Long-grain rice: names of varieties, calorie content and power, moisture content in a round-grain appearance. Round grain rice


For the rich history of its origin as a cereal crop, rice from a cult and traditional product has immediately become a very popular and widespread hedgehog throughout the world, and the regions of our country are not to blame. For rich families, rice is an unknown part of the daily and Christmas menu.

There are many legends, myths and fairy tales about the glory of rice grains; charming and unique powers have been attributed to them. However, today rice is priced not only for its gastronomic and savory properties, but for its special storage, rich in ancient speech, for its beneficial and healing effect on the body.

If rice is part of the ceremonial imperial rites of Ancient China, China itself is respected by its ancient ancestral tradition. Much later, this cereal was consumed to India and Japan, having taken root and become beloved by local residents and is still deprived of the main part of the diet here.

Rice can be eaten in three ways:

See, sort the rice

Were the household, that leather, hto, I wanted to have a supermarket from Bakalіyni Vitrin, you know, the rice of rice is behind the form-round-the-grain, dovgozerny that middle-gravity, behind the kolor-vid bia to dark brown, that is the method of proprietors-helmeters, helix steaming. Well, those who have cooked or cooked herbs from rice have drank, which is still infused with aroma and relish.

It is important that the leather variety of the crop is worth, and there are many of them, maybe several types, depending on the pre-sale processing, which is important for the taste, color, level of boiling and brown berries.

After harvesting from the fields, unharvested rice and honeydew, you can save it for a long time. However, this year the wine becomes less aromatic and yellow.

At the time of industrial processing, the grain is pressed into a hard hard shell, which protects it from external damage. I want rice husks to be rich in microelements, great quantity flint is unsuitable for vikoristan in hedgehogs. And the axis of the lower inner shell, which is removed during grinding, is widely pressed - ready-made food is removed from it, rice hangers are included in the feed warehouse for home care. It itself contains the maximum amount of minerals and vitamins of group B, so unpolished rice is considered brown, and in children’s food, vikoryst passes through the coarse cellulose.

Grinding Fig.

Or, oh my, the very inner grain white color And in summary, it is important to combine starch – this product is the most versatile. The technology for preparing steamed rice allows you to save almost all valuable ingredients.

Steaming rice.

The peculiarity of the technological process is that unhulled cereals, after first soaking, are subjected to hot steam under high vice And after all they are polished. As a result of such processing, most of the microelements and vitamins that are in surface ball is lost from the grain, therefore, the food value of the finished product is not applied. Steamed rice produces a slightly chewy color, which is similar to what it tastes like when boiled. The grains are hard and not as tender as polished grains, so the cooking time will increase further. When steamed, the rice does not stick and is not overcooked, the flavors come out fragrant and bubbly. This power is ideal for pilaf and Thai cuisine. And for lovers of porridge and sushi, it’s better to take the most polished rice.

Lamany rice or sichka.

During grinding, the grains often break and crumble. After sorting, the various parts are assembled, ready-made products are prepared from them, and after re-sorting, they are used in the confectionery and brewing industry. In addition, the hangers and seeds are added to feed for domestic and farm animals, and the bottom rice is easily cured when cooked. children's food ta sumishey. And in other countries, rice is widely used in bakeries and at home.

Brown rice

Well, the rice itself is white, which is what you need, and the specific yellowish-brown color is given to you by pieces or inclusions of the upper shell, which is lost after threshing that particular husk. This kind of rice is not polished and preserves all the grains as much as possible. However, it’s not a good idea to swallow it - nutritionists know that there is a large number of unharvested grains that survive in the urchin, which can lead to chronic gastritis, varicose veins and duodenum disease, and poisoning disorders. Brown rice has a peculiar taste that reminds a little bit of bitterness. The grains are either medium or long, round and are not subject to such technologies. Brown rice takes a long time to cook and is rarely used as a herb on its own; it is often mixed with other varieties to add piquancy and variety to the herbs.

Wild rice.

