Zmova Zakhist on the amulet. Zmova for the Zahistu. Zmova zakhist of the car and the lane, the houses of the villains and the robbers

Іsnuє tsіliy complex of zmov on the protection of a car, lane and house in the eyes of evil eyes, mov and zlovmisnikіv. In these articles, one can see only the most effective ones and sometimes the decisions are overturned.

Zmova zakhist of the car and the lane, the houses of the villains and the robbers

Zmova to attack the car in the face of villains and robbers is carried out in an offensive manner: it is necessary to bring the car up to the front, showing that all the negative energy is rushing, if you need to throw a couple of pinches of salt, when you add:

“As we write me, so do not become me a fox.
How not to become me Budinkov, but gold with a copper coin.
Like a mountain of stone, don’t take a month, don’t steal it,
so i the car of the servant of God (im'ya vlasnik)
do not paint and do not steal.
My words will flash with a castle,
I close the middle key,
I protect the mіtsnim with a talisman. Amen."

Zmovu on the defense of the lane in the presence of villains and robbers can work all the days of winter, the Crimea is on the second, the shards of the same are on the second day on the evil day. Bazhano spend yoga in silence after sunset until the first year of the night. Then take an old knife in offensive hands and, using trich words, move it, wave it over the lane, as it is necessary to secure. Say the words like this:

“Yak on the sea, on the river, at the forged screen
With damask knives, with brothers.
I open those screens, I twist those knives, I straighten them on the right.
Come on, knives, to such and such,
Until the one who committed evil, put his hands on my good,
Chop yoga vzdovzh i across,
I’ll return the theft, without grabbing anything.
My words are true, on the right is my shvidko,
everything is spoken, everything is vikonan.

After reading the words, you need to cross over.

Zmova on the zahist booth in the form of villains and robbers is vvazhaetsya one of the most extensive rituals on the zahist. Vіn vіmovlyаєєєєєєєєєєєє not chastіshe nizh once per rіk. For yoga, place one church candle at the skin hutch. After that, as the skin of them burns to the middle, it is necessary to read the sound over them:

“Sword, write-off, lower, fire, arrows, pitchfork, lansyug, that fork - prick, burn, chop, saw, thresh my enemy, zazdrisnik and adversary, villain, hater, robber, evil slayer. Evil, rather do not go to my door, do not cross the threshold, do not look at the good. Take hold of the bracket - run into a sword, step on the threshold - burn your pich, step over the threshold - stumble with a list, in the room you will see - fork in the bik vb'mo, take over my belongings - thrash with a lansyug, think up big - stab with a knife, pitchfork at hell you will appear.

There is no road to my doorstep, they are guarded by angels, evil angels, the archangels of God, the archangel Michael, the archangel Gabriel, the archangel Uriel, the archangel Yugudiel. Stand the stench on all sides, let no one in, neither evil, nor dashing, nor evil, nor evil. As the stench will stand until they die, glorify God, so stand my house. I said that I wrote on the stone tablets, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If it is necessary to cross over, all the candles are taken away and destroyed on the zvintar. There to know a grave without a grave, instruct them to dig from it. Turn around and drink, at the same time do not look back.

Zmova zahist sim'ї vіd proklonіv, vorogіv, zazdrіsnikіv, mother-in-law, pristrіtu that psuvannya

Zmova on the defense of this sim'ї vіd proklonіv, pristritu that psuvannya to help you grow strong amulet for yourself, your loved ones and relatives like a strong negative infusion, which is navmisno directing from the side of evil magicians, enemies and zazdrіsnikiv.

Robiti call on such a strong zakhist varto at night, bazhano opivnochi. For the ritual to be carried out, it is necessary to put on the back of the spectacle white creid if this is not a broken mirror, so that the skin could be seen in some other person. Opposite the skin mirror, place one church candle each. Knowing at the very moment, light the candles and read the words of the move:

“I pray for the servants of God (the names of the members of this family) of that chakluniv, vіdunіv that vіdun, like a white gyrfalcon and a black croak raven, an old woman and an old woman. I protect from the slander of the unkind, evil strife and psuvannya (to override the names of the members of this family). And the haters and malice of dark fox I ask you to go, pick up a willow from mother earth for you, fool your head. Sob God's servants (the names of the members of this family) did not enchant anyone, znіvechiti and zіpsuvati - not by oaths, not by slander, not by a stake, not by deed, not by a candle, not at night, not a day, not in one day, not for all eternity. My word is naviki mitzne. Amen."

After reading the words against the year's arrow, put out the candle and turn the mirror. After the end, hide all the paraphernalia in the place, it’s impossible for anyone to know everything. Vykoristovuvaty at the charm of the mirror and the candles are carefully fenced.

Zmova on zahist sim'ї like the mother-in-law is the best work at the zvorotny bek, to sue your love. For which it is necessary to get a full month, to be deprived of new self and opivnochi often conduct the ceremony. According to the stake, you need to place church candles, in the middle of the closed stake, there are people who work the sound, holding the pie in the hands. With a wide heart, read the words of the mind:

“Now I have a dear mother, who gave birth to my kohan!
So that we didn’t get overwhelmed, zapanuvav calm and everything went smoothly!
I will turn the forces of goodness and love into the middle, do not penetrate there the hellish enemy!
In the face of anger, that hatred will greet us, that kind of hostility will greet us!
I cooked savory pie, how to eat you licorice shmatok,
So love me and call me your bride!
Vidteper and forever you will be me like a legitimate mother!
Candles will help me in napіvtemryavі, zmova on kokhannya, help you! Amen!"

If it is necessary to find out how to burn out the candles, pick them up and bury them at the mist, you don’t know anyone. And the cake is doubled with your mother-in-law.

Zmova call on the guardian angel to help that Zahist

To carry out, look at the call of the guardian angel for help, and it is necessary to prepare the following attributes: the icon of the Holy Trinity, the icon of the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, the icon of the Guardian Angel, chotiri candles, prayer cloth in black color.

Before the cob of the rite, lay a cloth for prayer, place icons in a small beer on the new one, put a candle in front of the skin, one trim in your hands. Ignite a candle on the skin of your skin and remember prayer words to help and protect trich:

“God bless! Holy Trinity, come to me, servant of God (im'ya) to help. Lord, send me for the glory of my Angola, your guardian. Michael the Archangel, Archangel of God, come to me, servant of God (im'ya) to help. Give me the Guardian Angel of the hosts of God in Heaven. Angel - Guardian, come to me, servant of God (im'ya) to help. Be with me in the days and nights, take care of me from any evil.

After the end, bend and cross the three. Extinguish the candles, so that the stench did not catch the burn, wind them up at the canvas and put them at the taemne place.

