What did you do with Bandera?

Repair Golovna Treasure chest of ideas

Stepan Andriyovich Bandera - ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism, one of the main initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in 1942, which promoted the fight for independence there is Ukraine.

He was born on the 1st of June 1909 in the village of Stary Ugriniv, Kalussky district (now Ivano-Frankivsk region) to the family of a Greek Catholic priest.

After completion

huge war

This part of Ukraine went to the Polish warehouse.

In 1922, Stepan Bandera joined the Union of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth.

In 1928, he entered the agronomy department of the Lviv High Polytechnic School, which he never graduated from. Around 1941, after the arrival of the fascists, Bandera called for “the Ukrainian people to help the German army break up Moscow and Bolshovism.” Those bridges from the Radian partisans supported the entry of the German occupation power. Natomist Nimechchyna promised to supply spare parts of the UPA, and once the fascists had won over the USSR, allow the creation of the Ukrainian state under the protectorate of Nimechchina. UPA fighters took an active part in the punitive operations of Hitler’s armies, including

peaceful population

, in response to the Radian army. In the spring of 1944, Bandera's fate was relieved. Even before the end of the war, they worked with the Abwehr to prepare sabotage groups of the OUN.

After the war, Bandera continued his activity in the OUN, and centralized control in the territory of Western Germany.

In 1947, at the final meeting of the OUN, Bandera was appointed a kerivnik, and in 1953 and 1955, he was transferred to this settlement. He is responsible for the terrorist activities of the OUN and UPA on the territory of the USSR. During the period

cold war

Ukrainian nationalists actively victorious the intelligence services of foreign countries in the fight against the Radyansky Union.

It is confirmed that Bandera was fired as an agent of the KDB SRSR on June 15, 1959 in Munich. Pokhovany 20 June 1959 on the Munich Waldfriedhof. In 1992, Ukraine marked the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), and attempts began to give its participants the status of war veterans.

After the defeat of the Austro-Ugric region and the collapse of the empire, Stepan’s father took a living part in the Ukrainian National Liberal Russia, eventually becoming a chaplain in the Ukrainian Galician Army.

However, the dreams of Bandera Sr. did not come true: the army was defeated, in 1919 Galicia was occupied by Poland, which, understandably, the Entente promised the Ukrainians and their autonomy.

It is obvious that having given such a serious treatment, the Poles immediately began to harshly assimilate the Ukrainians - no status of official language, important posts - only for Poles, flow of Polish villagers, whose houses the Ukrainians regularly burned. They were apparently regularly arrested for this. It is in such minds that Bandera enters the gymnasium at the town of Stryi, where he is even more deeply influenced by the ideas of nationalism.

13 Sichnya 1936 Bandera was condemned to death.

In the midst of a flurry of Ukrainians, a decree on amnesty was introduced, which was praised during the process. The stratum was replaced with a pre-modern one. During the trial in Lviv, OUN militants killed Ivan Babii, a professor of philology at Lviv University, and Yakov Bachinsky, a second student.

30 rubles German units occupy Lviv.

Following them is the Nachtigall battalion in charge of Shukhevych.

The “Act of Revival of the Ukrainian State” will be read in Lviv.

Bandera members are forming National Assembly and order.

On the first day of the skin fate, which has broken out, torchlights pass through the towns and villages of Western Ukraine. People go out on the streets to honor the memory of Stepan Bandera - the most remarkable article of current Ukrainian history. Many people regard him as a true hero, who gave his life for the independence of the country, and others as a villain and a prison through which thousands of people perished.

Yom himself did not have the chance to kill people, but his henchmen, who blindly obeyed the orders,

fates of war controlled the reign of terror in the western regions of Ukraine. Stepan Bandera was born to Old Ugrinov in 1909.

The documents about the place of this nation contain a record about the now defunct power - the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, which was also the warehouse of the Austro-Ugric Empire.

