Zorkin Valery Dmitrovich.

Software security

Three fates have arrived. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is once again becoming more open.

The majority of judges – 14 out of 19 members of the court – voted for his adoption of the new territorial term.

In this manner, Zorkin, becoming the head of the CS, meets.

“The new head of the Constitutional Court elected Valery Zorkin to the third term with 14 votes in favor and five against,” Volodymyr Strekozov, a leader at the election meeting, told Interfax. Having risen to journalists, Zorkin made it clear that once again, despite being three years old, the result of the vote was not too much of a dissatisfaction.“Hvilyuvannya is within the norm,” said Zorkin.

Indicating that he was in doubt about his peremyoza, the head of the KS said: “I think that the one who does not doubt needs to cleanse his meat.”

As it became clear, just before the hour of rating voting, Zorkin's leadership was in the lead.

You have received 16 votes. Mykola Bondar and Boris Ebzeev received 9 votes each. Meanwhile, the rest accepted their candidacy. Before the voting ballot, as required by law, a third name was included. He was judged by Gennady Zhilin.

At the current stage of voting, 14 colleagues voted for Zorkin.

The functions of the head of the CS include not only the underground care of the court apparatus and the preparation of plenary sessions, but also the representative function at the standpoints of

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The head also has the right to the approval of the Constitutional Court to act on applications in its own name. This will be the third time for Zorkin to be appointed head of the Constitutional Court. Zorkin was elected by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation since its creation in 1991.

After the political crisis in the autumn of 1993, the fate of the republic was called for, and in the cruel year of 2003, there was a resumption of elections for this planting.

Last Saturday, February 18th, Zorkin received 63 milestones, and by the end of his term, as a member of the Constitutional Court, he will lose another 9 milestones. A native of the village of Kostyantynivka, Primorsky region, he graduated, having lost his membership in the party before being captured in Berezna 1990, he ran for People's Deputies of Russia in the Kalininsky district of Moscow. The results of the voting are in the third place: after the democratic ruler Mikhail Bocharov and the commander Internal military

MVS of General Yuri Shatalov.

At the fall of the leaves in 1991, Valery Zorkin’s fate was chosen for this planting of the Head of the Constitutional Court of Russia.

After the recent shooting of the White House in 1993, a number of people resigned from the office and were inevitably granted membership in the Constitutional Court.

1994 Rock was given new importance. The cruel fate of 2003 suddenly turned the head of the Constitutional Court, having turned over from the cruel fate of 2006. The Federation Council has for the first time given six new benefits to the new procedure, based on the law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”.

At the end of 2012, fate was again reassigned by the Head of the Constitutional Court of Russia. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2008, Zorkin was to enter the Council of the President of Russia to prevent corruption. In his speeches and lectures, Valery Zorkin has often spoken about the continued priority of Russian law over international law.

Zokrema, pointing out that the provisions of the Constitution of Russia about the priority of international treaties over Russian laws do not mean a delegation of sovereignty, and that this priority cannot be extended to the Constitution of Russia.

Rada of the Russian Federation

31 September 2018 having continued the reinstatement of Valery Dmitrovich Zorkin as the Head of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to the current six-term term, to the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin. At this time, a whole series of constitutional and legal doctrines were created, which formed the basis of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Russia. Zokrem, the doctrine of protection of human rights formulates the principles of encouraging citizens to trust the law of that state, the principle of legal importance and reasonable stability. legal regulation

Order “For Merit to the Batkivshchyna” ІІІ degree (18th 2008) – for great contribution to the development of constitutional justice in the Russian Federation and rich political activity

Order “For Merit to the Batkivshchyna” IV stage (4th anniversary of 2016) – for great contributions to the development of constitutional justice in the Russian Federation and rich political activity

Order of Alexander Nevsky (12th 2018) - for great merits in the development of constitutional justice in the Russian Federation and generous work

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (23 February 2000) - for services to significant legality and rich work

Honored with a diploma from the President of the Russian Federation (12 June 2008) - for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation and great contributions to the development of democratic ambushes of the Russian Federation

Award of the President of the Russian Federation (2nd year 2013) - for services to the distinguished constitutional ambushes of the Russian power and rich work

Medal of P. A. Stolipin, 1st stage (28 June 2013) - for services to the establishment and development of constitutional justice and rich political activity of the state

Order of the Polar Star (Spring 18, 2014) – for contributions to the development of bilateral drainages between Russia and Mongolia

Order of Friendship (Virmenia, 2016)

Order of St. Sergius of Radonezk, II degree (21 December 2008) - for work for the benefit of the Great Patriotic War

Science robots Valeria Zorkina

On the history of the bourgeois-liberal political thought of Russia from the other half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century: B. N. Chicherin.

- M.: Vid-vo MDU, 1975. - 173 p.

Positivist theory of law in Russia.

- M: View of Moscow University, 1978 - 270 p.

Muromtsev / Vidp.


V. S. Nersesyants.

– M.: Legal literature, 1979. – 128 p.

