Dependency under social restrictions as soon as possible. - How do you get social media? How to “reduce” the backlog from social restrictions

Those who are not registered with social authorities, although unfortunately, are perceived by us as hopelessly lost to life. Doctors are on the alert, equal in stature among social media. between alcoholism and drug addiction. This “virus”, which is not unique to Kaspersky, has infected Orthodox Internet users.

All social measures, be it Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, Facebook, etc., similar to each other. From them you can tell literally everything about yourself: from where you live to special photos. The “wall” of the page in the social environment shows the public low-status experiences, misunderstandings, fires, and, among others, frequent nasty speeches.

It is necessary to submit more socially. hem. The fluidity with which people rely in contact for help VK, OK and FB, is sometimes extremely handy in to the current world. With great popularity in them, word of mouth radio appears in the form of reposts. It is important for information to spread throughout the world, and it is often out of respect for such a number of people.

Protely, all the resources fall into disarray, if you social measures The fault lies in the storage time.

Why is there a need for longevity due to social restrictions?

Social page Merezhi - this is a small special scene of a skin person. We create our light on the side that we share with those who are absent. Your illusory light. On the other side of the stage we remain cheerful, including our best photos. The love of thinkers creates the appearance of our wisdom and erudition.

Dependency in social Our lineage and fear are at least reinforced. It’s so easy, unkempt and unwashed, to climb up to Merezha, so you can write to a friend on this page, where your most beautiful photograph is. It’s much simpler, just call the phone and find out about the zustrich. You also need to get ready for it, organize yourself where to go. And here you are in contact... Here it’s easy to engage in soul-destroying activities, developing selfishness. But about the discussions between other people, we don’t need to say anything, or rather, nothing else, but let’s not: and so everything is clear.

Orthodox community at social boundaries

How good it is that after so many fateful persecutions of the Church, the treasures of the patristic sayings have become available. Current technologies Allow them to be illustrated, even beautifully designed and published on social media. boundaries. The appearance of Orthodox splints at social boundaries made it possible to share great quantity brothers and sisters. Nowadays we have plenty of similar Orthodox groups, posts (records) in which alone are more effective and more profitable. Everything still seems beautiful. Let us remember the words of Isaac the Syrian: “Without peace, it is brutalized for harm and beauty”.

Let’s say you’ve discovered that you’re stuck, you’ve recognized it. And you go to the extreme - drink as much as you can. This would not be a very reliable decision, although there is no need to clarify, in some cases only this would apply.

Prote handiness to bring social. the boundaries that have been set for everything will make you afraid to turn back into them again. Everything will begin again. You need to learn to tolerate the shame of being on social media. merezhah and turn off the Skoda. Actions will help you to earn money.

It’s not easy to post personalities, family photos, photos of little ones on the Internet. Let’s say, it’s not safe, especially in the current crisis.

The old mother was shocked when she posted a photo of her child as a headline in the sleep, where the supporters of the movement against the children of “Child-free” gathered. Particularly negative emotions were evoked by the baby’s criticism, seasoned with profanity.

If you plan to add photos to an album, make sure to keep it private - for your friends, and even more so for a small group of friends. Get stuck in too many photographs. There is no need at all to share photos from each of your saints and weekends with the social network.

In this way, the number of “I should” ratings will decrease, and your emotional jealousy will be closer to normal.

We, Orthodox Christians, are all facing us in advance. For an acceptable stay on social media. the skin will give evidence. Well, we believe, we know about the right. Tim has a terrible legacy. We, like no one else, are to blame for the debate about the order and the advance of longevity in social media. hem.

What purity of thoughts and freedom is felt when you cut yourself off from this social murmur of posts, photographs and comments! Let’s not forget that in life, in any case, as in any important matter, prayers are called to God for blessings, help, and rewards - the most important thing that we simply need to do.

Then everything will come out smoothly!

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Social measures have become an invisible part of our lives. Just as the Internet has significantly replaced all forms of mass information, toys, traditional stores and much more, so social media has in a sense replaced the entire other Internet: website Information, news, publics are like small sites where you can find everything that is on Other sites, and more - information about the peculiarities of life in the power of the world. It is said above all that there is a need for such social networks as VKontakte, in which the level of privacy is minimal, and access to information is extremely democratic.

Of course, social measures will create delays. And, one might say, the stage of this addiction is often very strong, not alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling addiction. Even if the group is completely overwhelmed by the “external” level of burial, then even more stable people may fall behind social measures.

What's good and what's bad about social measures?

So why can the stench be brown?

Expanded network of acquaintances, focus on interests.

The ability to know your classmates and fellow students. Streams and unstoppable tempos everyday life to lead to the fact that those people with whom we spent many years of training and with whom we comraded ended up in various places on earth; And social measures make it possible to overcome geographic barriers and allow classmates to get together again, even in the virtual space.