Zmova zahistu of the day before the hour that day after the funeral

At the hour of the funeral, all mystical and sweating forces are activated, the shards open the portal at the light of the dead. For evil witches and chaklunivs perfect hour, in order to pass on your ailments to others, or simply to send a psuvannya to a helpless person. At the hour of the funeral, you should, as if by a rite, secure yourself and your loved ones in the event of possible insecurity that is troubling.

If it's an hour before you throw the earth on the dead man's bed, then say these words:

“Go the earth to the earth, and not to me God's slave (im'ya) that my relatives, servants of God (names of relatives). In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen."

If someone crosses, then throw the earth.

Zmova for the defense after the funeral, the very hour of the commemoration is celebrated, if everyone says goodbye to the dead person and commemorates his soul. Next, put a cup, filled with a burner, put a generously crushed sandwich on the beast, cross it and sue:

“Kingdom of heaven, servant of God (I died)! »

I’ll cross over again and say: “Take it, servant of God (I’m dead), I’ll give it to me, and don’t follow me for my family! In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen." After the third time, she will drink for the soul of the deceased.

Zahisnі zmovi that amulets on the success of the robot

Zahisna zmova on the success of the robot is carried out in great holy Great day. For whom it is necessary to rush over earlier for everyone, rush in with the first clean water and step by step rubbing it in the guise of that valley, say these words:

“Christ is Risen and I have mercy to heaven.
My shadow is more goals with crowns,
More Budinks with columns.
Like people love paska on Great Day,
So they would grant me that kindness
all strong light what
For my Angel.

Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amin"

After reading the words, it is necessary for the zahist to bend and cross.

Zahisnі zmovi and amulets for children from evil people and success in robots

To create a protective amulet for children from evil people, it is necessary to pick up the gorobini berries and the little tree with the leaves of that tree and speak them with these words:

“Herobochka, gorobchik, give my titmouse (Donechtsi) health. Zakhist in the form of the unclean, in the form of the Black Eye, in the sight of the filthy word, in the face of the dashing mustache. Amin"

After this conspiracy of berries and leaves, it is necessary to put a bed under the mattress of a bed, on some kind of child’s sleep, and spread the chick over the bowl, where the baby’s head will sleep for an hour.

Zakhisna zmova that amulet for success in robots is carried out on the great church sacredly. It is necessary to use words at that moment, if there is a process of vmivannya, rozchisuvannya dressing the same clothes, on which day at work we happen to stand in front of the boss. Say the words like this:

“In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit.
Glorious God's light.
Under the opposite side
E royal banquet.
Your golden chamber has a throne,
Who is up to the new pidide
On that the Holy Spirit zіyde,
Who will follow yoga,
For the bosom of your bag,
That high above the human world Zijde.
Be my face
Like an Easter egg
Like a clean mirror, the hour is holy,
When picking.
All b, so that they loved me one of us,
They slapped me, they marveled at me,
On im'ya - they called in a father's way,
They gave a high place over people.
And they called people kings,
So be me angels
Doors were built everywhere.
Be my words mіtsnі ta lіlennya.
Vik after vіkom, vіdteper i until vіku.
Key, lock, language. Amen."

If someone wants to go to work in the same way, and if he wants to go to work, he will most likely trap at the eyes of his superiors.

Zahisnі zmovi that prayers at vіdlivannі vіsk

To cast a spell on the wax, it is necessary to put a photograph of a person, to perform a ceremony, to put a dark red candle in the order of it. And it is necessary to put a bottle of clean water on the photograph. The order is to carry out manipulations with a water hole and wax doti, doki do not melt. As soon as you see it, the flooding of the temple was followed by pouring a flask of clean water at the flask, with which the following words were added:

“Give birth to the All-Vishish, who gave birth to the life of Yavi and Navi! You are the God of our Gods, and the cob of the Divine for all generations. Ty є Father-Sky - Svarog, Didu God, Ti є Velika Matinka Lada - love and people of the All-Sveta. Bo Perun Bachimo to You in the battles of the rich, who led us to the warriors, and the establishment of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of Our Veri - Svіtlovіt, God of Rule and Reveal. All the same, Vie Great Triglav Viri - Lead ours. Glory to the Gods!

And right away, without chirping, the sound comes: “Look out, unclean spirit, s (im'ya). From the head, from the hands, from the abdomen, from the intestines, from the heart, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus, from the ovaries, from the sieve michur, from the animal organism. Go, bіl, go, de grass is not growing, de wind is not viє, de sun is not grіє. Go to hell, to the bottom! Hai be so, so be it!

Carry out such a ceremony on the fall month. If you add wax to the water, you need to take yogo and melt it again, after which yogo will be spared: drown it, or dig it into the ground.

Strong spell cast that spell on trade

Zahisna zmov for trade is carried out on the 19th day of any month. For whom, a simple penny is taken from the hand and crossed with him the goods, the counter, for which trade is carried out and the trader himself, proclaiming at his coming words:

“Saint Petro carried hamanets,
On yoga dorosі serpent lying across.
Whose serpent's lusku blows,
Only to make that one at my trade.
In the name of the Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit.
Ninі i povsyakchas, i naviki century.

After such a zahisnoy move, no one else can change the productivity and success of trade.

Zmova zahist in black magic

Move the black magic on the life of a person to be strong and charged with naming energy, so that you can rightly put a defense on the suffering types of evil chakluniv and viduniv ordinary people. Shchob zmova pod_yala, it is necessary to prepare morally to the word. Bazhano for the hour of reading the spell, change it on your own, light the church candle and rinse the denunciation with holy water. Then, read the words:

“Ishov Jesus Christ from heaven, nіs pokіrny cross.
I was baptized with the cross. Defended with the Cross.
Looks like the evil one, looks like a one-haired girl, looks like a simple-haired woman,
Looks like a vertig man, looks like a crazy dog, looks like a read.

After the end of trich, cross and extinguish the lighted candle.

Zmova zahist in the form of an evil zadrisnoy people

In order to carry out a zahisnoy smove for the sake of evil people, it is necessary to bring great candles to this church to consecrate clean water. At the kіmnati, where the ceremony is carried out, no one is to blame. There you need to place three icons: Holy Mother of God, Savior and Panteleimon the Healer. Opivnochi next light the candles and read this prayer once again, without turning your eyes into the fire. Words to read:

“There will be no bad people in me,
I will promo more briefly about my merit.
I'm going to come, my soul has grace,
Don't let your eyes get angry, but don't talk.
Be-like success in yourself,
I'll save the same and healthy.
And if all the nonsense is already curled,
Let's fire in the fire - in the progeny of misfortune,
Enemies want to win in the valley,
And I will bury the evil resin in the ground.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

After the end, it is necessary to check, so that the candles burn out by will, and drink a sprig of sacred water. Move the words to rewrite them on an arkush paper, light up the candles and bury them in an uninhabited place. Give vranci to drink the sacred water to your relatives.

