiency;
  • hematuria from the upper kidneys.

Method of administration and dosing of Tranexam

Tranexam tablets are intended for internal use.

Dosing of Tranexam tablets:

  • for local fibrinolysis - 2-3 times a day 1-1.5 g;
  • for nosebleeds – 3 times a day, 1 g for 7 days;
  • for uterine bleeding – 3-4 times a day, 1-1.5 g for 3-4 days;
  • for bleeding under the hour of pregnancy - 3-4 days a day, 250-500 mg until the start of bleeding, 7 days;
  • for bleeding due to coagulopathy – 3-4 times a day, 1-1.5 g for 3-10 days;
  • for symptoms of inflammation and allergies – 2-3 times a day for 1-1.5 g for 3-9 days;
  • for angioedema of a spasmodic nature - 2-3 times a day, 1-1.5 g;
  • after extraction of teeth for evidence of coagulopathy in a patient - 6–8 days, 3–4 times a day, 1–1.5 g;
  • after the end of the uterine cervix – 12-14 days 3 days 1.5 rub;
  • in case of generalized fibrinolysis after intravenous administration, it is recommended to take tablets 2-3 times, 1-1.5 g each.

Directions for injection: Tranexam should be administered internally.

Dosage of Tranexam:

  • for generalized fibrinolysis - 15 mg per kg for a period of 1 ml per skin period for 6-8 years;
  • for local fibrinolysis – 2-3 days a day, 250-500 mg;
  • during surgery on sechomyuri or prostatectomy – 1 g per hour of surgery, then over a period of three days for 8 years, 1 g each. Then Tranexam tablets are prescribed.
  • before tooth extraction, if the patient has coagulopathy, 10 mg per kg of tissue; after extraction, Tranexam tablets are prescribed.
  • for evidence of a high risk of bleeding - 10-11 mg per kilogram the days before surgery.

For patients with injuries, the robotic dosage may have to be adjusted.


The use of Tranexam in the form of tablets may cause side effects such as: loss of appetite, nausea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, confusion, color loss, thromboembolism, thrombosis, urination ki, itching, hanging on my skin.

When administered with Tranexam, you may experience headaches, weeds, itching of the skin, anorexia, boredom, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, confusion, drowsiness, pain in the face, color disturbances, tach Cardia, hypotension, blurred vision, thrombus.

Overdosing with Tranexam

Beyond treatment with Tranexam, there is no evidence of overdose with this drug.

Stagnation during gestation and lactation

The tablet form of the drug is prescribed for indications under the hour of pregnancy due to obvious contraindications.

Tranexamic acid is found in breast milk.

Interactions with other drugs

Tranexam has the potential to activate thrombus formation during one-hour stasis with hemocoagulase and hemostatic agents.

The side effects of Tranexam are not related to penicillin, diazepam, dipyridamole, blood products, urokinase, tetracyclines, or hypertensive drugs.

special inserts

Before starting therapy with the drug, the patient should also undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to check the color spray, the sharpness of the vision, and the appearance of the fundus.

Saving Tranexam

The drug is saved at temperatures above 30º.

Reasons and travails that occur every day cause discomfort, savor the joy of life, and destroy self-esteem. Sleeps without any personality. One of them is tranexam, the instructions for use during menstruation must be carefully read before starting the cob. Regardless of those that the drug is recommended by the doctor, it will be worthwhile to get acquainted with this document.

The menstrual cycle of an individual woman's skin. They see a lot of things every month and spend a lot of blood. Menorrhagia is usually accompanied by a pain syndrome, and blood appears in clots. The duration of pain varies from 7 to 12 days.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be various, ranging from the characteristics of the body to serious disturbances of the menstrual cycle. To make it easier to get through critical days, women begin to take action on their own. In this situation, uncontrolled use of drugs can be very harmful.

Uncontrolled menstruation can lead to catastrophic consequences. Prompt help can lead to serious blood loss and the development of anemia. In addition, the reason may lie in the presence of swelling, even if the patient is in trouble for life. Determine the cause of the injury, select the drug necessary for treatment, and give recommendations for taking it.

