What can I do to expand the area?



There’s a lot of singing that the skin doesn’t give you what you want.

Since you cannot afford a trip to Italy, lunch at a restaurant, a foreign car and serious pain, it means that at the moment you are your bed, your bed.

It is also important to understand that the bed can and should be lifted.

This will require zusil, but it is completely realistic.

What is the “rhubarb of the norm” and how does it relate to the “penny steel”

It suits you no matter what, at which stage you can get rid of the same level of norm, the same prison, salary, person.

What you broadcast, you remove.

This means that you need to change yourself, your goal to reality.

It's not easy.

It may be impossible to worry about earning money and moving on to the next level.

To help yourself, test the skin on the sign.

Select five points and try to integrate them into reality.

For example, you have lunch in the office, but you want to go to any particular restaurant, but you won’t get any money.

Set a real meta.

If you initially aim for a too-distant ideal, you run the risk of losing your motivation.

Start from small things.

Start believing in yourself, give yourself an hour to get used to the new level, and then work a little more.

For example, it is important to pay attention not to economics, but to business.

"Passable" sale of pennies

It’s like this: people have gone to hell for objective reasons, because they are a wonderful fake or to produce a good product.

His “penny stash” has moved up, but he begins to lose money: he spends thoughtlessly, invests in dubious projects.

Because people can’t afford to let great pennies pass through their hands, they’re not ready, they haven’t gotten around to it.

If you want to change your life for a better one, your actions will inevitably cause a negative reaction from others, and they may turn you back. To make the changes permanent, you need prevent these tests


Why do you need: Our main enemy on the way to our goals is ours.

Comfort zone

- this is the sharpness in which you sounded to persevere, and the ones in which you sounded timid. Well, if you are tired of everything, and you want something new, a comfort zone - these are the ones that excite you, so that something new always causes discomfort, stress, tension. When you switch to automatic actions before, you will leave your comfort zone.

There will come a camp that will be unacceptable to you. Most people in this situation turn back and work steadily.

A sign is formed - when you leave the comfort zone, quickly turn around to it.

  • Now think - where to find your goals and dreams
  • ? How can you reach them without changing your actions or your desperation?
  • It is unlikely that if your goals are serious, you will not eat a chocolate bar. Create bright, extravagant ideas, without being afraid of what anyone will think about you.

Enter a new place, make new acquaintances, wear a new outfit.

Talk more about yourself, about those that you understand, and about those that you think to other people.
In this way, you will become more open, and your comfort zone will expand greatly.

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It is necessary to think until you reach your goal.

If you want to become a carefree person, but are afraid to go to expensive stores, you won’t get anything.

First of all, let’s differentiate between the internal and external spheres of the phrase “we are prepared to allow ourselves.”

A person who has begun to think and act within the framework of her inner world is quick to go ahead: “I can’t afford anything financially, that’s the point.

Everyone is free to choose everything that is beneficial to him, but he is far from believing in such permissiveness.

What if I didn’t tell you, even if you still don’t believe that freedom of choice is real?

Our life confirms this, because all people live under the power of pendulums.

Actively engage with everyone who cares about the object in your world.

Let in all the necessary information, give it the opportunity to penetrate the ball of your light.

It’s good because it’s possible to play the slide in reality, at least formally.

The mother’s courage is most clearly illustrated by the example of the newly minted Russian billionaires, of which there are more often than in the guilty countries of Zakhad.

During the period of change in Russia, at the end of the 1980s, narrow-minded politicians believed that the socialist economy would immediately turn into a market economy, since everything would be privatized. The one who, at this hour, got drunk on the anniversary and caught the essence of the moment, immediately getting rich, without spending hard work. Everything that belonged to the powers in the era of socialism, such as naphtha, gas, gold, diamonds and all other natural resources, industries and intellectual resources have become available zhentsi of the oligarchs. It was bigger - it became yogo.

Why do you need: This was the job of the police, the “not dutiful” billionaires who had to earn their millions, those who were closest to the one-year-old had to put their paw on and shout: “Mine!”

- and then formalize this as a legal act. What are the reasons why what was once bigger has become worse? This period in Russia is obviously unique.

