Bionika tsikavі facts. Presentation in biology "Bionics is a living master of nature". Natural prototypes of technical wineries

The past fate, the hour of the end of my project on the topic: “My school No. 2 of the future”, I stuck with it, like to the current world budinkіv, budіvel, sporud, who are harmoniously angry with nature. I started a search on the Internet for such projects, and on my own brain I found out for myself that this is such a science, that it allows I live nature with technology, it is called won - bionics.Bionics (from the Greek BION - live) is a science that has helped people to stop the laws of nature from technological progress. Having applied some bagato, I changed at the other. Now taking a walk around the place, I know for sure that in such a dispute knowledge about nature was stagnant, for example, the chimneys of boiler houses, by analogy, run from the stalk of roslin, like when the wind blows they do not break.In addition, I recognized that bionics are distinguished by species:

Biological bionics, in which a person weaves nature, as everything is vlasted in him, why and for whom she herself is so vlastovan;

Theoretical bionics, as with additional mathematical applications, you can develop the attachments of nature;

Technical bionics, like zastosovuє theoretical bionics to encourage such a chair, for example, a robot.

Vzagali, as I understand, bionics has taken a handful of sciences - biology, chair, physics, chemistry, mathematics, electronics and others. instant bi litati. Before the speech, the first lethal apparatus with krills, which to wave, will induce Leonardo da Vinci. Armchairs were saved by the Donin, but the wine is alive at the 15th century.Science is not new to us, as we use it for applications, people draw inspiration from living nature for their own creation. I will also try to create my own project, victorious knowledge of biology.I respect, I will frame the topic as relevant, more, in my opinion, people are obliged to live in harmony and protect nature for the future generation.

Follow-up methodology

From the speeches of Aygyul Minirasimivni at the lessons of the Navkolishny world, I made a visnovka, that the people in the rest of the barbarian hour were raised to the navkolishny middle, did not correctly win natural resources virubuv foxes. But if I started practicing on the theme of "Bionika", swayed and changed, then people can live without harming nature and creatures. I will tell you why I understand.

Architectural bionics

From the same time, traces of history, the first victorious natural form in the everyday life of Antonio Gaudi on the cob of the 19th century. Less than 1960, for the sake of the Daytona ceremonies, bionics was recognized as a good science. Vaughn maє svіy symbol (div. dod.) - scalpel and soldering iron, closed by the sign of the integral. A scalpel is a symbol of biology, a soldering iron is a technique, an integral is a sign of inconsistency.As I said, more often than not, there is a lot of bionics in everyday life, but I will show you, at my glance, the natives:The architect Gaudi, having conceived yoga in 1883, the life of guilt will end in 2026, a hundred years after his death.Like Bachimo, the columns are similar to trees with gіlkami, like mіtsno trim dah budіvlі.Yogo dakh decorations at the sight of krill, yakkі vіdkryvayutsya and zakryvayutsya, zahivay budіvlyu vіd yaskravih sleepy shifts. On the creation of this project of the author, Lake Michigan with numerous vats and windowpanes suffocated.The basis of life is the exoskeletal structure;Awakenings in 2004 roci. At my glance, I am harmonically angry with nature. Bud_vlya at the sight of the trumpet smoothly outgrows the unevenness of the landscape.Looks like a clam thrown ashore. Obolonka budіvlі guessing the skin of the creature, like shimmering in the sun.I respect the future of the future. Water growth in the middle of a transparent rock,

provided with lively cavities and carbon dioxide. The stench itself generates biogas for the help of such a wake-up call with energy and heat.Є a symbol of Australia, with three sides of water drains. Nagaduє majestic ship, scho to fly on all windows in the sky from the wind.Like a bachimo from the listed more applied ones, they are true, or they symbolize living nature, or together they were angry with the mystical landscape. This fact confirms that bionics is used in architecture and everyday life, moreover, it is not enough to make the light more harmonious and beautiful to our look.

Bionics in design

The stagnation of bionics in design is too rich. Designers should practice in the modern world more natural space to the people, so that it was comfortable to live, live, practice ... I know a few options, how designers can get knowledge about bionics on the line, the axis of action from them, more less simple:

The stile is in the shape of a caught oak leaf, it’s easier, it’s stronger and more beautiful.

Lampshade in the shape of a watermelon, calm at home.

Inter'єr decorations at the look of a fox fox.

Having chosen this butt is not easy, I’m given the ideal option, so that a person comes home to pick up, and the axis, appears, in the middle of the galyavin in the fox, wind up this little table, guess the tree with the bushes, greens and white color loosen up, shy away, we’ll see clearly. How much greenery is alive to rob the calm atmosphere.Zavdyaki vodkrittu such a science like bionics, people began to scoop inspiration from nature. Next to the booth, a tree that can stand can be placed on a table, stiltsya, shafi, etc. In this order, moods, lulls, colors come to us at the booths, like calming our gaze. Mi voluntarily feel like a little piece of nature, dear little little piece of stone in the jungle, live in harmony with dovkillam without disturbing the balance.

Miracle engineering. More complicated than simple

I told you earlier, as if people, in ancient times, looked at living organisms and tried to work similarly, for example, krill, bird spawn, wondering for the shape that guessed tusks, etc.So the axis from that hour did not change anything, the people and dosi vchaє that pіdglyaє for budovoj living іstot, repeating everything that is beautiful for people. In 1948, on a clear summer day, winemaker Georges de Mestral was walking his dog. After the walks of wine, having remembered the thorns on my pants and on the thorns, then I saw them marveling at the microscope and swaying the faceless gachkiv, as if the wool was tied up by the threads of the cloak. After de Mestral, having conceived of a zastіbka, the construction would follow such a principle. Vіn was pleased with zі spetsіlіstа z fabrics, albeit richly hto yogo not zrozumіv. All the same, I know one weaver and hand-wrapping two knots (one with hacks, the other with loops). The axis so showed up, we know we have a zastіbka-lipun, as for me today we zastіbaєmo that rozstіbaєmo on jackets, hats, vzutti.


Having become familiar with this topic, I proceeded to the creation of my object. Navkolo large number rich apartment houses. You need stink, because people are responsible for living here and don’t take a lot of stench. That's why I can think up, for a moment, such a booth, having come out of nature. And a thought fell on my mind - the stewards of the bdzhil. Why not? Incredibly so practical. And if you form a six-piece, then people live in round budinki, and in tricout ones. I started before the chair. I axis scho in me vyyshlo.I’m wondering what kind of houses you need to be there, where earthquakes often trap. On the daha, you can install sleepy batteries for the safety of the needs of the day, so that the winter is not accumulating, but sinking.


