Eggplants stewed with tomatoes: juicy and delicious. How to prepare stewed eggplants with tomatoes and a chasnik Recipe for stewed eggplants with tomatoes

With tomatoes - a very simple and very tasty, aromatic herb. During the cooking process, the vegetables become unique, and the chasnik and cilantro give the eggplants stewed with tomatoes a unique aroma. So delicious and so simple!

The secret of this herb is that the eggplants and tomatoes are approximately equal to the mixture and there is no need to simmer them much, until lightly softened, so that the vegetables can exchange juices.

To prepare stewed eggplants with tomatoes we need

  1. eggplant - 3-4 medium fruits
  2. tomatoes - 3-4 pieces
  3. cilantro - a small bunch
  4. chasnik - 3-4 cloves
  5. pepper or better sumish freshly ground peppers - for the relish
  6. salt for relish
  7. Roslynna Oliya

Let's start getting ready eggplant stewed with tomatoes

  1. If the eggplants have damaged skins, we cut them off and cut the eggplants into small cubes.
  2. Transfer to a deep bowl, generously add salt, add cold water and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this hour, add the eggplants to the hot water.
  3. Tomatoes can be skinned, but they don’t matter to me. If you want to remove the skin from the tomatoes, make a ridge-like cut, pour them with dill for 30-40 seconds, then pour over cold water and remove the skin, like from an orange. We chop the tomatoes fairly, but not too finely.
  4. The chasnik is cleanable and finely cut. It’s best to cut it yourself, rather than pass it through a press. When passed through a press, the structure of the chasnik is destroyed and all the aroma is evaporated into the air. With a fine cut, the taste and aroma are gradually imparted to the vegetables - this, perhaps, is another secret of this simple herb.
  5. The cilantro should be carefully washed and cut into pieces.
  6. The eggplants are already soaking wet. We pour water out of them.
  7. Heat a frying pan with a lot of oil and brush the eggplants over medium heat under a closed lid, stirring occasionally, 5-7 pieces.
  8. Once the eggplants have accumulated, add the prepared tomatoes, stir, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. For an hour, marvel at yourself, the vegetables are not to blame for lubricating, the stench is to be extinguished in the juice one by one.
  9. Next, add finely chopped chasnik, and then add a mixture of peppers. Stir and extinguish another 5-7 mixtures under the lid.
  10. Finally, add the chopped cilantro, mix everything again, remove from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for an hour. During this hour, the cilantro will impart its aroma to the vegetables.

Ready! Delicious!

It’s really delicious to eat with mashed potatoes or just like a snack with Borodinsky bread.

The finished herb can be additionally sprinkled with finely chopped cilantro; it goes wonderfully with eggplants.

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Stewed vegetables - even cinnamon and bacon from the cooked herbs. It comes out light and juicy, does not affect the “stones” of the boat. If you want the grass to come out like a sieve, then add a little meat: chicken, cowhide or, for example, pork. It is advisable to master a number of recipes for eggplants stewed with tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage and other products. The vegetables that we are talking about are sold all over the world, so your favorite herb can be prepared at any time: summer, spring, spring and winter.

Eggplant with tomatoes, chasnik and Provençal herbs

Take eggplants grown in a damp bed, and if you are not able to do so, buy them from your nearest store. The herbs have a special aroma and delicious taste, so we are happy to add this product to the herbs.

To prepare this herb you will need:

  • eggplant 1 kg
  • tomato puree 500 g
  • chasnik 4 cloves
  • Sir tertium 200 g
  • cheese mozzarella 200 g
  • Olya Oliveva for the relish
  • Provencal spices for relish
  • salt for relish
  • pepper for relish
  • basil 2 tbsp. spoons
Cut the eggplants into 1 cm thick rounds. Steam them for 15-20 rounds. Transfer to a drain and let the water drain. Prepare tomato sauce by mixing tomato puree, cooked chasnik, 1 tablespoon of Provence spices, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and basil.