Exchange of professional information, beginning. Here social measures allow you to overcome difficulties associated with economical system, bewitched by the political regime Thus, the presence of official archaeological activities in our country does not matter to local citizens, amateur archaeologists and young people, whose activities are not financed by the state, get together at social distances.

The unknown has a locality. People who happen to change their place of residence (most often they move to another region or beyond the border) have to endure a lot of stress in the face of too many acquaintances, neighbors, friends, it is important for them to get used to the unknown. no. And here social measures come to the rescue, allowing you to re-establish contact with old acquaintances; In this case, moving is much easier to bear.

Passing through “social gatherings”. Often talented musicians and artists, for other reasons, are found in remote provinces where no one needs their activity. The importance of creativity and self-realization is increasingly evident in both the mental and physical organism. Social measures, in this case, appear to be ruthless: for example, a musician can become known to the world for his creativity and will be asked to perform at a great place, he can put together a group that can show up Yes, I sometimes want to get together for rehearsals. There are a lot of “virtual groups” - these are full-fledged groups whose participants live in different places and countries. Singing, such a crowd does not give live performances, but they can record songs and albums. Interaction between participants occurs through a social network. In addition, a fahive who has settled in the provinces can find a job in this way and be recognized in a great place and move there.

Subsection of complexes and other psychological disorders.

A person’s selfishness can be obvious, far-fetched, or corrupt. Having buried your life in social circles, you can forget about those that are missing from real life, while looking out for yourself among your family and friends.

With new skills in virtual fusion, people can learn to confine themselves to reality. And it happens that having connected with a virtual friend in real terms, you cannot open the connection. Even the virtual and the real are not exactly the same.

“Democracy” of mutual relations among social activists can be regarded as “permissiveness”. This can lead to the fact that he fails to keep track of all the particularities of his virtual friend’s life, becomes intrusive, and forgets about the special space between him. Actors, musicians, politicians and others stick together here visible people It’s better to start social networks and get together with similar people: the gathering of these “unique people” is developing into familiarity. If the spymaster blocks them from becoming friends, then most often they don’t understand why they did this to him. As a result, the stench becomes disillusioned social interaction burst into flames.

Access to the Internet (connection, electricity connection, etc.) for people who are socially isolated turns into an inevitable tragedy. The dreams “turn to reality”, they look empty, otherwise they have spent everything they had. Dependent social media is more worried about those who couldn’t admire the cute photo on the page of a virtual friend than for those who hooked up with their loved ones in real life. Often the old person is not aware of what has happened to the neighbors and family members: the neighbors became friends, and then the mother fell ill.

The side at the social level often emphasizes not the real specialness of its leader, but the “ideal” one of his world, his aspiration. As a result, when interacting with a virtual friend, we are focused not on himself, but on the image created behind other photographs, information posts, music tracks, etc. In fact, our companion may appear to be much different. Being stuck in the social world of someone who doesn’t understand, and being stuck with one’s virtual idol actually also results in tragedy and disappointment. However, this is not typical only for social media: this is how the merrymakers themselves perceive their idols - pop stars, actors, TV presenters - if they protect them in everyday life.

It turns out that the user of social media understands. And then we begin to distinguish the special sustriches, so as not to ruin the image they created and not to harbor hostility to ourselves. And beyond the boundaries of the Internet there is also a growing number of actors and pop stars: most of them don’t even want the pranksters to smell like they really stink.

How can you get rid of social security?

Reducing the amount of time spent on the tracks begins with adjusting the time frame for staying in social networks. It is best to go to the site around the same hour - for example, in the evening after work. We know that you should also turn on the notification when you arrive at the post office, so you won’t be afraid to meet the social limit at an unplanned hour.

Next, you communicate more often with relevant people - friends, acquaintances. Virtual reality needs to be replaced with the real one. You can also find useful things to do to develop respect for social life and allow yourself to live in real life.

Please remember that right life flows in reality, and not in the virtual world, but in the world itself the best looking guy- Less than a weak image of real life. Therefore, the social barrier can become more of a solution and a solution to good hour, and I’m not a respectable warehouse buttya.

Regardless of those who are still not ill in the official register of the WHO, which would reflect the delay in social measures, and their investigators unanimously recognize the very fact of the existence of this problem, more and more people have you become enmeshed in the world of virtual fusion, as when A very unfavorable result may result in a single form of connection with too much action.

It is not surprising that such a line of speeches evokes serious fears among psychiatrists, as to level up the molding mechanism Internet usage and social media with the development of drug addiction in people or.