Characteristics and power of the drug

To relieve uterine bleeding, the doctor most often prescribes the drug Tranexam. It is characterized as a systemic infection, and may also have a local influx. Treatments are used to stop bleeding, stabilize menstruation, and change the appearance of blood.

As a preventive measure, the drug is used to reduce the risk of pregnancy in pregnant women when bloody vision appears.

The use of Tranexam for bleeding has proven itself to be good. The main storage agent is cetranexamic acid. Apparently, before bleeding, induce movements instead of fibrinolysin, which slows down the process of bleeding. Tranexamic acid transforms fibrinolysin in plasma, thereby causing bleeding.

The benefits of Tranexam may have pharmacological effects:

  • blood spinal effect;
  • anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving infusion;
  • suppresses the growth of bacteria;
  • works like an anti-fatigue;
  • I have an antihistamine effect.

The pharmacy market sells drugs in two forms - tablets and an injectable drug. An hour to lie in the medical form. The highest concentration of active substance in the blood when taking Coristan tablets is observed within three years. Ampoule dispensing is unacceptable.

I will accept special features

What types of seizures do you have and how should you take Tranex? The drug can be used as an emergency aid for difficult conditions. And also as a celebratory treat, take Tranexam during early menstruation. The form of the drug, its dose, the frequency of administration will contain a number of bloody images. This is the reason why a woman will become important. This may be due to hormonal imbalance, gynecological illness or inflammation.

In any case, the mucous membrane of the uterus bleeds, blood is seen from damaged vessels. In this case, tranexamic acid thickens the vision, increasing its viticania. In this case, there is no trace of permanent bleeding.

Once the process of dissolving the endometrium during menstruation begins, it may continue to be called.

In connection with this, the regimen for taking the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually. Tranex is available for prescription, drink this trace, follow the recommendations carefully. Most often, no more than a few tablets are prescribed starting from the first day of the month. Depending on the indications, the medicine may be prescribed 2-4 tablets at a time. Then the dose is reduced to one per day.

Vicorize your lips for three more than three menstrual cycles.

Tranexam can be used for early pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor. It is recommended to take the drug for minor abdominal pain. It is prescribed to women who are at risk of pregnancy interruption, especially in cases of fertilization of the fertilized egg, which is often detected during ultrasonic stimulation.

The doctor's prescription is used to stop nosebleeds in cases of cancer. As a preventative measure, Tranexam injection can be administered before surgical procedures, as well as during the operation itself.

Contraindicated before use

Regardless of the fact that the spectrum of this drug is wide, it may have some contraindications. There is an urgent need for important and long-lasting drugs to be taken into account as a doctor for a woman in an extreme situation, since the corrosiveness of medicines for a woman outweighs the possible threat to the fetus.

The drug is designed to penetrate breast milk, as well as the placental barrier.

The main concern when taking a medication is if a woman has thrombosis, then Tranexam during menstruation can be replaced with another blood-spinal medication. In addition, be careful when packing the tablets in the following situations:

  • increased sensitivity to the drug;
  • thrombosis of various origins;
  • subarachnoid bleeding;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • disruption of the functioning of the network;
  • the presence of blood in the section;
  • discord of color, development of ophthalmic ailments.

It is important for a woman to regulate her menstrual cycle. For several days before your period, take one tablet daily for 8 years. This helps by sticking the beginning of critical days onto a sprout. You cannot take the drug for 4 days. A description of this method is given in the instructions. Reduce health, obviously provoked hormonal imbalance, do not leave a trace.

The drug cannot be used in parallel with other blood-spinal treatments; it cannot be taken with antibiotics of the penicillin or tetracycline series. Injection due to internal administration requires extensive work. It is not crazy because of blood substitutes, methods that move the pressure.

Side activities

The drug is strong and effective, but before taking it, it is recommended to see an ophthalmologist to check your vision. Women who take Tranex may experience some side effects. Thus, patients often report headaches, body weakness, and drowsiness.