Place a ball of eggplant on a sheet, first coated with olive oil. Pour the gravy over the tomatoes and sizzle with the grated cheese. So just add another ball of eggplants and so on until all the eggplants are gone. Do not sprinkle the top ball of eggplant with grated cheese, but cover it with thin slices of mozzarella. Sip with Provençal spices. Bake at 160°C in the oven for 35 minutes. Strava can be served hot, warm or cold.

Note: Stewed eggplants can serve as both a side dish and a main dish.

Ovocheve stew with eggplants, tomatoes and sweet peppers

In fact, in the refrigerator there are vegetables such as tsibula, carrots and tomatoes. So that the products do not sit out for a long time and do not dry out, they can be released on the right - prepare the eggplants with tomatoes, simmering them in a saucepan. The grass looks much more beautiful if you add sweet pepper to it and decorate it with fresh herbs. This recipe is very simple, so since cooking is not your “conik”, don’t worry: it’s simply impossible to cook up a stew.


  • salt for relish
  • two cibulini
  • large carrots - two pieces
  • eggplants - two pieces
  • red and yellow bell peppers – one piece each
  • two tomatoes
  • spices - for eggplants
  • 20 grams of parsley dill
  • 15 milliliters of olive oil - for greasing
Cooking method:

First of all, what you need to start with is to eat the vegetables, douse them with sprinkling. This will help get rid of microbes and harmful microorganisms. Now divide the cleaned tsebul into four equal parts and cut into thin strips. Heat butter in a saucepan | And add the ingredient to the new meaning. Stirring occasionally, cook until the wine is light golden brown.

Grate the carrot into the middle third and combine with the marigold. Through six slices, introduce eggplants, cut into even thin strips. Lightly salt and pepper all the products, after about an hour add rings of red and yellow bell peppers to the frying pan. Stewed vegetables are prepared for 20 minutes until Sunday.

As for the tomatoes, there are two options: chop them into cubes or make a puree. If you prefer to follow another method, grate the tomatoes and transfer to a saucepan before adding other ingredients. At the very end, sprinkle the herbs with chopped dill or parsley and put everything in the oven for this meal. If you find the grass dry, you can add tomato paste or homemade juice together with the tomatoes.

"Virmen style eggplant" with matsuna sauce

We present to your respect one of the most unique recipes for stewed eggplants with tomatoes. For this preparation you need to buy matsun. For those who don’t know what it is, let me explain: the product is based on boiled camel, cow, goat, buffalo or sheep fat milk. During the process of fermentation (about three to four years) and simmering at elevated temperatures (up to 50 degrees), a unique yogurt comes out. This herb comes from Virmen and Georgian cuisine. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself.

Eggplant stewed with matsun and aromatic chasnik is a miracle herb for the weekend. Its preparation takes no more than a day, and the spare time that is left over can be devoted to family or to your favorite pastime.


  • 200 grams eggplant
  • one cibulina
  • 100 grams of local tomatoes
  • two cloves to the chasnik
  • 20 grams of any rose oil
  • salt - at your discretion
  • 70 grams matsun
Cooking method:

Next, remove the skin from the eggplants and cut them into thin slices, sieve them with kitchen salt and cover with a plate or lid. Let the vegetables sit for 10-15 minutes. Then squeeze them, adding the whole grain, and transfer them to a saucepan with oil. Lubricate, regularly turning from one side to the other, until the stench darkens and becomes crusty.

Chop the cibulin into thin slices, just as you chop the tomatoes. Grease the hot dish with olive oil so that the food does not burn, and then place them in balls: start with the eggplants, then the eggplant and then the tomatoes. Place the herb in the oven, heat it to about 180 degrees, and simmer for about fifteen minutes.

The sauce is served okremo. To prepare it, use a special press and mix it with Virmen yoghurt. In addition, it is important that you need to add the strength of the seasoning for your taste, as well as for each person’s benefits.