When purchasing wild rice, be sure that it also comes in a variety of varieties – whole-grain and fine-grain. The grains are very thick and firm, boil for at least a year and soak for 5-8 years before soaking. The fine-grained look is often mixed with long-grained sanding and steaming; it takes an hour to prepare the steel and does not require soaking. A mixture of different varieties of rice is added to the side dishes and is perfectly suitable for let's understand the Stravam ta ribi.

A little bit of wild rice smells like hazel peas, and a little bit of its sweet taste complements salads, soups and even desserts. It is equal to the average protein, which has many times more vitamins and protein. The mineral deposits also increase - manganese, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium are present in greater quantity, and the sodium axis, however, is much less.

Thai or red rice

While red rice has grown little in Thailand (its name), today its selection is being successfully carried out in France. This cereal is credited with healing and healing effects on the heart and blood vessels. High levels of antioxidants help preserve youth and boost immunity. And too much coarse and fibrous cellulose helps cleanse the intestines, normalize speech metabolism and actively contribute to weight loss programs. However, on everyday and restaurant menus, Thai rice is far from the first place, the fragments stick together when cooked and look unappealing.

Cream external forms, Long, round and medium rice is enriched with other berries. Dovgozerny is the hardest, whose savory power allows you to use grain in various recipes for cooks all over the world. Round - absorbs a lot of water, the most resistant to swelling and boiling, through a high mixture of starch, it is best suited for children’s food, various porridges and casseroles, it is considered the most popular, and leaves a lot of Available in many parts of the world. Medium-grain rice takes up more water, is thinner, and contains less starch, less round, especially loved in the Mediterranean region, and is used in soups, risotto, and paella.

Brown and weak power of rice

It’s not surprising, but such a miracle product doesn’t have entirely positive effects for human body power.

For lovers of wild and brown rice, remember that coarse cellulose in large quantities provokes intestinal disorders, and if you already have a history of infections or gastritis, you should be more careful when eating these grains Yu.

Ale and until refined types are not easily placed carelessly. In addition, white rice is poor in microelements and vitamins, it contains a large number of carbohydrates, and therefore, the frequent and constant use of rice herbs reduces the development of diabetes, atherosity sclerosis, hypertension and hypothyroidism. And the constant presence of cellulose can lead to chronic constipation. Indian or sea rice is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes or undergo insulin therapy.

Chim brown rice

It is not good, however, to underestimate this miracle cereal culture. The enveloping power of white rice is successfully cured when treating viral and inflammatory diseases in the herbal tract. It is good to cook rice in the oven.

The high amount of calcium, zinc, and other microelements found in rice grains significantly improves the circulatory and nervous systems, and vitamins PP, E and even all B groups contribute to a healthy and well-being. from the outside looking in nails, hair and skin. It is almost always the presence of sodium salts in rice that is a dietary product, which is used in case of illnesses of the nervous system and the sechostatal system, and the presence of selenium and potassium – in case of illnesses of the heart and blood vessels.

The amount of fat and cellulose makes rice a favorite of various diets for weight loss. However, you need to follow them carefully and consult with the doctor first, so as not to harm the body.

The carbohydrates found in grains tend to be deposited in meat tissues and provide an important time to supply energy and ensure the body’s productivity.

It is a strong natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste from the body, which is beneficial not only when losing weight, but also when eliminating the legacy of various wastes.

In addition, due to the presence of gluten and wheat grains, rice is ideal for those with food allergies.

It is important to take care of how tasty and brown herbs can be prepared from rice. Of course, every kitchen in the world will have its own unique culinary features. Thus, a lot of national dishes, such as pilaf, risotto, paella, sushi, have long gone beyond the territorial cordons and have become traditional and popular in other countries. Other condiments, such as rice lollipop or Thai rice, want to become more expensive in the world, and become less exotic. Tim no less, absolutely in every homeland you will find your own recipes, everyday and for Christmas table, And “other bread” is given a role that is by no means third-rate.

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Rice is from the earth before the stars. e. in the countries of Asia. It was brought to the ends of Europe on the cob in the 18th century. It is still one of the most popular cereals these days. The European menu is also available today. In the countries, rice is immediately eaten several times a day, available in their arsenal of recipes. According to research, the Japanese eat 100 kg of rice every day.

