How can we please God for Papugu Gray?

Repair and self-development

We all know that pet stores sell ready-made dry bags for daddies.

Do we have enough food so that our diet may be different?

These foods can be supplied by a generous and loving ruler. What do the wimpy parrots eat and feed? In fact, the diet of the daddy is even more and more varied.

Dry cream that requires fresh, organic products - fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouted foods, rich in cinnamon and vitamins.

In addition, you need a lot of calcium - low-fat cheese, boiled eggs, crumbled creat or prepared calcium chloride.

Let's talk about everything in order.

Allowed vegetables: carrots, turnips, watermelon, dina, zucchini, squash, kavun, beet, tomato, corn, cucumber, kvass, green peas, lettuce, spinach,

sweet pepper

, cabbage. All this hedgehog is necessary for parrots, except for food, as it contains a lot of bark, microelements, and vitamins.

From harvested vegetables – celery, eggplant, chasnik, tsibul, spicy and hot vegetables, radishes.

It would be wise, even before purchasing an exotic bird, to gather as much information as possible about it, including about its names and similarities, about where and how it lives in nature.

You know what the morning boots are like, the look of that year of this downy wonder - the wimpy daddy.

Even people can try to brighten up their experience in captivity as much as possible.

The health of feathered creatures lies not only in the minds of the stench of living, but also in the years they live.

What’s so special about it, you say, having bought the ready-made sumish, and let the bird peck at it.

However, this product may run out, but the opportunity to buy it will never cease.

Let's find out whether the bird needs prep, and what it can do for daddy if the special food runs out.

Sprouted grain is used as a bark product, especially in the cold season.

Place one tablespoon of oatmeal in a bowl, pour in dill and let stand for 30 minutes.

Then add water and strain.

The grain comes out loose, which means it can be easily sealed, so there is no need to prepare it for bark.

If after two years the bird has not grown up, it is thrown out of the year, the dishes are washed.

Birds are happy to eat fruits and greens.

Sweet daddy can eat grated beet, carrot, apple, pear, watermelon, plum, mango.

A thin skibka can be inserted into lozini klitini.

Parrots are even more careful, so they won’t go near a new product, otherwise, when they call, the stinks will bek from their satisfaction. So when you go out with cherries and grapes, their dark color makes your dad wary. Ornithologists do not recommend this.

A few drops of lemon juice, dissolved in water, will also saturate the bird’s body with bark juices.

Chee needed by craid parrots

Creid life is necessary for exotic birds that live in captivity.

It replenishes your body with calcium and helps relieve stress.

The bird, because it doesn’t survive the craze, stands up to the development.

It is especially necessary to crate the female during the egg-laying period. This microelement is no less important for chicks, but they are so weak that they cannot beak them on their own, so they add them to the food of the processed fish. The bird's egg steadily produces kraida, sand, sepia, brushwood, wood vugilla.

And if they beak the skins from them, the bird will kill itself.

How should you give vitamins?

It’s important to know that giving generic vitamins is not at all burdensome.

You can only hang out during the period of illness, during the period of molting, growing of babies, after the stress associated with moving to a new place or other significant events. Your vitamin needs can be satisfied with fruits, vegetables and greens. It is necessary to buy vitamins without verifying them from manufacturers, so as not to provide the seller with as much information as possible about how to provide them.

Follow the instructions and save not more than the indicated term. The latest vitamin supplements are honey, apple cetus

, lemon juice

  • How can parrots eat sire and peas?
  • We have already said that milk cannot be given to papas, but we repeat that all dairy products, including cheese, should not be given.
  • The frailty of birds in captivity is limited, so it is impossible to outdo them.
  • Just wait until your appointment is complete, and next time give him this portion, no more and no less. Get together and play with the nurse most often, let the parrot fly around the room, and get some sleep. New emotions, happy emotions
  • physical importance
  • boost immunity, increase appetite, and let the daddy turn to the dog’s cage and make him hungry.
  • A small amount of alcohol, a small piece of chocolate or a lump of milk, having entered the bird’s body, can cause an irreversible reaction, so they need to be grabbed from it.

The person at the table is not obliged to be present at the father's anniversary, and cannot be given by hand.

Azalea, blueberry, narcissus, diefenbachia - getting to know these plants can end in death for the parrot.
Remember, by bringing this little breast of happiness into your home, you are taking responsibility for your life and health.

Therefore, show him respect and turbocharge and immediately tell him about his proper birthday. How and with what do you care for your parrot? For the sake of the extinction of small, medium and large parrots from a veterinary ornithologist.
Zhivlennya -
important moment

at the place of any creature.
Hedgehog is scorching for the body.