Zahistu on the order

To carry out such a move, take a candle, light it and whisper the words:

“Omnipotent God, protect the walls of my house, my own and my body, in the presence of my ailment, in the sight of my superniks, in the sight of us, who bazhaev evil. Take care of me skrіz i zavzhdi. Amen."

After the end of the reading, do not put out the spell candle, but carefully put the corner of the bed, which burned out during the night. To increase the effectiveness of the whisk, which is overwhelmed after the candle that burned out, put it in a hustinka and carry it with you.

Zmova zahist vagіtnih

Zmov on the defense of the vagitis is carried out without interruption by a woman, a talisman for the needs of the consumer. For whom it is necessary to get up early for everyone, as if only starting to shine, to enter the street, turn to the side and three times to remember the words, as if to defend against unkind people. Ale persh nizh read zmovu, the need to cross and pray (for which you need to pray the words of the prayer "Our Father"). If so, you can boldly read the call:

“The word of God, the word of an angel, the word of Jesus, the word of the apostle, give me strength, give me strength, give me strength, so that nothing to me, a servant of God (im'ya), do not think in a moment, do not zmіg zіpsuvati, do not take evil, do not think. And if you think about it - then torment to you forever, curse the damned, let it die, perish, without mercy that forgiveness. And I, the servant of God (im'ya), will be happy, and my child will be happy and never, not at this hour, not in this day, not for ever and ever, evil will not bump into us, nor will it hurt, nor damage, nor blacks chaklunіv i chaklunіv, veduniv that vedun. In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen."

Zmova in court

Zmova to the court may be held by itself at the hall of the court session. For whom it is necessary to go to the destination, when the courts look at it, just say:

“Sleep on the tsvintari merci,
There do not seem
Rtiv do not shout, do not wave your hands,
Do not sue people for hard labor.
So here, at the judge, judge, don't be dashing,
And be quiet with me.
Castle vіd tskogo booth closed,
And the key was to see the booth on the burial ground.
In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.
Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv.

At all times, people started to know the defenders of villains and robbers, of dashing people, zazdrіsnikіv, chaklunіv. With this method, impersonal zms were created - verbal formulas, built to create a bar'єr between people, її mine and dark forces.

For my topics:

To that, in our hour, you can help yourself to save yourself and protect your family and your family in the sight of the best possible zazihans.

Rіznovidi zahisnyh zmov

Different zooms for the zakhistu

It is possible to vikoristovuvati zmovi to zahist in the face of various misfortunes. To save your house from the penetration of strangers, villains, spiteful people, you need to create an energy transition at the entrance. For whom є spetsіalnі zahisnі zmovi that rituals. The attack of villains is the strongest ruination of the zahist shell of space, so that you need to save your valuables, follow the special rites and rush to the zakhist in the form of villainy.

Shards of negative infusion of zadrіsnyh people can literally destroy the life of people in a short time, then guard against such evil, vikoristovuvatisya vіdpovіdnі. So the skin of the people must be shielded from the infusion of chakluniv, and you can work for the help of special snakes for the protection of magic.

Іsnuyut and special items of amulets. People often put on a hairpin, a broom, a red thread, in order to protect themselves from danger. Є th okrema category of zahisnyh zmov, like vikoristovuyut in order to be saved from the enemies and to vryatuvaty іnsha people.

Zahist entrance

It is important that the defender's booth can be secured through the security guards at the entrance. With the help of a magical infusion, the doors of that threshold are opened. Aje herself here goes to the hut of unkindness, and at the same time evil comes out of them in the middle. That is why the defenders were competently ordered to ensure the lack of torment of the life and in the case of quarrelsome convicts, and in the case of right mischief.

Mustaches of evil namіri can split about flowers, like vicorist, like a talisman for more than one hundred years. Zalizo vіdmіnno protects vіd vіd chaklunstva and unkind intentions to your address. Bathe the flowers after a period of a month, as they grow. You need to take exactly 3 pieces; It’s like you are supposed to sell three flowers, buy more, but don’t take the home anyway. Flowers clog at the door. One is nailed up the hill in the center, and two are driven in at the lower part, so that the stench will fill the trikutnik with even sides. If the flowers are driven in, you need to go inside and fix the doors. Pіslya tsyogo read zmovu on zahist.

“Three flowers at my door. The first of all enemies is slaughtered, the other of all non-humans is vide, the third is all unkind. To all words on the right turn, to all flowers to the recklessness turn.

The words of the building save the houses from evil, cross the penetration of unkind people. As long as the carnations are littered at the door, zakhisna zmova save the houses and yogo meshkantsiv.

Also, for the protection of a booth in the presence of the penetration of evil, vikoristovuyut a wreath, as if it is necessary to carefully sweep the entrance, making a special sound. Threshold to recommend miti, especially garny result give the threshold cleansing with salt water. Strength is added to the water with an exclusive left hand, її resolutely mix and miyut with salty water, thresholded the booth. Prompt the threshold 3 times, repeating the call:

“Sillyu is salted, water is soaked, as if the strength does not rot, so damage to my booth does not chip. Turn back, turn back, turn back! Get the hell out of here, I didn't call you. Amen."

Water, yak to be left out, can be swirled at the crossroads.

Zakhist vіd zlodіїv

The defender in the form of villainy turns on the beasts to the security agencies of those other reasonable activities that allow the guarding of houses and mines. Ale, don’t start it, come in and ask. To that animal to zahisnih zms to bring to more nadіynoї pereskod, like to be born in the villains. And if you become a victim of villainy, always cover it up, especially as you know words dear to the heart. And look at the defense against theft and the robbery allow you to save valuable speech.

To carry out the ritual, they are barbed with white cloth or white cloth. Vіn is guilty of buti preparations from natural materials, more often from lyon or more. I will buy it at the end of the growing month. Qiu khustka hangs for nothing, takes yogo for a sweater, brings it in at the booths and performs a ritual with it. Above Khustka, you need to paint a cross 3 times with a lit candle. The vicorist candle is less than a red color. At the hour of the christening of the cross, follow the remembrance of the call, so that the unacceptable things will disappear:

“Viyshov is the Savior of Jerusalem, and nazustrich you are not allowed to go, youths, young men, men and old. Ask them the Savior: “Who are you and where are you going?”. They say: "We are twelve months old, let's go to Holy Rus', forever and ever." Vidpovidaє Savior: “I call you, the month of God, the cross-baptizer, the fierce saint, the birch-fasting, the week-day, the grass-bearer, the black-triynik, the lime-peter and paul, the scythe-assumption, the spring-powder, the leaf fall-archangel , breastfeeding. Go to Khreshchenu Rus bury the people of baptism, their souls, bodies and boudinki, all the hour, shokhvilin, all twelve months, in the form of a villain, a villain, a robber, a villain, in the presence of a destroyer. I didn’t say so, the Savior punished, I didn’t write, the Lord God cherubav with his hand. Whoever before me starts a house in one of twelve months, rises on his heart, grows and rose, bakes his soul in hell. My word is mіtsne, on the right is sticky. Amen."