The cardiovascular system reacts to tachycardia, and with rapid intravenous administration, arterial pressure is avoided. On the side of the scolio-intestinal tract, illnesses mean heat, boredom, and decreased appetite. Sometimes vomiting and mental disorder are to blame. Possible sagging on the skin, itching, teasing.

When taking Tranexam, it is important to remember that pathological bleeding will require, first of all, understanding the reasons for their occurrence. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the problem in combination with other medicinal drugs that will eliminate the root cause of the illness.

One of the most common symptoms for which women seek help from gynecologists is uterine bleeding. The pathology has no age-old cordons. Even young girls and mature women who are entering menopause can suffer from severe bleeding. Pharmacologists have developed a variety of effective drugs to treat uterine bleeding. It is possible to use the popular and effective method of Tranex, depending on the wives’ tastes.

Tranexam against uterine bleeding

The drug Tranexam is widely used in gynecological practice for the management of uterine bleeding, renewal and shortening of menstruation. The medication may be used as a vaginal medication for those who have bloody vision and are diagnosed with a threat of pregnancy.

Tranexam is an effective drug that allows you to stop uterine bleeding

The drug of knowledge in particular first helps, the fragments of the building are effective and quickly stop bleeding.

Transekamu's active ingredient is tranexamic acid. She herself endows the drug with such positive powers:

  • antifibrinolytic (they cause bleeding when the fibrinolytic system is activated, which absorbs broken fibrin (clots), thereby thinning the blood);
  • hemostatic (blood-spinal effect dictated by the phlegm of blood);
  • anti-infectious;
  • anti-allergic;
  • anti-flash;
  • anti-tumor;
  • analgesic.

Action mechanism

Trival, extremely intense bleeding is dictated by high levels of fibrinolysin in the blood. This picture occurs when platelets fail to vibrate in the required amount of plasmin (a component that ensures the throat of the blood). After penetration into the body, Tranexam triggers a reaction mechanism that stops bleeding.

The drug ensures the conversion of fibrinolysin into plasma. As a result of such a transformation, the bleeding diminishes.

What is uterine bleeding

Women need to understand what is meant by this term and recognize menstruation as a pathology.

Uterine bleeding is a serious pathology that can be avoided in women of any age.

Uterine bleeding is a clear process of seeing blood from the uterus, which develops as a result of a physiological process with the following features:

  • The severity of bleeding is avoided for 7 days;
  • є large blood clots;
  • blood consumption is 80 ml.

Warehouse and formi vipusku

The drug is available in 2 dosage forms:

  • tablets, crushed for internal use;
  • investigations, purposes for internal administration.

Tranexam tablets are white pills, coated.

In the tablet form, tranexamic acid is taken with the following additional components:

  • hydroxypropyl cellulose,
  • microcrystalline cellulose,
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch,
  • calcium stearate,
  • talc,
  • silicon dioxide.

Take tablets containing 250 mg and 500 mg of active substance.

In times of great blood loss, Tranexam appears to be useful for internal injections. The liquids are packaged in ampoules of 5 ml. This is a clear vision that has a light brown tint.

The only other form of Tranexam in ampoules is distilled water

The medicine warehouse includes:

  • transescamic acid (in 1 ampoule - 250 mg);
  • distilled water.

Features of stastosuvannya

Tranexam is a universal drug that can help women at different stages of life. It is not recommended to put it on your own. Like any medicine, Tranexam has low contraindications and can cause side effects.

Showing before confession

  • dysfunctional bleeding (pathologies provoked by a lack of state hormones);
  • bleeding in the epithelium;
  • menstruation, which is characterized by high blood loss;
  • bleeding in vaginal patients, including those caused by myoma, as well as post-spinal bleeding;
  • removal of the placenta before the line.

Traneks can be used not only to reduce bleeding, but also to prevent bleeding (with the method of prevention).

Treatment for gestation and lactation

Liki can be victorious with mothers and mothers who are growing. But for this category of women, Tranexam must be used only by a doctor!

During the hour of lactation, Tranex may be used as a medicine, at which age the baby needs to be treated.

The components of the drug can penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier. Therefore, the medication will become stagnant due to important indications in life. If women are prescribed Tranex during the lactation period, it is recommended to take time off during breastfeeding.