In the course of my investigation, I came to the point that a new science of bionics is being used in our life everywhere and there is great melancholy for people.My scientific ceremonialist Aygyul Minrasimivna embodied the positive and negative aspects of the influx of bionics into the outer world and imagined them in front of this table.



on old look facades, budov, budivel, etc.

+ + +

On dovkіllya (near the plan of ecology)

+ + +

On the mood of the people

+ + +

On the economy of the plan financial returns

+ -

To harmony from dovkilliam

+ + +

Raznomanіtnіst, on vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd zvіchnyh poіdіvlі boxes - sіrіh budіvel, kvadіlіv, stools.

+ + +

On the future of the world

+ + +

From the tables it is clear that the new science positive vigor to nature, to people.

The text of the work is placed without the image of the formulas.
New version roboti is available at tab "Files roboti" in PDF format


Bionika - directly in biology and cybernetic; cultivating the peculiarities of life and life of organisms by the method of creating new devices, mechanisms, systems and advanced essentials.

A person often learns from nature, creating tools and fittings, with which nature is corralled by the stretch of rich fates, as if it were masterful in the process of evolution. We often fuss with such tools like tongs, hammers, combs, brushes, and a lot of other things, and we don’t think about it, like the stench appeared. On the back of the hand, nature was the creator. Tse vona maє nolіch іnstrumentіv, іlki stink zroblenі і more better, аkіnіshimi iє є є chіchnіshimi, nizhі іnstrumenti tehnіkі. The stench was prepared not from metal, but, for example, from chitin, like in coma. Vivchayuchi science - Bionika - blamed nutrition. Who knows about this science? And with what kind of accessories and tools, created by nature, do we corrode at home? What can a person do without these tools?

Hypothesis: We allowed that people often vicorist at their everyday life tools created by nature, and can do without them.

Meta roboti: Vyvchennya іnstrumentіv srednої statisticheskoї sіm'ї, scho perebuvayut pri kvartіlі.

Follow-up task:

  1. Marvel at the variety of tools near the apartment and victoriously, like nature on the cob victorious over the objects.
  2. Significantly, with some method, the tools are victorious and you can do without them.
  3. To conduct an experiment among those who are learning about the knowledge of science - BIONIKI, objects of further study of that knowledge in practice.
  4. The creation of a brochure with a method of understanding students from science - BIONIKOY.

Follow-up object: tools vikoristovuvani people.

Subject of inquiry: knowledge about nature, victorious human when making tools

follow-up methods: Sociological experience, follow-up of tools that people use to win, creation of brochures.


1.1 Science - Bionics - was formed in the other half of the 20th century. Bionika - "BIOLOGIYA" and "Technique", which means "learn from the nature of technology tomorrow", yak bring great greed people and nature, low technology modern day. (internet resource)

Bionika maє symbol: crossed scalpel, soldering iron and integral sign.

Bionics is a science that is close to the border between biology and technology, which develops engineering projects on the basis of modeling the structure and life of the organism

With the development of aviation, lethal planes were also well-adjusted. However, the last hour was a terrible scourge of Swedish aviation, flutter - vibrations of krill, which blatantly blamed on singing swidkost, and led to the fact that the aircraft of the most important designs fell apart in a few seconds. After numerous accidents, the designers learned how to fight against them dashingly: the krill began to work with sweats at the kіnci. And later on I knew that the very same chitinous sweats in the kirls of the kril meteliks.

Watching for cancer-like ones and for them, like stench grabbing with claws, they foresaw the handy medical grips, with which they are crusted and infected.

Modeling the organ of a jellyfish, which captures infrasounds, allowed the creation of technical attachments, which are ahead of a rich year about the current storm, and it says directly, the stars will come.

The obtіchna form of the shark and the її zovnіshnya budova became a vivid example of the modern underwater chovnіv. Squid, taking water, with the power of її vishtovhuє. Tse help him to collapse from the great swedishness. This principle was zastosuvala before the creation of the jet engine [2].

Kazan pіd hоrієntuєtsya according to vіdobrazhennya without interruption creating it sound waves. The location apparatus of mice can be more accurate than the creation of a human radio sonar.

Gustav Eiffel at the 1889 roci having roused the armchair eiffel tower. This controversy is considered one of the earliest obvious applications of bionics in engineering. Hermann von Meyer completed the cystic structure of the head quilted tassels there, de vona zginaєtsya and under the hood to enter at the driftwood.


Follow-up object: science - BIONIKA.

2.1 Conducting sociological testing

For conducting high school sociological testing, 8 meals were collected from the choice of students (Appendix 1.).

The experiment was carried out mid-study from the 5th to the 9th grade. Usyi 126 respondents. The results of the experiment table No. 1 (Addendum 2)

First of all, the food revealed the revelation about the science itself - bionics. According to the nutritional formula, a lot of students were correctly oriented, and 95.5% were correct. Wanting to richly someone who stverdzhuvav, who does not show that science is given. We made it clear - BIONIKA, and then we continued to give advice on food. The 5th graders ran the most – 63.8%, and the 9th graders the best – 93%. Why talk about the great baggage of knowledge taken away for 9 years of learning from the school. Ale for good advice (addition 2. table No. 2) you can skewer and stomp, which for the lightest food was No. 5, may be all right. And so the most important food appeared No. 8. Tіlki 9 - ki richo hto mіg on the new one is correct, to that the anatomy of a person has been twisted into a full obsyazі.

2.2 Vyvchennya іnstrumentіv, scho vikorivuyuyutsya people.

2.2.1Tool: Combined ticks(Supplement 3. Table No. 1)

natural object: Ant lion mites- the ant lion lives on coma larvae. Vіn rozrivaє funnels in pіsku, as if in tsyu pasta drank ants, then the antsy lion throws a piss next to you, and by this he himself orders to vibrate back. With all the victorious wines, their ticks are like a scoop for pisku. If vin vysmoktuє instead of his victims, vin throws an empty casing from a liyka. Ant lion mites can sip, grab vidobutok and drink in; the stench smells like a syringe, a small smoky pump or a throwing tool. In this rank, the stench represents the appearance of combined cliches that can have six functions.[1]

Text to the tool: Most of the time, work and vicorist klіshchi, zdatnі vykonuvati chotiri functions. Їхні zahoplyuyuchі kіntsi mayut corrugated contact surfaces and, for example, can trim a sheet of zherstі. In viїmtsі tsikh mites є cloves, yakі allow you to wrap the tube. From the sides of the vine the instrument is tinted, and it is possible to have a bite to eat. Also, they can clog flowers.

Visnovok: Combined tongs are handy at zastosuvanni, shards replace the spear of tools.