There are thousands of varieties of rice, and the taste, color and variety lie at the edge of each time of rotation. This is a non-vibrant culture. Most types of rice grow in China, India, Russia, and Japan. Moreover, in the regions where this cereal is growing, there is a whole family affair with a bunch of subtle nuances.

The most popular are white round and long varieties of rice. Since white, round, polished rice is cooked, due to its stickiness, for casseroles, milk porridges, stuffed herbs, and sushi, long-grain rice is a valuable garnish for its expressive taste.

Long-grain cereal can be polished or unpolished. This type of grinding is one of the most commonly used. Even though it doesn’t get sticky, it doesn’t take long to prepare, it has its own taste and aroma. This product is free of gluten and is therefore suitable for patients with blood diabetes of people.

When grinding, the grain is cleaned from the outer shell, which removes the brown grains and cellulose. The grain is polished so it looks even more appetizing. It’s still better to eat unpolished rice.

Also, long-grain cereals remain white, brown, and steamed until harvested. The fruitiness and grub value are obviously changing. Since round rice does not have a distinct taste and aroma, its long-lake relative is completely different from round-grain rice in these parameters. The value also depends on the amount of starch that can be contained, which is richer in the round variety than in the long-grain variety.

Popular types, their calorie content and special features

Our extreme popularity has produced a number of species, it seems what the smell is and what the calorie content of different varieties is.

  • Long-grain white sanding Rice occupies, of course, the first positions. The wine has a distinct taste and aroma, does not stick together when it is round, the smoothie is easy to prepare, and looks appetizing. The calorie content of this rice is 365 kcal per 100 g.

  • Steamed long rice sings in another place. Yogo in special minds crush under a pressure, which is why the brown particles in the grain harden and the starch collapses, which gives the product stickiness. Steamed grain has a golden color, which changes to white when cooked. This rice is even browner, and its calorie content is 341 kcal.

  • Variety "Jasmine" It has a faint milky taste and is named after the teagarden, the aroma of which wine can be recalled in the distance. It’s too late to cook, 20 hvilin, come out rozsipchastim. Cook with new side dishes and add to the salad. Its calorie content is 343 kcal.

  • Brown rice When processing, remove any coarse membranes that completely remove the cellulose. Wine, which is more brown than the type of rice described below, carries its own aroma. Very popular among people of old age and those who know healthy image life, high life instead of cellulose. Cook for approximately 40 hvilins. The calorie content of this variety is 337 kcal.

  • Varieties “Basmati” and “Indian” develop their own special taste and aroma. The long, thin grains that grew in warm climatic minds were not without reason given the name of this variety. Its caloric content is 342 kcal.

  • Red rice- a variety of Thai grain. Cook for about 40-50 minutes, protea, if you soak it overnight, the cooking time can be shortened. This variety is not very popular among us. Calorie content 334 kcal.

  • Brown rice taste it with its light pea flavor. This type is also popular among the elderly proper food, even if the processing is reduced to a minimum and the outer shell is not removed. Its calorie content is 340 kcal.

  • Wild riceє one of the highest food value varieties and obviously expensive. It has a record amount of cellulose, a lot of brown elements and a very low calorie content, which is only 105 kcal per 100 g of grains.

As a matter of fact, the less waste of rice means there is more energy and vitamins, which means less calories. Let those who have already reached the hour of preparation.

Korist and Skoda

Rice is friendly to the human body. The quantity of berries and vitamins varies depending on the method of processing. This cereal contains a large amount of vitamins B, E, essential minerals - magnesium, zinc, saliva, calcium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus.

These words flow pleasantly onto the nervous system; the cardiac-vascular system is stimulated by magnesium. Calcium is involved in 90% of the processes that occur in the body.