Stagnation of the lips during menopause

Uterine bleeding may increase in women near menopause. Such findings are dictated by serious changes in the reproductive system (a great risk for the development of oncology), endocrinological pathologies, and metabolic disorders.

Due to the presence of such reasons, Tranex appears to be ineffective, and only serves as a substitute for symptomatic therapy. However, with a properly selected treatment, aimed at combating certain pathologies, it will bring significant harm.

Side effects

The doctor's office will provoke a negative manifestation.

The tablets can be taken with the following:

  • tediousness, vomiting;
  • bake;
  • sagging on the skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • I’ll overthrow the viniknennyam;
  • confusion, drowsiness;
  • wasting your appetite.

Some women are willing to change the color scheme. There will be consequences if taking Tranexam leads to the development of thromboembolism, thrombosis. However, such damage is rarely cleared away.

Taking Tranexam may cause drowsiness

Internal administration of the medication can provoke developments:

  • dyspeptic symptoms (various disorders of the herbal system);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • autonomic disorders (frozen, weakness, excessive drowsiness, tachycardia, pain discomfort in the chest);
  • hypotension;
  • disruption of vision (unclear vision, change in color vision);
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism.


The drug is recommended for use in women who have:

  1. Individual sensitivity to the medical warehouse.
  2. Various thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction or thrombosis of blood vessels in the brain).
  3. Subarachnoid bleeding. These are hemorrhages that arise spontaneously in the area between the meninges. This pathology is avoided in case of craniocerebral injuries or rupture of aneurysms.
  4. Nirkova lack of availability.
  5. Hematuria of the thyroid system (increased level of erythrocytes in the thyroid system).
  6. The color has been destroyed.

Tranex can be used only for the doctor's indications, and even the drug has low contraindications.

Interactions with other people

The drug is blocked by hemostatic agents. In another case, it is possible to activate the process of thrombus formation.

Tranexam appears to be pharmaceutically harmless due to:

  1. Blood preparations.
  2. Medicines in stock include penicillin, diazepam, urokinase, dipiridamol, tetracycline.
  3. Singing hypertensive ways. It is recommended to take Tranex with Norepinephrine, Deoxyepinephrine hydrochloride, Metarmine bitartrate.

Instructions for drying

  1. Walking is intended for internal experience.
  2. The drug is administered 2 to 4 times per dose.
  3. The period of treatment can last up to 14 days. In general terms, Tranexam is not used.
  4. Therapy with Tranexam can be repeated over 3 menstrual cycles. You should be advised to continue taking the medication.

You can choose the correct dosage and regimen for taking Tranexam without taking the medicine.

When considering treatment, doctors adhere to the following rules:

  1. Rozchin can be vikorystuvati struminno and krapelno.
  2. Most often, one injection (droppers) is completely sufficient to stop uterine bleeding.
  3. If it is necessary to continue injective therapy, 3 additional treatments may be required. In general, Tranexam (in injections) is not prescribed.

How can I replace the medication?

You can replace the original substance with drugs that replace the same active substance. These are called structural analogues. If the body cannot absorb tranexamic acid, the doctor will recommend medications that can have a similar effect.

Structural analogues are:

  • Tranexamic acid;
  • Stagemin;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Transamcha;
  • Exacyl.

The following drugs can be substitutes for the original effect, which can produce a similar effect on the body:

  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • Ambien;
  • Aprotex;
  • Aprotinin;
  • Viro Narcap;
  • Vikasol;
  • Goombix;
  • Dicinon;
  • Ingitril;
  • Contrikal;
  • Polycapran;
  • Trascolan.

There are no drugs for Tranexam analogues, otherwise you can replace the original drug without a doctor

Effective analogues - table

Vidgukki wives

Treatment of uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding can occur for a variety of reasons. Therapy is carefully selected for the problem, as gynecologists often include Tranexam. The medication is sufficient to meet the requirements, and it takes a long time to come to the aid of women with the most unacceptable, and sometimes life-threatening conditions - uterine bleeding.