Homemade stewed vegetables

The more, the better – this very principle is evidenced by the following recipe. Eggplants are eaten with olives, tomatoes and capers, seasoned with aromatic chasnik, coated in olive oil, and garnished with herbs. The light and incredibly juicy herb can be enjoyed as a stand-alone herb, or as a side dish for meat or fish.


  • Chotiri medium eggplants
  • 100 grams of tsibula
  • hour - for relish
  • chotiri pomidori
  • 20 pieces of olives (to avoid spoiling yourself, buy the product without brushes)
  • cherry sand and salt - for your taste
  • two tablespoons of capers
  • ten milliliters of wine otsu
  • fresh pepper
  • parsley or crepe
  • olive oil
Cooking method:

As in the previous recipe, cut the eggplants into circles, lightly salt and spare. In this way you will save yourself from the grain, and the grass will turn out delicious. After a while, rinse the vegetables under the tap and dry them, wiping them with paper towels.

Coat the zucchini cut with butter until golden brown, and then add the tomatoes, which need to be peeled and cut into cubes. Trim the capers and olives with a knife. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer, stirring. Add eggplant, chasnik peelings, and a dash of salt. Season the herb with spices, zhur, chopped herbs and pour in the ottoman mixed with a small amount of water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer about ten quills on the stove.

Stravi, prepared from vegetables, makes an ideal combination of meat and fish. Read recipes and develop your culinary skills. And in our hearts, we wish you a good appetite and savory stewed eggplants.

Eggplant stewed with tomatoes is a popular dish that is widely used in cooking. With the addition of spices, meat and vegetables, the herb can easily be transformed into a fresh stew, aromatic caviar or cold appetizer. A gentle heat treatment method allows you to preserve juiciness, freshness and avoid added fat during cooking.

How to cook eggplant?

Recipe for preparing eggplants with tomatoes based on first coated and stewed vegetables on a fire. It can be quenched in sour cream, vegetable and meat broth, or simply in water. Meat, mushrooms, and various vegetables are used as additional components. For greens and spices, choose chasnik, cilantro, and chalk pepper.

  1. Eggplants stewed with tomatoes will come out juicy and aromatic, just like young fruits. Mix the minimal amount of corned beef, which adds tartness. To get rid of it, then rub the eggplants in salt.
  2. Before cooking, eggplants and tomatoes must be greased to preserve their shape.
  3. The basic rules for extinguishing are light fire and gradual laying of components. If you increase the heat, the vegetables will become lubricated, which is not pleasant.

Stewed eggplant with tomatoes and chasnik is a light and incredibly tasty herb. The beauty of the herb is in its simplicity: smear the eggplants and eggplants, eat them with tomatoes and simmer for a quarter of a year. Add a special spiciness to the dish so that its damp aroma does not drown out the natural richness of the vegetables.


  • eggplants – 3 pcs.;
  • tomati – 4 pcs.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • clove for a chasnik – 5 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley – zhmenya.


  1. Cut the eggplant into cubes, add salt and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash and rub the tsibule.
  3. Tomatoes in detail and combine with vegetables.
  4. Cover with a crust and simmer for 15 hvilins.
  5. 5 minutes before cooking is complete, add an hour.
  6. Garnish the eggplant stewed with tomatoes with parsley.

Lamb is meat with a specific aroma that is revealed even more by the additional spices and vegetables. Georgian cuisine is famous for its delicious dishes; when you cook, you can taste the meat with eggplants and tomatoes. Specialty - for a 3-year-old gas, for an hour of each component it simmers in wet juices.


  • lamb – 750 g;
  • lard – 100 g;
  • eggplant – 2 pcs.;
  • tomati – 4 pcs.;
  • broth - 500 ml;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.


  1. Grease the lamb shanks with lard.
  2. Add qibule.
  3. Remove the lard, add eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.
  4. Pour in the broth and cook the stewed eggplant with tomatoes for 3 years until the meat is completely softened.