The bark of unpolished varieties is in the great capacity of cellulose, preserving the bark grains found in the olonce. All gluten-free grains are allowed for use in people who suffer from diabetes. Lots of recipes and recipes healthy food This product is based on its low calorie content, the presence of cellulose and the content of fat. This grain effectively removes sodium salts from the body, which is easier for people who suffer from illness.

However, this should not be lived out by people who suffer indefinitely. Frequent use is also not recommended, since wine absorbs both sodium salts and cinnamon from the body.

Preparing fluffy white rice, polished

How to cook rice correctly? This can be done on the original stove in a container with thick walls or in a multicooker.

On the stove

Fill the pan with 2 liters of cold water and bring to a boil. Carefully rinse about one bottle of rice with cold water, pour into a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, and cook over low heat. closed lid 20-25 hv. Don't be overbearing! After turning on the gas, let the porridge sit for 7-10 minutes. Then throw the cereal onto a cracker, rinse with cold water and sprinkle with dill. And then you can add salt and oil.

At the multivarts

Place some warm rice and one bottle in the bowl. Add 2 bottles of water, salt|salt|. Set the multicooker to Porridge mode and cook 20 pieces of bread. After turning on the program, let the rice sit for another 5-10 minutes. You can add olive oil for the fruits.



Perhaps one of the most popular varieties of long-lake rice is risotto. Yogo is prepared with seafood, chicken. Once it’s summer, you can prepare risotto with vegetables.


  • 1 bottle of washed white long-grain polished rice;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 small cibul;
  • salt, pepper, dried tomato seasoning, basil and chasnik - for relish;
  • bell pepper;
  • canned corn - 1 jar.

Cook the rice according to the instructions described above. Cut the carrots into small cubes, cut the zibula for greasing. Grease them in a frying pan topping oil. Cut the pepper into cubes. Mix rice, carrots, cibul, adding salt, pepper, seasoning until it tastes good, simmer for 3-5 khvilin. For example, add bell pepper ta kukuruzu. Before serving time, baste the greens.

This herb can be enjoyed on its own, or it can be served as a side dish.

Pilav with mushrooms

People who lead a healthy way of life, and those who complete fasting, will get a kick out of mushroom pilaf. The preparation is simple, prote, rich in flavor and alive.


  • long grain rice – 1 bottle;
  • Pecheritsa mushrooms -600 g;
  • cibulin – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, season for relish.

Mash the mushrooms, cut them in half and cut the skin half into strips. Pour olive oil into a heavy-bottomed frying pan. Heat up the oil|butter| Add mushrooms, add salt and brush until the water from the mushrooms has evaporated by half. Cut the zucchini thinly and cut the carrots into thin narrow slices. Add the cibul and carrots to the mushrooms, brush with about 5 khvilins until the color of the cibul changes to golden. Add extra rice to the vegetables. Fill the whole thing with water until it is 1-1.5 cm deep around the rice, add salt, pepper, and spices. Cover with a lid and cook on high heat for 20-25 minutes. After boiling the fire, let the rice steep for another 10 minutes.

Rice with chicken and mushrooms at the Gorshchikhs


  • long white rice – 1 bottle;
  • pecheritsi – 300 g;
  • tsibulya – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • tomato paste;
  • hard cheese – 150-200g;
  • salt, pepper, spices for relish.

Cut mushrooms into slices, zucchini into slices, carrots into long thin slices, brush everything until ready, add 1 tablespoon tomato mouth, salt pepper. Cut the chicken fillet into thin slices, like carrots, add salt and brush with about 6 pieces of bread for browning over medium heat. Prepare the rice for cooking in the usual manner, rinsing it several times with cold water. The preliminary preparation has been completed, now everything needs to be put into pots and baked.

Place with balls: first rice, zvekhu kurka, then mushrooms with carrots and tsibule. Repeat the balls several times. Fill the trail halfway or a little more than halfway. Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 30 minutes, temperature – 180 degrees. Finally, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven for another 3-5 minutes. When serving, you can decorate the dish with herbs. The best way to get to the new black Borodino bread.

We remember that rice becomes thicker when cooked. After filling the pot, fill it with water 1-1.5 cm more per container.

About the types of rice to choose, watch in the upcoming video.