  • Rozdrukuvati


Effectiveness of Tranexam for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon, which can be caused by various damage to the woman’s body. Who gets the smell from both the young and the mature?

To prevent negative consequences of such bleeding, you should undergo a comprehensive procedure. The doctor is responsible for making a diagnosis and providing adequate treatment. Only in this situation will you be able to preserve your wife’s health.

One of the most popular drugs for reducing bleeding in the mother is Tranexam. When patients talk about the fact that their advantages are efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness, there is a strong vision and effectiveness.

What kind of power does the drug have?

Basically, the action of the medical profession is directed towards:

  • reduction of a large number of monthly periods, their balancing;
  • elimination of pathological blood from the uterus;
  • Helped when bleeding appeared during the hour of pregnancy and wine of the fetus.

The drug contains the active substance tranexamic acid in its warehouse. In this case, infusion of fibrinolysin is used. The wine itself does not allow blood to be collected. Due to the excessive amount of fibrinolysin, bleeding occurs. And Tranexam works to increase the number of plasma. This component of the blood also helps her throat, and then, through this, bleeding will occur.

The range of Tranexam infusions on the body includes:

  • secondary bleeding - hemostatic both in the local and systemic terms;
  • inflammation in the body advances;
  • against allergic manifestations, has antihistamine power;
  • to protect the body from being lost in a new infection, and fight against organisms that are already present in the new;
  • flows into the fluff;
  • It is used to lower the pain threshold, it is used as an analgesic drug, and therefore exhibits analgesic power.

Due to all these authorities in the complex, its pharmacological action is wide. And the effectiveness of the product improves several times compared to its analogues.

Indications for stagnation

Most often, Tranex is used in these situations, if there is a threat of vaginal disruption. Another side effect of taking Tranexam may be the bloody nature of the postpartum. Before such inheritance, I think it is unnatural for the fetus to pass through and be separated by an obstetrician.

Occasionally, the symptoms of sore menstruation are seen with clots. Some doctors may use this drug. It helps stop bleeding and regulate the menstrual cycle in the future.

Use the drug for menopause. Occasionally, there are episodes of blood loss that are in no way related to menstruation.

In all these cases, Tranexam will be prescribed. They drink it until the bleeding stops and the sick people die. With this scheme, it may be accepted only by the doctor after the procedure has been carried out and the diagnosis has been made.

Yak adopt

Taking the drug depends on the woman's body and the cause of bleeding.

For those with intense periods during menstruation, the following regimen is recommended: no more than 4 tablets per day. They contain a number of techniques. The first congestion may fall on the ear of the month.

The following schemes may be used to indicate the presence of serious pathologies:

  • Pershu dobu is prescribed to take 2 trichy tablets;
  • 4 tablets at a time, then 1 tablet at a time;
  • for problems with vision and normal blood viscosity, a maximum of three tablets per dose is prescribed.

The drug can be administered cyclically. However, one course cannot be repeated three times.

Traneks often fail to stop menstruation during a normal menstrual cycle. Take one tablet each for 8 years. Start tracking a few days before the cob is visible. Then go out and cover menstruation with a term of up to 4 days. This is the maximum period for us to accept in our minds the normal passage of critical days.

It is important to understand that it is not possible to use Tranexam for such “add-ons”. On the right, the drug affects the hormonal body of the body and changes the structure of the blood. As a result, problems with the functioning of existing systems can arise and the people’s hideous state may be affected.

Tranex should be avoided in these situations if the menstrual cycle does not occur. Thus, it is considered normal to see events that last for more than 7 days. In another case, there is a risk of wasting a large amount of blood, which will lead to the destruction of all systems of the body. The underlying weakness is also to blame.

The following factors should be added to the drug regimen:

  • obsyag see;
  • blood color;
  • the severity of bleeding;
  • the cause of the phenomenon.

Based on these data, the doctor should prescribe those as a follow-up to taking the drug.

In most cases, the outcome is as follows:

  • Take one tablet every day for 6 to 8 years;
  • the course does not last for 8 days;
  • for severe bleeding, I take 6 tablets at a time;
  • The norm for dobu is 4 tablets.