Before reading similar zahisnyh zm, dezgaduetsya im'ya of the Lord, you need to read "Our Father", and then proceed to the magical words.

Let's sweat it out in the zamovlena khustka, light up our valuable speeches and koshtovnosti and tidy up everything at the far kut. In this mood, you can be inspired by the one who will be safe. Shout out a speech about the 2nd year of the day, this hour is vvazhaetsya vіchalnymi, scho maє special strength.

Before the onset of the ritual, it is necessary to start on Mondays, at the afternoon. After reading the zmov, written on a piece of paper, climb up to the threshold. For whom it is possible to carry out small repairs, even if the leaf is not to blame, but it is visible to people who enter. Advance text:

“Sword, write-off, lower, fire, arrow, pitchfork, lansyug that fork - prick, burn, chop, saw, thresh my foe, scourge and adversary, villain, hater, robber, evil killer. Evil, rather do not go to my door, do not cross the threshold, do not look at the good. Take hold of the bracket - run into a sword, step on the threshold - burn your fire, step over the threshold - stumble with a list, at the room you will see - fork in the bik vb'emo, take care of my belongings - you will thrash with a lansyug, think up big - you will sway with a knife, pitchfork at hell you will appear. There is no road to my doorstep, they are guarded by angels, evil angels, the archangels of God, the archangel Michael, the archangel Gabriel, the archangel Uriel, the archangel Yugudiel. Stand the stench on all sides, let no one in, neither evil, nor dashing, nor evil, nor evil. As the stench will stand until they die, glorify God, so stand my house. I said that I wrote on the stone tablets, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Qia Zmova is directed to the zalyakuvannya of the energy field of people who are building to break through to the booth. Vіn can stupefy a person, as if namir could break into your life with the method of stealing. Saying more words are whispered, without hesitation. The stench is to take revenge on a strong zahisny sensation, to that, having read it, you can invest in those who have the power to protect your mine, including all the rubbish.

Zahist vіd zadrosti

Zazdrіst - such a camp, like a soul of a person, like it’s not good to live with the world that goodness with you. Ale beda is in the fact that the negative is spreading to the quiet, to whom to get stuck. Therefore, the life of prosperous people can collapse under the influx of sick people. Just as you know that the dovkola are zazdrіsniks, it’s better to think about those, how to protect yourself correctly from them.

Aje, having poured in such people similar to the infusion of chakluniv, likewise, you don’t give any physical infusion, prote shkody zavdyat vodchutnoy. To this end, zahisnі zmovi and vіd chaklunіv, i vіd zazdrіsnikіv vikoristovuyut practically you yourself. With this method, you can read the zmov, as if you don’t mind the everyday dodatkovyh diy that vvazhaetsya one of the most accessible. To save yourself from the magic and zazdroshchiv otchuyuchih, trichі repeat the words rush to zahist:

“Ishov is the Lord from the seven heavens, He is the Lord of 77 castles in 77 mov. Lock, Lord, all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, graze, so that there would be no misfortune to the slave of God (im'ya), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever is able to do this distance, that one can sue me. Amen."

Put such a bar'єr in the face of evil people that їхної magicії can be leather.

If you know that there is something against you and your loved ones, you can turn to the ritual below. Effective wine and for the adoption of a supergirl, as if she turned to magic, to get a man from you. For the ritual, you need natural berries of black color. From them cook kisіl vіdpovіdno to the standard recipe. Pour the berries with water, add zukor and check, so that the water begins to boil. If the berries are boiled and ready, starch is poured into the water and they make a zahisnu zmova:

“I will guess your business with jelly, pond, strongly and boldly. Yak Yegoriy fought, overcame, so I break the enemy (im'ya), I break the right one. Kisil, kisil, boil all day. Wake up, boil, close my work. I am the first, the enemy is behind me. My Lord is with me, break with me. Key, lock, language. Amen."

The ritual is built up to the imitation of a funeral insult. Only the Chaklunian spirits and zazdrіst of other people come into play here. After preparing the jelly of the charmed yogo, you need to drink it. You can do it not once, but in 3 days.

Do good deeds zasib, scho otrimav the name of Chaklunsky plyashka. For її preparing vikoristovuyut zvichaynu dance that nezvchayny vmіst. It is necessary to place in the room as much as possible of the best objects. Tse can booty goals, bit slo, hairpins, carnations. Then we need to pour prepared water there. Prepare її razmіshuvannyam three pinches of salt until the final razchinennya. Let's clog up the dance and take it to the wasteland. It is not to blame for being a miser of future life. Adzhe tsey zahist razrahovany on kіlka rokіv, no one is guilty of knowing that dance. If you need a field, you need to bury it on a depth of no less than a pivmeter. At this hour, read the following words of a zahisnoy zmovi:

“I’m going to clean the field, nazustrich me with sіm bіsіv іz navіdukhami, all black, evil, unsociable. Go vy, bіsi z napіvduhi, to dashing people. Treat them on a harness, so that I can see them on the road and on the road, at the house and the fox, at the strangers’ ones, at the earth on the water, in the offence, on the bench, at the weight and on the boat. My zmova dovga, and my words mіtsnі.

Tse strong ritual, diya kakogo trivaє shonaymenshe 5 rokiv.

Zakhist from enemies

Sometimes it’s like that, people are far away, they see that they want to attack her, rob her, or just beat her. In this situation, it is enough to turn up to serpents to defend against enemies;

As it became known that the plans of evil against you, other people you know, you can block the water. Put a bucket of water next to the bottom, take the right hand down and direct the main part down. The lion's hands need trimaty strength. The wind of the knife zanuryuyut near the water and mend її zavazhat z great swidkistyu against the rush of the arrows of the anniversary, they immediately imitate such a zmovu:

“As the water goes into the ground, so it’s evil to go around the right side of the enemy. Amen."

Silence hangs next to the water. Keep on talking. Words need to be promoted trichi. Dali required to bring in a wind overhead and pour water. A guaranteed result for the help of which ritual can be reached, like vikonati yogo during the fall month. The specific hour of dobi is to be robbed until the end of time. In the winter period, there is a night and evening. Vletku - early, the svitanok that intermission of an hour without a middle in front of him. It is also possible to carry out the ritual from the afternoon of noon to the other year of the day.