Classification of rice: type of rice by type of grain and method of harvesting. Popular varieties of rice. The bark of different types of rice for health.

Rice (another name is Saracen grain) is one of the most ancient cereals, one of the most popular cereals, one of the most beloved herbs on all continents. Ale in order to enjoy the relish of the savory brown authorities What kind of cereal you need to know, what types of rice there are, what benefits the skin may have, and what herbs are best suited for.

The number of rice varieties, developed over thousands of years of cultivation, number in the hundreds. Nature has over 20 botanical species of rice, over 150 varieties and nearly 8,000 agricultural varieties. To make it easier to understand this diversity, a classification of rice was introduced: it is divided by color, by the amount of grain and by the method of harvesting.

There are a variety of different types of rice. At the same hour, the same variety, oblations in different ways maybe a completely different taste, color, aroma and lifelike power. Rice is not only white, but also beige, red, yellow, black, and violet.

1. Main types of rice

See rice for grain grains

Based on the grain size (grain shape, size of rice grain), rice is divided into 3 types:

  1. dovgoozerny;
  2. middle-grain;
  3. round grain (short grain, round).

Long grain rice
Known to all of us from childhood, such a familiar and traditional “dawn” rice has grains - thin, thick in shape (up to 8 cm long), gaps, white or brown. When boiled, the stench fades to a great extent, so it does not stick, does not boil, and comes out as disintegrating parts. Long-grain rice is wonderfully eaten with a variety of sauces, roasted for preparing salads, appetizers, soups, stews, side dishes, meat and fish. This wine is popular in Australia, Western and Modern America, and indispensable in European and similar cuisines. The main property of this variety of rice is hardness. Select the traces of the found and most promising grains - the stench is very sweet and brown.

Medium grain rice
In medium-grain rice (planted with long-grain rice), the grains are round, short (up to 6 mm in length) and have smaller gaps. After a high mixture of starch, the stench fades a lot during the cooking time, so in the finished product it appears sticky, rather than sticking together. They turn white and brown. Ideal for preparing risotto (Italian varieties of arborio and carnaroli), paella (baja variety), soups and porridges. To ensure that the grains retain their garnish shape, it is recommended to undercook their bits. Before the sauces are added, medium grain rice is not as pliable as long grain rice, but then has the power to absorb the flavors of other herb ingredients. Middle grain rice grows in Asia, Europe, America and Australia.

Short grain rice
This variety of rice has grains that are round, short (up to 5 mm long), and somewhat impenetrable. Prepare puddings, milk porridges, soups, pies, casseroles, all kinds of desserts and sushi from it - round grain rice miraculously sticks together with high starch instead of strong starch. For these reasons, it is a bad idea to give it to children. It was recommended to include rice porridge before the pre-school menu even before the dawn of the day. When boiled, round grain rice actively absorbs water, so it boils heavily and becomes creamy. It is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Japan and China. The English really love round rice: the inhabitants of Foggy Albion prepare their famous puddings and desserts from it. And from a special variety of round rice, cook a pot of rice sake.

See the rice in storage according to the harvesting method

Based on the processing method, rice is classified as follows:

  1. brown (unsanded);
  2. white (grinding);
  3. steaming.

Brown (unpolished, whole grain) rice
Brown rice is removed after minimal processing, which allows you to preserve the husk: it just gives the grains a light pea flavor. Unpolished rice has a light brown color and reveals taste and aroma. And the main advantage is that all living substances are preserved in the grain olonse: cellulose, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, copper, so brown rice is richer in color than white rice. It improves immunity, reduces inflammation, and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Cook the unpolished rice until medium-high (25-40 minutes), during which time the rice will not boil, and you can prepare the same herbs from it as you would from white grains. One piece of brown rice is a small saving term.