In normal conditions, it is not recommended to use such drugs. Even through the throaty blood and seepage, the intrauterine ignition process can begin.

Analogues in which this drug does not help

Since Tranexam does not help with uterine bleeding, allergic reactions to the drug, contraindications, follow the same list:

The name is active speech Vipusu form It is allowed during the hour of winemaking of the fruit Vartist, rubles
Gordox – aprotinin internally starting in the next trimester from 4500 to 5 thousand for 25 injections

Aminocaproic acid

rozchin, powder neither 40 per 100 ml
Vikasol - sodium menadione bisulfate rozchin, pigulki, powder only under the supervision of a doctor from 16 to 100
Etamzilat rozchin, pigulki, powder in small doses type 100 to 300
Crinone – progesterone gel for muscle constipation in the early terms - under the supervision of doctors, starting from the next trimester - there is no 2500
Water pepper, extract home for internal reception neither 40
Ambien - aminomethylbenzoic acid rozchin, powder neither 2500 for 10 injections


The risk of the drug depends on the point of sale in which it is sold, in which dosage and manufacturer.

Wholesale price pharmacy Wer.ru allows you to buy the drug and pick it up in any region of the country, and in Moscow there is courier delivery and the possibility of self-delivery:

Online pharmacy Likitoriya allows you to pick up the drug at home in Moscow:

The Medbioline pharmacy has a wide range in Moscow and allows you to contact the courier:

Oleksandrivskaya Pharmacy in Moscow also allows you to pick up the drug both at the point of sale and with the help of an additional courier:

SDL Pharmacy in Moscow offers courier and self-delivery options:

Tranexam for uterine bleeding due to myoma

Fibroids are full of puffiness and have a good character. This treatment often results in interruptions in the menstrual cycle. In this case, bleeding does not appear regularly, but occasionally. And since you can often deal with them on your own, in the next few episodes you end up resorting to doctors.

Every woman understands that menstrual patterns can be rich or can become abnormal. If such a case is bleeding, you will have to use pads so that it will be impossible to change the pads. Then you will need to call the Swede, since self-reliance will not bring relief.

Among the analogues of Tranexam are also blood spinal drugs that are allowed to be used for myoma:

Etamzilat and Dicynon They drink at least two walks. Wash down with plenty of plain water. Once accepted, unpleasant symptoms may persist for three years. Otherwise, take another tablet. The onset of stagnation is possible in six years.
Vikasol The scheme for obtaining this medicine is simple - take the tablet three times at a time.
Water pepper infusion Minor bleeding is followed by the following words. It is necessary to soak one teaspoon of infusion with a large amount of radish. Repeat this procedure several more times a day. The faces are drunk to the point of being visible. Most of the time I feel better after taking the first one.

These are the most popular drugs. There are also low-intensity medications with high effectiveness - Oxytocin, Ascorutin and others.

Side effects

As with any drug, this comes with a number of side effects. This guilt is connected exclusively with individual processes in the human body. So, some may experience one side effect, others may experience something completely different. And the third patient does not note the lasting legacy of his health.

Negative reactions may affect the herbal system of the body.

At the same time, I will begin to blame:

  • notice the tediousness;
  • puking;
  • oven.

Influx appears in the central nervous system. It appears that there is a feeling of confusion, persistent weakness, and weakness. Problems may arise out of sight. Unusually, darkening of the eyes also indicates a negative effect of the drug.

In the heart and life plan, the use of the drug may include the following functions:

  • guilt and development of tachycardia;
  • the pain appears in the chest and leg;
  • thrombosis.

Regardless of the medication you take, you may develop allergies to some of the components of the drug. Symptoms of this disease will be sagging on the skin, kropiv'yanka, persistent itching.

Please remember that such manifestations can be avoided by consulting a doctor and getting relief. It is not possible to administer Tranexam on your own without sufficient dosage. This will lead to great problems, which will be harder to deal with, and less likely to cause uterine bleeding.