Axiological Aspects of Russian Constitution / -Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing, 2010.


169 – 185.

Current world, law and Constitution/-M.: Norma, 2010.

-544 pp.

Constitutional and legal development of Russia/-M.: Norm;

Infra-M, 2011.

-720 s.

Law in the minds of global changes /-M: Norma, 2013.

-496 s.

Legal path of Russia/-M., 2014.
-158 pp.

Civilization is rightful and development of Russia / -2nd type, rev.

ta add.

-M.: Norma; Infra-M., 2016. -416 p.

Civilization of law and development of Russia / -2nd edition. -M: Norma, 2016.-450 p.

Constitutional Court of Russia: Doctrine and practice/-M.: Norma, 2017.

-592 s.

Law against chaos: Monograph /-2nd edition, Vipr. ta add.-M: Norma, Infra-m, 2018.

On the other hand, as it seems, nothing human is alien to legislators, and nothing for the Constitutional Court is lost in this field. , perhaps legislators could understand and write down more clearly, and in greater peace, rely on practice... And if there are failures in practice, including court practice

“, there, I think, the Constitutional Court will continue to exist in our country for a long time,” Zorkin added.

Having learned about international evidence, we came to the conclusion that the Russian Constitutional Court, for its legal positions and equal texts, is in line with the advanced, constitutionally apologetic powers.

"In connection with this, I would like to point out that Russia, in terms of mechanisms for protecting constitutional rights, may look better on par with other powers, including European. I respect that our giants have the right to do so. to brutalize without any middle ground."

to the Constitutional Court - not through other courts, but directly themselves. It’s not in all the powers of Europe, I’m not talking about stories about other powers, but; I think what’s within reach,” Zorkin exclaims. Also, the head of the Constitutional Court is behind the tradition, as in the hour of the latest such fights, having handed Putin the final decision of the Constitutional Court, which is reviewing the period for 2018. On the right about the “mass heist” in Moscow 27 linden and the “side” carnivores associated with it, obviously, there is little leftover clutter

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And extinguish the very thought about any protests.

We, jurists-statists, have to go through a number of stages before negative social phenomena: the beginning of hope for those that are not yet a reality, but a kind of mercy, then recovery, storminess, and, at least, hope itisya. We rarely see the rule of law in our country. Much of this can be found in scientific articles and monographs.

Ale criminal justice K. Kotov, convicted under Art.

212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, up to four fates, the abrogation of freedom, in our opinion, meant a new legal frontier. The low legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has clearly been destroyed. These positions were elaborated by the court while considering various documents.

  • Ale at the most concentrated appearance – at the decree dated February 10, 2017. No. 2-P “The information about the review of constitutionality is based on Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for the reason of the skarga of the big man I.I. Dadina." For this reason, the article itself transfers criminal liability for violating the established order of organizing or holding gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, marches or picketing, since this act was committed more than once, 5 faith sna 2019 district court m. Moscow was condemned to Kostyantin Kotov.
  • Read also The ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from the Justice of Dadin, in our opinion, is
  • garnish butt In relation to peaceful assemblies, it is advisable to do so if they can cause disruption to everyday life, including the disruption of street riots, otherwise freedom of assembly would have lost its essence;
  • for the exchange political speeches and speeches from others important food married life necessary reasons , in any case, such restrictions can negatively impact on the fundamental principle of freedom of self-expression;
  • It is necessary to work with the bodies of state and municipal authorities, the main purpose of which is to create minds for the legitimate development of various civil initiatives, innocently lead to the establishment of supra-mundane control for the activities of organizers and participants of public gatherings associated with unregulated public gatherings, rallies and demonstrations, marches and picketing. It’s clear to me: the masquerading of police forces to supervise the rally does not create the necessary atmosphere of peaceful dialogue;
  • The federal legislator relates a specific type of legal relevance to the nature of the offense, which is subject to the protection of the law of values, the particularity and level of guilt of the offender, guaranteeing adequate There are inheritances that will be generated by this damage, which is caused as a result of an offense, not allowing supra-world sovereign primacy and ensuring a balance of rights of the citizen and public interest, what is the protection of the individual, the dominion of the power against unlawful encroachment;