White (polished) rice
This is the widest and most familiar variety of rice cereal in the whole world. The grains of white rice are straight, smooth, shaped like white, and can take any shape. Boil the stench shvidko - 10-15 hvilins. White rice, similar to brown rice, is rich in starch (about 70%), but low in vitamins and minerals. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to undergo more thorough processing: after grinding the grain, not only the peeling is added, but all the living cuttings are added. White rice itself is not essentially a refined product, although, paradoxically, wine itself is the most frequent guest on our tables. The main advantages of polished rice are: price available, ease of preparation and the trivial term of saving.

Steamed rice
The golden, evocative color of rice groats emerges after processing using a special technology: carefully wash the grain head, then soak it in hot water, spray it with steam, and then dry it, polish it add. Steam processing allows you to transfer up to 4/5 of the brown grains, which are placed in the olonce, into the middle of the grain (instead of vitamins and cellulose, steaming rice practically does not turn brown). The burshtin-yellow color appears after boiling: the grain becomes white, then the rice is steamed until white, polished, about 20-25 minutes (it is time to make it hard), then it comes out juicy. As a result, the grains of rice do not stick together, but if the grass is re-grown, they are deprived of the same tasty, aromatic and rose-colored parts.

2. The most popular varieties of rice

Rice varieties have great quantity, as we know only about the most popular ones. Before the rice spruce there are basmati, jasmine, camolino (Egyptian rice), arborio and wild rice.
Jasmine and basmati are the most popular varieties of long grain rice.

Basmati rice (“Thai rice”)
The bright expression of pea flavor, delicate texture and unique aroma of Thai rice will not deprive anyone of any taste. Basmati is deservedly called the “light king of rice”. The turbulence of the foothills of the Himalayas. A valuable, high-priced variety of rice, and this is explained by the fact that its grains are found in the world. In case of boiling, the stench can increase by 1.5-2 times (up to 20 mm) during the day. The most expensive varieties of "Thai rice" are Indian. Pakistani basmati costs a fraction of the price. Tender and extremely aromatic similar varieties are ideal for preparing spicy herbs from fish and meat. And the axis of basmati grown in the United States cannot be compared with similar varieties in terms of aroma, taste, or texture. Another advantage of “Thai rice” is that the grains are removed from the cob and then lightly polished, so they retain a lot of vitamins.

Jasmine (“Asian rice”, “Thai fragrant rice”)
Jasmine, like basmati, goes well with white long-lake varieties of rice. The wine has a pleasant relish, a bright expression, a delicate milky aroma that almost reminds you of jasmine, and a soft, mellow structure. “Asian rice” is popular in salads, side dishes and desserts, and is ideal for preparing spicy and exotic herbs from similar cuisines. It grows in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries of Great Asia (called Asian rice, Thai aromatic rice). Jasmine (from basmati) is aromatic, floppy and sticky, but its grains do not boil when boiled, do not lose their beautiful shape, and come out soft or disintegrating.

Wild rice
Wild rice grows exclusively in Western America and the Great Lakes region, which is why it is not cheap. Wild rice has a light pea aroma and a pleasantly sweet taste. Wine is rich in grub fiber, group B vitamins, especially folic acid, and contains valuable minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, and protein in many times more, less Other types of rice. A low-calorie, balanced and healthy product. It reduces the level of low cholesterol in the blood and has a beneficial effect on poisoning and work. nervous system. You can add wild rice either with salted salt or with licorice herbs. The grains are smooth and shiny, black or dark brown in color. Boil the stench for 30-40 minutes. As a side dish, wild rice is traditionally prepared with white grain - polished or steamed.

Other popular varieties of rice
The luscious middle-grain arborio rice (also sold under the names Carnaroli and Vialone) comes from Italy: it is ideal for preparing risotto and soups (this variety develops a creamy texture when cooked i). A variety of paella similar to Arborio (Valencia): you can cook paella with it - a classic Spanish pastry with seafood. Red rice (camarque) is originally from Thailand, but is most popular in modern France. This variety is distinguished by its rich pea aroma and record-breaking cellulose content. The famous Uzbek pilaf is prepared from red-brown desir rice, which grows near the Fergana Valley. It also includes brown, glazed, puffed, fried, dessert rice, as well as a special variety of rice for sushi.