If the bath is incorrect, the exchange of fluids in the bird’s body will be impaired, which may result in various illnesses in the organs of the prosecutor’s office and organ systems. The exchange of speeches is richer than that of people. For a bird, one day of improper eating is a month or two for a human.
Celebrate your convalescence, fathers, that’s right!
Life of other parrots.

Why take away the wimpy papoo?

Every time it is not possible to give food once it becomes a vologist.
Unacceptable smell, moldy, brooding culprit of the ruler of the wimpy parrot.

Such food must be thrown out of the bin.
The consequences of living with such food are the worst: the parrot may become ill and become difficult to wiggle.

The best way out is to go for food.

  • Choose airtight food in a polyethylene package - this type of food is less likely to dry out.
  • When a wimpy parrot is bathing, show respect for the fact that the birds are responsible for eating all the food, and not choosing storage areas.
  • For the yak food of your vihovant.
  • The father can completely see the entire composition of his feed, and not select other components from the grain mix.

Remember that for a normal diet, millet, as the main living element, can be no less than half of your diet.

In addition, the bird’s diet must include green food, such as:

berries and grass
Roslyn leaves.

The chick always has mineral feed: sepia (cuttlefish shell), creida and mineral sum, which includes turtle, vugilla and river sand.

Chim godovati korel, rozel, kakarika?
It is customary to note that up to the middle parrots there are corels, roses, lovebirds, kakariki, loris, Senegalese and other parrots (the widest among the parrots are the namyst parrots).

Regardless of the similarity of birds, it is not possible to regulate their diet; it is not possible to tailor the diet individually to each species of bird.

This is due to the peculiarities of the natural life of birds and their natural needs.

For example, some birds need to be supplemented with protein-rich turds (rosellas in the early stages of life, and Amazons in the breeding season), and for other species such a diet, however, is contraindicated.

  • Gilkovy feed.
  • Trees safe for birds:
  • apple tree
  • cherry
  • raspberries
  • birch
  • willow (willow, willow)
  • velkha
  • pea
  • glide
  • elder
  • clear



The herb also begins to bloom with flowers, flowers, leaves and roots that are even loved by Amazons, and only leaves can be given to other and middle parrots.

In the spring (near the grass) you can only give kulbab flowers; birds are reluctant to eat leaves.

When the flowering season is on the decline, and the root kulbab has already “ripened” and become great, you can give it to the birds.
For this you need to find a place with softer soil so that the roots do not break and come out of the ground easily.
The way to grow a root is very simple - go around the whole shoot (leaves and flowers) with your hand and pull it on yourself.
This method can be compared to the method of picking carrots.
Don’t forget that before the wedding you need to sprinkle the flowers and butterflies with dill. Feeding with milk feed is very beneficial for healthy birds, feathered birds, and their behavior, in addition, it is also an ideal, natural way of feeding. It is not recommended to use lower gilts for over-wooding: Oak (to take revenge on the great number of tanning agents).

pear (like oak, tannic words)


It is also recommended to give berries during the autumn period.

Birds miraculously eat red and black peas, viburnum, glyd, which can be prepared in the autumn and saved in the freezer.

If you can’t pick berries, you can buy them at sheep markets, or sell black peas in the shopping malls of summer residents in the spring.

  • Unfortunately, most stores are now selling frozen crane berries, black currants, etc. Also with great satisfaction there are ten thorn berries.
  • Dried berries are sold in supermarkets and can be soaked and given to birds.
  • The berries are already brown and contain a great amount of vitamins, which are so necessary for spring.
  • Before speaking, the berries quickly flow onto the fermented plumage, and as they grow, their feathers become more colorful.
  • What's good for a parrot?
  • Fruits, vegetables and greens that can and should be given to birds:
  • Apricot
  • A pineapple
  • Orange*
  • Banana (don't be evil)
  • Pear
  • Figs
  • Lemon*
  • Mandarin
  • Nectarine
  • Peach
  • Pomelo* Plum),
  • Feijoa (not much)
  • Broccoli (boil without salt or spices or blanch)
  • Zucchini, zucchini,
  • Kohlrabi (blanchuvati)
  • Kukurudza (in season,
  • milk stench
  • Carrots (badilla carrots are recommended to be given to birds, especially in season),
  • Ogirok,
  • Sweet bell pepper (Especially loved by middle birds, but can be given to everyone)
  • Radishes (you can just give them a bunch of radishes)
  • Turnip(blanchuvati)
  • Salads: rock, lettuce and lettuce (Iceberg lettuce is especially loved by birds, sweet wine)
  • Buryak (you can blanch, you can give Syria, as they themselves have grown, for example; So you can give Badilla Buryak) Celera (So much green!!) Tomato (without stem and leaves)
  • Turnips (blanch, greens are possible)
  • Garbuz
  • Cauliflower and Chinese cabbage (blanch)
  • Dried fruits can be given more
  • home cooking
  • So that the bird is lost.
  • Before serving the poultry, it is recommended to steam it.
  • Avocado
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Persimmon
  • Potatoes (through high use of pesticides, herbicides and starch)
  • Chasnik
  • Sorrel
  • Kinza
  • White cabbage
  • In dying bones:
  • Parsley
  • crepe
  • Grape

Why is it wrong to bring up the papuga’s year?

