What is "Khlestakism"? (TV series from the comedy "The Inspector General"). Khlistakivshchina – what does it mean? Inspector What is Khlestakovshchina

Re-reading the classics

The comedy of Mikoli Vasilovich was presented to the public back in 1836. Since that hour, perhaps two centuries have passed and the number has changed historical eras. However, the situation and the characters depicted in this work are not shared anywhere. Like such a phenomenon, like Khlestakovism, it’s more phenomenal if it feels like nothing has been given to this dawning time. And enjoy unsatisfactory happiness. Gogol's comedy is still relevant. And it’s not just that schoolchildren should soon be encouraged to write works on the topic of Khlestakism? , has changed. The class of Russian bureaucrats has grown exponentially , and their kindness will be noticeably prettier. Officials have become more and more fond of their solemn lack of quality.

How was this comedy created?

Respect what Gogol Pushkin has in mind and his work. However, the plot of the comedy “The Inspector General” itself has nothing special. Social literature has very little of such plot motives, based on this situation, so that people are accepted for mercy through those who really are not. Ale being transferred to reality Russian Empire, such an intrigue simply could not help but touch the foundations of the current state ambushes. Nowadays, people can tell about those who conceived the idea of ​​“The Inspector General” from Pushkin, since wines have become more expensive in the Orenburz province, collecting materials about the insurrection of Omelyan Pugachov. Some district officials mistook the poet for an inspector from the capital, who became more expensive, including the method of collecting information, which compromised them. Pushkin was in no hurry to disbelieve them.

Best praise

Everyone who had been involved in the creation of this comedy could not help but realize that its stage share would not be easy. It was impossible for the fragments not to note the fact that the Khlestakism was revealed in it - this, in addition to everything else, is also the desperate need of the state bureaucratic machine. Staging this song on stage became possible only after the special promotion of Vasily Andriyovich Zhukovsky to the Sovereign Emperor. The reason for this is that the comedy is not directed against the ambushes of the state, but only mocks the provincial officials who sneaked in. The sovereign allowed himself to sing that such satire cannot bring anything to the administrative system except selfishness. Ale, in front of the gazers, he appeared with a shortened look.

Head hero

Ivan Oleksandrovich Khlestakov, an official from St. Petersburg, by the will of extraordinary circumstances, emerged as a very important person. Naturally, in the depths of his soul, he will guess what’s wrong here, and whoa, who knows, they got confused for everything... What does it mean, if everyone froze in front of him out of a sense of sacred fear and trembling? And the clerk in the capital’s office smiles as milna bulbashka to the most extreme sizes. As a result, before you read and before you watch, there is a clear answer to the story about what Khlestakovism is. There is no use for these self-imposed people who have reached the pinnacle of greatness in their minds. Ale Ivan Oleksandrovich has a lot of tension, and he’s going to play the role of an important person, which he himself believes in those who stumbled at the top not in a hurry. What is Khlestakovism? This is a phenomenon of wasting the shores and leading to reality. But now there is a greater readiness to accept any impudent behavior as an important sovereign person.


The most beautiful person in comedy speaks about himself great hero. It is not self-destructive and forced to work. Such a world that you yourself can believe the nonsense that the officials babble about. Nothingness has lost its grip on the audience and its monologue opens to its maximum potential. Khlestakov is not at all mediocre, if you talk about the obvious importance and greatness of his person. Well, besides everything else, Khlestakovism is even more poetic. Without this unique drive and courage, the adventurer simply would not have succeeded. The entire plot intrigue of Gogol's comedy is based on the fact that the university community has found nothing and is stuck in a new public. And they know, kiss wisely.

Mixed citizens of the district town

And no less than Ivan Oleksandrovich Khlestakov, the government officials of a remote town are endowed with powerful positions. They all have, figuratively speaking, “a rilse in harmata.” They all have the same fears of being afraid of appearing at their subordinate's to the locality mysterious "auditor". There is a thirst for evidence about the fact that Khlestakism is impossible without the bureaucracy that has crept in. Without them, this phenomenon simply could not have arisen, and nothing could have risen above them to the pinnacle of fame and success. The mister's bosses and merchants, who carry their swag and gifts, are no less funny than the “auditor” himself. The squad that is the mayor's daughter is presented with particular virulence in the comedy. Ganna Andriivna and Maria Antonivna compete for the respect of the new graduate. They don’t need to be fooled, they are happy to be fooled themselves.