2.2.2 Tool:Tweezers(Supplement 3. Table No. 2)

natural object: Godwit- A great oystercatcher from the snipe family with long-standing hips and long-legged legs. With his old 15-centimeter dzhob, stink to cover the earth, embedding yoga in the soft soil. When tsimu kіnchik dzioba ptah at the required moment, it curves and curves. In this rank, it is easy to pick up small chrobakiv and other kinds of booties.

Dziob - tse combinations tool. Until zakhoplennya їzhі dziob squeezing and serve as a copying and shukaє tool. Only deep in the earth the vines bulge, mute two stools of tweezers, violating in this way the function of exactly the working mechanism that is grabbing.[1]

Victoire for the instrument: Gostrі k_nts_ tweezers easily penetrate under the top ball of objects. Squeezing the hurt halves of the tweezers with your fingers, you can grab the most important objects. As soon as they are let in, the tweezers will open up and let the object out.

Visnovok: Tweezers are necessary for working with small objects, the splintered fingers of a person cannot work accurately with such objects.

2.2.3Tool:Folding lower(Supplement 2. Table No. 3)

Natural object:rot beetle live in soft earth and pus. For svogo prosuvannya vіn vikoristuє spetsіlnі blades, which are found on yoga gomіlki. If the stink is not necessary for the beetle, you can put your little foot in the gomіlka's groove and then put the gomіlka into the niche of the quilt. In this order, yoga tools are placed, protecting the place.[1]

Text to the tool:Folding lower it is composed of impersonal little parts: a great and small climb, a knife, a corkscrew, a knife for cutting dances, twists, and toothpicks. all elements are placed in a small space. Such a nizh can be put in the guts of trousers and without being hurt by it. In this rank, the person broke up the whole system in order to save space, as if having crushed a small pus-filled beetle with his shoulder blades to dig.

Visnovok: Warehouses below contain a small amount of various tools, with which it is compact and takes up little space.

2.2.4Tool:Drills(Supplement 3. Table No. 4)

Natural object:Proconiferous hornbill. The ovipositor of the axis of the great coniferous hornbough, if you are ready to lay eggs, you will climb along the ridge to the very stovbur tree,

turn up to the new back part of your toe, let go of the new ovipositor and manually install yoga. Komakha "drills" near the tree with a dribbling dirochka approximately two centimeters deep. Like a coniferous tree, you need about 20 quills. If the dirka is ready, the wasp, through its old empty ovipositor, similar to the drill, places eggs there.

Text to the tool: In order to wield dirks and dowels, bolt and gvinti, vikoristovuyut drills, yakі for looking at the principle of diї similar to the ovipositor of the axis of the coniferous horntail. On the view of the ovipositor of the axis of the great coniferous hornbill, technically drilled only one function - the stench can drill more.

Visnovok: The drill is necessary and durable for drilling holes in various building materials (wood, concrete, metal).

2.2.5Tool:Velcro closure(Supplement 3. Table No. 5)

Natural object:Rep'yah. The fruits of the rep'yakh show how necessary, buvayut gachki. In the fruits of turnips, there are impersonal ways to expand by the roslins themselves. Yogo fruit, yakі may be over 200 gachkіv, attach themselves to the wool of creatures. Creatures take them away from them and sweat them. [1]

Text to the tool: With this help, you can, for example, wear sports shoes; I don’t need laces for this type of outfit. Krym tsyogo, dozhina can be easily regulated - komu has one yogo win.

Visnovok: The Velcro is too tight. Leave an hour for zatіbannya vzuttya that clothes too thinly. Navit a baby can dress up without the help of a mature one.

2.2.6Tool:Technical suckers(Supplement 3. Table No. 6)

Natural object:octopus vinaysh vitoncheniy method polyuvannya on its prey: vіn shove її tentacles that prismoktuєtsya hundreds of suction cups, a row of which are found on the tentacles. Also, the stench helps you to move around with slimy surfaces, without stinging down.[1]

Text to the tool: There, de є smooth surfaces, often vicorous suckers. At the vicorist's house, first for everything, in the kitchen and at the bathroom. If the hook from the suction cup is pressed to the tile tiles of the bathroom, a vacuum space is created.

Visnovok: Technical suction cups are more comfortable in a butt, without stoking flowers and glue, they can trim different objects (dumps for towels, mill, kilimki near the bathtub).

2.2.7Tool:Battery(Supplement 3. Table No. 7)

Natural object:Electric vugor you can let out electric discharges up to 700 volts, for the help of such wines you can make a noise or drive in enemies and your own kind of bottle. The electrical organ that generates the voltage is made up of special muscles. The voltage, like in a battery, is created by a stream of ions and is discharged by a series of shocks that come one by one.[1]

Victoire for the instrument At the skin booth, there are impersonal fittings, as if they are operated on batteries (a year-book, intestinal lіkhtarik).

Visnovok: The battery is indispensable for a lot of electrical accessories, if they turned on the electricity - we are blowing a battery!

2.2.8 Tool:Head for injection(Supplement 3. Table No. 8)

Natural object:Wasp. Aspen is sorry. The length of the sting of the axis is selected at 3 mm, and the torso is 0.001 mm. Yakshcho osі zagrozhuє nebezpeka, zastosovuє yogo for zakhistu. The sting easily climbs into the skin of a person, transforming into a crying dagger. One hour away with an injection syringe.[1]

Text to the tool: Internal and internal languages.

Visnovok: Bagatiohs keep injectable syringes in the home medicine cabinet. emergency assistance.


In the course of the robots, they were trained by scientists on the statement about science -Bionika. How zasuvalosya, richly someone who does not know the principles of science, but for a hint at the choice of research, you can show what she is doing.

Also, there were additional tools that were found near the apartment and were victorious for recognition. These instruments were created by a person who knew victoria about nature.

So in the basis of winemaking combination mites lie the principle of work ant lion mites. This tool is richly functional and handy when repairing an apartment. Tweezers repeat job godwit, more than a good hour of work with other items. Folding lower imitue the bottom of the shoulder blades pus beetle- compact and rich functional. There are no replacements for the trip, after that, savings and transfers, safety equipment is required. Drill, like Iicecladeatconiferous horntail axis, it is necessary that it is handy for drilling through openings in various building materials (wood, concrete, metal) during work and repairs. Fasteners Velcro so sticky fruit rep'yaha. Even better for tying up bags, picking up that robe. And especially the stink of saving an hour for mothers of small children, even for little ones, it’s easier to fit in with Velcro on the inside, lower with laces. At the garni kahli zavzhdi shkoda robiti opened with a drill, got out of position technical suckers. The stench is indelible at the bathrooms, so it’s easy to attach hacks, mills, shelves without glue and flowers, like octopus suckers. Impossible to reveal whether-yaku apartment, booths without batteries, їх vikoristovuyut at the anniversaries, telephones, likhtariki, and that’s not enough! And the principle of robotic battery repeats the electric organ. electric vugr. At the bagatioh at the home apothecary are saved injection syringes for emergency help. It is not technology, but nature that creates the most efficient and most effective injectable syringes, like axis sting. It's a pity that technology hasn't created more goals, similar to the sting, so they don't bend and they don't break. Yakby went to create such injectable syringes, then splitting, for example, would become painless.