Yalovichina is stewed with eggplants - that coriander grass is harvestable. Red meat, especially the sinewy pieces that are not suitable for lubricating, are ideal for simmering with vegetables, the stretch of such meat is ideally softened and infuses the sheep broth with its relish. For this recipe, you can use scraps of meat to feed the old creature, then just wait for the cooking time.


  • cowhide – 800 g;
  • eggplant – 600 g;
  • tomati – 500 g;
  • chili pepper – 1/2 pcs.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 350 g;
  • Oliya - 40 ml;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • cilantro - zhmenya.


  1. Slice the yalovichina and coat it in a toasted cauldron.
  2. Place rings of cybula and potatoes on top.
  3. Add water and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Add eggplant, tomato and pepper.
  5. Prepare stewed meat with eggplants and tomatoes for 45 hvilins.
  6. Decorate the greenery and let it brew.

Chicken breast with eggplant and tomatoes is a popular dish. The combination of chicken with eggplants came immediately and was successfully replicated in many cuisines around the world. Fresh vegetables are good at absorbing the aromas of spices, so you can easily prepare a spicy Moroccan tagine from them by seasoning the chicken and vegetables with mild spices and chasnik.


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • eggplant – 300 g;
  • tomati – 300 g;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • clove for a chasnik – 3 pcs.;
  • turmeric – 5 g;
  • canned lemon – 60 g;
  • Oliya - 45 ml.


  1. Coat the coarsely chopped fillet with the tsibule.
  2. Add eggplant and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and puree.
  4. Add masa to eggplants, season and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Season the chasnik with lemon pulp.

And various recipes for vegetables. The greatest demand is for pork. Perevaga švidkost preparation. The pork is lightly coated in a frying pan, and after 10 chickens it is stewed with eggplants and tomato puree. A short-term method of processing and further harvesting of vegetables keeps the meat juicy and soft.


  • eggplants – 3 pcs.;
  • pork – 400 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • Oliya - 60 ml;
  • tsukor – 10 g.


  1. Coat the pork shanks with chicken until golden brown.
  2. Add some pepper, eggplant and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Puree the tomatoes and combine them with meat.
  4. Whip the zukor and simmer for 10 minutes.

The recipe for stewed eggplants and vegetables is suitable for any diet menu. Vegetable fibers and cellulose, which are easily absorbed by the body during extreme heat treatment. Most often, vegetables benefit better when paired with various sauces. The simplest way to add juice and eliminate excess calories is to reduce them in sour cream.


  • eggplants – 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • parsley - zhmenya.


  1. Cut eggplants, zucchini and tomatoes, place in balls and simmer for 6 quills.
  2. Add sour cream and then 3 more hvilini.
  3. Stewed zucchini with eggplants and tomatoes, garnish with greens.

A side dish of eggplant, tomatoes and mushrooms will please not only fasting people and vegetarians, but also avid meat eaters. The savory and textural power of eggplant and mushrooms is similar to meat, however, you can clearly and cheaply compare the menu with light and cinnamon-free vegetables. Strava, however, is delicious both when it looks hot and when it looks cold.


  • eggplants – 2 pcs.;
  • pecheritsi – 350 g;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • clove for a chasnik – 4 pcs.


  1. Lubricate the pecheritsa and tsibul.
  2. Add tomatoes and eggplant slices.
  3. Cook under the lid for 20 minutes.
  4. Season eggplants stewed with tomatoes and season with chasnik.

Bell pepper, tomato will give you unforgettable relish when preparing Georgian ajapsandals. This absolutely unique vegetable dish has all the Georgian flavor, using traditional spices and carefully prepared vegetables. The rest are laid out in balls of song sequence.


  • eggplant – 400 g;
  • tomatoes – 300 g;
  • bell pepper – 200 g;
  • clove for a chasnik – 5 pcs.;
  • khmeli-suneli – 5 g;
  • coriander – 5 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • tsibulya - 1 pc.


  1. Cut and coat the vegetables.
  2. Place in balls: eggplant, pepper, cibul and carrots.
  3. Pour over the pureed tomatoes, season with spices and chasnik.
  4. Extinguish 15 hvilin.