"Missky is stupid, like a gray gelding..."

Homerically funny and at the same time pitiful figure and first administrative person district town Anton Antonovich Sviznik-Dmukhanovsky. This is despite the fact that you can’t just call him stupid. By the way, he is very reasonable and has thought of everything from behind. He has everything under control, intelligence and counterintelligence have been properly carried out, the incognito inspector is notified about the proximity to the place of the inspector well in advance of the visit and has the opportunity to prepare for this. Having mercy, like a sapper, just once. And with his mercy, he provided several generations of Russian schoolchildren with exam certificates on the topics “The Inspector, Khlestakov and Khlestakovshchina.” It is enough for the fact that in Anton Antonovich the provincial governors were under pressure and kept moving around the production of Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” in their places. The stench is small for whom I put everything down. Everything has already turned out to be similar, right down to the smallest everyday details and random rundown of names and nicknames.

Nima scene

The scene, deafening for its virulence, ends Gogol's Khlestakov, and Khlestakov's victory was celebrated, and all the district authorities were lost to complete fools. It couldn’t have happened any other way. But it would still be as if the mayor had not had mercy on bringing the foolish guest to the town’s hotel. Where has it become a systemic failure? Is it sporadic or natural? How it turned out that such a worthless thing celebrated the triumph and with rich trophies was taken away in an unknown direction, and a large group of corrupt corruptors was caught in the trap, not in a way of touching the scale of the catastrophe, collapsed on them? Power will be lost without evidence. There can be no doubt that Ivan Oleksandrovich Khlestakov, until the end of his days, remembered this wonderful benefit from his treasures, and the small place where his fate unexpectedly brought him. These were, madly, the best things in his life.

Padded pouches

What does Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol want to convey to us with his comedy? Khlestakov and Khlestakovshchina clearly deserve to be judged on the basis of the writings of the writer. How can it be concluded that such a large number of, at first glance, not at all bad people fall under the influx of complete worthlessness? Khlistakivshchina – not included Russian phenomenon? Why did she blossom so brightly on the Russian soil through favorable conditions for her? A simple glance at the current political sphere reveals that Khlestakovism often underlies the success of wealthy political leaders and other functionaries. To get over the edge, turn off the TV. And the funniest thing for the police is that they only have to deal with what is often called “show business.” Gogolovsky Khlestakov, melodiously, having worked in a new blissful career.

What is Khlestakovism? The appearance of the comedy "The Inspector General" in 1836 screamed at the wedding with a wimpy feeling. The spring of whose fate gave the spectators a glimpse of the true masterpiece. Over 160 years have passed, but the comedy “The Inspector General” has not lost its relevance today. You don't have to go far for rifle butts. You know the negative heroes of the popular “police” series - why not Gogol’s heroes, who only became cold-blooded and cruel?

Gogol himself noted that Khlestakov has the most important rank among the dogs. In his recommendations for an actor who has played this role, Gogol deeply reveals the character of his character. Khlestakov accomplished all his exploits in the district town absolutely without any fuss. Khlestakova can be compared to a ballet dancer - bursting with the spaciousness of her song, she enjoys the progress of all events and acts as the main driver of the plot development of the comedy. Khlestakov brilliantly played the role of an auditor before the district officials, only until the middle of the fourth day did he begin to understand that he was to be taken for granted as a “sovereign person.” What does the false inspector feel? Nothing for sale.

Khlestakov’s behavior disgusts all officials of the district town. In my opinion, the inspector is very cunning and cunning and you need to talk to him sharply. It is characteristic that no one had any idea that Khlestakov was simply an incredible nonsense. In every situation, he behaves like a brilliant actor. You can see how important it was for the theatrical actor to first take on the role of Khlestakov - the actor who plays the auditor.