We live in the world, which reminds us not only of friends, but of zazdrіsniks, thieves, evil spirits, and the stinks are trying to hurt us shkodi. For help, you can defend yourself against a possible negative infusion of enemies, stealers, prichipok of the authorities, attack energy vampires. That yakі sche buvayut zakhist?

Zmova to zahist - rites with fire

Fire - the elements are even stronger. Itself її mi vicoristovuvatimemo for carrying out the first ritual. You need a brooch that you always wear on occasion. I will, again, ignite the wax candle and take the prepared brooch. Pass a candle over the half-lights with an attribute and say trichi:

We’ll burn the brooch, I’m begging you with words, let’s pierce all the evil out of the naked, send it to me to get out.

Now take a candle and drop a little melted wax on the inner side of the brooch so that the droplet is not visible from the front side. You can extinguish the candle. The brooch is permanently fastened to the clothes, in which you see people. You can be sure that now you will not be afraid of a magical attack.

There is one more simple option to protect yourself from negative infusion. You need one large wax candle. Get up early, early, on the sweatshirt, turn the faces to the exit, light the candle. Fall for yourself with hellish banners, after which it is equal five times to promote the following words:

I will burn myself down, I will protect it from grief. In the face of evil attacks, in the face of devilish mischief, now my shield is on the coast, no one has tested the fiery wall. Evil from the shield is blown away, I can’t turn around. Yak said so be it.

You can extinguish the candle after reading the words. Such manipulations are repeated for three days after sleep. You can be sure that if no one else is able to destroy your armor with a stretch of fate.

A mirror is a very strong magical attribute, with a chimalo tied with it. Vikoristovuєtsya vіn often at fortune-telling and pіd hour of carrying out serious rites. Such a ritual is less likely to be carried out at the woman’s days of tyzhnya (at Wednesday, at Friday and Saturday). Bazhano, it's a day, if you perform the ceremony, falling on the Month, as you grow.

To carry out the ceremony, it is necessary to prepare 5 white wax candles and two mirrors. All attributes can be absolutely new and bought in advance. Buying candles, pay off the seller so that they don’t give you a change. Buying mirrors, paying in such a way that the building was booming, but you don’t need to take it away.

Having prepared all the attributes, curtain the windows, fix the doors to the room, de conduct the ceremony, put the candles on the stake. Enlighten them with your left hand, after which you yourself spread out in the center. Put one mirror behind you in front of you. Now say:

He sent seven, one viddil, not with a word, but with a mirror smooth surface. Mene, (im'ya), don't super-speak, don't spit with a deadly word, let's roast, we'll talk with a cold, witchy, chaklunsky, vidspivvalny brother - don't take it. Someone sent, say, to blame, on those all evil and pass. To indulge yourself in life. My mirror shield against the current misfortunes along the coast. Amen.

Now it is necessary to take a piece of black cloth. Put one mirror, cover the beast with cloth and put another mirror. Having offended victorious attributes, it is necessary to hide them before the coming month. Manipulations are carried out once a month with a stretch of the wind.

After the completion of the rest of the rite, you can be sure that with the help of 3 years you will hopefully protect yourself from any chaklunsky introduction, or problems that are not related to magic.

The leftover candles and the mirror must be taken away in such a place, because the stench will be inaccessible to other people. Well, if someone knows these attributes, then with their help you will be able to stick your mirror-like zahist.

In order to protect yourself from the purge, psuvannya that be-any inaccuracies, you can beat the zmovu on the water. For example, you can vikoristati holy water.

For whom to collect a small number of relatives in the church or the temple of dosvet. Bring some water home, get some water from her, be it like embellishment, like you often wear on your own, and say these words:

Vіd pristritu, psuvannya, bіsіvskih porіd, save that zakhista. Take away all evil, turn evil people in. Yak said so be it.

Give embellishment to lie down at the place with holy water, stretching it out, after which you can wear it. Be singing, that such a zahist imagines evil.

Prayer helps all those who believe to be saved from any kind of negativity. You can speed up with strong glories. Next, take a container from pure running water and say three things over it:

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God. Have mercy on my enemies and chakluniv, do not punish them with mournful pains. Zahist me in the form of terrible words, is quiet, which speaks with mouths. Take care of me in the face of evil people, help me to get ready in the face of grief. Let it be your will. Amen.

Now this water can be vicorated for drinking and drinking. Such a shoranku ritual is performed.

Such a method can be conquered, if you want to protect yourself from a possible negative influx, and if you already got shkodi. Pіdіyde vin is best for those who live in a private booth, but for those who have a dacha, don't forget to spend it on the garden plot.

All the weeds are picking up from the city ahead of us. Rozkladayutsya stench for 3 buy. With a stretch of 1 tyzhnya, the grass is kindly listened to.

Important: . If it’s time for mine, it’s necessary to burn the grass and, while it’s on fire, we’ll read such a call:

She took the Buryani into a compartment, she burned all the thoughts of evil people. Burn evil, burn enviable, boil in Kazan, burn in hell. Like the weeds burn, so the blessing of the fortune-tellers with smoke rises with ashes in the wind.

After that, as soon as the grass starts to burn, before that, the month cannot come with a stretch of three deb. When the hour has passed, take a mіtla and spread it all in the wind.

Vikoristany attribute must be removed, and after such manipulations, it is necessary to take a shower in order to get the energy that has accumulated after the ritual has been performed.

To carry out the ritual against the zazdrіsnikіv, you will need to prepare one candle, lower that arch paper. The last month, from 12 to 2 years of the night, the whole ceremony is held. You should light a candle, write the following text on the arch paper:

God's servant (im'ya) to hate, curse, perish, perish. Do not quarrel more with my good, but wander in a rotten swamp. Stand up for me, powers of heaven, zazdrіst and prokloni znіmіt me. See, now the enemy will not be terrible, no one can harm me, cross. Amen.

I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, at this rose rose, I am such a magical defender of a person in the influx of rituals of chaklunstva. It is necessary for both professionally charitable, and for these people, who independently engage in practical magic, develop vigor and take responsibility for their life and power. In addition, a simple person, yak turned to the majstra for, obov'yazkovo otrimaє zahist vіd inflow of unsafe rituals. Do the information of the chaklun to set up a magical defense of knowledge.

How to defend the deputy for the hour of the rituals

Staging magic zahistіv vіd plivu magії - tse special chaklunsky rites, yakі enter the complex of the main work, but may have a recommendatory character. The deputy of magical rituals himself believes that he needs this service. Ale, I am the magician Sergius Artgrom, as a practicing magician, I say: plunging into the situation for additional magic rituals and spells, we’ll need to prepare before your deed is a love spell, psuvannya, znyattya damage to pristra, rites for good luck that lucrative pennies turn around you v_dkatom, but turnover.