The principle is really similar, only in this case people start to panic much later, and the danger of too much virtual sputtering is far from being so obvious. Let's try to figure out what signs you can recognize when you are under social pressure in young people, and who are starting to live. effective ways fight her.


For example, at the end of the 20th century, an American psychiatrist Ivan Kenneth Goldberg For the first time, we used the term “Internet dependency” and recognized the assumption that the virtual world created will continue to exist in real life.

It’s a pity that those who initially looked like heat, with fate, more and more serious consequences have loomed - the number of people who are ready to “hang out” for years on the pages of their favorite social networks is growing in geometric progression, and psychiatrists in all respects here they are in a blaze, defiantly to the need for a thorough treatment to solve this problem.

Do people really need to replace the reality of the virtual reality? Most likely, the root of the problem lies in people’s fears of life.

Of course, it’s much easier to press a couple of keys on the computer and write a message, then call people on the phone, so that you can get along better with them in life and try to maintain a lively dialogue.

Besides, in any social network you can grab a beautiful photograph that has collected dozens of “likes”, which again is much simpler, without even talking about your similarity with reality. It is possible to comment on other people’s posts and photos, criticize and suggest images of others, which are absolutely worthless, and we deny you the reason for sparingly promoting your Internet pages, which become dear to loved ones. myself, work, friends and relatives.

Therefore, in order to understand how problems of this kind arise, it is first of all necessary to delve into other types of social networks and understand which of them is more resilient before the appearance of longevity.

The most commonly seen groups are:

1. Independent and weakly independent features. They are contacted by people who access their Internet pages no more than 1-2 times a day, just to respond to important messages, convey terminological information, send photos, etc. The stench of living to the fullest real life, In which social measures do not play an important role.

2. Transitional type. This group includes people who have an overwhelming desire to surf the Internet, but who often go to their website every day to explore their needs, read their friends’ news, admire their photos, etc. d.

From the point of view of psychology, there is nothing nasty about such behavior, but after a few months, the last hundred people included in this group “sit in” at the same time as they spend an hour, scratching the first bruises from their form. serious problem.

3. Fallow individuals. This category of people is numerous, and for them, maintaining their skin levels between 15 and 20 weeks becomes a necessity of life. They are constantly in the know, updating friends, likes, and clearly lack work, home rights and real-life searches to stay up to date with what is happening in the virtual world. .

Before the group of rizik, the first group includes sordid and self-interested people who find it difficult to make new acquaintances and keep up with existing ones, as well as children thrown in by their same-year-olds, and mothers on maternity leave, who kill an hour before the deadline until baby sleep, for example.

Well, a person can be called idle due to social restrictions, as follows:

  • gives it at least 4-5 years to complete, for the reason that your robot is not connected with the separate Internet pages;
  • It soon appears that there is a special focus on the core of the virtual;
  • aside from those who are absent and recognizes significant difficulties during the hour of live sleep;
  • be in a depressed state emotional state;
  • does not want special hygiene, sleep and frequent meals, devoting the entire hour of being in the middle;
  • I feel the anxiety and frustration of not being able to go online;
  • ready to spend money on paid services in social services, to harm the most important needs.

Homeless people feel the constant need to update statuses, add new photos informing about their skin, they search for access to the Internet, they want to have a fun evening in the company of their friends, they worry about They feel unneeded because no one comments or likes their posts or photos.

But, in order to deal with such a problem, it is not enough to know what this type of retention is called and how it manifests itself - it will require time and significant effort, including under the care of a qualified accountant , which is a convincing evidence.


For people who have reached out to the fahivts for help, we have a very low recommendation to completely ease their situation and gradually reduce the need for virtual fusion once again.

So, in order to reduce the level of social security, it is necessary to:

  • set clear time frames for the display of your Internet pages, according to their sound;
  • reduce virtual sharing to a minimum - clear the list of friends, write notifications on the right side, leave unnecessary groups, etc.;
  • stop informing the virtual world about everything that happens in life - the less there will be new posts, photos, likes and comments, as time will become necessary, spending time online;
  • turn on your browser's image attraction function - since there are no colorful illustrations on social networking sites, you can quickly waste your profitability;
  • It is timely to put together a plan of justice, which is obligatory after the Vikonati, hastening this opportune hour for the expansion of social security;
  • know what you want to do, how you can switch all your respect;
  • Make sure you are on the computer or with the phone in your hands;
  • stop ignoring friends with friends, theaters, exhibitions and concerts - the more accepted enemies are in life, the less they will want to make jokes on the Internet.

At the same time, you can bring to the fore the problems of friends and relatives, asking them to further monitor the presence of incarcerated people in social networks and introduce some kind of sanctions for non-compliance with the rules of social security. Ilkuvanya at the edge.