Khlestakov should not be regarded as an evil or cruel person. In itself, it is absolutely harmless, and others can earn something profitably from it: either incognito from St. Petersburg, or from secret orders, or from a worthless metropolitan official. The originality of Khlestakov’s character, or more precisely, the consistency of his character, is that he practically remembers the past and thinks about the future. Khlestakov belongs to the Slavic Khvilina, and at the borders of this Khvilina there is great achievement of the greatest artistry. He changes his appearance easily and with such grace. In the midst of real-life district officials who are absolutely guessing, the character copes with unforgettable hostility.

Singingly, one can say that for the district officials such a terrible thing, like the arrival of an auditor from the capital, was similar in its own way sacred: motorized, ale tsikave. Khlestakov is terrible and exclaims that they are buried because he doesn’t look like a human being at all, and he cruelly punishes the guilty. Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol was well acquainted with the life of the various St. Petersburg bureaucrats, “which allowed his date in the image of Khlestakov to be excessive and a collected type of surface-lit fanfare. Gogol, having repeated Khlestakov’s remarks in great detail: this character is spiritually weak and completely uncreated, why should I lose my respect. With the influx of friendly surroundings, growing up in the eyes of power and the eyes of officials, one becomes more and more smiley and smiley in boasting... "With the influx of the comedy "The Inspector General" the Russian marriage became great. The nickname Khlestakov began to be victorious as for I'm in the galley.

And they began to call Khlestakovism either untruthful phrase-mongering, nonsense, or undoubted boasting from the extreme frivolity. Gogol was able to penetrate into the very depths of the Russian national character, seeing the image of the false inspector - Khlestakov. According to the author of the immortal comedy, no matter how Russian people want to be like Khlestakov, regardless of their social status, age, education, and so on. In my opinion, whipping up whiplash in yourself can be considered one of the main ways of self-refinement of our skin.

The concept of Khlestakovshchina came to us from the immortal comedy of N.V. Gogol's "The Inspector General" was written in 1835. It is confirmed that the plot of the comedy was given to Gogol by O.S. Pushkin, who caused him a comical outburst, became a certain lord of the Novgorod province. Arriving at the district town, this gentleman began to see himself as an important official of the ministry and managed to convert as many as all the town's inhabitants. While working on the comedy, Gogol often wrote to Pushkin, informing him about the progress of the writing. In 1836 the song was completed and Gogol read it at the evening with the poet V.A. Zhukovsky, for which a lot of writers were requested, including O.S. Pushkin. After reading, the thoughts of the writers came together, and Pushkin and Zhukovsky were in captivity! N.V. himself Gogol spoke about his comedy like this: “At the “Revizor” I ventured to collect all the trash in Russia in one package... and laugh at everything at once.” In the spring of 1836, near St. Petersburg, in the Oleksandrinsky Theater, the premiere of the song took place, where Emperor Nikola I himself was present. Before this, there was nothing like this in Russian drama. For every positive hero there are only fools, liars, boasters, swindlers and simply worthless people. The main character of the song is N.V. Gogol called Khlestakov. So who is it, Ivan Oleksandrovich Khlestakov, and why did his nickname begin to take root in the underground?

N.V. Gogol knew very well the bureaucratic order of Mykolaiv Russia and the life of the small St. Petersburg bureaucracy. With the penetration and power of a great artist, Gogol had the wisdom to create a comprehensive and even more exaggerated image of a vulgar and worthless little man. Having passed through the district town, Khlestakov plays with the map and ends up penniless. Having settled at the cheapest hotel, he thinks about how to get some pennies for lunch, because... Having already squabbled with the rulers, it is now possible that he will be sent to the Borg. His position is truly amazing. And at this moment, local officials arrived from the city and mistook him for an inspector from St. Petersburg. At first, Khlestakova is surprised by this behavior of officials, but then, having increased her role, she begins to respect herself as a “significant person.” With the change of surroundings, with the growth of powerful eyes, the gap becomes more and more smiling. From the wheel registrar, who simply rewrites the paper, the treatment of the disease grows to the level of a “field marshal”, who “to go to the palace today” and “with Pushkin on friendly terms.” At the mayor’s reception, his boastfulness takes on truly fantastic proportions: “thirty-five thousand couriers alone” are heard in the streets, since there is no one else in charge of the department, until now “soup from the castrulian directly on the steamboat having arrived from Paris ", and in the front "counts and princes are hanging out." Khlestakov speaks and does without a lot of bitterness. His language is extremely frequent and vulgar. There is a feeling that the words float from his mouth are completely unconvinced. This is one of these people, which are called empty, Milna Bulbashka, yak swells to incredible proportions, and then bursts into a rapture, nothing has ever happened.