Stewing and pepper in a multicooker falls into the category of recipes “it couldn’t be simpler.” All you need to do is cut the vegetables and place them in a bowl, placing the “Gasinnya” on the side. As a result of evenly simmering in the slow cooker, the vegetables come out juicy, aromatic, and hold their shape miraculously without getting greased.

Eggplants have a unique taste, as befits a rich dish. In the early autumn, when these vegetables are as available as possible, all gentlemen can cook from them. One of the best options for “blue” herbs is eggplant stewed with tomatoes. Often it is necessary to supplement the hour with other vegetables, as a result of which new variants of herding are being developed.

Particularities of preparation

In order to savory the eggplants with tomatoes, you don’t need any great culinary skill. It is enough to know a number of important points and select the appropriate recipe.

  • Eggplants, as well as many other vegetables of the paslonaceae family, contain corned beef. This is a poor speech, as it gives the “little blue” bitterness. The younger the vegetables, the less corned beef they contain. Ripe fruits can be added with a little extra salt. Just chop them enough and let them sit for 20 minutes|minutes| in salt water (10 g of salt per liter of water). After soaking the vegetables in the new dish, rinse them carefully so that the dish does not become too salty.
  • Tomatoes and eggplants can be simmered so that their pieces retain their shape, or they can be used as a sauce. In the first season, the tomatoes are not peeled, coarsely chopped, and added about 10 minutes before the seasoning is ready. In other types of tomatoes, they become very thin and need to be peeled. It will be easy to remove the skin from tomatoes by blanching them for 2-3 minutes and then cooling.
  • The chasnik goes well with both eggplants and tomatoes, which are often added to the sauce from these vegetables. If you place a chasnik on the cob of cooking, it will transfer its aroma to the products without spoiling it. If you need to add savory flavors to the appetizer, add it at the last stage of cooking.
  • Before cooking the eggplants, brown them over medium heat. By increasing the calorie content of the vegetable, and making it juicy and appetizing, the scraps of greased vegetables will better retain their shape during cooking time.
  • Simmer eggplants with tomatoes over low heat under a lid. Salt, herbs and seasonings can be added at the end of cooking.

Recipes for eggplants stewed with tomatoes vary, and the technology for their preparation may vary. To achieve the desired results, you must carefully follow the instructions that accompany your selection of the recipe.

Eggplant stewed with tomatoes and chasnik

  • eggplant – 0.6 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.4 kg;
  • tsibulya – 100 g;
  • chasnik – 5 cloves;
  • salt for relish;
  • fresh parsley – 20 g;

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplants, cut into cubes, sizzle, stir, let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the tomatoes with dill and remove the skins. Chop the meat finely with a knife or finely chop it with a blender.
  • Peel the cibulin and cut into small cubes.
  • Wash the eggplants and let them dry.
  • Heat the butter in a deep frying pan and place the eggplant and eggplant in it. If the stench gets hotter, change the vodka and transfer the tomato paste to the eggplants.
  • Simmer the eggplants in the tomato until ready, at the end of 10-15 pieces, depending on the size of the cubes.
  • Finely chop the chasnik and parsley, add to the eggplants and tomatoes. Simmer the vegetables on a low heat for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat.

Prepared according to this recipe, the herb will come out juicy, syrupy, aromatic, with spicy notes. It can be served as a stand-alone appetizer or as a side dish before meat.

Eggplants stewed with tomatoes, chasnik and bell peppers

  • eggplant – 0.6 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.2 kg;
  • tsibulya – 100 g;
  • chasnik – 3-4 cloves;
  • fresh herbs, salt, pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream – 20 ml;
  • Roslinna Oliya - how long will it go?