In the absence of insurance, none, to inspire real magicians with great knowledge, that they should be fooled, it would have been possible, all to rubbish. And to that, the chaklunsky zakhist pіd the hour of carrying out the rituals is necessary. And why not, how can you magically protect yourself for an hour of work on the zvintar? I language pide about the professional rituals of black magic.

Strong zahist when working on a zvintary - necroprivilege and gentle zahist

Practicing chakluni to know, strong enough to build magical shields, as if a blood relative died on the camp. The axis is to ask the real magicians who died to become their patrons. Rodichiv, if it is necessary to really defend yourself when induced by the practice of other chaklun rites of a destructive nature, vibrated on the blue earth. Whose plan of the dead will have the most greed.

A strong chaklunskaya defender of a person is called necroprivile, and it’s zdatna to make the robots of an unfriendly magician, be like a demon, like a directive to a bad boy, be it a character. Zvintarnі zakhistu z people know runes, I know the same, chaklunstvo. After the cleansings save for the next hour, but I get up again, I won’t go until the end. Tse - like a butt of a professional arc of an exhausting zakhist, injecting magic and chaklunstvo, it’s not easy to take a yak.

I magical rituals of raising the barrier are especially here. Chaklunski zakhistu z people they know themselves like a shield, but not like a village. Nebizhchik can himself, mentally seeming, for his own initiative, become a barrier to the bloodline, as if it were important for the need.

Ancestral zahist on people - vzagali is a special topic, gidna okremoї statti. To break through this, you need to be strong and mother yourself. Moreover, the shield for the magician is necessary, so that you do not feel the wrath of your victim's family on your own. For the help of diagnostics, the magician can tell you who himself stands on the defense - the deceased relative of someone else. A person behind his back can have more than one ghost, the whole city can stand guard.

Magical defense for the magician is not only necessary for an hour of work on the zvintar, but it is necessary for the curse of the devil. The Dark Forces are not friendly people and will never be kind. Alece is a colossal force, and it is impossible not to win.

Let's turn to those necroprivileges and zahistu people of the type of chaklunstvo.

Form a cream, about yaku I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom rose - necro-attachment like a defense against evil magic and non-control, a spontaneous kind of attachment of the dead. I am no longer a Zakhist, but one of the forms of vampirism, if the dead settler devours the living. It is necessary to develop such a binding, and for whom it is good to use the techniques of the fall. And now the time has come to talk about those how to grow on yourself a magical zakhist independently. Shlyakhiv and chaklunsky rituals are essentially impersonal. It’s easier to finish, finish folding. Different defence, in the form of magic, toil different strength, that trivality of diї.

Like a magic zakhist on oneself and on the family - a costless zmova on the water

Helpful amulets for people can be verbal, or they can be verbal. With Chaklun's strong spells, the practicing magician creates a shield, invisible, but effective, which is used in various complicated and unsafe situations. You can build such a magical shield for yourself, or you can also put a real zakhist on your relatives of magic and chaklunism.

The axis of the butt of the magical zahistu on the water.

Speak water and vipiti in front of the mirror. You can work today, direct and improve the defense. Tse zahisna zmova from dashing people - vorogіv, zazdrіsnikіv, tilkarіv and klepnikіv. Let's forgive the zahist people that practicing chakluni, putting them on their relatives, and on themselves the same way.

“I’m going to clean the field, nazustrich me with perfumes from scents, mustache black, mustache evil, mustache unsociable. Go, spirits with scents, to dashing people, trim them on a leash. So I (im'yarek) in the presence of them letters of cilia and neushkodzheniya at a cost and a cost, at a house and a fox, at a stranger's and a friend's, in an offence, on a bench, at a weight on a bead. My zmova dovga, the words of my mіtsnі. Whoever is my word is gone, but be in the old one anew, according to the worst, unkind, as it was said in advance. Amen."

How to safely protect yourself with white magic - a charm for strength against enemies

And a number of more powerful defenses in the form of manifestations of chaklunstvo, yakі you can victorious and chaklun, and a white magician, without shkodi, but only with grumpiness.

The axis is an example of how to independently defend yourself with victorious white magic.

For a robot, a mother is needed:

  • pack of great salt
  • wax church candle

Buy a pack of great salt, and immediately after the sun sets. Take a pinch from the pack with your left hand and hang it on your right hand. Repeat this 3 times. After that, squeeze your right hand into a fist, for the year's arrow, lead over a church wax candle and read chaklunsky words for zahistu vіd psuvannya. The Danish variant of the salt amulet allows you to protect yourself with the release of the spell, a love spell and another negative, sent by unkind people.

“The dog is on the hedge, the vorogov is on the bide. Whoever crosses my path (im'yarek), bear that punishment. Why bother me, you turn yourself. What sent me, turn yourself back. Truly said. Amen."

Let's sweat the white magician hanging strong at the running water, saying 3 times: "Let it be so". The warlock completes the right zahisny rite otherwise. Just like that, squeezing the strength from the fist, going to the nearest crossroads, throwing the strength in front of you, and repeating three times: “ Let it be so".

How to protect a person from negativity for an hour of magical rituals

In their practice, magicians, as they have become such, zestovhuvalis with the phenomenon of countering a magical strike. I learned.

Tse i vіdrіznyає newcomer vіd pro

  • remember to transfer the roses of the undergrowth,
  • vmіti protect yourself from the possible magical negative,
  • that protect the client from the vіdkatu,
  • badass,
  • and also to protect against undesirable side effects.

RESPECT IS IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, we recommend wearing a false Talisman for getting the energy of pennies and spring This hard Amulet brings good luck and wealth. PENNY AMULET is made strictly individually, according to the name of a specific person and the birth date. It’s a hell of a lot of yoga to do it right on yourself, according to the instructions that you ask, but it’s good for people, no matter what religion

The axis of a sprig of simple protections from the return line, like to save the magician, like to perform chaklunsky rituals for yourself, roblyach rite, for whom I had mercy. And also these simple methods become the first step of the zahistu for the hour of carrying out rituals for the zamovnik.

  • Pierce your finger and drop one drop of blood on the ground. When you read the words of the zahisnoy zmovi:

    “I cover the earth for myself, from her creations, and I walk in it. Let mother earth pardon my pardon, and take my sin on yourself. Goy їy glory.