Vivchivshi, like a person stagnant knowledge about nature, creating tools. І doslіdzhuyuchi іnstrumenti at the apartment, like їх vikoristovuє people. We confirmed our hypothesis. a person often wins in his everyday life tools created by nature, and can do without them.

A pamphlet was created behind the robotic bags, so that you can win for an hour of lessons in the necessary world. І to give a statement to the teachings about science - BIONIKU.


  1. Vorontsova Z.S. Master of nature. - M .: "Image-creating art", 1981r - 32 leaflets.
  1. Nakhtigal V.M. Great series of knowledge. Bionics. - M .: TOV "Light of the Book", 2003. – 128 p.

Internet site:

  1. Dictionaries and encyclopedias on ACADEMICITSІ


addendum 1.

Nutrition for sociological education:

  1. What is the name of science, what is the metaphor of winning biological knowledge for the advancement of engineering tasks and the development of technology?

a) design; b) planning; c) bionics +

  1. What was the founder of aerodynamics N.Є. Zhukovsky? From yogo doslіdzhen i z'yavilas aviation.

a) physics; b) shipbuilding;

  1. We’ll better finish the lethal apparatus in nature, we can…

a) komakhi +; b) reptiles; c) tree leaves

  1. By analogy with the principle that lies at the basis of echolocation in kazhaniv, they are constructed.

b) radars; c) other technique

  1. What kind of creatures can make electrical activity?

a) ribi +; b) mice; c) moles

  1. The development of bionics in medicine.

a) the preparation of medicines; b) life of medical institutions;

  1. Yaku Budov is copied by modern richly overtopped budinki, where do people live?

a) stalk of cereals +; b) herbs; c) bushes

  1. What is the principle to stand at the foundation of the life of the Eiffel Tower?

Addendum 2.

The results of sociological testing

table number 1



1. What is the name of science, what is the metaphor of winning biological knowledge for the advancement of engineering tasks and the development of technology?

a) design;

b) planning;

c) bionics +

Zagalne – 95.5%

2. What was the founder of aerodynamics N.Є. Zhukovsky? From yogo doslіdzhen i z'yavilas aviation.

a) physics;

b) shipbuilding;

c) the mechanism for the use of birds and mind that they are allowed to freely expand in the air +

Zagalne - 86%

3. Let's get more done with a lethal apparatus in nature, we can ...

a) komakhi +;

b) reptiles;

c) tree leaves

Zagalne – 88.7%

4. By analogy with the principle that lies at the basis of echolocation in kazhaniv, they are constructed.

a) models of devices-locators for the blind +;

b) radars;

c) other technique

Zagalne - 54%

5. What kind of creatures can cause electrical activity?

a) ribi +;

Zagalne – 94.7%

6. Stagnation of bionics in medicine…

a) the preparation of medicines;

b) life of medical institutions;

c) the creation of piece organs, building functions in symbiosis with the human body +

Zagalne - 83%

7. Yaku budovu kopiyuyut suchasnі rich-topped budinki, where do people live?

a) stalk of cereals +;

c) bushes

Zagalne - 73%

8. What principle should be at the heart of the life of the Eiffel Tower?

a) the principle of being a roslin stem;

b) the principle of life of human bones +;

c) the principle of budovi skeleton komah

Zagalne - 40%

Paired table of results of sociological testing

table number 2

Grade 5

(38 osib)

Grade 7

(35 osib)

Grade 8

(25 osib)

Grade 9

(28 editions)

1. food - 82%

2. food - 68%

3. food - 74%

4. food - 55%

5. food - 95%

6. food - 78%

7. food - 32%

8. food - 26%

Podbag - 63.8%

1 meal - 100 %

2. food - 89 %

3. food - 89 %

4. food - 37%

5. food - 84 %

6. food - 79%

7. food - 89 %

8. food - 26%

Podbag - 74%

1 meal - 100 %

2. food - 92%

3. food - 92%

4. food - 32%

5. food - 100%

6. food - 84%

7. food - 80%

8. food - 36%

Podbag - 77%

1 meal - 100 %

2. food - 96%

3. food - 100 %

4. nutrition - 92%

5. food - 100%

6. nutrition - 92%

7. food - 92%

8. food - 72%

Podbag - 93%

3 .

Bionics(Type Greek. bion- The element of life, literally - alive), science, near the border between biology and technology, which works on the basis of modeling the structure and life of organisms.

The science of bionics (1960) has recently been born, which is a metaphor for helping people to adopt the “secrets” from living nature. Nature has created superbly perfect living mechanisms. The vchenih privabljuє shvidkіstі і the principle of transferring dolphins, whales, squids, spiders, moles, kangaroos, the mystical use of birds and comas, the peculiarity of the organs of the eyes of flies, toads, the organs of hearing of jellyfish, the "secrets" of echolocators of kazhanіm.griymіv etc.

Bionika knew about the stagnation in such spheres of activity as shipbuilding, cosmonautics, machine building, architecture, navigation equipment, handicraft on the right and on.

Bionics in everyday life and craftsmanship

Let's take a look at the concrete achievements of bionics, which have already been implemented in practical purposes.

Penguins change their shoes, shove with snow, flippers with flippers. The snow machine was broken up according to the same principle at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. Lying on the snow with a wide bottom won’t fix the wheel, don’t slip and don’t get stuck.

Vessel-watchers in our world have long ago given up respect for the pear-shaped head of a whale, more stuck to the water before moving, lower the knives of modern ships. Paired with sizable ships, the whale-like steamboat appeared to be economical.

Cone-shaped forms are streaked in the structures of crowns and stovburs of trees and mushrooms. The very same shape is made by coal-burning combines. Tse is the optimal form for the support of wind pressures and the force of gravity. Architects often victorious cone-shaped structures (Ostankinskaya televezha.)

Argue, created by nature, richly finished for those who are still able to work people.

Rich and versatile world of creatures that linger under the earth. Wooden worms, moles make wonderful outbuildings, for the help of such stench they lay underground walks.

The stench is of great interest in the construction of underground aggregates, which are to be built. Broken, for example, the original model, yak, tumbling under the ground like a mole, punching a tunnel with smooth slotted walls.

Bionics took from amphibians the principle of being a back end. Vіlivshi tse in such an object, like lust.