Rice is an indispensable stock of the right food balanced food. The bark of this ancient grain is undeniable for health; it is not for nothing that it is called “white gold.” Rice is full of protein, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and also contains low fats, sodium and cholesterol. For smut, choose grains that have undergone minimal processing, browned and steamed, always remember that the skin type of rice has its own level of crust. Buy only boiled rice, cook it for satisfaction and eat healthy!

The Center for Personal Nutrition "Palette Food" presents to you new look z galuzi healthy food. In this article, we discuss the varieties of rice and it is clear which rice is brown from the point of view of healthy eating.

See the rice

As you all chanted, at this time grocery stores offer, for hire, a dozen different varieties of rice for any taste: white - lakes, lakes, brown, wild (black), steamed, Swedish preparation and others. How do you know which one is the brownest?

You will be able to appreciate the difference between different types of rice depending on the time of preparation and the texture of boiled rice. When you cook rice, it’s easy to marvel at how to properly prepare it for a particular type of skin. Even if you replace one type of rice with another, you can get a completely different result, which will never be the same as you assumed.

Round-grain varieties of rice contain a lot of starch and become soft and sticky during cooking. These types are used for sushi, paella, and risotto. However, long-grain rice contains less starch and does not stick during cooking. This kind of rice is used for pilaf or as a great quantity sauce.

Jasmine and basmati pre-grain varieties And the bright expressions flicker with gusto. This kind of rice is already widely consumed in Asian and Indian cuisines.

Brown rice can be either long grain or short grain. It takes more than twice an hour to prepare the meat, as well as more effort in the chewing process.

If you have chosen to steam the rice, then it has a special feature in the front processing, which allows you to save a few brown spots during the grinding process.

Of course, you can choose soft-cooked rice that has been cooked and cooked beforehand. However, why is it cool?

What are the benefits of different types of rice for living value?

Brown rice is made from whole grains, which means that the inner bowl and outer ball are preserved. In white rice, the grain shells are completely polished. As a result, brown rice contains vitamins that are essential for us, especially group B, minerals, as well as cellulose and other root compounds. For example, a cup of white long-grain rice contains one gram of cellulite, as does a cup of brown rice. Thus, by choosing white rice, you consume 25 to 30 g of cellulose daily. In addition, instead of using cellulose, it reduces the glycemic index of the product by curing rice, which increases the fluidity of the moistened pulp in the body. It can also be said that long-grain rice (especially basmati) has a lower glycemic index that is equal to short-grain rice.

Although brown rice has a lower glycemic index than white rice, it cannot be said that zagalom rice is a product with a low glycemic index. It is very important for you, in any emergency, to take in as many portions as you need. A personal nutritionist will help you choose an individual diet.

What is “black” rice

A special type is wild “black” rice, which from a botanical point of view is not rice, but its relative. This kind of rice can be topped with a tough outer shell and a thin inner layer, for a distinctive, specific red flavor. When paired with brown rice, wild rice contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates, and therefore has a lower glycemic index. Wine also contains more vitamins in its storage. folic acid. Wild rice is low in fat and contains omega3 and omega6 fatty acids in optimal combination. For those who like to supplement their diet with variety and color, wild rice will be a very good alternative to primary rice.

In this way, we learned about the main types of rice and discussed their value in our diet. Center for Personal Nutrition "Palette Food" is happy to continue to get to know you useful topics what they can bring the greatest value for you.

If you want to know more about healthy food,

Rice is a very popular cereal throughout the world. Everyone knows the names of such dishes as pilaf, sushi, rice porridge, risotto.

For residents of Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia, rice is the main food product. In these countries, the per capita population per river falls to 150 kg of rice.

In Russia, rice can without exaggeration be called the most popular cereal. The average person eats 5 kg of rice per river. Is it good or bad? What kind of brown rice is it: white or brown, round or long? What is the value of steamed rice? Why is there a problem with rice? What is in rice and how to fight it? The evidence for power supply is taken from this article.

Rice the rice

Everyone knows that rice is brown.