  • At sunset, and as if the rite was performed at night, after 30 hvilin after work, go to the osika, pick up the tovstu needle itself, and three times read the text of the zakhistu for the protection of the power of magic: “Those who are in the earth growth, take all the evil on yourself, zur, not me and not my family, but aspen. Amin". Trochs stand instructed by a tree and follow the rules.
  • Drive 3 flowers into the tree at the shape of a tricot, tie them with a red thread, seeped blood. How to get drunk, the energy goes to the tree. Tse allow nadіyno, following the principle of exchange, to protect the deputy in the face of negativity for the hour of the rituals. Most of the time, when you induce psuvannya, but in deyaky depressions and in enchanting magic, similar rituals of a shield zakhist are zastosovuyutsya. On the vapadok, as if in a robot, a pardon would be allowed, after which the love spell would be crooked and give a clue, but in that vapadka, as if they were taking in a splash of love magic, then the spell was not on the deputy, but on the tree.
  • This is an example of how to defend yourself in the wake, how to shy away the rites of white magic. Read on the egg the words that protect the mind: “Accept in yourself the forces of serendipity, incomprehensible to the mind, biased, inaccessible to the heart, as the temple accepts sinners”. Under the hour of the rite, the egg may lie in order. Having completed the work, the eggs were placed in the booth, dropped off at the container and buried. Hands to liktiv vimiti.

Shift the negativity with the chaklunsky robot - even more good, corny rites, like the right way to strike magical blows. It’s bad for those magicians who practice, especially beginners, to think that they are lying and defending against any kind of inaccuracies. Ale, it is absolutely necessary that the translation is the first rіven magic zakhistu people, which is suitable mainly for pochatkivtsiv at the clumsy chaklunsky rituals.

When hovering strong love spells and important psuvannya, a simple rite of the Chaklunsky translation is not helpful. More high equals maisternosti zastosovuyutsya іnshi methods and zabí zakhistu vіd sily magії. A practicing chaklun or a white magician in no way (!) does not practice without straining defenses against magical attacks. Moreover, chaklunsky zakhistu are being restored to different forces of the tariff plan.

The confirmed magician does not blame the food, how to protect himself with the help of a spell, a love spell, with chaklun attacks, when working in the gallery with magic pennies penny flows and more), in the case of curing, contagion by black magic and other methods, tk. This shield, energy and mental defense will secure your magical defense on all levels.

Ritual of independent zakhistu during a love spell, psuvannya, removal of damage, attachment

To complete the topic by translating the negative and introducing it, I'm sorry magical ritual transfer to the tree. Like me, the magician Sergiy Artgrom has already said that effective chaklunsky rites are practiced according to the principle of the exchange of energies.

Otzhe, a simple variant of how to protect yourself for an hour of work in the tradition of practical black magic.

For an independent zahis rite, the following materials are needed:

  • red thread
  • ritual lower
  • dark natural fabric

The day of exchange is the number of your people, but you can work not just on the day and month of the people, but be it a month of fate. 3 days before the exchange, tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of the working hand. Wear a thread, not knowing how to knit, three dobi. Do not wet Chi. On the day of the exchange thumb left hand, take the thread from the wrist, soak it with blood, and drink to the back of the targeted tree. Tie a thread on a be-yak z gіlok, tightening it on 3 knots, on a leather knot reading the words of white, move on zahist in the infusion of magic:

“Your axis is mine, and I need yours. I change with you, I curl up with you.

Movchki vіdlamati (same vіdlamati, not zrіzati) whether it be another neck, put it in your bosom, go movchki. Light a fire at the dark cloth and take it away from third-party glances. Tie a thread, secure what you can take. And to that tie a thread not on the most prominent place.

If you have given independently robitete zahisnі rites, a gіlka, I will bring with me, put an order. The energy of the tree will help you to defend yourself, in the event of a blow, as if in a fault. Translated trivalo dії. Updated once a day. If your tree is ill, it dries up, if it is cut down, or, for example, to spend the bliss up to a new one, the magical zakhist is reshaped into a tear.

Like a magic zakhist without a cost

The skin practicing magician has his own results. Leather works like this, like a sound, that format has that style, which gives the best results. The skin of a real chaklun is chosen according to the nuances that add to it. It is necessary to follow any kind of ritual, in the simplest way, to folding ways of guessing on the zvintar. With this, practicing in black magic, a strong magician thinks ahead of us, how to protect yourself for an hour of work.

The peculiarities of the zvintarny work can be associated with contact with the ruler and the gospodar, and the search for a necessary grave, and so on. In addition, you also need to protect your strength. This respect should be literally be-like in those other magical practices, including such a serious and important way, like Chaklunsky ways of defending against Chaklunsky negativity. 7 times to read the spell, as it was given to help protect when the spell is cast, and also when the spell is taken, to cast a spell on another negative:

“I ask you to host the host, I ask the owner of the churchyard. The trunk creaks creakingly, that road opens up before me, then it walked in crotches, that one is not beaten by anyone, only the dead know. Taco there is a black hut, a dresser for military services, a farrier flickering underfoot. That swords are forged there, that blades are hardened there, damask steel is damask steel, that steel is tacked there, they shoot gostreni there, that chain mail is knitted there, that shield is a forger of defamation, that shield is black forged with blessings of hardening, that shield we will host wine names. It’s not with a bow, but with a word, I’ll firmly defend it, that’s the shield of my drinking, that I’m asking, then I’ll hide myself, I’m going to cry, I’m like a strangler, that night’s killer, I’m like a variant, I’m like a church, I’m like a word dirty, that filthy one, that earns money on me, then I’m attached to me, that one is attached to it with a shield, don’t beat the dash, don’t talk rotten, we hope to get along, and reconcile with the good share. Amen."

Let's sweat on the be-yakіy zanedbanіy grave (not obov'yazkovo shukati bezimennik, it's just good old unlooked grave), put a candle, light it up and read the words of the spell:

“Forged, shattered, she shattered me with a shield. Amen."

Go without looking back, don’t go to that zvintar for one month, so that you don’t beat your own ritual.

So you will work your own mіtsny zakhist for an hour of work on the zvintarі.

The shield of the graves is the protector of the Trival Die.

Sound such a magical zakhista to grow up professionally charmed on yourself. Vzagali, zvintarnі zahistu dovgovіchnі, і stablenіshі, nizh bіsivski, аbo neutral shields. Well, obviously, the strength and valor of that chi other method of defense sound to lie in the face of impersonal factors, and everything is individual, but still sound like this.

Yakshcho after staging a zvintarny zakhist on a person blaming a necroprivilege, it means that gross damage was allowed. Correctly placed defenses in the form of black magic during diagnostics will look like a shield, and not like a dead man that swears at the victim. I recommend doing diagnostics before any robot, to marvel at what the ritual will bring you with the result.

Chi help Zakhist with Orthodox prayers and yak yogo zrobiti

Іsnuє rich magic schools and flows. A skin practicing chaklun has special skills, a unique qualification. The chaklun has his own rules for working with the Forces, the white magician has his own. So, and Forces, with some practices of that one, different, different. І ways to defend against chaklunstva and magic rіznі.