Stepan Bandera often went on long forest hikes with scouts, went in for sports, and in the winter he stood in the cold, dousing himself with water.

I overdid it a little. As a result of hypothermia, rheumatism in his legs develops, and as a result, he suffers greatly throughout his life. During the war, Poland began to pursue a policy of forced assimilation in the Ukrainian territories, encouraging the resettlement of Poles to Western Ukraine.

So the Polish government became the main enemy for the Ukrainian nationalists. In 1927, Stepan Bandera joined the Ukrainian military organization, and two years later joined the closely organized Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Having studied at the Lviv Polytechnic as an agronomist, in all

good hour

having dedicated underground activities. Throughout his life, Bandera had a lot of nicknames - Fox, Sirius, Kruk, Baba, Rich. He wrote extensively for illegal newspapers, signing under the pseudonym Matviy Gordon.

The life of a prisoner is the same in all countries and at any time. Secret gatherings, posting leaflets, distributing illegal newspapers throughout the world, propaganda among popular masses, organizing strikes and boycotts of elections - this is all he had to do. The active young nationalist was marked.

Crimea of ​​Poland, the view of Ukrainian nationalists is often brutalized.

At the beginning of the 30s, in the territory of Radyansk Ukraine, hunger burned through neuroses. Ukrainians often call these events the “Holodomor,” still respecting Stalin’s artificially inspired ideas. Stepan Bandera was also inspired by such views.

He wants to take revenge on the Radian rulers for the “distress” over the Ukrainian people.

In the spring of 1933, the secretary of the USSR consulate near Lvov, Oleksiy Mailov, died at the hands of the deceased.

From this point, the war between Bandera and the OUN against the USSR began.

Stepan Bandera and his squad were taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

In the same place there is the unfavorable partnership of Andriy Melnyk, who had previously staked his claim on the German Empire.

At the concentration camp, Stepan Bandera’s actions are equal to other ties. The little ones lasted longer and allowed us to get along with the family. The Germans were now even more daring.

Andriy Melnik at the old age

They told fate about Bandera in 1944, if Radyanskaya army reached the lands of Western Ukraine. Due to the disruption of the German command, Ukrainian nationalists started a partisan war in other areas.

Bandera put the obligatory mind further in line with Nimechchina’s acknowledgment of the “Act of Revival of the Ukrainian State.”

I couldn’t get hold of it.

Even in 1942, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army UPA began to take shape in Galicia without the participation of Stepan Bandera, which became the core support and withdrew assistance from the Germans from the appearance of formation. Stepan Bandera from Nimechchyna was attracted by the overseas moldings of nationalists. In the middle of the OUN, especially among its members, who lived in the forests of Ukraine, opposition grew, which was called out by the leader

real life

and dogmatism. The end of the war Stepan Bandera belongs to the part of Nimechchyna occupied by the British. The British intelligence services arrived just as quickly.

In 1959, the fate of Stepan Bandera was reached by KDB agent Bogdan Stashinsky at the address of his budinka. 2 years before this, another OUN leader, Lev Rebet, was successfully eliminated. For the new injection, Stashinsky Vikorist used a special syringe gun loaded with potassium cyanide.

He checked for Bandera in the entrance booth with a newspaper package, in which the junk was stored. Popel-Bandera turned home for lunch. Stashinsky shot you in person and left.

I'll tell you the reason death was no longer possible. The doctors immediately launched a heart attack.

Stepan Bandera was praised at the Waldfriedhof Center for his great acquisition of Ukrainian emigrants. 12/01/2011

Stashinsky, at the end of 1961, was born with the NDR together with his German squad. It is widely known in the killings of Rebet and Banderi. Stashinsky, at the end of 1961, was born with the NDR together with his German squad. After 6 years, he will emerge from the crisis before the deadline.