When you are pregnant

During pregnancy, there may be various threats to the development of the child. Stinks move the rhizik viniknenya unsafe weekend. Many rich women are prescribed Tranexam.

It is absolutely harmless for the fetus, regardless of the fact that the substance itself passes through the placenta. The most common indications before stagnation are episodes of placental expulsion. Bleeding in the first trimester most often indicates a threat to fetal development.

Regardless of the fact that most similar drugs are used for stagnation in the early stages of pregnancy, Tranexam does not have a negative effect and is allowed.

Between the indications before treatment, there are five main situations:

  • the appearance of straight minds in such wise men;
  • During ultrasonic scanning (USD), the placenta was removed;
  • guilt of white blood;
  • a crooked brown color appears;
  • severe illness in the lower abdomen.

This drug is responsible for other problems that arose during pregnancy. Therefore, you should be glad to see a doctor before taking such an effective treatment.

The drug is used by women who have experienced uterine bleeding. In this case, the pharmacological action should be broad. However, before taking Tranexam for uterine bleeding, you should undergo a diagnosis and select a dosing regimen from a doctor.


Tranexam for uterine bleeding: instructions for stagnation + medications

There are no explanations for uterine bleeding in women. Often in the bath, the current drug Tranexam is used - an effective remedy that allows you to stop bleeding that has started, or early menstruation in the short term.

Description of the drug Tranexam

The drug Tranexam is often used to treat uterine bleeding. It is necessary to use therapy to shorten and renew the period of menstruation, to reduce bleeding and reduce the risk of unbearable vaginess on aphids of bloody signs that have appeared.

Tranexam has a systemic and local blood-spinal effect on the body.

The main active substance of these drugs is tranexamic acid. It is recommended to apply fibrinolysin - a substance that is located in the blood and passes through the throat.

Movement instead of fibrinolysin provokes intense and severe bleeding. This occurs when there is a shortage of platelets until there is sufficient vibration of plasma, a component that ensures normal combustion of the blood. Tranexams are designed to convert fibrinolysin into plasmin, thereby resulting in a stronger appearance of bloody biological matter.

Pharmacological effect of medicine on the human body:

  • m_sceve and systemic hemostatic (blood-spine);
  • anti-ignition;
  • antihistamine (anti-allergic);
  • anti-infection;
  • anti-tumor;
  • analgesic (painful).

Formi vipusku and warehouse for the drug

The drug is available in two forms: tablets and doses for intravenous administration.

The tableted product is round, covered with water-spray, white tablets. Rozchin is a clear-cut plain, barless or with a light light brown tint.

  • active speech: tranexamic acid at a dose of 250 or 500 mg;
  • additional components:
    • core: cellulose, hyprolose, talc, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylstarch and calcium stearate;
    • coating: titanium dioxide, talc, macrogol, hypromelose.

The warehouse has a range for injection in quantities of 1 liter:

  • tranexamic acid in a volume of 50 g;
  • additional rechovina - distilled water to 1 liter.

The drug in injections is always more effective than tablets, but it’s not worth it

Uterine bleeding, when treated with Tranexam, helps

Uterine bleeding can be provoked by various tissues and pathologies. They can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. The result of systematic damage to various organs and systems.
  2. Dysfunctions associated with changes in the work of state organs.

There are many reasons for such uterine bleeding. Among them:

  1. Extragenital (not associated with diseases of the sechostatic system):
    1. Liver disease, for example, cirrhosis and liver failure.
    2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension.
    3. Infections:
      • flu;
      • kir;
      • sepsis;
      • typhus
    4. Functional decline of the thyroid gland.
    5. Blood diseases:
      • hemophilia;
      • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
      • low content of vitamins C and K in the body.
  2. Reasons associated with vaginal genital diseases:
    1. Vagility that occurs with damage in the early stages:
    2. In later terms:
      • scars on mats;
      • removal of the placenta;
      • destruction of cervical tissue;
      • placental preposition.
    3. Generic reasons:
      • open the cervix;
      • backing up the afterglow;
      • injuries to ancestral nobles and state organs;
      • low level of placenta;
      • defects follow.
    4. Post-surgical pathologies:
      • weak uterine tone;
      • blocking the exit;
      • endometriosis.
  3. Genital disorders that are not associated with vaginosis:
    1. Bleeding in various periods associated with pathologies in the functions of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular-supragonal gland system (due to the presence or absence of ovulation, which is called dysfunction Nationality):
      • juveniles, which should remain until the period of development of state organs and maturation (from 10 to 18 years);

        Since uterine bleeding occurs in women up to 9-10 years later, it may be due to the “hidden” state maturation of the child due to the development and growth of ovarian tissue.

