Great forgetting of the Radyansky Union.

Repair and self-development

The activities of the Radyansky Union were large-scale, as were the ambitions of this state.

Prote on a large scale about the human share in the USSR without even thinking about it. Algemba: Almost 35 thousand people died! The most powerful ruler Radyansky Union Become respectful of Stalin, who violated Illich’s commandments.

He himself is credited with the creation of the camps (GULAG), and he was the initiator of the development of the White Sea Canal with the help of his forces. They seem to forget about those who, one of the first days of life, lived under Lenin’s extreme zealotry. And it’s not surprising: all the materials that were little brought to Algembi are the first test of the young Radyansky government to obtain a power oil pipeline, -

long time ago were classified. In early 1919, Frunze’s army captured the Embensky oil industry near Pivnichny Kazakhstan.

In the late 1920s, the situation became even more complex: a decision was made in parallel with the pipeline being pulled from the pipeline. It was then that the word “Algemba” was first heard (from the first writers Oleksandriv Gai, the family name was Emba). There were no pipes, as it were.

A single plant that has been in production for a long time.

The surplus was collected from the warehouses, and it was collected in

the best looking guy

for 15 versts (and it was necessary to cover 500!).

Lenin started searching for an alternative solution.

The initiator of the development of the White Sea Canal was Yosip Stalin.

Labor victories and global atrocities were extremely necessary.

І bazhano - without any expenses, the remains of the Radyansky Union survived the economic crisis.

The White Sea Canal will connect the White Sea with the Baltic Sea and open a passage for ships that previously had to explore the entire Scandinavian region.

About 280 thousand people were injured, including about 100 thousand who died.

Tim, who lost his life (cutaneous shostoma), ended his term as a prisoner, and the deeds were awarded the “Order of the Baltic-White Sea Canal.” The leadership of the OGPU was constantly decorated with orders. Stalin, who opened a channel at the end of 1933, lost his satisfaction. The system has shown its effectiveness. There was only one problem: the shortening of terms wasted up the most important tasks and tasks.

In 1938, Stalin was born at a meeting of the Presidency

Verkhovna Sake

SRSR, having destroyed the food supply: “Did you correctly list the list of diseases?

The world's greatest Komsomol budova - BAM, about which songs were written, films were made, and buried articles were written - began without a call until youth.

In 1934, in order to connect Taishet on the Trans-Siberian Railway with Komsomolsk-on-Amur, it was necessary to implement the White Sea Canal. According to Jacques Rossi’s “The Witness of the Gulag” (and the most objective book at the moment about the tabor system), there were nearly 50 thousand incarcerations at BAM in the 1950s. Created especially for everyday needs

new tabir

for those affected - BAMlag, a zone that stretched from Chiti to Khabarovsk. The supplementary diet was traditionally scanty: a loaf of bread and a bowl of frozen fish. There weren’t enough barracks for everyone. People perished due to the cold and scurvy (in order to unnecessarily aggravate this terrible disease, they chewed pine needles). Over the course of several years, over 2.5 thousand kilometers of land were created.

Historians cheered: BAM paid a lot of money for human lives alone.

The official history of the Baikal-Amur Mainline began in 1974, at the Brezhnev clock.

Trains of young people reached BAM.

The victims continued to work, but their fate was over for the “future century”.

Russia's largest Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant was designed in the late spring of 1925 by the Russian Institute of Ural Gipromez.

For another version, the design was carried out by an American company from Cleveland, and the prototype of Magnitogorsk became the US Steel plant in Gary, Indiana.

All three “bogatyrs” who stood at the core of the plant’s day-to-day life—careful Gugel, security guard Mar’yasin and the head of the trust Valerius—were shot at 30 years ago. 31 Sichnya 1932 rock - the first blast furnace was launched. The work of the plant came from important minds, and most of its work was done manually. Unrespectful at all, thousands of people from the entire Union rushed to Magnitka. Foreign fakhi were also active, before the Americans.


The White Sea-Baltic Canal will connect the White Sea and Onezka Lake and provide access to the Baltic Sea and the Volga-Baltic Sea

water path

The attempt to connect the Don and Volga was created by Peter the Great in 1696. In the 30s of the last century, a project of everyday life was created, but the war prevented its implementation. The work was renewed in 1943 immediately after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.

However, the date of the beginning of everyday life still dates back to 1948, when the first earthling robots began.

Around the volunteers and military watchdogs at the established route of the canal and other disputes, they suffered the fate of 236 thousand victims and 100 thousand military personnel.

In the journalistic literature you can find descriptions of the most generous minds in which the dead lived.

Chicks and lice, as long as they were able to exercise regularly (there was one course for everyone), hungry and sick - that’s what it looked like in reality, relieved civil rights.

The stench, obviously, was not allowed to continue to work from the daily work of the HES.

At the site, sappers were working in the same way as they were busy dismantling the Maidan for the upcoming day at the bottom of the Volga - signs were given of the proximity to Stalingrad.

(About 40 thousand people and 19 thousand various mechanisms and machines worked at work.)

In 1961, having transformed from the “Stalingrad HES” to the “Volzka HES named after 21 CPRS station”, the station was put into operation.

It was Khrushchov himself who straightly crooked it.

GES was a gift until the 21st term, when Mikita Sergeyovich, before speaking, voiced the idea of ​​promoting communism until 1980.

(Bratska GES)

The activity of the HES flared up in 1954 on the Angara River. The small village of Bratsk quickly grew into a great place. The GES activity was positioned as a shock Komsomol activity.

Hundreds of thousands of Komsomol members from this Union were looking forward to the development of Siberia.

The main styles of architecture in Moscow today are traditionalism and constructivism.

(Constructivism was developed mainly in the final everyday life from the end of the 20s:)

waking up

State Duma

in Okhotny Ryad;

  • Crimean town (1936-38).

(Traditionalism is based on the pre-revolutionary evidence of architecture.)

  • So there will be a living booth on Mokhovaya in 1934, where one of the favorite decorative techniques will be used - the colonnade.

(In everyday life, old stylistic features are being revived, architects are trying to combine the old and the new, so there will be national schools and pavilions of the VDNG.)

(Illustrate the architectural styles of the 1930s near Moscow)

Having appeared the first Gothel, arose for the Radyans' power.

  • This project is characteristic of the transition period of constructivism to the Stalinist Empire and lasted from 1933 to 1936.

    The hotel was decorated with sculptures, paintings, panels, mosaics, looking even more pompous. huge budіvel curls up to 8 surfaces. Greatest interest represents a 6-surface residential building near Moscow, built in 1941. behind the project of architects A.K. Burov and B.N. Blokhin.

    Here, first of all, a new noble division of the walls into blocks was laid out and the structure of the façade, filled with decorative details, was aesthetically interpreted.
    In 1936-1937 pp.

    A. N. Samoilov, M. 3. Simonov, and also his followers, like TsNIPS, developed and introduced light structures with slag, expanded clay and other porous materials.
    Born in 1958 During the construction of the metro bridge in Moscow there was a wide spread of expanded clay concrete, from which several panel booths were first created.

    During the war and after the war, in the minds of the willing minds of the renewal of the people's dominion, the great bloc everyday life played a great role.

  • In Moscow, Leningrad, Zhdanov and other places, large factories were created from the production of concrete blocks.
  • Their shells were prepared on the basis of slag, and then other light resin materials (expanded clay, agloporite, perlite).
  • The effectiveness of concrete blocks is determined by their industrial nature, including factory-prepared blocks with given dimensions and power;

    Possibility of vicoristic local syringe;