Tim, who appreciates that the problem of people’s dependence on social measures is far-fetched, it will be interesting to find out how serious their consequences can be, which can quickly help people become depressed.

Homeless people most often suffer from:

1. Social degradation .

Increasingly exhausted by the virtual world, social media users are at risk of drowning in the new, having completely given up on real life.

As a result, they can lose friends, have troubles with others, find themselves buried and end up without work, and everything they need is online, flirting and flirting at all times. i.

2. Decreased memory and decreased concentration and respect .

As a result of exhaustive surfing on the Internet, human memory develops the ability to absorb information in small dosed portions, and to concentrate on any specific task, it becomes extremely difficult, even with respect to postures. but it switches from one insignificant detail to another.

3. Decrease in intellectual abilities .

In addition to the influx of information that explains social networks, the brain ceases to succumb to the necessary exercise associated with high-level intellectual tasks - reading books, solving crossword puzzles etc.

A person not only ceases to be rich in knowledge, but gradually loses interest to the point of becoming too much, which, in its own way, pushes him to his mental state.

4. Avoid stress .

The emotions that social media create to impart to one’s fellow human beings can be sustained at the same time, and when they are removed in large doses, people risk becoming a victim of stress and apathy, gradually losing interest in everything that comes their way. just like that, and I feel confident about this.

Deprived of access to the Internet for any reason, people who are deprived of social restrictions are now experiencing a crisis, which is accompanied by irritability, aggressive behavior and sleep problems. Once again, it is necessary to point out how unsafe it is to close one’s eyes to such a problem and to take it into account, which is not serious enough for it to be turned to the fakers.

It is important to remember that virtual reality, no matter how enjoyable it may be, can never replace the living feeling and warm participation of your loved ones.


U immediate marriage a great epidemic is growing - social measures. It is most unsafe at the moment to bring the plague to the middle ages, and the flu epidemic is not comparable to its contagiousness.

On the right is that the disease proceeds unnoticed, covering more territory. People are amazed at the problems with him. The schoolchildren have accounts on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, which they were infected with as adults. Few people lose their respect and start actions.

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How to get rid of cravings?

Whoever realizes that he has become infected, having already killed his first bite before rejoicing. This shows that the problem is now understood.

And the beginning of a cure for any kind of psychological illness - awareness of what is happening in the head, and, of course, the desire to spontaneously, so as to disturb the wickedness of this other unacceptable act.

Another step is to read this article.

The third is to choose one of the methods and follow it carefully.

1. Turn on the Internet. Perhaps the most radical method is that after leaving one social network, there will be a greater transition to another. This option is suitable for those whose willpower is not their strongest side. This idea is good and for those who are strong in spirit, just to wonder how life can change without virtual world. The changes will be better no matter what. Rich people often show interest in old hobbies, or new interests arise in the real world, which will renew their life, and it is not possible to update VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram.

2. Delete cloud records. This is also one of the harshest options for fighting cravings. If the World Wide Web is limited by social restrictions, and other resources do not respond to calls, then it is enough to have more sides to the borders, which are constantly being victorious. You can click on the criticism of “friends” that is added to the resource, but relevant friends will understand and have connections with them, as a minimum, telephone numbers. Whose is enough

3. See interesting people, interesting groups. If there is no money to be seen, a person’s registration is required for any reason (earning money, contacts with distant relatives, downloading music, etc.), and then take the deposit. All those who can be drawn and inadvertently drawn into surfing the pages of community members, groups, comments, etc. Golovny, come in with the knowledge that this site is open, like only other Wiconians, exit immediately.

4. Programs to limit access to the boundary. Another way to avoid losing your account account and not turning off the Internet. Є programs that control the hour of resource allocation. There you can ask for permission and permission to spend an hour. As soon as the transfer is over, the program will block access until the coming day, important, carefully adjusted.

5. Treat yourself to a luscious meal. The method is suitable for free-willed people, otherwise we will be caught in the fallow state. You just need to set yourself up, for example, to adhere to social restrictions from 21:00–22:00. You can choose the different skin types yourself. A sticker on the monitor will help you not to forget about it.

Please remember

Supports additional programs for smartphones. Most people, through necessity, fall behind social barriers. And often, if the brain senses that there is nothing to do, automatically go to primary resources, which are sometimes considered to be incompetence. More than just a sign, highlighting the spare parts, the important thing is the constant work of information. So that you don’t have to “wildly” open and “drive in” every hour in Odnoklassniki. It’s good to know if you’re busy, how you can borrow and rejoice in your birthday. So, after reducing workload, too much time appears and if you don’t know a replacement for employment (it’s developing and it’s bad), you can turn to a way of living that is degrading.

The best alternative is reading books. Buy a “reader” without access to the Internet and get books there - priceless!

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