First, rich rice folded into carbohydrates Anyway, it’s lively, but at the same time low-calorie. Therefore, rice is often consumed when losing weight.

Bagatiy on rice i microelements, especially potassium, and also phosphorus, zinc, salt, calcium, iodine and selenium.

With respectful rice, rice gluten free(Roll protein, which causes an allergic reaction).

All the most important people enter the rice warehouse amino acids which are necessary for our body to create new cells.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid stabilizes blood pressure.

There are no varieties of rice, and it also depends on the processing method. And it all comes down to the power and color of the product.

Bury and steamed rice

Singingly, everyone was listening to brown rice on the store shelves. What is it about being white? Let's figure out how to go out.

The harvested grain is harvested from the zhovte lushpinnya. She's too cruel and it's impossible to eat. As a result, the cereal turns brown and brown. The grain shell becomes distorted. This kind of brown rice with a shell is brownish and less white. You should add more vitamins and minerals. Let the brown rice cook 2 times longer.

We all prefer plain white rice, peeled from the brown stumps. Why is rice ground and polished?

And now this brown shell contains 80% of the brown living substances, especially microelements, vitamins and grub fibers.

It is true that the method of processing is the result of steaming the rice. It lies in the future.

Before cleaning, steam the rice: soak it, pour over it with hot steam and hang it to dry. And after all this sanding is necessary. This kind of steamed rice is easier to cook, and it comes out richly brown; the fragments of the bark that are in the obolon are consumed in the middle of the grain during steaming. Therefore, steaming rice gives me a grub value.

Visnovok: brown (brown) rice and steamed brown rice, lower white rice.

To steam the brown rice, you need to soak it in cold water for 4 years and then rinse. Then the glycemic index, which increases the amount of sugar in the blood, will decrease.

Due to its shape, the grain of rice becomes round and soft. And the stench also differs one after the other, both for the relish and for the authorities.

In round varieties, rice contains more starch, while in long varieties it contains less. And starch in our body quickly turns into zukor. Therefore, long varieties of rice are considered to be brown for health, and when cooked they better retain their crispness and firmness.

If you have diabetes, it is better not to eat round rice.

The power of rice is not safe

Well, we knew that rice is the color of power, so that there is no place in the new world. However, the American Farmers' Union recommends limiting the dose of rice to 2 cups per week. What's the reason?

And the reason is that rice is often found to contain something harmful to people’s health.

This is due to the fact that when rice is grown, it is often mixed with pesticides and food. The best place for mice to be found is in rice grown in Asia.

The All-Russian National Research Institute of Rice in Krasnodar is trying to develop varieties of rice that are resistant to illness, in order to prevent the stagnation of chemical agents in order to prevent irritation. Ale tse poki scho on the right of the future.

The problem is clear. How relevant is the won for Russia?

In one of the episodes of the program “Hedgehogs are alive and dead”, 5 packages of rice were sent to the laboratory for testing instead of mish: “Those that are required!” "Rice for sushi" (Sen Soy).

The results of the investigation are as follows:

The results of the verification were divided visnovok: the problem of the presence of mice in rice and in Russia, there is no panic about the drive.

In just one of the inspections, it was revealed that the maximum permissible norm was exceeded. The Kuban rice for pilaf (Mistral) appeared as an outsider. It's true, theft has been investigated 0.09. Therefore, it is possible that there is no excess in this expression, but it is also possible that there is even more excess.

If you are seriously troubled by the problem of the mishjak added to the rice, then the best method is chosen.

When rice is soaked in water (at ratio 1:6) for 10 years, the weight decreases by about 40 times.

In this way, you can “kill two birds with one stone” - change the glycemic index, and instead reduce the glycemic index.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the bark and harm of rice, so popular in our region. Now you know what kind of rice is brown, and what you can do specifically to make it even browner.

In addition to many other recipes, there is a recipe for preparing pilaf in the Mulinex Cook4me multicooker. 12 hvilins - and everything is ready!

I'll drink the original one with citrus sauce.

Ksenia Druzhkova, author of the blog "" told you about the harm and harm of rice.

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