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplants into thin slices of about half a centimeter, place 20 pieces in salted water, rinse and dry.
  • Peel the pepper and remove the stem. Cut the rings into slices and quarters.
  • Cut the cabbage, which has been husked, into thin slices.
  • Cut the clock with small scraps.
  • Wash the tomatoes, blot with a towel, cut into large slices.
  • Heat the butter in a saucepan or cauldron, place it in a new saucepan and coat it with 2-3 pieces of butter.
  • Place the tsibula with a chasnik ubik, add pepper, coat the vegetables with another 2-3 coats.
  • Place the pepper in front of the chasnik, place the eggplants there, and brown them.
  • Add tomatoes, carefully mix vegetables, change the heat.
  • Dilute sour cream with water approximately. Pour over the vegetables.
  • Stew eggplants with tomatoes and peppers for 10 minutes.

Before serving, sizzle the stew with chopped greens. Serve as a side dish or ocremyo.

Eggplants stewed with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • fresh basil – 20 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • mozzarella – 0.2 kg;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • chasnik – 2 cloves;
  • add dried Provençal herbs and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the tomatoes and puree them using a blender. Mix with fresh water, pepper and Provençal herbs.
  • Cut the eggplants into circles, soak in salt, rinse and dry.
  • Grease the baking dish with olive oil.
  • Grind the hard cheese into thirds.
  • Place a ball of eggplant in the mold, pour in some of the tomato paste, and sizzle with some of the cheese.
  • Also add all the other balls.
  • Place the mold with the eggplants in the oven at 180 degrees, simmer for a while.
  • 10 minutes before it’s ready, lay out mozzarella pieces and basil leaves for the beast.

Prepared according to this recipe, strava is a self-sufficient snack, perfect to decorate the Christmas table.

Eggplant stewed with tomatoes is an inexpensive and easy-to-prepare herb. The taste of this dessert is so delicious that it can be served not only before a family dinner or evening, but also before the holiday table. Strava is self-sufficient, but is often served as a side dish before meat grass.

In the meantime, when it’s time for a supply of eggplants, do you accidentally drink some from the cinnamon? Here is a simple recipe - stewed eggplants with tomatoes in a frying pan for an hour. Add bell pepper and chopped chasnik - just in case, so that the chasnik aroma does not get lost in the bouquet of vegetable odors. Eggplant stewed with tomatoes can be served hot or cold, on its own, or as a side dish. The grass comes out juicy, divinely aromatic and even savory, but nothing needs to be said about the ease of preparation. That’s why we prepare and treat our families with this bright vegetable herb.


How to cook stewed eggplants with tomatoes in a hour

  1. Cut the eggplants, remove the edges and cut them into round halves. Place the sliced ​​eggplants in a deep cup and sieve with a large bowl. Set the cup of eggplant to 20 minutes. Remove all the bitterness from the eggplants.
  2. The bell pepper is cut into thick strips, and the cibulin is chopped into either rings or quartered rings.
  3. Remove the skin from fleshy tomatoes and cut into a medium cube.
  4. Take a low frying pan, pour in a little olive oil and brown the cabbage until golden brown.
  5. Then we add bell pepper strips to the tsibula. Lubricate another handful of quills and transfer them to a glass bowl.
  6. The eggplants are washed to remove excess salt and placed on a sieve to drain the entire mixture to the vologist. Then we fry the eggplants until golden brown. To ensure that the eggplant slices do not soften before an hour, do not peel the crust when brushed.
  7. Add tomatoes to the rosy eggplants. Let's mix.
  8. As soon as the juices of the tomatoes are visible (it will cost literally a few bucks), we place the zucchini with pepper into the frying pan. Stir, seasoning assorted vegetables with salt, pepper and spices. When salt is added, it is possible that the eggplant will no longer have contact with the salt. Cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes.
  9. Then we add chopped chasnik (the chopping itself, not crushing with a press) and trimmed parsley. Mix thoroughly, let the vegetable stew simmer for another 5 minutes and knead.

  10. Serve the stewed eggplant with tomatoes and an hour warm, although the cold appearance of the herb will deprive it of the same fresh taste.

Oksana DIMNAREVA, specially for Lady-Chef.Ru

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