There is only a small number of examples of this, like a person's stagnant biological model. But the creatures may have a lot of other powers, like victorious ones, or they can become vikoristan people: ultrasonic sounding tower, echolocation of dolphins (on a distance of 20-30 m, a dolphin bezmilkovo show mist, where a pellet with a diameter of 4 mm fell).

Bionika went out: "Nature knows better". What kind of science is this? Already the name itself and such a motto give us an understanding that bionics is due to nature. So many of us today are stuck with the elements and the results of the activity of the science of bionics, to learn not to suspect about it.

Do you think about such a science, like a bionic?

Biology is a popular knowledge, with which we know more at school. Chomus richly who cares that bionics is one of the developments in biology. Really, I don’t know for sure. True, the word bionic has a narrow meaning - this is a science that grows living organisms. But most of the time, we sounded associative with other people. Applied bionics is a science, like learning biology and technology from one's own.

The subject and object of bionic studies

What are the bionics? Schob v_dpovisti on the food chain, next look at the structural podіl of the vchennya itself.

Biological bionics dolіdzhuє nature such as it is, without trying to vtruchannya. The object of її breeding is the process that takes place in the middle

Theoretical bionics is engaged in the development of these principles, as they were noted in nature, and on their basis, I create a theoretical model, as soon as possible to become established in technologies.

Practical (technical) bionics- Tse zastosuvannya theoretical models is practical. So it's more motion, more practical to promote nature in the technical world.

Did everything start?

The father of bionics is called the great Leonardo da Vinci. In the records of this genius one can find the first samples of the technical insight of natural mechanisms. Armchairs and Vinci illustrate yoga pragnonnya create a lethal apparatus, building ruins with wings, like a bird's nest. In its time, such ideas were praised over something, so that they could become demanded. The stench zmusili zvernuty respect for themselves significantly worse.

The first one to establish the principles of bionics in architecture was Antoni Gaudi-i-Kurnet. Yogo im'ya mіtsno instructed in the history of science. Architectural disputes over the projects of the great Gaudi were at odds at the moment of their disputes, and the same stink of the stench called out rich fates from the modern posters.

Let's come, who, having promoted the idea of ​​symbiosis of nature and technologies, having become a pioneer, began to widely promote bionic principles in the design of life.

The assertion of bionics as an independent science was only seen in the 1960s at a scientific symposium in Daytona.

The development of computer technology and mathematical modeling allow today's architects to be richer and more accurate in using the hints of nature in architecture and other galleys.

Natural prototypes of technical wineries

The simplest butt to show the science of bionics is vinahid sharniriv. We know the reinforcement, which is based on the principle of wrapping one part of the structure for a different time. This is the principle of vikoristovuyut sea turtles, schob cheruvati two of their chairs and, if necessary, twist them or curl them. Pacific heartworms-veletni reach a size of 15-20 cm. Other representatives of this species will zastosovuyut such a way of fixing the chairs.

We often wear different tweezers. A natural analogue of such an attachment is a host of gostrii and klichepodіbny dzhob of the godwit. The number of birds zastosovat thin dziob, vstromlyayuchi yogo in the soft ground and distayuchi zvіdti drіbnih beetles, worms and other.

A lot of modern accessories and attachments are equipped with suction cups. For example, they are beaten to improve the design of lower kitchen appliances, so that they can be forged for an hour of work. It is also necessary to equip suction cups with special suction cups in the windows of tall buds for safe fixation. Tsey uncomplicated attachment is the same as the positions of nature. The tree frog, lolling on its feet suckers, trembles supra-lingually on the smooth and slimy leaves of the bushes, and the octopus stench is necessary for close contact with its victims.

You can know the absence of such applications. Bionics is the very same science that helps people to find the technical solutions of their winemakers from nature.

Who is first - nature or people?

Some people are troubling that the other wine of mankind has long been "patented" by nature. So wine-makers, creating, do not copy, but see the technology itself, the principle of work, and then it shows what nature has long known, and you can just take a look at it.

So it became from a great sticky zashtіbkoy, like a vicorist for a man to fasten a robe. Bulo brought, scho for zcheplennya thin beards between themselves and zastosovuyutsya barbs, similar to quiet, yakі є on fasteners-velcro.

In future factory pipes, there is an analogy with empty stalks of cereals. Late fittings, which are victorious in pipes, are similar to sclerenchymal cords in stems. Steel kіltsya hardness - mіzhvuzlya. A thin shkirka from the outer side of the stem is the same as the analogue of spiral fittings in bud pipes. Regardless of the colossal similarity of the structure, they themselves independently blamed such a method of life of factory pipes, and later they bred the sameness of such life with natural elements.

Bionics and medicine

The stagnation of bionics in medicine gives the opportunity to save the lives of wealthy patients. Without prejudice, work is being done to create pieced organs, building functions in symbiosis with the human body.

The first one was lucky to try the dance of Dennis Aabo. Vіn having spent half of the hand, but at the same time it is possible to take objects to the dotik for help from doctors. Yogo prosthesis connections to nerve endings of the injured ending. Sensors of piece fingers of the factory pick up information about the dot to the objects and transmit them to the brain. The design is not yet completed, it’s already cumbersome, which makes it easier to put it in butt, but even then you can call this technology a good guide.

All the findings in this direction are based on the copying of natural processes and mechanisms and their technical vikonann. Tse i є medical bionics. Vіdguki vchenih svіdchat, scho nezabara їх pracі will give the opportunity to change the living organs of the people that were worn out, and replace them victorious mechanical prototypes. This will truly become the biggest breakthrough in medicine.

Bionika in architecture

Architectural and budivelna bionics - especially shawl bionic science, foreseeing the organic rise of architecture and nature. In the rest of the hour, more and more often, the design of modern constructions is reduced to bionic principles, which are similar to those of living organisms.

Today the architecture of bionics has become the most famous architectural style. It was born out of a simple copying of forms, and at the same time, the leaders of the science of science began to put forward principles, organizational features, and technically their strength.

Some people call such an architectural style an eco-style. All that the basic rules of bionics are:

  • search for optimal solutions;
  • the principle of economy of materials;
  • the principle of maximum environmental friendliness;
  • energy saving principle

Like a bachite, bionics in architecture - not only hostile forms, but also progressive technologies that allow you to create a spore that supports modern vimog.

Characteristics of architectural biological buildings

Spiraling on a lot of evidence in architecture and everyday life, we can say that all the people are German and non-Dovgovichny, as if the stench does not beat the laws of nature. Bionichny budіvlі, krіm marvelous forms and daring architectural solutions, mum stamina, building vitrimuvat unacceptable natural phenomena and cataclysms.