Yoma to crush

plastic surgery

, after which, under the nickname Stashinsky, life in PAR In the near future, President Viktor Yushchenko will give Stepan Bandera the title of Hero of Ukraine. The novelty will spread throughout the country and give birth to

As it follows from the assumptions of Ya. Stetska, Bandera, shortly before the war, secretly became close friends with Admiral Canaris, a sergeant of the Abwehr.

Bandera himself stated that in his meeting with Canaris, it was important to discuss the minds of the Ukrainian volunteer forces in the Wehrmacht.

Voice of anti-Jewish politics At the beginning of 1941, the Revolutionary celebration of the OUN called “ours” in Krakow Another Great Gathering of Ukrainian Nationalists

, where Stepan Bandera was chosen as the head of the OUN, and Yaroslav Stetsko as his intercessor.

The organizational traditions of the OUN member were praised by the Nazi tradition. The colors of the ensign of the OUN under the supervision of S. Banderi were adopted - black and chervony.» .

At the meeting it was said: “

Jews in the USSR are the greatest support of the lordly Bolshevik regime and the vanguard of Moscow imperialism in Ukraine.

The anti-Jewish sentiments of the Ukrainian masses are victorious in the Moscow-Bolshovite ranks, in order to gain their respect for an effective reason to prevent them from committing Jewish pogroms before the uprising.

The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists is fighting against Jews as a support for the Moscow-Bolshovite regime, and is currently informing the masses that Moscow is the main enemy

The basic document of the OUN (b) adopted after the exit - the instructions “The fight and activity of the OUN in the hour of war” stated: “During the hours of chaos and turmoil, you can allow yourself to eliminate the unworthy Polish, some kind of Jewish activists, especially supporters of Bolshevik-Moscow imperialism;

At the forefront of the German troops, S. Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko with a group of henchmen arrived to Lvov on the 29th, de Bandera was captured and turned to Krakow, and Stetsko on the next day called “Ukrainian national elections”, which is about voted 30 chernya 1941 rock “Ukrainian state” “Together with the Great Empire, we will establish a new order in the whole world with the help of “the leader of the Ukrainian people, Stepan Bandera.”

The statement of the official of the newly voted “Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsk said:

« Moscow and life are the greatest enemies of Ukraine. I respect Moscow as my main and greatest enemy, as it solemnly conquered Ukraine in captivity.

Protest the witchcraft and the disgraceful will of the Jews, who helped Moscow to secure Ukraine.

Therefore, I stand in the position of blaming the Jews and the goal of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extermination of the Jews, including their assimilation.

" , Participation of the Nachtigall battalion as an organized force in the Jewish pogrom near Lviv on the linden cob 1941. not completed. For 20 years (after 25 years) in 1941, Bandera and Stetsko were under house arrest in Berlin.

Aresht did not dare to engage in the OUN servitude.

Stepan Bandera was born in the Galician village of Stary Ugriniv, which grew up on the territory of the kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, which was part of the Austro-Ugric Empire. Father Yogo was a Greek Catholic clergyman. Mother came from the family of a Greek Catholic priest.

The head of the family was converted by a Ukrainian nationalist and his children were taken into custody by the same person.

Bandera’s buddy often had guests - relatives and friends who took an active part in the Ukrainian national life Galicini.

As Stepan Bandera later wrote in his autobiography, the children’s fates lived “in the everyday life of their fathers and grandparents, the virus in the atmosphere of Ukrainian patriotism and living national-cultural, political and family interests.

There was a large library at home, and active participants in the Ukrainian national life of Galicia often met.”
We highlight the fact that the German community played its initial role in the life of the Ukrainian Nazi band.

In 2011, President Viktor Yushchenko’s decision to award Badner the title of Hero of Ukraine was declared invalid.

Apparently, before Ukrainian legislation, the title of Hero could be given only to the citizens of Ukraine, and Stefan Bandera, as a result of his nationality, was a “European” and died before the emergence of the present-day Ukraine, a ceremonial status of which could even have given him a passport.

Pure-blooded Jew

Although it may sound paradoxical, the ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism was, after all, a pure-blooded Jew.