      • reproductive (period of adulthood);
      • climacteric, which always lies before menopause (after 45 years).
    2. Swelling on internal organs, fibroids.
    3. Rip up the ovaries and brushes of the new one.
    4. Injury to the uterus.
    5. Fire and infectious diseases of the reproductive organs:
      • cervical erosion;
      • endometritis;
      • vaginitis and vaginosis;
      • cervicitis;
      • endocervicosis.

Such bleeding may be caused by additional low factors:

  • chronic illnesses;
  • emotional and mental overexcitation;
  • travails of stress;
  • physical vantagement;
  • slumpiness;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • mental trauma;
  • endocrine illness;
  • complications after births and abortions.

The prescribed indications for the drug, prior to the use of Tranexam, at the discretion of the doctor, may include allergic reactions, blood disorders and surgical administration.

Uterine bleeding - video


There are a number of contraindications before administration of Tranexam:

  • - increased sensitivity to the components of the medicinal care;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage (spontaneous bleeding into the empty space between the meninges, the result of rupture of an aneurysm or traumatic brain injury);
  • thrombosis of various movements:
    • cerebrovascular vein;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • thrombophlebitis;
  • the destruction is combined with the color;
  • nirkova lack of supply;
  • hematuria of the kidneys (high red blood cell count);
  • thrombohemorrhagic complications.
  • penicillins;
  • tetracyclines;
  • ways to treat hypertension;
  • Other hemostatic agents (blood-spinal drugs).

Use of Tranexam during gestation and lactation

Tranexam is widely used in gynecology as a way to avoid weekend threats. It is prescribed as a doctor after strict closure of the vaginal uterus, for the detection of certain health problems, for example, once thrombosis is detected, the drug is blocked.

During lactation, the medication should be taken exclusively for vital indications, since Tranex carries a potential risk for the baby. When it’s time to bathe, it is recommended to get used to breastfeeding and transfer the baby to sleep.

Possible side effects

When taking Tranexam tablets, especially if the prescribed dosage is not correct, the following side effects may appear:

  • tediousness and vomiting;
  • stove;
  • unstable stolet, weak carry;
  • skin itching;
  • hanging on the body;
  • weakness of the whole body (bloatness);
  • confused;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the destruction is combined with the color;
  • thrombosis.

The order for infusion (internal and internal lingual administration) is to use the following unnecessary items:

  • Allergies in this person:
    • visipiv;
    • kropiv'yanki;
    • I'm itching;
  • dyspeptic reactions (impairment of the normal function of the organs of the scolio-intestinal tract, complicated and/or painful etching):
    • anorexia;
    • diarrhea;
    • boring;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest;
  • hypotension;
  • blurred vision;
  • confused.

Instructions for packing and distributing tablets

Tranexam tablets are taken orally (by mouth) 3-4 times a day. The dosage and severity of treatment are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the diagnosis of illness. Make it difficult for the course to become three times more than two years. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of medical staff, self-control is prohibited.

Infusions for infusion should be administered dropwise or streamwise. Dosage adjustments are carried out by a specialist. Sometimes it’s time to do a one-time soak. The maximum duration of a bath is three days.

Tranexam's analogs

There are structural and pharmacological analogues of this drug. Those drugs, which at their base may have the same active substance, may have a similar contraindication to Tranexam:

  • Exacyl;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Traxara;
  • Cyclocapron.

How can I replace the medicine?

Medicines to treat uterine bleeding.

In the early hours, Vicasol was often used to stop bleeding, but then more daily medications arrived.
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