By violating the rules and regulations, maintaining healthy parrots can lead to serious harm, especially among other birds.
The consumption of inappropriate products for them, especially from the ruler’s table, has a detrimental effect on the birds.

As a rule, such pardons are associated with the lack of knowledge among the rulers and their lack of knowledge about the morning birds in their household minds. Wrong bathing can lead to problems with the liver. Obesity and congestion often occur. Evil food also affects the parrot’s immunity, weakening it and leading to infectious diseases. Since the process is starting, it is very difficult to help such a bird and never fails. In addition, thefts in the tavern are prevented and external view


As a rule, this does not manifest itself in worn-out feathers, which can cause the color to fade and become dirty.

Daddy can sleep more and be active, clean himself often, he is starting to shed a lot, dialing

zavoi vaga . In addition, changes are expected later: the wine may increase 2-3 times, become rare, change the color, add

  • unpleasant smell
  • or else you have sunbathed and are in the daytime.
  • Celebrate your recruitment properly and we will delight you with our colors and beauty for many years to come!
  • Veterinary doctor-ornithologist at the Green Parrot Bird Hospital Olga Simonyants

In the process of raising a wimpy parrot in the home, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to include in the diet the grain that has sprouted: this contains the brown vitamins E and B2.

You can easily prepare it yourself.

To do this, you need to place the grains on the bottom of the container (in one ball) and fill them with warm water so that the grains are covered with bits.

It will be a miracle if you can remove the grain in a container and rinse the grain every few years.

  • In just a couple of days there will be noticeable steam, the smell will be terrible - only 2 mm of growth, and at this stage the grains are the most brown for parrots.

Before bathing, wash and dry them.

Be careful that they do not bloom or overgrow, as such seedlings waste valuable power. How else can you kill a wimpy parrot? In front of us, there are vegetables, fruits and greens. Young birds are often wary of such situations, but if you cut vegetables and fruits into small pieces or pass them through a grater, your beloved will definitely appreciate them! Before the holiday, rinse the fruits and greens thoroughly with running water!

  • Vegetables

I love them so much, and even more so: they are delicious and brown!

They contain no vitamins and minerals, as well as cellulose, so include such products before your diet.

For your lover, vegetables like carrots will be as sweet as

fresh cucumbers , tomatoes, beet, zucchini, etc. You can also kill your dad with a rap and different types

cabbage, or the head of the cabbage needs to be doused with sprinkling.

  • Greenery

In addition to fruits and berries, waddling parrots have been spotted in households' minds for the past few years.

It is recommended to include in your diet bananas, apples and pears (the stems and cores must be removed first), peaches, pineapples, kiwis, peeled oranges, tangerines and lemons, as well as bits of grapes.

For the berries there will be brown cherries without tassels, raspberries, hazelnuts, sounitsa.

You can also feed animals with din and kavun, or even better in the summer season. During the winter months, include dried fruits in your diet: rodzinki, dried apricots (steamed), dates, etc., as well as frozen berries, for example, lingonberries and blackberries. You can’t feed birds with persimmons, mangoes, papaya, avocado, and even peas!

You can already see how varied the diet is, but that’s not all!

For those who are satisfied, they eat porridge, boiled or steamed in dill.

After cooking the meat in water, you cannot add oil or zuccor.

Vikorist only bright cereals, and never bother your dad with porridge

Swedish preparation

Improper food can cause serious illness, and doing so is even unsafe for small birds.

Often, when the wimpy daddy gets drunk, his master doesn’t know at all what he can give the wimpy daddy to eat.

And now, it becomes clear that there are even more “dos and don’ts” in the dad’s diet.

What should we give to the bird, let’s look at it in order.

Basically, in order to please the wriggling parrots, it is enough to feed them grains of any kind from the year (buckwheat, millet, oats, barley, millet, etc.).

Ale godovati ptakha without grains is not correct.

Dad, like all living things, for normal life, they require living microelements and vitamins.