In the exterior of life, zbudovanih in this style, you can see the elements of reliefs, forms, contours, nicely copied by design engineers from living, natural objects and masterfully instilled by architects-budive workers.

Like a raptom when looking at the architectural object, you will be amazed at the vitvir of the art, with the great imovirnistyu in front of you in the style of bionics. Applying such constructions can be practical in all the capitals of the country and in the great technologically advanced places of the world.

The design of the new thousand

Back in the 90s, a Spanish team of architects created a project for life, which is based on a completely new concept. Tse 300-top of Budova, the height of which is over 1200 m. The country, as it happened to sponsor the project, appeared China. For everyday life, the most densely populated place - Shanghai - was selected. The purpose of the project is to solve the demographic problem of the region.

Vezha matime povnistyu bionichnu structure. Architects care how much they can ensure the durability and durability of the structure. The prototype of Budov is a cypress tree. The architectural composition of the matima is not less than a cylindrical shape;

Zovnishhnє pokrittya budіvlі - ce plastic and povіtropronikny material that imitates the bark of a tree. The air-conditioning system of the vertical place will be an analogue of the heat-regulating function of the shkir.

Behind the forecasts of vchenih and architects, such a life will not be left alone in one's family. After a successful ventilation, the number of bionic houses in the architecture of the planet is less likely to increase.

Bionic budinki near us

Have some famous creations won the science of bionics? Apply such spores it doesn't matter to know. Take, if you like, the process of the creation of the Eiffel Tower. For a long time there were a few people walking around, that this 300-meter symbol of France was awakened behind the armchairs of an unknown Arab engineer. In the past, the bula was revealed completely and її analogy with the everyday great homilk's brush of a person.

The Crimea of ​​the Eiffel can be known to the whole world with impersonal applications of bionic spores:

  • was called for an analogy with a lotus leaf.
  • Beijing National Opera House - imitation of water drops.
  • Swimming complex near Beijing. Sounds repeat the crystal structure of the gate. The amazing design solution is based on the possibility of the design to accumulate the energy of the sun and nadal vikoristovuvat її for the life of all electrical appliances that work in everyday life.
  • Khmarochos "Aqua" sounds similar to the flow of falling water. Meet Chicago.
  • The house of Antonio Gaudí, the founder of architectural bionics, is one of the first bionic spores. Until today, wine has retained its aesthetic value and is one of the most popular tourist sites near Barcelona.

Knowledge necessary for the skin

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags, you can boldly declare: everything that wields bionics is relevant and necessary development daily suspense. Kozhen can become familiar with the scientific principles of bionics. Without science, it is impossible to show technical progress in various areas of activity. Bionika is our future in new harmony with nature.

Bionics. І її reach


Stepin K.S.

Ponomarova O.M.

Intro _________________________________________________ 3

First stop of bionics_________________________________ 4

Classic butts:

Inner Budova stalks of herbaceous dew grass .............................................. 5

The expansion of the fruits of that nasіnnya .............................................. ................. 5

Komakhi class. Zagіn dvokrily .............................................. ........... 7

Budova and functions of the brain.................................................................................. 6

Current comments:

Skeleton of abyssal sponges ............................................................... ...................... 8

For the benefit of the termites, for the benefit of the community .................................................. .................. 9

Robots who kick and shave .............................................. .. .................. 9

Conclusion______________________________________________ 10

Addendum _____________________________________________ 11

References ____________________________________________ 15


Bionics(Greek: Biōn - an element of life, literally - living) - an applied science about stasis in technical outbuildings and systems of principles, authorities, functions and structures of living nature. The idea of ​​​​storing knowledge about living nature for the purpose of executing engineering heads is to lie down by Leonardo da Vinci, who tried to induce a flying device from waving wings, like a bird: an ornithopter.

The development of regularities in the formation of organisms for inspiring the likeness of piece objects sounds unambiguously to the point of bionics [new science directly from the beginning of the 50s of the twentieth century. The emergence of science has become a legacy of the development of cybernetics, biophysics, biochemistry, space biology, engineering psychology and others. Symposium at Daytona (USA) at Spring 1960. giving the name of the new science - bionics. The symposium died down: "Live prototypes - the key to new technology" well foreshadows the prospects for the development of bionics for many years. .


biological bionics, what are the processes, what are they used in biological systems;

Theoretical bionics, as future mathematical models of these processes;

Technical bionics, scho zastosovuє models of theoretical bionics for the purpose of engineering.

Bionics is closely related to biology, physics, chemistry, cybernetics and engineering sciences: electronics, navigation, voice, maritime law and others.

The emergence of cybernetics, what do you see charitable principles the management of that connection in living organisms and machines, became an incentive for the broader development of the life of living systems, by means of their integration with technical systems, as well as the selection of records about living organisms for the creation of new devices, mechanisms, and materials.

The main directives of the work of bionics include such problems:

a wedding nervous system people and creatures, that modeling of nerve clitins (neurons) and neuron meshes for further thoroughness counting technique and development of new elements and attachments of automation and telemechanics (neurobionics);

à follow-up of sensitive organs and other respiratory systems of living organisms with the method of development of new sensors and detection systems;

à development of the principles of orientation, location and navigation among different creatures for the development of principles in technology;

à research on morphological, physiological, biochemical features of living organisms for the development of new technical and scientific ideas.

First stop of bionics

May it be a technological problem, as it confronts designers and engineers, has long been successfully overcome by other living things. For example, cold drink brewers are constantly searching for new ways to pack their products. At the same time, the great apple tree has long solved this problem. An apple is 97% made up of water, packed already not in a rustic cardboard, but in a natural skin, to finish the appetite, to get the creatures, to get fruit and to expand the grains.

Fahіvtsі z bіonіki mіrkuyut itself in such a rank. If the stench sticks with an engineering or design problem, the stench whispers solutions in the "scientific base" of the uncircumcised world, what the creatures and the roslins should have.

Gustav Eiffel, who in 1889 instigated the armchair of the Eiffel Tower, made approximately the same way. This controversy is considered one of the earliest obvious applications of bionics in engineering.

The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on science robot Swiss professor of anatomy Hermann von Meyer (Hermann Von Meyer). For 40 years before the arrival of the Parisian engineering diva, the professor, having studied the cystic structure of the head of the stehnoe cyst there, degenerates and enters at the corner of the driftwood. And with this, the brush does not break under the weight of the body. Von Meyer, having shown that the head of the brush is covered with a thin mesh of miniature brushes, the veils are reshaped in a marvelous rank by the brush. Qia merezha is small strict geometric structure, as the professor documented (addition to Fig. No. 1).