The Khlestakovs have been around forever, for all hours. Just after the publication of “The Inspector General,” this phenomenon lost its name and was reduced to dictionaries. U Tlumachny dictionary The Russian version, edited by Ozhegov, reads: “Khlestakovism is an undeniable, inconceivable boast.” So what is the essence of this vadi? This phenomenon is tenacious and even richer. Khlestakovism is stupidity, spiritual emptyness, primitiveness, pristosuvantism. Such people like to put a pill in their eyes, they want to appear significant, but it really doesn’t stink. All the praise, the boasting and the fanfaroni. Chantly, we all sometimes feel like Khlestakov, even if we so want to appear significant, virulent in powerful eyes. Gogol himself wrote: “Kozhen wants to go to Khvilina... timid and timid to Khlestakov... In a word, it’s rare that someone won’t have it at least once in life...”

Comedy N.V. Gogol's "The Inspector General" influenced the Russian supremacy of that hour. The emperor himself, after looking at it, said: “Well, fuck it!” Everyone has had enough, but I have enough!” Since the turn of the century has passed since that hour, and Khlestakov’s ideas continue to this day, this concept has not become archaic, which means the comedy of the great writer is still relevant today.

The original and unique Gogolian character is a distant official from St. Petersburg. Khlestakov became a higher rank Let's pretend to be a representative bureaucratic supremacy. Apparently, Khlestakivshchina is a special phenomenon in the Russian bureaucratic system. Therefore, Gogol’s work “The Inspector General” is the finest work of a brilliant and talented author. Drama has never seen such a work before.

The followers of Gogol’s comedy noted that there is no shortage of positive heroes in its stories. However, most of the characters are officials, who do not only take the swag themselves, but for the sake of saving their place, do not mind the date itself. All the officials of the district town are bad and uninformed, their lives are empty and empty. Ale and the people of the author’s ideas are not in the brightest light: the ignorance of the common people and the fear of everything and of everything.

The main character of the author is to frighten Ivan Oleksandrovich, voicing his peculiarity. So what does this specialness entail? What is Khlestakivshchina? The name appeared as the nickname of the main character of Gogol's comedy. Let's take a look at the image of Khlestakov in the comedy. Ivan Oleksandrovich is young, lives near St. Petersburg and holds a position in the bureaucracy. The reader will soon find out that you can easily squander a sum of pennies, or else it will be a shahrai. He will demand pennies in the future.

Khlestakova was lucky in that he went to the district office just at the hour when the bureaucratic district was waiting for the arrival of the inspector and there was nothing to be afraid of. The verifier is responsible for verifying the status of sovereign documents in the locality, and they all remain in the foreign country. Officials were able to recognize Ale Khlestakov if they began to give him money, cheat him, which they had never known before, and show him respect. If he understands that he is respected for someone else, the St. Petersburg official intends to vikorize them so that he himself can see it.

Osip is the servant of the main character, who is the first to talk about those who mistake Khlestakov for someone else and conveys this situation to his master, rather than trying to explain to those who are absent the real picture of the speeches. Alya Ivan Oleksandrovich is becoming more and more aware of this situation with the skin problem, and he is already starting to lie about what it means to stand at the St. Petersburg stakes. This is so much nonsense that officials are afraid of it. And at the end of the comedy, Khlestakov becomes a victor over the officials, leaving a lot of money behind, depriving the officials of nothing.