What helps an independent Zahist with prayers? Perfectly. What is a prayer? Tse zhurnennya people without intermediary to tієї Strength, like and what she herself will serve. The white magician at prayer turns to the Christian egregor. The warlock to cast black spells, slavlyachy Dark Power and otrimuyuchi in it vіdpovіd. How do you yourself pray for a prayer zakhist like a chakluniv and a magician? Practice, call out and praise Seeley.

How do you want to get rid of the zahist? greater strength, then you can choose for yourself a guardian and speak yoga in a special text. Use the zmova zahist on the amulet, moreover, you can take a little bit of the zahish zmov, as you can zastosovuvat in any situation.

Voting rules call for a talisman

  1. Everything starts from the choice of a talisman. This amulet can be used as a reminder for all aspects of life, as well as for a specific life situation in your sphere. Good mother with her, protect her, for you to live with you. You can also use a motanka, a talisman at the sight of embellishment, a keychain, or some other other item that you have become worthy of.
  2. The most important are those who, in your home, you need to be virit with their voices. The stench will only work if you believe in them.
  3. When voiced, put a piece of your soul on the skin. Kindly, as if when the skin word is spoken, the body is recognizable by the sensations of warmth.
  4. It is important to understand the meaning of the skin word with the prayer chi. The more you see the sensation, the greater the result.

Zahisna zahisna zmova for trade

You can create amulets, like to protect you from the sphere of trade, robots, that from the sphere, like to bring you pennies. A coin, a banknote, an icon, a figurine of Buddy, a figurine of a toad can be taken as a talisman. Everything symbolizes penny energy.

Bring this object home, lie under your pillow for three days. In this rank, I call you up to your energy. After three days, put yoga in front of you, stroke yoga with your hands and wash these words:

“I will protect you from the heat, I will save you from the cold, I will carry you with me all the time and show you the whole world. And you, darling, help me to replace the pennies from my robot and multiply it, tell me to be smart about it, and who knows the money. So I will live with you, do not grieve, multiply goodness. Thank you, love, far away.

After that, once again stroke the symbol of wealth and put it there, de vin postyno bagatim. Tse mozhe buti kishen, gamanets or else you will get some for a new booth.

Invest in the word zahisnoy move to trade financial success yakomoga is more tender. The energy of pennies already sounded a little filthy words about those who never have enough pennies, or phrases in kshtalt: "damn the pennies." And you lure penny energy with kindness and kindness.

Sometimes, take out the talisman from the intestines, talk to him, show the light, as you have promised. You can also work with him in difficult situations, if you know the correct answer.

Zakhisna zmova on an angel

If you want, so that you will be supported by success, so that the situation will develop only in the direction you need, then the figurines of yangolat will help you in this way. Bring yourself such a figurine. Choose її іz soul. You can spend this choice more than one day. Zahisn amulets at the sight of the first figurines, which are caught, do not work with the best rank. To wrap the figurine in the soul. Bring home, bring it out for three days while you live at home. Let's take it to the hands and wash these words:

“A little Yangolat with wings flew over the earth, protecting my soul. As if by raptom on the right side of the check on me, the bida, yangolatka me suggest that I need to turn it to the left. Win me a tip, I'll give you a hint. At once we live soul to soul, we don’t know grief, we live happily ever after. Having bought yoga, once having fallen in love.

Speak words with a laugh that low. At this moment, you give a zahist yangolyatka, and then we will turn you back. You can’t wear a figurine with you, let it live in your home, not in the most prominent place, for example, by your bedroom.

Shorazu, if you can’t seem to be on the right, as if shouting praises from you, walking out of the house, say:

"My angel, I take you with me, you go ahead, I follow you."

With whom, guess the image of an angel.

The image of an angel is just an ugly archetype, a building-like protection from the filthy moustache and to get to your life the impersonal beautiful and kind.

Zahisnі zahisnі zmovi for home

Slovyansk zahisnі zmovi are half made up of zmov, like they protect the houses from the mustache of the filthy. The Slavs tried to build an unbreakable fortress in the house, in which only because of the very presence of the people it became more beautiful. It was important that at a native house it is easier to see, on native land it is easier to indulge a happy family and be rich.

Axis of strong zahisnі zmov-prayers, like our ancestors victorious.

Knowing yourself at home on your own, keep these words:

“I call on St. Seraphim, I call on St. Paul, St. Volodymyr. Let me try to come before me, put the zakhist of the saint on my day. For the spirit of abominations is expected, it’s not a moment before me to look at the house, me, my homeland is nalyakat. Sob slept on peacefully, moose sieve, so that life pleased the soul. Holy help, zakhist put on, send you a mail, I will bring you Chastovanya, I’ll bring it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Zakhisna zmova on the cross

Christ is upon you, Christ, suffering for us, sent us a zakhist. Dyakuyu, yoma, dyakuyu, youmu. Zakhist and ti me, midny. I know under your jealousy, I am not afraid of anything in life.

Similar prayers are good to repeat, if only once a month. Tse pіdvishuє yogo energetics, vіdpovіdno, і vіd pіd іn pіd іn іm greater protection.

Zahisna zmova on the situation

How did you stumble around in a folded situation, and you realize that you were not sharpened good people, then you can move it to the vial of water:

“I stand, the servant of God (Im'ya is yours) beating the Lord's water, I marvel at her clean and I don't care about anything. So let me and in my sharpened mine there will be no one zayvogo, no one left, so that I am not afraid of anyone, so that they themselves rage and fall, like a dried-up driftwood. I sip for a reason.”

Then drink some water. In some hour, you will remember that people, whom you did not trust, have deprived you of your suspense.

Zakhisna zmova for all motherland

To spend tsyu zmovu, you happen to be ready to prepare a talisman for the entire motherland. Dock the nearest church saint and buy a candle from the church the same day. Bring it home. Then take hairs from the skin member of the same hair. Put everything in a piece of white fabric. Check for a moment while you are home alone. Put the candle on the table and light it on fire. Before you put a cloth with close hairs, burn it up. Shame on the hair and say the following text:

“Holy Sin, Father, and the Holy Spirit, I call on you three for help. I ask that you feel that you, who want to break the rules of God, that indulge evil in my house, that you could not stir. The walls do not feel your rhyme and cunning, do not miss their middle, a strong amulet, a white pack, all the blackness in the doorway in front of our booth. I create a shield of faith and strength for this, I create my own glorious one, I do not give it in an image. Amen."

In addition, you can choose the sphere of life and protect it independently for additional prayer. Brainless mind, she speaks the word of prayer with the senses of the skin.

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