In 1866, the Swiss engineer Carl Cullman introduced the theoretical basis of von Meyer's work, and after 20 years, natural science developed the idea for additional crooked support by Eiffel (addition to Fig. No. 2).

The famous Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral in 1955 roci. Vіn often walking with his dog and remembering that until the yogi, like unreasonable growths stick to the outside. Getting tired of cleaning the dog regularly, the engineer has found out the reason, through the yak weeds stick to the outside. After investigating the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible for small bugs on the fruits of the cocklebur (this is how the bur'yan is called) to blame. As a result, the engineer realized the importance of the wrought iron and, for the last years, patented the handy Velcro Velcro, which today is widely recognized when preparing not only a military, but also a civilian robe (supplement Fig. No. 3).

Classic butts

"Internal Budova stalk of herbaceous growth"

At the transverse zrіzіv stems of herbaceous growths - insha budova against derevyanimi. For example, at the transverse rosette of the stalk of the downy growth (addition

Mal. No. 5-b) make the shape of a stake. The stalk of the downy boll is empty and in a new povitronosn_ emptiness 2, recognized for circulation again. Sclerenchymal strands 1 put on the growth of the growths when they are windy on them. Shkіrka 3 protects the stem from atmospheric and climatic phenomena. The core of the stem grows wider, lower skin. Remain nіbi streamuє її rostannya. The core is stretched, the scruff is squeezed. As a result, internal stresses are created in the structure of the stem. Tse and give the springiness of the stem.

Bionics, embracing the regularities of the formative nature, create original, economical everyday designs. The factory pipe (an addition to Fig. No. 5-c) on the transverse view is similar in structure to the stalk of downy bollard. Late fittings 1 nadі їy mіtsnіst podіbіbі to tyazhіv in stalks, empty 2 simplifies constructions. The central round opening at the sight is dimovidvid, spiral fittings 3. On the preparation of pipes, the design is as close as possible to nature, there are fewer budding materials, the bottom yakbi is monolithic, it is stained with less physical work. The protist_yk_st of wind vanity in such a trumpet is not good for a natural analogue.

“Wide fruit of that present day”

A clear sign for the formation of the krills of the Austrian flyak "Taube" (addition to Fig. No. 6-a) at the dawn of the summer was the zenonian liani, which is flying (addition to Fig. No. 6-b). Vono guessing garbuzov's present with curved tips. Zavdyaki small masses are now miraculously rich. The very situation turned the respect of the vineyard Etrich of Bohemia. In 1904 p. Vіn zbuduvav svіy first glider without tail plumage. The wingspan of krill is 6 m. The glider can carry 25 kg of weight. By stretching out the coming fates of Etrikh, behind the natural analogies, creating new models of gliders, improving them, improving the strength.

Peelok cereal roslins maє two shells, napovnenі povitryam, schіlnіst kakogo mensh, nіzh schіlnіst navkolishny povitrya. Tse I create a file of pidyomnu force, and to that the wines move again and again on the great vista.

The principle of pjomnoї force, realizations in nature, the man victorious at the first created by him lethal devices: povitryany kuli, reminiscent of hot winds, in aerostats, airships The falling shuttlecock at badminton throws a parachute kulbabi. Possibly, in order to help you, a similar plaid parachute showed Leonardo da Vinci the idea of ​​​​a parachute.

"Komahi class. Zagіn dvokrіli»

Animal respect for the presence of the housefly on the legs of chemoreceptors - a kind of miniature biological sensors. The fly has chotiri tipi: one analyzes the storage of water, the other determines the zucor, the third do the difference in salt, the fourth notes about the presence of the protein. The same receptors are in the її proboscis. Zavdyaky їm a fly zavdya knows what she herself has under her feet: їzha, the drink is unnatural. The proboscis of the fly automatically confirms the indication of the upper receptors. Vіn vytyagnuvsya - and the fly begins to drink chi їsti. According to the straightening of the proboscis, one can judge how much speech and at certain concentrations I catch a coma. Analysis of speech is carried out for a few seconds. In this rank, the nature of Nabul has found the best methods of chemical analysis. Physicists and chemists can speed them up, having figured out to the end the methods by which a fly flies.

At the laboratory of geophysics of the Institute of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, a sticky speech was created from silica powder, which can be viscous to vaseline. If you put yoga on a wheel in an electromagnetic field, it will be harder. The wheel is superficially glued to the supporting surface. When hired magnetic field the speech is filled with a colossal viscous state. Engineers have created a crouching robot (addition to Fig. No. 7). Check for defects on the metal surface. Six or four skins can be attached to the body 5, two of them can be driven (engine with transmission mechanisms). One horizontal, the other vertical movement. The leg ends with a cherevik with a pillow 3, leaking sticky speech. Vin is supplied from the tank to empty supports. Shіst NIG Robota Op'dnani at two cereals, three at the leather. The small robot is single-hourly one group, and the other is glued to the supporting surface. On cherzі to cherevikіv that one, then іnshої groups nіg the electric jet is supplied - and the pillows nіg are glued to the supporting surface.

The robot can see the TV camera 1, the hose 2 with the electric cable and the supply tube clenched air to pneumatic actuators.

"Budova and functions of the brain"

Revealing the principles of the robotic brain, as if it is rich in what is left in the secret, means to know the key to the design of the EOM of the future. A new science - neurocybernetics is engaged in the construction of a piece brain. The first EOM was assigned to perform arithmetic operations. In the world, the development of the numbering technique of the EOM began to develop folding operations, to improve the speed, to expand and change (Table side 8).

Parameters human brain EOM
Carrying information Nervous awakening Electric strum
The speed of introduction of information Mensh 1 bit / s for dozhinі- Ponad 106 bit/s
formations for a riddle well remember
Hour of operation All life Million operations per second
Perevagi All-inclusive Zeredzhennya mensh
foldable folding functions V
functions on the switch richer
small obligation. Obligations. Low foot
high step zі- perfection of electrical
perfection of physiology throne neuron
regular processes in neurons
Reserve deposit deposit Don't lie down
passage of an individual
alnih especially
stay and emotional
I will become
The place of memory Theoretical maxi- 107 bits in denmark mo-
mum 108-1010 bit cop
protyazh life
Memory type Zmishaniy Zmishaniy
Features of pa- Memorization of osmis- Memorization of mechanical
m'yati line Czech
Type of processing according to Parallel Last
stepped іnformatsionno-
Filtering information Even more efficient Bydna
Hour of saving in- Unfaithful Postiyne
formations in memory
Viluchennya z pa-
m'yati required in-
recently introduced Shvidke Shvidke
introduced long ago Povilne shvidke
When poshkozhenny Practice Do not practice
Get information Through rich channels: for the form, color, vіd- One channel
subtlety of the subject,
font, handwriting,
sniff, dotik,
timbre of voice, into-
natsії, the armchair is skinny.
Masa 1.2-1.3 kg 3-10 times more
what is the brain of a human

Today's opinion

Modern bionics is rich in what is due to the development of new materials that are copied from nature. The very same Kevlar appeared as a wake-up call for robotic biologists-geneticists and engineers, specialists in materials.