Although there were a lot of wealth among intelligent and talented people, most of them were deprived of nothing. Collect the minds of the one who allowed his mother. The newly rich people had no sense of guilt, no conscience, no doubt, no sense of inferiority. They didn’t think they were bad, they didn’t even think about smelling bad in expensive stores. The mother’s decisiveness was small, so the impartial external world gave it to her.

Axis like this. And you say it’s incredible!: learn to work these words, because you don’t want to work, because it’s scary, but you need to. As a young person, they want to expand their comfort zone, and it’s easier for them to get out.

Consider the expansion between comfort zones in three stages. Stage 1
- Awareness of cordons. It is important to understand what actions and sounds we come from satisfaction and what causes discomfort in us, then.
do not enter our comfort zone. Stage 2

- Knowing between zones of comfort. We understand that at the moment when it comes to leaving the comfort zone, anxiety, fear, etc. appear. And we first try to enter the rizik zone.

Stage 3 - Expanded comfort zone. When we regularly play songs, we gradually integrate them into our comfort zone.

To successfully expand the comfort zone, it is necessary to recruit a handful of important minds. First of all, it’s necessary clear motivation

. Give your answer to the question: “What do I need to do?”, “What will you give me?” The key word is “meni”, not for dads, investors or other people, but especially for you.

If you don’t have any special attention to detail, your comfort zone will be lost at your front edges. In a different way, change the setting to the situation

. Consider going beyond the boundaries of comfort, which is associated with us because it is both scary and difficult..

Place stickers on some places to click before the action. Can you help me? Or take it for yourself “weakly”.

Possibly, perhaps enlist the support of friends.

: make bets with them, so that you will be able to lose or just tell about your turn to a large number of people you know.

As they encourage your initiative, you will try to encourage your faith.

If you are skeptical, you will want to convince them that you can do anything.

The comfort zone must gradually expand - without which it is impossible to grow.

And if you go to expand your comfort zone not as a necessary evil, but as a spluttering test, you will save yourself discomfort and
You will easily reach new heights

One skill that helps everyone, promotes productivity, and allows you to get out of the most difficult problems...

Throw fire. Lose weight.

Vivchiti new language.

Signify the babe.

Write an important confession.

Everything you want to earn is not so important.

Collect information, write down an action plan and implement it.

I don’t care about this – we smoke today, we gain moisture, and we again invest in what we want to earn a long time ago.

Today we are working hard to achieve what we plan to earn. It helps everyone to calmly endure discomfort.

If you do something, you will be able to learn something in advance. Overcome procrastination, go to the fitness club regularly, learn a new language, learn to dance, try out some physical exercises, perform on stage.

And the whole thing is the cob.

Unfortunately, most people experience discomfort.

I respect you, it’s effective to understand - for the first sign of discomfort, the stench will run as quickly as possible in another direction. This very factor encourages us to change our skills. Just think: too many people don’t eat vegetables because they don’t deserve their taste.

We are not talking about such a sick and sick pain. No, just their taste - not the same as the stench!

And the stench is all about licorice and grease, meat and salt.

And then they suffer from diabetes and diabetes, and get other illnesses, but they can’t change anything.

Once you learn how to cope with discomfort, it turns out that slight discomfort - it’s not so scary.

In fact, you can still feel satisfied and feel satisfied after a little training. The more we devote ourselves to this knowledge, the greater our ability to change our work.

Become the ruler of fear and discomfort - and you will become the ruler of your special All-World.

How have you learned to cope with discomfort?

It tells you - well, it’s not easy on the right, you need to prepare. Collect the facts, find out the correct arguments.

If you have prepared everything you need, you don’t put in a lot of money again and again, but calmly and knowingly begin this important task.

This way you can find a solution that is more acceptable to all parties - without shouting, breaking dishes and the laman of the stewards. 4. Learn a new language (tool).

Do you want to learn something new?

This means working on something that you didn’t call, and we often give up before we start to get out of things.

Wash yourself thoroughly, stay calm until not everything goes out at once, and soon you will be able to enjoy new skills.

I spent five years trying to learn how to program.