The image of the main character resembles many of Gogol’s heroes. They still can’t express their thoughts correctly, their language is disorganized, constant nonsense is present in their remarks. The situation that is being experienced with officials is ridiculous and similar to what was sent. Aje was caught more forcefully: the mayor suddenly mistook the rude official for a respectable inspector. It’s not just the mayor’s way of doing things like that. The whole place is carrying swag and gifts for the ill-tempered official who passes by, mistaking him for an inspector.

The image of the main character is non-traditional for Russian literature. The intrigue of Gogol's comedy lies in the fact that you should be careful not to put a brush in front of yourself. There was no particular way to fool any officials of the district town, which they had never known before. Even critics of Gogol’s work have noted that the main character can be a nasty person, even if he doesn’t take the swag openly, but asks for a date for his position. Ale exasperation, having consumed the wine, they wanted to work in a new swag, the mayor’s supremacy was so strong for them and they were preached. The comedy of all Mikoli Gogol’s work lies in the fact that innocence and great stupidity conflict with cunning and arrogance.

The main character has no intelligence in his character, no posture that would inspire power, he is not cunning, but reluctantly takes success and success into his hands. And the officials go out and punish themselves. And Khlestakov himself plays no less of a role in deceiving officials. Fear also helps to deceive and deceive them. This itself helps to intrigue the entire comedy plot, and the underlying fear allows the development of conflict in the creature. Fear does not allow district officials to take a correct and adequate look at this situation and call out the liar. Even a foreign inspector can go even far with his nonsense. It’s so easy for him to confuse the truth and lies.

But it’s not just Khlestakov’s promotion that is lying, it’s also the mayor and other officials of this place who are lying. They all try to spread news about their rule only from the positive side, and this does not indicate effectiveness. If the greatest untruth from the word of the main character flows at the mayor’s office, especially at the reception, de Khlestakov tries to show himself as an important person. Behind his words you can recognize that he has such a high seat, which allows him to often raise the royal palace. Every word of your person becomes increasingly more precise and deception grows. It’s not the commander-in-chief who’s responsible, but the department’s bureaucrat, who can make do with everything.

Therefore, there are plenty of couriers who will already listen to his country, so that he can serve as his own department. It’s really not a simple rewrite of documents. And he reveals to his new friend that the soldiers give him honor and especially deliver soup from Paris itself. And in this deception of the “auditor” it is already difficult to understand, because his phrase is even more effective. It grows in the powerful eyes and thoughts. He tries to calm down not only the official’s daughter, but also his squad. And at the beginning of everything, it’s timid to ask a person for pennies, and at the end of the comedy, he practically already gets pennies.

Ale Khlestakov’s knowledge is realized in such a way that he knows some kind of mirage. Although no one knows, the author will not know where he is heading now. And the comedy will end with a silent scene, which shows how shocking the officials are. Here there is a symbolic motive of punishment and the insistence of justice, even as the inspector arrives to the place and calls the mayor to his place. And in this comedy, the author’s own approach to this situation is reasonable: pain for those who flourish in Russia such vices as swag and rank, greed and timidity, worthlessness interests and the nature of how people reach their destination. This gave rise to Khlestakovism in the Russian Empire and literature.

Realizing that we ourselves cannot change anything, Mikola Gogol tried to pay attention to the problems that arise in marriage, and the heroes of his comedy helped him in this.

The great Gogol, having written his “The Inspector General,” could hardly have guessed how relevant his comedy would be through history. From the heroes described by her, today we learn about our friends, people we know And, perhaps, myself. Khlestakov is the main character and one of the most powerful images created by the author. This is not a formality, but rather a manifestation of marriage. This statistic makes it clear that this is Khlestakovism.

Khlestakov and Khlestakovshchina

The hero of Gogol's “The Inspector General” Khlestakov is entirely innocent of the rules and has a strong character. The author himself says that every human being would like to be like Khlestakov in his life. This is due to the concept of Khlestakism, which characterizes the singing behavior and specific actions of rich people.

Khlestakov is born of a soulless bureaucratic system, which has lost morality and spiritual values. Therefore, in other representatives of this system, the same pitfalls and the same hypocrisy are clearly visible. Just as Khlestakov deceives everyone, so they follow him one after another. Through this image, Gogol describes the vice of marriage and the broader phenomenon that rings with Khlestakovism.

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