In this hour, deyakiv vcheni try to find analogues of organs human body to create, for example, piece-by-piece (it already happened in sales in the USA) or piece-by-piece (at the stage of development).

Skeleton of deepwater sponges

Other retailers concentrate on the cultivation of natural organisms. For example, researchers at Bell Labs (Lucent Corporation) have recently identified a high fiber optic fiber in the abyssal sponges of the genus Euplectellas. Researchers from Bell Labs, a structural development of Lucent Technologies, have shown that fiber optics are avenged in deep-water sea sponges, with powers even closer to the most modern fibers found in telecommunications networks. More than that, according to the actual parameters of the natural optical fiber, it can be seen the best by the piece.(Supplement Fig. No. 8) .

Vіdpovіdno to zagalnopriynyatoy shogodnі klаsifіkatsії, sponges establish an independent type of primitive spineless creatures. They lead an absolutely unruly way of life. The sponge of the genus Euplectella sacks in tropical seas. Vaughn in the dozhina reaches 15-20 cm. At the base of the sponge there is a bundle of fibers, which is similar in shape to its own crown. Dovzhina tsikh fibers - vіd 5 to 18 cm, tovshchina - like a human hair. In the course of the run, there were several fibers that stink, that the stench is formed from a large number of clearly visible concentric balls from various optical powers. Central part The cylinder is folded from pure silicon dioxide, and the cylinders are not milled, and there is a small amount of organic matter in the warehouse.

Vcheni were hostile to them, as close as possible, the structures of natural optical fibers were revealed to zrazkіv, which were developed in laboratories by stretching a lot of rocks. Although the transparency at the central part of the fiber is lower, lower at the shortest piece zrazkіv, natural fibers appeared to be more resistant to mechanical infusions, especially when opening and bending. The very same mechanical power can be damaged by surprising optical transmission lines - if there are cracks in the optical fiber, it has to be replaced, but the operation is even more expensive. The Bell Labs tests suggest an offensive fact that demonstrates the supra-linguistically high strength and flexibility of natural fibers - they can be tied at the vuzols, and with this stench they do not waste their optical powers. Such small pieces of fiber optics will inevitably lead to breakage or, if necessary, fix internal cracks, which in the last bag means the loss of functional power to the material.

Vcheni still do not know how it is possible to create in the laboratory a similar vitvir of nature. On the right, in the fact that today optical fiber is taken from furnaces with melting at an arc high temperature and sea sponges, naturally, in the course of development, synthesize it with a chemical sedimentation path at the temperature of sea water. If you want to go ahead and model the process, you will be more economically viable.

The results of the tests revealed that the material of the skeleton of these 20-cm sponges can transmit a digital signal no worse, less modern communication cables, with which natural optical fiber is significantly better for human visibility of the organic shell. Another feature, as a matter of surprise to the scientists, is the possibility of molding similar speech at a temperature close to zero degrees Celsius, although at Lucent plants high-temperature processing is carried out for these purposes. Forever thinking about it, how to build a new material, the shards of the skeleton of sea sponges do not exceed 15 cm.

For the benefit of the term, for the benefit of the welfare

Let's look at the development of new materials, and constantly talk about technological insights that are based on the "intellectual potential" of nature. For example, in early 2003, a new technology was developed for the feed mechanism for copiers and printers at the recent Xerox center in Palo Alto.

At the AirJet annex, the retailers copied the behavior of protecting the termites, when the termite took independent decisions, and when they played, they collapsed to a scorching mark, for example, set up nests.

Designed in Palo Alto, the scheme is equipped with a lack of reversible nozzles, the skin of any air is independent, without commands from the central processor, to prevent the stink from sleeping on the floor of the house - pushing the paper. At the annex there are daily rotten parts, which allow cheapness of virobnitstvo. The skin is designed to cover 144 sets of 4 nozzles, straightened at different sides, as well as 32 yew. optical sensors and microcontrollers (additional Fig. No. 9).

Robots who kick and shove

Ale naivіddanіshi adherents of bionics are engineers who are engaged in the construction of robots. Today, among retailers, the point of dawn is already popular, that in future robots (a report on robotics div. here) it is possible to effectively work only in that moment, so that the stench is as similar as possible to people. Vcheni that іnzheneri vhodit from what they happen to function in mіs'skih and domestic minds, so in the "human" inter'єrі - zі descents, doors that other passages of a specific rozmіru. To that, as a minimum, the stench is to blame for the opinions of people for the size and for the principles of redressing. In other words, the robot's legs are bound to wobble (wheels, caterpillars and other things are not suitable for the place). But who has a copy of the design of the nig, if not a creature?

Right off the bat, a creation of upright bipedal robots poked their way out of Stanford University. The stench may already be experimenting with a miniature six-legged robot, a hexapod, inspiring the results of the targan changing system.

The first hexapod was designed 25 Sep 2000 (Supplement Fig. No. 10) At once, the design is large even more quickly - from the speed of 55 cm (more than three high-quality dozhins) in a second - and so it is very successful to make a change.

At Stanford, the one-legged strobing monopod of human growth is also broken up, which is a building-like one to pacify the nest of jealousy, steadily striving. Apparently, a person moves along the “falling” path with one foot for another and spend most of the hour on one foot. In the perspective of Stanford's education, the creation of a bipedal robot from the human walking system (addition to Fig. No. 11) is being created.


The concept of bionics is by no means new. For example, for more than 3,000 years, the Chinese have been trying to find a way to make a seam. Ale, for example, the XX century, the bionic nabula of another dihannya, modern technologies allow copying miniature natural constructions with great accuracy. So, some years ago, they were able to analyze the DNA of spiders and create a piece analogue of the shovkopodibnoy spider - Kevlar. With this material, I have re-analyzed a few promising directions of modern bionics and nave found similar tendencies in nature.

For the remaining decades, bionics took a significant impulse to a new development. It is due to the fact that modern technologies are to be transferred to giga- nano and allow copying miniature natural constructions with unprecedented accuracy. The current bionics of the world is connected with the development of new materials that copy natural analogues, robotics and piece organs.

Nature speaks to the engineers and to the inexhaustible possibilities of adopting technologies and ideas. Previously, people were not familiar with those who were literally in front of their noses, but they were technical background and computer modeling helps to sort out a few things in order to get the power of the world to itself, and try to copy from new details for power needs.

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