  • In the Russian legal system, crime may be substituted for other crimes tame criminal suspense insecurity, for whatever reason the act formally falls under the signs of punishment, it is impossible to be involved in such;
  • under the falsehood of wrongful acts, they may be deprived of circumstances, as a whole, they objectively confirm the criminal level of their suspenseful insecurity , covering the scale of the breadth and dynamics of growth of such acts, the significance of the values ​​protected by law, where they are encroaching, the severity of the harm they cause, and the impossibility of their enforcement through other legal means;
  • as transferred in parts 1, 2 and 5 of Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation not related to the conditions but a real threat to harm to the health of the population, physical and legal entities, other legally protected values, then the actions, which are conveyed by parts 3, 4, 6, 6.1 and 7, are subject to the most serious administrative offenses and, along with their suspenseful insecurity, will be subject to crime of other activities. Let us explain why Kotov was attracted to 2019. to the administrative department per station.
  • 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and more than once in part 6.1 of the statute; because of the violation of the established order of the organization or the conduct of a public entry by a special person, who had previously been brought to the administrative level for the administrative duties them a crime, subject to Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, little formal character and did not pose a real threat to the offensive negative inheritances
  • , such destruction cannot be seen as such, which represents a criminal serious insecurity, and therefore the onset of criminal responsibility for this, motivated by one or more heterogeneous actions, goes beyond the boundaries of the constitutionally permissible crime legal-legal exchange of rights and freedoms of people and citizens. holding a demonstration without prior approval, unnecessarily and truthfully punitive approaches , what to stand up to the authorities for the fate of the public entrance;
  • a peaceful demonstration, in principle, is not subject to the threat of criminal sanctions; criminal conviction for deprivation of participation in public events, which is associated with acts of violence, is impossible without any assessment by domestic courts of its proportionality; come in to stand up to the participants in peaceful public actions on the basis of their formal illegality, innocent mothers are intended to be revealed to the general public through gatherings and demonstrations and thereby as a form of open political discussion;
  • disruption of the established order of organization of gatherings, rallies, demonstrations, marches or special protests, which previously at least three times over the course of one hundred and eighty days was attracted to the administrative branch and the range of administrative offenses referred to in Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, judicial acts on the extension to administrative jurisdiction for numerous administrative offenses, referring to Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, I can’t mother of an unprotected character , which conveys the need for verification by the court - on the basis of the principles of justice and equality of the parties - to bring to light all the circumstances of a criminal act within the framework of criminal justice;
  • punishment, which is due to a person, first having committed mischief, peredobachenie Article 212.1 CC of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to be connected with the liberation of the will; The court may have the right to go as far as to come up with a complaint about the impossibility of correcting the wine without isolation from marriage.

The rich head of the Constitutional Court, the brilliant lawyer Zorkin Valeriy Dmitrovich, having lived a long, tired life. Yogo robot got stuck on the mold ship systems

in Russia.

Rocky in the making On the 18th of 1943, the military service family in the village of Kostyantinivka, Primorsky region, gave birth to a son - Zorkin Valery Dmitrovich. When he was still very young, my father was transferred to the capital, and, in fact, the future lawyer turned out to be a Muscovite.

Having started, the boy was good enough to go through the school program at a faster pace.

Having graduated from school, you are about to serve in the army, but your father doesn’t follow in his footsteps, you want to take him away things are illuminated, If you have more of a humanist and less of a technologist, then the choice is small.

Navchannya and scientific career

In 1976, the family attempted to submit a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Positivist Theory of Law in Russia,” but in the field of MDU, one voice remained, and Zorkin’s title was not revoked. This became the reason that he left the university and began working at the Institute of State and Law, where in 1978 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. From 1979 to 1986, Valery Dmitrovich worked at the Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR as a professor in the department of constitutional law and theory of power and law.

Only then does he develop his main life interest -

constitutional law

. In 1986, the family began working at the High School of Law Correspondence School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, having completed 4 years. Work on the Constitution of the Russian Federation

1990 Zorkin Valery Dmitrovich, whose entire biography is connected with constitutional law, becomes an expert of the Constitutional Commission at the Congress of People's Deputies, which worked on the new text of the main law of the Russian Federation ї.

This work helped Zorkin gain a deeper understanding of the legal aspects of the implementation of this law and became the start for his main activity in life. At this time, Valery Dmitrovich has revealed himself as a principled lawyer and an active supporter of the presidential republic. in Russia.

Through all this rocky work in the Constitutional Court, he became an active supporter of the idea of ​​the ruler and the protector of the constitutional order in Russia. In 1993, a group of wines played a significant role in the supreme crisis of power, standing up to the parliament and calling on the president to resolve problems that were not consistent with the main law of the country. Zorkin became between Khasbulatov and Yeltsin.

The very beginning of my active participation, the conflict between the President and the Congress of People's Deputies was resolved and a compromise was found. This is a small global legacy in the governed regions: the plantings have been cleared, and the order has been cleared The conflict with Boris Yeltsin caused Zorkin Valeriy Dmitrovich in 1993 to be sent to court.

However, still

long time ago

they called for advances and support for parliament.

The end of these instructions was given when, in 1993, the Constitutional Court immediately ordered 27 orders from the parliament.

Reach and fence

For my active activity Zorkin repeatedly destroyed the district and other towns.

He received 2 orders “For Merit to the Batkivshchyna” and the Order of “Reverend Sergius of Radonezky”.

Valery Dmitrovich Zorkin, biography, whose popularity confirms his non-intersectionality, continues to work productively, and his main achievements are important for preserving the constitutional role in government not at all.

Private life

Zorkin Valery Dmitrovich, the homeland of some may forever be lost to the shadows, widow.