  • Let’s take a look at what is “must have” in the diet of the papa and what can be added to the new one for better health.
  • Grain bags
  • Parrots love to eat grain food, before entering the warehouse:
  • millet;
  • oats;
  • dormouse;
  • sesame;
  • flaxseed;
  • a plant of archery herbs;

hair peas or cashews;

herbal plant Kanarkova and hemp plants. From the great selection of food types available in pet stores, you can choose whatever you like.

In just a couple of days there will be noticeable steam, the smell will be terrible - only 2 mm of growth, and at this stage the grains are the most brown for parrots.

Up to two teaspoons of grains will be enough for one mature daddy today.

Besides this, you can refer to your lover

  • brown vegetables
  • and fruits, for vitality.
  • There is a list of vegetables that will become even brown in the parrot’s diet, and there is a transfer of products that the parrot cannot eat.
  • Let's take a look at both.
  • We can give the parrots the following:
  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • rip;
  • watermelon;
  • zucchini ta patisoni;

Cucumbers and tomatoes (only from the garden, without nitrates);

  • beet;
  • young corn;
  • kvass and peas;
  • sweet bell pepper.


Before the flock of sheep, which you cannot allow the parrots to eat:


  • watchmaker;
  • eggplant;
  • celery
  • Not everything is possible with fruits.

Every time you can’t give your dad:


  1. papaya;
  2. avocado;
  3. persimmon.
  4. There are apples in the bird's diet.
  5. Like lassies, you can and should taste the sweetness of pears and pineapples.
  6. Rich in vitamins, acids, zucchini and living elements such as fruits and berries:
  7. Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges).
  8. Banani (serve freshly, removing the skin).
  9. Grapes (to remove waste from birds).


Cherries and cherries.

Peaches and apricots.

  • Kiwi.
  • Berries: blackberry, sunberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn, currant, lingonberry.
  • Pomegranate.
  • freshly cut green grass;
  • argue;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • Badilla carrots and Buryaks;
  • greens of cereal crops;
  • leaves from young willow;
  • leaves and leaves of fruit trees;
  • raspberries (for a small quantity).

What can you do to spoil your daddy?

All daddies love grizzly without blame.

This is a natural necessity for the bird, as a way of slaughtering the job.

If you don't expect damage to the wall plaster, door frames or trellises, you need to become familiar with what you can eat so that you can sharpen the job.

  • To do this, you need to regularly add parrots to the box, rinse the holes of the trees.
  • If you don’t rush to bring it into the cage, quickly rinse the bottles under running water.
  • Find the roots of the tree far away from the other parts, pick the leaves and bring them home.
  • You can add milkweed to the wriggling parrots:
  • birch;
  • vilkha;
  • lipi;
  • maple;
  • chestnut;
  • fruit trees (plum, cherry, peach, apricot, pear, apple and others);





What about home grown plants?

The young birds have grown up even at home.

  1. Here you need to carefully wash the flowerpots up to the booth.
    Parrots can nibble on the following indoor plants: aloe, citrus, yucca, palm trees, Kalanchoe, tradescantia, dracaena, chrysanthemums, bamboo, crassula, hibiscus.
  2. You can’t give your daddy bobwhite, ivy, hyacinth, spurge, philodendron, heather, rhododendron, fern, broom, violet, blueberries, azalea, arum, yew.
    Mineral and vitamin supplements
  3. In order for your bird’s body to function normally, its cells must always be fed with mineral supplements and vitamins.
    Because the components that are contained in the original hedgehog cannot be completely absorbed by the body of the feathered animal.
  4. For example, the parrot has a high need (2-3 times more than normal) for mineral salts during molting.
    Take away magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur.
  5. Boil in water, dry and refine, and then place in a cage.
    Kistkova is rich.
  6. Available in food and sumisha.
    It contains a large number of living components that are important for the parrot’s body.

Vugilla village.

The product is vibrated by the method of spilting birch.

Mix a great set of microelements.

  • Grind it into powder and give it to the bird at once from the sand.
  • Vitamins
  • You can buy vitamins for your feathered lovers in pet stores, or you can give them to your parrots directly from the kitchen.

You will need:

honey (3-4 drops per 100 ml of water);

lemon juice (3 drops per bottle); apple cetacea (1 ml per 100 ml of water). These natural components are good antioxidants, rich in vitamins and valuable components beneficial for the body of a feathered friend.

Sprouting food

Sprouted grain crops are undoubtedly

with wonderful caresses

for your birdie.

These products have increased vitamin value.

Sprouted grains block phytates, which enhances the absorption of valuable vitamins.

Such preparation of the immune system will restore vitally important processes in the bird’s body and ensure normal speech exchange.